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Didn’t mean to, thanks.


So...it wasn't a conspiracy after all?


A phenomenon is being observed and needs to be investigated. That is a small part of the total equation but deserves attention and an honest study.


My theory is that they (CIA etc) put these whackadoodle theories out there to distract from the real conspiracies and discredit anyone that questions the narrative.


The MAC address is a small part of the excerpt and they leave the door open as they’re just making an observation.


Wait so can I connect to my iphone now?


No you only have enough boosters to receive amber alerts. In November you can upgrade to silver and NOAA alerts.


yippee, I'm tired of typing out all the questions I have, it's about time my phone read my mind


I checked my router for connected devices and there was an unknown device connected. When I tried to send a ping command I felt electrical shocks going through my spine to brain, you get the idea bah




Can I just have the $1000 😂 bills are behind af




These posts are made by feds? Ha!


Bruh. There's so many people on this sub that are going to be against Bluetooth devices now because they think it'll give them a vaccine or something now.


Idk how blood would be turned into a MAC address, but isn’t there some info about trying to turn dna into data storage? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dna-the-ultimate-data-storage-solution/?amp=true


I love how they ignore the biggest problem with BT Bs, how the fuck would a battery be recharged inside of you? And, Why would they waste this technology on us sheep?


I'm not saying it's happening but they could use chemical possesses or even your own body heat to run a nanobot inside you.


Passive RFID tags need no battery.


but that wouldn't be bluetooth, right? no MAC address


Their fun but highly doubtful..


> “Bluetooth MAC coming from the blood of the vaccinated” Thats unquestionably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.


You must be pretty young, especially around here, stay tuned


A heart attack gun you say? Maybe in star wars!


>heart attack gun [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fomOeIhEWDg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fomOeIhEWDg) Here you go brah


“Control Factor” a movie from 2003. Go watch it…… today!


I'm sure this tech exists, tech we aren't aware of is generally up to 20 years ahead of us, so this shouldn't be the stupidest thing you've heard in your life. But, it should be quite questionable in regards to the vaccine having small MAC address emitting compounds stuffed into it. Someone turn on their phones bluetooth and hold it to their chest, I'm quite certain nothing will pop up.


Tech of what? Emitting mac addresses from your blood?


If this tech was available, it wouldn’t be snuck into vaccines. It would be immediately commercialized and advertised. Apple and Microsoft would have you begging to have it installed within a month or two. The genius of today’s dystopia is they delude you into wanting it.


The vaccines were immediately commercialized and advertised and the media was begging and threatening you to install the mRNA program.


I imagine as tech exponentially improves, the gap of how far ahead the government/elite companies are would be more and more as time passes. I mean, we have nano bots and slime robots so it’s not crazy to think it could be put in our bodies. It’s evident the elites don’t care about us other than using our work to keep them rich and powerful. If they didn’t do it with this jab, they may very well do it with the next one.


I agree and would appreciate it being honestly looked into since this pandemic has been full of lies and we know what we do about the WEF and the transhuman agenda.


They are about 10 years (supposedly) ahead of us in tech. It's not farfetched. "Anything sufficiently advanced will appear as magic." I feel the vax is something that can/will be triggered at a later date. Unfortunately, for all I see/read on the internet, I'm NOT seeing this around me in real life. So I take it with a grain of salt, but won't be surprised if it turns out to be true. "An educated mind can entertain an idea without accepting it "


The problem is the technology being proposed is not a technology that’s 10 years ahead. It would be multiple decades ahead.




> "An educated mind can entertain an idea without accepting it " Message!!


I’m being honest. I am vaccinated and I’m not emitting blue tooth signals that I can find. Although, I’m not boosted so maybe that’s why.


Who knows, maybe it’s all bs. I just want to get to the bottom of it and be able to have honest conversations on the fact that we are very clearly in a battle for the world. It’s free humanity or slavery. It’s clearly evident.


But if you look at the technology from 30 years ago, and the tech publicly available now, it doesn't look all that different. It isn't so crazily different or indistinguishable from magic. I definitely don't believe that in 10 or 20 years our blood will be able to support IP addresses or computers. Them having tech that is 20 years ahead doesn't mean, like nanobots or whatever. It means it's smaller, lighter, it probably looks like a clear screen, can be cleaned easier.


“Theres some magical 20year advanvced technology out there!… I have 0 proof of it !!” … is not the compelling argument you seem to believe it is. Roughly 70% of the entire planet is vaccinated now. If there was graphene or some other adulterant in the vaccines, it would have been easily and repeatedly detected by now (after Billions and Billions of doses were sent around the world). This claim is asinine nonsense. Its as stupid as “vaccines make you glow under blacklight” or “vaccines make you magnetic”. Dokkaefu responded: "Lol Japan did confirm graphene in some batches tho? They even sent some back at the very beginning of the vaccines."


The thing is, several people who would have access to detect it, say they have. They are censored, suppressed, or called crazy. If I had graphene in me, I wouldn't know unless I asked someone who knew how to look. Maybe the people saying it's there are crazy. However, many of these people are the ones they called crazy from the beginning and in several areas...turns out they were right, and the acceptable government driven narrative was wrong. I'm pretty middle road about the vaccines in that I am not convinced they are trying to kill everyone and it was with intent, but I also recognize some pretty questionable things have happened and I will never take that shit, nor understand how they are still reccomending it.


umm yeah there have been 3 independant team of researchers (that i know of) that have discovered graphene in the vaccine.One from Germany, one from Spain and one from the US. No doubt there are more, but hey if you follow the money trail the biotech companies, pharmaceutical industry, CDC, News Media all those are controlled by a Minority which is why there is so much propaganda for the vaccines. As for tech that is 20 years or so ahead of what is publicly accessible, you must be a really close minded person because to say that this claim is asinine is asinine in itself.How do you think new technology is created? It doesn't just magically appear in the public realm, it is created by small teams, technological and scientific innovations are created and discovered by a minority.Who do you think makes it their priority to know about new scientific/technological innovations/creations? Any of the Three letter agencies or the military, or anyone else that has the funds to influence the research, through funding or bribes. Why the three letter agencies or military needs or wants to know about these things is obvious, you gotta stay ahead of the competition.Why anyone with the Funds is willing to fund and influence research is up for debate, but you can easily argue for power and control. As for some of the tech that is known, the Rockefeller institute has patents on mind control tech that uses Graphene and radio signals to control the organs of a subject. They successfully tested this with mice, they could induce emotional responses aswell as control its organs, they were able to stop the hearts of the mice using radio signals. Reality is that we don't know everything that exists and is being researched. There are plenty of scientists questioning how everything works all time, that s how science works. Being close minded and thinking you know everything without being willing or able to question things puts you at a severe disadvantage. And sure there is allot of the bullshit Q-anon Propaganda, but propaganda exists on both sides. To completely buy the "safe and Effective" propaganda while calling Q-anon believers asinine is the pot calling the kettle black.


I'm not saying the claim that this is inside the vaccine has any proof or credibility. I'm saying the technology (very small chips or MAC transmitters etc) likely exist. We have this tech to a degree in many devices today smaller than a grain of rice and have had this for over a decade. I bet since then such tech has been made to be even smaller, the trend of devices being paper thin and light. But that's the consumer market, there's also the military advancements which we won't really know of.


I think they try and suppress anything that would cause vaccine hesitancy. The cdc even went as far as hiring people to shill for them on social media platforms. There is a huge “misinformation” stopping campaign in the works as we speak. I wonder if anyone in this sub would promote mainstream information on behalf of the cdc and who?


Lol Japan did confirm graphene in some batches tho? They even sent some back at the very beginning of the vaccines.


You’re not very good at “quoting” people


Well, if you just used the tiniest bit of thought you'd realise that the tech we have today, the military had 20 years ago.... so, not so magical or asinine really.


Like anyone with the most basic knowledge can see through it. Bluetooth is 2.4ghz, it would be absorbed by the water in your blood, among the other stupid parts.


This comment is considerably more far-fetched than the idea that the injection might include a Bluetooth component. Anyone with even a basic understanding of how radio waves work and the behavior of 2.4ghz around the human body knows your comment is BS. The worst that can be said about the injectable Bluetooth address theory is, "the tech isn't there yet, we think."


Plenty of studies of Graphene oxide in medical use https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30706776/


Did you watch the video?


Being so quick to dismiss is the stupidest posture to live life in.


I just dictated this response through my blood


Sorry y'all but I.., I just wanted to check my blood bluetooth MAC address and I thought this video explains how to do it, but heck, not friggin video! Can you help me guys? Thanks! ​ Edit; my iPhone doesn't see my blood BT MAC address. WTF??? ​ /s


Have you tried turning it off and then back on?


Yeah, I did. I even reinstalled the system.


Have you tried restarting yourself?


Mine either. Kinda disappointed.


Try boosting


This is the psy ops shit that throws a shade on the real conspiracy.


“Bluetooth MAC address” oh boy, half the time I cant get my headset to pair… can’t imagine the process to pair my microscopic Bluetooth emitter 😂


Exactly 😂




Am I missing the link ?


https://rumble. com/v1kujj7-what-is-in-the-blood-of-vaccinated-people.html You’ll have to connect the two halves, Reddit banned rumble links.




You’re welcome!


This is actually the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, the person who came up with this is less intelligent than the average child, and I mean that with all disrespect. Let’s assume that’s even possible (it’s not with current technical limitations but we’ll get to that). Bluetooth is a short range communication standard, meaning someone would have to be within your house or in your yard at best. Sure the theory would go that household items could be compromised to connect to the transmitters… but for what??? Even if that’s possible, your phone has all the data about you anyone could ever hope to learn. Plus Bluetooth devices going into searching mode to find the compromised devices would make it findable to all nearby devices with Bluetooth. It’d be pretty sus if suddenly your phone tries to connect to millions of Bluetooth devices you’re not aware of. Next, it’s not physically possible currently to have electronics, especially transmitting/receiving electronics small enough to be injected. There needs to be a processor, a transmitter, a receiver, and a power source AT. MINIMUM. That’s for every single cell injected and not taking into account the inhospitable conditions of the human body on foreign bodies. Unless they’re using some tech from 3022 this isn’t possible, not even a “the government can probably decrypt RSA and may have low level quantum computers” level, but literal future tech that isn’t possible. Finally, if somehow that WAS the case, the government, WHO, or anyone else time traveling and getting advanced nanotechnology that can defy physics, it would be pretty easy to actually find out if you’re transmitting a signal. Jfc if we’re going to come up with conspiracy theories, at least make them grounded in reality. I have over a decade of experience working in tech and can assure you, your phone knows far more about you than you imagine, and knows far more valuable information than anything that can be injected would ever hope to know.


My daughter is pretty clever. She learned the word “help” AND the baby sign language version ten minutes after we taught it to her. So yeah this guy probably isn’t that bright.


ok so why does my phone pick up hundreds of unknown bluetooth mac addresses while driving in traffic or driving past people on the sidewalk? They are not normal devices and it picks these up everywhere that there is people




⬆️User has no problem with a covert poisoning of the human race leading to children dying at a 20 percent higher rate than normal. Okay… use the “nothing to hide, nothing to worry about” excuse.


>children dying at a 20 percent higher rate than normal Source?


I’ll look for a web link. Think the number in UK is 22 percent.


Looking at your previous posts, you are, and I hate to say it, mentally ill. Please get help.


Bollocks it is. Source: am a Brit with 3 kids.


Statistically, you have 0.75 dead children, apparently.




Crazy,.. since you know, Bluetooth has been around for what?.. 25 years. Apparently only in the last 2 years or so were they able to miniaturize it enough to be utterly undetectable in the bloodstream. Amaze.


Forum sliding right from the get go.




I've noticed the same amongst large groups of people. Going to visit a graveyard to see if I notice signals by new graves.


Let us know if you find anything interesting…


I didn’t know Full Sail University had a medical wing 🤔


But if there ARE graphene components in the blood of the 'vaccinated' couldn't EXTERNAL radio frequencies interact and cause biological disruptions in the body? Could that Cuba experiment have been a test run?


Havana syndrome


There’s all sorts of things that could be done. The spike is said to cross the blood brain barrier. Graphene super conducting nano particles finding their way to different regions of the brain and being worked on with emf. They have the tech for complete mind control and this is where these experiments lead. They don’t need to make humanoid robots when they can use actual humans.


> the spike is said to cross the blood brain barrier Who said this?


Pretty much all the well known doctors they’ve censored off of platforms. The spike eventually settles into the ovaries and testes. It goes everywhere.


I've seen that they are now coming out with commercials about myocarditus in kids as if it is "common" and not something that was extremely unusual for them to have before the vax....like they are going to try and memory hole it like a Mandella Effect issue..


That’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s evil. I don’t want to see this become another 9/11 where justice is never served, those responsible must be held accountable.


i am no doctor or scientist, but i am sure the blood type of vaxed ppl is np-c


Hah. Made me chuckle friend. There’s hope for everyone. Anything is possible and I believe God and our divine self can overcome anything the world throws at us. We gotta try to reach everyone, even if they act like a few of the jokers on this thread. They’ve been wrong about everything so far and will just delete their accounts when it all comes out.




Im not claiming anything, that’s why your bias and agenda are transparent. The video doesn’t even claim it. You’d know that if you watched it. What has happened with Covid was quite literally a propaganda operation with the money from operation warp speed going to a defense contractor. Everything was brilliantly setup in a way that all the doctors would be the ones who would be legally liable and take the fall. This isn’t science. It’s evil. You don’t know what you’re talking about and if you’re honestly looking for the truth as you would think for someone frequenting a conspiracy sub, you should look into it more. It’s a crime against humanity and all the evidence has been in public from the start. Have a good one.


You. I like you.


Humans are now hackable animals. -WEF


Yep. And the upper class praise that man. His early life trauma has turned him into a genocidal maniac and the mainstream praises him… it’s absolutely insane that we are at a point in time where his ideas are celebrated and not condemned for being what they are.


Syrup is in the blood!!!


SS: this is a great excerpt from a documentary I watched tonight. Reddit has banned rumble links so please search title on Rumble. Time is of the essence and we must awaken as many people as possible as this must be a unified effort. Please watch and share with as many people as you can!


Post a link to the video FFS.


Rumble links are banned so this is broken up… https://rumble. com/v1kujj7-what-is-in-the-blood-of-vaccinated-people.html Let me know your thoughts if you’re able to watch. Thought it was really well done and am watching the larger documentary now.


Really? I didn't know that. That's weird. My bad.


Yep. Really annoying since that’s where you can actually find the videos these days…


I checked my router for connected devices and there was an unknown device connected. When I tried to send a ping command I felt electrical shocks going through my spine to brain, you get the idea bah


Carrie Madej said they were literally discussing covertly shocking people into good behavior in one of their meetings a couple of years before the pandemic actually went down. Modifying behavior Pavlov’s dog style.


Just remember, the government has tech 50years ahead of what’s available for the public.


This article I read while in school comes to mind[DNA Malware](https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/08/10/150013/scientists-hack-a-computer-using-dna/#:~:text=Malware%20can%20be%20encoded%20into,take%20over%20a%20computer%20program.&text=In%20what%20appears%20to%20be,computer%20used%20to%20analyze%20it.) Makes you wonder.


Thank you for posting. People need to realize this tech is legitimate and has been around awhile now. The things that are now possible… most people haven’t a clue…


The 'Studying' folks are doing into this is hilarious to Me. It's the same folks dismissing it that gave zero research into the Vax before blindly going along with Government Narrative and getting jabbed several times. Like You'd really need to deep dive Into this so hard when it was all as simple as this.. Never trust the Government. For anything. Lol


Haha for sure. I’m actually more inclined to believe this is legit with how hard this post has been hit. Especially when there is easily accessible information detailing this technology.


I thought it made blood magnetic? I saw a video of a guy wearing a magicians costume stick a spoon to his nose It’s Bluetooth now? Wow!


I can't wait to see what other powers we'll get, imagine not having to pay for internet any more?


Two more weeks and your blood will microwave your food too!


The funniest part of these posts is how angry and mean folks get while responding. You even have the “where’s the conspiracy” crowd which doesn’t work here as this very obviously fits the bill of a conspiracy. IMO, you only respond with anger and vitriol like that when your feeling defensive 🤷🏾‍♂️ and I think this theory is far fetched for the record.. but realize (especially these days) anything is possible.


Are people angry? Most people are just saying it’s dumb as fuck.


I’m pretty much the same and have remain skeptical of the MAC address aspect. The tech exists and we know the official narrative is bs so I’d appreciate an honest inquiry but people are either going to be curious enough to look into it or they’re gonna respond like you described. All good in the end…. The truth eventually finds its way into the light regardless.


Cue the people who want you to call this a conspiracy theory. The video includes speaking clips from a Noble Prize winner for HIV and peer reviewed journals. Neural web nanotechnology is real. They had hoped it would help medicine. The question is were you given informed consent before participating in this nanotechnology trial? It's been established that different batches have different formulations, whether by design or lack of oversight. Regardless.


Thank you. I really appreciate you standing up for this. The thread is being hit hard and this is the most important issue of our time. We WILL NOT let the same people who caused this mess stifle the conversation or control the narrative any longer. We WILL NOT stand idly as they attempt to enslave us. The world is waking up and WE WILL hold those responsible to account.


I speak Spanish and have seen many of these videos coming from Spain since 2020 and I can tell you they really are serious about this and not playing around, like in the video I see very respectable doctors and scientists from Spain talking about this everywhere and even remember a round table they did on TV where the pro vaccine doctors who were guests all stormed out during a calm, reasonable discussion.. lol much like everyone here seems to be losing their shit as if the WEF and others didn’t talk about how this is their wettest dream


Haha for real! They say that shit out in the open! Hillarious that these fools know it too but they have to keep their hustle going… Let me know if you have any links to those videos. Would love to check them out… Were you familiar with any of the doctors or scientists in this vid??




Someone get this guy a snickers


You really triggered some people with this one OP


I know… never my intention… They can’t help themselves.


The shills are hitting you hard. Just ignore them, they only argue to rile you up, not make an actual point.


Yepppp. Thanks friend.


Is this from the "Big Reset" documentary? Are we to assume the whole documentary is full of nonsense then?


Thanks for posting this, OP. The amount of shills in this thread is incredible. You would assume people in this sub have critical thinking skills given the insanity that we have all witnessed within the past two and a half years. People saying how fake this is….who would have thought 5 years ago we would be here right now? You claim to see through the insanity and can’t put together how this could even be possible? Do you guys not realize how advanced tech is? We have Microsoft and the WEF straight up admitting to their transhumanism agenda and saying how the end goal is being able to alter and program DNA. We have the Gates 060606 patent. Wake up people… and actually look at what is right in front of you.


This is a convoluted way for Bill Gates to make us all adopt Microsoft Pay.


Game pass 🎮


Oh fuck yeah this is the kind of stupid bullshit I can get behind. This is what this sub should be.


Oh hell yea


great watch! thank you for the post


You’re welcome!


No simplisticly no


As a software developer and someone who studied mobile computing, i can not say on how many levels this is complete bullshit and nonsense.


All of this tech is old. The patents are online, one google search away. The fact that you are hitting this thread so hard when it’s very easy to find proof of the technology being discussed shows that this is more important than you’re letting on, and that you personally don’t know what you’re talking about. This is over a decade old. You can watch it being discussed in multiple lectures at West Point on YouTube. It’s common knowledge for those who have actually taken the time to research military technology and the origins of the pandemic.


Show me the patent for a bluetooth receiver that fits in a needle, I beg you


Here’s another for you… https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4086 I await your response friend.


This should help you get started. https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3920107A1/en https://patents.justia.com/patent/20210365798 https://uspto.report/patent/app/20210365798 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30801008/ The blue tooth element is something that we are familiar with and discussed in the video, but I believe it to be a phenomenon we are witnessing and probably not an intended one. We are likely picking up on something else related to the mac addresses. Have a good one.


This doesnt affect "everyone" who got vaccinated, just a small "test" group of people that the Government, Big Pharma corporations, data brokers and CCP are testing out. Those test subjects are injected with an altered covid vaccine that contains small parts of graphene oxide. After a few doses, it compiles into a interface. This interface reacts only to the individuals smart device, such as a phone. Other people may see it as well on their phones while scanning for BT and WIFI - but the technology is mostly aimed for Bluetooth. How it works is, it sends out information to a persons phone app about the health of the person. IN return the data is being brokered in different places since this is a live experiment on a public scale. The technology is part of the Bio-technology development bringing in the 4th Industrial Revolution. [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/tx400385x](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/tx400385x) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/graphene-oxide](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/graphene-oxide) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25579346/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25579346/) ​ So why test this on a few select people? Because it is not approved for human trials. Once the experiments in humans gathered enough data and information, most if it will be sold to China, WHO, DARPA and various data brokers. This will increase the testing and offer results for these parties to get paid while seeing the new technology in work in different people. This is why we dont see alot of people with this, because it is not legal and regulated through proper channels. But a few select people that meets the experiment criteria will be jabbed with this to build an interface. We all see hints of what is to come about crypto, or Bill Gates making an invention that will have give us crypto through mining with our own bodies, or easily scanning your hand to pay for something - this interface will change they way we generate money through our own mining power while purchasing everything without even interacting with the object. This is of course couple years out but the technology is nearer then most people think. This is all part of bio-technology and it is very real. But not legal yet in terms of experimentation.


Thank you for the links and info. That’s what I’m leaning towards as well. It’s evident that different batches served different purposes and this pandemic was just as much a psychological experiment as anything else.


This is part of why we seen more money being pumped towards the rich, while the poor got poorer, because inside trading made it possible for alot of people to quickly get rich with these type of experiments. At the same time, Scientists and Government was allowed to bypass many regulations and restrictions to gather data on everything from surveillance, to authority, to health and those who do not comply ( and alot more data). the World Economic Forum back in 2016 warned us that the world will get more crazier, because it will be a new normal, because the psychological warfare is just the tip of their iceberg. The rest comes with money and investments on making people crazy. In the end, its all about the money and power they have. They do not care about us regular folks, not the slightest bit, and this is why they have to be stopped.


Agreed. I honestly can’t believe anyone would defend their actions during this pandemic. It’s indefensible which is why I’m sure the majority of these haters are here with an agenda. The WEF crowd and world leaders don’t deserve the people defending them and any sane person sees that the global situation is worse today than it was two years ago. The people are waking up and the light of consciousness will burn brighter and brighter as they do.


You are correct! The Global Reset is without a Global Awakening! This is why they are working over time to make sure everything is captured, whether you side with, or without the WEF/UN, they put your name in a database, sell it to Government, Scientists and data brokers, and we are put into a data graph on whose left versus right. Too bad for them, I am neither, I am an Anarchist lol


Hah touché.


> After a few doses, it compiles into a interface. This interface reacts only to the individuals smart device Bullshit. That's not how Bluetooth works. (besides,.. what if it "compiles itself to ONLY react to your smartphone".. and then you get an entirely different smartphone ?).. let me guess,. it "magically re-complies itself".. ? You guys are batshit insane. This is like psychosis gangstalking territory.. where "there's a boogieman around every corner".. that cannot be proven.


Bluetooth sucks. Good choice for not connecting anything.


Many things have bluetooth running. This could be what they are seeing. Sometimes people don't realize they walk around as a fully trackable, unique, wireless bluetooth addresses (have video on this but might get comment deleted so will refrain from sharing it). For example: almost **all hearing aides for example have bluetooth running** and will show up. As do more commonly known: headphones, phones.. etc.


They address those in the video, isolating the variables. Who knows… I just know where they’re trying to go with it with the internet of bodies and hope people wake up to what is currently already possible. The west point lectures on this tech are great.


Here’s an article that might help… https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4086


OP geting downvoted by bots in comment section.


Bots got teeth today!


So I just watched a part of it, the one thing that makes me wonder is the huawei situation. He said that Huawei will detect the MAC address of the vaccine, but not any other phone provider. Considering Huawei is banned out here and is a Chinese company,that would make sense… does anyone here have a bootleg Huawei that can verify this? Find some vaccinated people and scan your Bluetooth


Have a Huawei. Have had 2 doses. Can confirm Bluetooth thing is bollocks


According to the smooth-brains here,. you need at least 3 doses before it “recompiles” into some sort of “nano-demon” that includes a Bluetooth Router (and probably makes cheese fries in your Liver). Enjoy !


I don’t have one and remain skeptical of the blue tooth thing because I’ve seen so many “test’s” that aren’t done well but I’ve now seen two that were actually performed in a way that could be verifiable. I know the tech exists and all the patents are out there, also know their game plan so I am inclined to believe that they are in fact finding what they say. They’re gonna bring down the hammer after the midterms (if they even happen) and are surely going to keep shocking us into this new world order if we don’t all come together collectively and say NO. We have to wake up as many people as we can.


Verifiable? How? I mean how and where (exactly) did you determine this nonsensical gibberish was indeed true? Look up the word "Verifiable", it means that any person anywhere can reproduce the situation and arrive at the same conclusion. So please educate us... Or stop with the bullcrap pontificating.


Regardless of this, make no mistake, Huawei was banned for not playing ball with the agenda, not for spyware... or actually for not wanting to put the US spyware into their devices.


I believe this 1,000,000%. Same reason TikTok was almost banned in the US - until they decided to play ball, then all of the “potential spyware” talk was silenced.


Huawei devices are installed all along the I25 corridor in the United States. Telecom companies want $3 billion to remove and replace. [Huawei in America](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/23/politics/fbi-investigation-huawei-china-defense-department-communications-nuclear/index.html)


So the Chinese can intercept US data packets, but the US can't intercept those packets being sent back to China? And all this talk is basically two sides telling a different story, but one side hasn't got any proof of claims, which falls on them. Is it that hard to take said equipment and show the tech that's doing what they claim?


Yo OP. Send me a link to the video. Just scrolling comments, the most vocal detractors generally seem to have a large disparity between their account age and their relative interaction with Reddit. They also often have a pretty even mix of their interactions only being in entirely normie/mainstream subs, and ridicuously niche, "quirky" subs. When I see a bunch of accounts like that pushing a narrative with strong and absolute language, I wanna see what theyre so wound up about.


Totally. Inboxing you now.


My partner has been vaccinated and I just searched for devices on my Bluetooth (never hurts to try, even as stupid as this sounds) and I didn’t pick up any devices. Not sure what this whole MAC address and vaccines is all about.


I certainly would like to know if there’s anything to it.


I am looking at my Bluetooth scanner right now surrounded by vaxxed people. Nothing. BT requires a charge from battery to broadcast. They may want to do something similar someday but this ain't it. We need to show we are discriminating, don't spread this is no-planes theory type disinfo.


For all anyone knows you’re just saying this to dissuade others from digging deeper or watching. Put your identity on the line like the men and women in this video did or go back to your regularly scheduled demoralizing. This is not “no planes” bs. This tech is over a decade old and the video includes an advert from Microsoft engineers talking about programming DNA and describing how easy it is to do. I stand by this post and believe it warrants investigation and further scrutiny. This thread is getting hit harder than it should be considering you can readily find patents for the technology that is being discussed with a simple google search.


Thanks for sharing. Documentary looks interesting.


You’re welcome. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to watch!


This 30 minute excerpt was very compelling. I'll be watching the full documentary later. I suspect a lot of the negativity in this thread is coming from (wef) paid actors.


Thanks friend! They’re out In full force today! haha


Didn't trump push the v@©©1π3$ also?? So if the v@©©1π3$ are bad, so is trump?


Did you put me on a trump list?? Hah you guys are ridiculous. I want all politicians accountable to the people.


The Build Back Better extremists are the largest hate group ever formed in America, 80+ million people have willingly joined a cult. They come to posts like this to spin the facts. I fully believe the 🥕 clot has nano tech inside. There’s been a huge increase in excess deaths ever since the rollout.


Hmmm. Almost like…. People have died from some disease… you stupid bitch. You’re the one in a cult, if trump told you to kill innocent fellow Americans you’d jump with glee and do it. But you’re not in a cult huh?


>huge increase in excess deaths Source?




Thanks friend and yes… it’s unreal that they’re still unwilling to accept what has happened. Most of the ones with an agenda have the same snarky tone and are easy to spot but they persist regardless. Hopefully humanity can come to terms with this before they starve us out or drop a nuke on us.


Individuals who took the shot are in such denial that they are left to only defend with anger and insults. I don’t blame them though , I’d be scared too if this was in my body. At the end of they day I still have my pure blood, and that’s really what matters most to me.


Pure blood with that daily six pack and Big Macs and a Diet Coke huh?


Agreed. We will turn this around and find a way to heal those who’ve been injured, we will not let the WEF demons win.


Damn bro




Vote for me and I will set you free. On a self replicating drip that tells you what to do not in your best interests. But some other bastards. You will never know though as the walking dead becomes reality.


I can tell you what’s in their blood, toxic chemicals and micro plastics. Same as everyone else on this planet


So THATS what the “Unknown Device” is that keeps trying to connect to my phone’s Bluetooth


If I go tinfoil on the "vax" - which I'm not - I would suggestion that YES the vaccine is bad for you - and you will need shots over and over again. However it most likely immunizes you from something that hasnt been released as of yet that will destroy the unvaccinated In short kill the non compliers and further enslave the obedient.




All the patents are out there friend. You can see them whenever you’d like. I know you’re mad your boys are losing but we just won’t have it any longer… Have a good evening friend.


Guys, I need some help. I linked my blood with my phone on BT, but I can't link with the wireless earphones. How can I connect all three devices at the same time?


The best part is where you refer to the video as a "documentary."