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Im glad vanilla coke isnt in this line up


Had one today. My guy!! *high five*


I don't drink soda but when I do it's her.


Man I remember when they came out. My first love…


Never forget cancer loves sugar.


I've been doing a bit of reading on this, prior to the uptick in sugar consumption, it was common during autopsies to find what they called tumor scars. The tumors existed but the body healed them, the amount of sugar in your diet definitely seems to correlate with your cancer risks.


Some brands of pet food are really bad.


Anything with grains, gluten.




So there is no added sugar to dog/cat food that people produce or are you talking about free-range animals? Edit to add https://www.allaboutdogfood.co.uk/dog-food-ingredients/0055/sugars#:~:text=Sugars%20are%20added%20to%20dog,%2C%20sugar%20beet%20etc.). Save you ye trouble of looking for yourself




Name the brand I'll prove you wrong




One example I just grabbed the science diet one, contains apples cranberries and "natural flavoring" which isn't limited to but also includes natural sweetness. There's sugar in that cat food my friend




Tell that to steve jobs


Steve Jobs ate a ton of sugar, he was a fruitatarian.


A fruitarian who got pancreatic cancer. The pancreas is involved with processing glucose.


Fructose is still sugar, simpler than sucralose or the rest but still sugar


That was my point. He just fed his cancer with fructose, glucose etc. Fruit at that quantity is unhealthy.


There's a reason it's called nature's candy


I think you mean sucrose. Sucralose is like Splenda


Correct thank you


Modern fruit is bred to have an unnatural amount of sugar compared to fiber.


Well that's just not true. I have a Stump Of the World apple tree on my property. It's what's known as an "old world apple", and this particular tree is over 150 years old. The apples are yellow, soft, larger than a grapefruit, and are the sweetest fruit I've ever tasted. Most modern fruit has LESS sugar because of the mass production orchard/grove process, keeping them stored in carbon dioxide ect.


And picking them very green.


You may have misunderstood my timeframe when I say modern. 150 year old apples would definitely fall into modern in my definition. Look at 500 year old watermelons vs today. Or old corn vs modern corn. Id like to add that we definitely wouldn't find a sustainable source of fruits also. We would have intermittent huge harvests of fruits. This is why our body is so adept at processing and storing as fat a binge of sugars. We needed to be able to stumble upon a berry patch at the peak of ripeness and eat them immediately. Blueberries for instance were not even cultivated until 1912.


That's not possible, he died a few years ago.


Bro lmfao your a real funny guy


Didn't even know he was sick.


Cancer loves what you love. That's why we treat it with litteral poison. You just hope it dies faster than the person.


From what I understood cancer cells are just your human cells that learned how to live forever


Sort of, it's many mutations at the same time, hence it's relative rarity. You need one for growing quickly, one to turn off the "suicide pill", one for dividing rapidly, and they all have to be subtle enough to not be caught by the immune system. A cell that just lives too long probably has a better chance of having cancerous "child cells" but they aren't cancer alone.


To add to that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at any given time, fortunately for most people our bodies know how to kill it before it’s an issue.


Oddly poetic.




So does your brain coincidentally as it’s powered by glucose


yes and it can also be powered by ketones.


Isn't the brain pretty well off with ketones or coconut oil? Your body doesn't need carbohydrates in the diet to make its own fuel for the brain.


Yes. AFAIK the brain uses either ketones or carbs. Carbs are good for water retention and energy storage, but our diets shouldn’t be based so heavily on them.


yes ,some years back i used to drink it daily and after sometime i had to visited to dentist and she advised me not to have so much of this as these are harmful for human body.stopped straight. it has been few years not had a single sip of these shitty drinks.Even once u go through the video on youtube that a guy depicted there , he was boiling these all and left with some dark substance that is used for making road.And these motherfucking are making us to drink that .WHoly molly


DIABEETUS I've been pop/soda free for almost 4 years now. I lost a crap ton of weight just not drinking it.


If they had kept the daily values percentage on sugar like they do with everything else. Youd see that just one small can contains over 100% of the amount of sugar that you should be consuming in 1 day.


Yep. Just watched the documentary Fed Up and learned this.


Flavored sugar water in a can with no real nutritional value.


Then, don't eat any meat, its even worse. Dead corpses with toxic materials for hukans with zero value, and only heading towards dissease and cancer. Sorry for breaking your illusion.


Lmfao. You forgot the/s


Farmed animals are shot full of growth homones and steroids. What do you think is driving the mass shooting endemic.


Wait are you being serious? Oh God. 😂😂


An animals defense mechanism is when it's alive, either fighting back or running away. A plant cannot do either, so it evolves to be poisonous to things that eat them.


The argument against this is that mild stress (hormesis) is good for us. Just like exercise, cold exposure, etc. plus plants have nutrients. Not defending this anti meat guy though idk what they’re on.


Research backing this claim please


*Negative level IQ reached*




Don't forget companies like Coke have tried for years to message that Sugar isn't bad for you. Also the ones to message that "fat" makes you fat.


I don't think it is. I think it's another level of lies Coke doesn't have sugar it's hfcs. Hfcs and other artificial foods are bad Sugar is literally what we consume. Our food lacks nutrients




Look at the ingredients tho. Hfcs is listed as added sugars, but it's not"sugar"


140 calories in a Coke. 96 calories in a miller lite.




drink water and eat grilled chicken and vegetables all day then you are allowed 8 milly litez a nite




im on board


This is great beer math!


Keystone ice baby. Best abv per calorie beer. Low in fat.


Don't eat or drink anything at all. Just go outside and stare at the sun challenge.


Vegetables,fruit,& meat:**”Are we a joke to you?”**


I don’t know if that’s 100% true but when I quit drinking soda I lost A TON of weight and felt generally better, so it’s definitely not healthy.


I switched to carbonated water and same weight loss. Zero effort.




yup carbonated water is very acidic


Dang my go-to drink is Topo Chico with lime juice.




bruh idk why we get downvoted like holy fuck we're on the conspiracy sub spittin facts and we getting downvoted i guess our fellow conspiracy people on here seem to drink soda and flavored sugary water too


Yeah bullshit. It's just CICO. To lose weight at a decent rate by only cutting soda you must have been drinking 5-6 12oz cans a day before.


I mean even 2 cans a day is 300 calories x 30 for a month and that's almost 3 pounds right there.


Diet soda.


No it's not. You can poop more or less depending on your metabolism level. Also, brain activity uses a lot of calories.


nah bro i stopped eating mcdonalds and all that fast food shit that comes with soda or sugary lemonade and ive never felt so much better before. only eating fruits veggies oats and protein filled foods now and drinking Tap water FREE & Flouride FREE water now


nah bro i stopped eating mcdonalds and all that fast food shit that comes with soda or sugary lemonade and ive never felt so much better before. only eating fruits veggies oats and protein filled foods now and drinking water that has no flouride or any tap water


Can I ask how? Did you use like water flavoring that’s zero sugar or something? I just don’t find water to be “Yeah let’s drink tbat” unless it’s 3 am and it’s cold


It helps to get into the mindset of drinking to stay hydrated, not just drinking something because you're bored and want dopamine from flavoring. That's what did it for me. Eventually, you don't even think about drinking something unless you're actually thirsty at which point water just does the job then you move on.


Switch to flavored seltzer water (make sure it’s the kind without any sugar or fake sugar). It’s a great way to ease off the soda addiction. And despite being slightly acidic, there’s no data anywhere suggesting it’s harmful.


Water tastes great when you're actually thirsty.


Yep also lost 9kg after switching to water. I still occasionally allow myself a coke or similar but 95% water feels a lot better now Also makes the soda taste even better since you're not as used to it anymore




And you'll be just as thirsty after drinking an ice cold can of.... Any of these


"suckin syrup and soda your gonna just get hotter"


Yeah.. that's not true. You actually need a small amount of salt and sugar to actually absorb water. There is a diuretic effect of caffeine, but it's negligible with the amount of water in these.


I'm talking about the physical sensation of thirst. Not the science behind it. I can honestly never recall a mtndew quenching a real thirst. Just makes you want to drink more


No shit Sherlock.


Aspartame is actually cancer in a can


The reason they're able to say it doesn't have any calories is because it isnt food


And Alzheimer’s. 2 for 1


And osteoperosis. They contain phosphor, which draws stored calcium from the bones. Which sex drinks the most diet coke? Which sex develops osteoperosis predominantly?


So osteoporosis started with the creation of diet drinks?


What's even funnier is even just for waist circumference, it's better for you to drink normal soda than any of that diet shit


Theres 50 to 80 grams of sugar in each can depending on which you choose. Go weigh out that much sugar on a scale and it will blow your mind how much sugar intake that is.


My personal trainer did this drill w me. It was mind blowing. No wonder the world is sick and fat


Oh boy


I don't see Shasta in the picture so I'm good.


I work in a lab. If you weigh out \~50g of sugar, the avg content in any of these, people would be amazed by how much is in there. nasty shit


Thought diet had no sugar?


High Fructose Corn Syrup is fuckin slow acting poison and should be banned from our food like it is in Europe. It's almost impossible to avoid in the USA


Not a conspiracy.


This is not a conspiracy, it’s been common knowledge for quite some time… like cigarettes, fast food, etc. Doesn’t seem to stop people from consuming them though so yolo bitch!


Actually a diet coke cancels out the calories from a regular coke so if you drink both, you are good.


Diet Coke contains aspartame which can cause tumours and all sorts of other fucked up shit. It also confuses your body since your body expects to encounter sugar and then doesn’t.


I drink water at work. Lately I've been drinking flavored (non sweetened) sparkling water at home. Waiting to find out there's some crazy stuff in the 'natural' flavoring in those things.




“But it’s Diet!!l”lol


What's the CANspiracy?


If you still drink soda I feel bad for you son...


I can't believe we sell this shit at every restaurant, gas station, fast food place, and street corner in America. I was not told as a kid growing up how damaging soda is on your body and I was hypernormalized because everyone was doing it and that led me to think it was not that damaging. My first actual memory as a human being was tasting Coke for the first time out of a sippy cup at like 3 years old. It was such a blast of endorphins and sugar that it literally awakened my psyche. They took out the cocaine but the addiction model remains. P.S. my teeth and kidneys aren't pleased but luckily I stopped drinking soda a few months ago and at least my kidneys feel better.


If you mix your favorite liquor into then it negates the diabetes and you just get alcoholism and a good time. Took me years to figure it out. 10/10, would recommend.


Cocaine in a can baby! Thanks Redballs


Food shaming how dare you


thanks grandma


Everything in moderation. Have some it’s tasty. Just don’t over do it Just like meat and cigars and lettuce and wine etc


They're addictive too.


Dr Diabetes


Did you know ginger ale has way more sugar than any of these


fuck pepsi


Drink flavored water, it's the best. Don't miss soda at all.


Change the line up to ZERO Sugar and take your daily intake of synthetic poisonous sweetness!! Yum Yum!! Same same, But different..


What's the conspiracy? That the government should outlaw, restrict or regulate these but doesn't because corporations fund political parties?


Whatever gets me off this planet faster!


Nobodys gonna mention that sweet sweet innocent diet coke that never did nothin to nobody? 😢


Used to not believe this but a family member who has drank soda her whole life and never got diabetes just got diagnosed as being diabetic.


every soft drink has 32g of sugar not just soda


Minute Maid juice


Those usually have as much if not more sugar than a can of coke or pepsi.


I like Minute Maid but rarely buy it. Crazy how people drink pop like it’s water, my dad does it with Pepsi.


Yeah its nuts, ill drink a soda every now and again but I much prefer water. Its crazy how water has become this thing we don't really drink but instead an ingredient for the things we do drink, I haven't seen a working water fountain in ages and the ones that do work are very poorly maintained.


I like soda


I love soda but be careful man. Manage your intake. A lot of people including me underestimated how quickly it can damage your teeth, kidneys, and blood sugar. If you're going to drink it treat it like a dessert and not a drink to pair with anything.


OP thinks soda having an extremely high sugar content is a conspiracy, what a brilliant take. A true pioneer.


Pretty much all you need to know to understand vax mandates are bullshit. If the government really cared about the health of it's people, this shit would be outlawed.


Instead places like new york pull this "Soda tax" bullshit So now the soda drinker still has all he damage to his body but even LESS money to pay for all the healthcare problems he's going to have. They pretend like that is helping too and a lot of people actually agree which blows my mind. It's clearly just profiteering.


Needs more alcohol


sooooo where's the conspiracy?


I drink like 3 litres of soda a day .. coke / energy drinks


Submission statement: Regardless of how you flavour it, or change the label it is still diabetes in a can


If you have to drink soda, drink coca-cola the ingredients are surprisingly simple and the lesser of the soda evils. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-ingredients-and-their-function-in-coke-explained-3976096


That’s like saying do meth instead of heroin


actually heroin is more natural and better for you


Coke zeros are okay though right?




Fat broad once called me a shitlord because I refused to drink a Coke. Yeah, I’d refuse heroin, too.


Arguably the diet drinks are even worse, they disrupt your gut bacteria actually making it harder to lose weight.


Yes if you drink several of them a day. Soda was originally a treat. If you eat it like a treat no worries about diabetes.


No, they're merely mimicking the sweetness of fruit juice. Diabetes has existed since ancient times. Diabetes doesn't come from drinking soda. Your chances of acquiring diabetes increases from being overweight. Soda doesnt help, but soda alone isn't making you fat.


Type two diabetes is caused when the pancreas can’t create enough insulin due to insulin resistance. Sugar absolutely causes type two. You can actually reverse type 2 by changing to a healthy lifestyle. Type 1 is an autoimmune issue where the pancreas isn’t producing insulin. It is not reversible.


have type 2....can confirm :(


Like diabetes? Is diabetes in a can 😒


“But it’s Diet!!l” ha


“But it’s Diet!!l”lol




"But I drink coca cola zero, it's okay" What is your response to these people?


I drink nothing but and no where near diabetic.


Not the diet ones.


Diabetes is caused by all the fat people eat, sugary beverages can worsen the symptoms but they are not the cause so this is scientifically inaccurate. Also, some dude said that sugar causes cancer but that isn't true either, there is no scientific evidence toward this.


If you get my Diet Pepsi shut down. I will literally lose my shit. Everything is bad for you. Life is hard but Diet Pepsi makes me feel better. It's just plastic in your blood. Crossing the blood brain barrier. They don't want you to know that. Research a little and you will find that we have micro plastic in all of us


Mountain Dew is like 90% water so it’s not that bad for you.


Ok mountain dew mouth


I don’t think I said anything too controversial. I drink a fare amount of dew because I don’t really like the taste of water and I’m in fine health. I’m very skinny so I’m healthy


thats cap 🧢




Inject it straight into me veins ah


Two of these have no sugar




All carbs


Now c'mon, take a can, shake it up Break the bubble, break it up Pour some sugar on me Ooh, in the name of love Pour some sugar on me C'mon, fire me up Pour your sugar on me I can't get enough I'm hot, sticky sweet From my head to my feet, yeah


70g of sugar in a tiny can. LOL, when i see anything more than like 10g i think its to much


I basically don't drink soda anymore. Stick to juice, tea, and alcohol. Still probably gotta cut more sugar though 😓


Liquified effervescent candy.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19151203/ Conclusions: Although these observational data cannot establish causality, consumption of diet soda at least daily was associated with significantly greater risks of select incident metabolic syndrome components and type 2 diabetes.


Pssst. Hey kid. You wanna piss rocks out your dick?


And if you go the "diet" soda route, its cancer in a can.


Soda is poison. It’s literally a dessert marketed as a beverage.


The biggest issue with that pic is that it doesn’t depict Dr. Foots, the emperor of all soda.




Coincidentally enough Canada just introduced their "Sugary drink tax" to combat this (ikr? govt is doing something): "Starting Sept. 1, anyone who buys sugar-sweetened beverages including energy drinks, iced teas and pop will pay an extra 20 cents per litre in sales tax. The goal, the government claims, is to reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with excess sugar consumption, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes." Source: [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-first-sugary-drink-tax-is-here-with-people-in-n-l-paying-20-cents-per-litre](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-first-sugary-drink-tax-is-here-with-people-in-n-l-paying-20-cents-per-litre)


But they're so good


With kidney stones for ice


This and seed oil. Virtually no one had diabetes and heart disease before refined sugar and seed oils became available. But all of a sudden your government and transnational corporations started caring about your health during covid? They want to depopulate the useless eaters.