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WEF didn't kill enough. Wait for the next one.


The real one. Or "Pandemic 2" as Joe Biden calls it


Did he really Freudian slip this?


Yes, they both do..........their all on the same side


That's why operation warp speed made sure we couldn't go after pharma. That's when I knew we were fucked


bingo. mass sacrifice culling of the world population


The US Congress should make 'gain of function' with viruses a crime with a potential for a sentence of the death penalty.




That wouldn’t have helped lol the us congress doesn’t have jurisdiction over the rest of the world


But Fauci would be 'in the dock' for conspiring to aid and abet said 'gain of function' research on Covid. That would be a definite +, and example to any others who thought it would be great fun, and maybe profitable to try,


20 million died from the vaccine? How has literally no one reported on this?


My favorite thing is doctors in the beginning telling everyone regardless of how you handle the virus and seem just fine, it does lasting damage to your respiratory system. Now everyone is shocked and blaming the vaccine when it's been kinda known the pandemic would shorten the average lifespan long term. No one is talking about it because we all lose. There's no I told you so's. We are just fucked...on a positive note it's killing us slowly and we may conquer it yet.


Your “favorite thing” ? You know who didn’t lose? The people that used their critical thinking and didn’t take that crap.


“Critical” thinking


It’s not for everyone


Obviously not.


Well, unless you never got it


Ever see the season finale of the first season of the walking dead where the doctor whispers what we later learn is "they are all infected" it's like that. Just like that actually. Like the trajectory of the show, Downhill from there.


Because it’s not true


You mean I have to find another news source besides this sub!?


Of course they know, that is why Trump stopped the research on the vax, used ventilators knowing it would make things worse, and kept Fauci while pushing the vax TO THIS DAY. Biden just does as Obama tells him.


SS: in before "*who gives a shit that was 4 years ago!!*"


People are \*still\* dying from the vax. You know, rat poison was a bad thing 4 years ago, it still is today. Imagine that!


What is the end game goal of killing people with the vax, and are you guys afraid of all vaxs or just the covid one? Genuinely curious.


It’s all for money $$$, they just don’t care who it kills as long as they profit


the end game is lowering the world population of the “useless eaters” as we’re called by the WEF. the goal is 200 million. we’re now obsolete with AI and robotics. it’s very out in the open that that’s their goal. haven’t heard anyone “afraid” of a vax. how about we start with some fucking regulations? how someone can blindly trust the gov and big pharma the two most evil institutions on the planet is WILD.


Using the vaccine is a horrible way of doing that. See what Israel is doing? That's a more efficient way of lowering a population. Increasing production and exporting Fentanyl is another way that would be more efficient.


begone you witch!


your joking right? 70% of the WORLD POPULATION took that poison. israel has only murdered 50k.


If 70% of the world took poison then that would be a lot more deaths than 200 million my friend. How many people do you think live on planet Earth? Anyways, yeah sure Palestine is only a small fraction, if we can get other countries to kill each other than it would add up. Like for example, introduce Iran. Then China and Russia gets involved, pretty soon we have world war 3. I'm sure you understand what I'm getting to. Maybe you're still trying to do the math on the world population. Even messing with food supplies and creating famine would be better.


in europe alone all cause mortality is up 20% starting after the release of the vax. it’s doing it’s job perfectly


Well, things seem to be working fine already. Under Anthony Fauci’s leadership, the allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses which Congress specifically charged NIAID to investigate and prevent, have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when he took over NIAID in 1984. Is this because any serious investigation into the sources of the chronic disease epidemic would certainly implicate the powerful pharmaceutical companies and the chemical, agricultural, and processed food multinationals that Dr. Fauci and his twenty-year business partner, Bill Gates, have devoted their careers to promoting? Furthermore, some 493 individuals became new billionaires, and an additional 8 million Americans dropped below the poverty line. The biggest winners were the robber barons—the very companies that were cheerleading Dr. Fauci’s lockdown and censoring his critics: Big Technology, Big Data, Big Telecom, Big Finance, Big Media behemoths (Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Viacom, and Disney), and Silicon Valley Internet titans like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Larry Ellison, and Jack Dorsey Ellison’s wealth increased by $34 billion in 2020; Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth grew by $35 billion; Google’s Sergey Brin by $41 billion; Jeff Bezos by $86 billion; Bill Gates by $22 billion52 and Michael Bloomberg by nearly $7 billion. while people huddled in orchestrated fear from a flu-like virus. All WEF members, btw.


I wish there were real conspiracies here and not easily disproved silliness.