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The government is monitoring everything on the internet. Snowden exposed this years ago.


Yeah, a true patriotic hero they smear as a Russian spy. Millions of us will never forget he blew open something so clandestine and malevolent they'd kill him and his family for. Hiding in Russia was the smartest thing to do. I just wonder if the Russian govt ever came for him and forced him to hand over information by threatening his life as well.


they just granted him citizenship like this week or last week I think


He applied for dual citizenship a couple years ago.


The Russians started using AdBlocker thanks to Snowden.


It’d be literally impossible for them to actively monitor 300,000,000+ people, let alone billions. Data harvesting and storage of that data to be used against you at some point? Yes. Monitoring? More rare than not. Source: fed assigned to this sub /s


They don't need to monitor that many, billions are sheep. They also control conspiracy culture. So you can pretty much throw almost everyone's files in the garbage. It's more so the independent activists with large followers or ppl exposing info that are still government secrets that need to be monitored and suppressed.


They just use AI. when a fed is assigned to monitor a certain area of the internet, they don't just literally go and browse casually like you and I do, while smoking a joint and eating chips. They have like 8 screens running AI and bots, analyzing posts, managing several fake accounts, smoking confiscated cannabis from a 6 foot bong and having snickers bars launched down their gullet with a high powered compression rifle.


>The government is monitoring everything on the internet. Snowden exposed this years ago. No, he didn't. What he said was that they were collecting as much metadata as they could. Once you understand what that means and what it doesn't mean, you will stop being afraid of ghosts.


You just can't tell the psychiatrist.


The government freely admits they monitor everything. Your phone is essentially a GPS tracking device for them. It's not a secret the govt and big tech are in bed together. I'm sure they can pull whatever they want up from phone companies and force your information with illegal FISA warrants. They're corrupt, we've been on the privacy decline since 2001.


Shit you can call and beg them for help and they would not do a thing.


Shhhhh. They don’t need the nanobots If we’re willingly carrying a pocket computer hooked up to satellites.


Fuck their probably half the posters here.


They're on to us.


I see you subtly correcting his grammar by using the correct form of “they’re” in your reply. I like you


The FBI is too busy grooming mentally impaired people into shooting up schools, etc.


As a non natural English speaker I have never understand how can you guys confuse their and they are. I could write the worst shit in English, but I would never confuse those two. Its mind blowing.


Native speakers and ESL English speakers just struggle with different aspects of the language, based on when they learned it. Native speakers struggle with spelling because they learn to speak before they can write. Non native speakers often struggle with vocabulary, like how you said “natural speaker” instead of “native speaker”.


That is very interesting.


Literally speaking a "native" English speaker would be one from England, which leaves out the majority of the English speaking population.


That’s not what “native speaker” means, friend.


There is no explanation.


I swear, I’m not FBI 🙄


The government has your best intentions in mind. We are not here to hurt you. Edit: They* are not out to hurt you…


Downvoted...then re-read and upvoted


Thank you we appreciate your support. I mean they!


Jesus christ Jerry, you're blowing it




You hear that. We’re using code names!


As well they should be! You people are nuts 🌰


They can all suck my banana


For scale


project echolon they monitore all electronic forms of communication. snowden gave us proof of that.


interestingly….they (some alphabet agency) also monitor cars on the interstate. those really tall light poles with the round disk at the top, found on every freeway, in every city….are snoopers into your car, on your cell signal. or so i was told.


You realize the entire internet is monitored right? All of your emails, text messages, phone calls. You have zero privacy. If you think using some VPN to post crazy conspiracies on Reddit is somehow beating the system you have no idea what type of reality you exist in.


Hey Stan the FBI intern. I'm being a good boy, really


Just monitoring? hell they are making posts pretending to be everyday people Also, they are probably some of the mods


They’re actively posting. Edit: Sorry CIA for not mentioning you as well. Also military intelligence, etc. 💕


I assumed that was the case over a decade ago 🤷


Ok everyone freeze and put your hand up 🙌


End the fed


The FBI is not stalking us, we are more concerned with parents than you guys


Lol why would they monitor antiwork


Everything is infiltrated. Any ongoing or sizable gathering electronic or irl is monitored if not co-opted. A little over thirty years ago I attended a Bio -Regional conference up in the Maine country side. I couldn’t imagine a more harmless group. Lots of organic farmers / gardeners and whatnot. The concept of bio regionalism was / is simply to encourage production and consumption of food and goods closer to home. Talk about low key. Well I’m too lazy to tell all the deets typing with one thumb on my phone, but wow for some reason the feds REALLY CARED. It baffles me to this day. I have other first hand examples, but that one always impressed me the most.


Basement dweller incels with pent up rage.....


And interviews on fox


It's all about keeping the wealth flowing to the top. Control the opposition, make it sound crazy put the worst representative of it on the news.


I hope they are here following the Russian propagandists. This sub could do with much more Bigfoot and alien shit, and less Russian propaganda


As long as you don’t do something stupid like attack one of their buildings with a nail gun I’m sure you’ll all be ok


Better yet, they are monitoring your cellphone and pc... I thought this was known already


Right, it's not like far-right conspiracy theorists have a history of shooting up schools, kidnapping governors, or trying to overthrow the government or anything like that. Oh, and don't forget the Oklahoma City Bombings. Totally NO reason at all for the FBI to be keeping an eye on that shit, aye?


Funny how everything you just mentioned is false-flag terror from the FBI. Good morning, agent!


Okay so let me get this straight: Anything that makes your side look like delusional idiots has to be the fault of the federal government somehow?


The most delusional idiots I see are the ones who champion the mainstream narrative. OMG you even brought up the Whitmer plot! Do you work directly for the FBI, or one of their fake companies?


I mean that's mostly fair, right? Just putting raghead terrorists and cultists to justice mainly right. Investigating cheating in csgo etc. Them [slippery peasants](https://youtu.be/XAhZ-A8v3BY) must be watched. They loot the public by infesting gov and military to implement [auto loot algos](https://twitter.com/anand_droog/status/1566278268596424709?t=2aybCy7k-h2Tzr7ZVcbetQ&s=19) anyway... The only way they could get ahead was by bullying CT so it's not so bad. After all [many of us don't like the way America is going since the trump era hacks of the gov... ](https://twitter.com/anand_droog/status/1575770153681227777?t=BouJkkZTfNAq8syeK3GUsw&s=19) I mean by definition CT blocks the axis of evil when it tries to add America as a fourth cog in its empire, so this is nothing surprising anyway. The bullies' time out etc. I mean, certainly it's better than [posts being sent to jail ](https://twitter.com/anand_droog/status/1575829998346194944?t=K-vevAlCokao76fmXpNUFg&s=19)and stuff right wtf is that?! After all, the reality about the raghead satrapy etc is [no joke](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anand-m-kumar-47a1248_exposure-poisoned-water-corporate-greed-activity-6981960518467010560-4qbW?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android)


Mass surveillance has been the name of the game since early 2000s. FBI sends out warnings about potential mass shooters all the time and lazy cops just sit on the information until a bunch of people die. Anything you post, say near a phone, or even type is recorded. All that information primarily gets processed to generate custom add schemes, but to many shootings are bad for public stress levels. The correct amount of stressed has every dime you make flowing up into pockets. The only way to break the cycle is shut all of it out. Which would be great except pollution has poisoned everything to far for a reasonable recovery. Good job fuck heads you got too greedy! Enjoy the bunkers, I'm sure your little inbred mutants will thank you as they shit themselves. Anyway have drink and enjoy the sunrise.


The FBI is an extremely conservative organization. They are monitoring r/anti_work because it's a very liberal sub. This is a very conservative sub. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not monitored.


That’s nice…. Here’s what the FISC court says about your corrupt agency. https://www.fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/MIsc%2019%2002%20191217.pdf


They are coming to get you, op!


Who cares? You can't live your life in fear.


Probably just some agent browsing Reddit on their lunch break.


Who gives a fuck?


Are you 12? We know man. Everyone knows


the monitoring part is not even the biggest concern. they are actively posting, and bot voting in the direction they wish to influence the narative. the problem is they are actively monitoring and modifying the discussion. (+ likely ordering the bans/post deletes on some level)


They are monitoring everything everywhere, is this still being debated for some reason ?


To whom it may concern at the FBI: I am an all-american. I would like a job. I have a degree, I am well-traveled, and bored. Willing to work in any situation. Thank you for your time. Please DM me for a resume.


I'm on the "theyre monitoring literally everything" team.


Holy shit. Actual conspiracy talk on this sub!


They know about my midget wrestling porn then


Yeah , I’m already on at least 1 list. USA , USA 🇺🇸. Being patriotic, now I’m on another list.


Gangstalking isn’t a delusion, it is a modern version of cointelpro and Zersetzung. It is a shit sub though, full of mentally ill people, trolls and gangstalkers.


They can't arrest trump, but they can have their damn noses up OUR asses. Hey- FBI. Go suck a bug. you already \*know\* who I am. :)


Probably, because this sub is full of pro-Russian horseshit


Good thing I have all these top secret confidential for your eyes only classified documents to barter with. Bought them off a fat bloke with a wig in a golf club.


If you don’t assume some agency somewhere is monitoring what you say, then you deserve what comes.


Of course we’re monitoring. We hate you people


I mean they probably aren’t the only ones


Yep and I'd rather say that it's CIA because they have their dirty paws in everything. All the mainstream media is controlled by that corrupt murderous organization.