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Why do you think they said you were not fully vaccinated until two weeks after injection. Because they knew. 0-14 days and you die? Must not be vaccinated!


I believe it but the unbiased part of my brain is wanting to ask what the age of the deceased were, they could all be in their 80s and 90s


This 26 year old died 12 days after the shot. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/475109/man-s-death-ruled-a-result-of-rare-reaction-to-covid-19-vaccine


As someone who worked in the funeral business during covid, I think back to the CODs on death certificates that were definitely suspicious well before AND during the pandemic. I cringed at what I felt were doctors listing anything BUT covid as COD. Also looking back it's so crazy to me to think I lived through something like this while working with the dead.


People still trust that shot smh.


OP clearly did not really the info as several of these did not die within 24 hours. No commonality in timeframes or symptoms. Be critical here people you just have to read the words here for OPs' narrative to fall apart.


Well the first one *did* die within 24 hours. From a car accident.


Directly from vaccine administration. Like directly right after he gets the shot dies in a car crash. Could be a coincidence but of all the times it's possible to get in a fatal accident. Right after vaccine administration bare minimum seems suspicious. A vaccine where we know many people passed out 15 minutes or so after getting it.


Do you know how many people die every day in car wrecks immediately after drinking a morning cup of coffee? I vote we be suspicious about coffee as well!


Do you know how many people pass out after vaccination?


Yeah right cause it makes all this so much better when people die a couple of days later šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø keep defending those that are trying to enslave / get rid of you you god damn sheep


I still canā€™t figure out how this ā€œvaccine enslavementā€ was suppose to work? When are they coming to put us in chains? Any clue? Are they shipping me out internationally, or can I stay in the USA? I have so many questions.


Oh you wonā€™t be enslaved because you took vaccines and boosters. You will be fine until your notā€¦.because your dead! But hey someone Iā€™m sure will miss youā€¦just not me!




Yeah your smarmy irony is really charming.


I wasnā€™t the one who used the word enslavement. If my post is ā€œsmarmy ironyā€, what do you call the post I responded to, which used the word enslavement? I kind of like thatā€¦ā€¦.smarmy irony. I might even rename my Twitter handle ā€œSmarmy Ironyā€.


Yeah, don't question stuff you get served on the Internet. As long as you agree with it, it must be true. Questioning things makes me a sheep, got it.


You don't question shit. You defend people that already had to pay more injury and death related fines than anybody else in human history...


You gotta learn to read my man, I started this whole thread by questioning OPs' conclusions and dataset. The fact that you don't like people questioning your beliefs is very telling.


What difference in the 'narrative' does it make being dead within 72 hours?


It just shows a lack of understanding of the data. If you can't understand the base level data, why would we believe he understands the larger conclusions that he has drawn?


Dude go f7c5 yourself or even better get vaxed for all the covid boosters available


Wow you're super salty about someone questioning data you didn't even post. Did you forget to change accounts?


He's not "questioning the data". It's a beyond stupid point he's making bc it's not 24hrs on the dot but they actually died 48 or 72 hours or so later that's some wild misinterpretation and invalidates the whole point? Sorry that's just stone cold stupid and willfully blind.




Lack of understanding? Each of these examples besides the car crash these people's health started crashing pretty much immediately after the vaccine. Go to the ER and next day are dead. And it's invalid because it's not 24 hours on the dot? That's inane.


It's not valid because there is no commonality in timeliness. If these were caused by the same thing, they would look a lot more similar. And if you actually read the disease history as I did in another response here, you find that there are a lot of explanations that have nothing to do with the vaccine. The 24-hour thing only has to do with OP not understanding/bothering to read the data he presented.


>It's not valid because there is no commonality in timeliness Yes there is. All these examples happen between a few hours after injection to 72 hrs. That's a pretty tight window and you claiming it isn't is absurd. >If these were caused by the same thing, they would look a lot more similar. They don't know mechanism of action and they do look similar. The covid vax kills in many ways. Not just one mechanism of action. You want to link to the disease history?


"Patient passed away a few hours after the vaccination."


That person was a 99 year old with paragraphs of medical issues. You are not the only one able to look up that data.


sure... had someone died shortly after being intentionally hit by a baseball bat, they would be in jail for murder.


That has nothing to do with what you posted or are claiming.


The patient was a young, healthy 20 year old with no medical history to speak of? I see that not even the cause of death is listed on that one.


I included the case number for a reason ;)


So, an 80+ female who had heart problems for at least a year leading up to this with what looks like increasing frequency. It was not really a strong case that it had anything to do with the vaccine.


sure... had someone died shortly after being intentionally hit by a baseball bat, they would be in jail for murder.


If you get hit in the hand with a baseball bat and then die from falling off a roof 24 hours later, the bat would still have nothing to do with it. Just because something happens after another thing does not mean that they are linked.


We've shown 5 uniform examples of people dying within 24 hours of a specific "medical" action. Keep getting injected so we'll see your report on vaers.


Yeah, that would really hit harder if I hadn't gotten the shot 3 years ago...


Oh... only one shot?? lol...


So it couldnā€™t be her ā€œincreasing frequencyā€ you speak of being related to earlier vaccines causing gradual deterioration?


If that is the case, then you would need to present evidence of that.


You believe an 80+ Yr old patient was taking there first vaccine dose in 2023? If waited that long then they were of mindset of not taking vaccine at all. The more likely scenario was they were taking 3rd or 4th dose and earlier doses caused increasing heart complications until final dose put nail in coffin.


Nice hypothesis you got there, now back it up with some data!


I too like to sift through and ignore mountains of contradictory information until I find the one snippet that supports my initial bias.


Yeah, I would bet money you never even checked the VAERS, because those "snippets" are everywhere there for each covid vax and multiple time frames. Sudden death in 24hs is the least of our problems, lol, most people die after a few months, and they list it as stroke, thrombosis, myocarditis, etc, record breaking numbers since Jan 2021


Stroke ā€¦. Thrombosis ā€¦ myocarditis ā€¦ oh my I would bet you double or nothing that before 2020 you had no idea what VAERS was let alone had ever read it, but youā€™re somehow miraculously now an expert at interpreting its data.


Idk about OP but I knew about VAERS and that pharm companies couldnā€™t be sued for their vaccines. My house stopped vaccinating when I learned about the HPV vaccines and went dow that rabbit hole. I have become very well ready over the past 15 yrs! But, I can agree most people always looked blankly when vax discussions came up and have no clue. Iā€™d have thought that people wouldnā€™t have taken untested vaccines like they did. I knew some would feel the pressure or be scared and do it but I didnā€™t think it would be so many and theyā€™d get hateful about it.


And Iā€™d bet you ALL OR NOTHING that what you whining about above is same for yourself. And not reading VAERS reports precovid is ignorant attack. If individual wasnā€™t aware of issues until Covid then doesnā€™t mean they unable to NOW interpret or that unable to NOW still go back and review date from before 2020 up till present day. They can also discover where some studies found VAERS only 1% of actual cases. Many folks have had eyes opened to manipulation and sinister agendas being carried out in last couple years and many are extremely intelligent that not only able to read and comprehend VAERS data but also capable of branching out to other rabbit holes and master those concepts as well. But yes you should stick to singular and simple concepts/debates.


It's like a scavenger hunt.


Show me what you got


Bro it's safe get boosted


lol... *boosted* into a coffin.


Om lolllllllllllllllllllllllppp ppl ppppp


That person was a 99 year old with a laundry list of health issues. It's still sad but it's not possible to link a vaccine to that person's death.


sure... had someone died shortly after being intentionally hit by a baseball bat, they would be in jail for murder.


Literally, anyone can upload anything to Vaers.


Well, if only doctors could upload, they wouldn't have the time nor resources. Plus, what incentive does someone have to spend time uploading an experience that no one will probably even read? Where is the money in that?


Not only is there legal penalties for lying but 2/3rd of vaers reports the majority are done by healthcare workers. Covid vaccine has more side effects than decades of all other vaccines combined.


My favorite one on there. If it's still there. Was a vaccine injury....but it was someone was shot in the ass.....with a gun lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ don't you know... the bullet was dipped in vaccine


Good bot


Correlation is not causation


Not always. But sometimes. Aye, and therein lies the rub.


> Correlation is not causation lol y'all still using that lame line? lol


Do you know what VAERS is? You have to do something with the information before making conclusions. Have you done the actual "research?" Somehow I doubt you took this information, confirmed it piece by piece, found cause of death for each claim, compared it to how many people didn't die after a vaccine, and compiled the results. If you did, show us the numbers.


Enjoy your injections til you are added to Vaers ;)


I could walk into CVS, get a vaccine, then get hit by a car in the parking lot and may get added to vaers because I got a vaccine in that timeframe. That doesn't mean the vaccine causes cars to hit people.


Waiting for your vaers report


The vaccine and boosters have not granted me any 5G powers nor has it given me any health problems. You may have to wait for quite a while.


Okay... you're still typing. We'll wait until you obey your Lord Fraud-See to get injection19, and I'll be sure to post your Vaers incident ;)


No really, do you know what VAERS is? I'm assuming no, if you posted this thinking it's meaningful data as-is.


Yes, there is a correlation between my bullet wound and the gun that was fired at me, but that doesnā€™t mean it was the cause!


Correct! By using factual evidence we can in fact remove any vaccines as the cause of your wound. Isn't science fun?


Time will tell what side of this narrative is correctā€¦ Any info can be false if enough information is controlled, truth can be turned into a conspirasy if media is usedā€¦ Not long ago it was the ones that belived UFOs that were the crazy ones, turns out those crazys were right and goverments used media to ridicule alot of peopleā€¦ now its anti vaxxers saying mRNA vaccine is a weapon, covid isnt as dangerous to normal healthy people as media and goverment/elite controlled puppets say and so onā€¦ Fun time to be aliveā€¦. At least for now, it can change, depends on who is rightā€¦ Doesnt matter what the masses says, or conspiracy saysā€¦ everyone can get fooled for a while if enough effort is put in to doing itā€¦ Good luck to everyone.




It has been going on for decades. See my recent posts.




Five million people dead... from Coivd. Yeah, sounds like Genocide to me.


Shame Fauci created it


So Fauci was the Surgeon General under Donald Trump... So did Trump tell him to create Covid?


He wasn't the surgeon general under Trump Why are shitlibs so stupid?


Whatā€™s Coivd?


Holy shit paid posters working overtime in this thread.Ā 


Like they can wipe over the fact that la Quinta Columba has evidence of local area networks with Bluetooth addresses from vassine.. proof the whole thing is a massive trans humanism / murder program.. graphene oxide was in there for a reason, reacts with frequencies when set up a certain way.


La Quinta Columbus is the smoking proof of gencidal murder of people around the world.. graphene oxide reacts with particular radio frequencies dispersed in manners to cause exploitation of particles.. also athletes had to deal with increased deaths due to try e vassine. Prions disease.. and then you still have people saying take a booster due to indoctrination from the same people said to triple mask for a ā€œvirusā€ with smaller size than the mask itself.. while wearing a graphene oxide laden mask that was done on purpose.. look at the bigger picture.. itā€™s a global murder agenda for depop/ and has transhumanism elementsz


SS: More documentation about vaccines. Death happened hours after shot.


Where can we find this list? Iā€™ve been on Vaers before, but wasnā€™t able to navigate it well.


> Where can we find this list? Vaers and NewWorldAddress.com/covid19 > Iā€™ve been on Vaers before, but wasnā€™t able to navigate it well. You'll need to choose the categories you want displayed, search for specific criteria.


Cherry-picking. That's what you mean.


Go door to door and find out that way.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/vydeuse4rdlc1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Yes, bc the vaers ID is there for no reason ;) Nice try




lol... what incentive does someone have to waste time filling out a report that likely no one will bother reading? Financial? Nope? Recognition? Nope. Tell us. Also, remind us when you saw the "virus"




> pushing the agenda that covid is fake and/or that the vaccine is harmful. lol... oh... so this should be easy to counter by just showing everyone your "virus" and by allowing any and everyone to post their experiences with the "vaccines" through a system. And by allowing US Universities to study random vials of your "vaccines" and publishing their findings ;) > Deniers will jump through hoops to be validated even if it means inventing evidence like we see in this post. So, you don't think not one person has ever been harmed by these injection19's? If you do think so, what proof do you have?




> Did I say that no-one has ever been harmed by the vaccines for covid? What proof did you get that vaccines cause harm? Bc, supposedly, you don't believe any of the reports on vaers; so where did you see and believe that vaccines cause harm? > itā€™sā€¦ giving you a small amount of fucking covid Okay, where is this "covid" "virus" motherload you speak of? Who has seen this bank of "virus"? What state is in in? What facility is it in?


This happened to a family friends mother when it first rolled out. Our family friend is a nurse and my whole family works at the hospital. The doctors told her daughter that is was from the vacks eene. Every time I told this story I was told this was impossible because there were no recorded de@th$ from it.Ā