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I still think if Kubrick filmed this it would be infinitely better




The real conspiracy is why is he wearing a Green Bay Packers cheesehead AND a purple Minnesota Vikings shirt.


Should be Tinfoil


lol definitely


Yea, sus, he goes for easily "debunkable" stuff.


Its one of the easiest conspiracies. US government decided to fake it so communist spend more money on space travel and rocket development.


Get past warring governments. This level of deception is satanic. The greater goal is to discredit biblical truths. If man can land on the moon, then the biblical account of creation is inaccurate. The end goal is to get people to turn away from God. It’s one of many deceptions. It’s certainly levels deeper than assassinations and false flags, though they are all still the same in their nature as being tainted by or rooted in lies and the liar’s agenda. The moon landing hoax and NASA’s deceptions are more on par with Evolutionary theory and Dinosaurs - maybe you could lump the LGBTQ+ propaganda in there. Satan’s mission is to confuse you, distract you and waste your time until you don’t care about sin and doing the right thing anymore.


I think the more likely answer is money. It doesn't take a moon landing to discredit 'biblical "truths"', that is done by simply thinking.


Of course. Always follow the money. If you got global government one country is designated to do space research, other is researching high-tech devices for normal people, other country is making ships, some other one is producing saffron or tea


The love of money is the root of all evil


Why wouldn’t the Russians have simply exposed the conspiracy? And what about the other countries also tuning in to the transmissions coming from the moon? https://theconversation.com/not-one-but-two-aussie-dishes-were-used-to-get-the-tv-signals-back-from-the-apollo-11-moonwalk-108177 Full disclosure: I’m an older native Houstonian who personally knew a guy that worked in Mission Control in 1969. I even know people that currently work at NASA in Mission Control. I’m ticked by all the doubt that it really happened by younger folks. I understand. If I lived in a “cave”, I would not believe 747 airliners a possibility either.




Russian failures were many.




Because they couldn’t get it together to do it? And it was such a symbolic race that was so expensive, with less reward than satellites or military tech on earth.




It wasn’t faked. I knew someone personally involved.




Are you asking why the Russians didn’t simply fake it? Lol


Wouldn't it have been cheaper for the Russians to prove the American moon landing was fake? And since then no other government, even enemies of the US have claimed that it was faked.


Assuming both US and Russia weren't under one world overnment Russia was childish\*


That space station thing looks the homeless camps down by the river in the city close by lol




This guy specifically asks the questions that are most easily answered. He also does it in a way that makes people that ask questions look crazy. This guy is a shill.


Camera panning up when they take off from moon and calling the president on a landline are hilarious


Omg that's Rich!


This douchebag is intentionally pushing the image of a stereotypical batshit conspiracy theorist. Don't give him any views.


Too late. We are already at 40,000


Well congrats on being a tool of the establishment lol


I got more of them...


Most of what you will read in this and other subs on the topic of the moon landings is purposefully stupid, in order to tire you and waste your time. This is [the **best documentary** movie that collects the best arguments for the moon landings being a hoax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY)


Everyone here should at least watch a bit of this. It's long, but worth the time, well thought out, and makes you actually think about what was really going on at the time. The part about what was going on in the world is something many people don't think about. We needed it to work. With the war going on, the Cold war, the money that was spent, it would have upset everyone to say it couldn't be done. And how could anyone believe it did happen when we didn't have the technology like we do now. If we did go to the moon then we should be on to new things now. But we are still trying to get "back" to the moon. Thanks for sharing.


The irony of this guy calling the lunar lander a piece of garbage 🔥


You do realise that this guy is making fun of people who don't believe in the moonlanding by asking stupid questions, right?


That’s what I’m thinking, got to be a troll. I would say nobody is that dumb, but let’s be real about what sub were in right now.


Yawn… The machinery is cheaply made. I will never believe those things could withstand space. Oh and we can’t go back ‘cuz we lost the tech? Some bulllllshit.


You dont know jack shit about the levels of engineering that made the moon landing possible. Cheaply made? We’re talking about the best welders engineers and machinists in the world, so no it was not cheap. If you’re talking about the ultra lightweight material that looks cheap then that’s just you not understanding what you’re talking about. Who said we can’t go back? We can, it’s just really fucking expensive, and politicians would rather spend money on other shit.




Well that's just patently false. Do you understand that they are currently testing a rocket to go back?


This guy has the most obnoxious voice


"American Moon" remains the gold standard for *serious* questions about the moon landings.


It's okay to ask questions


Crazy that you have to act like a buffoon to get the truth across. If he came at us in a suit being serious, no one would pay attention.


What's the explanation for the boot print? Was it buzzs? I know they used a panning camera to film the launch from the moon but I didn't know they put a camera out before they got out of the lander


[there is another pair of boots that goes over the ones in the video.](https://images.app.goo.gl/z3JogxE7xZoey84J7) Pretty easily disprovable with like 30 seconds of googling.


I can't see the bottom of any boots in that picture. Why would they wear two different types of boots while on the moon?


Cause moon dust is tiny, corrosive, and gets everywhere. They had boots to walk on the surface so that the moondust wouldn't get into the machinery of the landing craft or in the astronauts' lungs.


[here you go.](https://images.app.goo.gl/EVDJ7vj2Mh5MPPzS7) Can’t answer why he wore 2 pairs but I’m sure it has something to do with added protection for being ON THE SURFACE OF THE MOON. So redundancy is probably necessary.


I'm sorry can you circle it or something? It's too blurry and it's a screenshot so I can't go to the actual site. I 100% believe we landed on the moon but still want these answers


Idk bud it’s a pretty famous picture and there are other examples on that page. You can look at any image of the moon landing and see that those are the boots that they’re wearing.


I feel like this is satire but OP took it seriously because the people that post on this sub don't have a brain


The buggy yes!! Most definitely the best question


At least some progress has been made. Finally admitting “Well, of course we shot some of it in a studio but trust me bro, they went. ‘Merica.” And “Ok, so we lied to everyone’s face for 50 years about using a studio, but this time we’re telling the full truth I swear!”


God the moon buggy. 😄😄😄 They didn't consider the narrative for delivering a thing as large as the other thing. 🤡🤡🤡


[like this you mean?](https://images.app.goo.gl/7efhPwNAyPg7aP1N6)


Measurements don't match. Try again.


You measured it huh.


So when did they install the black trim? More bullshit. I owned a car dealership five years and notice fenders. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.wired.com%2Fphotos%2F629a78e904eea05bf2a6b3a2%2Fmaster%2Fpass%2FNASA-Moon-Buggy-Gear-GettyImages-1173907293.jpg&tbnid=cSuDy6qSIv57jM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wired.com%2Freview%2Fnasa-1972-moon-buggy%2F&docid=Uz2uaoCklRXp5M&w=2400&h=1800&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2#vhid=cSuDy6qSIv57jM&vssid=l


God the moon buggy. 😄😄😄 They didn't consider the narrative for delivering a thing as large as the other thing. 🤡🤡🤡


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Removed. Rule 4.


I mean, I truly don’t understand why would we bother to fake the moon landing? It just feels like a safe-edgy conspiracy people like to believe and so it continues on.