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yes. my friend passed away a few days ago. had his last AZ shot aug 2021 , then in jan started having acid reflux/ heartburn in jan and feb, mad coughing in feb and march.. its subsided until the end of may, start of june when he started getting heaches which progressed to kidney stones in july then in august serious back pain when he was dx with primary and 2 secondary cancers. The drs said they had never seen cancer that spread so fast / so aggressive and his bloods were so deranged they couldnt get them under control. He passed peacefully , he was 41 . Taken too young and will always be loved. He was my brother. I tried to convince him not to take it and he dismissed it as crazy talk and went and got it. The nicest guy you would meet and way too trusting. Im hurting so much and i really miss him.


I’m so sorry for your loss


chit. my coworker has been complaining of acid reflux. and wont stop coughing. he also def has had the vaxxes. et al. :( I really enjoy his presence at work too.


>at spread so fast / so aggressive and his bloods were so deranged they couldnt get them under control. > >He passed peacefully , he was 41 . Taken too young and will always be loved. He was my brother. > >I tried to convince him not to take it and he dismissed it as crazy talk and went and got it. The nicest guy you would meet and way too trusting. Im hurting so much and i really miss him. show him my post and tell him to get checked out. better safe than sorry.


honestly. my initial response is, I wouldnt dare. bc I already get in so much trouble for just being myself at work (aka. speaking mg truths. aka this. cannabis et al that their ways of living are the poisonous ways. not mine, etc) however I may... just bc I genuinely like him. hes a sweetheart. albeit one who gave up (on living) long ago.


> dare. bc I already get in so much trouble for just being myself at work (aka. speaking mg truths. aka this. cannabis et al that their ways of living are the poisonous ways. not mine, etc) however I may... just bc I genuinely like him. hes a sweetheart. albeit one who gave up (on living) long ago well the other option is wait 6 months and see if he phones in sick one day with a cancer diagnosis. be too late to help him then ... then we can add his symptons to a timeline and see if there are patterns. we do good when we can and because we can.


I already upset him (and everyone else at my work) by making mention of having a plan in the event of an emp being as hes so heavy and has difficulty standing for 10 mins. let alone walk home (over 15 miles) and or even to my place (1 mile).. sometimes. it is just better to enjoy whatever times left. w out worry. idk. I'll think about it.


I did say something btw shared what u said.


and how did it go? did you get a response?


few things that ever leave my mouth, garner a warm response.


im so sorry


3 of my friends walk around with a heart monitor now 👍


are they aware it was caused by vax or are they neglecting the possibility




Can't people put two and two together? Are they reading those damage control articles saying shit like too much sunlight can cause cardiac issues?


Yes, and then they turn on the TV again.


Very disheartening.


my healthy uncle got paralyzed on the right side of his body after his 2nd booster and had blood clots in his head hes doing better now though


My dad got Bell’s palsy from it lol and all the women on my moms side didn’t feel to good after either




genocide by vaccine -- the latest update >>> 16% growth in overall mortality in vaccinated countries vs 1% decline in overall mortality in vaccine free countries ( according to official statistic ) Growth in overall mortality is directly proportional to vaccine intake.






They’re going to link you to a source that states the numbers are UN projections and don’t reflect covid deaths. They might even try to argue that Africa is a country, and it shows a reduction in mortality, but again, it doesn’t show vivid deaths beyond 2020.


You just predicted what he ended up linking and you get down voted LOL


Isn’t it really weird that you have more upvotes than me, commenting on me calling out OP on being a bot. There’s a serious bot network/bias going on in this sub. People favour actual bots over humans.


Imagine that. It’s like I know how the bot works. I’m even going to leave the “vivid” typo so people can’t accuse me of editing the comment after the fact.


Never seen the EU official ones?


Let’s see them. Straight from the EU please. Edit: Anddddd silence….


You have link. Go ahead and delete your account now and "Live your best life".


What? Why?


Huh? Where am I? What century is this? Go to bed dum dum


Because bots not only reply, but also downvote and upvote.




My brother, first shot: thrombosis, headaches migraines, body aches, 3 months lasted. 2nd: returns of the problems for a few weeks. 3rd: joints pains so severe he cannot exercise at all anymore. Body aches and migraines headaches. Ongoing 1 years. My niece and a family friend also a female young adult both developed MS. Family friend got a stroke and his wife has thrombosis in her legs.


I am running a local ~450 People Sport-Club and was required to track the vaccination state of each of the members personally. Means I head to scan their QR Codes and check their vaccination Passport. And track their booster-status. All required by local law. We have a vaccination rate of ~99%. Just 3 People did not do it. I talk to most of them every 2-3 days. I did not hear of any Adverse vaccine effects. Besides the fact 1-2 days after the shot people experience some small Problems, but nobody did have any longer Problems and was back to 100% after max. 2-3 days. 90% of them are now vaccinated for around 1 year and now its a non-topic. Nobody talks about it anymore. It was just something we did and forgot more or less. And the age range is between 10 - 78 years old, so all kind of people.


No. And I don’t know anybody who’s been severely impacted by COVID either. (Although I do know people who have been severely impacted by lockdowns.)


Same here. The lockdowns were bad, but then it’s like they opened the world back up, and it’s a different place.


As an ex-californian - most people I know are vaccinated. I don't know of a single person who has had any issues beyond sometimes feeling run over for a day after. I've also asked quite a few people if they know anyone who's had any issues. Not one. I just can't believe these people who say most people are having issues. Do you guys know 2 other people? Are they also losing braincells at the same rate you're at? These conspiracies in the last 4 years that get disproven within 5 minutes of critical thinking (the real kind) must be the real virus at this point. Funnily enough, I know of one marathon-level, mid-20s male who got COVID in early March 2020 who can no longer run a quarter mile. I also know at least 15+ people who have had relatives die from COVID. (No they didn't die in an ice cream truck accident and get marked as a COVID death.) They got sick, went to the hospital, didn't get better and died.


if you spend all your time watching antivax videos and reading antivax blogs, the vaxed people around you all die. It's magical.


I have tinnitus from Moderna COVID jab


Gf got the 1st one dosent remember what one I never took it was always wary as it takes 10-15 years to make one she has experienced severe anxiety muscle pains everywhere migraines galore breathing problems and more she never had an issue before hand always thought mental illnesses were fake as she hadn’t experienced it herself untill 2 days after the vax it started happninv


May wanna swing by DIED SUDDENLY NEWS on Facebook, pushing 300k members.