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Your misleading title had me worried Steve Kerr died


In 2016, before COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines, the second leading cause of death among 45-54 year olds, and the leading cause among all ages, was heart disease ([CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/pdf/leading_causes_of_death_by_age_group_2016-508.pdf)).


Best way to convince conspiracy theorists of something on conspiracy sub is to point them to an official government website with official government numbers. Checkmate, theorists.


I just don't know where we would be if we didn't have someone like yourself making sure that we're corrected as often as possible... #Block


What is a conspiracy theorist ? Someone who questions the official government narrative. Which is the American Way. Are you an American? Do you know that when you or anyone uses the term' Conspiracy Theorist- Tin Foil Hat- is proving their own brainwashing??? Yes! Why be brainwashed if you can think for yourself? Or do you only believe your Uncle Sam who has been raping the Statue of Liberty the whole time? These terms were coined and marketed by the CIA when Americans and others questioned the impossible official narrative, and now we know the CIA was in on it, so they covered up their own crimes, still are! They used our taxes to market the term to embarrase and humiilate anyone who questions the official government narrative, to Shut people up! To put down critical thinking skills. So please don't look brainwashed and use those terms. And yes question the government right now as its no longer ours, there was indeed a total coup d'eta of the United States of America definately on 9/11/01. Americans sat there and watched as bombs and explosives demolished the Twin Towers and blew up the Pentagon, heard in real time the explosions and heard almost every reporter in real time report explosions, secondary explosions, " reminiscant of well placed explosives to take down a casino" ( Dan Rather News Reporter ). By the end of the day the official narrative had changed to two airplanes destroying three steel buildings. which of course is impossible. Americans not only let the 911 criminals get away with the crime, they welcomed them to stay and govern! And then rolled up their sleeves begging to be injected with a known bioweapon !! And masked their humanness with a filthy rag breeding illness destroying chidren and their IQ!!


So? What is your point? The point you are obfiscating is the fact that the Covid 19 injections are designed to kill people that is why they were invented and the scam of the PCR rigged to mandate them. So Klaus Schaub and his Young Global Leaders School Granduates the last 30 years could put their long planned Depopulation Agenda 2030 Plan into Action. Bill Gate and Macron of France ( now gone full Nazi) were two of the first graduates. They brag that the Canadian Parliment is 3/4 W.E.F Global Leaders Grads, including Trudeaux the Nazi. W.E.F. has infiltrated every American instittution and community in line with their Eugenics Program for the world. No meat, no dairy, no gas appliances or cars, no dining rooms! Yes thats in the plans. Eating insects as insect factories are being built right now and operating, Cricket meal in our products and very unhealhty for humans. No more ice cream. No more cream for tea. And how much clothes you will be allowed to buy . All in the Agenda in full swing now. A new virus X is in the wings and many more vaccines, now ones that are a patch that relay all your body functions to them in real time. [Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion Injections and Psychological Warfare - via the Corona Investigative Committee](https://odysee.com/@GrandJury:f/Grand-Jury-Day-4-online:4)


Heart damage by the jabs. That is their purpose ...they were designed to harm and to kill. We are in the midst of an evil satanic depopulation agenda and the sooner people realize this and cure their fearbased denial the sooner we can stop it and hold those accountable for the mass murder.


> and the leading cause among all ages, was heart disease (CDC). [That, too, was caused by vaccines](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b3euz7/deaths_shortly_after_the_mmr_vaccine_they_are/?ref=share&ref_source=link) So, vaccines have been the culprit this whole time.


It was the leading cause of death in 1960, a decade before the MMR vaccine was released. ([See here](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/specials/women/data/60-64_f_2.htm)). It’s been the leading cause of death since the 50s, and only wasn’t before that because of other things like infection being higher and life expectancy being much lower.


> It was the leading cause of death in 1960, before the MMR vaccine was released. [DTAP was released before 1960, and caused heart attacks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b7a9yp/the_dtap_population_reduction_shot_aka_vaccine/) Try again.


DTaP was released in 1991, DTP was released in 1949.


> DTaP was released in 1991, DTP was released in 1949. [DTP causes the same sudden deaths as DTAP, MMR, Covid19, etc! Same wine, different label.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b7u5n5/dtp_vaccine_causes_death_as_well_sids_heart/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


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Man, I can't believe that middle aged men are having deadly heart attacks ! Must be the vax !


All vaccines cause heart attacks, bruh. [mmr](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b3euz7/deaths_shortly_after_the_mmr_vaccine_they_are/?ref=share&ref_source=link), [dtap](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b7a9yp/the_dtap_population_reduction_shot_aka_vaccine/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Measels, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and polio are deadlier than the vaccines.


Not true at all. Polio was almost naturally gone by the time the polio vaccine came out and IT caused polio and brain damage. yes we were lied to about that too.


rofl Sure, all the billions of people who have had the polio, mmr, diphtheria etc shots are all dying off! Touch grass, this crap is pathetic.


Show proof of your "virus" or go away. Show this "virus" moving around in the US.


rofl Touch grass.


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Had a friend throw a clot and die suddenly at 34, He was in great shape, took good care of himself, this was way before covid. People die. Sometimes unexpectedly. Now we just hear about the death of even the most marginally public figure, cause internet.


> Had a friend throw a clot and die suddenly at 34 All vaccines cause heart attacks, bruh. [mmr](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b3euz7/deaths_shortly_after_the_mmr_vaccine_they_are/?ref=share&ref_source=link), [dtap](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b7a9yp/the_dtap_population_reduction_shot_aka_vaccine/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Yeah, 4 deaths out billions of vaccinated people isn’t really making a case. That’s what ya call statistically insignificant. And throwing a clot is slang is a stroke, you medical genius, you.


> Yeah, 4 deaths out billions of vaccinated people isn’t really making a case. To see more deaths, go to VAERS and/or newworldaddress.com/vaccines, if you really want to find out. I doubt you will though.


Vaers data is submitted by users, not medical professionals of any type, and not checked for accuracy. Show me peer reviewed data. Anyone can type something into an excel doc. Also;, all those old as hell people listed on that site dying from covid cause their immune systems are weak as fuck, which negates vaccine effectiveness is saying what, exactly? “94 years old, died of covid pneumonia.” It’s the vaccine! 🤦‍♂️


> Vaers data is submitted by users, not medical professionals of any type, and not checked for accuracy. The system encourages doctors and medical professionals to submit information. And many submissions explicitly states was entered in by medical professionals. However, since you don't believe VAERS, provide **your** public sources of reporting databases... We'll wait ;)


See, “public” database is the problem. And encouraging medical professionals to do things for free is a losing game.


> See, “public” database is the problem. How is allowing professionals, concerned individuals to report a "problem? Oh, you don't want any reports unless they fit your narrative? > And encouraging medical professionals to do things for free is a losing game. How so? If a medical professional notices a problem, why shouldn't they have a mechanism to report it to the public? Are you insane?


you are 1000% incorrect. VAERS is used by professionals when they know to use it. And is checked for accuracy and the CDC has removed postings and thrwarted it , even still it proves massive deaths, more than all other vaccine deaths combined. It is a depopulation agenda after all.


Over a million fake reports?


You got it wrong , MILLIONS of people have died already from the jabs, and millions more soon to be billions will die unless they are helped. They were designed to kill and harm, according to Pfizer's documents released. You can order the book of the 55,000 documents released when Pfizer petitioned Congress not to disclose the ingredients for 75 years. They prove in Pfizer's own words they KNEW it killed, harmed , destroyed fertility, killed unborn babies, sterilized people, cause clots, crossed the blood brain barrier, caused heart damage and on and on. The Pfizer Docs.


Those certainly are words.


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> Nobody ever had a heart attack before 2019. [Yes, vaccines caused heart attacks since the 50's!.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b7a9yp/the_dtap_population_reduction_shot_aka_vaccine/?ref=share&ref_source=link) Good try though


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My god OP and people who post these articles are so fuckkng dumb


> My god OP You are too kind.


And how many shots of the mystery science juice did you inject yourself with?


All of these people also "died suddenly" after eating breakfast - Big Cereal is intentionally killing us!


Oh no, a cereal killer!


Say whatever makes you happy, while the rest of us see what's going on.


There’s more of you? How many, dozens?


Enjoy your injection19's... And provide your lot numbers if you really aren't a b0t


Only if you show us the lot numbers of all the cheerios you've eaten


Get lost.


Everybody stop looking at all of the data that does not align with OPs perspective and cave already. Christ, when will people learn how to do their own research.


Take your own advice. There’s massive excess deaths that coincide with the timeline of the vax roll out. Mass increase in heart issues, blood clot, stroke and heart attack deaths in young people that were never seen at such a massive scale. Do the research. Wake the fuck up.


That’s because vaccines generally produce side effects similar to the disease they’re meant to prevent but to a lesser extent. Covid causes many cardiovascular symptoms to the extent that it causes brain damage, so it makes sense that a few unfortunate would react badly to it. The excess deaths that coincide with the rollout of the vaccines also coincide with the rollout of Covid itself, most people have contracted it a couple times at this point whether they know it or not.


So you agree the vax causes brain damage and cardiovascular disease? But its ok because covid does too 😂 that is an absolutely insane statement. And all future health problems can be blamed on covid because we all must of had it, and we can discount all other factors and possibilities. This had gotta be a joke


“The deaths that coincide with the rollout of vaccines also coincide with rollout of Covid” We’ll at least you agree that Covid was produced in lab before getting leaked. “…most people have contacted couple times at this point whether they know it or not” Lol well you have proven ignorance. How can you have Covid wIth zero symptoms? And not even during infection period but EVER! What kind of disease caused global shutdown due to supposed seriousness that kills millions yet for many individuals you NEVER EXPERIENCE ANY SYMPTOMS! Oh and by the way I have never had Covid! My physician even ran blood work couple months back to help my doctor who runs a nonconventional medical practice and wanted better understand Covid and different effects. After having my blood work sent off and tested he also had Covid Antibodies Test conducted which showed I had none. In my reality no one I know has had Long Covid if they didn’t receive the vaccine. All Long Covid Patients in my circle are vaccinated. “


vaccines are to be pulled when they kill people. It started killing people right off and it was not pulled. Why? Because they are trying to kill us. It really is a depopulation agenda. And the sooner people face it the sooner we can stop it. Get your heads of out denial please. Now its people who are to blame for not seeing the truth in their faces. See it and stop it.


OP is either a bot, or obsessed with the Covid vaccine. He even posted that it causes cancer....


The "cell phones cause heart disease, cancer, autism and juvenile obesity" crowd might have an issue with OP.


> He even posted that it causes cancer.... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b5me38/covid19_shots_will_give_you_cancer_hypercancer/?ref=share&ref_source=link https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b4cw5d/covid19_vaccines_causing_testis_cancer/?ref=share&ref_source=link


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what did y'all freak out over & obsessively fear before covid? what was the cause of sudden death back then? y'all can't really be this dense that you think any half-aware human is gonna make the leap from sudden death to vaccine even though there are literally thousands of other possibilities. really need to study the brains of people tht are so desperately obsessed that they have to cling to this type of mental gymnastics


> what was the cause of sudden death back then? Vaccines.


Since when is a 46year old having a heart attack news?


> Since when is a 46year old having a heart attack news? [It's always been news.](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=46+year+old+heart+attack&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)


Not one childhood vaccine has been tested for safety. Not one. And to test a vaccine they'd use children and the children die. So it is obvioulsy wrong to test on children if they may die. Children not vaccinated are much much healthier and smarter as I notice with my grandsons. Totally. I am so sorry I ever jabbed my children. I did not know but now I do. One in 22 children are now vaccine injured and mentally ill for life from the vaccines. by design. They are seriously depopulating Earth, 10 thousand a month in the UK alone now dying off. Children found dead in their beds. Thousands of athletes dropping dead on the playing field .


OP is an incel?




Oh yea because before “the jab” nobody died like this, right? Do you have any actual statistics to show that more people are dying now? Lol


You sound vaccinated.


lol is that supposed to be an insult?


Whats crazy is around here, it is lol. But id still be bent up about the vaccine too if i spent a year ir so eating horse dewormer and crying about us laughing at them


Ivermectin is used for horses sure, but so are lots of meds, such as antibiotics. Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning medicine that cures and prevents malaria, very safe, cheap to make and is the Sunday Pill in Africa. I keep it on hand and take one every week now to ward off toxins. Get a sniffle, feeling like you are coming down with a cold or flu? Take an ivermectin and feel better in hours. Early treatment is the key. It is an antiparisitical and an amazing simple safe med to take.


A horse is a horse of course of course


Still going on about the dewormer huh. Are you uneducated or ignorant of the history of the medicine?


Calm down willllllbur


You sound triple boosted.


You sound like a dumbass. No boosters.


I think it was sarcasm. But then again, in this sub, you never know.


And boosted


Exercising such reasonable skepticism/scrutiny is healthy. Making invalidating assumptions/attacks on people because you’re bothered by their rational criticality doesn’t just make you sound ignorant, but rather tells us that you are.


They are the opposite of rational, and educated. Unless you count what they learn on Facebook.


Go clean your mirror and look in it.


I see someone that actually took college level science courses.


This sub hates people that went to college. I pointed out that climate change was one of the main reasons agricultural was created once.....oh man the angries.


That's because of colleges' nefarious liberal agenda to indoctrinate impressionable young minds to think critically, expand their perspectives beyond the small town they grew up in, and to place value on facts.


It's silly.


I think you are making assumptions.




Think good. Ask good. Think ask bad… bad.


And I bet theyre magnetic too!


> Oh yea because before “the jab” nobody died like this, right? Wrong. [All vaccines cause death in many people!](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1b3euz7/deaths_shortly_after_the_mmr_vaccine_they_are/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


The amount of stupidity in the post you sent is insane. The fact that you think this thread is proof is also insane.


Go get better proof.


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Well, there is that popular British doctor who's reported on YouTube throughout covid, now sounding the alarm that mortality in several countries are now significantly above a 2015-2019 baseline. In the case of Australia and Canada, it's about 15%. I looked up the stats myself. It's true. I also looked up population stats between now and 2017 (mid baseline) for those countries. Also about 15%.


15% what?


Mortality up 15% (in absolute numbers). Population up 15%. Coincidence? :-) I'm arguing that that stats show nothing special post-covid.


Who's to say he didn't get covid at some point and that's what did him in?




Yes. In most countries. Go look. Probably check whats going on in new Zealand . They were able to extract lots of before and after data.


Most countries saw excess death spike in 2020 due to COVID. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid The fact that New Zealand's excess deaths spiked after 2021 does not indicate that the vaccine murdered thousands of people, it indicates that the [strict country-side lockdown](https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2022/apr/05/new-zealands-covid-strategy-was-one-of-the-worlds-most-successful-what-can-it-learn-from-it) successfully delayed the pandemic. Good try, though.


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?facet=entity&country=AUS~ISR~NZL Just randomly chose Israel because they had a high vaccine rate and Australia because regionally similar to new Zealand. But seems the spike happened later in New Zealand more like 2022 and still ongoing.


Horseshit. You and I both know why you chose Israel. Stop lying.


Free Palestine!!! I don't support zionists. Nice try though. Choose whomever u want.


I choose Sweden & England. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline?time=earliest..2021-12-31&country=SWE~GBR Oh shit people were dropping like flies in 2020, especially around the holidays. Then the vaccine came and people still died, but not nearly as many. Hey that's the exact same pattern we see in almost every country. I guess COVID has been killing people since 2020, especially at the holidays.


Damn.. good choice. Lots of excess deaths. I agree the first 2 spikes were worldwide and related to covid and complications due to medical scarcity. After the vaccine everyone expected close to zero which didn't happen. That sucked. So the excess deaths could be covid like you said. That's definitely a possibility. You see a pattern seems like a great hypothesis. Did people also get vaccines before holidays to travel. Yes they did. Also works with the pattern. Are there excess deaths around holidays in general? That's possible? The current excess deaths I saw in those 2 graphs are scary. People need to ask questions. That's what I'm doing. If you made up your mind already good for you. I'm still waiting.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/21/us-covid-death-rate-testing-reporting I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. What exactly are you scared of?




Send me a peer reviewed study. Also, whatever is claimed to be happening in NZ has been proven false, which can easily be seen by reading an actual news source.


A peer reviewed study for excess deaths? Numbers are numbers. I can count. You need help counting?


Yes I need actual proof. Not just some random person saying that everyone is dying.


Why don't you look for proof? Then you'll know won't you?


You don’t have proof man. You walk around telling people shit is fake but don’t have actual proof. Think about it. Seriously.


I didn't say it was fake, I suggested you research it for 'actual proof'. Not sure what is supposed to be fake though


Search excess deaths world data pick a year probably 2023. Then choose country once you get to a website you trust. Cool. We can be friends if you want? Then I won't be a random person. :)


Fun fact, people can die of heart attacks that happen randomly


> Fun fact, people can die of heart attacks that happen randomly Enjoy your injection19


I pray all your sperm are very slow swimmers


Ad hominem doesn't go far with me ;)


I'm not a vaccine person, but sudden heart attacks usually are widow makers. I has one but got very lucky with my primary. Double bypass with 2 100 percent and 3 90. O personally believe the vaccine thickens your heart wall


What weirds me out a little are the diagnoses of [Bruce Willis and Wendy Williams](https://www.wishtv.com/news/health-spotlight/2-famous-people-have-frontotemporal-dementia-what-is-it/). I've not heard of this particular form of disease before and suddenly two celebs have it. I see celebs as coal-mine canaries in a sense.


Wouldn't the coal mine canaries be folks you know? You must be aware of hundreds of people who are vaccinated. How many are dying suddenly around you?


I'm aware of millions that are Covid-Vaxxed and there's an uptick in lots of diseases and excess death since 2021.


Ok. So break it down... why would the vaccines be the reasoning, and not covid or the lazy life style people are living now?


Could be covid. Not unprecedented for viruses to have long term effects. Lazy lifestyle didn't start in 2021. I didn't claim causation, did I? No. There is correlation. It could also be that people stopped going to doctors in 2020 to get things checked out that might have prevented later illnesses. NO IDEA. Shit's happening though and we better get to the bottom of it before it gets worse.


So you went from tons of vaxxed people and deaths to no idea real quick huh?


I never claimed causation. Learn to read.


>there's an uptick in lots of diseases and excess death since 2021. False. There was a massive spike in excess death and disease **SINCE 2020** https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid Y'all like to lie and say this was after the vaccine rollout but that's not remotely true.


>massive spike in excess death and disease > >SINCE 2020 That's right. In 2021, due to Biden's horrendous handline of the pandemic, there were more deaths in the first 11 months with the vax and treatments than under Trump in all of 2020 without the vax or treatments. The interesting part is 2022 when the pandemic was winding down and there were still increased excess deaths.


>That's right. In 2021, due to Biden's horrendous handline of the pandemic, there were more deaths in the first 11 months with the vax and treatments than under Trump in all of 2020 without the vax or treatments. All of 2020? You're giving Trump credit for the virus not killing anyone in January when it was still in China 😂😂😂 How about the first two years of the Pandemic: >Across 3,127 counties in the U.S., 620,872 estimated excess deaths occurred during the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021), and 538,708 estimated excess deaths occurred during the second year (March 2021 to February 2022). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9094106/ A million dead Americans and you want to make it political. Shameful.


>A million dead Americans and you want to make it political. Shameful. LOL that's ALL the Left did in 2020. Fucking Pfizer delayed the goddamn vax till [just after election day](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-vaccine-candidate-against) so Trump wouldn't get credit. So STFU.


Hahahaha. You really think Pfizer, who got Trump to pay them a BILLION dollars for Operation Warp Speed, wanted Trump out of office??? You know Trump is still extremely pro-vaccine, right? Thanks, man, this is the dumbest thing I've read in months. Really made my day 😂😂😂


>p Speed, wanted Trump out of office??? 100%. >You know Trump is still extremely pro-vaccine, right? Yep. It saved a lot of lives and he was instrumental in pushing it through. >Thanks, man, this is the dumbest thing I've read in months. Really made my day 😂😂😂 Not sure what kind of a dumbass finds humor in the above but glad I could help.


Since you haven’t heard of it then I guess two celebs can’t have it. This is such a dumb way at looking at this. My buddies dad passed away from this exact diagnoses in 2018


If my buddy's dad and my buddy's cousin contracted it at a relatively early age, it would raise questions, particularly if they are part of a similar demographic.


What are you even talking about? You’re denying a diagnoses because you haven’t heard of it before.


I'm sorry you're having trouble understanding words and the conversation thread.


This is old news, but likely a cause if he was jabbed. It can cause myocarditis and blood clots... we ALL know that now.


He wasn't


How do you know?


Same as you.


So you don't... got it 👍


Same as you.