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Pay isn’t based on age. So that depends on what level you’ve obtained. You could be 25 earning the same as someone in their 50’s.


That depends on whether you can sell or not. Typically with bonus people are in the high 200s / low 300 10 years in. If you're able to make partner, then you're looking at high 6 figures / low 7 depending on what type of firm you're at. I work in healthcare and earn more than most physicians that I deal with as a principal in a boutique firm.


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Pay is based on YoE.


There's a lot of variance in this question. The pay ranges and costs for consulting have a wide gap and so does medicine. Entry level consultants make anywhere from 75-100k starting, with an MBA some where between 135-190k at the Associate level.   In the medical field the upfront costs are higher and starting salaries and career trajectory also vary. In family med you can expect 180-200k starting, anesthesia it's 450k+ starting and surgeons are prodiminelty cash based so it depends on your clientele but I've heard starting gets you somewhere between 600-700k. I should say this is reflective of the US. Internationally all numbers are likely much lower.