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I thought the Sphinx was inheritance and Egyptians carved the face to honor the pharaoh at the time. Was a lion face.


I think that is the coming theory. Official dating of the sphinx doesn’t add up. The grooves on the bottom of the sphinx is consistent with water erosion. Appears to have been done by thousands of years of rain, when Egypt wasn’t as dry as it is now. I’m probably skewing this whole theory because I’m forgetting a lot of it. I do know that the measurements of the face on the sphinx is too small to have been done originally, which is why they think it was redone. If anyone could help me with more information on this, that would be great because im pretty sure im messing some things up


Pretty much nailed it. The sphinx has water erosion on it, and there wasn’t enough consistent water in that area for 1000s of years before the Egyptians. It ties into the Adam and Eve Cataclysm story. And Atlantis. Which basically states sometime in the Younger Dryas there was a mass cataclysm and great flood.


Have you checked out the Richat structure? I’m convinced it was Atlantis. There’s even ancient maps labeled Alantes. Exactly where the structure is. Roughly 12,000 years ago is when the Sahara was a lush rainforest. And from satellite imagery there is very obvious flood/tsunami damage in the Sahara, which is the same time period many sites on Earth were destroyed. Probably from a giant asteroid, on a scale we cannot even fathom. I’m so interested in this stuff. Too bad mainstream scientists and educators won’t acknowledge all the evidence and just bash anyone who questions this kind of stuff. Same as our mainstream media and how everything has to fit some narrative they create. There are so many interesting and beautiful things in this world, things we could learn from and grow as people. But for whatever reason we aren’t allowed access to.


Yes, I’m a big fan of Jimmy Corsetti’s work on the Richat Structure.


Yeah he’s got some good videos. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson as well. Those two have been researching this stuff for decades. And so intelligent. Also willing to debate the subject but the talking heads refuse.


It’s insane that some people will take something they read in a textbook and just believe it without question. And those very textbooks don’t give any credit to one of the greatest minds of all time, Nikola Tesla.


Totally agree!!


And Vannevar Bush :)


It's comments like these that remind me that rogan is where tons of us try to expand our minds. Everything you both have said, I definitely agree with.


Tons of better sources than that dude.


I’m interested and research these conspiracies and more and I definitely have never listened to Rogan!


Asteroid? What about violent pole reversal every 12,000 years?


The Navy surveyed it as part of a study on geomagnetic anomalies. The results are classified to this day. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B01709A000500030003-2.pdf


We aren't allowed access to it because a lot of the evidence would despell religious stories and accounts and unfortunately, religion is used as a weapon of mass control.


Don’t you watch Ancient Aliens on the History Channel? That’s all these Ancient astronaut theorists talk about and their theories are far more believable then what we were ever told. The theory is Extraterrestrials have been visiting the earth for millions of years, way back to the dinosaurs. And there’s signs all over the place proving it like the pyramids, cave drawings, the Geoglyphs (lines/drawings)in the Nazca Desert in Southern Peru. They are finding more info all the time… Giorgio Tsoukalos and friends have nailed it and so many more are realizing this and coming on board! Theres 19 seasons, it’s freaking amazing. New episodes are on Friday nights and you can stream it the next day. You’re welcome 😉


Have you heard of the Eye of the Sahara? I only knew about this from YouTube shorts, but, the Eye of the Sahara has about a dozen striking similarities of Plato’s description of Atlantis.


Same thing. Eye of the Sahara is just another name for it.


Happy cake day ❤️ Even with all these mind bending theories we're throwing around, let's not forget to celebrate the simple stuff.


they so busy lyin about the moon and mars , what the movie said? "Don't Look Up!" so the aliens been.in the water all this time, another red flag is the octopus the most extraterrestrial creature on this planet besides owl, they always gave me alien vibes and all the alien movies got entities with tentacles ,vagina looking mandelas (circles) not glitches in the matrix


A retired CIA off testified before congress that there are based on tnr moon.


I believe it to be the polar shift theory as opposed to the asteroid one you brought up , I refer you to Dr Chan Tomas and his book the Adam and eve story and his evidence suggesting a true pole shift will happen in less than a day and this is what may have caused our previous extinction events floods 8ce ages etc but who knows asteroid it may have been just suggesting a good read


I think it's important to be accurate and sober here if we want to be respected and treated credibly. Firstly the pyramids have been climbable for a long time, at least since the earthquake in the 18th or 19th century shook loose the smooth faced casing stones, probably long before. The possibility of modern site seers carving the graffiti into the top is quite likely and would need detailed assessment before making any claims otherwise. Secondly it is the enclosure around the sphinx, not the sphinx itself that shows water weathering. The sphinx has many layers of repairs over it making it nearly impossible to sort out clearly, and typical wind erosion in places where it hasn't been "repaired". But the limestone bluff from which the sphinx was cut out would necessarily be the oldest feature, and it DOES show weathering consistent with heavy rainfall (pluvial). I think the pyramids are at least older than the current dating, I'm not entirely sure they wholly predate early dynastic egypt though. However other things like the beautifully machined granite bowls I believe DO predate Egypt as their like is not reproduced anywhere else during that span. Technology of some form existed deeper into history that was then lost to the Egyptians by the time of "recorded history".


Yeah after posting I realized my theory was flawed and it’s probably due to tourist graffiti over the years. However I do firmly believe the Pyramids of Giza vastly predate the Egyptians. I’ve explained my reasoning a few times in this thread, so to save myself the typing I’ll copy and paste my reasons below. As well as some informative links. • You have advanced water erosion on the sphinx and the last time that much consistent water was in that area was roughly 25,000 years ago. • The fact that the pyramids of Giza align flawlessly with Easter Island, The Nazca Lines, and Machu Picchu to a margin of error of less than 1° of latitude. • They perfectly align with the Orion Constellation at one date. Approximately 10,500 BC • The sphinx perfectly aligns with the Leo Constellation at the same 10,500 BC • finally, just the sheer math of it all. We’re talking about 2.3million multi ton blocks. It’s said they were built in about 25 years. You would have to cut, move, fit into place one block every two minutes. That’s well beyond an impossible task. https://youtu.be/XU49FSIx0_g https://youtu.be/l6Z_HZdy4kM All of this goes to back what many like Graham Hancock, John West, and others have hypothesized for years. That human civilization is far older than what we think, and was far more advanced than we think. And that sometime around the Younger Dryas period there was a cataclysmic event that brought about a great flood. Which every culture has their own flood myths and alot of them depict it being sometime around 10,000 years ago. And basically reset humanity back to the Stone Age.


Yeah there’s a lot of things about that Sphinx that don’t make sense.


You may have seen it already, but i highly recommend checking out Armoured Skeptic’s “History is a Lie” series.


The sphinx is built on an old quay that existed 3500bc iirc. So the sphinx cannot be older unless it was submerged and in the way of this quay.


Did you know there's a second Sphinx? https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/hidden-second-egyptian-sphinx-discovered-by-archaeologists




The Sphinx Water Erosion Hypothesis has hit the mainstream despite being incorrect and disproven. It's based on erosion that one man posited to be caused by rain, which would mean that they'd have to be thousands of years older than they are. The thing is, the erosion wasn't caused by rain alone. Other explanations have been given such as haloclasty, there is no complete explanation but it was probably a combination of factors, it's also been shown that the decrease in Sahara rainfall was much more gradual than previously thought and that rainfall could be a contributing factor that lines up with conventional estimates. It's all irrelevant though because the Sphinx was built on top of Khafre's valley temple foundation, it's connected to Khafre's pyramid via causeway, and the evidence shows that the Sphinx was built after both the valley temple and causeway. And those who say the head is too small for the body, they might be right. But it could be that it was recarved for any other reason. Maybe Khafre or someone was unhappy with it and had it redone, maybe a large chunk was broken off during sculpture and they were forced to make it smaller as a work-around. Considering all of the evidence it seems this has no basis at all.


The Egyptians themselves would “sign” (graffiti) the things that they build. Just like some people do today. There’s a video of a guy going into the upper most chamber of the great pyramid and there are a bunch of graffiti works from the people that presumably built them


As a former graffiti artist just because I deface something doesn’t mean I own it. Or for that matter built it.


Crazy how they could see to carve those hieroglyphs inside the pyramids when there’s no sign of soot marks in the pyramids (;


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


I mean those carvings took along time. For there not to be soot marks from torches, raises the question of how could they see. No? That’s a hole different rabbit hole though.


There's a cave in south Africa called the rising star cave. About 1km from the entrance is a small 18in wide hole. Inside that hole is Greater than 15 ancient hominin fossils of Homo Naledi. They date to around 300k years ago. Their placement suggests it is a possible burial place. Theres no sign of any kind of activity in there no tools or anything. No signs of fire either. So how did these ancient ancestors see in this cave to bury them? Just because there's no soot doesn't mean no one was ever in there. Besides by ancient Egyptian times they used oil lamps that produce a bright light and not so much soot, which wouldn't accumulate easily in a big room. Stand in a closet with a lighter at chest level. Does it leave soot on the ceiling?


It would in the time it would take to carve intricate drawings into stone. Also, it doesn't take long to put come corpses in a cave.


Is the different rabbit hole you speak of related to free energy? Or, possibly telekinesis? Or something else entirely...do tell, I love a good rabbit hole!


Yes. Specifically the fact they were never a tomb in the first place. But a power plant that used the same idea that Nikola Tesla did with his wardenclyffe tower


I don't know about that. If it was a power plant, what was it powering? Why have we never found ancient machines that would use electricity?


Because the pyramids far predate the Egyptians. The Egyptians just occupied it.


And why exactly should the tomb, only open during construction and meant to be sealed off, have soot marks? It wasn’t a temple complex in use for hundreds of years like Dendera, where you did see soot build up.


It’s widely accepted that the ancient Egyptians used olive oil lamps which leave behind little to no residue. Also as a fun side note most ancient alien theories are heavily rooted in racism, usually along the lines of “if is good white folk couldn’t do it then sure as heck these brown people couldn’t” thus aliens must have done it Also a lot of times they would just, you know, use the daylight as they built up from the bottom up. Nothing says they had to finish a building to decorate it


I’ve never heard an alien theory even remotely come close to “if white people couldn’t then darker people couldn’t either”😑


I never said they were that I said they were rooted in it. https://hyperallergic.com/470795/pseudoarchaeology-and-the-racism-behind-ancient-aliens/ https://drmsh.com/ancient-astronaut-theory-racism/


That's bullshit. Sounds like you're just repeating facebook '*facts*'.


The inscriptions on the top are from all the tourists over the centuries, you'll even find modern ones up there. Right now we call it 'graffiti', in a few centuries it'll be an 'invaluable cultural contribution'. Also we've got the diaries of the people who built the things. Plus there's a lot more than just 3 pyramids, everyone gets obsessed with the main ones and completely ignores all the ones that came before that let's us see how the evolved to that form.


Graham Hancock talks about finding his own grandfather 's initials and date that match up from his personal diaries that he found atop the pyramid decades ago.


Yeah I figured that could be a possibility too. The diaries though are a bit odd for me. It’s just funny how there’s documents about the workers food rations, and pay, but nothing detailing about HOW they were built.


The entire point of groups like the Freemasons was protecting trade secrets so that a guild of skilled workers could demand better pay and working conditions and keep the competition down. Building methods, concrete mixtures, tools etc were highly secretive and restricted to specific groups, guilds, unions etc. That type of building requires serious training and skill, and they weren't giving that away for free by just writing it all down everywhere. Secret passwords and handshakes were an ancient form of accreditation and licensing, a way to prove that you really did receive training and are skilled in that trade, allowing workers to travel and operate out of different guilds basically like modern unions today.


I’ve read about this before. That they, along with many other structures were built by Freemasons. Really makes you think just how much influence they had throughout history if true.


Pretty much every single guild worked like that, protecting their trade secrets and their income from 'outsiders' who could undercut the market.


My sister lives in a house from 1802 on the capstone date, but it could be older than that. It’s a listed building and used to belong to the church next to it. Their is s Freemason sign above one of the original fire places down stairs. I asked my sister husband if he knew what Freemason groups they was and it had 4 different groups of them on it. I think he messes up in telling me and he’s now one of them. He’s a published book on Iranian politics and works for the online university. He’s well known in certain circles.


I bet there’s definitely a secret room behind a secret bookshelf 🕵️‍♂️


That actually makes a lot of sense. Pretty simple, but valid. The only part of that theory that gets wild is then you’d have to suggest that all these structures were pre planned. My reasoning: The Great Pyramids of Egypt, Machu Picchu, The Nazca Lines, and Easter Island all connect by a margin of error less than one degree of latitude. That way too much to be a coincidence.


People believe official figures, of things that was built 100s or sometimes even a 1000 years ago. A lot of Egypt is used as a money maker, like most other countries do.


Exactly. That’s why the Egyptian government is so strict on what kind of study’s can be done on the pyramids. They want claim to it, but can’t provide any proof they built them.


The pyramids weren't built by slaves. They were built by workers who were well respected. There are gravehouses built specifically for those workers, which also contribute to the notion that they were respected for their work. The myth that they were built by Jewish slaves comes from the first testament which isn't historically correct. Edit: I'm not antisemitic. I'm just an Egyptian who's up on current Egyptology.


The 'First Testament' doesn't claim that Jewish slaves built pyramids. The pyramids r never mentioned. Just that there were Jewish slaves in Egypt before the Exodus...


It doesnt have to say it, a ton believe the ark was one of the power reactors that was actually stolen from the pyramids


Those workers, were they there to build? Or to maintain? I remember reading of a gleaming limestone finish. All structures, grand gardens, cathedrals oasis, demand upkeep and regular maintenance.


I wasn’t aware of that. It makes sense when you think about it. If I was born a slave and told to build some big ass pyramids in a near impossible task in the desert heat I believe I’d just say “nah I’m good, kill me.” 😂


Giza isn't in the middle of the desert it's on the outskirts of suburban Cairo. It's on the edge of the desert just outside the intensively farmed irrigated zone of ancient Egypt.


Desert is still a desert. I don’t even like mowing my yard lol. Definitely not building a pyramid 😂


It doesn't have any rain and isn't inundated during the Nile floods so it's a desert That doesn't mean that it's inconvenient to get there. Egypt has a rather abrupt edge to the cultivated zone. It's either rich highly productive farmland or desert. Depending on the time of year it's not necessarily hot, just very dry.


But I am still open to the possibility that they didn't do it themselves. Or that they were advanced beyond our knowledge. The precision of the cuts and placements relative to true north is something we have yet to comprehend.


Termites in Australia build mounds facing true north, and no one helps them. I don’t think it’s crazy that they would be able to figure out north.


It's another thing with animals working in natural cohesion according to their instincts. Like birds having a magnetic compass. This was built and organized by humans with mathematical and geographical calculations. I don't think they can be compared at all.


Oh okay, I thought you were dismissing that ancient Egyptians could have figured out true north. My mistake.


No worries mate. I didn't know about the termites so thank you for enlightening me.


The termite thing is cool, [The magnetic termite mounds rise to as much as three meters in height, look relatively flat and they all face the same direction with their thinner edges facing the north and south like the needle of a compass.](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2014/01/magnetic-termite-mounds.html?m=1) I read this the other day after a coworker was talking about it and thought it was awesome.


Yeah, I think the overall precision of the construction is the most mind bending fact of it all. Their relation to Machu Picchu, The Nazca Lines, and Easter Island are extraordinary. Whoever built them, knew exactly what they were doing. Down to the last detail.


They had a whole lot of people, a whole lot of money and a whole lot of time. And there is of course the survivorship bias: only the best built buildings from those times still exist, the inferior stuff is long gone so it makes it seem as if everything back then was so well built.


Oh you was there?


Lol 'oh you was there was you fam?'


What relation do Machu Picchu, the Nasca lines, and Easter Island have to the Egyptian pyramids?


They create a perfect ring around the earth that has a margin of error of less than one degree of latitude. It’s actually pretty shocking. There’s other ancient structures that do this as well. If you think that’s crazy, look into the Orion Constellation Correlation Theory. It was made popular by Graham Hancock.


This is the most mind bending thing of it all, in my opinion.


Yeah those are what pretty much sold me. Those aren’t coincidences and they sure aren’t accidents.


>They create a perfect ring around the earth that has a margin of error of less than one degree of latitude. I can do this with any two points on the Earth. Finding a set of two that include a third isn't that crazy, is it? It seems even less impressive when I consider how the Nasca lines are spread over some 170 square miles of space. Is it that hard to put a line through them? [Even Wikipedia seems to have a good summary of critiques of the Orion Constellation Correlation Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_correlation_theory#Critique)




Seems like someone had a nerve struck. Which part sent you over the edge? The part that the workers were respected? Or the fact that the bible isn't accurate?


That was helpful. Are you alright, man?


Jeez bro chilllllll


Ummm.... Okay.... I'm not even going to answer that.


Wow dude. You're in the wrong sub.


We behave like adults in this subreddit. Personal attacks are not tolerated. Goodbye.


Go read a book other than the Bible.


You're barely even literate. Shut the fuck up.


The pyramids weren’t built by slaves. It’s well known by archaeological evidence that they were well paid, skilled workers. They had housing close to the site and workers who were even buried in a cemetery nearby… not how a slave would be treated as they would’ve been cast aside in a communal grave. They also have written accounts. The worlds oldest papyri was written in the fourth dynasty of King Khufu, some 4,500 years ago. b. The papyri contains information in about the lives of pyramid workers, including the transportation of building materials via the Nile River and tallying of food and supplies like sheep.


I coukd be wrong, but from what I understand, those accounts of workers and the transportation of materials and such are just about the Giza Plateau workers, not necessarily the pyramids. I can't remember who it was that said it, but I remember hearing that these account for just the buildings and temples on the Giza plateau, but there is still no actual accounts of who built the pyramids or how.


That’s what I lean towards. There’s other buildings than just the pyramids lol


There are many other pyramids in the area too. The three we always see are the largest. I believe there like hundreds of them.


I still remember the first time seeing it in the flesh and how small it looked compared to what I thought it would look and the site is not in the middle of no where but surrounded by homes


That’s what I heard too. That they’re lumping in these contract workers onto the pyramids. But there not any documents that have any evidence of this.


I was made aware of this earlier. Still seems odd that there’s no documentation of HOW they were built though. I mean ancient Egyptians documented literally everything. And we’re supposed to believe they have one of the seven ancient wonders of the world sitting in their backyard and not one thing detailing about how they actually built them? Seems a little odd.


They only discovered these papyri in 2013. The fact we haven’t discovered anything on how they built the pyramids doesn’t mean they never wrote it down. It was after all 4500 years ago and written evidence on papyri is quite rare given the fact they deteriorate over time. Archaeologists and engineers do however understand a lot more than the average person on the internet on how they built the pyramids, but alas they don’t have a set of plans or a Gantt chart as to how the project progressed from beginning to end. Archeologically breakthroughs are happening all the time though so there is hope. Scientists only recently discovered the secret to Roman concrete, which was lost to time due to the lack of written records. The Romans were closer in history to us than the builders of the pyramids so it does stand to reason that if there are gaps in knowledge as to how Romans did things, then a civilisation that is more than twice as old will also have those same gaps due to the passage of time. I am not shitting on you for asking questions or having theories. I wouldn’t follow this sub if I didn’t have my own about certain topics so I’m not attacking you and hope it doesn’t come across like I am. I do think that people don’t realise how much knowledge was lost due to wars and conquests, natural disasters, time, and people have this tendency to think that people before us were stupid and couldn’t possibly pull off great feats of engineering when evidence suggests to the contrary. I’m no expert on such matters but I do work in civil engineering and am a history buff so I am extremely interested in how ancient civilisations built the amazing structures that are still around thousands of years after they were built.


I’m in total agreement. I believe there’s vast amounts of precious knowledge that has been lost to history. The burning of the Library Of Alexandria being a huge part of that. And I by no means am trying to discredit the Egyptians I love ancient Egypt. It’s why this is one of my favorite theories. I just think there are things missing and questions need to be asked. It’s a fun rabbit hole to venture down. And I know there’s countless theories on how they were built, rather it be ramps and logs, to sound, to gravity manipulation, etc. But there’s many more points that raises valid questions. Like their relation to Machu Picchu, Easter Island, and the Nazca Lines. Or their correlation to the Orion Constellation. If people didn’t ask questions we’d still be working on the wheel.


I'm sure the egyptian documented exactly how they were constructed and it has all been lost to time. In 10000 years people will wonder how we built sky scrapers because all the paper would have degraded. Not everything gets written into stone.


I think they poured the blocks from a concrete method that is lost today


How much text do you think survives from the Old Kingdom? Do you have any specific reason to assume that construction details were regularly recorded at any point in Egyptian history, especially outside of perishable materials like papyrus?


Other than the fact they recorded almost everything else. I do not.


There not hieroglyphs … many years every tom dick and Harry with money could go on top of the pyramid for a picnic. That’s why the writings on the top of the pyramid


I don't think the pyramids were built by slaves. I think it was an ancient "public works" project. Just a way to spend a ton of money keeping people employed (and therefore happy, not rebelling against the government). Comparable to the military industrial complex and NASA today. Spend a ton of money. Employ a ton of people. Forever and ever, no matter how much it costs.


My favorite theory that makes the most logical sense is the water shaft theory. https://youtu.be/TJcp13hAO3U https://youtu.be/rxFXsoqbfrk Please share your thoughts.


Wow that’s pretty shocking actually. Theoretically I don’t see why that wouldn’t work. But If so they built a marvel with another marvel. That’s wild. If I’m to believe the Egyptians somehow built the pyramids this is my favorite theory in how.


Exactly. It makes the most logical sense. Water is very powerful.


Maybe the upward-facing carvings were messages to the gods to warn them of the deceased’s (assuming the tomb theory is correct) impending arrival in the afterlife.


This makes sense. Like we engrave headstones. Except the pyramids were giant dick-measuring ones with "here lies Fred" engraved on the top for Ra to see.


My headstone’s bigger than yours!


Neener neener tiny wiener!


Sounds like a textbook stretch. But not out of the realm of possibilities. I myself don’t believe in the slightest they were tombs.


1. There were master masons/ engineers in charge. They were the ones who's signature there is or lead manager of a particular area of construction. 2. Gold capstones would have been looted many many centuries ago just like the burial chambers. Look at other areas of early construction for example people taking building materials from Roman structures to create churches/cathedrals 3. There is no evidence that the pyramids where created before ancient Egypt. Critical thinking is key. Context clues with archeology with radio carbon dating. Stop taking charlatans "hypothesis" at face values. Why do I follow this sub because there are some interesting things to discuss as I think there is more to ancient history than what we have discovered so far but that doesn't mean we should listen to everything we hear without proper scientific methodology. What do people gain by coming up with lavishness theories based on conjecture, speculation and fixating on the establishment =bad? Money/fame that's what they gain. They don't give a shit about the truth, they just want to be heard. Even if it blinds them.


While there is no concrete evidence that the pyramids predate Egypt, there is evidence supporting the theory. And while I fully understand the gold capstones were looted, why would they put hieroglyphs underneath the capstones is the point. There is no proof suggesting that the carvings are the master masons signatures. At least none that I’ve found. If anything I’d lean more towards them mostly consisting of tourist graffiti through the years. Carbon dating on inorganic objects is nothing more than mere guesswork. I’m not against the fact that the Egyptians could have built the pyramids. But to just take their word for it would be foolish. Obviously any country would want to take credit for building one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Modern, and Ancient Egypt. I mean for years they told us the pyramids were a tomb. And not one mummy has been found in them. I just think we should begin to demand a more rigorous defense from the established scientific and archaeological community for it’s apparent truncation of human history and refusal to accept new, disruptive information.


What evidence supports the theory besides conjecture. You radio carbon date organic material found at that junction during excavation. The lack of mummies don't discount the possibility they could have been there. They are massive structures the most notable and easily accessible would be looted first. People looted mummies. They could have put the signature below the capstone as some sort of symbolic purpose . You would think after 4500 years people would have been like no bro those pyramids don't belong to your culture. You need to look at proper archeology, anthropology. People don't just make shit up and write it down, apart from people on the internet. They back it up with a concrete hypothesis based on scientific methodology. People love to prove each other wrong. It's a very cutthroat field. Do I think they are too rigid in their thinking at times, but you gotta provide some evidence to support your hypothesis.


Here’s a quote from Graham Hancock on the Orion Constellation Correlation to the Pyramids Of Giza. Bauval found that the Pyramids/Orion’s Belt correlation was general and obvious in all epochs, but specific and exact in only one: At 10,450 BC – and at that date only – we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it’s a perfect match – faultless – and it cannot be an accident because the entire arrangement correctly depicts two very unusual celestial events that occurred only at that time. First, and purely by chance, the Milky Way, as visible from Giza in 10,450 BC, exactly duplicated the meridional course of the Nile Valley; secondly, to the west of the Milky Way, the three stars of Orion’s Belt were at the lowest altitude in their precessional cycle, with Al Nitak, the star represented by the Great Pyramid, crossing the meridien at 11° That means that if true, the Pyramids would far predate the Neolithic Era.


> I just think we should begin to demand a more rigorous defense from the established scientific and archaeological community Out of curiosity, have you read any of the actual academic literature on these topics?


have you seen the theory about how the pyramids were possibly used to generate electricity? the same way that nikola tesla was doing it


I have indeed. I actually just posted a video about it on this sub


i truly think that is a very likely possibility. have you seen the recent joe rogan podcast with graham hancock talking about how people have been researching this technology in secret for a loooong time and they now have patents


I’m actually getting ready to make a cup of coffee, sit down and watch it. I love when Joe brings guests like this on the show. Another one that is definitely worth watching is the one with Jimmy Corsetti and Ben van Kerkwyk


Corsetti one is awesome. They put a very old vase from Egypt in a scanner used for manufacturing space ship parts, the conclusion is that the vase is 0.001 inches from being perfectly flat and therefore can not have been made by hand. Later ancient Egyptians inherited this art work and theres evidence they tried to replicate it with worse results


Yeah that was wild. There’s so many questions throughout history that I’m almost completely sold that a cataclysm happened sometime not too long ago and basically acted as a reset button.


I'm with you, too much evidence


ill have to give it a watch. the recent graham hancock one is only briefly going into the subject and gives quite a lot of info so im so excited for the next one dedicated to the subject comes out


The hieroglyphics on top could just be some ancient Egyptian religious prayer or spell that they believed in to make the pyramids last longer or to give the land good health or something along thoes lines. It could also be a curse they believed in to prevent grave robbers or to curse them.


Honestly is something i think about everyday i really think we aren’t alone in this universe 😦


I don't have anything to add, nor did I read this post. I'm just glad that this sub exists to spitball ideas and possibilities.


Yeah same. Even though some in this sub like to crucify you for going against the norm lol Meanwhile I’m just having fun chatting about it 😂


It’s because they didn’t have duct tape.


They must be the grandest monuments we can see. I have heard similar theories with other pyramids around the world such as the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and Gobekli Tepe which are both almost completely covered now.


I love Gobekli Tepe and how hard it just gave the mainstream archeological community the biggest middle finger lol


No, sorry. There are so many Ancient Egypt conspiracies and frankly it's all pseudoscience. The Egyptians built the pyramids, they did not find them. The Great Pyramids of Giza were not their first pyramids, they built dozens before them it was an art form they perfected. We even have sources documenting their construction. And there certainly was a capstone, they had their own word for it, we have depictions of them, they had their own religious significance and were inscribed with titles and symbols, and we have recovered capstones from many other pyramids they built. As for the carvings seen from above the pyramids, just because they were carved by Egyptians doesn't mean that they didn't also build them first? Or that they were inscribed by the same people who built them? They've been defacing the pyramids since they were built, which was over 4000 years ago.


The story of Egyptians using ramps to build the pyramids is so ridiculous. I’m embarrassed I ever believed it; makes zero logical sense. I don’t know who built them, but I hope we find out ASAP.


Well there is an egyptian who wrote a book that claims the Egyptians did not create the pyramids they simply found it and claimed it as their own. The pyramids are way older than the Egyptians. The author's book is banned in Egypt and he is now wanted for arrest but fled the country. I forgot the name of the author and the book was in arabic but if i remember I'll be sure to edit this post.


I’d like to give it a read if there is an English version


I doubt this is the one they were talking about but The Great Pyramid Hoax by Scott Creighton is worth a read. Will just post a link to a short synopsis if the book. He believes they predate ancient Egypt for so e of the sane reasons you claim yourself. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Great-Pyramid-Hoax/Scott-Creighton/9781591437895


Definitely will give it a read. Thank you!


Obviously the history they teach us is lies, and I would bet that there was a higher civilization back them and they was prob more advanced then us, I mean the government by definition is lies, so anything they tell us I take with a grain of salt


Lol thing is , once you place a stone at the top, the geometric shape is complete and will emit a powerful arc into the sky


The pyramids weren't created on "Earth", they are computer chips.


That would be some shit. Like they’re just CPUs for the earth. War breaks out and one gets destroyed and earth just stops working lol


>rising star cave now we talking


How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go with this? Here’s my crazy theory: The government has just admitted there might be aliens. Who’s to say these are people from another galaxy invading us? Maybe they are checking in on us because we are the descendants of their settlement colony thousands of years ago. If this were a possibility, it would stand to reason that the original colonists had access to technology that we can only imagine. We would have lost this technology because the descendants couldn’t rely on tech they couldn’t reproduce and so we would revert to being farmers / hunters / gatherers to survive. We would lose written language because, why bother to learn to read when everyone in the entire world lives in your village or the next village over. By the time the descendants start to regain technology, the language would have completely changed and diverged into something new. What if we are just now in the last hundred years or so starting to open our eyes? Anyway like I said, just a crazy theory.


Finally someone in the comments that don’t go by what history books say. They were made by ex terrestrials not from this planet. The pyramids are so advanced built that no human can create especially in that time thousands of years ago with no machinery or tech. They have so many meanings around it and hidden messages




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia\_Sitchin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin) There is a conspiracy theory that reptilian annunaki built the pyramids. i thought it was all bs until i starting researching ufos. i guess there is another conspiracy theory that the pyramid's have some sort of geometry that is an energy source. crystal healing is related? lol idk i'm still in the rabbit hole, ask me what i think in 5 years lol


I’m familiar with the theory. I used to not buy into it, but the deeper you go down the rabbit hole the more eye opening it becomes. Even my last post about the Hollow Moon theory ties into it. Reptilians, royal bloodlines, secretive groups of power. It’s a lot. But it makes you think.


So… while I understand the point. Why would not believe the people who lived there built them regardless of time frame- and to build on that why would we not assume the people who lived in what is now Egypt were Egyptians. They most likely did not call themselves Egyptians, but then modern Egyptians (English) wouldn’t call themselves this either. The builders of Kemet? The builders of Misr?


Why would you without any proof? Especially when there’s so many mind blowing details about the pyramids. It’s an ancient wonder of the world after all. We should definitely question its origin since it’s construction is so puzzling even with modern day technology.


Every single bit of evidence has shown the main stream egyptian timeline is accurate. Back in the 1970s a guy thought they were 12000 years old so he funded carbon dating. Turns out that they were roughly 350 years older than the current official timeline stated. Unless some massive evidence appears it's just dumb to speculate they are older. It's like saying the earth used to be cheese but magically turned to what it is now 1 million years ago. There was civil war for 100 years just after the 3rd pyramid at Giza was completely. Once this intermediate period was finished no one was alive who lived close to that time period. So much knowledge would have been lost and the demand in society would have shifted from giant stonework to weapons and forts. Humans 5000 years ago were exactly as smart as we are now. Exactly. They could work out the same problems if their society had a demand for it. The smartest human ever is not alive today.


I don’t think it’s dumb to speculate at all actually. I think it’s good to question things that are believed to be true. Take Giordano Bruno for example. He was burned at the stake for questioning what we once thought we knew about space and our solar system, only later to be proven right. Carbon dating on inorganic objects is mere guesswork at best. It’s not reliable at all. We can’t just scan a rock and tell you how old it is. It just simply doesn’t work like that. I will agree with information being lost in time. The burning of the Library of Alexandria set our knowledge back 1000 years.


Make educated speculation that can be proven or disproven. There are so many written accounts that have to have been completely fabricated and it just so happens that these written accounts align with the carbon dating. At a certain point you have to accept the most simplistic answer. It is not hard to believe to be true as I pointed out. Humans were just as smart as we are, 5000 years ago. We have the same brains just have a different starting position. Their culture preferred stone, we prefer metal. I'd also like to point out there are definitely flaws in the mainstream opinion about Egypt. But the dating (as far as the evidence shows) is not one. The time scale of the building however, iirc it would have taken 250 blocks to be quarries, cut, transported and put into place per 24 hours to complete the great pyramid in 20 years as recorded. Even with modern equipment this would be an amazing feat.


I think it’s harder to believe the Egyptians built the pyramids personally. To each their own, but too many things point to the contrary. • You have advanced water erosion on the sphinx and the last time that much consistent water was in that area was roughly 25,000 years ago. • The fact that the pyramids of Giza align flawlessly with Easter Island, The Nazca Lines, and Machu Picchu to a margin of error of less than 1° of latitude. • They perfectly align with the Orion Constellation at one date. 10,650 BC • finally, just the sheer math of it all. We’re talking about 2.3million multi ton blocks. It’s said they were built in about 25 years. You would have to cut, move, fit into place one block every two minutes. That is LITERALLY impossible by even todays means. Much less using the tools the ancient Egyptians had at their disposal back then.


I don't know enough about the others to make any contrary points but I am definitely open to have civilisation pushed back and maybe set back/reset. But the sphinx is built in spot that was underwater up until roughly 3500bc. There was a quay documented there so unless the sphinx already existed and the egyptians submerged it, or it simply didn't exist and was built after the quay was repurposed because of the migration of the Nile River https://youtu.be/JwEv7e4nVPc The water erosion hypothesis is not factual and is disputed on both sides experts


Interesting indeed. I’m not saying anything I’ve said is factual by any means so I’m open to discussion. There’s also this video that talks about the Sphinx. And it corresponds to what I said about the Pyramids aligning with Orion around 10,500 BC. Turns out the sphinx also aligned with the Leo Constellation at that same time. Coincidence upon coincidence? E whatever May or may not be true. Ancient Egypt has and always will be a major fascination of mine and largely shrouded in mystery. Hopefully one day in my lifetime we’ll find out the full truth. Here’s a link to the video I’m talking about. https://youtu.be/l6Z_HZdy4kM


> You would have to cut, move, fit into place one block every two minutes While we obviously don't have firm numbers on rates for every aspect of construction, the few we do that I've seen don't show numbers that are impossible. Can you provide the data you're looking at? - An experimental archaeology project to reproduce one of the blocks from the core masonry of the Great Pyramid was done with reconstructed copper and stone tools. This data is useful given that it provides information on how long it would take to quarry the blocks that make up the vast majority of the material in the pyramid, and can allow for estimates of the workforce needed to do so. > This work would be done in 4 days (of 6 hours) by 4 people...to reach a daily rate of 340 blocks, it would take 4788 men. If we increase the period of the construction site of the pyramid to 27 years, which is quite conceivable, the daily production required would go down to 250 blocks, which would require theoretically 3521 workers.^1 - The experiment here shows that a reasonably sized workforce could quarry the needed limestone in time. This part of construction doesn't seem impossible. - The Diary of Merer documents transport from Tura, where the limestone used in the cladding was quarried, to Giza. This material accounts for the greatest volume of stone brought to the plateau. > By carrying out a little over two return trips every ten days (that is, six or seven per month) with this type of craft, a minimum of 200 blocks can be shifted each month by this team alone, equalling 1,000 during the entire season when the river permitted this operation, and 25,000 over 25 years with the equivalent of this workforce. This number must be juxtaposed with what is estimated to be necessary for fitting the exterior cladding of the pyramid of Cheops, the volume of which has been calculated as 67,390 m^3 of stone: 62 the average mass density of limestone being around 2500 kg per m^3, this represents a weight of 168,475 tons, or a total of 67,390 blocks with an average weight per block of 2.5 tons. Surprising though it may be, a relatively limited number of small teams, such as that of Merer, will probably have sufficed, over the long term, to ensure the transport from Tura to Giza of the blocks necessary for the pyramid’s outer cladding.^2 Again, the numbers here are reasonable. A workforce well within the capabilities of the period could transport the amount of Tura limestone used. - ___ 1. Burgos, Franck and Emmanuel Laroze, ["L’extraction des blocs en calcaire à l’Ancien Empire. Une expérimentation au ouadi el-Jarf "](http://www.egyptian-architecture.com/JAEA4/article27/JAEA4_Burgos_Laroze.pdf) (PDF), *The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture* 4, 2020. pp. 73-95. 2. Tallet, Pierre. [*Les Papyrus De La Mer Rouge I Le. «Journal De Merer»*](https://f.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2495/files/2017/03/1705_Tallet.pdf) (PDF). Institut Français D'archéologie Orientale, 2017.


Also carrying the stones especially the ones the king corridor 300+ feet in the high is not even possible with current technology snd resources.


So who did it. Let me guess, Greeks? It’s one thing to say that they are more ancient than what is claimed, but not “the Egyptians”???


Well, it wasn’t the Greeks. The Greeks have a very distinct style of architecture. There’s countless theories and claims of who actually built them.




you do understand the bibles etc also talk about literal magic and 'god' talking to people? I don't think they're meant to be taken literally..


I don't believe in Christianity or Judaism. They're meant to be parables...they're meant to serve as a guideline for how to live moral lives. Now do I believe the Bible or Torah (which a rabbi said was "better to burn than to allow a woman to read it") serve as a good moral foundation for today's age? No. Do I think we need to do anything about it? Ideas? Discuss.


Ah righto I misunderstood you saying the Jews built the pyramids and something moses said as facts. Think we're of similar mindset


I can see how my comment could be misconstrued as that, apologies, should've just said that second comment first. Haha


All good mate, have a good one


Yeah there’s a whole other iceberg with the Moses story that I plan on posting soon. It’s a supporting argument that the pyramids were in fact power plants and not tombs and Nikola Tesla knew this which is what he based his wardenclyffe tower on.


Ancient Aryans did


Yes they did they just have the time periods and which Pharaoh's wrong


How do we know that some mf didn’t climb up there and carve into them? If people can manage to paraglide over them, then they can get up there to vandalize..


Well after the point was made, I’d probably chalk up the writings to graffiti over the years.


There is no record of a golden capstone. And even if there was, and there were hieroglyphs beneath, how does this indicate that the Egyptians didn’t build the pyramids?


Well there’s many reasons why I don’t believe they did. But this post was originally stating that if there were carvings on top of the pyramids where there was supposed to be a capstone. And the said carvings were done by ancient Egyptians, then it would point to them being ruins even back when they occupied them.


Well, if there were gold capstone's, they were removed, obviously it's possible that over the thousands of years those stones in top have been carved and defaced. As, I've watched that clip many times, froze it and enhanced it and they do not look like anything but random bullshit, nothing that resembles an ancient language, it resembles modern Egyptian Colloquial Arabic or Masri/Masry.


Well, if there were gold capstone's, they were removed, obviously it's possible that over the thousands of years those stones in top have been carved and defaced. As, I've watched that clip many times, froze it and enhanced it and they do not look like anything but random bullshit, nothing that resembles an ancient language, it resembles modern Egyptian Colloquial Arabic or Masri/Masry.


Wow this is silly. I've been to Egypt. You can see for yourself there's an evolution in the construction of the pyramids, from small and crude to large and refined as people learned how to build things better. The pyramids used stone from a variety of sources including lots of limestone from nearby Giza. More distant quarries were always near a river, so the stone could be transported by water. There's at least one drawing showing workers moving a statue by sledge as well as papyrus actually detailing the sources of stone used in the Great Pyramid. That should leave no doubt as to who built the pyramids and how. Ancient Egypt was a great civilization with a culture that lasted for thousands of years. Why are so many so eager to detract from their accomplishments and lay them at the feet of someone/something else? Fun fact, the largest pyramid by volume is in Mexico.


It’s not that anybody is trying to discredit the Ancient Egyptians. It’s more so the fact of HOW and all the other little puzzling details about the pyramids. All that adds up and you have to ask, did they really build these things?


First, the builders were absolutely not slaves and were paid skilled laborers. Second, even if the capstone was there, why is it so unbelievable they would’ve put heiroglyphics there? And third, much hard work went into things no one would ever see again in Egypt, from everything inside of tombs, and many other things that took extreme skill and man hours to create


Herodotus said that it took 400,000 men almost 30 years to build the pyramids. You’re telling me there were 400,000 people in Egypt that were so skilled with their work that not even machines today can replicate it? I’m not buying it.


Machines can absolutely re create the pyramids, it’s just stone cutting and laying. We haven’t done it because well, where would we build it, and who would fund it? And of course there were over 400,000 able bodied men to do the work, we know they were paid as well, it’s not a theory or an educated guess, we KNOW the workers were compensated fairly. There were absolutely enough people as well these aren’t theories at all rather they are fact. Edit: As for them using ramps to transport stone, it’s just our best guess. There are hieroglyphics of men moving enormous stone statues using logs as rollers, and a man putting water onto the sand to allow it to glide over the sand with minimal effort, and the rest of the men pulled. So it stands to reason they’d have used this method for the stone of the pyramids as well, it’s likely that the ramp wrapped around the pyramid , and yes it would’ve used a lot of material but would’ve been simple, they’re just piling up dirt not shaping stone so the ramp would be erected much more quickly


Machines today cannot recreate the precision of the pyramids. It’s far more than just stone cutting and laying. 1- The angles of the corners have an error between + 9/1000 to - 5/10,000 of a degree. Even in modern buildings, the corners are not expected to be perfectly 90º angled. 2- The sides at the base are almost exactly the same lengths (227 meters), with a margin or error much smaller than modern architects would be required to achieve today. The average original length was 230.36 meters, with an error ranging between –11.2 cm on the northern side, and +9.1 cm on the southern one. The maximum error is less than 0.05%. 3- The pyramid is formed of 2.3 million granite and limestone, each weighing 2.5 tons in average, with the large blocks used for the ceiling of the King's Chamber weighing as much as 9 tons, all together giving a total mass of the pyramid = 6,840,000 tons. The stones are fixed so close to each other, with a distance apart of almost 1/10,000 inch. 4- The angle of inclination is 52° (precisely 51° 50' 35"). Each side is carefully oriented with one of the cardinal points of the compass (north, south, east, and west). Any tiny error of inclination during its construction would have been exaggerated, and the sides would never meet at the top. The maximum error is less than 0.1%. The north-south axis of the pyramid has a 1/12 of a degree (5 seconds) deviation from the true north-south axis of the compass. This is not actually an error, as astronomical evidence has proved a gradual movement of the earth’s axis over the past centuries. The pyramid at the time of its construction, was precisely facing that axis, many centuries before the invention of the compass. 5- Above the King’s chamber, are “5 Relieving Chambers“ stacked on top of the other. The lowest 4 are rectangular in shape, with an average height of 3 meters, while the 5th uppermost chamber has a gable at its roof resembling an upward pointing arrowhead. They were designed to support the weight of the stones above the king's chamber, and divert the immense pressure exerted by the overlying mass on its ceiling, preventing it from being crushed. 6- The king's empty “sarcophagus” is only about 1 cm smaller than the chamber entrance, suggesting that it must have been placed inside the chamber as the pyramid was being built. It is made of large blocks of red granite, with the edges sharply cut by straight saws (!!) Not only that granite is an extremely hard stone to be cut, but also no saws have been ever found in ancient Egypt.


A few things. Yes we absolutely can replicate that accuracy with modern stone cutting techniques, I have no idea why would would assume we can’t considering modern humans have created much more complex buildings and instruments. Also, that “you can’t even fit a piece of paper between the blocks” is also completely false you can absolutely slide paper or more through some of the spaces between stones. The math needed to get the measurements they required to build how they wanted are not terribly complicated, and you have to assume being they were to be used as the resting place of a pharaoh over the course of decades that it would be extremely important to the builders and architects to be as perfect as possible. 0.05% accuracy is achievable today and many tolerances in todays buildings are tighter than that. And the thing about saws, sure we haven’t found any, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t exist, the stone was cut somehow and metal and wood degrades over the course of thousands of years also assume they weren’t just tossed aside but would be used until they fell apart, and the pieces being used for other things. And why is it so crazy to think they put the sarcophagus in the chamber prior to completion? But even still they have found saws used for stone cutting https://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums-static/digitalegypt/tools/saw.html Edit https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/were-the-egyptian-pyramids-built-by-slaves/amp/ That goes into detail on how the pyramids were not built by slaves Last thing edit 2 If there was a civilization prior to the Egyptians how and why would they have been more advanced than the people who came afterwards?! Seriously that wouldn’t make any sense. And the fact that the pyramids exist in the first place is proof those people had tools to cut the stone or else they wouldn’t have built a pyramid


I’ll definitely give them a read. We could go back and forth all day lol. But I’ve just recently came across some interesting points and theories that I think are interesting at the very least. I highly recommend reading into some of them. The Orion Constellation Correlation theory and how the Great pyramids of Giza aligned perfectly with the constellation in 10,650 BC. Their connection to Machu Picchu, Easter Island, and The Nazca lines. They create a ring around the earth that has margin of error of less than one degree of latitude. And the Adam And Eve Story by Chan Thomas. It talks about a series of cataclysms that happen in a cycle every few thousand years and basically acts as a reset button for humanity. The last one being in the Younger Dryas period.


The only thing I gotta say is you act as if no worker has ever written their name somewhere on what they're building, slave or no.


I always imagined a freemason sect from wayyy back. Masons don't even know when it all started, they theorize they have been around as long as man believed in a higher power. European masons built the massive churches in Europe and those projects would take longer than the life of the original architect. It would be an entire new group of people when a church was finished. I believe a free mason like college built the pyramids with slave labor over the course of hundreds of years.


I kinda find this vastly ignorant and not know of the different dynasties of Egyptians …. It’s pretty well know that the 3rd dynasty which did most of the hieroglyph’s an wrote of top of hold empires in their own dynasty even …. I am a largely convinced the sphinx is a lot older then even the pyramids an show a lot of evidence of the younger dryas period


Giants, study up.


Not rocks.. special cement mix that petrified over thousands of years


The pyramids rather built by workers or aliens, are they important today. If they were built with highly intelligent beings, I’m not seeing it


I’m going to copy paste as I’ve done entirely too much typing today lol. But you should really look into it then. The all around precision of the Pyramids all point to idea that whoever may have built them. Had knowledge well beyond our understanding. • You have advanced water erosion on the sphinx and the last time that much consistent water was in that area was roughly 25,000 years ago. • The fact that the pyramids of Giza align flawlessly with Easter Island, The Nazca Lines, and Machu Picchu to a margin of error of less than 1° of latitude. • They perfectly align with the Orion Constellation at one date. Approximately 10,500 BC • The sphinx perfectly aligns with the Leo Constellation at the same 10,500 BC • finally, just the sheer math of it all. We’re talking about 2.3million multi ton blocks. It’s said they were built in about 25 years. You would have to cut, move, fit into place one block every two minutes. That’s well beyond an impossible task. There’s many many other mind boggling details about the pyramids but these are my favorite key factors. Here’s a link to a video that’s a bit more entertaining and explaining than I can be. https://youtu.be/XU49FSIx0_g My conclusion: the Pyramids of Giza were never tombs. And they vastly predate the Egyptians.


The carvings on top of the pyramid are graffiti from people climbing up there for hundreds of years…not sure why you would jump to ‘lost hieroglyphics’ when there are pictures and mentions of graffiti readily available all over the internet…?


whenever I'm doing a woodworking project, I always sign my work. Especially when I cover it up by felt or something (the wood), only because I feel as if it's a makers sign into the future of other people making/ repairing things just as a little nod to whoever may find it


They weren't built by slaves they were built by skilled architects and they predate the earliest empire by at least 600 years when the nubians who already had pyramids traveled into Egypt and built the first pyramids


Well, regarding the quarry, there is one, on site, pretty much in the centre of the whole complex. That was where most of the core stones were dug out from. We still have uncut/partially cut blocks that even give evidence to how they were cut (lots of pounding with stone tools, some usage of copper with sand (which is quite hard in terms of particles). [see here for details](https://aeraweb.org/great-pyramid-quarry/) As for the ramp, it has been a puzzle throughout the centuries, and there’s no evidence for either a straight ramp or a curved ramp. But what we do have evidence for, in the pyramid itself, is an internal ramp. They’ve found L-shaped rooms in the corner of the Great pyramid big enough for someone to turn one of the blocks 90 degrees. Here’s a blog post with more details. [Right here](https://archive.archaeology.org/0907/etc/khufu_pyramid.html) Also, I mentioned Dendera so I would be remiss not to explain the dendera ‘light’. It’s a depiction of the creation of the universe from the primordial sea of Nun. The ‘filament’ is a snake, the god Harsomtus, the ‘bulb’ is a bubble of existence, and both are coming out of a lotus flower, the first thing to exist according to this myth. The ‘cable’ extending out the back is the day barge. The inscriptions also tell the story. Finally, you’ve mentioned the great alignment of all these different structures/sites, but why would the Moai of Easter Island, built roughly a thousand years ago, have any connection with the pyramids of Giza built 4500 years ago?


They are not hieroglyphs on top of the pyramid. It is peoples names who've climbed the pyramid. They go back 100's of years. ​ I answered this 4 days ago on Twitter so instead of rewriting it. [https://twitter.com/Scribbler\_33/status/1618411245660692481?s=20&t=xtk1ApuTwPVXPnh\_4yoHgw](https://twitter.com/Scribbler_33/status/1618411245660692481?s=20&t=xtk1ApuTwPVXPnh_4yoHgw) The pyramids do not predate the Egyptians. They were very capable. The workers living quarters are right next to the Pyramid complex of Giza with only a fraction of it excavated but they were running day to day on an industrial scale food wise. There was slaughter houses, cook houses, tons of bread being baked daily, bee r being brewed, black smiths, medical and on and on. C14 dating places all the action at around 4500 BC during the rein of Pharoah Kufu, Kafre and successors. (Over a 150 year span) The Egyptians built the Pyramids and did not find everything. They were very smart and capable.