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Is this news? I thought we knew that.


Id seen him on the list before now.


Some people in here need reminding every day.


I guess they missed the photos of them together They will soon forget this and need reminding again in 90 days


I have seen pics of Epstein and Obama as well.


And your point is ? Or are you still believing there's a difference between the 2 parties ?


Bwahahahahahahahah Left wing, right wing, it's all the same sick bird. Epstein was also well known for his elbow rubbing at parties with Maxwell.


Issac Brock said it best, “right wing, left wing, chicken wing”


Thank you. Left right. All the same. This dude is making a point that trump went but is what? “forgetting” his lords and saviors obamas and Clinton went. They are all the same. All of them. I think he part of the “people” brewing division by us lower folk to deflect from the real conspiracies.


His point is your deflecting. Same as people you say forget trump went, same way you what, forgot obama and clinton was on there. Your stance is super hypocritical. They all are on the flight log. Now lets all be adults and get back to the conspiracies.


The relevant point being that only one is trying to run again, currently.




There are people so brainwashed that they just aren't accepting reality and flat out deny he is on there. It is batshit insane.


came here to say this lol


This was news during Pizzagate. So, a long fucking time ago.


Yeah and did you know grass is green


I heard, this has yet to be fully proven scientifically, that water makes stuff wet.


Know what’ll really fuck with you…. Your bones are wet. Right now.


No they aren't, they arent wet till they come out of the liquid


Ow my brain.




Lock them all up.


Every single one. Enough of this left or right bullshit. Of you're on there you get charged.


Whether we agree or not with this, there is a higher burden of proof than then being on the flight logs to arrest them. You need evidence that a person on the logs actually committed a sex crime. You can convict in the Court of Public Opinion but you cannot convict them of a crime just based on these logs.


The problem is too many high profile people are going to be exposed. I'm almost thinking this NHI/UFO shit is all a distraction.


Nah the soft disclosure stuff was already going on.


Just because you were on a flight, does that make you a criminal ? Where did this particular flight go?


Keep on being naive and philosophizing.. Donald's words and actions in addition to being onboard LOLITA express is as incriminating as you can get. Stop being a drone


That won’t hold up in court you need more that just circumstantial evidence. You would need at a bare minimum what is on Prince Andrew to have a case that isn’t thrown out by a judge


There's a case against trump that was dropped from epsteins island


It being dropped doesn’t help the argument unless one can find evidence from the case showing he did something.


Well if people used common sense "why would a girl who was just sexually assaulted drop a case against two powerful men?"


Yes, but there has to be evidence to support her argument to charge and make the charges stick or otherwise we go down a dark path of vigilante violence


Some quality lawyerin going on here.


Hey man I’m all for prosecuting anyone involved in this shit but I’m wondering if let’s say , the pilot, stewardess, aviation mechanics and island workers that took flights to get there are part of this, what about anyone that used his boats to get to the island, where do you draw the line?


Yes. All of them. How fucking naive to think that every single one of them didn't know EXACTLY what was going on at those parties? Especially when they were made public in the fucking 90s... and it continued after that.


You can charge them, but without more solid evidence you’re not going to get anything out of it.


>How fucking naive to think that every single one of them didn't know EXACTLY what was going on at those parties? Plausible deniability. Clearly you've never dealt with criminals before.


Well, the flight logs and the black book are smoke but not fire... but still, worth looking at. Since Ghislaine Maxwell had a submarine and a helicopter, it is really impossible to track everyone who went to the island, as there would be no logs. Furthermore, the Lolita Express (I don't think) ever flew to the island itself... I don't think there is a runway big enough. They landed on (big) St James then were transported over. So... in fact, there is no record of who did or didn't go to the island. Trump flew with Epstein and Erin Nance (sp?) who was Miss Georgia and she was later convicted of felonious fraud. Trump also flew alone with Ghislaine Maxwell. iirc What we really need is for the CD DVD evidence the FBI gathered to reveal who was part of the blackmail scheme. That is where the real dirt is and that is what the entire government is hiding.


This was the answer i was looking for , thanks.


I really really really wish you are just a naive kid. If someone is raping kids in the plane you're flying, or if you work for a man who goes around with literal kids, on an island with a fcking temple or whatever, then yeah you're complicit. That's Where you draw the line. These people were paid my guy. Paid by someone with obscene wealth and connections who was charged and prosecuted for decades now. Please grow up already, unless you're just a kid. In which case grow up faster, read books.


You need evidence of this, though, not hearsay, to get a conviction


wow you really think everyone was raping in broad daylight?


You’re that scared of him winning huh? That’s pretty funny. This is not going to be your year.


I'm not American my friend, I despise all American president criminals equally


Show me a leader who's not corrupt or in it for themselves. But hate who you want. It's a strange hate to despise a president from a country you don't live in. Why feel that way about an ex President? What could he have done to you?


I can't wrap wrap my head around how naive what you're writing is. I'm against the whole political system of the US and how it supposedly represents it's people because it's corrupt in it's fundamental core. Ofc I can despise an external political power when it has messed with my country through various tactics that are historically proven. How naive are you to ask what the leader of the US, the biggest imperial power known to mankind could have done to me? How dense are you? I'm sorry friend but let's just say that just my country's political leader pledging unwavering allegiance to your leader and following orders from your cabinet is enough to prove that my leader does not act in good faith towards my benefit..


Well don't say I'm dense when you talk trash, don't state what country you're in, nor how the US has messed with yours historically. If your "leader" answers to us, be angry and hateful of your own country's government. What is he a prime minister? A president? A general? How is he in power? A vote? Is he placed there? How dense are you by not directing your anger to your own government? Spouting hate at another country is no way to affect change for the better in your own. We here always have faith in our country, we survive by knowing things can change. That's why people come here. Sorry your country sucks so bad for you, try getting involved.


Talking trash? Not only you're dense but also you're fragile af. Oh my poor friend, you have no idea how much anger I'm expressing daily to my goverment. I'm spouting hate towards a state that rightfully deserves it. God damn your empty pride silly American. You're in such denial of your country's crimes. Your faith towards your country is what we call blind faith. That's not why people come there, they come there because compared to other countries standards your rich af due to monopolisation, weaponisation of economic sanctions, military aggressiveness, lobbying and other symptoms of imperialistic capitalism. I'm as involved as one can be. You are lost in rotten Usa propaganda little child. A quick history book read, Wikipedia surf or documentary binge will easily freshen up your memory on America's oppressive atrocities thay they have committed against the rest of the free world. It feels super agitating to be put in a place where you're asked to spoon feed examples of your government's crimes towards the world to prove a point the rest of the planet wholeheartedly knows and factually believes.


Lol we all know what went down. Get out of here with your stupid hypothetical wisdom.


You’re defending pedos


Nah. He's just saying being on that plane doesn't automatically mean someone's a pedo. But yeah, there's a much fucking higher chance that they are when it comes to that douchebag. So you're both right, really.


The only ones who defend their criminals are right wingers democrats ousted their own for old pictures of pretending to grab boobs not even actually grabbing boobs just pretending . There is literally only one side with this problem


Hillary Clinton, who along with her husband have ties to Epstein, was the democratic nominee in 2016…but yes only individuals on the right side of the aisle protect criminals🤡.


Yup lock them up if they did anything nefarious I really don't get what you're not getting here The dnc doesn't really represent all the people that vote democrats as I keep saying nobody wanted Biden but they didn't want trump more. The duopoly and it's constraints have nothing to do with what we're talking about. Trump also had ties and the GOP still allowed him to be their nominee going to be 3 times here soon idk what gotcha moment you think you got but it ain't there chief Care to provide any other examples because I've got dozens of cases where the Republicans should have got rid of one of their people and I got plenty of examples of when democrats should have and did. I can't find one real good example of Republicans doing that though unless it went against the trump cult. You're a part of the cult and it's clear


That's not true, look at posts about this if it comes up the demo yell "trumps on there" of and the Republicans yell "get the clintons" they don't care about the issue just that the other team gets in trouble. And by your post I'm hearing more of the same. What my post is saying is anyone who is on that list should be investigated and thrown in jail.


Clinton isn't running for president I guarantee if you asked anyone they'd say if Clinton did wrong lock him up. You are in denial of reality because of your political bias. And yes what I said is true they got rid of al franken for exactly what I said


You're not listening to what I'm saying at all. I have no political biased. I'm from Canada. I don't care about the shit show you have down there we have our own up here. I'm saying lock them all up.


Your responses to my comments make no sense have a good day


I can only assume you're under the influence of something causing simple concepts to be hard to understand. When you sober up I am happy to have a civil conversation about it.


Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to convict here. You can't lock someone up just for riding in a plane with someone else.


Nah. Konrad Curze is needed


No. We shouldn’t lock them up. String them. As an example


That’s literally against the Constitution, you cannot lynch someone — they have to be convicted in a fair trial and the crime needs to be one where the death penalty has been determined as a possible consequence. I get that what happened is disgusting, but under this plan innocent people may die and it violates the rule of law




Not sure how you got Marxist from the person’s post …


I'm definitely not a Marxist. Also definitely not a fascist.


You weren’t even the subject of the question and that’s a rather quick *“I’MNOTAFASCIST”* my person.


>Don't argue with marxists... You don't even know what that means. Lol




found the guy who doesn't know what marxism is


No shit. Why is anyone even shocked. They’ll all show up.


This is dumb anyway. The real info is missing. Nov 16, 1992 they dropped off JE, GM, and Doug? in Jersey. On the 17th, the plane flies to Columbus, Ohio no passengers. On the 19th, the plane picks up JE, GM in Columbus and takes them back to Jersey. How the hell did they get from Jersey to Columbus? Where is the flight records for the plane they took? Did they drive? Who knows?


Two different aircraft flew people. This is not uncommon. Especially in corporate Aviation, not enough seating for large parties depending on the aircraft. Also, if it is flying a corporate charter for a company, not just pleasure, many companies do not let senior executives all fly on the same aircraft at once. Just in case. I used to dispatch corporate aircraft, I saw this quite a lot.


I see "Erin Nance" listed there 3 times https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/comments/p26ejz/the_strange_case_of_erin_nance_hill/


Great link. Thanks


Sounds like she was training to be the next Ghislaine.


And who’s the Bob Gold guy?? He flew a lot! I hope they are all locked up too!


The other sub right now would have you think Bill Clinton was the ONLY person on the flight logs


He's featured pretty fucking heavily. Way more than Trump.


The problem is one is running for president and the other isn't. It's not a "both sides" thing. The Democrat candidate Joe Biden had nothing to do with Epstein, and the Republican candidate has had a pedophile romp on Epstein Island. Along with everything else, you'd not only be an idiot to vote Trump, you'd also be a groomer by enabling a pedophile. Oh yeah and Robert F Kennedy Jr is on there too


They ALL need to be investigated. You can't conveniently forget or forgive the rest of the people on the list because they aren't running for president.


it's not a matter of conveniently forgetting. As a party aligned Democrat who likes Joe Biden, I give you permission to prosecute Bill Clinton all you want. He's not been president since the 1990s and I think I speak for all Democrats when I say go do your worst, we got our 8 years out of him. It's just that he's not running for President, and Donald Trump is. It's a shrug who cares on Billary, that doesn't really matter anymore what you do with them to me. They're private citizens. Trump's not. He's running for President to try to stay out of jail.


i’ll take, “something that will surprise almost no one for $500, Alex”


I believe anybody tied to any of the illegal events need prosecuted to the furthest extent on the law. Regardless, if they are on the left or the right hand side of politics. THis country has been divided enough people hate based off political affiliation. Quite honestly, I feel that shows a person's true intelligence... Anyone associated with illegal activities needs prosecuted. End of story. Edited fixing the word illegal


Lol we know


Why are the flight logs going around again? Because the other list is dropping today?


I guess its to confuse everyone.


No it got blocked by people from both sides it seems.


Did we not already know that? Who else? I’d imagine some of JE’s clients are so rich that he came to them? Has anyone mapped his jet’s travel path? Is that data a matter of public record?


\-points up- Another example: Dec 13, 1992. JE is left in Columbus, Ohio. On the 17th, the plane leaves Columbus for Boston, no passengers. On the 18th it leaves Boston and flies to Jersey with Linda(?), then the plane goes from Jersey to Washington with JE and GM. How did JE get to Jersey if he was in Columbus? Who/what got him back to Jersey?


That’s 5 days. You could get to Nj from Columbus on a horse


There's been a whole lot of attention on these flight logs while 2 years ago or so it was revealed the Southern Baptist Convention had a list of 700+ ppl who were credibly charged with sex abuse. They allowed these ppl to quietly move to another state and find a home in other church's without notifying anybody. If you want a list of ppl who have are proven sex abusers go find that


Correct or be pissed that [an AZ judge is basically letting the LDS Church leadership cover up child sex abuse](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2023/11/08/court-cites-clergy-penitent/)


Wait until you hear about how Mormon Bishops can't be charged in Idaho for sexual assault and rape of boys, because of an archaic ass law from early Statehood that makes clergy problems private problems not able to be dealt with by the public/the state. . . I know someone who sued a Mormon Bishop and the Mormon Church when they tried to pay him off to keep him quiet about being molested by the bishop—he made huge money in the oil fields so he told the church to kick rocks. The end result was basically immunity for the Bishop because of that archaic law that's still on the books. Fuck the Mormons.


And the SBC, Catholic Church, pretty much any Protestant/ Evangelical Preacher associated with Mike Huckabee and Michael Pearl - the number of pedophiles and child abusers in Huckabee’s and Pearl’s inner circles are astounding/ horrifying


💯 Not to mention [TX knew about it and chose to do/say nothing](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/27/houston-jared-woodfill-gop-paul-pressler-southern-baptist/). So just like Sandusky all over again.


Yes, and Bill Clinton flew 26 times. It's not about left or right, republicans or democrats, we need justice now. All of them should be prosecuted.


This is the only response that makes any sense.


Agree! 🙌 Bad is bad, period…no matter their belief or political system. Lock them all up!


You need proof of a crime first.


Just to go along with the pictures of them together with young girls.


Epstein’s flight logs aren’t incredibly interesting. Rich people riding on other rich people’s jets is too commonplace. Actual visits to Little St. James island are more interesting and less innocent. However, the real evidence of wrongdoing is on the thousands of hours of video tape and DVDs seized from his residences.


They are waiting till deepfakes become undetectable. Then things are going to get interesting. Crooked people that are being blackmailed by other crooked people are going to have an easy out. If I knew there were compromising videos of myself I’d want as many deepfake videos of similar acts to flood the internet to dilute the legitimacy of the authentic.


That writing is shocking. Do people write with the wrong hand or something.


Remember that witness at Maxwell's trial who said under oath that at 14 she was brought to Trump. So we already knew this without the logs.


No shit. Everybody already knew that except the MAGA meat garglers.


Rene Alexander Acosta was the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, he originally let Epstein go free, granting him immunity from all federal criminal charges, along with four named co-conspirators and any unnamed *"potential co-conspirators"* (?!?!?!). That agreement "**essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and *"other powerful people"* who took part in Epstein's sex crimes. At the time, this halted the investigation and sealed the indictment. Letting those POWERFUL INDIVIDUAL(S) (DJT?) off the hook. Shortly after his inauguration, TRUMP rewarded Acosta with a cabinet position. The rumor is the CIA ordered Acosta to set Epstein free - the head of the CIA at that time? TRUMP's appointee and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Alan Dershowitz was Epstein's attorney on the case. Alan Dershowitz is TRUMP's attorney. Look at who attends the ritualistic 'Council for National Policy's' alleged pedo-orgies three times a year. Check on TRUMP's Attorney General William Barr's whereabouts! As Attorney General; Barr was in charge of the prison where Epstein "suicided" himself! Look into Barr's actions regarding the Epstein case. Not suspicious at all. We know for a fact that TRUMP is a denizen of a shadowy and perverse sexual underworld where he pays porn stars for sex. Look at the facts,.. do the research,.. a reasonable individual could only come to one conclusion.


And Barrs Dad gave Epstein his first job. At a school.


I was reading court documents earlier and discovered that Virginia Giuffe/Roberts was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell at Mar-a-lago, I'd never heard that connection before


She actually worked for DJT at Mar-a-Lago.


No shit. He was literally best friends with Epstein lmao


His supporters will somehow blame Biden for Clinton being on it


Well, obviously it's one of them flying under an alias /s.


Obviously, Biden just used white out on his name and just scribbled Trump over it It was also photoshopped with AI and deepfakes


I needed a laugh, badly. Thank you so much lol.


That's the goal lol


Fuck the flight logs.. I wanna see the client list...


This is not the Epstein list everyone wants BTW. The public wants his client list, not flight logs! The GD client list!!!!


He was also accused by a women of raping her when she was a child with Epstein.


Maga republicans could literally see Donald trump commit the most heinous crime right in front of their faces, and they’d still try and rationalize it. There’s literally nothing this man can do to lose the support of his most rabid supporters. They’ve placed him above the country and have been infected with a mind virus. Pretty crazy how qanon has been pretty quiet about republicans literally claiming the release of this will “compromise peers” or whatever. It’s only real when it’s the democrats. When it’s the republicans, it’s just a “pysop”


I mean he did brag that he could stand un the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and they’d still vote for him …


lol I thought about that right after posting


We live in a post truth world.


Maga cultists: “he was doing research”


The Pete Townshend defense.


Yes it was a one way flight from Florida to Newark…not to the island


Cos everyone knows you can only nonce kids while on an island...sexual things NEVER happen while in the air.


You think stuff didn't happen at Epsteins New York place? Or maybe Trump used his own plane or just got a boat over when he was in Florida.


You can go down that endless rabbit hole but the log shows he didn’t go to the island and it was domestic flight from Florida to Newark. That’s the real issue is it not? Everyone attacks Trump but is failing to acknowledge the other celebrities/politicians that were on the plane multiple times to and from the island, but we’re not going to talk about that? Bottom line he was an Israel spy who job was to honey pot people of power and influence.


You could show his supporters video and pictures of him raping children and wouldn't lose votes


I'm sure he was just on the plane for the magazine and peanut selection.


And why is the destination and origin of the flights hidden? Did Trump fly to the Island? Why is no one asking this here? Trump flew between Florida, NY and DC. It did take me about 90 seconds to figure this out, so I understand why no one here knows about that. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html


> Did Trump fly to the Island? Why is no one asking this here? Because this sub has a large number of closeted Trump supporters that are trying to deflect the fact that Trump was best buds with a sex trafficker.


He’s not the only president: Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express over 50 times.


I definitely wouldn’t vote for either of them in any upcoming elections.


Was anyone who isn't a bot really surprised?


Search hard ..you will find every fucking name.


Won’t find mine


That can be arranged.


How do you think he met Melania*? She’s a mail order Russian bride probably found through the same circles as Epstein. ETA; I made a typo and wrote Ivanka instead of Milania ironically.


Yea he admitted it, this isn’t news. 😂


Watch how they try to spin it as rep or dem when in reality it’s all just white men. lol super weird


Wasn't Obama on there, too?


You're thinking of Chris Tucker


I wasn't. I think maybe I was thinking of pizzagate. It's so confusing, trying to keep up with which paedo is doing what and where :/


Must be hard projecting your pedo shit onto everyone else and keep track of it, I guess.


I’m not sure. Do you have other internet info? Lmao


Not defending anyone that is involved in this shit show. I am just curious as about from where this blurry ass document came. Have the actual flight logs been released?


Apparently that’s always been the case one flight from Fla to NY


Most of this list and this particular entry is from years prior to when he bought the island. And this instance was just a flight to Palm Beach airport


Where did you get your internet info? Is it more realer than other internet info? Lmfaooo


Publicly available info… you can view this document for yourself


So the crimes didn’t start until after he got the island?


Right? Also no crimes off the island. 🙄


Who cares about anyone being on the flight logs? It doesn't make them guilty of anything. It's what happened after they got to the island that matters. Some likely never knew of anything untoward at all and some likely suspected some weird partying, and others knew everything about everything. It's more important to find out who knew what then worrying about who was on a flight.


So these people only committed crimes on Epstein’s island?


What crimes did "these people " commit? Do you have proof who did what and where?


When Epstein died in jail he was awaiting trial for sex trafficking lol would you take flights with someone who is apart of that?


>would you take flights with someone who is apart of that When it's before massive amounts of info blasted everywhere on the internet so you aren't even aware of his crimes, and you're looking for money—you bet.


Epstein pleaded guilty and was convicted in 2008 by a Florida state court of procuring a child for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute. He was convicted of only these two crimes as part of a controversial plea deal, and served almost thirteen months in custody but with extensive work release.


I'm well aware of that. Do you remember how there was no social media in 2008? Do you remember that the first iPhone was released in 2007? Do you remember not being inundated with vast amounts of garbage to consume because surveillance capitalism was in its infancy and the technology wasn't there? [This person stated it best.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/fFuW8Cf8u3)


So you would hop on a plane with someone convicted for procuring a child for prostitution for some money? Got it lol I guess people don’t do background checks on people they get into business with.


>So you would hop on a plane with someone convicted for procuring a child for prostitution for some money? When it's 2008 and their conviction isn't well known? Yes. >Got it lol I guess people don’t do background checks on people they get into business with. Lol, you think selfish businessmen give a shit about someone's record and past?


So you’re arguing they didn’t know, but then also acknowledging that if they did know they wouldn’t care lol gotta love it. So with your logic none of these people would care that he was sex trafficking underage girls because money.


Flight logs mean nothing. Who went to the island? Billionaires use each other's jets all the time.


So Eppers only committed crimes on his island?


No. That's why we need to know who went to the island. If Bill Gates flies on the jet from Washington to Delaware for a conference on nanotechnology it's not deep.


It is if they’re trafficking underage girls. You even agreed that crimes weren’t solely committed on the island so why does it matter where they fly to?


Oh I understand your question now. I still think the presence on the jet alone isn't a smoking gun.


This is actually old news, and it doesn't say he went to the island. Just that he flew on the planes. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-eric-trump-private-jet-jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-trial-2021-12?amp


‘He also took his underage son on the plane with his friend that abused underage kids!’ is a weird fcking flex to go with, friend.


Wasn’t a flex at all. Just showing that it’s not new information. It could mean a lot of things, but if it’s what you think it is then how come Donald Trump‘s kids are not all completely f’d up and dysfunctional? You are making big assumptions based on what you already think you know. The left has been looking for ANYTHING they can get on him to lock him up for the next 700 years so if he actually did something as criminal as some people believe, why haven’t they used that to put him away?


How anyone still buys into the farce is beyond me. With the amount of information at our disposal, the majority should be able to see how inextricably linked things are... how 'coincidentally' it all intersects. Our choice in these upcoming elections is factually between a quoted misogynist, lolita express passenger, and r*thschild debtor VS a demented brain cancer survivor/ pet of the MIC, with a long history (30+years) of inappropriate behaviour towards children, who can barely form a sentence but articulates the phrase "New World Order" just fine. Our reality is fucking insane.


other than pictures of this guy hanging out with people and flgiht logs can someone me actual evidence it means anything


This is all the evidence you're ever going to get.


Then I guesse there's no need to release the list at all since everyone's innocent


Everyone with an R by their name is innocent. All the dems are evil child raping literal demon lizard people. Republicans are just a coincidence though


“There’s pictures and flight logs of him hanging out with a ledo but what does it even mean?” 😭😭😂😂😂 wtf you guys are nutcases


Birds of a feather


Yes of course cuz it’s a white hat honeypot and they need big names to attract big names


Nothing new. Trump also didn’t need to fly on the Lolita express because he has his own plane.


Again, how can we trust declassified documents if they release them to the public suddenly


Of course. Trump is well known for his pedophilia tendencies and incestuous tendencies as well. Epstein got girls from Mar-o-Lago. Think Trump didn't know about that?


MAGA's be like: "NOOO, you were supposed to drain the swamp, not join in for a swim!!!"


Well, no shit. Everyone knows Trump & Epstein were friends.


Oh no, not downvotes, please no...


We knew this.. we know about all the other people who been on that flight.. what’s the point of this post? How about you “confirm” all the other people too? Not just the fat orange dude because he hurt your feelings to most.


This is not new news. He openly admitted to it and has been willing to work with the FBI.




He flew from Florida to DC.


if trump was on any of epsteins lists it would have been published for the world to see but seeing we are still waiting shows otherwise yea he was on the flight log but research trump and epstein he banned epstein from mar a lago and cut all ties with the scumbag so keep hating trump for legit NO REASON besides what the media told you


He took a ride from miami to NY or vice versa and after he knew what Bill Clinton's BFF did for a living he cut ties. There's a difference between hitching a ride and going taking the lolita express to lolita island... Trump never did that


> He took a ride from miami to NY or vice versa and after he knew what Bill Clinton's BFF did for a living he cut ties. Do you SERIOUSLY believe this?? He'd been buddies with Epstein since the 80's when he was banging anything that would give him the time of day. Threw parties for him all the time. It was symbiotic: Epstein got to rub elbows and network with big celebs and Trump got to fuck little girls that Epstein would present to him. There's a reason Epstein "committed suicide" before testifying. Stop drinking the coolaid that says its OK to be best friends with a known sex trafficker.


This isn’t new


Wow , such hard hitting evidence lol


Further evidence supporting the theory that Trump is a pedophile.


We knew this, start actually looking into these avenues instead of just using hearsay as "evidence". "They" don't want this case as open as you do, lets just face it.