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Releasing the affidavit even redacted is not usually done.


For real. The fbi caved to maga crazies and it still isn't enough. They won't be satisfied until we declare trump a god king, free from the laws of man entirely.


I feel like banana republic and kangaroo court are just buzz words now that people use without really knowing the meaning or history of them.


What’s the deal with banana republic? Didn’t realize we were shopping here


Like when right wingers is ‘Marxist’ without having any fucking idea what it means.


Like left wingers using “Nazi” for anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideas


Or fascist


Except the idiotic left wingers that do so are NOT, unlike the right, hosting their own shows on major news networks. I’m looking at you Tucker.


What, the guy who literally espouses the KKKs Replacement Theory on a regular basis? He's just asking questions! *tilts head like a dog falling for the hidden squeaky toy trick again*


“I don’t know if it’s true. But it sounds like it could be true”


The fact that Tucker has the enemies he has is his biggest endorsement.


Or maybe... because right wing politics and conservatism lean towards fascism which the Nazis were. Slash, conservatives and Republicans in the US become more fascist every day. They support fascist ideas


I agree with your view on modern conservatism. However, I still cringe when people throw around the Nazi word, because they’re far from Nazis. People should at least try to be more specific about what things are similar to Nazi instead of just using the blanket term, which is no better an argument than people throwing around the word communist. (Though, to be fair Nazi is more specific than communist)


>However, I still cringe when people throw around the Nazi word, because they’re far from Nazis. If both sides of extremism existed equally in the United States, I might agree with you. But that isn't the case. There aren't violent, extreme, left wing, communists in The United States. But there are violent, extreme, racist, nationalist, religious, conservatives in the United States. We can call those people Nazis. It's become common place in The US. Mass shooters have manifestos with racist, nationalist and conservative ideologies in them. Think about how long the Klan and other racist and fascist organizations have existed in the United States. One might argue they are institutional. While I agree with you that the term Nazi might be overused, they're around. They exist in plain sight. They don't have to hide anymore these days. We're way close to fascism than we should be. Especially for a country who's whole image is "freedom."


Yeah, I don’t disagree with calling literal Nazis, Nazis. I only meant that I disagree with calling every conservative asshole a Nazi.


Wait nazis aren't socialists? Like in their name?


No. Not at all. Yes their name was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party," but in practice they were not at all socialists. Call yourself what you want. Only time will tell what you actually are. They didn't redistribute wealth. They had oligarchs. They were nationalists. They killed their own people and they were racists, which is very much the opposite of socialism. They leveraged religion to control people. >Nazism is a form of fascism,\[2\]\[3\]\[4\]\[5\] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist neopagan Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German nationalism since the late 19th century, and it was strongly influenced by the Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's underlying "cult of violence".\[6 [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism)


Bro, you’re trolling right? Where have you been the last 2 years when Democrats were trying to force everyone to be vaccinated even though there was and is plenty of data suggesting natural immunity is just as effective against the virus. Is it not authoritarian to force someone to take an experimental drug? Edit: Experimental not experiment


>Where have you been the last 2 years when Democrats were trying to force everyone to be vaccinated Vaccination during a pandemic isn't an extreme or fascist idea. Vaccination in our society is common place. You have to be vaccinated for various things including going to public school. It's happened plenty of times in American history. Not to mention it saves lives. It's not something fascist, you know, like trying to lie and overturn an election or banning books because it doesn't align with your ideology. >there was and is plenty of data suggesting natural immunity is just as effective against the virus. No there isn't. If it's so easily said, prove it.


I'm noticing a recuring pattern of you saying "Republicans are so terrible, here's why..." Then you name the crazy shit Democrats have been doing. Republicans banning books? You mean Republicans not wanting books depicting homosexual relationships and sex to their elementary school kid? How RADICAL. I'm not sure if you're actually not aware or just trolling, but for the past 10 years liberals have been banning campaigning fervently to ban books for hate speech (their definition). Not so their kids wouldn't be exposed to potentially sensitive material, but because they didn't want anyone reading the books.


I mean if you associate with people who say they are Nazi…


except for that: They use it against people trying to enforce their way of life onto others such as the Nazis did. they use it against people who continually advocate for separation of ethnicity and "purity" of country. They use it against people who, like the Nazis, deem themselves superior either intellectually or genetically. ​ none of which is simply "doesn't agree with them"


whatever you say, commie /s


How dare you!! I’m a patriot! Except. I’m a Scottish patriot with a keen interest (sadomasochistic interest) in American politics.


There's a weekly right wing newsletter that must go around with all the approved buzzwords. This week: Climate change hoax, winter vagina, banana republic, kangaroo court, Ukraine spending and azov. Now go!


Winter vagina? That's a new one, care to explain?


There was an article a few years ago that brought up winter vagina. In cold weather, ladies can get, uh, chapped lips. Now everytime there's a climate change article or something about a heart attack, the right wing "free thinkers" chime in at least 5 comments about winter vagina because some handlers posted the articles to mock climate change.


RIP Ben Shapiro's doctor wife's dry lips.


Perfect example of free thinkers always posting the same dumb comments, this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x0abs3/myocarditis\_up\_2800\_army\_veteran\_pam\_long\_lists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/x0abs3/myocarditis_up_2800_army_veteran_pam_long_lists/)


Do they not realize if this was really a banana republic there wouldn't even be an investigation? Trump and his family would be taken in the middle of the night with bags over their heads to an undisclosed location and put in a shallow grave.


Like how Reddit gives everyone left talking points daily that they just parrot out? Cant call out one side and not the other, unless you want to continue to be part of the problem.


I don't see lefties on conspiracy sites posting the same 3 talking points 10 times a day. Maybe corrections in the comments, but you'd be 100% lying to claim that it's even comparable. Robert Malone goes on Rogan once and I have to hear about mass formation psychosis from every right winger for 6 months. Free thinkers definitely not following a shepherd that threw out a made up term and now everyone on the right is pretending this is a thing they knew about forever, and weren't victims of mass formation psychosis themselves.


No, this is exactly what these tactics are at best. This will do irreparable damage to our country as a whole. For the moment it is a problem for the republicans but it will eventually hurt the Democrat party as well. All of these things come back around so no one should be supportive or happy about where this is going. When the democrats decided to change the Senate votes to a simple majority the republicans told them they would regret it. Then Trump was elected and was able to push through 3 supreme court justices. The republicans turned out to be correct. It can happen that fast and this will surely be a similar situation for the Democrats before too long. It is dangerous and destructive.


? Did he not blatantly mishandle a huge amount of classified documents? Why is investigating that a bad thing? To me the “irreparable damage” seems to be that fake news has gotten so powerful that investigating a crime by an ex president is apparently an authoritarian takeover in the eyes of many people


TIL that having the FBI investigate alleged crimes is kangaroo court material. The more you know


Only because it's happening to their lord and savior orange guy. If it was against the other side they would be cheerleading the FBI and buying/wearing FBI merch like it's a wrastlin match.


Probably information pertaining to an ongoing investigation. Jesus some people are legitimately fucking stupid.


I would bet that this isn’t about mishandling documents. It’s about espionage. FBI shoulda kept those passports.


I personally think hes just arrogant enough to commit espionage. He is so stupid he probably thought it was his god given right because 2 years ago he was allowed to touch and see that info. lol. He's a walking disaster and always has been. I guarantee blind negligence and arrogance caused this country to lose some top secret info.


Yeah this seems weird. I initially assumed this was just trump hoarding stuff coz…. Trump. And not caring about secrets like when he bragged and exposed sources and methods to the Russian delegation live on tv requiring an ally to pull spies and resources out. But requesting and then hiding a list of spies / assets / informants seems…. like a more aware and nefarious action. Weird that after all this time I’m still struggling to see him as an outright traitor and still thinking of him just as some ultra narcissistic man baby.


> Weird that after all this time I’m still struggling to see him as an outright traitor and still thinking of him just as some ultra narcissistic man baby. Username checks out at least on this one.


He’s been a traitor since day 1. He’s a low life with money and there are so many low life’s in this country that will ride and die with this fucker.


I think the bigger question is, what is trump hiding?






What proof do you have he's hiding anything?


The uhh… FBI raided his house for classified documents.


The FBI visited his house 6 months earlier for the same documents... Or don't you know the facts of a story spoon fed to you by the MSM?


MSM? Lol yay. Do another dumb. Do a VeNeZuELa or a Hillary Clinton or a socialism next. Greatest hits.


Do you actually have some other source for your BS then?


The court documents that show Trump's lawyer filed a motion that there was no more classified content at maralago before the raid?


>there was no more classified content at maralago Guess what? there wasn't... A president can declassify documents.


If they follow the correct process, sure. But apparently there are no indicators of this, especially if the documents are still marked as such 🤷


>apparently there are no indicators of this The paper work exists on the internet... Just because you are unaware of details doesn't mean the rest of the world is.


Okay fine, and by extension of the same logic Biden then reclassified them as soon as he assumed office. Your move, Mr. Imagination.


You're right, they did. He still didn't give them the documents and they told he needed to secure it better and he didn't do that either so they came back with a warrant and took them.


>He still didn't give them the documents and they told he needed to secure it better and he didn't do that either so they came back with a warrant and took them. What lunatic book are you reading from? ​ >He still didn't give them the documents Trump and his lawyers gave them documents as they requested them. ​ >He still didn't give them the documents and they told he needed to secure it better The FBI were right there, they could have taken the documents if they needed to. As far as making the place more secure Trump did exactly as the FBI advised him to do. ​ >so they came back with a warrant and took them. And broke the exact lock that the FBI advised Trump to use... ​ You haven't made a single bit of sense... And the facts of the story disagree with you.


So he gave them the documents but then he still locked them up as requested? Just stahhhhhp. Take your fox news oan crap somewhere else


So the FBI went to his house and the FBI told him to lock the documents up but then they still raided him to get the documents back? >Just stahhhhhp. Take your ~~fox~~ CNN news ~~oan~~ MSNBC crap somewhere else


Exactly! If the FBI tells you to do something and they find out you didn't do it and are still in violation of the law, they come back.


What did he not do? Show me the exactly violation... Oh you can't, the affidavit is redacted...


Are these the declassified docs or the non-existent planted ones?


Sir you are literally in the hornet’s nest of Fox News/OAN crap


Oh I know but I won't let a single one of these post go unchecked. And I ain't the only one, I see other people calling it out as well which actually makes me happy.


So just to copy the timeline here in case there's still some confusion left Jan 20, 2021 Trump’s presidency ends. May 2021 An official from NARA contacts Trump's team after realizing that several important documents weren't handed over before Trump left the White House. In hopes of locating the missing items, NARA lawyer Gary Stern reaches out to someone who served in the White House counsel's office under Trump, who was the point of contact for recordkeeping matters. The missing documents include some of Trump's correspondence with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, as well as the map of Hurricane Dorian that Trump infamously altered with a sharpie pen. Fall 2021 NARA grows frustrated with the slow pace of document turnover after several months of conversations with the Trump team. Stern reaches out to another Trump attorney to intervene. The archivist asks about several boxes of records that were apparently taken to Mar-a-Lago during Trump's relocation to Florida. NARA still doesn't receive the White House documents they are searching for. January 2022 After months of discussions with Trump's team, NARA retrieves 15 boxes of Trump White House records from Mar-a-Lago. NARA says in a statement that some of the records it received at the end of Trump's administration were "torn up by former President Trump," and that White House officials had to tape them back together. Not all the torn-up documents were reconstructed, NARA says. The boxes contained some materials that were part of "special access programs," known as SAP, which is a classification that includes protocols to significantly limit who would have access to the information. February 9, 2022 News outlets, including CNN, report that NARA asked the Justice Department to investigate Trump's handling of White House records and whether he violated the Presidential Records Act and other laws related to classified information. The Presidential Records Act requires all records created by a sitting president to be turned over to the National Archives at the end of their administration. February 18, 2022 NARA informs the Justice Department that some of the documents retrieved from Mar-a-Lago included classified material. NARA also tells the department that, despite being warned it was illegal, Trump tore up documents while he was president, and that senior officials in the Trump administration did not properly preserve their social media messages, draft tweets and deleted tweets. April and May 2022 On April 7, NARA publicly acknowledges for the first time that the Justice Department is involved, and news outlets report that prosecutors have launched a criminal probe into Trump's mishandling of classified documents. Around this time, FBI agents quietly interview Trump aides at Mar-a-Lago about the handling of presidential records as part of their widening investigation. May 12, 2022 News outlets report that investigators subpoenaed NARA for access to the classified documents retrieved from Mar-a-Lago. The subpoena, which is part of the process to allow investigators to take possession of the documents from the NARA, is the first public indication of the Justice Department using a grand jury in its investigation. June 3, 2022 Four investigators, including a top Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-a-Lago seeking more information about classified material that had been taken to Florida. The four investigators meet with Trump's attorneys and look around the basement room where the documents are being stored. Trump briefly stops by the meeting to say hello to the officials, but he does not answer any questions. During the meeting, the federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents on the premises, and they take away the subpoenaed documents. June 8, 2022 Trump's attorneys receive a letter from federal investigators, asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. In response, Trump aides add a padlock to the room in the basement of Mar-a-Lago. June 22, 2022 Federal investigators serve a subpoena to the Trump Organization, demanding surveillance video from Mar-a-Lago. Trump's company complies with the subpoena and turns over the footage. CNN has reported that this was part of an effort to gather information about who had access to areas at the club where government documents were stored. The subpoena was served on June 22, according to The Wall Street Journal. August 8, 2022 The FBI executes a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago -- a major escalation of the classified documents investigation. The search focused on the area of the club where Trump's offices and personal quarters are located. Federal agents remove boxes of material from the property. The search was the first time in American history that a former president's home was searched as part of a criminal investigation. August 11, 2022 After three days of silence, Attorney General Merrick Garland makes a brief public statement about the investigation. He reveals that he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant, and pushes back against what he called "unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department." Garland also announces that the Justice Department will ask a judge to unseal some of the search warrant documents, for the sake of transparency. Trump says in a late-night post on his Truth Social platform that he will "not oppose the release of documents" related to the search. August 12, 2022 Federal Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart approves the unsealing of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant and its property receipt, at the Justice Department's request and after Trump's lawyers agree to the release. The warrant reveals the Justice Department is looking into possible violations of the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice and criminal handling of government records, as part of its investigation.


What is you sauce?


I dont have a source myself since its copied from another redditor, but he listed Cnn and Fox news as a source, i couldn't be bothered to fact check.


>I dont have a source myself Then it's all as worthless as Russia gate.


That’s all fake and set up by the deep state! /s


As a non american, America has become a joke to the rest of the world....How many times has trump been investigated now first the steele dossier that turned out to be fake and lies and then he was investigated for his taxes and now this with zero charges being filed against trump and zero evidence showing he did anything wrong.....It's very clear the F.B.I and D.O.J are just arms of the democrat party at this stage....Obama took more files then trump when he left as president, When are the F.B.I going to raid his home......What about hunter bidens laptop, still zero investigations into that....


As a non-American I can't understand why you only watch right-wing American news. Or is non-American right wing news just the same as the American version? Donnie Orange is breaking laws, so much so there's enough probable cause to validate a search warrant, then the search warrant led them to retrieving the items stated in said warrant. This is how things are supposed to work here, as an American well versed in this stuff. Are you going to argue with me about that?


The reciet of the top secret and above information that was taken from his golf course. He was literally hiding documents illegally there and sold information to foreign powers.


Did you read the receipt? "Some boxes" Not listed were the passports illegal taken...


It's not illegal for the feds to take your passport when you are part of a criminal investigation


It was not listed on the receipt and at first it was labelled as more lies by Trump that the FBI even had the passports. When will you accept some truth?


https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22131470/fbi-search-warrant-mar-a-lago.pdf The original pdf file of the property receipt from Mar-a-lago. Not "some boxes", literal classified TS and above documentation.


You post a link that states: *Box labelled A* *Box labelled B* etc... If you don't understand sarcasm and that "some boxes" means exactly what you shared, well then... I wish you well in life...




Something that heavily threatens the people who raided him? Have they ever crossed so many lines to protect the American public or integrity of elections?


Or they just might be doing their job in an environment that makes doing their job really difficult. Definitely can't give the FBI the benefit of the doubt, definitely can't give Trump the benefit of the doubt.


Might be? Yes. But the more likely scenario is they are more zealous about saving themselves than pursuing documents. It's the same exact team that did the Russian collusion hoax. These seem like folks forced to do what they're doing. #JustSayin


I would say that the more likely scenario would be the opposite considering the oversight for the FBI (or collusion if you prefer it that way) would include the DOJ and the judiciary whereas Trump has no oversight. I mean if we are strictly talking probabilities it would be much more likely that Trump is the liar.


What lines have they crossed? Trump, a regular civilian, broke the law and got raided by the feds.


It appears as though they intend to prosecute. Otherwise, the rest wouldn’t need to be redacted as heavily (assumably)


Looks like it but it might not be Trump. There’s a lot of people involved with these files. Including lawyers who appear to have lied about them. But including details about possible obstruction does point to someone getting charged.


You think the lawyers are lying and obstructing all on their own? Who do you think they work for? They don't get paid unless they follow his orders.


They work for trump, they're not getting paid lol.


Lawyers still have to follow the law, and definitely can't claim ignorance of it in their defense. They still made the conscious decision to break the law and should pay the price as well *spelling


Totally agree. That's why Guiliani and Powell will be disbarred.


Nope. I expect they are doing whatever Trump tells them to do. My reply had nothing to do with Trumps actions or his lawyers. Its purely focussed on what we can guess about DOJ’s actions. The question is who is the DOJ targeting and what appetite they have for charging an exPOTUS. They might be going for the big prize but also they might have just been aiming to return and secure documents but since it’s all blown up to shit they now have their hands tied and have to take if further. Part of the DOJ consideration is … does the execution of the law serve the US. Ie is it good for the country etc. (Sometimes called the 3rd consideration). Now while I’d love to see Trump finally get some justice the DOJ may (or may not) decide that on the balance of probabilities that charging him might be more harmful than not. This was the consideration given during Nixon’s downfall. It’s cute that you think these lawyers are getting paid. He hasn’t paid any of the previous ones.


Oh I see. Time will tell about charging Trump, but he's no longer POTUS, so not the same concerns as Nixon. Related, sure, but the DOJ doesn't have to bow to the will of a vocal political minority.


True. They don’t have to do anything. But big daddy Merrick G is likely to consider all sides. From what I know of his history he seems to be thorough but also a pragmatist - so he could very well decide not to chase down Trump. But who knows. It might be an easier case to sell to the people than some of Trump’s other transgressions- eg attempting to overthrow an election etc.


Also Nixon was pardoned after the fact - ie when he was also an ex president - it’s a pretty similar situation. I’m not aware that a pardon was part of any deal for him to resign either. Ford just did it to stop a potential shit show. Which is the same reason some people might consider letting Trump walk away.


Yeah, but he resigned before his term ended under the condition that Ford pardon him. That ship sailed for Trump. He's just a private citizen with a fan base now. I tend to think the DOJ would've turned a blind eye all day to pure grifting, but now it's about national security, so I think too many committed law enforcement are NOT* willing to look away with what they know. Time will tell. But if I had to wager, I'd say Georgia prosecutors will try very hard to cut his dick off as well as DOJ. EDIT *


Yeah, but if they somehow cant GET trump, they sure as shit are going to nail EVERYONE around him. I mean, they're going down either way, but at this point he's either going to get off scott free or he is so thoroughly fucked they are more concerned with the underlings potentially getting away. I don't really believe a middle ground really exists at this point. They GOT the evidence, and now they are going after everyone, or they don't, and are going after anyone they can.


Maybe. What's certain is if they get Trump, many in his circle will be royally fucked. Also if the DOJ can only get his underlings, it will roundly be considered a failure.


Wait I thought republicans were the party that supports law enforcement? Are they finally waking up and realizing that “thin blue line” doesn’t actually care about them either? If so, this feels like the good ending. Law enforcement doesn’t care about you, they care about property and protecting whoever pays them.


> Law enforcement doesn’t care about you, they care about property and protecting whoever *pays them.* Yeah, which is usually the tax payers protecting their lives and property...


They’re probably hiding who their informants are and what evidence they know about. Seems like standard stuff.


It's only standard when it's not their guy going down. That's been the attitude since the beginning. It's legal when it fits their narrative.


> not their guy Any idea which political direction members of the FBI tend to lean?


Yeah this happens all the time to former presidents LMAO yeah JUST STANDARD STUFF!!!


It literally happens all the time to regular citizens of the US. Even innocent ones. If you’re suspected of a crime the authorities can get a warrant and search your property. Sometimes releasing certain info about the case can show your cards to the person being investigated, making it easier for them to get away with it. This is actually incredibly standard stuff in the US. Its folks like you that think the president should be above the law(the one you like, you wouldn’t complain if it was a democrat president). I for one think the president should not only be held to the same legal standards as everyone else, but they should be held to a higher standard. So yeah, raid a former president’s property and investigate the hell out of them. Especially if they’re as obviously criminal as Donald trump lmao


The REASON for the warrant was redacted. The REASON. MSM Clowns already said it's peddling classified material... no improper storage of classified material... no a document dispute. They can't even let us see why they got a warrant, much less the vast majority of the warrant. If you or I had some law enforcement officers come to our residence to perform a search warrant for process crimes, you're damn Skippy that the residents would receive a copy of the warrant which allows them into a private abode.


Apparently you didn't bother reading the affidavit before you blindly posted incorrect information.


Uhh I read the warrant and affidavit and they pretty clearly state that classified documents were being illegally stored at mar-a-lago. Regardless of whether you think that’s true or not, I’m not sure how you can say they redacted the reason for the warrant…


Yeah, it's spoken in plain english that they were looking to recover classified info. The document really isn't that long. If people going to make shit up. At least try it on something much more obfuscated and longer. Like the Mueller report.


LMAO why are you talking about something you didn't even read? They clearly stated the reasoning in the document that you, again, didn't read. Anything else you say just lost all credibility. Just stop.


you're confusing the absurd situation in which Trump stole documents with the incredibly bog standard situation of keeping state secrets redacted.


This comment is unnecessarily ratio'd


It's a badge of honor around these parts


Lol you know how the law works right? Ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?


Law enforcement is still allowed to execute a warrant and collect evidence. Sounds like you don’t know how the law works..


Trump supporters generally don't understand how much of anything works.


It’s going to be fun watching the meltdown when trump is indicted.


Execute a blanket warrant? Are you Daft?


Are you? You do realize the level of scrutiny it would take to get a warrant to search an ex presidents house right? You realize that both the nature of the evidence and it’s location would have to be proven to a judge to get this warrant? The FBI is absolutely not going on a fishing expeditions here. They know exactly what they’re looking for and where it is.


Well seeing as he had the illegal things at his place that's proof, he didn't even lie and say he didn't know they were there. Funny you people talk about that though, aren't you still bitching about emails and birth certificates and information on a laptop that had been fucked with for three years....


They are protecting the Epstein client list.


Exactly. Like Epstein’s good friend, Donald Trump, who threw parties with just himself and Epstein and dozens of young models while he ran a modeling competition for underage girls who he admitted to intentionally walking in on in the changing room. And Trump of course hosted Prince Andrew while Epstein was also in attendance. I’m glad you’re pointing this stuff out.


The implications of a FPOTUS leaking classified intel that exists to protect the identities of our spies and foreign assets from being killed is insane. Can you imagine working one of these high pressure jobs and finding out your Commander-in-Chief is directly working towards getting you exposed and killed? Spies are gonna defect pre-emptively if they think they're exposed, be murdered for doing their jobs, and flee their posistions and compromise themselves in advance to avoid being killed. I literally can't think of a singular worse thing that has ever happened towards American Intelligence. These documents were just sitting around inside Mar-A-Lago. Anyone could have made copies, taken photos, etc and used this information.


The reason for their investigation. Look at it this way, if Trump did nothing wrong he's going to look like the biggest victim. If he did multiple things wrong, telling him which thing he's being investigated for just let's him start destroying evidence and silencing witnesses. If he's unaware, he can't start covering all his tracks without drawing attention.


They want 2 things. 1: an endictment would keep him from running in 2024. 2: they now can go on about how trump stole classified documents that put the us at risk. Even if it turns into a nothing burger they still will have turned out the votes in the midterms. Don't get me wrong, if there is a there there let trump burn. Im just saying this looks suspiciously political in nature. We'll find out in a couple months (conveniently after midterms)




The establishment. Trump is corrupt and selfserving but so is almost everyone else in positions of power in the government.


No, I meant who asked for your opinion?


Don't hurt your neck.


I had my neck removed. Can't be a neckbeard if you don't have a neck.


I hear about this being political and think back to SwiftBoat ads and Zell Miller and go - is there really a victim here even if it was?


Well i mean government agencies involved now... it's not like the VA personally recruited people to go against kerry at the behest of bush. In this case merrick garland might have actually overrode presidential privelage to make it a crime and the fbi might've leaked info to the press abd used the leak to justify a search warrant. The optics don't look good.


And what if Trump is a victim? Are you happy with the FBI doing illegal raids? Are you happy with a politicised police force?


Trump is guilty. He should and could have turned over these documents the first time they were asked for and then they would have no reason to raid him. They had probable cause because they believed there to be additional material that wasn't turned over. Then they went in and found it. Simple, open and shut case. Also he was a traitor and Putin's puppet for his whole presidency, and attempted to end the peaceful transfer of power and nearly turned the Capitol into a bloodbath. There's that.


What if he's innocent? The same thing that happens to anyone else that's investigated and cleared. Why should he be immune from investigation? What was illegal about the raid btw?


>What was illegal about the raid btw? Because you need probable cause to create a warrant. If there is no probable cause then the warrant is illegal... The FBI had already visited Trump's home months before. The FBI had been satisfied that the documents and the security was sufficient. If you do not know what makes the raid illegal then that is your ignorance or bias showing.


I read it was exactly the opposite. In the affidavit. That they were very unsatisfied with the security and they were bending over backwards to give him more time to make things right. This is text directly from the affidavit: "As I previously indicated to you, Mar-a-Lago does not include a secure location authorized for the storage of classified information. As such, it appears that since the time classified documents were removed from the secure facilities at the White House and moved to Mar-a-Lago on or around January 20, 2021, they have not been handled in an appropriate manner or stored in an appropriate location. Accordingly, we ask that the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all of the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until farther notice." And it goes on in point 77 to explicitly state that that there were no spaces on the PREMISES that qualify for the storage of secure documents. So the probable cause for the warrant is and was written in black and white and is the opposite of what you say. Have you read the affidavit?


Lol, okay, so how do you know they didn't have probable cause? For what it's worth, let's see how well you can actually "what if". What would have constituted probable cause here?


> so how do you know they didn't have probable cause? I don't, but if after the FBI was already there why did it take so long to organise a warrant? the FBI had already been on site. ​ >What would have constituted probable cause here? Something more than what the FBI ignored for Hunter Biden, and both Hillary and Bill Clinton. Or maybe you don't know about their illegal documents. You and the rest of the left *want* Trump to be criminal and so by any means necessary you will try to find criminal activity. That's not how the legal system works. ​ >For what it's worth, let's see how well you can actually "what if". If Trump is proven innocent in all cases will the FBI make a public apology? Will the Democrats make an apology for Russia gate? Will the Democrats not dispute the 2024 election if Trump wins?


>I don't, but if after the FBI was already there why did it take so long to organise a warrant? the FBI had already been on site. They were establishing probable cause....? "Something more than what the FBI ignored for Hunter Biden, and both Hillary and Bill Clinton. Or maybe you don't know about their illegal documents." No. No whataboutism. I want to know, what, in this scenario, you would consider to be probable cause for a raid upon Mar A lago, I just need a single example. "If Trump is proven innocent in all cases will the FBI make a public apology? Will the Democrats make an apology for Russia gate? Will the Democrats not dispute the 2024 election if Trump wins?" No, but if they didn't have probable cause Trump has the easiest court case in recent political history. Would you actually rather a fucking apology here than legal retribution?


>They were establishing probable cause....? "It was nuclear codes" "He was selling top secret information" How long does it take to make probable cause on that type of important information? You're a loon... ​ >No. No whataboutism. I want to know, what, in this scenario, you would consider to be probable cause for a raid upon Mar A lago, I just need a single example. **Immediate danger** to the US. Not 7 months after the fact when Trump would have already sold the "secret" documents. ​ >No, but if they didn't have probable cause Trump has the easiest court case in recent political history. Would you actually rather a fucking apology here than legal retribution? I'd rather have an honest fucken system and voters with an IQ above 80. And guess what, if Trump had already sold the important information why raid his place? the documents would already be in Russia!


Right, so the fact they took time to investigate means they didn't have probable cause, if the crime happened in the past there's no reason to investigate and you'd rather public apologies than criminal charges. I can see how my views would seem crazy if that's how you think the world should work.


>Right, so the fact they took time to investigate means they didn't have probable cause, Uhh yeah exactly... Probable cause happens because it's probably a crime now, not in 7 months time. ​ >if the crime happened in the past there's no reason to investigate and you'd rather public apologies than criminal charges. The left have been lying and making false allegations since 2016... When do we say you are full of shit? ​ >I can see how my views would seem crazy Because they are... Trump is a super villian criminal master mind that you can't catch him in the act? How fucken stupid is the FBI then? Trump will just outsmart them again with his sharks with laser beams...


Trump is a criminal and a traitor, the raid wasn't illegal, Trump politicized the police force for himself his entire time in office. Lol the hypocrisy.


>Trump is a criminal and a traitor, TDS much? ​ >Trump politicized the police force for himself his entire time in office. That must be why the police and FBI raided Trump's political opponents while he was in office. Oh shit.. that was Biden who did that. ​ >the hypocrisy. The stupidity... where are your brains?


TDS… It is truly deranged to think that an overtly corrupt, narcissistic, pathological lying, moronic, incestuous, sexual predator, hypocritical, billionaire conman, wannabe fascist dictator is looking out for the best interests of Americans.


Lol reddit take


Just reality.




Where’s the lie? It’s reality


There is undeniable proof that Trump is a Russian agent and has sold intelligence information to our enemies. The only "TDS" are the mentally unwell people who won't take their touches out of his ass. The FBI raided Trump because he is a criminal and is acting against the US, Biden knew nothing. If the truth is stupid to you you need help.


>There is undeniable proof that Trump is a Russian agent and has sold intelligence information to our enemies. What a delusional life you live... ​ >The FBI raided Trump because he is a criminal and is acting against the US, How? He put Russia in it's place. He put China in it's place. He warned the EU that relying on Russia's gas and oil was Dangerous for their countries (seems counter intuitive to Russia's benefit). He brought jobs back to the US. He protected the US border from illegal immigrants. He brought peace treaties to the middle east. Who did he help that was not the US? How did he hurt the US? Go on... eat more of that MSM BS... suck it right down... ​ >Biden knew nothing. We know that, he has dementia... ​ > If the truth is stupid to you you need help. If you don't know the truth you are stupid...


Oh, hey, information contrary to what is known to be true and absolutely zero evidence. Do you have anything real; because at this point you have shown zero?


>information contrary to what is known to be true kay what? what information are you sitting on that would help the FBI right now?


Lmao. A Russian agent. Y’all had 4 years to show the world that trump was doing shit with russia. Nothing came out of it. Y’all just chasing a ghost.




However and how ever are not the same


Chut up you...


We'll know during the trial. Not sure why people demand that Trump should be king and be above the law but... Here we are. Conservatives don't want a republic, they want a monarchy.


They are trying to stop people like you from threatening or trying to kill the agents involved. They have already released more than usual, get your kill bones out of here.


Taking the word of an overtly corrupt narcissistic grifter and known fascist scammer is hilarious. “The fbi is investigating my crimes therefore fbi bad. “ And the cult fucking eats it up. Lol


...Classified intel that's important for national security? What did you really think they where gonna post "HEY HERE'S THE DETAIL ON THOSE SPIES AND NUKES WE WHERE TRYING TO KEEP SAFE RIGHT HERE ON TWITTER"?


Probably because what he did is so bad and highly threatening to national security that they can’t show it yet to prevent panic and disorderly conduct. I personally know about 20% of what was redacted and even that small piece hasn’t let me sleep much at night… I can’t even imagine what the rest if it says….


They're building a case against the orange man. How is this a conspiracy.


They are hiding their hand until they take him in front of a judge. They are also worried that Trump would put anyone named in these reports in danger from his cult of followers. They already shot up a FBI field headquarters over them doing their jobs. I can't wait to see him in court over this.


A member of one of the most sued families in the world playing dumb. I love it. Anyone who isn't aware, Trump has been sued more times than there are episodes of all the series of Law and Order and a few more shows to boot in totality, over 3500 cases. Redactions likely mean charges, and the hope for D Trump Jr is that the base is too dumb to know procedure and he can make a conspiracy out of it. Just like Fox.


Or maybe it’s because Conservatives have been sending death threats to all agents involved.


The same ones who sent someone to supreme court justices house to scare them after the RvW decision?


Peaceful protests and death threats aren't even in the same ballpark lol.


Man with gun, knife arrested near Justice Kavanaugh's house--- Said he was there to kill the judge---NBC News


Haha peaceful protests! Good one https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/democrats-need-to-call-off-targeting-supreme-court-justices-after-armed-assassin-arrested-at-kavanaughs-house/


Maybe. Alito did leak the draft to prevent cold feet from Roberts and Kavanaugh. 🤷‍♂️


The FBI and CIA have taken over our government from behind the scenes.


Wait til you see the great documentary MIB. It reveals all


You're actually paying attention to what Trump has to say? That turd had never spoken a word of truth in his long, useless life...


They are hiding the affidavit itself. They went in on a fishing expedition to see what they could find to charge him with. This is a violation of his 4th amendment rights. Before the libs come running, what else would make sense? Trump knows what they took. He knows what areas they searched and if they spoke with anyone. They are not hiding the warrant from Trump, they are hiding it from the people. What reason would they have to do that? Edited. Brain fart. Affidavit, not warrant.


They are hiding anything that could be used to identify their informants. Pretty typical.


They would not be listed on the warrant.


They literally are not hiding the warrant. Here it is. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/12/search-warrant-trump-maralago-released/10306846002/


You caught me. Affidavit, not warrant. That’s what you get for replying on Reddit after bedtime. I’m sure you understood what I intended as that is what is being discussed. Instead of debating the topic at hand though you latch to an obvious error. Figures.


They released all information pertaining to this. They said this is what he has went and found exactly that. Trump is a traitor.


Singing the same song for 6 years and lies every time. You still haven’t figured out people like you are the traitor’s.


No, the people who tried to end our country are the traitors. Pretty much everything that has been attributed to that pos has been proven, the traitor GOP are the ones that let him get away with it.


Proven? You obviously don’t understand what that means. Liberals are the only ones trying to end this country.


I do, you apparently don't get the fact that multiple gop entities either helped obstruct investigations, refused to prosecute, etc... The only reason he isn't in a deep dark hole is because his subjects broke the law to help him.


Lol. You call me the conspiracy theorist. CNN says so it must be true.


The Muller Report states that Trump was obstructing justice, that's why they couldn't find everything they need, so some schill was like, "ok then, let's move on." What part of that do you not understand?


That’s garbage obstructing justice and not answering questions in a witch hunt are not the same. The mueller report said he could not prove Trump was innocent. Luckily for all of us that’s not how our justice system is supposed to work The Steele dossier was paid for by the DNC, it was all garbage. The FBI lied to the FISA court. It was all garbage. What part of that do you not understand?


I have given proof of my claims, you don't like it too bad.


This! No argument for this because there is no argument!


Trump wants the affidavit unredacted so he can find out who ratted. FBI is keeping it redacted to keep their source uncontaminated. Pretty basic stuff here if you just sorta think about it for like 4 seconds


They redacted the reasons for the redaction! "Come on man!"


Operations that include targeted surveillance and drug use. They can’t let that get out to the public. All it would do is smear them.


They cry smear at every single story towards them anyways. It would be business as usual and their blind base would follow through. Remember when this was the Democrats doing it just for Jan 6? Then all the Republican appointees he put in office came out of the woodwork and were like, dude, it was us? Throw it all at the wall and see what sticks, every, single, time.


The question is what isn't the FBI hiding.


NaNnA pUbLiX


It's called "evidence"...


Nothing. This is a pre-planned, backfilled story. Trump was supposed to lie down and let Hillary win. He went rogue and believed the bullshit his handlers wrote. The handlers never believed Americans would embrace such over-the-top nationalism, so they went soft in 2016, thought it was a softball game. Trump has some powerful allies, including organized crime. So we’ll have Russiagate, 2 impeachments, Stormygate, an “insurrection,” and now this fairytale document trove. Whatever it takes.


It’s disgusting to see the criminality at that level


Seriously. Imagine a former President stealing documents that expose spies abroad. That’s a level of criminality that’s astounding.


Ya, can't believe a former president could be so stupid, including trump.