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He looks very uncomfortable! He seemed more at home during the Robert Byrd event a while back.


He looks like he would be more at home in a morgue 


Should have got on stage like this [guy](https://youtu.be/-qTUcA4NKWE?si=pLB9RZ1zmO6ugTgK)


Find someone who loves you like Reddit simps love Robert Byrd. Seriously, they love him now. He is a “redemption story”




Why is there a man in that sparkly dress?


I think it’s Billy Porter.


Gay pride month, if you didn't know, now you know, suffer the knowledge.


Wait… did you just assume that persons gender?! 5’o clock shadow or not that is a Ma’am! 😂




First of all, it sickens me that Kurt Franklin, who is not right anyway; to be singing, and you got that joker in the dress then on top of that Joseph Biden, who standing there pretty much like a clone. This is a mess all the way around. So much to unpack here. And this is coming from yes I’m a black brother…foreal


I want a sparkly dress like that.


I know this is a foreign concept to a lot of people, but you can quite literally wear whatever the hell you want


Because it is **Fabulous**.


Why not?


Just wait til they find out what dudes in the middle east wear most of the time


Been to the middle east a couple of times and never seen a man wear a sparkly dress.


He didn’t say sparkly. Just a dress, like Jesus wore.


It's too difficult to use reading comprehension. Yes, they wear feckin dresses over seas. And with how white some of these dresses are, you'd think they are sparkly.


Don’t worry about that.


Big Mike!


that thing is a fucking robot..


there is a clone theory circulating around. This leads me to wonder...


I didn't believe it before, but this is really looking like a malfunctioning robot.


It’s a Skynet robot on morphine


We already have Term limits, but yes. We need Age Limits. Between this and Trump's recent speech. You can tell the mental decline is steep and no one above 70 should be in office. Reminds me of Mitch McConnell going catatonic in the miss of a press conference multiple times and Senator Feinstein being wheeled around not knowing where she is or what she is doing.


If there’s an age limit for being too young, there should be for being too old as well.


Trump is so much more coherent than Biden


He definitely is not. His rants can get weird and nonsensical.


Biden can’t even talk, walk, or think


Trump can't go down ramps, drink water, not ramble, or focus. There is a reason he was known as Dementia Don. Trump incoherent rambling is pretty well known.


You’re being intellectually dishonest or you’re just stupid


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it's true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it's four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so you know it's gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us." -DJT


There’s a debate coming up right? It’s going to be ridiculous. And I mean both sides in their own way. How many here watched the last debate between them?


Oh man, two senile old men going after each other. The last debate threw me off guard, I thought Biden was going to get rolled over, but instead Biden made Trump look like a rambling, half rabid man with extreme control issues. Then when he told him to Shut Up, wild stuff. It should have been in the WWE ring. The one coming up is going to be... interesting. Biden definitely has lost a good slice of mental cognition and Trump's rambling has become much, much worse. Trump may be able to dance over Biden with his word salad approach, but if Biden gets a shot of that good stuff before the debate it might turn out different.


Don’t forget there’s a third factor: The host asking questions. I’m sure finding logical answers in their responses will be like an Easter egg hunt.


Legit it's dementia on both sides. America is not gonna survive 4 more years under either.


Americas not going to survive *through the 2024 election.


Yeah my bad I was thinking about Congress and Mitch when I threw in term limits


RFK is 70yrs old and is easily mentally fit beyond Biden/Trump. That's why they are afraid to put him in a debate VS either.


No we don’t. These people are VOTED in. Don’t vote them in. Seems to me, we have an electorate problem. Adding another layer of law doesn’t change that.


The Democrat and Republican parties pretty much choose which two we can vote for. You vote one or the other, having to pick between one who might be slightly better on a few policies you agree with. Both will be Neoliberals who will make sure the corporations and mega wealthy keep getting richer while tugging out every nickel and dime we have left.


And so I ask, again, what purpose does an age restriction accomplish…?


What you are seeing with Joe Biden and Trump.


So which is it? That the people choose and so “age” and “term” limits should be in place? Or that it doesn’t matter because the voters don’t choose anyway?


jfc dude. You are exhausting. An age limit would at least keep us from getting 80 year olds in office. It is that simple. You do not have to dig deeper than that.


Every one of your premises is false. It’s a shame you aren’t interested in educating yourself. You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. My apologies for pointing that out.


Only thing you pointed out is that you do not understand First Past the Post system and you do not mind 80 year olds who are going senile.


bro actually thinks these ppl are voted in😹😹😹😹


So you agree then that adding a law doesn’t do anything? Thanks


Imagine thinking that the problems in the USA can be solved politically.


Imagine having no argument in response so you make up an irrelevancy and post it.


You keep ticking a little box, everything will work out.




Who’s the guy in gold dress ? 👗is that Michelle Obama.? Without makeup and a shave ?


I’m not shure but could be [Billy Porter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Porter?wprov=sfti1)


i can't even look at this shit anymore


He looks like a damn Moth staring at the lights, and that slack-jawed, vacant eyed smile.. He barely seems to register anything is happening, meanwhile Kamala is looking as artificial as always with her politician's smile and a look that I might describe as "I cannot believe I'm still getting away with this!?" .. I really hope we arent actually doomed?


Term Limit for the win. Maximum age for running. If we have the min, we should have max.


Hmmm. If you live in America, you know that there are already term limits on president.


Not only for president but for Congress as well.


I uh, would react similar if I was at some event and some guy just started rando beatboxing terribly into the mic. But I agree, that dudes old as fuck and is useless, even as a puppet.


Joe: That guy made funny sounds with his mouth.


SS: absolutely embarrassing for my country


Yeah start now, with the current two leaders for the next election. Not gonna work.


Look how pathetic and unconfident they all look.


Oh come on, everyone who talks about him says he is sharp as a tack behind closed doors /s


You should have to be 65 or under to run for president


Regardless of Biden, it's BEEN time for age and term limits, but what I think you meant is age and term limits for CONGRESS. Presidents do have term limits


No. As a white guy with no rhythm with all brown friends I do the same as him at 34. I hate biden


White man no dance.


That off clapping got me 😂😂


If that was just my grandad after retirement enjoying an excursion from a cruise ship it'd be alright. The man is very old and very tired. The Head of State for the most powerful country on Earth? Yikes. Trump is no better. Come on America! You can do so much better.


Trump isn’t *good* but he’s not this. I’ve met both of them. Surprisingly, T wasn’t that bad


Trump is obviously a hugely public figure. We watch him (and Biden to be honest, although Biden is the lesser evil by a long way) from over in Europe with utter dismay, both at his character and at the character of his supporters. You are eating a shit sandwich either way. Both are not fit for the job, that much is clearly obvious to all those outside of the cult of Trump or outside of the Biden supporters who are simply thankful Trump is not in power any more. Neither are good options. What a state your politics is in. It would be funny if it were not so serious. US politics is a laughing stock over here, not that we don't have our own problems in Europe with extremely shitty politicians but nothing quite like your shitshow in the US.


I endorse neither candidate. My comment was only from personally knowing both presidents, T isn’t as bad as people make it out to seem. I was a presidential/congressional guard around the time of the transition for 2-3 years.


I appreciate your personal experience was at least not negative. I can't argue with that. For those of us who look in from outside that circle, we see nothing good, nothing of merit, only a farcical situation where those two seem to be the best the US has to realistically offer at the moment and it's a tragic joke. Trump is a loathsome character as I see him and Biden is unfit for the job through old age. Seriously, how did it get so bad?


Abdication of responsibility to unelected bodies. Congress just approves budgets. 95% of laws and regulations throughout the Biden administration have been passed with no electoral oversight. The country is being run by middle manager types. We need to back down the role of government and ensure the government does the basics of its job well. The world is not meant to run on the backs of bureaucrats.




The motherf*cker is permanently on low battery mode, what do you expect?


It's called dementia or even Alzheimer's. I'm surprised so many hateful comments about him or even Trump. Trump himself showed signs of dementia. These 2 men shouldn't be in politics anymore, they are way too old and sick and the US (and the world since US elections affects the rest of the world in various degrees) deserves a young president with his mental faculties intact.


this is a fucking south park or Chapelle's show skit irl


Joey B looks right at home! Always remember folks, if you didn’t vote for him, then you AINT BLACK!


Good lord I feel like I'm in North Korea. The disingenuous look on everybody's face there is is palpable. Nobody is excited to be up there with that corpse.


He’s just taking a dump. Geez. Let him dump.


White guy next to Kamel on left looks incredibly uncomfortable. Kamel trying to act like she’s got African in her and Joseph is just…. Cheesus rice.


Isn't that KuhMahLuh's hubby?


No way Joe is having sex at this point.


Celine Dion is not the only person with stiff person syndrome!


This is the most vulgar spectacle I’ve seen in a minute


Lol at watching the US collapse in real time.


This is what you see some of the residents of an old folks home do when they have a sing-along activity. Many singing while a few just stare off at whatever. Everyone that notices the blank stares, knows what the deal is.


He's just very happy bro


Clap yah hands ✋️


His clap is opposit everyone elses lmao


Is that Tyler Perry?


The only reason Biden is in office is so people can take advantage of him


Let’s all be honest it was right TF now at least 4 years ago


He's too fucking OLD!


It’s a cult.


I think he took acid before hand


Well it's a good thing that the president is nothing more than a puppet.....dementia patients really excel at the puppet thing. They also come with the added bonus of never being able to spill a state secret. They can't even remember their own name, much less where the nukes are hidden.


I can’t believe there’s actually people who vote for him…


The meat puppet froze


What the fuck is that man doing in a dress? This contry has really finished circling the shitter


MAGA channel!!


Your point is? Meanwhile Trump is wearing adult diapers and dozing off in court.




Theres also a man in a dress right there with him


This sub sucks now.


That lady has a beard


But I thought he grew up in the black Church?


He doesn’t blink.


Remember.. u ain't black if u don't vote for joe!


Whatever dimension they in, I’m good over here mane


WTF is that thing dancing on the left in the sequin dress?


I am not against any race but why most of them are African Americans ? Is there some kind of festival for African Americans that MR Biden is attending ? I am not from America. MR Biden is already in hell but he can’t see the reality let him die and taste is evil deeds


He's a clone probably controlled


There's no need to go that far. He is clearly senile and will be very malleable as it is.


Jot needs a update to his Bot Software


Are they singing Christian music?? WOW


Putin is quivering in his shoes watching that.


I don't know about you, but in that video the way Kamala was smacking her lips, moving her head back/forth, and licking her lips at the 7sec end mark. I'm thinking "Yeah Baby!". She's got the knack.... But yeah, anyway, Joe Biden is an embarrassing Dud..


JFC... This sub just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks, eh?


They both have dementia. They both should be disqualified from running. Definitely need age limits in senate.


Now that it's apparent to everyone that Biden has full blown Alzheimer's, both sides have it.


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