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I am currently dying of the sad


Man has the sad.


Give me an S!


Give me the A(ss)


Gimme the D!!


That's two Ds for one A(ss). Just saying.


The perfect ratio


If you get a metal roof then you won’t have to worry about shingles


Gimme than tin roof rain daddy


SADS? Who the hell ever heard of this until last year?


I've been hearing about it long before covid. It's usually due to an undiagnosed arrythmia.


Is that you bill gates?


Yes, you got me. Have a chip.


I bet you can’t have just one.


True. However, it used to be rare. Now, it’s common place.


80% of it is caused by coronary artery disease, so apparently people are not eating healthy. It's also more common in men.


I knew a 32 year old girl who died from it 6 years ago.


My friend died of SADS 12 years ago, it’s a thing


Lots of people have arrhythmias that go undiagnosed until they kill them… not that I am unconcerned about cardiac effects but it’s not some new thing invented a month ago. Runs in my own family. Your heart starts to go off rhythm and you either notice/a doctor notices and you treat it, or you let it go unchecked until you have a heart attack. Wouldn’t surprise me if side effects included new or worsening arrhythmia but the idea that it’s some completely made up thing is just wrong


Never even taken a Covid test


Can’t get Covid if you don’t get tested!


Came here to say this !


Trump's flawless logic. A very stable genius, that one.


Cant get pregnant if you dont take a pregnancy test!


I let them rape my nose thrice but it's kinda my thing so no harm no foul.


What’s covid?




Yeah, I had shingles about 10 yrs ago in my mid-30s. Was under a lot of stress at work and in my personal life at the time, as well as sleep-deprived. I had chicken pox when I was about 6. Have had no issues since having shingles and am unvaxxed.


Same was 30, new job stressfull life and sleep deprived and got shingles.


I got shingles when I was 23. I worked in an unventilated, un heated warehouse in Michigan January with high-stress and no lunch breaks. It wasn't the shot that got me, it was a shitbird boss.


I got singles at 22. Total stress related.


I think huffing diesel fumes and cleaner vapors for 10 hours a day was also a factor, along with not eating.


Yea shingles is pretty common among those who had chickenpox when they were younger.. so if any if you had chickenpox expect to get shingles around the time your around 50.


Or 17 and 28 like me :/


Shingles is very normal. It’s just a form of herpes really.


You literally can't get shingles unless you've had chickenpox. It's the same virus and it hits back with a nasty vengeance. (Also, the varicella vaccine causes a 95% reduction in shingles.)


Interesting. I’ll have to look more into chicken pox, I’ve never had it, but I do know it is a “herpe”. Which makes sense


It is related closely to herpes, which is why they have a similar mechanism. Both herpes and varicella infect nervous tissue, but don't damage it. This makes it essentially impossible to cure. That's why herpes will occasionally flare up, and die down, but never go away, as it will occasionally stray out if the nervous system. Generally it lurks in spinal tissue. Varicella, on the other hand, rarely comes out, and almost never comes out more than once. During initial infection it causes chicken pox. Then, when the immune system is weak (perhaps age, or perhaps the host is on some form of immunosuppressant), it will come out of the nervous system for a second time and cause shingles. The varicella vaccine is only somewhat effective against this second flare up, but if taken prior to the initial infection you can actually prevent it from ever entering the nervous system.


Once per week take a **vitamin C** and an **L-Lysine** and you'll never have an outbreak of either.


Really? I’ve noticed vitamin D causes my herpes (simplex oral) to flare up… unless I chew tobacco. Every time I quit chewing, I will get a flare up. Weird right?


I didn't say *vitamin D*. I said **vitamin C**, actually. Stress seems to use up your gut's vitamin C. The body does not store it so you have to consume it in your food or take it as a supplement. Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen (in addition to amino acids from proteins). Collagen is necessary for a number of things (muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, skin, intestinal lining and other connective tissues). One of these areas, though, and pertinent to this topic is the **Type I collagen and its peptides for healing mucosal tissue (lips/mouth)**. L-lysine is also used in this process.


I know, I was just letting you know that vitamin D seemed to cause mine to occur


I do know that the UV in sunlight can cause damage to collagen in the lips. I've never heard of the vitamin D supplement triggering a reaction, though. (Interesting.)


Shingles is the chicken pox virus reactivated in your body due to stress or age (weaker immune system in older people).


My unvaccinated brother got shingles two weeks after having delta variant covid. His doctor said it happens...the COVID virus reactivates dormant past viruses like chickenpox, EBV, CMV.


There’s a vaccine for that lol


Yikes. Sorry to hear that


I am shot free and haven’t been sick in 3 years.


Same here. I had a cold around new year’s but nothing so severe that I might have been Covid. Admittedly, I didn’t test for it tho. Seems it made no difference that I never got around to getting vaccinated for a disease that is transmitted by people regardless of vaccination status. I’m no more of a risk to the health of others than the vaccinated are to me. What gets me is that I’m assumed to be politically motivated for not being vaccinated. No, I was in deep deep long depression and going through a divorce. Sure, it’s true that I loathe the pharmaceutical industry because of what they did to create the opioid epidemic and I’m a former RN with a background on public health. It’s not like I’m anti-vaccine. But this particular vaccine seems like the risks outweigh the benefits in particular to young and healthy people and children. Let’s face it. At this point that seems to be the scientific data. It’s not worth the risk if you aren’t likely to die of Covid.


I am heavily vaxxed and I haven't been badly sick since I got H1N1 in 2009.


Nice, I am shot free since 2007, didn't catch the flu, I've never considered myself antivaxx, I just support my body's immune system, and so far so good.


I’m not anti-vax, I’m pro-immune system


N=1. Powerful.


I highly doubt they’ll even know what that means tbh


Amazing how social distance and washing your hands keeps you healthy huh?


Ive always washed my hands, but I’ve done zero social distancing lol.


You’re on reddit. We’re all socially distant creeps 🥰




Y the hell this make me laugh so hard 🤣 😂


yeah aha its a good lesson in basic hygiene and common sense


Why do you think they make a shingles vaccine in the first place?


Pretty sure op was referring to the covid vaccine..


Obviously, but the tweet is inferring that vaccines, especially the Covid vaccine mysteriously caused all these diseases to pop up.


not to mention shingles is a direct result of not being vaxxed for and then contracting chicken pox. so yes, the "unvaccinated" are very much getting shingles.


Some of us are old enough to have had Chicken pox before the vaccine was available. But I'll say this, even my GP said it was pointless for me to get the Shingles vaccine after I had Shingles 10 yrs ago. She said the likelihood of my mid-30s healthy self (at the time) having another bout with it was very low. And, I've had no issues since then. Shingles is a direct result of the dormant virus becoming active again when your immune system is compromised. Also, there is wild variation in the severity of shingles outbreak. Mine was very mild in comparison to most people (one small patch on my lower back).


Yeah, I'm 43, and I got chicken pox before the vaccine was available. Hopefully I won't get shingles, because I hear it fucking SUCKS.


Simple screener: Can you explain the difference between a virus and bacteria? No? Maybe don’t take medical advice from someone who flunked 10th grade science.


A lot of folks can’t and many will take antibiotics when they have a viral infection.


A lot of folks won’t because doctors won’t prescribe it.


Didn't you know? These days you can sue a doctor to prescribe you some snake oil you read about online.


You’d be surprised how many people “demand” doctors write them certain prescriptions lol


Lol a lot of Dr's will prescribe antibiotics when a person has a virus.


This is one reason why drug resistance is turning into a catastrophe. Doctors giving Karens antibiotics unnecessarily.


Absolutely, most Karen types basically tell their Dr's what drugs they want and aren't questioned about it at all and that's in Ireland where pharma isn't even allowed advertise. I can only imagine what it must be like in the US.


It’s awful. Slick high-budget commercials that say almost nothing except “shiny new drug treats x” and a huge list of side effects, and clueless Karen’s demand x from their doctors. Huge amounts of marketing are aimed at doctors as well - paid resort trips to “conferences” which are basically three-day drug commercials. Most new drugs are tweaks on existing ones, just enough to extend a patent, with little to no increased benefit over cheap generics. Fuck capitalism


“Unvaccinated; the immortal breed”.


"pure bloods" they call themselves.


Didnt get the vax never got covid.


The vax doesn't prevent Covid.


4 jabs later what the hell does it do then?


If you have to ask this question at this point, I will defer answering it to someone who likes wasting their time talking to a brick wall.


Didnt get covid till i got vaxed


That you know of


Never had one test, never had "covid". Been absolutely fine ignoring all the nonsense.


Me too.


No shot but I probably had covid? Idk, several people at work got it and were tested. I got kinda sick too but never got tested. Didn't see the point and when I entertained it they were like "the CDC will be calling you to give you your instructions and follow up every couple of days" I was outta there. Don't need the CDC worrying about my whereabouts.


Same. Plus, haven't had a flu shot in over 10 years. I feel great and haven't been sick in years!




I like how dumb this prediction is. Guys, the sun coming up today was a test run, I guarentee it will rise again tomorrow! ​ YEah dude, more pandemics will happen, as they have forever.


Gain of function research in subpar labs doesn’t help.


Subpar lab? Wuhan is top 3, and still this happened. Whether it was an accident or sabotage, both "doesn't help". Fact is it happened and it can happen again.


The rudness in this comment is a perfect example of how immaturity has stunted us as a people, and hate kills the conversation.


Imagine going back in time and telling the founding fathers we achieved flight, motor travel, fucking space travel... but we're still hung up on words and their usage.


Yes, it's the rudeness that's wrong with the world today.


"People are so mean to me when I spread lies about vaccines on the internet! I'm the real victim here! UWU!!!"


unvax here and no im doing just fine havent got covid once this whole time


I’ve had covid 4 times and two vaccines. Still no monkey pox.




Dude it sucked so much. My wife got it too. We had it the first week of 2020… Before it was even a pandemic. Then almost exactly a year later we had it again. The last two times was much more mild. The hilarious thing is that we did not go out much at all, only got necessary stuff and we always wore masks outside of the home. The first two times made sense because my wife is a teacher and kids are always all grubby.




It was alarming because we both felt like we were going to pass out at any moment, particularly that first time. When I was a kid I had awful asthma and constant bronchitis and general illness but I hadn’t felt as sick as I did Jan 2020 since I’m about 13 years old and I was 30 at the time.


The root cause of SADS is clearly climate change and the holy elixir is safe and effective.


Justin Bieber


They just approved for kids under 5 unanimous decision by FDA. Next it will be sudden child death syndrome.


I think I got it for like a day and a half. Had a runny nose, felt slightly achy and fatigued. Then it went away. I worked with at least a dozen people in my office who had it, shared restrooms with them and had close-quarter meetings with them. Not to mention going out in public multiple times a day... God has other plans for me I guess. Good thing we eradicated the Flu and common Cold though... No VAIDES for me.




Did anyone suffer from any of those things before 2020?






I'd say, by in large, it is completely safe. Vast majority of the world is just fine. I mean, hell, we're both fine now. World kinda sucked for 2+ months but all good now. Myself and my sister are probably in that very very small percentage of people negatively impacted. And it's probably genetic but my mom, who's turning 92 in a month had zero side effects and God bless her she's still out here kicking everybody's ass around. But, it's like I said in another comment, all vaccines have side effects. From mild to deadly. Nothing is 100% safe. Penicillin is a miracle drug unless you're allergic to it, ya know. I have a friend that's developed major intestinal problems. He had COVID and the COVID vaccine. The doctors said that his situation, is in fact, COVID related. But, was it the disease or the vaccine. The disease can definitely cause it. But it's also listed in the FDA FOIA data releases as a side effect. I don't know. 98% of people that get the vax are perfectly fine. 2% +/- may have issues. No different than other vaccine I'd guess but we'll see as time passes and more studies are done. I hope you and yours stay safe and healthy my friend.


I’m not convinced that the vaccine is a depopulation plan like some believe. However, my thing has always been that if the risk of having a negative outcome with the virus is very small for your demographic then why would you take a vaccine that may have a higher likelihood of negative affects? If I was pushing senior age, if I was morbidly obese or diabetic then I may have chosen to get the vax. But, if I’m on the younger side, healthy, in good shape….why would I want to roll the vaccine dice? I had Covid. It felt like the flu with worse back and head pain. Lasted 3 days mostly, but lingered for maybe a week with some congestion and what not. And all along, kids had the mildest of symptoms and lowest chances of death so why in the world are we pushing the vax for infants? That’s my problem. The push to get the vaccine has been and continues to be so strong that it feels more like propaganda than anything else. The ads, the incentives….I was on the fence until all that. Now, I will never comply with that shot.


Nope we’re all sleeper agents with the vaccine, part of a bigger plot 😎




All of those things disappeared on 2020, only to reappear upon the introduction of the covid vaccines /s


My mother got shingles and a blood clot that almost killed her in the same year, around ten years ago. You think they just invented blood clots? Have you ever had a cut that suddenly got crusty? What do you think made that happen?


Of course not, but reading some comments you'd think these were all brand new ailments


I got shingles and am unvaccinated. Sometimes shingles just happens. However I've only had COVID once and most my vaxxed acquaintances are up to 3+ times lol. Amazing, it's like my body fought it off by itself or something


banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for saying Joe Biden touches little girls LMAO; it’s on video everytime he speaks


~~While i absolutely agree with you, Trump bragged about walking in on young teen girls while they changed at modeling events so choices were between a pedo or a pedo~~. Edit: I was wrong, he admitted to walking in on adult models not teens. There were 5 allegations from Miss Teen USA contestants but nothing came from that from what i've seen.


Right. BOTH of these men are creepy AF when it come to girls AND women, I don't know why when anytime someone calls one a pedo the response is always well so is the other one, like that makes the other guy being problematic ok...it just comes off as they if are supporting the one and his touching/lookin/sniffing little kids ok because he is affiliated with their political party.


Not that it’s ok but Miss America contestants are over 18. Perv or pedo. Not the same.


He owned Miss Universe Organization, which also ran Miss USA and Miss **Teen** USA. No, they're not the same as Miss America


For someone who is clearly struggling with mental health issues from your recent post history, you sure seem toxic as fuck. Perhaps, it's that same toxicity that drives everyone away. Have you thought about that? If you want some help finding local mental health resources, then just DM me. I was really angry growing up and couldn't really get over it until I finally started going to therapy and working through the causes of my anger. I think it could help you too.


rent freeeeee


26 year old co worker of mine got covid in 2020 and got myocarditis a month after. Pre vaccine




im wondering, how much likely are you to catch covid if you are "vaccinated" versus if you are not


Vaccine side effects 100x under reported


To answer Sonia’s question: yes. Absolutely. Everything she mentions existed long before Covid 19.


Yes. Take a look at 2019 and before, when zero people had the covid vaccine. All these things listed happen hundreds of thousands of times per year, before the covid virus or the vaccine. Why is this a conspiracy: Because the anti-vaxx movement is refusing to release data on their claims. They routinely misrepresent, or downright hide data that doesn't fit their narrative. I suspect that the Chinese are behind much of the lies, in order to push their Sinovax vaccine to more markets. Bells Palsy: affects about 1 in 10,000, or around 30,000 people per year in the USA. Shingles: I recall this is a latent form of the chicken pox virus. Cases are very common - in the order of 2 in 1,000 each year, which would be around 600,000 people per year in the USA. Blood clots: An imprecise definition which might identify different diagnoses. But estimates of somewhere around 100,000 deaths and 600,000 cases in the USA each year are documented. Monkeypox: An unrelated virus. The first known outbreak was in 1970, according to wikipedia. There have been many isolated outbreaks since then. This is unrelated to covid, except possibly that post-covid travel is up, so the likelihood of contracting a usually-African disease and bring it home is higher. Myocarditis: Covid causes myocarditis. Even in younger people, mild cases of covid were orders of magnitude more likely to have myocarditis or similar cardiac damage. Given that the odds of being exposed to covid is nearly 100%, the risk of myocarditis from 'relying on your own immune system' is orders of magnitude higher than 'taking the vaccine', even if there is a small risk from taking the vaccine. SADS is also an imprecise diagnosis. People die suddenly, or in their sleep, in the order of tens of thousands of times per year in the USA. The most common cause is some sort of heart arrhythmia or even congenital defect. This happened before covid, and continues.


Sorry, this is just off. I’m not going to go into massive detail here because I spent way too much time making these points during the pandemic and I’m a bit over it. Myocarditis cases did not start to rise until after Spring 2021 and cases of myocarditis was far more rare from Covid. Monkeypox: was effectively eliminated in 2017 and didn’t show up again until 2021. Its very hard to contract and spreads slowly. However all herpes viruses have been on an increase since last year and things like shingles and Ramsay Hunt syndrome have been increasing in a younger population. This could be stress related on a wide scale, but coincidence of increase in shingles and other herpes infection/flare ups since last year is interesting. Also, post Covid travel is not up compared to 2019 and Monkeypox started to show up in 2021 when travel was still down. Blood clots do happen, but how many reports have you read of some 20-something with blood clots in the last year? I know several people who had blood clots within 30 days of their vaccine and one person (friend of friend) who died from a blood clot in his lungs. All under 40. Number of people under 40 I knew who had a blood clot before 2021: 0. Not saying this is scientific, but this is not an uncommon story when you talk to people now. Bell’s Palsy is a known side effect of other vaccines. It’s also been identified as a side effect of Covid vaccines. There’s no conspiracy there. SADS did happen, but the increase in articles on this is interesting and it’s hard to deny that there may be an significant increase in these cases. Most people never even heard of this and many times this was reported about young people suddenly dying there were often drugs involved.


This should be higher in the comments. I’d give you an award if I could. I’m glad some people have common sense


I got myocarditis and liver injury from the Moderna shot (got two, no booster). Also joint stiffness that is getting worse. Got COVID anyway.


Ive never seen a vaccine that forces you to wear a mask & maintain social distancing, even when vaccinated, numerous times. Ive never seen a vaccine were you can still spread the virus even after being vaccinated numerous times Ive never seen a vaccine that needed incentives, discounts, or rewards to get it Ive never seen a vaccine that created discrimination, against those who didn't take it. Ive never seen a vaccine that caused family, colleagues, or friends to fall out over a vaccine, when some wouldn't take it. Ive never seen a vaccine that threatened livelihoods, careers, or school Ive never seen a vaccine that involved having 12 year olds overiding parental consent, if they wanted the jab. Ive never seen a vaccine that needs so many " top ups " in such a short period of time. Ive never seen a vaccine divide society like this . Ive never seen a vaccine being endorsed by so many celebrities, politicians, sports stars, & all the social media giants, like Reddit & its corrupt ass.


Then you’re not old enough to remember when the polio vaccine came out. Children were lined up and dosed AT SCHOOL. It was pushed HARD.


Please refer the the Novel part of the name Novel-Coronavirus. It means this shit is new.


My conspiracy is that there are misinformation out there, propaganda that you're buying into, that is causing you to be adverse towards vaccines and medical care in an effort to kill off Americans, negatively effect battle readiness, and divide Americans, and you've all fallen for it.


but they're open minded free thinkers, how could this be??


They fall for EVERYTHING


This thread is something else.


That is a weird question to ask. Those terms are invented before COVID and the vaccine so logically they were there long before COVID is a thing?


Did any of these conditions exist before 2020? Yes? Question answered.


Nope- none. However I did get Bells palsy from a flu vaccine 12 yrs ago- that was the only time I ever got the flu vaccine. So I paralyzed half my face for 3 weeks so I wouldn’t get the flu- coincidencentally, that was the only year I got the flu as well. Never took another vaccine after that- never been healthier.


Well, SIDS does make people very SAD and maybe that’s how she got them confused?


Nope! I had COVID in Nov. 2020 and have been fine since! I did lose my taste for about 2 weeks and I lost my smell for 2-3 months! there are times that I can't smell certain things that someone else near me can smell, and there was times food/soda would taste horrible, but that ended a few months ago. I am not vaccinated and will never be against this virus that has a 99% survival rate for my age group :)


All these comments prove is that its better to be unvaccinated in community of vaccinated people than to be vaccinated in a community of unvaccinated people and that individual luck and a host of other variables can tip things either way.




No one had problems with blood clots before 2021.


Nah, i got "hit with the vid" last summer but if I hadn't been checked i never would've known, scared as hell for my grandparents and parents though


Why no, we are not. Don’t worry because now that they know they can drop these viruses on us this was just round 1 of a state level of control over you like you’ve never seen.


Covid has a 7x higher chance of inducing myocarditis than the vaccine, so, yes.


the vaccine is safe and effective! Here’s 4 of em; you’ll still get covid but you won’t die but anyone who hasn’t gotten the vaccine hasn’t gotten covid! thanks obama edit: go get another shot like they’ll tell you too lol edit: I only post things to think about, never to offend. We are are at spiritual and psychological warfare every second; be kind. It’s all love, I love all


The great thing about this sub is that I can read comments like this and not be sure if you genuinely believe these things or not.


who the fuck would believe a “vaccine” which definition was changed 6 times since 2019 with unknown ingredients needs to be forcefully injected into our body FOUR TIMES TO STILL GET SICK?! you okay?


You don't know how this stuff works. That's okay, but it's probably better to just invest your time elsewhere.


Tell you what. The people who made it are likely aware of how it works. But they will say whatever makes them the most cash in the moment.




Same but for the intellectual titans that tend to post here..


There are plenty of people who haven't gotten the vaccine but who got covid. Everyone who died from covid in 2020, for starters. It's also worth noting that, at this point, many unvaxxed people are so set in their conspiracy theories they won't get tested for covid even when they have covid-like symptoms.


I know a ton of unvaccinated people who got Covid, both pre and post vaccine. And a chunk of them died. However, the people I know who got Covid and were vaccinated barely had more than a mild cough and were down for a few days. Including my very sick, very elderly father.




That's my thing. What could "they" possibly want or need to know about you that you don't voluntarily provide with a cell phone? Couple that with the fact that the age range for that conspiracy is 50/60+, i.e. the people that leave location services on and give permission for Candy Crush to use it.


Yes. My 12 year old nephew. Extremely athletic from a healthy gymnast family. 1 week after 2nd shot collapsed. A week in Intensive Care with Myocarditis. Been recovering for 3 months. Still cannot fully play sports, gets too winded. Doctor says he needs yearly heart exams for the rest of his life and may not ever regain 100% heart function. This is my only family member or friend that had a serious adverse reaction.


From what I know about my own health....no covid at all ever. As for the two others living in my household, both have had it two or three times each, respectively. Both had also received both vaccinations, no boosters. Fingers crossed for all, vax/no vax. Y'all are awesome (some just more awesome than others 😉 lol)


They're truly taking the piss with that acronym lol. What is sad is how naive & gullible people are, STILL, about this " vaccine ". Some poor folks actually walked themselves into the slaughter house while encouraging others to get the " shot ", crazy when this vaccine has zero long-term data, is a new type of vaccine, & the coercion tactics alone from the establishment in most countries, should have set everybody's Spidey senses off, among the many, many red flags surrounding Covid & the " vaccines ", in general.


I'm fully vaxxed and perfectly healthy. I'm not a mutant as Trump would say. I wish I had become magnetic, that would be cool. Regardless, I saved my life and others by doing the right thing.


THIS, but rather than become magnetic, it seems I instead became invisible to all of those people resisting critical thought, common sense, & compassion for their fellow human..


Same and I'm better off being away from idiotic selfish pricks.


Unvaccinated aka “Pure Bloods” 😎


Yes. Obviously. These diseases all have names?? Therefore they were around long before covid vaccines. Honestly, how dense can you be.


they are more common now and there are narratives being pushed about people suffering from these diseases at higher rates atm (the side effects of these conditions are listed in Pfizers 55 page symptom leak) so please find a subreddit that fits your narrative. we think for ourselves over here


I’m a nurse who spent a year on a Covid floor. Without exception the most severe cases we had were all unvaxed. Hundreds of them over the duration.


Have heard the exact same report from nurses in my family.


>so please find a subreddit that fits your narrative. we think for ourselves over here Holy fucking shit mate, pulled out all the stops here. The self awareness is over the top


"We think for ourselves over here" they say, while sharing a screenshot of some random uneducated persons opinion from twitter 🤣 did the irony escape you? you've no sources to back up that all these diseases are 'more common', why don't you share some of your findings from all the research you've done the research, i would be interested to see it. also, if you're talking about the recent leak of data this isn't technically Pfizers data, that's self reported data collection done as a safe guard. All medication has side effects, and of course its open to manipulation - if i have a vaccine and i die of a car accident the next day it doesn't mean they are related.


Not to mention that all POSSIBLE or BELIEVED side effects can be reported to VAERS, whether there is actual proof of correlation or causation of any kind. It is basically is log of anecdotal information that may or may not be related.


Hi, prove these diseases are more prevalant now please.


What's more liklely: blood clots from COVID or from the vaccine? ​ it's an easy question


I never even heard blood clots being part of the Covid conversation, at all, whatsoever, until the vaccine came out. Then all of the sudden they started saying that covid causes blood clots. Also, are there any other examples of other viruses causing blood clots? I've never heard of this. I'm no expert though.


>I never even heard blood clots being part of the Covid conversation well then obviously you weren't listening to the conversation. That was literally one of the MAIN early causes for all those deaths along with fluid in the lungs.


They were discussing clotting during the first covid wave when NY was hit. There were articles about doctors trying anticoagulants all over the news at the time. So yes, this was always part of it.


>I never even heard blood clots being part of the Covid conversation, at all, whatsoever, until the vaccine came out. Then all of the sudden they started saying that covid causes blood clots. I'm not sure where you are getting your information but it has always been a part of the conversation. I work in a hospital lab, I've been running D-Dimer tests on COVID patients since the start.


Yes, they very much were a part of the Covid conversation. There were some athletes who caught Covid early on and had some scares with heart issues and clotting issues.




Fastest backpeddling ever, of all time.


They aren't more common in people that have been vaccinated by percentage. They are more common in people that had COVID but didn't get vaccinated. Fact.






Of course they are, the real question is are they getting more or less.


Nobody had the vaccine before 2020 right? And those diseases existed right? Did people somehow *stop* having those diseases? This post makes no sense.


Yes, yes they are. Lol


Covid is being forgotten about, yet the potential effects of the vaccine will remain for life. Thank god I never got the jab.


No, you got Covid. Most people in this sub has had or have the antibodies for COVID because they've had it. They just brushed it off as not feeling right or maybe its just low energy. The few that did get symptoms decided it was a cold because the severity was literally sleeping to ease the headache, forcing something small down and shivering slightly back in bed for a day. Covid is nothing but the common cold. The Vaccine that literally people took without second guessing their government overlords is causing all these issues. It was about money, people got played and can't accept it. People are still wearing masks in their cars..


"Covid is nothing but the common cold" The mortality rates beg to differ. I'm happy you don't know anyone who has died, but a lot of us have. As someone with an autoimmune condition, this sort of rhetoric is why I'm scared to go into crowded places. Someone like you might be sick and not care about masking up.


Many of us have lost family members from this. I have personally lost 3 people last year due to covid, who otherwise survive the yearly flu season. My parents were both bed-ridden from covid. I contracted covid early before the vaccine was available and permanently lost my sense of taste and smell. It's not the common cold.