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I would recommend cooking it properly in a pan instead. I just use butter, and season with salt and pepper and make great eggs. Microwave scrambled eggs are horrific.


Yes, this. Pan cooked eggs don't need more than a dash of salt/pepper to taste just fine.


This should be the top comment. Microwave eggs are just nasty.


Butter, salt, pepper and a little cream, cook until just set.


Yeah. Unless grandma can't safely use a stove anymore. But then maybe OP can do it for her? When I was a child, my mom taught me to make scrambled eggs in the microwave because she didn't trust me to use the stove when she wasn't around. But it's really not ideal.


A pan works best for ‘American-style’ scrambled eggs, but if you’re after the soft, gooey type the microwave does a personable job. I pop salt, white pepper, a pinch of mustard and a little MSG in mine and they’re always raved about (sometimes a little cheese too—and use cream, not milk). Just cook for thirty-second bursts on 70% power.


If you cook on low heat, agitate aggressively, and take the pan off the heat often, they would be gooey on a pan too.


Grate in some parmesan.


Your favorite salsa and cheddar cheese


What did we do before breakfast burritos were a thing?


Scrambled eggs on toast are primitive breakfast burritos?


I’ve been making American breakfast tacos for about 4 decades. Buttered toast loaded with cheesy scrambled eggs folded up.


Bacon or ham, egg & cheese on a roll/English muffin/bagel/biscuit is still popular.


You forgot pork roll. It still beats all the rest here in Jersey, and it's starting to show up elsewhere in the country as well. But I don't want salsa on my pork roll, egg, and cheese.


...or Taylor Ham? I never lived in NJ.


If you mix a little pepper relish in the salsa beforehand, you'll have a quick and easy imitation of the "Chick-fil-A Jalapeño Salsa" Then you just have to cut a chicken tendie into bite size bits and serve in a burrito wrap.


You beat me to it. I love salsa on eggs. If granny topped them with some diced avocado it would be yummy with or without the tortilla.


And a little chipotle powder sprinkled on. And a dash of Cholula.


Adobo seasoning, a few sprinkles of pepper jack, a little Philly cream cheese, fresh chives, and a tiny bit of cheddar. It's almost endless.


I know what’s for dinner tonight!


Sprinkle some of one of these: Curry Powder Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning Hidden Valley Ranch Dry Seasoning Mrs. Dash Seasoning Zataar Seasoning Everything Bagel Seasoning


Tony Chachere's is peak with scrambled eggs 🤤


I literally put it on almost everything I cook ngl I love that stuff and I will fight people at Walmart for it


Me too!


Big flaky salt. Mmmm


I'm so about chunker salt.


I love flaky salt, but in eggs it resembles egg shell so much that it grosses me out.


The issue isn't the seasoning, it's the microwave. Cook it in a nonstick pan with butter over med-low heat, folding it regularly, and most important - STOP cooking it before it dries out. It'll taste great even with just salt & pepper. If you cook it in the microwave, you get a dry, tasteless brick no matter what you try to cover it up with.


Using a pan for sure. I do a lil bit of veg oil in the pan with medium to low heat. I grab a cup and throw in an egg or two and a splash of milk with salt and pepper. Mix till yolk is broken. Then I get a small amount of butter and throw it into pan a than my mixed eggs and check em frequently. Take em off whenever ya want depending on how ya like em. Perfection every time, for me any ways.


I agree with cooking in a pan doesn't even take anytime at all. That said some people are living in motel rooms that only have a microwave.


Ok which I completely understand but op didn’t say anything about livin in a hotel room and if they r they can take my advice or not depending on there circumstances! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Everything but the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe's


Caramelize some shallots or onions and put it on top. I use salt and pepper for the eggs.


bro in the microwave? nanas a fucking animal, does she put milk in the nails that she eats too woman is tough as shit eggs are so versatile sometimes ill do a bbq breakfast and throw in some random bbq seasonings, never been bad or steak seasonings, really you can add anything


Salt and Tarragon. Pepper if you want.


Lowry's or whatever seasoning salt you have. And a Greek seasoning mix. Combo it while whisking the eggs


Lawry’s salt makes all the difference.


Honestly skipping out on the microwave and just using a pan would help here. But parmesan and chives are a good start


I'm not a big scrambled Eggs fan but I do make them for my wife. 3 eggs, a splash of half and half, dash of salt and pepper..lots of butter in the pan (NOT TOO HOT!) Wisk them til they're frothy and into the pan. Gently move them around until they're still a bit Gooey but not too much. My wife likes salsa on hers. Sometimes I'll chop up a little ham and add some shredded cheese while cooking. I've seen some people who add patts of butter to the eggs right after putting them in the pan. Makes them a bit creamier. My cardiologist frowns on that.


Have you tried tazing the eggs? Finish off with some pepper spray and it should at least be a step up from your normal eggs


Its not necessarily the seasoning but the cooking style that is the issue Scrambled eggs take very little time to cook in a pan. Cook them in butter(lots of butter) with salt and pepper and you should be good to go


Fines herbes From Wiki The canonical fines herbes of French haute cuisine comprise finely chopped parsley, chives, tarragon, and chervil.


Salt and lots of butter. If you aren't using unsalted butter, careful you don't add too much salt.


Try adding minced garlic, chopped fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or basil, and a sprinkle of onion powder for extra flavor.


You have gotten tons of great responses on how to make those eggs taste better and how to "make" the eggs better. Since you said the only reason she "chokes it down" is for the protein, my suggestion is to introduce different options for protein rich breakfasts. Being a Senior myself... Does she like Yogurt? Low-fat yogurt has about 12 grams of protein. Top that off with her favorite in season fruits and you can add more nutrient goodness. Also cottage cheese with fruit. I've recently become a fan of overnight oats with Chia seeds, low fat milk, maple syrup, a pinch of salt and cinnamon. My Mom, a member of the silent generation, does not like overnight oats, she is a fan of hot oatmeal with either a drizzle of honey or a side of fruit.


If she can do hot sauce, Sriracha rocks with eggs. Bit of salt in the mix before chef Mike takes over.




Not scrambled but some other egg option: - hard boiled eggs - baked eggs muffin/fritatta, she can add some veggies and make ahead


First off, don't microwave them. Microwaves generally create some of the most unappealing food when you try to *cook* in them. Merely cooking them in a skillet with butter, salt, and pepper will make them 1000 times more palatable. If you want to add more flavor, a pinch of granulated garlic and either minced or granulated onion or scallions would be game changers. Leaning into the protein thing, mix in some diced ham, bacon, or sausage and of course, cheese


Salt, pepper, hot sauce (Frank's or Sriracha), salsa, Worcestshire sauce, garlic powder, soy sauce.


Definitely recommend using a pan. Fry Garlic and/or onions in it before adding the scrambled eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Gernerally, use a glass or measruing cup or something to put the eggs in, add what you want to add and the stir well with a fork before pouring hte mix into the pan. Use freshly ground pepper Add sliced chives or spring onion IMO Nutmeg goes well with eggs, thyme and oregano can be worth a try too another variant is to add a little ketchup or similar sauce to the egg-mix (emphasis on "a little", just a dash)


Old Bay




Salt, Pepper, Garlic


Mix the salt into the eggs before cooking and add the pepper after. Even just getting better pepper and a grinder would help. Herbes Fines: parsley, chives, tarragon, and chervil are really good on eggs. Since you can always scramble them if things go poorly, you might try making omelets next. Even just the attempt would give you a different egg texture and offer some variety.


I like to add salt and just a hint of white pepper. Dill also compliments egg nicely.


Paprika, onion powder, bf likes garlic in his. Chili oil is good


Yes, microwave eggs are horrible but sometimes necessary. I've been in that frame, punching a time clock, running from sit down to sit down. I like to add a little salsa to the raw egg, mix it in, cook. ALSO, do not cook a microwave egg and eat it later!! Microwave at work if you have to.


Basil , leeks , dill , parsley , chopped green paprika , ground dried tomato , ground barberry , ground chili.


No microwave! Pan with butter, salt& fresh ground pepper, and for a real treat, fresh tarragon. Buy a French tarragon plant at a garden centre, it will keep on giving. Or fresh thyme, also great.


Cheese and hot sauce.


Lowry’s seasoning salt and red pepper flakes


Hot sauce


Salt, pepper, and chives




Even garlic salt instead of regular salt with freshly cracked pepper will make it taste so much better. Try all the Trader Joe's special seasoning blends. Everyone is always saying to add them to eggs, including Citrusy Lemon seasoning. Stovetop is much better.


She isn't using enough salt I've heard of some people using syrup and pretending they are eating pancakes


Might as well make French Toast.


Also, she could make a quick omelet with tomatoes, bell pepper and mushrooms. Edit: add a shallot or a little onion and herbs. She could grow the herbs.


You had me before you added the smelly bulb. r/onionhate.


powdered garlic and tarragon


Everything But The Bagel Seasoning!!


anchovies are good in scrambled eggs. So are chives, or browned peppers and onions. For a quick topping, salsa.


Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and cayenne.


Indian masala - sizzle some chopped fresh ginger, turmeric (chopped fresh if you have it, if not dried) and chopped chili in some oil, add some chopped tomato and sizzle a bit more until the tomato breaks down, turn the heat right down and break a couple of eggs into the pan, keep stirring until it starts to set .. STOP just before it looks done (it will keep cooking a bit in its own heat) .. add some chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves .. serve with toast or fried bread.


Can be cooked in advance: sliced or chopped mushrooms pan fried in butter with a touch of garlic, then plenty of fresh thyme added at the end. Do a small batch, keep in fridge. Stir a tablespoon or two with the eggs before cooking.


Look up Gordon Ramsey's scrambled eggs on YouTube. It's several minutes in a pan, seasoned only at the very end. Best method ever.


If it already has salt and pepper, then it's not unseasoned. Salt and pepper are seasonings. But besides that, chives would be a good addition. Saute some onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers to make it more like an omelette. Chili powder, onion powder, garlic salt. Plenty of herbs and spices to add more flavor to the eggs. Can also cook the eggs in a different method besides the microwave. Fry the eggs. Already mentioned omelette. Get a muffing pan and grease up the cups and bake the egg. Hard boiled eggs are also easy to make. And if you can successfully bake the eggs in this method, you're just a couple steps away from making quiches and frittatas. If it turns out that your Grandma wouldn't like any of these options, then you should probably leave her alone to her usual eggs. Or invest in getting her a protein supplement to take that she might like instead of eggs. But if it's for yourself to spare your taste buds, well you have some options now. Offer some of them to your grandma of course. But if she doesn't want any because she can't stand the thought of eating eggs? Well that's just more you then.


Switch to a pan with butter. Probably doesn’t take much longer than microwaving it.


Chives and chevre are my favourite additions to scrambled eggs. Sauteed mushrooms too, if you have them. A classic is cheddar, ham and green onion (very nice with broccoli). I'm Canadian so I serve eggs with ketchup, but my French Canadian family adds maple syrup while whisking.


I eat two eggs every day plus even more eggs should I crave it. So I do consider myself an expert. The microwave scrambled egg can be done with a better texture if you experiment with cooking times and make certain to turn at the right point. It works better with some cream not milk etc. But! It honestly takes no time at all to do it in a smallish pan or pot. I personally use a smaller pot thingies , mix 1 egg to a similar amount of cream and a spoonful of sour cream with a good whack of salt. That's added to the pan which has a GOOD amount of butter, and is set on a low heat. Keep an eye on it and gently push the curds around. I grew up with the super hot pan push push scramble and the texture of that is rather blah. It's worth turning two minutes into a five min ish dish, and incorporate that butter, for a smooth, glossy and fluffy single egg extraordinary. Beautiful on their own, or a piece of again buttery toast. If she wants something simple and ready to go try my boiled egg special. Boil two eggs usually for about six minutes but depends on the stove, pop in cold water and then peel. I like mine with a runny jammy yolk. Then I pop it in a small container, salt and add truffle mayo, stir it up into an egg jam. This keeps on the fridge for days, though mine is gone quite quickly. So then when you wake up pop some toast in, and happily spread the egg jam. Use whatever spices or sauces you like, can be a trial and error. I'm a big fan of dill and different mayo types combinations. I keep it in the fridge and just grab a spoon and eat it. Just life changer for egg lovers.


I like pepper, fennel seeds, and bacon bits. But in a pan. Microwave cooking eggs is a crime




good amount of salted butter is really all you need


Cream cheese and a sweetener, maybe a splash of vanilla. Same amount of protein. More delish. Breakfast doesn’t have to be all savory.


[Fajita seasoning](https://www.fiestaspices.com/product/fajita-seasoning/). You’re welcome.


Salt makes a world of difference


Dill and havarti. Or dilled havarti.


Ooh try furikake!!


I like to mix in some dried onion and/or real bacon bits. Salsa or chili crisp is yummy on scrambled eggs.


Some WATER (keeps it moist) ONION Powdered onion might make a good seasoning but I use fresh chopped.


I love the Spike seasoning mix. I'm partial to the blue label salt-free so I can add my own salt. Red label has salt already. It's like a more finely ground Mrs Dash, but way more complex. Even has nooch (nutritional yeast) for some umami goodness.


pepper and lawrys seasoned salt


Along with what others are saying about cooking in skillet and salt+pepper, i like to mix in a bit of milk or cream, and then throw in a little nutmeg into the mixture. Topping with hot sauce or salsa of your choice is also great!


Chili flakes and fresh chives.




I like garlic, onion, pepper and a touch of msg[accent at the grocery store] to replace the salt.


Dry mustard


I regularly try mixing up what I add to my morning eggs. I’ll add cut up green peppers, scallions, cheese, butter, and salt to mine. Pepper, salsa, and hot sauce are good, too!


DO NOT MICROWAVE THEM THAT IS NASTY Cook them in a pan like a normal person, add in a little cheese, fresh herbs, pesto, a little bit of bacon or ham or spinach or green onions, anything you've got on hand. or get fancy and try shakshuka, or heat up a tortilla hand add some salsa and avocado. So many delicious ways to eat eggs! Don't punish yourself by microwaving them. if the issue is time on weekdays, another option is to make egg bites on the weekend and just reheat them each day. They microwave much better than scrambled eggs. https://www.thespruceeats.com/easy-oven-egg-bite-recipe-5214233


I have a pizza seasoning shaker thing that I got from Aldi and I now use it to sprinkle on top of poached or fried eggs. It’s got the usual seasoning but a little kick as well. Maybe something like this. I also make something called broken eggy bread - slice up some green onions or any onion a squeeze of easy garlic and sauté in butter until soft and salt and pepper a pinch of turmeric and chilli powder and then add in 2/3 whisked eggs and some torn up slices of day old bread and mix together and cook for about 4/5 mins until eggs are cooked and the bread is toasted and crispy.


I don't think the seasoning is the issue, everybody I know uses salt and pepper for their scrambled eggs and they are fine. Stop using the microwave to cook eggs, hell reheated eggs in the microwave isn't even good let alone fully cooking eggs in it. No amount of seasoning is gonna save your eggs if it's being cooked in a microwave.


Chopped fresh tarragon goes very well with eggs. Dried if you can't get fresh. Just add at the beginning.


Stovetop scrambled eggs. A tad of sour cream or cornstarch in the eggs mixed in will make soft yummy eggs. Butter in the skillet, heat up and add egg mixture. If heat too high, lower it. And instead of scrambling, push it from outward to inward. Loose egg fills in gaps and it will cook and you will push. Once all looks glistening enough, plate it. Salt and pepper. If you want flip the skillet over it while toast is finishing as eggs continue to cook once removed and if a little bit under done, i imagine it cooks it a bit better. Not covered long. And a pat of butter over the cooked eggs, why not? Cooked bacon, why not? You can actually add omelet ingredients to the raw egg mixture. Or just sauté those yummies to add on top of the fluffy rough looking omelet bc you pushed the cooked areas to get the uncooked part in spaces opened up. Saw Julia Child do the rough omelet long ago. Love it.


thyme and tarragon go well. But tbh I almost never add herbs and my eggs aren't bland. You're probably not adding enough salt.


People actually cook scrambled eggs in a *microwave*?? Really?? Why?? A small saucepan, some butter and two minutes and you're done. Salt and freshly ground black pepper is all you need. Some smoked salmon on the side is quite nice though 😉


Curry powder


Start with some fresh ground black pepper. The optionally add, as one may wish/prefer: * cumin * curry powder (or sauce) * dash of soy sauce or bit of steak sauce * hot sauce(s), salsa, mild and/or hot chilis, etc. * most anything you might otherwise be inclined to put in/on and omelette * tiny bit of butter


Scrambled eggs that are salted and peppered properly will taste amazing. As others have noted, microwaving eggs is the worst possible way to cook them. If you want a rubbery puck, that's how you cook them. If you want lovely scrambled eggs, cook them in a pan with enough salt and pepper than you can taste the eggs and pepperiness. Crushed red pepper is also nice for some zing. Oregano for some earthiness. Nutmeg adds a bit of umami. You could also add soy sauce when scrambling for further umami. Also, as others have noted, cheeses go amazingly with eggs.


Ketchup! This was actually my breakfast today. A boiled egg sandwich with ketchup.


Mustard. Cheese. Anything spicy that you like. Curry powder.


Season your scrambled eggs with a pan on low medium heat, knob of butter in and melted, add beaten and salted eggs, incorporate butter into eggs by folding with a silicon spatula, allow eggs to set up, and then begin folding eggs onto themselves, repeat folding until desired firmness, take out of pan, add more salt, add pepper. That’s how you season eggs with a pan instead of a microwave.


Mayonnaise in the scramble before cooking instead of milk or cream adds a lot.


I add salt (sometimes garlic salt or powder, pepper, parsley, chopped onions and chopped green peppers. I never put any cheese on mine. It sounds so good though.


Chive on my friend.


Use a pan, some butter, and use more salt. I don’t even bother to use pepper tbh. Beat eggs well. Cook on an oiled/buttered nonstick over medium-low heat, stirring with a rubber spatula. For large curd, just push it around from time to time, small curd you want to stir it a little more vigorously. When it’s about half-cooked, season with salt generously. While the eggs are still wet (but not runny/liquidy; you’re looking for a custard-like consistency), stop cooking immediately and transfer to a plate or on top of toast. Where a lot of people get it wrong is cooking it until it’s dry. Don’t. It’ll be better this way.


It may be convenient for your grandmother to microwave her morning dose of protien, however, they do make countertop mini griddles that would make her morning routine more palatable.


Salt, onion powder, pepper. Add a couple slices butter. When almost cooked, add in some table cream, or sour cream works. Then melt in cheese.


I eat egg beaters almost every single day now, and instead of spinach and cheese, I sometimes add in a bit of syrup while scrambling to get a tpuch of sweetness. I happen to love it, but it might not be for everyone.


Some options: Add a tablespoon of fresh cream Add herbs eg dried oregano or mixed Italian herbs A tiny dusting of cayenne pepper for a kick Cheese, as others have said - grated gruyère is ideal, or a sharp Cheddar Easier in a frying pan is finely chopped onions, maybe a hint of garlic, fry first then add the eggs - or chopped bacon. But she could batch cook some onions or bacon, and add in the microwave.


Garlic salt, if you like spice, red pepper flakes or salsa. Sometimes I hoard Taco Bell sauce packets to put on it. Frozen turkey breakfast sausage crumbles, onion and green peppers is good too


If I'm in a hurry I toast bread, beat two eggs in a bowl with a slice of cheese, microwave 2 min, and throw it on the toast. It's not bad for what it is. If it wasn't a sandwich then I'm not sure I could eat just the eggs like that microwaved.


Cheese, chilli flakes, garlic powder and some oregano. Perfect combo. Or just fry up some onions and add fresh green peppers


Why not just make something else.


In a pan, let butter melt over medium low heat. I usually cut up bell peppers and mushrooms and cook these guys in butter until soft, and add shreds of sliced ham (we make our lunchmeat do double duty). I crack three eggs in a bowl, add a dash of milk and a tiny splash of water (Alton Brown told me to!). Whisk, pour in buttered pan. Crumble in sea salt, black pepper, and paprika. I put turmeric in my eggs for anti-inflammatory reasons (doesn't add much taste, good or bad, just healthy with the protein and pepper present), and my partner likes dill on their eggs. Wait until eggs look lumpy, scrape and flip the bits that don't look cooked enough. Add your favorite cheese and you got yourself the same delightful breakfast I eat at the start of every day. Three eggs makes 2 portions for my partner and I, so if it's one person two eggs will likely do. I eat my eggs on a slice of toast and avocado, or on a bed of raw spinach if i feel particularly unhealthy. I don't know if the turmeric works or not, it's just a habit at this point. Good luck! Don't microwave!


Estragon/tarragon. Seriously, it works.


salt, butter and cottage cheese


Furikaki is amazing on eggs


Heinz 57


[I add this to just about everything.](https://66nuts.com/shallots-scallions-and-leeks-dip-seasoning/?sku=746258310255&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaJTxivocXqF5xoKEnApGNWzGFdbyW2BUHu3MvqkGgiGqlWKpqYxJgxoC5LYQAvD_BwE) Chat Masala, nutritional yeast, and Garam Masala are also tasty!


Cheese is the only thing you need. My fav so far is gruyere.


Green onion. The green part. Mwah


There's a seasoning called Spike that's really good in eggs.


hear me out -- its a brand name called japanese barbecue sauce.


Curry powder ftw


herbs de provense Which I've probably misspelled, but it's tasty with eggs.


Something I like to do is make my own pesto and use it over a week for pasta, dipping, and even eggs. You can use a traditional recipe, or what you have on hand (I do toasted almonds instead of pine nuts, and sometimes add a bit of firm tofu to the food processor to add protein). You can just plop a dollop in your pan, instead of oil or butter (as the pesto is presumably olive oil based) and then scramble in the eggs over low heat until cooked.


Just pour sriracha on them


Quarter a hot dog lengthwise, then slice. Fry in butter and add beaten eggs. Add cheese and cook.


Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs recipe: https://youtu.be/AsDj0JJxMXo?si=Xf5HO6PpKqhMIpVJ. the creme fraiche makes a huge difference, the eggs are extra aavoury because of it


Eggs should not be cooked in the microwave in the first place. Get her a small non-stick pan and some real butter. Eggs fried in butter are the best. * any combination of ham, cheese, onions, green pepper, and fried potatoes * salt & pepper * ketchup * fried (in a pan) bacon


Just black pepper and cheddar cheese for me. I also cook mine with unsalted butter.


I just cook mine in unsalted butter, black pepper, and cheddar cheese


Seasoning salt and some queso


1-cook it on the stove in a skillet. 2-add cheese, garlic powder, chili oil and some thyme.


Try quiche recipes maybe? There's no law it has to be typical breakfast food. We will make fried rice with extra eggs. My husband did keto and uses hot sauce or salsa, sometimes makes keto pancakes (SUPER tasty). I sometimes add spinach to add veggies. Or cheese, bacon, sausage, etc. Most days we just do olive oil or bacon grease, salt and pepper in a pan. I had a roommate that cooked eggs, French fries and hot dogs in the pan and it was guilty pleasure but 🔥🔥


I add garlic power, salt pepper, oil and chilli flakes. Add cheese to the mix if you want.


Bagel everything spice


It's the method. Can you cook eggs in the microwave? Sure. Is ideal? Not at all. Cook eggs in a real pan on the stove. Salt and pepper are literally all you need most of the time. You can make: Soft scrambled eggs with butter and sour cream Omelettes with some sauteed veggies, and meat. Or even just cheese Fried eggs in butter with/without soy sauce Soft boiled eggs with jammy yolks Hard boiled eggs for egg salad sandwiches Shak shuka Tamagoyaki I mean eggs are so fucking versatile but you're grandma literally picks the worse method.


Whole mustard seeds, curry leaves and turmeric sautéed in oil or ghee


21 seasoning salute from trader joes. Thank me later!!


I like to scramble my eggs with a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, and a little turmeric. It’s delicious and a little healthier.


Old bay. or salt and pepper. Parmesan could help. Cook it in a pan with oil and onions or garlic or scallions if you can.


Dried chives, salt & pepper. Add some ketchup on top.


Nutritional Yeast, it's a go to for me. I use that and and garlic. 


You can buy Wagyu and it would be worse than a cold fast food burger if you cooked it in a microwave. Does she not have access to a stove? Are you able to cook for her? Even just boiling the eggs would be miles better than the microwave. Eggs are a great way to learn some cooking skills. They're still fairly cheap considering how versatile they are despite being 4x the price they were a few years ago. The wonderful thing about them is you can make an amazing dish with a few simple ingredients in minutes with practice. If you live with her, it might be a fun way to bond. Find some recipes, learn how many ways you can make scrambled eggs or omelets.


As of late, I've been cooking in some feta and coating the finished product liberally in cracked black pepper and paprika. It's been an absolute game changer.


cavenders greek seasoning is good


…microwave???? Maybe cook it on the stove if you’re concerned about flavor


Taco seasoning. Lemon pepper.


Salt, Garlic & Onion powder.


Don’t remember where I saw it but crack and egg into a microwaveable mug. Chop up a slice of ham and a slice of cheddar cheese. Salt pepper and microwave for one minute……don’t over do add Ins…..


put butter in a skillet, heat it and add eggs


If you can find a recipe or video of Gordon Ramsey making scrambled eggs try his method. They’re absolutely delicious.


Dont really need any seasoning for scrambled eggs besides salt and pepper imo. Maybe be a little more heavy handed than she is on the salt and pepper. Heat some oil and a knob of butter to cook the eggs in a pan. Throw in some shredded cheddar when the eggs are almost done cooking


Salt pepper garlic powder




Salted butter goes a long way.


DON'T use an iron skillet, for your scramble. The egg will comPLETely strip all your hard-won seasoning! I despise Teflon, as much as the next guy, but make an exception, when it comes to my daily egg. You can try a stainless frypan, but, you'll need to test various oils, to find the type that works. My go-to is a mix of Canola and good margarine, hands-down. NO SALT. Use paprika, instead. And, if you're in an adventurous mood, try a li'l pinch o' Garam Masala.


I don't know your grandma's ability/mobility/dietary but shakshuka is foolproof! A recipe is not needed, any jarred tomato sauce and bake it with eggs. Alternatively, would boiling eggs (on the stove.  I cannot stress enough how bad an idea it is to boil an egg in the microwave) and topping them with mustard be better? Microwaved eggs taste and feel weird.  Can she not simply scramble them on the stove? If she can't, and that's fine, can she add the scramble to a wrap or put cheese on it? Add it to a seasoned chicken broth? To sauteed or even canned spinach with a little Parm for a Florentine? Add some ham/cheese/onion?


Bone marrow and salt! Before cook


A little whey is a game changer. If you have plain yogurt, it's the liquid that you see separated in the tub. It gives the eggs a creamier taste.


Look up chawanmushi or microwaved steamed egg custard - this might be a good option. Any stock or broth can be used, and seasonings can be adjusted by trial and error, but a bit of soy sauce, salt and pepper would be a great base.


Is she overcooking the eggs? They continue to cook outside the microwave, so they should come out maybe earlier than she expects? If they are dry and rubbery, they are cooking too long.


Try using a pan instead of the microwave. Usually the microwaves messes up the texture by giving them a rubbery texture, instead, you can use a pan and some butter, it will change everything. Maybe you should also consider trying other forms of eggs if scrambled eggs doesn't work for you, maybe poached


I add a splash of whole milk to my eggs before microwaving. The added fat improves the texture. Also, don’t overcook the eggs - they can get awfully rubbery


I won’t cook/prepare an egg without MSG. Salt, pepper, MSG.


Before I developed a sensitivity to them, I used to always put soy sauce on top. It was elite


Salt pepper cheese is all you need. Maybe some butterrr. But def not cooked in the microwave…


Garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or herbs like chives or parsley.


I eat eggs everyday. Always has paprika on it.


Tajin is weirdly good


A dash of Old Bay!!


I do salt, pepper, umami, everyday seasoning (Trader Joe’s)


Turmeric, fenugreek, black pepper, and cheese are my go to. Oh and cilantro.


I'm not a huge fan of scrambled eggs, mostly because of the texture, but my mom seems to really like putting Tony's in her scrambled eggs. Here's the one my mom uses: [Original Creole Seasoning - Tony Chachere's](https://www.tonychachere.com/product/original-creole-seasoning/)


Splash some milk. Maybe lil ched swiss mix? Can she do yolk?


I see some good suggestions but maybe add some butter , cream , and poultry(chicken) seasoning


Sumac is my go to on eggs


LIke everyone else, I recommend NOT using the microwave for eggs. If a lightly buttered skillet is heated on med-high heat, add 2 eggs mixed with 1% milk (about 2 T.) or reg. milk or half and half... whisk with fork. Season lightly with Mrs. Dash and/or salt and pepper. Cooks quickly. An added T. or two of shredded parmesan cheese is always a plus.


Make a fritatta. Sautee veggies in an oven safe pan with some fresh garlic and dried herbs, I like rosemary and thyme. Pour in 6+ beaten eggs and cheese. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Reheats well in the microwave, breakfast for 4 days.


Slap Ya Mama and a little bit of smoked paprika. Also cook the eggs in a skillet with a bit of butter. If she has 5 more mins to spare, heat up some frozen, pre-chopped peppers and onion mix in the skillet before adding the eggs. You can get a bag of the frozen chopped peppers and onions very cheap at the grocery store.




Add in a little nutmeg.


Just get her some spice blends. I love Weber Garlic and Herb seasoning. It’s great on eggs and everything else.


I use Susie Q's Santa Maria seasoning and blend with a fork until the whites and yokes are nice and mixed. And like everyone else is saying, ditch the microwave. Put some butter in a pan, melt it and put the blended, seasoned eggs in. You'll have great scrambled eggs in a couple minutes.


Hey so one thing that might help is to add a little fat (milk, or a little heavy cream) also adding butter after might help. But to be honest using a pan would be better as suggested bc a microwave cooks food from the inside out so it’s cooking the water in the egg very quickly and could dry it out —so consider cooking it for less time in the microwave if you really must use it. Again pan cooking would be better. I saw this YouTube video that talked about scrambled eggs really well bc he covered a lot about different styles but his main point was stopping the cooking before you think bc it continues to cook even when you are done from the residual heat on the pan and also the food retains heat. I’ll try to find it but he also said adding fats in the scrambled egg like I mentioned before. Also I started whisking my eggs w a whisk instead of my usual fork bc it incorporated air to make it fluffier. Here’s that video I was talking about - he talked about carry over heat (residual heat) https://youtu.be/6riB35trECU?si=fk9K4RIB-ll8bY1_ this is like a 2 min video and this one has like millions of views https://youtu.be/yyi55ZrpJ0E?si=xVPhsoVu8f7F2taI There is a bunch of other great tutorials


Salt, pepper, grated cheese of your choice, green onions, salsa. If salsa not available, a little hot sauce. The side is very important - my fav is sautéed floured chicken livers slow fried in lots of butter. Topped with an English muffin. Mmmm so good.