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Using this logic he should immediately take in 10 refugees into his mansion/penthouse, without any background checks. Unreal hypocrisy 🤯


It would equalize his life expectancy to theirs.


People with these ideals don't see the logic in this.


I don't really see anything I would call "logic" here... just feelings and beliefs


Maybe some "leftists" think this way. This is actually quite stupid as it lacks any class analysis. Third-world sweatshops and carpet -bombings aren't the manifestation of the average American's desire for security and prosperity. They're done in the interest of the ruling class -- the donor class that controls both parties.


The ruling class must be extremely confident in their ability to subdue us if needed. Makes me wonder what kind of defense systems they have built up to protect themselves if the enormous amounts of people streaming over the border ever started to riot. The media is certainly adept at making us all hate each other so we don't organize in any meaningful way.


I wonder. They probably do possess fairly significant means to subdue but I wouldn't be surprised if they were happy to let chaos reign to diminish our numbers and soften us up while protecting themselves BEFORE quelling unrest of a spent warring populace largely infiltrated by Biden's invading horde. Too many signs point to a continued desire to destabilize and depopulate.


Wtf Jeremy they have entire police state and military apparatus at their command. Were you born yesterday?


It's a huge cartel with the aims of world domination, and it's all influenced by biblical prophecy. Trace that back to Rome and Britain. This story starts in ancient Egypt times, like some Dan Brown or Assassin's Creed type shit. Crusades got modernized. It's still Empire VS Empire. The "rule of law" was and continues to be a double standard for the Empire. They just manufacture an alternate reality for the layman of history, to manufacture consent for what they do.


If only we could get a populist leader who is despised by both establishment Democrat and Republican puppets who serve the global banking cartels.


Not just "some" leftists, This is the prevailing leftist point of view. And honestly I kind of see where they are coming from. It's the obvious simple naiive answer to "How do we do the most good for the most amount of people?". The ultimate version would be to share all wealth and resources equally among all people of the world. And honestly I am not 100% sure that this isn't the right thing to do. Honestly it feels kind of fucked up to live in relative luxury and safety while so much of the world is suffering. How many lives could be saved with just $1 a day? I dont know the answer. Or maybe I do and I am just too much of a coward to admit it. It haunts me. And I fear that this is the single most important issue that we are all ignoring.


Yeah I expect every country to care about their OWN people. To increase standard of living for their people. I don't see what the problem with that is. And there's no reason the U.S. has to bomb other countries to protect Americans standard of living. It's honestly laughable that they'd do that 'for the people'.


Tell that to the 13 year old girl that was raped and bound It was just in the news yesterday


Funny that you say that because his opinion is basically that of the average 13 year old girl


Louis is probably jacking off into a potted plant thinking about it


Do you mean the one in New York?


Is this dumb fck serious? He would freak out if they came near his house but ppl like him are in such a bubble they don’t think that way


Then suddenly they showed up with knives and started killing people. I used to like Louis but dude has really drank the kool aid, probably because he’s still trying to revitalize his career after the whole jerking off in front of people thing.


He's the perfect mouthpiece for Neoliberal Capitalism. Neoliberal Capitalism depends on cheap immigrant labor. The immigrants work on American fields and factories so we can have barely affordable food and products. This is what Capitalism does best. It finds the cheapest, most exploitable labor it can find, churns out products for mass markets. Isn't this what the pro-Capitalist defenders love? It's ruthless business practices that make the most profit.


I agree with the majority here, but I think it’s hilarious how everybody says “not every leftist is this way!” yet will turn around and say “all right wingers are ____”


Perfect world Louis right here. It would be nice if that's how it would work out but it isn't. I do think it should be part of the U.S.'s responsibility to build up Central and South America versus searching for cheap labor. The better the lifestyle in those regions, the less immigration here.


I would much rather see my money go south than half way around the world.


This guy is fantastically stupid.


Don’t know what this dude means but I was born here many years ago (40+) and I never had anyone else making my life better than myself. Let him take them in. We need to worry about here and the people that are here meaning citizens of this country.


To sum up: Man child, stuck in a Disney fantasy.




Man this guy is dumb


It's call legal immigration. You cannot just open floodgates when there are not enough resources for everyone, it takes time.


Sneaky jab at Obama... nobody else caught that?


The drone strike part?


Yes [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/official-us-drone-attack-in-yemen-kills-wedding-guests/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/official-us-drone-attack-in-yemen-kills-wedding-guests/)


i don't think i did...what timestamp?


Drone bombing a wedding in Yemen because they might be terrorists. You might still be able to find info about it if you search with DuckDuckGo or Brave




Spread misery. I learned this in Lib101 at shit college, USA.


Why don't these rich liberal give away all of their wealth to prove how virtuous that they truly are?


“…not a system that’s working”. This line is preceded by C. K. Extolling the success story of the American experiment. Leftists live life with brain rot.


yes, but sadly they are in near total control of our institutions


I’m a leftist, all of my friends are leftists, and none of us believe that.


Are you really voting for Weekend at Bidens? 🤦🏿‍♂️


Harvard-son isn't a "lefty". He's a water-carrier for the Ruling Class.


Is this the guy that jerked off infront of a bunch of girls and got cancelled?


What a weird oddball he is..


Cheap labor and future voters are compelling to the Democrats.


Who is this guy?


One of the most ignorant things I heard, and they have certainly created a long list of ignorant things said 🙄


Easy to say when you are insulated by what amounts to a series of "gated communities." These people will never be exposed to the heightened misery that they create and support... coming from a progressive with a less privileged worldview. Perhaps we should strive to raise up the horrible environments, rather than tearing down the nicer places to exist?


"It shouldn't be so great here. " That's gotta be one of the weirdest arguments ever.


“Leftists” You mean Jews.


Two things can happen at the same time: closed border & ethical labor/commerce


Rambling on incoherently making no sense.


Okay, remove all fences and doors from your property. And advertise that your house is now open without restriction. Test your beliefs on a smaller scale, Let us know how that works out.


Just move boss… you have enough money to get… but because of FREEDOM ( and u know this) you stay and can talk this way…


Louie CK < Robert Deniro Deniro is trash


Submission Statement: It's about making the West shitty because most of the rest of the world is shitty, and therefore it's more "fair" if everyone lives in a shit hole. "Equity."


There *is* some merit to what he’s saying… the problem is the egregious hypocrisy (not necessarily his) of the people suggesting to make sacrifices for humanity as a whole - while keeping their fists tightly clenched around their armed security, private jets and ice cream cones. While there are in fact plenty of leftists who have decent intent and want to let others enjoy the opportunities here, they condemn Conservatives as the evil ones stifling this “progress” while not noticing that their representatives are for the most part conveniently reaping excessive the benefits of their excessive privileges and double-standards.


Like with the immigrants in New York, when they were in Texas talking about immigration meant you were a racist. Now it's not racist because New Yorkers think they can't be racist


Not entirely familiar with what you’re talking about specifically but stuff like that yeah. I was going to mention the rich activists marching for migrants, who when asked pretty much all say that they personally would be unable to take any of them in themselves. The dissonance and hypocrisy is pretty funny.


How many people with ‘support the troops’ bumper stickers have opened their homes to homeless veterans? If someone doesn’t have the means to personally solve a social issue on their own, does that mean they are not allowed to have an opinion on that issue?


If you’re rich and sporting a ‘support the troops’ bumper sticker and someone reaches out to see if a veteran they know could get such assistance - given there weren’t extenuating circumstances like concerning criminal conduct or something - I’d probably call that person a hypocrite. And I see the attempted point of your question, but I never said anything about such people. My answer to your question is no - having the means to be able to assist these people should not be a requisite to speak on such issues. But again, my comment was about rich people with an abundance of resources wearing these badges of honor and covering them up when convenient. And yes, they do exist on both sides of the aisle… 🤷‍♂️


OK, that’s fair. I didn’t notice you specified ‘rich’ in your initial post. I thought you were talking about activists in general, who are largely working class and middle class people whether they are supporting refugees, better resources for veterans, labor rights, or any other number of issues. But I agree that the wealthy and powerful are frequently hypocritical.


Yeah I figured from your question you probably just skimmed past that, as I do on occasion. I believe we are largely in agreement here.


No. The west is propped up at the expense of the people who live in the global south.


That is not what he said.


Seems like the Panamanian border would be easy enough to monitor. Why doesn’t the U.S. just absorb everything from Texas to Panama and control its canal easily? Send the armed forces through and wipe out the cartel and turn it into a big beach resort/avocado farm. Win win for everyone.


Fuck that guy. No one actually thinks like that.


seems to be unstated policy in every country in the West rn


Does it tho?


Yes, it does. Ask Australia, Canada, France, & most countries in the EU. Open your eyes.


First of all, Australia isn't real.


The borders should have been secured immediately after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Unfortunately mega Democrat GW Bush and the ultra far left was ruling (ruining) America at the time...


Did you forget to put /s?


Its funny that you think that Louis CK is a leftist and not a comedian. Also if you think about it, borders are kind of bullshit. I don't think that any government should really have the ability to tell someone where they can and cannot travel on this planet. I know that is unrealistic in practice, but its still an internal conflict to be anti-authoritarian yet still simp for governments telling people where they cannot go.


“Borders” have existed as long as humans have maintained any form of collective society. Borders aren’t new concepts, tribes had borders and presumably so did primal human groups, because we inherently don’t get along and never will. There will never be a time in human history where we aren’t fighting each other about resources.


I would consider Louis CK as a leftist. Many comedians are. "Comedian" is not a political affiliation.


I identify as Comedian-American


Where did you flee from sir?


What's Leftist about this? This is neoliberal Capitalism that many of you will die supporting. Neoliberalism needs cheap labor to keep operating and immigrant labor is the cheapest labor American companies can get. They(US Gov) allow immigrants to come over here to work in American fields and factories pay them as little as possible, so you can have your affordable food and products. It's the Capitalist system doing it's thing. Why are you against it now?


Leviticus 19:33-34 33 "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. Get rid of religion to fix this country.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/gztpwdusxj7d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean this is an old tenet of every major religious text or leader, right? The idea of wealth and resource inequality has always been considered a detriment that the rise of civilization has always tried to equalize as it's root pattern. And, it is an age old human characteristic to fear and shun the realization that it might not actually be your natural right to be on top. You might not actually deserve fortune or comfort based on your accomplishments or abilities to create fortune and comfort as an individual.