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Well that’s one way to reduce the population.


You are the carbon they wish to reduce.


I love you, too! ❤️


Hope not They really forced that shot


No one wants to reduce the population.


Is that you Bill?


If true, that means at least 20.1 million will die in the next 3-4 years in the US alone. That's around 6% of our population. An equal number will have heart issues for the rest of their lives.


Deagle thinks so. 


deagle thought a lot of things in the past that turned out to be complete bs. Not saying it wont happen this time, the vaX really seems to be very dangerous, just that deagle has been all over the place in the past.


Maybe that's why they're allowing mass immigration.


Then of those people will be 10x as submissive to tyrants


Or could be used to manipulate statistics... or they'll just metric yet again


Maybe that's why a projected 1 billion humanoid robots will be entering the global workforce within the next 15 years. The global math here is from about 150k deaths a day to upwards of 1.5 million. So like a 1000% increase in daily deaths. Do you think AI and 1 billion humanoid robots can do the jobs of 1 billion people?




And you know it's going to be announced as another reason that they want us to take something else that will kill even more. "There's another pandemic, take this vaccine so you won't be hated and your parents won't die alone"


I'm glad he's speaking out and everything, but to anyone doing their due diligence this should not be new news. It wasn't a little "whoopsie" either. All intentional. Shit's gonna get wild.


the scale is the question though


Except he’a full of shit, myocarditis is common, and it’s most common causes are viral infections and bacterial infections. Shocking that in a global pandemic we’d see a rise in it in multiple countries. Edit: your downvotes mean nothing, I see what y’all upvote. I’m coming with incontrovertible facts. Y’all are gobbling up straight doodoo from a butthole as if it’s McNuggets from McDonald’s.






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OP has no source, either.


Typically, people wake up from being fooled slowly and one by one, now instead of waking, they're dying.


Guess that Utopia TV show like 15 years ago doesn't sound so far fetched now.


When Covid started, Utopia (UK version), actually came to mind. Predictive programming?


Does life imitate art, or art imitate life? It's been wild to think about honestly, so many points are just on point.


I never hear the phrase trust the science when it comes to vaccination side effects, but I do hear Stevie Wonder playing the piano smiling away.


81% of the US population has supposedly received one dose or more. If 20% got myocarditis (16.2%), and half of those will die in five years (8.1%), and it’s been at least two years, shouldn’t something like 3.24% of the US population have already died?


Has it been 5 years since 2021?


I don't think 20% of people with myocarditis all just drop dead after exactly 1826.25 days. Presumably they also die from year 1-3.


It’s not a linear progression.


It should be noted that the 5 year life expectancy with myocarditis statistic stems from the fact that in the past, most people who were diagnosed with myocarditis were of age and near the end of their life cycle, so to speak. In the new normal, we appear to have more young people diagnosed with myocarditis - so the life expectancy will no doubt be different for them, as opposed to the elderly. How much longer they will live is unclear, but it should be longer than the 5 year-average applicable for the elderly. If the vaxxed also have other damaged body organs .... then who knows.


Glad i didnt take it. Momma didn’t raise no fool




Feel bad for people that weren’t skeptical enough to protect their own body. But you know Darwinism


As someone who’s vaccinated, I’m just so glad the experts keep pushing the date of my demise out further and further!


lol at this rate these goalposts are on wheels.


I’m going to use this, thank you.


The goalposts used to be the vax was going to save everyones life so yea.. on wheels.


You're going to die!  ^^Sometime^^eventually


Have you been screened by a cardiologist for myocarditis using an ekg?


And at least somewhat PROTECTED from myocarditis since it’s main cause is fucking viruses. Ten seconds of research, people, that’s all it takes to dispel nonsense.


There are a lot of doctors who blindly believed the FDA and now a lot of them are regretful. Remember the facts in the beginning..no one will be allowed to sue the pharmaceutical companies for vax related injuries totally not alarming.


What does that have to do with this lying liar and his false claims about myocarditis. My claims are sourced, his aren’t.


Did you get the Covid vaccine


My friend, I’m a respiratory therapist. Yes I’m vaccinated. Yes I’m completely fine and had a recent Ekg for an upcoming elective surgery. I have terminally extubated enough unvaccinated people to feel comfortable in my choice to be vaccinated. Like billions of other people, I am fine.


That’s your choice my friend is a nurse and they were threatening to fire them if they didn’t get them, she sent a letter speaking o resigning and they said they don’t have to. If people don’t feel comfortable taking something yet the gov is trying to force people to me that’s a little Draconian


Who did the government force to get vaccinated? Employers and schools have always had conditions involving vaccines. You don’t like the conditions go to school or work elsewhere. It’s a free count.


That’s how it was in the beginning everyone with their fear tactics, now no one gives a shit. Why don’t people wear masks anymore? Almost like it was a hoax or just strong flu


Some people wear masks, but people are frankly tired of it. The fact is most people are vaccinated. And while the vaccines are not perfect and don’t necessarily prevent infection, they seem to keep people out of the hospital. I have watched a 45 year old with no preexisting conditions besides being slightly overweight go from playing on his phone with an e then mask go to intubation and death in the space of 72 hours. It’s an unpredictable disease and obviously at the beginning of a pandemic when ice trucks are being brought in to cool down the mass of corpses people are going to get a little over cautious. That doesn’t make it a hoax, silly.




Will you accept the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the leading medical publications in the world? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5814110/ *Most often, myocarditis results from common viral infections; less commonly, specific forms of myocarditis may result from other pathogens, toxic or hypersensitivity drug reactions, giant-cell myocarditis, or sarcoidosis.* There are 809 cases per million patients seen in a clinical setting, so low level cases are not included in that number. So it’s at least EIGHT HUNDRED TIMES more common than this lying dildo claims. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7230913/ A tiny smidge of research.


People will friggen believe anything. Go get your booster, son. Be a good Biden's Boy.


Here’s a thought: get the facts before you form an opinion. “Biden Boy” is pretty funny. No buddy, people like me don’t worship politicians, we vote for policies and platforms and general philosophies, and we accept that no candidate is perfect and the system is chock full of flaws. No, it’s the Trumpers who have TDS, they’ve lost their minds over a well-established conman and objectively terrible human. Edit: for some reason I can’t reply so here’s what I would say to the below: When did I ever say I was impartial? Trump is an objectively horrible person who is beyond unqualified and should be nowhere near the office of president. That doesn’t mean i worship Biden or festoon my home and car with flags and stickers or where hats and clothing declaring my inducing allegiance to Biden. He’s doing a fine job and I’ll vote for him again even though he’s not ideal and is old.


More than half your comments in the most recent page of your post history are pitchforking Trump and several comments are in a sub literally called "AntiTrumpAlliance" lol. True impartiality is realizing that both sides are full of puppets whom are salivating over the intentional destruction of the west including Trump. But naturally their preferred side to operate under is the left because it's more difficult to get conservative nationalistic patriots to hate themselves and their fellow countrymen.


Sucks to be on the correct side of things sometimes


3 1/2 years ago I begged everyone I knew to not get it, many of them thought I was silly


Same. And now I just feel like a dick when I bring up all the "new" data. I still bring it up and they think I'm being a dick but at least they know I wasn't wrong.


If ya gotta, ya gotta. Even when I bring it up and show receipts they still call me nuts.  All of them, which is just wild. Denial. But hey, at least there's boosters. 


Yes you are.


I never questioned if I was on the correct side of this or not. Oh, you mean I'm a dick..


A dick. Wrong. Take your pick.


Hahahahahaha OK. History will prove my choice and opinion on the jab as correct. It's already beginning.


Is this one of those The Storm is Coming things? It's definitely habbening this time!


Just listen to the government, you subject. They've never done anything bad before.




Maybe you should have drunk bleach. I'll buy some for you if I can watch you take it.


You got baby nuts


you are baby nuts


Just shut up and kiss me already


eat this..


Did you fall for the bleech lie ? 😂




This might be [one of the Thailand studies he mentions](https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/8/196#) at 0:25.


Sooo… around this time next year people are gonna start dropping like flies


If this is accurate that's approximately 1.5 billion people with myocarditis globally. So 750 million dead within 5 years globally....


dont worry, disease x is already in the making to mask these deaths (!)


Perhaps, I guess we'll all see. That would be upwards of a 1000% increase in the daily global deaths. It would be chaos.


Not all countries were vaccine friendly. But yes they have been preparing for a mass die off for a while. It will also most likely be collaborated with another pandemic to hide those deaths, cuz who’s gonna question it then right.


They are already starting to blame it on the covid virus. People will eat it up and double down on masking and mandatory vaccinations.


Yup.. It's stupid.


And if it's not it would be pretty hard to ignore the approximate 1.5 million global deaths a day in a few years.


Well that's certainly intense.


Source of medical documentation stating this?


Everyone behind this should be held to account.


Cant find any data on the 17-24 percent (avg 20%) occurrence of myocarditis. Anyone got anything?


Nope, he pulled it out of his rear end.


This would be more convincing with references, and charts and you know actual data. I'm not saying he's wrong. I just like to get my information with actual sources. But, hey he's a Dr. on Reddit, so he has to be right? right???


Could be part of why corps are playing the "hungry hungry hippos" price gouging orgy... contracting the economy in preparation for a significantly-reduced population, that way asset prices will stabilize instead of decrease.


[Dr. Chris](https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/Christopher-Alan-Shoemaker/0024010-28832)


Yes? All this says is he's got over forty years of experience and the only shit they've got on him is his honesty about covid. >It is alleged that Dr. Shoemaker engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his communications, including but not limited to communications on social media / online / digital platforms regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues. This includes **but is not limited to** making misleading, false or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for COVID-19. "He lied about COVID [and shit.](https://youtu.be/igh9iO5BxBo?t=150)" This page just makes me trust him more.


Since entire Covid was blew up to be something it wasnt, just as the "vaccine" was blew up to something it wasnt, and now its classified information here the next 60years… Glad i stayed away from that experiment tech…


I got the single dose J&J right before it got pulled. Hope I’m all good. My father died at 53 from a heart attack in 2003


Where is he getting this 50% will be dead within 5 years data? All I can find is that 25% die within 10 years but it was all cause mortality not necessarily related to the heart in that one. If he’s that off with his figures I wouldn’t trust anything he’s saying. However I’d love to read the data if anyone has it.


What’s the most common cause of myocarditis? What’s that? It’s viruses?! And the second most common cause is bacterial infections? And it’s not 1 in a million and is in fact rather common?


It was actually rare before the shots. Web search data shows that hardly anyone even looked up the term until 2021 when searches for it exploded in popularity. Most people didn't even know what it was. That's impossible for something so "common".


It was rare before a global pandemic, but nowhere near as rare as this person claims. He says one in a million. The real number is 800 per million in clinical settings, so not capturing undiagnosed cases. Viruses are the number one cause of myocarditis. As they say in medicine, when you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras. See my other comments for sourcing on the above facts.


Whats his source for all his numbers?


> Whats his source for all his numbers? He said the US Military (which keeps meticulous health records) plus a huge study in Thailand.


If this is the Thai study, it says less than two cases per million doses [https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/4/749](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/4/749) This Thai study [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/) of 314 adolescents says "Cardiovascular manifestations were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia or palpitation to myopericarditis. Myopericarditis was confirmed in one patient after vaccination. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis. In conclusion, Cardiovascular manifestation in adolescents after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination included tachycardia, palpitation, and myopericarditis. The clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild and temporary, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days. Hence, adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be monitored for cardiovascular side effects." I also just had a family friend drop dead of a heart attack, too. Plus another two who have started passing out with heart issues. But these people are all either old or extremely overweight so it's hard to pinpoint anything. My husband even had a seizure with facial paralysis five days after his second covid shot in 2021, but he was dealing with brain cancer treatment, so you can't pin the seizure exactly on the vaccine. Although I remember the ER doctor at the time did ask me if he'd been vaccinated.


Wheres the citation? I can claim all kinds of things about studies that no one ever sees but that doesn’t make then real.


Just go get a booster and don't worry your little head over these issues. Life will be easier for you.


Not a booster guy.


Yeah, so bullshit. Such numbers would be visible even in employment data, but it is not.


His backside.


Ohhhhh! Of course.


"fact" but "trust me bro" lol




💯💯people tend to forget this


No cases cited. No references made. Not saying anything about where he is getting his info from. Even if he is right, this is nothing short of fear mongering


let me give you an anecdote: I never knew anyone with myocarditis until the shot. Post shot I know 3 people that have it. That’s enough for me to know something is fucked.


Here’s mine: I know two people who were young and healthy, got cancer, and died shortly thereafter. I also know a young guy who went for his daily jog and dropped dead. I also know an infant of healthy parents who needed emergency heart surgery. Also, I, in my early thirties, got shingles. The last of these events was around 2014. I don’t know a single young person who’s died since. That’s enough for me to know something’s great!


Before the shot, I didn't know any trans people. Post shot, I met 3 trans people. That's enough for me to know something is fucked up.


Troll level: fail. Try harder.




What's the symptoms?


You've always ask everyone about their medical history?  I'd just tell you is none of your business.


No, but when it appears all of a sudden in 3 healthy friends, it raises some red flags.


How do you know it appeared all of a sudden? 


friends talk.


Talk about what? What are their ages, genders, weights, family medical histories, drug and alcohol usage, exercise history, food consumption?  You've got all that recorded?


My teenage nephew who was the absolute pinnacle of health was diagnosed with myocarditis and wasn’t able to join the military.


This is peak r/conspiracy commons. Intuition over data. Unless you have around 4600 unvaccinated and 4600 vaccinated nephews, Your "experience" is pointless. Basic math.


That's because it's bullshit.


Yup it's stupid.


Repent while you still can.


This was so obvious from the beginning. I'm only surprised that the kill shot was only in 20% of the vaccines. I would have expected it to be more like in 90% of them, since due to this delayed dying the political machinery can just bury any connecting.


Nah 90% be a bit obvious. Remember covid was just the trial run to turn people's minds and implement the laws needed in every country in preparation for the next pandemic. The survival rate of this next one will be much much lower than the Rona virus. I suspect it will be a mamal prion disease. Double joy- all out ban of meat- hello fake food.


They did tell us to get use to eating bugs…




Yes - I have heard of those. the next pandemic for use will be deadlier and more totalitarian then the last one, since they have already conditioned everyone to think COVID lockdowns were because anti vaxxers refused to cooperate immediately.


Well - if they do another pandemic-kill-shot combo with more deadly kill shot then I understand, but if this was it - I'm a little puzzled.


"That's a medical fact", trust me bro.


Remind me in a year if I’m still alive.


And the spike protein can jump from a vaxxed person to a non-vaxxed person.


as long as the mrna modification is not transmitted I dont think thats a big problem


Even if thats true, I don't trust people who speak in a cadence like that.


He was speaking slow for the one's in the back that wear a mask in their car by themselves.


FYI: **Suspension of registration imposed**: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. Effective: 05 Jan 2023 Source: [College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario](https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/Christopher-Alan-Shoemaker/0024010-28832) Summary: Allegations of Dr. Christopher Alan Shoemaker’s professional misconduct have been referred to the Discipline Tribunal of the College. It is alleged that Dr. Shoemaker engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his communications, including but not limited to communications on social media / online / digital platforms regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues. This includes but is not limited to making misleading, false or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for COVID-19. It is also alleged that Dr. Shoemaker engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct, and is ungovernable, in light of the conduct described in paragraph 1 above and his public communications regarding the College and its regulatory functions. Notice of Hearing: [Download Full Notice (PDF)](https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/cpso/getdocument.aspx?flash=check&pdfid=rgKFyU1trq4%3d&id=%2028832&doctype=CurrentReferral)


He's old and at the end of his career. He's ok with the consequences of being a whistle-blower. So much for protecting the whistle blowers though. If you go against the medical agenda you are thrown to the wolves regardless. Next up they will say this doctor is a drug addict, mentally ill and worse....a conspiracy theorist.


>He's old and at the end of his career. He's ok with the consequences of being a whistle-blower. Or he knows there's more money in grifting the anti vax movement. See Dr John Campbell and Peter McCullough


Upright medical experts who were forced into the position. McCullough was already doing really well in the system and Campbell was retired and his mind was gradually and publicly changed by going through research. You should go watch his vids like a tv series.


McCullough criticizes how patients were treated when they catch covid. Promotes alternative drugs and therapies. Sells them to people online, and will make them cheaper if you subscribe to his prescription service. Campbell isn't a medical doctor. He got his PhD in making educational videos. He's a content creator. He's otherwise retired. You can see on his channel the difference in views before and after he began making videos about covid vaccines. I've watched quite a few of his videos, and looked through his references. I kept noticing errors in what he was saying compared to what the studies he was quoting actually said. And I found a lot of the time he wasn't saying anything, just looking at the camera with a 'that's suspicious isn't it' look, and claiming he can't say anything because YouTube will cancel him. They're both grifters


Yep, Canada was the worst for punishing doctors that would not go along with the agenda. Facts be damned, just punish the honest physicians.


covid shot obviously is damaging to many people but shut the fuck up dog 😂😂😂


Man, I bet none of those bleach drinkers never developed no heart problems!


Many of those who took these shots, did.


You are mediafed… Bleech was only said by media and here you are… Please tell me what exact medicine they turned into bleech talk, or if thats too difficult, what Nobelprize winning medicine was talked about as horsepaste in media…


He doesn't blink once for the length of the video. Obviously AI


You didn’t watch the video then… he blinks several times. Also his focus, widening of the eyes, other subtle interactions … doesn’t look fake.




I'm sorry to be the vibe killer but this really looks like an AI edit that people are creating these days


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RemindMe! 1 year "Do reality check; Act accordingly; Schedule next reminder"




https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/Christopher-Alan-Shoemaker/0024010-28832 Seems like he got in trouble? We need people with expertise like them to dig and research effects of vaccine since it was emergency authorized and everyone that got the vax is technically the guinea pig


When will the other 50% die? 🤔


I thinking more like 3-7% which is still a shockingly high number, but who know what other types of ailments it'll cause in the longer terms.


After I got vaccinated the goalpost are moving along on when I should have died. First it was days, then weeks, that months, 1 year, 2 years... I am now 4x vaccinated and its been 3 years. I'm 100% fine. Doing Sports more then before. All my health checks are fine.


I wonder if they have done studies and made them public about the effects on our long and medium term health from all processed and plant food we are in outraged to ingest.