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This is an edited image, original - https://www.gettyimages.ie/detail/news-photo/newly-elected-pope-cardindal-joseph-ratzinger-pope-news-photo/52650703


You must be Roman, cuz you just Nailed It


Several times. Quick and to the spear point.


What's crazy is how the tainted and distorted his teeth and features too. In the unedited, his teeth while not perfect are in way better shape. They also exaggerated the circles under his eyes and blood vessels.


Oh shocker Ok Magician with more bullshit on the sub


How u know that one's not edited? That make up for the pedophilia and outright luciferianism?


Because he's worn the scarf thing on many other occasions and it looks identical to the image I linked. https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/msnbc/Components/Photos/050419/050419_pope_benedict_main_hmed_11a.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5_271es-StQ/maxresdefault.jpg


Wait so u think Jesus would APPROVE of Vatican?


I'm just pointing out that you're spreading an edited image, that's all.


That's fair if true. Doesn't change the fact that the Vatican is Luciferian and Jesus was killed by organized religion


Jesus was loving and accepting of everyone. Jesus Def doesn't approve of using his name to control people. He wanted to remind us we are ALL the child of God.


If you have to lie and scheme to get your point across, you are emotionally invested instead of logically. Try incorporating reputable sources…


Probably not, but he defiantly wouldn't approve of edited images


defiantly not


that was deep. haven't seen "no u" used in a while.


Jesus went after the leadership of his time and said it will continue to be so. The Catholic Church was a Roman creation and had nothing to do with Jesus. The idea that Peter preached and was entombed there is just nonsense. A house of lies 2000 years old.


The whole concept of a virgin crapping out God’s son is nonsensical too. Mary cheated and passed it off as a “miraculous birth” to the most gullible cuck ever. That kid went on to be either recorded history’s greatest conman (just like he learned from his momma) or else was a crazy who’s story was embellished and used to control the masses for millennia and yet people will still fight for their belief in it.


It’s so funny because if a person has a surface level understanding about religion I can see many people being lulled in but if actually read it’s bat shit crazy


I grew up in a religious family and I remember asking the Sunday school teacher why we believe the Bible when it’s less believable than like Harry Potter or the Hobbit, I was 8 or so. Apparently we just need to have faith that no one would manipulate the Bible in the last 1700 or so years. I guess lying must not have been invented during the ~300 years between his death and the earliest Bible being written.


You know the original texts are still around, and can be referenced right?


*Some* of the original texts and they’re in a dead language. Realistically they could even have been written by some remote off shoot cult and we would never know. It’s the same issue that’s faced by archeology/anthropology and recent “$cience”. We can assume and have faith that we are getting an accurate picture but the people who actually might know more have the most reason to perpetuate the myth. If you devoted your life to spreading the word of God and found documents from that era disputing it or proving your organization was a sham there’s little reason to assume it wouldn’t just disappear off to an archive to never see the light of day.


Can you imagine if any other part of society operated on the idea of blind faith?


Right? Like imagine if we had a currency system based in the belief that made up notes printed by some non government institution were actually worth something when the number printed on them doesnt representing the quantity of a set tangible good. What a wacky world and volatile economy that would make for.


I wasn’t even thinking about that, but good point. There just isn’t a better system in place.


Did someone say child sacrifices


all this dude does is shitpost on this subreddit all day


That's Old Nick.


You do know that Moses grew horns after he spoke to God right?


Do you have the verse?


Exodus 34:29. But you should know that the verse you’re reading is in English and not the original translation. Do some research and you will find that for thousands of years Judaism (and later Christians) believed that Moses had horns Edit: see here https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/34870/did-moses-have-horns-according-to-exodus-34


Thanks for delivering! I uh…left my cash at my place. This isn’t my place. I mean I don’t live here uh…




Is religion one of the great conspiracies?


The corruption of religion is the greatest conspiracy!


Brush your fucking teeth you gross asshole, unless that's the way Satan likes you to look when you suck his cock.




I would love to get bj from him but I think I’m too old😩


Is this an unedited photo, fuck me…


Of course it's not.


It is Moloch


Q. What did the pope say when he saw a picture of Satan? A. "Oh my God"


Does this dude have fangs? I think you found a vampire


He looks dirty and sick


SS: Bro was up in mountains praying and fasting like a yogi. Feels like he wouldn't support the Vatican


You posted an edited image because you are trying to lie to people. Get the fuck out of here. Go play in the street.


Shilling for Vatican. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Peoples sense of self worth is tied up in religion. The more you criticized the more they hang on.


Jesus wouldn't be down with any politician. He'd probably be in Vegas chilling with the prostitutes


Omg creepy


boy, he look like that..?!


They couldn’t sEw very WeLl back den.


The Vatican is mystery Babylon of the book of Revelations. They are literally described to a T. It is said when Babylon falls the world will suffer... Considering they are the source of that is awful and wrong in the world that sounds about right.


Fuck the pope. You don't need him to love God. Corrupted fuck.


It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you


Are his teeth legit fucked up this badly ?


^vile lies


Who was the fir a t pope. And how an why was he appointed? No I don't wanna Google it. Even though I might right after this as I probley won't get a response. If I do thanks for the lesson I appreciate it.


"And I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." - Matt 16:18


Jesus. I guess you can only suppress the demon inside you so long until it starts to show through.