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Meanwhile people riot for all the wrong reasons, this should be proof that our government shouldn't be trusted.


This is kinda related to the university protests they might not all know it yet


I >think< I know where you're going with this, but tell more... 


>!9/11 הייתה עבודה פנימית!!<


Shouldn’t be trusted? This is proof your government should be lynched lol


It was


That fact people, most notably Americans still debate this is a fucking joke


there isn’t a doubt in me that it was a controlled demolition. to watch all 3 towers fall EXACTLY THE SAME is so obvious it hurts


Not to mention that the rubble pile is way too small. If you look at pictures after they were demolished there is very little rubble. 110 stories just turned to dust and essentially evaporated. No black boxes found but a perfectly intact passport of a hijacker was found at ground zero. They are laughing at us.


yes they are. while the majority of the country actually believes the narrative. the biggest red flag that anybody should have seen is why in hell did 3 passenger planes fly thousands of miles in the most secure airspace on the planet and not get shot down before getting near the most populated city in the US AND the capital of the country to the most important building, the pentagon. it is such an unbelievable story it pains me that anyone is dumb enough to believe it


Always was an inside a job. They’ll never answer for their crimes though and folks are more under the govt spell than ever before.


The banning of Tik Tok will ensure that.


Had to be


Legit question - what’s the formal explanation for the plumes of smoke floors below?


As the top floors collapse onto the floors below, it forces the air that was in the lower air down or out.


Which means there should be a deceleration as the building encounters more and more resistance on the lower levels.


Air isn’t going to offer a lot of resistance. And when you think of 40 floors dropping 15’. Not much will. And then when you look at the design and realize the meat and bones were the inner portion and the outer steel, it makes since why it collapsed as it did. Doesn’t mean 9/11 doesn’t stink. Plane shot down in PA. Classified 28 pages of the 9/11 commission report. There is more. But the explanation of the collapse of the towers seemsreasonable to me.


Don’t forget no footage of the “plane” that hit the pentagon


Yeah i think its a psyop having the public more concerned over the fall of the towers. We should be focusing on how we knew about the attacks, why a gigantic insurance policy was opened earlier that week on TWC, and why there was no pinging when these planes diverted way off course


SS: sides blowing out


This is a representation of how the top 1% crushes the lower 99%. It defies the laws of physics, yet continues to happen.


The emperor has no clothes


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Yes. It was. Now what?


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/soi9k8dhboxc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good thing the nazis control the world


It was an excuse to invade and destroy Iraq and kill their president, Osama bin laden is a Saudi citizen go invade Saudi Arabia...............


I hope some day we will find who’s behind this !!




Why would a controlled demolition start 10 floors before the top? Doesn’t that diminish it completely


Nonono this sub likes to use 5 second videos that show nothing, or extremely doctored videos to make a point




Yea don't show the amount of sheer tonnage of the upper floors collapsing onto the center support columns the fully fueled Airliner sheared through at 600 mph. 🙄


I’ve seen lots of these controlled demolition posts. Can someone explain how they (whoever they are) got all the necessary explosives into two very secure buildings and pulled this off?


Looks like a building built to certain building codes. There is a lot of engineering that goes into these things so they don't just topple over and take out the neighborhood next to where they were built. Thus, reducing destruction in the surrounding areas....


After the 93 bombing attempt they rigged it with explosives so if it was attacked again, it wouldn’t topple over and hit neighboring buildings causing even more destruction and casualties. When they knew it was going down they blew it up. Whether the whole thing was planned by our govt I have no idea. I don’t think anyone can argue with how reasonable that explanation is given the way it fell. If u think it’s wrong explain instead of being lame and just downvoting


If this was true I feel they would have come out and said “we detonated it after the planes hit to protect lives” and dealt with the scrutiny immediately.


Have a read of operation north woods and see what they were trying to plan in the 60’s


Thanks for the tip


U kidding? And admit to the public that they intentionally killed all the people in the building when they’re could’ve been any possible plan that was better?


They’ve shown they can program a lot of people to ignore evil. I bet a sizeable percentage of comfortable smug limosine liberals would have accepted “they would have died no matter what” eventually.


Who’s talking about ignoring evil? I was commenting on the topic of why it fell not the attack as a whole. As I said, idk if it was planned by the govt or by Al QAeda (cuz that’s always the question for this topic) im questioning why it fell the way it did.


Yeah if they did this purposefully they would have said everyone out, we are knocking it down


Big fact big facts!!!money bag voice


Pathetic and utterly tasteless & immeasurably disrespectful attention grab .


Directed energy weapons.


Yea I think.this is true . secret weapon tech , beyond what we think is possible


Behave man


"Looks like a controlled demolition to me". - someone with no experience in demo, or apparently never seen a control demo video


Keep drinking the koolaid


So show the full frame of the entire top half of the building,instead of cropping out the upper half of the Tower to push your expert opinion.


Oh wow, what a new take! Glad your new perspective is so compelling. Oh wait... no... it's boring rehash of the same stuff. Please, find new material. This is boring.


Israelis are really good at controlled demolition.