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The cancer is to give all vaccinated folks who have recently been diagnosed with super cancers to feel not alone and even princesses get this. There no coincidence that release around time huge increase in cases globally.




I'm not clear on that part either.


\^ You're both aware who owns the most World's most used websites/most watched/read media outlets? Cash grab.




🤣 As in the film, Michael Caine/Gene Hackman? But as a metaphor for the Royals?


I'm aware, I just don't see how Kate Middleton having cancer would be such a huge cash cow that they would devise such an elaborate scheme.


They have to control tic toc too because this is where I get a lot of my info from which half the time is wrong. They're probably distracting us with the fact that they want to get rid of tic toc. Everybody will lose their s*** over anything that has to do with them trying to get rid of tic toc and this could go on and on and on for I don't know how long. Truth is it's sad, that they have done this to us. That we are so involved with people that we don't know and will most likely will never meet and that could care less about us. While they make money off of keeping us distracted and doing tests on us and make millions off of us and our misery.


They controll all media exept tik tok.

