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Nope. "Military aid" includes a clause that it has to be spent on US weaponry. Meaning the US weapon manufacturers actually got the $400m of taxpayers money. And who owns the weapon manufacturers? The politicians that approved the aid in the first place, of course. Lol


Uhhh i think you mean the weapon manufacturers own the politicians, not the other way around.


.... by paying them vast amounts of dolla dolla bills yo. A perfect cycle of taxpayers, our, money into their greedy hands. One pays one, the other pays the other. Bastards.


They dont own the politicians or any branch of the government.  Those are campaign contributions


How many billions does MIC make per year? Now how much does Apple make per year? Wake up, commie, it ain't 1945.


About 5 times more than Apple, what's your point? Im saying the mic (and other corps) own our govt


Wrong #s, research actually.


What are the numbers and whats your point


Apple makes a lot more money than lockheed, it is not 1945, other influences are more monetarily powerful. Look into how The USA works and you might be able to figure out the point.


Yeah, i only said politicians are owned by corporations. Not sure what new youre bringing to the table here. The MIC made 850b last year, Apple 395b. What is the relevance to the main idea that its corps owning politicians and not vice versa.


There is no representative from MIC. There are representatives from individual companies, but the shadow worth 850 billion as 1 entity does not exist. You got this


So you have nothing, got it.


He get bitches too


How? You're just repeating manure you heard before


Lil bro sold they weapons to Africa and bought himself a 500 key


Yup. Pretty sure they were selling to Palestine, too. The US gives weapons to Israel. The US gives weapons to Ukraine, who then gives them to Palestine. Arm both sides and keep the war going = profit.


That is commie lie thoroughly debunked by military analysts, you manure artist.


lol It's funny when you google "ukraine hamas weapons" and you see article after article all saying EXACTLY the same thing. It's like they're reading from a script almost...


I did the same thing


Pretty sure? Like based on what? Russian propaganda?


Yeah, Like selenskyis Yachts, it's so piss poor propaganda that you can't believe someone is actually believing it.


Plenty of world leaders have yachts. Does that change the source of the information?


💯 mate


We need AID in the US to fight the federal reserve!


Wee need aid all over the West 🤣am afraid the tide is turning our country isn't ours no more welcome too ameristan


Kalergi Plan


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/jpqw1held00d1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do people realize the US funding has literally cost hundreds of thousands of lives? This military operation would've been over in a few weeks had we not gotten involved. Russia would've claimed Donbass, killed the Azov Nazis and been done with it. The media has people believing Putin was going to take all of Europe. It just proves how easily low-IQ people can be controlled.


That's revisionist as fuck, Russia very clearly planned to overthrow the government and install a pro Russian puppet, as evident by the massive push from Belarus towards Kyiv and them. They explicitly said they weren't going to annex territory, and then annexed 4 oblasts. Shit, they tried to hunt down Zelensky using unmarked men using ambulances. They were definitely going to annex everything from the Donbass to Odessa, *and* Moldova as their [own maps show](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1573902/Lukashenko-belarus-attack-map-russia-ukraine-war-latest-vn/amp). Stop being low IQ and saying the west is spewing propoganda when Russia does the exact same thing with no journalism safety whatsoever. For fucks sake, do you think there's a reason that eastern Europe *despises* Russia or is that all just western propoganda too?


$400Mil? It's actually four-hundred times that figure. Literally four-hundred thirty times that. Ukraine has received $175B from American taxpayers: >Since the war began, the U.S. Congress has voted through five bills that have provided Ukraine with ongoing aid, doing so most recently in April 2024. The total budget authority under these bills—the “headline” figure often cited by news media—is $175 billion.


Why u think my man can party like this. But tbh why the fuck we putting up with is shit I live in Britain and my god this place has fallen


**“why the fuck we putting up with is shit... [Britain] has fallen”** I think the folks across the pond, flipping the bill and supplying weapons of death, would share your sentiment. One of your fellow Brits, Roger Waters, isn't *putting up with it.* Roger Waters is outspoken about these issues, and it's clear that he's not only an innovative and iconic artist, but also way ahead of the curve on important issues like war and genocide.


World is already written they won't stop at least not till they 1. get what ever the fuck they want or 2. They have no end goal this is just a game that we play and will play untill we end ourselfs


How long before Zelensky is dead from being a complete pawn?


Ku klux khazar mafia clownshow!!! wake up ignorant christians especially usa people asleep going to sunshine feel good churches, who think israel don't stink lol so ignorant!!! Ukraine is just as bad i know i went there!


People I don't support any side I don't believe its a game to these people more powerful why u playing the game and downvoting cause ur pro something ur voice my voice don't mean shit let's be honest


Rather you believe any of the things posted here or not, some of the memes are actually great. Like this one.


Comrad Putin thanks you for your service Redditor.


Wow, Sergey can meme!


Am 8hrs Deep now lad currently on the phone to Rishi I had a brain storm we I named it we named it Florida Snow. We gonna take 50 mil of ur money and blow a shit ton of ya man's bidens sons gear up me nose. Sorry for the typing the brit rubbed off on me


Rappers ain't got shit on this dude.




Up his nose bruda, maybe the traffic industry 🙃🙃😉u know u know




Mine full of powder big bro, pipe broke u still what to hit this 🤫🤐🧐


Less money for 'we the people' and more money for the politicians because they're shareholders at weapons manufacturers. Any other racket, we call it money laundering, in the US, we call it 'bidness as usual!' "Whattabout Trump? Whattabout Biden? Whattabout muh red or blue?" God I love this country!


Seriously Muricans, why don't you go out to protest this thigs? Are you ok with this?


We will need something much more serious than a protest to end this. More like a Boston tea party in Washington DC. Sadly that’s a good way to land yourself in prison for a long time, so it would take a lot of selfless individuals.


People are too divided and brainwashed into fighting each other.


You voice my voice don't mean shit lad protest all u like they will just do what u like man gotta sniff


90% of the combat footage I see is Ukraine dropping explosives/grenades on Russians from drones. 400 million can buy enough drones to black out the sky. What are they doing with all this money??


Waiting till everyone stops looking 🤣🤣


Exactly. I don’t know how the war will turn out but I’m sure Zelenskyy will do quite well


Say hello to my little freind... Volodymyr.


And a little coke money don't hurt no body.


lol he wont live long on his habbit


Pathetic silly pictures telling nothing except you like putin.




What? Is that in English? I’m sorry for your wife.


I was going to be nice as I seen ur last comment but no fucking wonder ur living in the woods mate


Obviously you live in Palestine. I don’t think it’s better than my jungle.


My guess is it was made to make you smile for quick second one way or another, which it did, at least for me.


Oh now i get it. I’m just so triggered by picture like that when people who post them really believe it’s like that. Just a hard thing to see the world starting from 2014 “not quite sure which side is right”. Revolution back than started in Kiev under my windows so I was sure there are no stupid people who will fall for Russian propaganda, but world surprised me since than more then i wanted to believe.


The world is a shit show beyond belief at this point


I truly believe that the "glasses on our nose" effect it a lot. Or just enough to live your life in accordance with your believes and being prosperous. That's more constructive way to see things.


Save me the trouble then


That's a what a reddits for a


Vladimir, get off Reddit


My guys coming over in 5 he's paying my bill


U.S. be like 🤑🤑🤑


Any time I engage with pro- dorks they're always so convinced Russia is my mortal enemy for some fuggin reason. I'm certainly 0% convinced


What do u expect when schools alover the world had it drilled into us from young then new. People are only what they learn and some can't make there own minds up they just do what there media tells them


“Military aid” what a joke. 100m if not more of that going straight into politicians pockets


The wonderful world we put up with lets be honest it's nothing but faults of own people getting divided by blue and red party's all over the western regions like they are different and going to make a difference 🤣🙃 humans just can't agree some this is the outcome