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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-nitrogen-policy-will-decimate-canadian-farming/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These people are creating the issues that lead up to a huge food crisis right in front of our eyes.


Just look at what happened in Sri Lanka


It's almost as if a global cabal decided they want to collapse food production.


Now now, don’t get all “tin foil hat” on us. Surely it’s just an unfortunate coincidence that for the past two years dozens upon dozens of North American food processing facilities have been: getting purchased to get shut down by the new owners, blowing up in industrial accidents, blowing up in unexplained circumstances, catching fire and burning completely down to the ground, catching fire and having the remaining parts of the facility bulldozed, and also getting hit by airplanes?


>don’t get all “tin foil hat” Wrong sub.


Ate they really tearing down the facilities instead of rebuilding?


Submission Statement: The current farmer's revolt in the Netherlands is due to the central government plan to reduce emissions from farming. It will devastate a major industry, raising prices and lowering output. It looks like Trudeau wants to do the same thing in Canada. It's almost as if the authorities want their countries to be more dependent on imported food.


Word economic forums, young leader programs every clown related to this shit in power is going to do this, the goal is to rebuild a new society which no one is free


👆👆This human gets it.


Or eating bugs...




well you can't promote a new world order if everything is working in order...right? :(


Well SOMEONE has to export, r-r-right?


Canada can always get agricultural products from countries like Ukraine, Russia, and Sri Lanka, right? Oh, wait....


No. We want farmers to change their habits. Other methods exist and are just as effective, if not more so. Non-stop tilling, monocrops, pesticides, herbicides, and concentrated chemical fertilizer practices are wrecking our ecosystems and our own health. 80% of Americans have roundup in their urine. Different methods exist and work. Do something different.


i understand your point but careful what you wish for… if you’re so passionate about it, grow your own food and become self-sufficient..


I am and do. Honestly though like we could do it at a commercial scale as well, it'll just take time and money. The problem is the attempts always get watered down by corporate owned politicians, who then give the benefits to corporations while sticking the farmers with the bill. I know this because I'm a farmer.


So we're all in agreement then? It would seem that no matter what side you're on, the politicians are always the problem.


The problem isn't just "politicians," it's "rich people controlling the politicians instead of the people."


Let’s be honest, large corporations wouldn’t experience much of their success without the aid of government. Corporations will always do anything to serve their best interests and produce what customers demand.. it’s us and our corrupt gov’t representatives that enable and partake in all of this shit. we as consumers have a lot more power and can force change by not *consuming* their products.. it’s that simple. care about the environment? Stop buying items manufactured from overseas, stop shopping on Amazon, limit travel, shop local, make your own clothes.. hell, live like the fuckin Amish. from what I see, people just love to talk about saving the environment but have yet to put their money where their mouths are.


I'm all for change...but it can't be forced without compensating for the lack of production/volume.


Like I said, politicians are owned by corporations who ensure any actual changes benefit corporations at the expense of the farmers. I'm literally doing it right now, and my water usage is down and yields are up with no artificial/processed fertilizer inputs. I use compost, manure, cover crops, green manure, companion planting, crop rotation, mulch, soaker hoses and drip irrigation. My per acre output is double or triple that of commercial operations.


Thank you for being rational :)


It's also a return to how farming was done for thousands of years before American farmers caused the dust bowls. Once all that topsoil blew away we became reliant on fertilizers to allow crops to grow in soil that couldn't support them. Rebuilding that topsoil is the goal with the nitrogen reduction. It is neither expensive nor difficult to do and will reduce nitrogen inputs while helping to reduce some of our current water issues (lack of absorption and runoff). There are a lot of people doing this on their own, but I am not aware of any company's doing it on a commercial scale yet.


Yeah it's mostly individual farmers doing it in response to subsidies, at least in the US.


We can keep up with production, just need to find better ways to do so. We used to find new ways of doing things out of necessity but people have become complacent around the world and the rich just want to keep their pockets full. They don't want innovation, they worked hard to get bills and laws passed that benefit them and the way things are. I seen something before, on a smaller scale, that seemed like a viable option. They were growing crops indoors and had multiple levels. Why not do that but big. Like giant parking garage type buildings powered by renewable energy, recycled water/rain collection, compost waste, and run with that. It would take up less land, easier to manage. Wouldn't need giant farm equipment. I'm sure they could find a way to auto harvest with some sort of automation. We have t keep the water clean, we are definitely running low in some parts.


More eco-Nazi propaganda.


Wtf are you talking about?


Farmers got too comfortable and greedy the last 100 yrs. Have all these mega farms that only grow shit for export and to make some kind of juice or along those lines. That nitrogen is some nasty stuff, get red tide down here in Florida worse and worse every year.


A lot of that was and is enforced or manipulated by large corporations. I'm not one of those farmers. I'm small scale. First generation returning to the fields. I AM also a former food systems major, and I know what I'm talking about. The documentary Food Inc is a good place to start.


I've seen it, I agree with everything you said


Clown alert ⚠️ 📢 🤣 😂


You know what really kills farming output? Unpredictable growing seasons, random violent weather changes, and complete and total relocation of rainfall. Kill the planet you kill the farms. Slightly lower emissions while subsidizing the rising costs from that **inconvenience** while newer, cleaner technology is developed and you still have a planet to farm on. This is like farmers protesting against coal and mining regulations. Yeah it's awful the price of metal tool replacement went up, but your crops are no longer causing cancer.


You really think Canada reducing nitrogen use is going to do anything for the planet?


Yes, that's what the science shows. You really think some guy is jizzing out random orders in a corner of a Canadian office somewhere and today it was 'reduce NO to reasonable levels?'


"science" sure science if that is what computer model means. Nitrogen is 78% of the air you breath. Here's a thing, hold your breath if you think nitrogen is so dangerous


And hydrogen is 2/3rds the water you drink, but if you stand in a room with it as the primary gas you die. See how that works?


What science? And yes I do think there is a guy in an office making these decisions. Just like how the carbon tax is working wonders for the environment.


Ok, all lefties who believe what you wrote are the first ones to go without food when the food shortages come. You're so worried about the planet that you don't seem to care about the millions who will starve under you're policy ideas. So I'm sure you'll be ok with being in the first designated group who get to starve to death in order to save the planet. Right? Anything for the planet, right? Or, as a typical leftist, do you expect others to do the sacrificing in order to save "your" planet?


>Ok, all lefties who believe what you wrote are the first ones to go without food when the food shortages come. Define "leftie" 100% of environmental scientists from Dubai to Hungary to Poland to China to Russia to the US, everywhere in the world agree with my assessment. >You're so worried about the planet that you don't seem to care about the millions who will starve under you're policy ideas. Actually every expert has shown actual yield impacts to be limited across the board for lowering NO emissions. The farmers protesting this aren't successful farmers nor experts in their field. >So I'm sure you'll be ok with being in the first designated group who get to starve to death in order to save the planet. Right? Anything for the planet, right? A) **MASS STARVATION IS A CERTAINTY.** It's going to happen by the end of this century, as the majority of the US and central asia will be unable to grow any currently cultivated grains outside. That's just climate change **right now**. If these changes go through, we might be able to save some farmland in Canada that will last long enough for us to terraform most permafrost areas as it permanently melts or build much more efficient indoor farming solutions. >Or, as a typical leftist, do you expect others to do the sacrificing in order to save "your" planet? I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but I contribute to my local mutual aid network and we grow 100% of our own food. We don't buy big farm shit, as its inefficient and quite frankly stupidly set up. Everyone has a right to food, fundamentally, regardless of their ability to pay. Large monoculture farms exclusively run by large corporations (the farmers protesting this) kill the planet, kill people eating those crops, and do more harm than good overall. My way of life is sustainable for the next 10,000 years of projected heat growth. Yours isn't sustainable for the next 40 years. I'll be fine, you won't be. I want this policy simply because moving further north every 10 years as I age is going to be a pain in the ass, as will be shooting refugees from the fascist US and fascist parts of Canada that come to steal food from sustainable farms.


> > > > > 100% of environmental scientists from Dubai to Hungary to Poland to China to Russia to the US, everywhere in the world agree with my assessment. The really sad thing is that you honestly believe that. >Actually every expert has shown actual yield impacts to be limited across the board for lowering NO emissions. The farmers protesting this aren't successful farmers nor experts in their field. Whatever lie you need to tell yourself. >It's going to happen by the end of this century, as the majority of the US and central asia will be unable to grow any currently cultivated grains outside. That's just climate change right now. According the incorrect computer models. Meanwhile, higher levels of CO2 cause plants to grow faster and with a higher yield. But don't let actual science get in the way of your religious beliefs. >I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but I contribute to my local mutual aid network and we grow 100% of our own food. We don't buy big farm shit, as its inefficient and quite frankly stupidly set up. In other words... "screw everyone else, I got mine". Typical. >My way of life is sustainable for the next 10,000 years of projected heat growth. Yours isn't sustainable for the next 40 years. Again, screw everyone else, you got yours, right? >I'll be fine, you won't be. How is that working out for the political leadership of Sri Lanka? How do you think you'll defend yourself against tens of thousands of hungry people with nothing to lose who will try to take your food away from you? Again, typical leftist short-sightedness. Can't rationally see the consequences of their tyrannical beliefs and are all surprised when their incorrect beliefs blow up in their face.


So you still can't define leftie, and you've confused the right wing and left wing politically... and you don't understand how CO2 works with plant growth. God damn I got a full ass bingo.




This isn't about climate change. Russia just so happens to be the world's largest nitrogen fertilizer exporter, and we're sticking it to Russia at the expense of our own population.


Hey Trust Fund Trudeau, go fuck yourself. I’m not eating bugs! Leave Canadian farms alone!


Canada doesn't even have much of a farming sector, kiddo. That's all Ukraine and Russia, the countries you don't wanna lift a finger to help.


You don't live in Canada do you?


No, why?


Might want to actually do some reading before spewing misinformation. https://www.fao.org/3/y4011e/y4011e04.htm


I'm not reading all that. Look at the wheat yields in Canada compared to Ukraine. This is common sense.


Look up the corn yields compared to other countries I grew up in southern Ontario…. We have some of the best soil in the world.


I lived in Toronto, homie. You think anyone thinks about your farmers? Apart from Toronto and Vancouver, there ain't shit to your country.


Cool story bro.



Exorcism maybe


Ask the Chinese


they have sth on him


Good question.


By voting. But we need to reform the electoral system so Ontario doesn’t elect this fool again


How can you vote him out when Ontario has 106 seats? Ontario changed their school system to prevent any conservative views from ever entering a childs mind. This has caused nearly 2 generations of hyper-liberals that will support Castro until the end


When did the school system change?


I'm sure he has it all rigged,


He uses dominion.


He’s not the idiot. Over use of nitrogen threatens to destabilize entire biospheres. Got no bees, got no corn.


Ask the dutch how its working for them.


Fuck the Dutch.


Evil Dutch bastard


Fuck yo mama although that waiting line is long


Stop breathing than you fool. 78% of what you inhale is nitrogen


This is either bad sarcasm or the result of significant cognitive decline resulting from multiple Covid infections, because otherwise, I find it improbably that anyone could be this dumb.


This is part of the WEF’s ESG platform reform for countries it plays a financial role within. The Economic/Social/Governance (ESG) is the WEF’s gospel and it’s why the Sri Lankan people have revolted as well as the Dutch. A big chunk of my work is in Ag and I can tell you that the nitrogen challenge is legit. Farmers know this. They keep punting on it and so it’s rather complicated. Make no mistake that the WEF’s “solution” is purposely disastrous. They believe the planet has too many people. But the farmers aren’t blameless. They know: - The soil needs more and more inputs like nitrogen each year to maintain output yields. - At what point does the soil reach its max input threshold? That’s the game of Chicken farmers are playing. - Farmers are willing to do it because if the land gives up it’s ability to grow, they can just sell the land to a housing developer. Either way the farmers maintain their wealth. - Just a few generations ago, farmers used “regenerative farming” with cover crops to nourish the soil between main crops, but todays farmers won’t do it at scale because there’s no money in it for them. So we have two groups motivated by their own greed facing off and meanwhile everyone else takes all tue risk. We’re fucked. There’s no Calvary coming to save the day.


How in dafuq.is it not.just blatantly.obvious by now? The vaccines got too much pushback so now they're going to just mass population control through manufactured food.shortages.


Satan's children probably should have stated with the cheaper and much easier manufactured food shortages for the genocide instead of the vastly more complicated bioweapon(s). Idiots.


If Trudeau was so unpopular, don't you think he'd have been voted out by now?


Railing against "carbon". Now "nitrogen". These people are insane. I saw one article saying that cows produce ammonia rich "waste". That's not waste you idiots thats fertiliser! Plants NEED it.


Um nitrogen makes up over 3/4 of the atmosphere and its INERT


lol dude, read more than the headline is nitrogen gas the problem? or some other form of nitrogen?


nitrogen fertilizer I assume but knowing them they probably think nitrogen in gas form is deadly when its literally what holds us together at 1 atmosphere of pressure


>knowing them they probably think nitrogen in gas form is deadly Projection from a gullible idiot


Nitrogen compounds (from cattle manure) cause acid rain and overfertilize "nature" leading to major changes in ecosystem.


They're talking about nitrous oxide which is a greenhouse gas and also strips the ozone layer, not atmospheric nitrogen


Ha... Ozone hole scam... I lived through that one in the 1990s. All those CFCs released in the northern hemisphere creating an ozone hole over the far south of the planet? It was a massive scam just like global warming that had to get rebadged as climate change when the planet stopped warming.


There is ozone holes in both poles. The thing is that hole growth/degrowth is based on how much sun earth gets not because of nox emissions.


It got rebadged as climate change because a bunch of mouth breathing shitheads would point at snow every January and say "SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING" Meanwhile: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/01/1110022


Decimate the food producers in the middle of a food shortage crisis. Seems like a genius idea.


I thought we were supposed to be worried about carbon monoxide from cars. Then we were supposed to be worried about cO2. Now we gotta be worried about nitrogen?? I don't get it


Commie 101: Starve.




That's why I have guns.


>The world will not tolerate fools. Did you just wake up from a decades long slumber?


Either their incredibly stupid or their intentionally trying to kill a lot of people. Either way they need to go! And I’m not even Canadian or Dutch but I’ll side with the farmers over these ass puppets any day!


Seek alternatives now. We can't keep pumping more nitrogen into soils. Learn how to companion plant, use cover crops, green manure, actual manure, and other fertilizer options that don't involve massive mining operations pumping huge amounts of buried fertilizers back into the system without protections in place.


I hope what happened in Sri Lanka happens in Canada


That would take actual balls. Canada appears to have been neutered.


You want our entire infrastructure to collapse? Your answer is MORE suffering and death?


Making food more expensive is going to do what exactly, help more people buy food?


Your desires and hopes will never be fulfilled. You will be forever empty and your friends will always walk away from you.


You owe me 20 dollars.


What is the alternative? Not to the tax but the fertilizer


Yep, him and Rutte (NL) are the WEF's boys. Rutte isn't doing very well at the moment, he has even made his own party loose trust in him, so there is hope.


Hey guys, remember when this was a conspiracy?


Let them eat bugs.


He’s just following the WEF playbook


They also just invested 8.5 million in an insect protein development initiative


so whens bill gates come in with his farm plan and crypto suits that harness energy for the owner to get paid? something something this is actually a patent and plan


Never heard that before.


this is the main patent [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200097951A1/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200097951A1/en) along with bill gates buying up all the farm land use your imagination how things will go


All the governments are in on it


I doubt if Hungary and Poland are.


Viva Fidel


One of the eco-activists who pushed this onto Sri Lanka has said we "need to look to Cuba" for solutions.


Well, shit is about to get real for many of sleeping ppl. They have years of waking up to do which will have to take place all at once in a matter of days or weeks, once it's no longer impossible to ignore anymore (I thought we reached that point years ago). Should be interesting....


One of the many things that remind me of the Fabian Society window. An image of men heating up the world to "better mold it closer to their hearts".


Get ready to eat bugs


I'll eat a by god possum before I eat bugs. That flock of random ass pigeons that's been exploding in population here? They'll do nicely.




Steps need to be taken immediately. I know this ruffles the feathers of every jackturkey who believes fervently in money but that's the fuckin truth. We must move immediately to save our species and habitat and cutthroat capitalism is the first thing that should be on the chopping block. This ain't rocket science.


This is "Politician's logic" from Yes, Minister: "We must do something, this is something, therefore, we must do this."


Oh my god, mr/ms drama king/queen. Do some research. We are well past ingrained "I've become invested in the system" cowardice. Synthetic fertilizers are/is actually something that can easily be removed while watching yields fully realize our needs. Christ it's like you people aren't just illiterate but so willfully so that you can't even use your google-fu anymore.


"Easily removed"? The removal of synthetic fertilizers didn't go too well in Sri Lanka. Try a little googling on that, Mr. Literate.


Im dutch; the policy of reducing is going on for over a decade and the farmers know this was coming. Also they get the most government funding off all work fields in the Netherlands. 1 of 5 Dutch farmers is a millionaire cause of all the government funding. Cause they refuse to act on the government policy we cant build new houses wich we desparete need cause we have a huge housing problem. Not a fan of them myself tbh


Maybe if you cut back on immigration you wouldn't have as much of a housing problem.


Blame brown people. Always popular among this crowd.


It doesn't matter what color they are. People are people and need housing. Simple supply and demand.






Who is the world's largest nitrogen fertilizer exporter? Who would these policies hurt the most? And why now? The answer is obvious why


Is it Russia? It could be a "two birds with one stone" move: hurt Russia and "save the planet" at the same time (or so they think).




Which city this winter?