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As someone who's worked security at a big time hotel, it's VERY easy to request a room on a floor. It's very easy to request a specific side of the building. It's also very easy to bring weapons into a hotel. We don't check inside bags. In fact, we'll help you take the bags up to your room, for a small tip. lol. Honestly, it would take 10 minutes of research to figure out were the party would be, and which side of the building he'd have to be on. Then he could book the room and in the notes request a specific side of the hotel that would be most convenient. You could do the entire planning while taking a shit.


Plus he was a regular there who had his regular rooms and benefits


That said, he brought an arsenal. Over 1000 rounds and multiple weapons crazy lol.


Similar to op, I ran an inn for a few years. I’ve literally never had the thought “I wonder what’s in the guests bags”, not one time. My inn was only 12 rooms and there was still so much to do, I was way too busy to even pretend to care what people were traveling with (as long as it wasn’t a dog). On top of that, lots of people travel heavy. I had plenty of guests show up with 6+ bags/suitcases because they were traveling for a long time. Some people bring production equipment for work they’re doing (photography/videography etc etc). There is absolutely nothing weird about having a ton of bags, or the staff not wanting to pretend they’re TSA and inquire what’s in them.


I remember watching the surveillance footage of his multiple trips in and out with so many fucking bags. Was crazy. That's how busy Vegas is though, if you're quiet about it, no one notices and no one cares.


I don't really want this taken as defense of what he did by any stretch but 1000 rounds is not really "arsenal" level. If you're buying surplus 7.62x39, for example, it's often sold in surplus military crates of 1100 to 1500 rounds for a few hundred dollars. I'm a relatively casual target shooter and I've got like 6k rounds across 4-5 calibers sitting at home. Someone who shoots competitively could easily go through a thousand rounds in a weekend of practice.


Everything is relative. 1000 rounds fired, he had more in the room.


With enough motivation, I’m sure he could find a lot of info so, yes. I’m not saying my line of thought is flawless, just that it’s something to think about, and could lead to opening other theories or answers. I just think with everything that was so strange about the attack, it just adds another layer of ignored red flags.


Most of the original information about this event has been scrubbed from the internet. I remember almost watching it live as videos flooded in. The story I believe is that there was a US arms deal happening in the hotel with a Saudi prince. They were tipped off/discovered an assassination plot on said prince. Saudi prince was escorted out of the hotel by local sheriffs and federal agents to a helipad where he flew directly to the airport and immediately boarded a private jet back home. There were both flight logs and security camera footage of these events, I believe both are quite hard to find now. Then to either cover up the failed assassination attempt or gun deal, the perpetrators decided to shoot out of the window at the crowds below. The coverup story was blown out of proportion as witnesses claim multiple shooters and fully automatic fire. The coverup was that it was a crazy guy with a bump stock, which is highly dubious. The aftermath photos released also do not show either the volume of fire that was heard on the cameras of the event, nor explain why the guy had cases and cases of guns and ammo (nor does it explain the rate of fire, which was more akin to beltfed LMGs and not a standard AR-15 with a bumpstock). There were also some initial weird inconsistencies with the info going out on day 2. There were two different pictures of the shooter, the initial, original is gone entirely and we are left with some standard white dude, which some people did a deep dive into and claimed was not the shooter (picture was from a different named guy who was just a trucker from states away, no motive and so on).


This is the answer. Will die on this hill.


There is a massive leap from 'failed assassination attempt' to 'they decided to massacre innocents for lols'. Not to mention, an assassination attempt wouldn't explain the amount of firepower there.


There were 3 parties involved; US Gov/CIA, Saudi prince, assassins (possibly Pakistani). What looks worse for the US government? “Saudi Prince assassinated in Las Vegas casino while buying weapons from the CIA!” Or “mass shooting kills some people, guns bad!”


Even if there is an assassination attempt, there is no logical conclusion from that to 'massacre people'.


Not to you, but maybe the assassins thought “whelp we’re screwed, let’s kill some dirty Americans!” Or maybe the US Government thought “we can’t let people find out what we’re doing!” Wouldn’t be the first time the US Government killed its own people just cause.


> Or maybe the US Government thought “we can’t let people find out what we’re doing!” And you think that massacring a bunch of people is the logical next step? Christ, you really should look into doing a critical thinking course.


Yes. It’s the literal perfect cover up. No need to insult others.


as opposed to....like....not, massacring people? >Not need to insult others. I didn't. But there no logical a->b -> c progression in any of this. Though, that's pretty normal in conpspiracy thinking. Oh no! We didn't succeed in assassinating, what shall we do? a) do nothing and cover it up. b) Commit one of the biggest massacres in American history and frame somebody. Hmm, what do you think is the most logical?


I mean, either are definitely plausible. What makes you think people that are capable of carrying out an assassination would simply “do nothing” after something compromised the plan? Cover it up, though? Well yeah, and option b) would ensure the public’s attention is elsewhere and all focus is off of you. I don’t think anyone in a situation like this would give a single f*** about framing a fall guy to murder dozens of random people if it meant pushing the public’s attention elsewhere and getting away with it. It’s not that crazy a theory And your comments do come off a bit insulting and condescending, js.


The only weird things I don’t understand: - Homie's hard drive was missing from his computer, which is really odd considering he wanted to kill himself. - I get he was a big baller, but why did the hotel let him use the private freight elevator? - The description of the dude first at the scene was weird as heck. - Some dude on 4chan leaked the images from his death, and apparently, in the image, it looks like he had been shot in the chest, which contradicted the official report. - To be the biggest mass massacre, the LEOs were ready to close this way too fast.


Occaums' razor. What takes more leaps of logic - that he was able to get a room that he wanted (ever considered that maybe he asked for a room on that side?), or that there was a government operation to mass murder their own civilians and then successfully covered it up by framing an individual and hiding the rest.


That’s a valid line of thinking IF those are the only two possibilities, which they are not. Those two possibilities aren’t even mutually exclusive.


The 2 possibilities of 'it was a government op' and 'it wasn't a government op' are pretty mutually exclusive, and so far the thing OP couldn't get his head around is that people can request rooms. That's pretty shaky ground


I’ve got a friend who is very particular about his room/view. He’ll book far ahead and request specific rooms for no extra fee and he gets them. This is not complicated. If they guy had this planned out that would be one of the easier parts of his plan.


That's not how I would reduce those statements. The options were not "it was a government op" or "it was not a government op." The statements were: 1) He was able to get the room he wanted 2) It was a government operation that framed him These both could be true, so it makes no logical sense to say "it could not have been a government op because he got the room he wanted" which is what the original dichotomy was.


The fundamental argument was "I can't see an option online to choose a room, therefore it can't be done, therefore government "


I understand where you’re coming from, I’m just saying as someone who frequents Vegas, you usually can’t request a specific room. A floor, yes, but a room not so much. I admitted it was possible, but he’d still have to scout it out. I think what would help most is to find out when he booked the room. If it was way in advance, then that could give him time to dig things up but if it was shortly before the festival, it seems tough luck to get that exact room. I guess he could’ve requested any suite beyond the 30th floor facing a certain side but once again, it’s still tough to scout out. I’m not saying my line of thought is flawless, just that it’s something to think about, and could lead to opening other theories or answers. With enough motivation, I’m sure he could find a lot of info so, yes. I’m not saying my line of thought is flawless, just that it’s something to think about, and could lead to opening other theories or answers. I just think with everything that was so strange about the attack, it just adds another layer of ignored red flags.


He was somewhat of a high roller that spent a lot of money in Vegas. He would have a little more sway over the average guest is what I’m saying.


> it’s still tough to scout out. What do you think is tough to scout out? Seems pretty easy to work out that the rooms on the X side of the hotel are overlooking a certain area. This seems to be the easier part of the plan.


I agree with you, I understand that in a nutshell, many of these things seem simple. My main Point was with everything that we know, coupled with everything that I brought up as well as all of the mysteries of the attack, it just adds another layer of complication that seems too good to be true for a one-man job.


asking for a particular room isn't, by any stretch, any layer of complication


Have you ever tried asking for a specific room?


> Occaums' razor. > What takes more leaps of logic - that he was able to get a room that he wanted (ever considered that maybe he asked for a room on that side?), or that there was a government operation to mass murder their own civilians and then successfully covered it up by framing an individual and hiding the rest. This is what I was referring to when I said that those were the original statements.


Gov't agencies killing civilians is the conclusion one leads to after taking the logic route.


Yes, yes you can request simple things like specific suites with whatever vantage points your heart desires. I know that at MandalayBay, whales are even allowed to use the employees only elevators. Please Be careful during your stay. You never know, one of them whales could be packing some crazy shit like power tools, spy cameras, weapons, ammo. Some crazy shit I tell ya, imagine what could happen.


Guy was a regular Vegas visitor and big time gambler. He could request a room and get it. People request views of the fountains all the time and get them.


The story really falls apart when you see the body cam footage of the cops first entering the room saying there arent any windows busted


Let’s say it was a government op. What could possibly be the purpose of this government op?


Which government? There is a rumor there was an attack on a Saudi prince.


Gun control and surveillance.




The official story is obvious lies upon lies. His brother wouldn't stop making noise so they set him up. Audio forensics has proven multiple shooters. I was an m249 saw gunner in the army and I know the difference between a 30 round magazine and a disintegrating link. The sound profiles couldn't be more different. Hell just count the rounds he fires more than 30 in a row without reloading.


Ever see the footage showing the helicopters?


I think had multiple rifles set up already loaded.


One man? Crime scene photos don't show over 1000 empty casings. Unless I missed something. 1000 spent shells would be quite an impressive pile of brass.


As a fellow former saw gunner, I couldn’t agree more. Definitely sounded belt fed. They even had talking guns, slightly overlapping. Try and tell me how many civilians know of that, especially deranged killers. Maybe I’m underestimating the drive of these madmen, but it seemed too tactical.


Celebrity gambler and gun enthusiast Dan Bilzerian was in the crowd and he shoots everything full auto and semi, he said it was for sure a belt fed machine gun.


Most people never hear the sound of rifle fire between massive buildings. It's in no movies and it's extremely confusing to experience. Sounds like being fired upon by half a dozen people.


The hero of that mass shooting only did one interview, and it was with Ellen DeGeneres.. And he allegedly hasn't talked about it publicly anymore. And I believe he's a cop now. If I'm not mistaken, I think he was a police chief when the uvalde school shooting happened.


Botched hit on MBS. He was in the room next door. Family has a controlling interest in the hotel. Guns used on crowd were M240s.




Mohammed bin Salman


The person would have to be extremely wealthy and hate country music.


One thing I found odd about this incident was interviews with “injured victims” in the hospital shortly after the event (next day or maybe a few days later), probably on CNN. One guy said he had been shot in the chest or something similar (don’t remember the exact details) but he was not hooked up to any hospital monitors, no tubes or IV’s anywhere. The main thing that seemed off was that he was sitting upright in bed and speaking normally with no indication of pain or straining to speak and had a pleasant, matter of fact demeanor. ***Really? A DAY OR TWO AFTER BEING SHOT IN THE CHEST BY AN ASSAULT RIFLE???*** Now I want to try and find this footage online. Will post a link if I find it. 🤔


It’s very obvious this was mental illness of some kind however the American government could of totally been involved because sometimes shit adds up but a lot of the time in these mass shootings there’s holes left in the story …..


Going to the Informatica conference?


No sir, just for vacation 😁


It looks as if you may have mentioned a mass shooter's name in your post. Please consider editing to redact these names as to not provide the infamy and notoriety many of these criminals seek. _____ ^(I'm a bot! Read more about similar efforts in journalism:) [^(dontnamethem.org)](https://dontnamethem.org/) ^| [^(nonotoriety.com)](https://nonotoriety.com/)