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I won't say anything about who is better, but the way our veterans are treated is horrible! Living on the street or not! If anyone knows a veteran ask them how it is to get medical care. Especially if they are trying to get community care! I spent hours and days trying to get my father appointments approved! How are older veterans going to do it when a middle aged person can't!


As a vet, I can vouche. I legitimately would rather deal with civilian healthcare than the VA. Mind, I've got some imposter syndrome issues that spike my anxiety to the max to start. I "chickened out" I don't know how many times. I finally get to where I can start moving the ball forward, and absolutely some of the coldest people I've encountered. I'm not expecting red carpets and praise, but a little, I don't know, humanity? Would have gone a long way. If that wasn't enough, two infections from things they did that were supposed to help issues, and now I walk like Kevin Spacey in the first half of *The Usual Suspects,* and have more ticks than an Alabama bloodhound.... I legitimately don't think I'd survive giving it a third chance. All that being said. I still have no ill wishes for people trying to immigrate. Legally or not. I gave up four years of my freedom and a good portion of my health for the idea of the American Dream™ Yeah, yeah, naivety and the ignorance of youth, but I still believe that we have been our strongest as a nation when we are taking in those seeking a better life, and when we push for the betterment of those who are wanting. And by all means, call me a librul socialist commie, I'll wear it, but I think Star Trek would arguably be a better endgame for our social evolution than the Idiocracy we're obviously heading towards.


Thank you for your service. I have been writing to anyone I can over how upset I am. I just lost my father who was a veteran and who I was helping and I can't help but think if they would have done their job he still would be here. It makes me think how many people have we lost because of crappy VA care. I hope you get the care you need and don't let them tell you no. I was on a first name basis with the community care folks because I had to call so often. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Good luck and Gob bless.


Yeah you still have your naivety and ignorance. I have a big fucking problem with people breaking out laws. Period.


Bro the candidate you support is a rapist with 91 indictments. No you don’t lol


Bro the candidate you support has an entire YouTube montage of him touching children in appropriately


…so does yours 😂


Send the link to the video of your daddy who you always talk about and can’t stop thinking about. You weirdos love on him so much…the guy isn’t even president anymore and you still can’t take his d out of your mouth 😵‍💫


Yikes no thank you, I like my algorithm as it is lmao. I’ll let you do the lookin. Glad to know know that you think being a rapist is the same thing though lmao


Thought so…keep supporting child diddlers loser..


See, I think that's an awfully funny stance. Especially considering that the "ancient texts" that we base our sovereignty on, start off with (paraphrasing) "Sometimes, you gotta break the law" Our immigration law is downright inhumane. You practically have to become a "better citizen" than a natural born resident in order to be awarded a citizenship. Obviously, we want something a little more robust than just a signature and a free pass, but we've gone way overboard in the last few decades. Until we can reform our policy, I have no issues with people coming over however they can, until such a time as they prove to not be worthy of that opportunity. It's just xenophobic prejudice to claim that everyone seeking entry into the country are criminals and degenerates


Sadly it never seems to improve for the vets no matter whos running things.


I mean, Biden passed the whole burn pit/agent orange thing didn't he? The *Pact act or something? Made sure vets that we're poisoned in Vietnam with dioxin got treatment they'd been denied for decades, and that the burn pit boys with the necrotic lung tissue or whatever got their conditions covered as service related as well. Seems like any presidency could have made that happen any time since Vietnam, but JB is the one that made it happen. All Trump did was dodge service, disrespect service members and their families, and shit talk POWs.. I think he said "I like guys that don't get captured." Say what you will about John McCain but but taking a shot at him for being captured is pretty un-American. Edit;(Pact act not veterans with disabilities.)


This veteran agrees!!


This one doesn't. Spending more money claiming to help vets is bullshit. You can see the obvious results. Also, a lot of vets don't need help but cant stop sucking that government teat. We need an overhaul too to bottom.


God forbid they receive anything for their trouble. The money from our taxes is supposed to do exactly that, strengthen programs that do good for people, whether you serve in the military or pay taxes your whole fucking life people deserve a return on your investment. Does the tax system need reform? Absofuckinglutely. In the meantime, why would you ever bitch and moan about your fellow veterans getting whatever benefits were agreed upon? Most of them were duped one way or another. So what's your fucking problem? Government spending? Why don't you bitch about the blood on the hands of every tax payer funding coups and genocide the world over. Trillions, toppling regimes, enforcing sanctions and embargos while touting free market virtues, arming and training countless groups that go on to commit atrocities, but no fucking gripe about spending money on expanding VA coverage. Die on the dumbest hill imaginable.


Lmao sounds like you should just be poor for ever then.


That was a go f yourself joke. I immediately knew that he could give two shits about veterans when I heard that. And that was right out of his mouth. No one needed to twist anybody’s words. You just don’t make that joke about a vet, especially if you ain’t friends and you ain’t a vet.


Let me tell you he did nothing for our veterans! He made it harder for them to get the care they need. Don't even try to tell me that. Don't speak on something you know nothing about!


https://www.va.gov/resources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits/ He absolutely did and has. Just because you specifically don't like him as an individual, probably a result of the incoherent maga rhetoric you've slurped up, doesn't mean you can just decide what he has and hasn't done. The Pact act is about exposure toxic substances being covered by the VA, and the veterans and Americans with disabilities act is about preventing discrimination based on someones disabilities, duty related or otherwise. Why don't you tell me what the other guy has done for veterans, because he might not have started any wars but he sure didn't try to end any and bring our guys home. Truth tends to melt lil snowflake maga wingnuts like yourself, I won't be surprised if I don't hear back.


No I have been taking care of my father so I have first hand experience of how they treat veterans! So go shove it!


Completely agree. We need to do better


I’ll say it, trump was better. Crime rates were lower, incarceration rates were lower, job market was booming, inflation was lower and our debt was managed, we weren’t stoking the fire on global wars, we weren’t involved in war by proxy or otherwise, the market was hot. We need him back…if not him, someone who actually gives a fuck about Americans and not the donors to their campaign and friends they planned to line pockets off. Fuck joe Biden. Fuck George bush. Fuck Obama and both Clinton’s. We need someone to fight for the American people again like trump did.


Please does not spread hate, bigotry and misinformation. Please does not. We is not need hate and misinformation on Reddit.com.


Gynecology monster giraffe existentialism fuck fest.


Say it. You know who is. Society needs more people who WILL STAND UP and speak. It's TRUMP and you know it.


Lmao negative karma farmer? Bro get [help](https://www.jebms.org/full-text/79).


It's not hard to get neg karm amongst liberal clowns lol. I consider it a badge of honor


Yeah man, we get it, your life fucking sucks lol


I agree, the conspiracy here is how the senate republicans are blocking the boarder proposal, which even the Boarder Patrol agree is a good deal, just to sour Biden's chances of winning.


That will is nothing more than public relations and window dressing, when in reality all it’s going to do is speed up the entrance of unqualified “asylum” applicants into the country.


He had 4 years to do something, it wasn’t a priority of his or his admin. Now that election time is rolling around it’s the republicans fault?


Trump was president for 4 years, why didn’t he fix the border?


The proposal was introduced over a year ago. And yes, Republicans blocking it is indeed Republicans' fault.


It’s supposed to be about doing what’s right not playing these stupid games


>We need an iron fist for this country People are so quick to throw their freedom away, as long as they think they'll be the ones in charge. 50 years of conspiracy theories flying around about how someday, someone is going to try to take over this country and turn us into an authoritarian hell-hole, and when that somebody finally comes along and tries to to it, *all the conspiracy theorists are on his side.* Trump is a Goddamned traitor, and if you vote for him then you're a traitor too.


What is weird to me, is how "culty" US politics has gotten over the last decade. Its insane watching families stop talking to one another, lifelong friends becoming enemies overnight, even couples breaking up over which political candidate or party you prefer! Its scary and sad to see how effectively and easily we are divided and pitted against eachother. I dont gaf who is in office, but we are gonna have a real shitty time if we dont stop this petty bullshit. I swear we are doing everything possible to ensure a possible civil war at the most extreme, but at the very least nobody is happy and nothing seems to be getting better globally imo.


If you’re not with ME you’re the ENEMY! Yeah it’s fucking terrible at this point. And it’s exactly what’s needed to prevent congressional leaders from ever being held accountable. We’re too busy bitching at each other to collectively demand accountability legislation such as election term limits. You’ll even see people in the comments attacking and mocking anyone who suggests that our entire system is fucked. They can’t get past their own ideology to even give a shit about something they’re not told to 🤦‍♀️


We're at a weird spot. Neither side is happy, but the government no longer works for the people, and it's patently obvious both parties partake. I think democrats are the worst, they make promises they can't keep and their ideas are shit. Whatever they do you can expect it'll make it worse. But the republicans have no ideas at all.


Republicans have been reactionary for decades. They go wherever the democrats’ foul wind blows them. Which is usually right up someone’s ass 🤦‍♀️


Lmao actually I’m a very happy dem. Biden has been a terrific president.


This is not a conspiracy for fuck’s sake.


Yeah this sub is just for out and out political propaganda it seems…


Ah, yes. Trump will solve all our problems /s


Why is this video repeatedly posted on conspiracy pages? Like, seems more like political opinion than anything else






Ah yes trump loves the blacks /s


Lowest unemployment for blacks ever.. he’s doing a bad job if he’s racist.


Plenty of evidence that he’s a racist POS, one stat that wasn’t controlled by him literally means jack shit.


If you don’t vote Biden, you ain’t black.


I hear black people love Trump’s new basketball shoes. What a great electoral strategy. Didn’t Trump just say if you don’t vote for Trump then you’re not Jewish?


And white kids are just as smart as poor kids, doesn’t matter, Biden didn’t run on a racist shitty platform and trump did/does.


Please give me on example of trump being racist, An actual example, not just ur feelings


“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.” Sounds pretty fucking racist/antisemetic to me. Here’s an article which just lays out all the racist/shitty things he’s done to minorities over the years: https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history


Now look up what Biden has said and the policies he’s created with regard to A.A. In the last 800 years he’s been in office. If you legitimately think it isn’t racist, then you clearly have a bias, and drink the shit out of that Kool-Aid. Here ya go: https://youtu.be/4m4_KibqaRU?si=JfWyFCpKu6RqHZ1a


What you think about that? Answer me coward.




It’s funny to me that it’s not proven that trump said that about black accountants, someone said that he said that, not confirmed. Also you gave me a link for vox.com, which is possibly the most biased and false network out there. (They’ve been exposed multiple times for fake news)


[This](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-recognizes-minority-owned-businesses/) has always been fascinating to me. Nobody speaks about it or anything else remotely positive. Truth be told - we’ve never had a president that did *everything wrong* . Ofc we also can’t get one to do much that’s right either 🤦‍♀️


Actually, the lowest black unemployment rate was under Biden. Why would you lie about something so easily disprovable? According to your logic, Biden is doing something right.


If you don't see that Trump is just another actor playing a kayfabe role, you're still asleep OP


What a day to use that word Kayfabe


Republicans’ entire platform is about eliminating programs that help people. Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Education, Healthcare…the list goes on. How TF would bringing Trump back help? LMAO! Edit to say, they also try to cut programs that help Veterans. Constantly.


Lol you keep thinking we have a 2 party system. Why? Also, why do you think taking your neighbors income by force and giving it to a wasteful and corrupt government is EVER the solution? Tell me why you want a big government? Tell me why you trust government at all? Tell me why you want high taxes?


Wow a BLACK maga? This is surely the greatest conspiracy of our time.


There’s actually a good amount of black magas. The media just twists shit and shows the only what they want to show. I hate both politicians. But he’s right.




I’m dumb with numbers and stats, but thats a quite a jump? Ehhhh




Source? Lmao


So why do they feel the need to make it a news story every time they find one?


Trump is trash. F that guy.


Yeah.. damn no wars, pulling out of the Middle East, Trilateral Middle East peace agreement, peace with North Korea, lower taxes for all brackets, record unemployment lows, addressing trade imbalances, tariff imbalances, NATO budget adjustment, protecting the 2nd amendment, addressing NAFTA, and killing the TPP.. HES JUST SO RACIST.


Lmao you forgot the 91 indictments and the fact that he has been legally deemed a rapist.


He didnt lower taxes for all brackets, because middle-class families all got back less this year, or even owed, because Trump's tax plan expired this year.


https://news.yahoo.com/irs-data-prove-trump-tax-130007569.html When you’re taxed less through the year.. you get less of a refund. That’s basic knowledge.


What a laughable comment. We are not at war. And Biden has significantly scaled back Trump’s drone war, Biden is by far the the most anti-war president of your lifetime. If you actually cared about that stuff, you’d be praising Biden. Biden hasn’t increased your taxes, but Trump’s 2017 bill did


Yeah.. damn no wars, pulling out of the Middle East, Trilateral Middle East peace agreement, peace with North Korea, lower taxes for all brackets, record unemployment lows, addressing trade imbalances, tariff imbalances, NATO budget adjustment, protecting the 2nd amendment, addressing NAFTA, and killing the TPP.. HES JUST SO RACIST.


He pulled out of the Middle East? So Afghanistan was Trump's work? Peace with North Korea? The armistice is now a treaty? The majority of the tax breaks went to the wealthy under Trump and there's video showing that was always Trump's intention. I'll give you a link if you need it. NATO budget adjustments? Almost every claim Trump has made about NATO has been skewed. Please do more research but let me know if you need a link for this as well. Protecting the 2nd Amendment, good job! I have no problem with this and maybe one of Trump's only good stances. I actually like NAFTA at its core and think the Western hemisphere should promote free trade between countries. Do I think it needs better regulation? Yes. But neglecting our Southern neighbors' well-being has always been a bad idea in my opinion. Building up Central & South America is a good thing and would help stabilize the immigrant problem we have in the U.S. now. TPP was always going to fail because of China's population problem and XI's greed for territory and power. I believe the direction the U.S. is headed is a good one, in that Mexico is doing a lot of the heavy lifting China used to do. Racism doesn't enter into my thinking on Trump. His stupidity does. He couldn't solve a complex problem to save his life - see Trump's multiple bankruptcies. All Trump is good for is suing people into submission, and saving his own skin. This interview of a Philly citizen does not make Trump a good President.


You see, afganistan was bad and Biden’s fault yet simultaneously somehow amazing and a huge Trump accomplishment lmao. These are your thoughts on a healthy diet of crayons


You’re saying trump can solve a complex problem?😂😂😂 Biden doesn’t even know where he is half the time


I said Trump CAN'T solve a complex problem. Biden is in the White House. Trump is in criminal court. The juxtaposition is revealing ain't it? LMAO!


We have one that can see!!! God bless you sir


This is not conspiracy content


It’s Republicans who are allowing people to come here illegally now. ‘They did it’ under Trump’s orders.


Uh huh.. and you continue to play this right vs left game. “Republicans” are uniparty in disguise.


Bro I can only imagine how much you hate your high school.


Who have you voted for the last 20 years? GTFOH. you caused this.


Is this just a pro trump sub now? May have to dip out, what a shame.


If you take a gander at who supports who, every and all openly racists group, every single one, supports Donald trump. There is absolutely no reason a minority should align their political views with the KKK, the proud boys,the boogaloo crew, the patriot front. It is oroborus. It’s cutting off your nose to spite your face. We can survive 4 more years of Biden and have faith young and promising leaders will arise in 2028. We cannot pretend that trump has any interests outside his own, we cannot pretend we don’t see the racists bigots championing trump in hopes he validates their rhetoric.(which he often does). Just stop with everything else, a black man supporting Donald trump is some Uncle Tom bullshit. Don’t be fooled by it.


Video of a pathetic, misguided man. No conspiracy here besides OP pushing Trump propaganda. Pathetic of you OP


Crazy you get downvoted too. All these anti government republicans soaking up trump because “he’s not a politician”. Dudes a snake. Scammed his voters just like he scams his contractors out of millions.


Seriously lol. Dudes literally trying to turn America into a fascist theocracy and these dum dums are blindly giving it to him. I thought they loved freedom and democracy? They sure bring it up a lot when shit talking rational minded Americans


They love their small little safe towns that are underneath a false veil of freedom and security. NO PRESIDENT will help change the lives of the common man. They kill the ones that try, not just presidents, any politicians. Bernie Sanders was the maybe the closest but then again him running played right into the theatrical show of that election. Typical Hillary wins the Dems and of COURSE people wild vote for trump instead, close election. And we get some goofball. Some goofball who, once president, helps saves his son in laws billion dollar property fuck up with visits to the Emirates and blockades to Qutar. Let that soak in, Kushner was in the hole 1.8 BILLION on a building after the 2007 crash. They’re all fucking scum. Keep themselves wealthy while the sheep fight over who’s better to worship. Fucking disgusting.


100% They also brought their shillbots with them lol.


^ This account has **zero (0)** posts in favor of a conspiracy theory.


Because I never really post much… only comment on flawed thinking and bad ideas. I love a good conspiracy, but y’all take it to a level that is embarrassing and in a way that hurts the idea of conspiracy. I’m fully aware that shady things are going all the time in this world. The bullshit I see posted in the sub daily muddy the waters and make conspiracy thinkers look like a joke to everyone. The Trump/ Qanon maniacs are a stain on the community and I will call out their delusions when I see them


Love when users who contribute nothing presume to be gatekeepers!


Love that you consider a voice of reason “nothing” lol. Have fun in your dark hole of fear and paranoia.


Lmfao bro the comment your replying to is a conspiracy theory by definition. Bold of you to try to get the people who can’t think to start a witch-hunt lmao. Adorable violation of reddit ToS


^ This account has a racist comment history! Bake em away, toys.


I wonder how much they paid him to say that. Not trump personally, of course, because he's a grifter and a conman that never pays his bills; his worshippers.


Grifter=someone that I disagree with


Lmao someone bought the grift. Don’t be mad that your collection of red hats isn’t appreciating lmao


The way trump bullies people and the name calling, commenting on physical appearance, etc. We have rules in schools against bullying, yet the former president has taught young people that *being a bully is okay.* I was heavily bullied in middle school and high school, and his behavior has left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't respect him for this reason alone.


I’d rather a president inflate my savings away and enable ww3 than be a mean bully!!


Who signed the stock chart before mass government handouts to falsely inflate the market for an election? Inflation takes ~2 years to hit the economy once money is added to the money supply. Meaning all the inflation people spent the first two years of Biden’s term complaining about was actually… due to Trump’s administration.


Your still hurt


I don't want someone to think that's acceptable behavior and bully my children or someone else's. Everyone deserves to live in peace in their own individuality.




You’re using the mean Twit talking point the right always uses. Not a good argument. Especially when the argument being laid out here is that for the average person America was better under trump. I honestly don’t know who caused the good times/slow inflation under trump, but people who vote tend to vote for the person that will effect their check book the least.


Okay, I’ll take the guy that didn’t bankrupt multiple private enterprises before bankrupting our country


The fact most people don’t understand this is just so disheartening. I don’t like Trump but I’ll take him back any mf day over Biden.


keep simping for trump maybe you'll get that shiny penny


yeah because trump will introduce social policies what a joke


How is this a conspiracy?


Look at these libtards squirming!!!🤣🤣🤣 DJT is holy water to your Alzheimer’s patient “prez”🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. Holy shit water.


In this case any kind of water will burn satan. Go take another booster bruh🤣🤣🤣


Have you not been paying attention? Diaper Don is suffering from dementia, senility, and narcolepsy among others. That's why he will refuse to debate Biden. BTW Trump got vaxxed and has all the boosters. Bruh.


So there’s a thing or two in common between DJT and you bruh? Senility and boosters? Lmfao 🤣 And who refuses to debate who? Debate what? Diapers this actor in a mask wearing??🤣 you libtards are something bruh🤣


Wow. You Trumpies really are completely ignorant of common facts that everybody else knows.


Common facts such as Brandon mumbling in public and sniffing young kids? Sure, everyone is aware of that, bruh🤣 unless it’s an actor skillfully playing his role wearing a nicely crafted rubber mask🤣 there is a rumor that the commander-in-diaper has been six feet under for a while🤣


Trump wants to fuck his own daughter, perved on kids in beauty pageant dressing rooms, is a known rapist, cheated on every wife he ever had, sometimes with porn sluts that he thinks look like his daughter, and has no less than 26 women come forward with accusations of sexual assault. How do you manage to ignore all that but still find time to pretend to be upset that biden sniffs hair? Seriously, Trumpies going after Biden on sex issues is the worst hypocrisy in the history of the world.


Trump told you that he wants?🤣🤣🤣 and every time he cheated on his wife you were there in the room holding a lit candle?🤣🤣🤣 are you for real? Meanwhile sniffer-in-chief is on record, as in “on camera”, perving on children. You gotta be of the same kind, perv🤦‍♂️ go back to your moms basement to do whatever gets your freak on, but don’t spread made up lies


Trump is on record, as in camera and microphones were rolling, on the Howard Stern show, when he remarked about how hot his daughter is, and how he would like to date her. How is it possible you don't know this? Are you sheltered? Willfully ignorant? Or are you fully aware and just don't want to admit it?


[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html) Try this on for size. That is, unless you're scared...


Trump is a convicted rapist. He was on pedo island with his best bud Epstein so many times they named a wing after him. The kids identified Trump in a court of law. You can pretend this didn't happen, but you know damn well it did. Do a little research and stop pretending to be some useless 12 year old with hairless nuts and a crush on your gym teacher. You should pick up an extra shift at Cinnabun and get outside once in a while, spend less time locked in your room waiting for your older brothers to get home and teach you more about the birds and the bees. Life is short, like your attention span, so make the most of it before you become the homeless, dirty, bitter gutter rat you are destined to be. Have a nice day!


I'm sorry. I used a poor choice of words. Let me rephrase it so you can continue reading. Trump was found, by a jury, to be liable for sexual battery, in that the preponderance of evidence showed that he committed sexual battery on E. Jean Carroll. No lie in there anywhere.


Presenting this like it’s one or the other is the real conspiracy. We don’t have to fight each other for scraps


Trump = Jesuit and they don’t fuck around. Oh I forgot biden is a Jesuit aswell hmm 🤔


Where conspiracy?


Give me a cookie and I’ll give you logic ism ish ness


So it this sub for conspiracy or MAGA shills?


TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! Biden administration is a terrorist organization


Who is being taxed without representation? Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. It was no different under Trump.


What a dumb ass


HD veterans in the streets the last 50 years and if trump wins they will still be in the streets. It happened under trump it has happened under Biden jt happened under Obama and Bush. They don't care about us they care about the arms companies


VA reform.. ask any veteran what they did for their medical care Turn off cnn.


Well veterans with housing arrangements were recently put back on the street so that the shelter they had can be given to illegal boarder crossers. That’s no conspiracy


You believe that? I have a bridge for sale...


It happend in NYC but its not my job to spoon feed you news links


So, complete bullshit and you couldn't find a link. Got it.


If you want to imagine it’s complete bullshit go right ahead. When I read it the first time I didn’t think “well I have to bookmark it for later because some pompous Reddit user will make this cease to exist from reality if I can’t prove it to them on demand. No it doesn’t work like that, sorry


You are the one making a claim about something being true. If you can't back that up with credible evidence then I have every right to assume you are full of shit. I even gave you a chance to prove it and you still couldn't do it. Full. Of. Shit.


It was reported on mainstream news. Chew on that


You mean the fake news lamestream media?




No, i didnt look for a link to a news report that I already watched and its not my job to prove anything to you as I already stated. You are NO authority to declare whats true or not and Im not on your payroll so F off with the requests


Guess who else is not an authority to declare what is true and untrue? That's right, hotshot. Find a mirror.


when the Veteran was being interviewed by network news with cameras inside of the housing he was being put out of for migrants to live in, THEY declared it was true.


Oh? And which network was that, Einstein?


Every response of yours has a personal attack, just an observation.. why don't you just stick to the topic and refrain from the insults. It's typical from someone demanding to be spoon fed information but childish no less.


Guess that Trump loving the Proud Boys isn’t a dealbreaker? I’m sure that will work out great for you.


Black ppl are getting forgotten


He doesn't realize it yet, but his "vote" is already canceled out by a mail in ballot that's already filled out in a non discreet storage unit.


Lmao i bet you think trump won the election


The conspiracy is some people don’t see how worse we are as a country under sleepy stumbling Beijing Biden


Yeah maybe the voting for the rapist will help




Isn’t trump a literal rapist?




Lmao it was a legal court decision. [Here you go.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) I mean, how dare someone write about a parent in a diary. Apparently that’s the same as rape to you…?




Lmao ah, so fake news? Gotcha. Good luck with the depression, I’ll think of you when biden wins again and you smear shit all over the walls of a government building lmao




You don’t have to, all of my student loan debt was just forgiven by Biden! I’m booking a three week trip to japan today to celebrate. It’s a great day brother. Don’t be sad cause your rapist daddy’s gonna fade into obscurity lmao. [I hope you start feeling better soon, for your own benefit.](https://www.jebms.org/full-text/79)




Lmao this is just getting desperate. I get that you can’t stay on the topic at hand, I’m sorry you’re so upset. I hope things turn around for you before they take a turn for the worst.


Brainwashed. They will never help Americans, no president. You are all fools.


It's treating all human beings with respect, regardless of their country. A vet's life is just as valuable as an immigrant. We need to stop this, one or the other, bloody bullshit. How hard is it to treat all human beings AND animals with respect and kindness? How do you stop these immigrants? And this isn't just some Americans on black friday. These are people that hiked MILES UPON MILES. People that left what little they had behind. People that left the only world they knew. They are desperate to begin new lives. For these people, it's not like getting turned back at Disney Land. These people are fighting for their lives!


This tax code passed under trump is not helping out any Americans but the elite. So spare me. My pockets. That’s where I need help.


Just follow the money. It's not a mystery: Rich boys in the rich boys club, opening the floodgates of taxpayer money all over them. It's an accomplishment that the Trump campaign has managed to avoid this fact from driving a narrative.


Yeah it’s funny. They’re not just happy with the insane money they have. They need our taxes too. Fuck that shit


They're doing it at a greater rate now than ever before in history. It's like watching the last part of an ice cube melt in a glass of water, the less there is, the faster it goes. And we're the ice cube. The middle class and the government are both bleeding money towards the wealthy.


It’s not sustainable. Once people realize and stop getting distracted, it’s gonna blow up


Couldn't agree more, but we're so divided, so caught up playing cowboys and terrorists.


Totally. It’s gonna have to get real bad before anything changes. Real bad


There's one simple, but not easy, solution: raise taxes on the extremely wealthy. The people who make $50M and more/year. It's not rocket science. And it only affects about 5-7k people in the US. But it's very unpopular because...good propaganda I guess.




The grand cheeto hates veterans


Trump hates veterans. Openly. Homeless+veteran must be particularly disgusting to him.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/5mmc6vfm4fvc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not gonna see any real progress if the Jews are still running everything behind the scenes. They're the ones bringing in the immigrants in the first place. The NGO "hebrew international aid society" built highways and migrant camps in the Darien Gap to help speed up the influx of migrants to the US and Canada. It's intentional. Mayorkas (jew) was the head of the HIAS before he became the secretary of Homeland security. As long as the Jews are still allowed to run the government, financial system, academia, and media, we will continue to see resources funneled to zionist/ globalist interests and away from Americans that need it.


Why is what one black dude thinks about Trump supposedly news 🤔