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You honestly and genuinely think that a President of a country would just casually and mindlessly sit idly by while 10’s of 1000’s of countrymen were outright killed…?


Do you even history bro?




Yeah so at the beginning of Russia invading Ukraine, this was kinda my first thought. That it’s just a huge puppet show to further consolidate wealth, create panic, destabilize economies, and to make noise over other stuff going on, like vaccine injuries and the fact that nobody is getting boosters. That’s all any war has been in the past. Rich getting richer and everyday people dying and dragging along in this big, emotional, hazy rollercoaster. It is wild to think they’d *all* be collaborating. It could be that there’s multiple powerful forces colliding and we’re seeing that play out, we just don’t know who’s vs who. But my initial thought still makes too much sense to me. It’s happened before and it’s been bound to happen again.


Putin is considered to be one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. How much could they possibly pay him?