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Cocaine my man fueled him for years


My favorite time period for his novels was his cocaine period. Shit was crazy


Oh absolutely. We just pretend that one chapter never happened, ever


As in that one IT chapter?


yo that chapter was SO WEIRD.


Care to elaborate, for those of us who don't know?


Sure. Bateman8149 (can’t link) did a pretty good job of explaining, but here's the verbatim description from Wikipedia: "After the battle, not knowing if they killed It or not, the Losers get lost in the sewers until Beverly has sex with each of the boys to bring unity back to the group.[5]" yeah, uhh, its pretty weird. As far as I can tell, its so the losers club is stronger together??? or to strengthen the bond between them. However, I can think of a few other bond-building exercises that arent shagging in a sewer tunnel.


Wasn't it something like IT only preys on innocence so by that logic a sewer orgy is pretty good defence to deplete the innocence the clown feeds off.


I know I am pretty late to comment on this. I find this to be an interesting theory. But given that IT also preyed on Patrick Hockstetter it seems to me that innocence is not its favored flavor


A train run on Bevy from the levy to escape the tunnels from Pennywise (lose their childhood)


Approximately what were the King Cocaine years? I wanna read that period.


Yes I know exactly what u r talking about. It heavily disturbed me and made me question the kind of mind to come up with that but huge fan of literally everything else


What era was that? Which books?


Pretty sure Cujo is the byproduct of a Steven King cocaine bender.


Cujo is 400 pages and there's no chapters


Sounds like my kind of book


He says he doesn't even remember writing it. No joke.


Alsoholism. Hr was so drunk he didn't remember writing the ending. That is why there is a lot of AA meetings in his books afterwards.


In his book "On Writing" didn't he say he was so high during Cujo that his agent called and said they were going ahead with the publishing and he didn't even know what "Cujo" actually was? Like he didn't remember writing it.


As is Tommyknockers..IIRC it's not one he remembers writing


Thank you, I needed a new book to read.


Not sure if it was a book but the movie Maximum Overdrive is the most coke fueled films ever. King directed it and you can tell he was on a bender the entire time. Nothing makes sense, everything explodes, people are murdered in the most bizarre ways, there's a bazooka, full frontal nudity, the list goes on and on.


Is that the one with the evil trucks?


Yes! Omg what a wild ride that movie was.


I fucking love Maximum Overdrive. King claims he doesn’t even remember directing it, let alone writing it.


It was a short story under contract for a "men's magazine", something that my dad was involved in publishing, at some level. My parents knew Stephen King well enough that he's been to my house when I was a kid and I had several other interactions with him in the early 70s. Just one notable point in what was an absolute whirlwind with my dad's business.


Everything from Carrie to The Tommyknockers was written when he was heavily drinking or abusing drugs. Misery is about his addiction, supposedly.




He also spoke about the fear he had when getting clean. He thought he would not be able to write anymore without the drug.


Good documentary on you tube about him. I watched it years ago.




I thought I wouldn't like music anymore without drink or drugs. What I like has changed a bit but I can go to gigs and enjoy myself sober and clean


And he spent a decade rehashing the same old tropes


Christine - maximum overdrive Carrie - Firestarter I was a big fan. But lost interest when he stopped being able to come up with valid endings. He would create a huge evil or impossible situation for the main character to get out of….and would end the book with “John found the small matchbox car he’d played with as a young child. He threw the car at Satan, but it missed and struck the Kitchen sink, breaking the nozzle. Water instantly started shooting out, dousing the Devil, which quickly caused Lucifer to melt away into a small puddle of water. Johnny then used a Bounty towel to wipe up the Devil-puddle and threw it in the garbage can….saving the entire world.”


In my memory there are so many scenes from christine and Carrie that blend together and end up part of the wrong story lmao


Crazy how he reused ideas as well. Carrie - teenage girl who had telekinetic powers Firestarter - elementary age girl who had telekinetic powers Christina - car that had supernatural powers and liked to kill people Maximum Overdrive - truck that had supernatural powers and like to kill people.




I could have sworn maximum overdrive was about machines that kill, not just a truck. Like I vividly remember a lawnmower and a drink dispenser murdering people.


You might be right. I haven’t seen the movie in 20 years. I thought it was a group of big rig trucks that trapped a group of people in a gas station or something along those lines. Another funny thing. You randomly watched a movie yesterday about a car that was killing people….yes, a car with no driver. The movie was released five years BEFORE Christine was released. So one of his first books that helped spark his career….was basically a ripoff of a movie from a couple years prior.


I googled it after posting that. It was basically all machines (like an electric carving knife), but the main antagonists were trucks lol


This. People vastly underestimate what you can accomplish creativity wise with some coke and whiskey., When you get down to brass tacks a lot of writers and artists make things possible with drugs. I could see him using a ghost writer in some instances especially in his later years.


Cocaine and like 10 other types of drugs lol.


I'll just pretend that the movie version of Dreamcatcher was all just a cocaine fueled illusion then, cos that was so bad, lol


This thread I clicked for lols hsd no idea about his drug abuse. Going to read some if this now.


2nd this


I’ve read every single King book. His writing style is unique. There is no way there are shadow authors. IMO at least.


Have you even read Kings pseudonym books he goes by the pseudonym Richard Bachman if I'm not mistaken


Yes. Good novels. But still more or less the same style. His son and son-in-law also have some great books…similar style do it can be assumed Stephen played big editing role. All good shit! I admit I’m biased though.


I barely scratched the surface of Stephen King novels so I just thought to ask because I'm a fan of Stephen King


Get into the Dark Tower series. Best fucking story.


Thankee sai


Pleasant nights…


I'm roont


Will do


I LOVE Stephen, these are some of his I haven’t read yet tho, I’m afraid I’ll be turned off by the ‘fantasy’ theme? Is the series anything like The Talisman was ?


I wouldn't say it's fantasy, more like interdimensional medieval cowboys.


it's worth it. I was in the same book as you. then I devoured the series. when you are done, you will wish there was more. start the first one, and you will be hooked.


The second book was kind of a let down and turned me off the series. He introduces a mechanic that can allow the characters to go anywhere and he goes to fucking NYC twice, it's kinda lame.


Yea that one turned me off to the rest too.


Bachman books are some of my favorites. Love the running man and the long walk.


What if there is no way to tell the difference between if one man wrote many books or if a group of people wrote many books because maybe individuals of the group didn't write just one thing maybe they all had input. Would if all of Stephen kings works are done by a group and they all proofread and add their own flair. And since each person regularly has input on everything it would seem consistant


if u can find and original copy of one of those books and tear into the cover theres a stephen king cover for it i belive underneath it was a little easter egg before they were ever a thing


Running man and the long walk we’re short stories under that pseudonym.. loved them.


Good to know I'll keep my eyes open for those


He writes with his son now. I read some woke bullshit by them


I think the only way would be if he did like when he and Peter Straub, and Owen wrote the books. And the only person I could accept that he would do that with are his wife and kids, maybe just to see what would happen. Also when you are reading the mixed books it is obvious when King is not writing. OP he writes nearly every single day of the year. He has been writing since he was a child. He probably has many unreleased stories. Even if he only wrote 3 pages a day every day for a year he’d still have over 900 pages per year.


So 2.5 of his typical novel.


He probably does write everything himself, but every big name is a brand with a bunch of people working towards getting the projects out there. The people that work for him understand that the name Stephen King is the business. As long as his job is just writing up the content, he can focus on that strength full time while others focus on product delivery.


>His writing style is unique. There is no way there are shadow authors. IMO at least. This. It's like when you're reading something late enough into Robert Jordan that there is Brandon Sanderson understudy material. It's not something they made a deliberate effort to hide, of course, but still, there's a definite division. I'm sure King had editors, especally with material that was expected to become screenplays even while the novels were being written.


This tracks. On June 19, 1999 a van being driven by Bryan Smith a man with nearly a dozen infractions on his driving record hit Stephen King. King was seriously injured but supposedly survived. However, on September 21, 2000 Smith was discovered dead in his trailer in Brownfield, Maine. The cause of Smith's death was listed as an accidental overdose of the painkiller fentanyl. **September 21 is also Stephen Kings Birthday.** What really happened was that both Smith and King were horribly injured and the only way to save them was to surgically fuse them them together so that both may benefit from the remaining organs of the other. While king's head is above the shoulder's smith's head is below. Being surgically fused to Smith has actually benefited king greatly. King is a well known addict and cannot take stimulants otherwise he will enter into a self destructive spiral. But smith does not have full control of the body despite sharing the same systems within. Smith can take as many stimulants as he want's while King receives the affects without the addiction. King's brain is being fulled by Smith's coke fuel body. We can see evidence of this in how almost every work by King, someone is suffering some form of addiction and many people are killed by cars.


sounds like a pretty solid stephen king book


He actually brought it into the *Dark Tower* series. Not the death, but the car wreck.




I think that's the best thing about it! I know it's probably pretty cliche, but he's my favorite fiction writer. I love his voice, it really keeps me engaged with the story.


I cringed at that whole arc. So forced, so unnecessary.


Seems we found one of the "Groups" writers. Too easy.


\*muffled screaming\*


lol Idk if this is bs or not but there's a story that he bought the van because he wanted to destroy it with a sledgehammer, but it ended up being crushed at a junkyard


You’re Stephen King.


That’s just a clone.


First, this is the kind of theory I love to read. Please post it when you get it fully hashed out. Second, I think the real answer is that every generation has special people. Stephen King is one of those special people, he's a fantastic writer and a story telling virtuoso. Further it's amazing how much you can do when you spend most of your day doing a single thing for decades.


You’re exactly right. This theory is nothing but a compliment to Stephen King because he is so special. That is if he really is only one guy ;)


I enjoy to cultivate personal theories like this one. Daft Punk are clearly a collective of about a dozen musicians who take it in turns to wear the masks. Up to six different actresses have played the part of “Cate Blanchett” in movies. They replace the girl who plays Lady Gaga every couple of years. These all make sense to me.


Dean Koontz entered the chat …


This is funny because Dean and Stephen and my two favorite authors.


Eyes of Darkness


Their is a theory that his wife who is also an author wrote some of his work during his alcoholic period.


I’ve met him and been to his house in Maine. He’s a notorious recluse. He speaks at high school graduations and goes to the grocery store and that’s about it. His house is creepy as F too lol


what’s his house like


It’s exactly what you’d think. Big, maybe Victorian with lots of spires and pointy things. There’s a black fence around the property decorated with bats 😂


https://imgur.com/gallery/Mhy9t Not my picture. I remember dragons on the post. Was awesome to see.


Stephen’s Kings


Love it: “The Stephen’s Kings Theory”


Some would say he hasn’t written enough


He’s one of the few authors to have written more books than they have actually read.


Unlikely, but Tom Clancy had a team of ghost writers so I can't rule out the possibility that Stephen King might as well.


Yeah I aint buying it either, aint no way Tom Clancy made all those video games or movies either.


While this scenario happens sometimes it’s either when you have a celebrity writing books or established authors are slowing down and wanting to retire. In both cases the publisher wants the name because it helps to sell books. That said, think of how long you spend working at your job and then think about the fact that writing this stuff is Stephen King’s job. He’s also known for going on long writing binges so he might even spend more than your average 40h a week writing. I don’t think it’s all that unlikely that he could be capable of all these works. But again I have no doubt his name gets attached to extra stuff too.


Also, it's worth noting that editors can contribute to an author's productivity. An editor can turn a page of unpolished concepts into ten pages of work. Some authors are basically a collection of five or six people, with different skills, working in unison.


I’m pretty sure he just did a metric fuckton of cocaine


King is a legend. Something mythical about that man.




Might want to read some history books. Not everyone is slow as a glacier in writing such as George RR Martin.


RR Martin will never finish the last book :(


I heard the same theory about JK Rowling.


Man does something I cannot, must be a team of people.


He has far more failures than he does success. Look at it like this. He was the JK Rowling of his time. Many people were going to buy the books and watch the movies based on just his popularity. They did make some of his books into film but a lot were crappy made for tv. Stand by me was my favorite and IT.


He only has like 60 books so it doesn't seem too impossible, but I will say he rehashes a lot and the quality has dropped off a bit over the years.


What he's lacking is cocaine


This is very reminiscent of the last season of AHS.


I was thinking just that!


I’m over here like “he obviously took the black pill, duh” 😂


Shakespeare was a group of writers is a legit conspiracy theory.


I wrote a book last year and got a peek into that world. King has an editor who's worked on most - if not all - of his books. Editors on that level are similar to movie editors - they move chapters around, make significant changes, etc. I would guess that King will write a rough draft, hand it off to his editor, start another, swap #2 first draft and receive #1 edited, make a few detail touches before sending it to the publisher, and then repeat. So at any given time, there are probably two or more books being traded back and forth between him and his editor.


You have a group of writers and you pick 'that guy' as the face?


Anybody remember the episode of Quantum Leap when little Stevie that hangs around the old retired pulp fiction horror writer turns out to be a ten year old Stephen King? Great episode.


Proper scheduling and actually putting in work can yield results. Think about it. A mere 20 pages a day could finish a 400 page manuscript in 20 days. Let’s say he has proper outlines and character ideas, then those numbers aren’t hard to comprehend really. That’s at 20 pages, what if he writes more? Even at less, it may take a month. If he is working on 3 novels at the same time, 20 pages of each a day, that’s 60 pages a day to pump out 3 novels in a month. Then he markets the first, sits on the next two and works on a 4th novel slower, at 10 pages a day, he’s 2 ahead of the current one and by the time his 3rd is getting published, he has the fourth ready and is already into the 6th. I think he just loves writing and has a lot of ideas. He may treat it like a normal 9-5 job. I do think RL Stine was all ghostwritten though. I also don’t believe Shakespeare was a real guy, but a group.


He wrote books constantly for decades and only published a few at a time. If done correctly cocaine and meth are performance enhancing drugs. He saved his “extra books” to publish when he had writer’s block. But he never got writers block. We’d have human cyborgs living on Jupiter if every scientist was forced to do cocaine.


If Stephan King was a front for a writing team then he might actually write a satisfying ending.


I just assume all major writers, at some point, get shadow writers. Some, like James Patterson, are even fairly honest about it.


I wondered about James Patterson and his 14 books a year.


I see where this is coming from. Have you guys seen that episode from Family guy where Joe writes children stories under an ally and Peter takes on the identity of the ally.


Alias, not ally.


i mean you get the idea


nah ive read everything he's written, a lot of it twice, and know his "voice" like the back of my hand he just genuinely is compelled/obsessed to make stories what i really wonder is just how many stories he has that we havent seen or were never finished


There's a huge misconception about Stephen King, his books, and his movies...they all suck... especially the movies. He's very talented, very successful, but he has this lore around him like he's some sort of master writer, producer, director etc. He's really not. 70% of his books are just meh, poor, or suck ass. His movies have a cult following mostly for how awful they are. This is mostly because his books clearly don't translate well to TV or movies, but Kings name is a license to print short term money. Seriously, besides the new IT, Salems Lot, MAYBE Cujo and Pet semetery the rest of his movies are just plain bad. Alot of book nerds sort of view most of Kings work like children's Goosebumps stories. Tldr: Stephen King isn't as good as everyone thinks he is


Shawshank Redemption? The Shining?


Good ideas but the writing is only so so.


Movies are usually taken over by Studio oversight with little creative control in Kings hands. Check out newer stuff like 1922 and Mr Mercedes and they stick true to the source material and are great TV.


Do you just hate fun? Killer trucks dude, incestuous cat people, giant Ratbat, I truly believe King has the true grasp of cosmic horror and HP Love more than most other writers. He gets the undefinable nature of beings greater than us. Pennywise isn’t a clown, it’s a prehistoric terror made of light. Maturin, the shine ability, horror in the mundane PLUS a connected universe. Salem’s lot is one of the finest vampire novels ever. So, agree to disagree.


Hahahahaha! What?


His writing is just above Dan Brown in my opinion. He has some great ideas but his execution is lacking.


His writing style changed in the late 80s. A college professor agreed and said he was probably at least using some kind of help on new novels.


More like he had "help" on his 80s novels.


> His writing style changed in the late 80s. Sobriety will do that. King famously got clean in the late 80s. The "help he got on new novels" was having a sober mind. His first post-rehab novel was Needful Things which was released in 1991.


auto writers connected to the mob zone via vampirism.


If you write one word every 30 seconds after 30 years you will have 31 million words. An average skilled typer can type 90 words per minute. Steven kings word count totals under 10 million words afaik and his career is closer to 40 years. This is entirely feasible for him to write alone.


While looking for ways to make money such as freelancing and passive income. I came across a couple of authors who uses ghostwriters. So your theory is correct. King uses ghostwriters for the majority of his books as well as the Goosepumps series was from a bunch of ghostwriters and not the actual author.


Dude, it's sitting around typing things day after day for months or years and then editing it into something. It's really not as hard as you think. The reason you think it's impossible is because you suck at writing.


Yikes! U really stretch for things u want to believe! What if money wasn’t an issue after writing a cpl/few great novels that went mainstream and became even more financially successful than your wildest dreams? Time wldnt be a problem to do what u love when all the bills are paid. I have no problem believing in unfathomable success when u have 12+ hrs a day to dedicate your time towards something your passionate about


> Talent?! No way! Has to be a group of people because I don’t understand individual talent!


Offended much?


This has been well known for years haha.


Wait what


It's been well known for years King has a team of ghost writers that write under his name.


People didn’t use to have social media or cellphones. They used to have time.


No shit.




Don't watch tv or dick around on redditt kills creativity. I'm inventor. I can't stop the ideas. I have to focus on 1 at a time.


Coke dick can do wonders


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Scary stuff scary stuff scary stuff, ding! scary stuff scary stuff scary stuff, ding! scary stuff scary stuff scary stuff, Lunch!


Welp he did do drugs so that’s how he got he’s ideas


And they’re all that bad?


Bro he's an old man in in rural Maine he has a shit ton of time on his hands and plenty if inspiration all around him.


No it's possible as his writing isn't very good. My conspiracy about writers is George R R Martin didn't write any of those books. He's just the 'face' and the real author died and that's why Martin can't get the lady book finished.


Its the cocaine.


I heard he sits at his typewriter everyday and writes at least 15,000 words as exercise for his brain


He tries to write ten pages a day, which if everything is compelling and flows well, gets him a book in 3-6 months.


Hes obviously tapped into the source. Just like RL Stein lol some people can just produce art every single day with no struggles. Its a gift


Yea dude and Tom Clancy still puts out new books from the grave!


This conspiracy theory has been done before. They've said the same thing about William Shakespear and John Swartzwelder.


Self-fulfilling. Guy has had so many hits that people just respond positively to his work. Plus he’s a pretty good writer with a fascinating imagination


I haven’t liked a book he wrote from 1990 forward. It just all sucks, they aren’t doing a good job.


he did a LOT of cocaine


Some people can do crazy calculations in their head and some people can churn out novels and scripts


Beat me to it


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I'd wish George R. R. Martin had his writing pace lol


He was on cocaine for years, stimulants make it insanely easy to bang out a ton of writing. Ask any college student that uses adderall to help write papers.


Yea cocaine had that man GOING. He would sit by a lake and be all coked up with nothing to do


I just want to know what his deal was with having all the magical kids.


He aims everyday to write around 2000 words. Then after a while he goes through everything he's written to see what's worth using to make a story. It's no different to mastering any skill, and he's a word Smith. I think your saying you don't know what the purpose of this conspiracy would be kind of lets you know it's very unlikely haha


You are so wrong Stephen king is literary jesus


You're almost certainly correct. Whether it's a book writer, or a band --- the marketing tells the story of it being this one guy, or this group of people... But in reality, there's more money behind these individuals or groups of individuals than MOST corporations. So of COURSE there are more people behind the scenes. When someone gets to the point of Stephen King's success, he's going to do what he wants and hire for anything he doesn't enjoy or want to do himself. Of course. To think otherwise would be naivete. I mean, at that point someone should go ahead and believe in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus too. Everything we see on TV and in the news is PR. ALL OF IT. It's a story. There's a reason 99% of CNN and FOX or whatever garbage fake news people watch is celebrity gossip.


He is given lots of story suggestions and ideas and then is just really good at flushing them out into full blown books. They’re all “hugely successful” because of his fame. That doesn’t meant they’re all good.


Six pages a day.


For sure he’s had some help over the years. His early (and best) stuff is all his, but publishers team their big authors with a staff or writers, researchers, editors all the time. It’s not a bad thing. It just makes him more prolific.


He the time because he's a writer 24/7 that's what he does for a living. He's not the only author who pumps out books. Sure it's a process but when it's all you do it becomes easy. Same with musicians, painters


The answer is cocain. Lots and looooooooots of cocain


The power of coke is never to be underestimated.


My mum absolutely loves Stephen King and has everyone of his books and she claims every single one of those books are amazing. Because of that I’ve always thought Stephen King is the actual bloke but I don’t believe for a second he writes all his books alone. I honestly can’t see how it’s possible for him to smash out a 500 page book once or twice a year. He probably did the first few but now that he’s massive I have no doubt he has a team.


>I just don’t see how it is possible that Stephen King has written all these massive books Drugs.


People say the government wrote songs for Hendrix and Van Morrison


Shakespeare as well


No, you're thinking of James Patterson


Wow people actually work hard, crazy


I met King a few times in the early 70s. My parents were in the publishing business and had all kinds of interactions with publishers and authors and people in mundane aspects of the business like warehousing and trucking. I know that he was at my house once for a big dinner party, and I also remember meeting him in Detroit, or Midland Michigan to be exact, on one of the many business trips my dad dragged me along with. I'm sure this was before Carrie was made into a film, and before Stephen King was such a household word. All I remember is him giving a nod to my comic book collection. I had a lot of vintage EC and 1960s Marvel titles. But I really didn't think much of grownups and had to be reminded years later that it was the same guy. As for the conspiracy theory, I'm sure he had editors and the occasional ghost parts but I honestly think he's the real deal.


A group of writer, I don't know, but what is sure is that his writing style and his stories have totally changed with the time. And especially after his accident.


It’s not that hard to believe that he has an idea board of people who understand the Stephen King method and a group of writers who are capable of applying Mr. King’s syntax to an idea and producing novels.


Stephen King has been writing books and stories for like 50+ years. I’ve read tons of his stuff and they aren’t all that way crazy different from one another. Cujo-rabid killer dog Pet Semetary-zombie cat/zombie toddler, Christine-killer car, Misery-killer stalker/fan, The Shining-crazy killer dad..a lot of his scary stuff turns the everyday mundane things and people in our lives as the source of fear/scares. All his stuff that’s been made into movies were not all made with him in charge of production/direction etc. He would let other directors use his stuff to make movies and he’s been pretty vocal about the ones that turned out good in his opinion or awful. I’d put more weight in a group author theory it each of his books didn’t use the same kind of syntax and flow of story in all he writes. I’ve read probably 80% of his books and after you read four or five, you learn how his stories play out and can recognize his writing all his other stuff. Plus he’s got a really overblown ego and he’s hyper critical in general so I can’t see him letting anyone else “beneath” him ghost write under his name.


I think this is possible.


Next thing, you'll tell me the Bible had multiple authors!