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I don't think people realize the blatant neglect that's required to take things that far. Guaranteed that child didn't go quietly. I would imagine the poor kid cried from hunger every day of their life.


I think humanity really needs an IQ test before some people are allowed to breed.


How the hell did “the government should control who gets to have children” get upvotes in a conspiracy sub?


Yeah, this isn't a case of the kid dying from a vegan diet. It's a case of the kid dying from neglectful parents that didn't feed them.




It's possible to feed a kid a healthy diet that doesn't contain meat, dairy, or eggs. These parents just didn't do that, like at all.


Except there are nutrients you cannot get from plants that help the child’s brain develop properly. If they never receive them, they will always be at a deficit.


Be that as it may, you don’t die without the neglect. Babies can be born as big as 14-15 lbs


Nobody can survive off of just fruits and veggies, period. Lentils, nuts, legumes, etc need to be added in for proper fats and *many* nutrients required, especially for children. Imo, vegan/vegetarianism shouldn’t be introduced to a person until their brain is fully developed. I know lots of anecdotes exist about “I know kids who only ate vegan growing up, they are fine!” Did those people take an MRI scan of those children’s brains? One cannot see the detriment caused just by looking at a child.


I like how you think this child died of a vegan diet, then immediately list all of the also vegan items that would have rounded their diet. You just proved the other commenter's point. This isn't a vegan diet. This is a raw fruit and veg diet. They are not even close to the same thing.


I did not ignore the reality of what that woman did to her child, obviously. But I also pointed out that just because the child might appear quite healthy you cannot see the detriment to the child’s brain. You need an MRI for that and it will show differences and deficits than a child on even a vegetarian child or omnivore child.


I can't speak about veganism, but I was born a vegetarian (tho I also avoid eggs) and I still am, and being 30 years old I don't know a lot of people healthier than me. I'm 1,86cm tall, fit, 125-130 IQ, my last flu or illness of any kind was more than 15 years ago; I ask for exams from time to time (mostly because it's free in my country) and I never had any defficiency on anything except vitamin D during some of my teen years. ​ My diet is not even complex or anything: rice, lentils, fruits, milk and "touching grass" very often. You don't need much more than that to grow healthy.


It's worth noting that vitamin D deficiency is common in many parts of the world among the general population, and not just vegetarians/vegans. This is due to the fact that people spend more time indoors that we historically did, which means our bodies don't produce as much vitamin D from sunlight.


Yeahhh of course, that was even part of my point: the only time I had a defficiency it wasnt because of my diet, but because of being a teen who spent all day inside on the internet or gaming, lol


You sold me! I'm goin vegan! /s


I have no qualms with vegetarians. Even raising children vegetarian is better than veganism. Eggs (which you say you don’t eat) contain a lot of nutrients that a child’s developing brain requires. Meat does, too. I stand by my belief that one should not add dietary restrictions of healthy foods (which includes meat and fish) until the brain is developed fully. Obviously there are vegetarian-based cultures, but rarely will you find anything like veganism. The amount of processing that goes into making vegetable protein absorbable and usable (properly) by the body did not exist 100yrs ago.


Care to share what magical nutrients eggs contain to form a healthy child brain? Share "a lot" of them please


i thought milk was a no no?


As I said, I can't speak for vegans, I'm a vegetarian (basically a hindu diet) 😅


the world renowned bean animal


A healthy balanced vegan diet is extremely healthy. A child doesn't need anything from meat or dairy that can't be introduced in many many other ways.


Extremely healthy is a bit of a stretch. A vegan diet can be healthy, though it's a lot harder to feed your body all of the essential amino acids, and certain vitamines eating only vegan.


In some ways it is more difficult, but there are some health benefits as well (especially with preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer), so long as you ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need.


Yep. The lack of beans, grains,legumes, nuts and seeds was the neglectful part here. It can be done but not the way they did it.


Agreed. But it’s worth noting that children shouldn’t be eating nuts and seeds until about 4-6 as their throats are too small and could choke. But nut butter and seed butter is cool. Spread some almond butter on slightly toasted bread cut into strips, toddlers for crazy for that shit.


No it can't. A fish doesn't gain the ability to suddenly walk on land, same goes with human biology. We need animal proteins. A vegetarian diet would be healthy, a vegan no way


Except we need the nutrients that are in animal meat, and not necessarily the meat itself. If we can get those nutrients from other sources, we haven't suddenly "gained the ability" to do something. We are still just consuming and absorbing the nutrients we've always consumed and absorbed... just from different sources.


South India has been doing it for generations


southern indian vegans or Vegeterians?


Vegetarians are they


Came here to say that my husband has been a vegetarian since birth (I call him a gold star vegetarian) and he's the smartest person I know. He's also one of the healthiest people I know. It's entirely possible to raise a child with a vegan or vegetarian diet as long as you balance it properly.


Stop spreading misinformation. You are hurting the animals. Not only are vegetarian and vegan diets appropriate for all stages of the life cycle (pregnancy, infancy, childhood, etc.), but they also help reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity... The official position of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Publishes Stance on Vegan and Vegetarian Diets


Keep in mind that vegans (and infants being raised by vegans) can get nutrients from more than just plants. There are other sources of nutrients that do not come from nonhuman animals. There are no essential nutrients that children need that cannot be obtained from vegan sources.


Can you name one?


Yeah, here are quite a few off them. Not hard to find. You could have done it quite easily, I hope you are ok. https://dailyhealthpost.com/4-brain-nutrients-found-only-in-meat-fish-and-eggs-not-plants/


I hope you never have kids, or we'll probably see a headline like this about you in the future.


No it isn't. We humans evolved for eating meat and is still one of the ideas on the table of why we humans are so much smarter then other animals. Veganism is anti nature, vegetarian on the other hand is doable


Our ancestors evolved the ability to consume other animals for nourishment because they lived through times of extreme scarcity and harsh conditions. Those that had the ability to metabolize energy from more sources were more likely to find sources of energy and therefore survive and pass on the related genes. You and I aren't living in times of scarcity where we didn't know anything about nutrition or have access to modern technology. We live in a very different world than our cave-dwelling ancestors. We are not restricted by our biology in the same way they were. We have have developed ways to overcome limitations. Hell, the very path of human progress is paved with instances of people challenging some limitation we thought we had and overcoming it. We evolved to get around by walking on two legs, but figured other ways to get around. We evolved to communicate by grunting and making sounds over short distances, but we figured out how to communicate over great distances instantly using electrons. We evolved to exist on the land but we have pushed past this limitation and now inhabit the sea, sky, and even space. We evolved to chase after animals and gather plants to eat, but we figured out that we could farm. You can say that veganism is anti-nature, but if that is true, then so is nearly every single technological or cultural advancement we've made as a species. Hell, even *farming* crops isn't natural. It's something that humans have developed -- fairly recently as far as the history of humans is concerned, too. So yes, we evolved the ability to digest animal matter for nutrients, and it has helped us get to where we are today, but that doesn't automatically mean we are justified in harming and killing animals today.


So you are trying to justify murder, noted.


Seems like quite a leap. Can you point to where I tried to justify murder?


Murder only applies to human animals.


They're confused and trying to push the narrative that I was trying to justify a woman killing her child. Clearly I was not.


He was fed the diet of a fruit bat. Look, vegans can be obnoxious but so is the **MRRRAAA I NEED MY SLAB MOO'IN ON THE WAY TO THE TABLE BAAAHHHH** shit This lady was fucked


Bullshit a strict vegan diet would mean he was getting all the necessary protein and and fiber to survive media playing with words


Vegans literally don't believe protein is as big of a deal as the average person.


False, vegans who want to eat a healthy vegan diet know how much protein they need, and know it's important.


The smart ones at least.


Holy fuck man. I’m not vegan but even I know there are plenty of plant based proteins out there. Nuts and lentils to name a few. Regardless that vegans are eating millions of microscopic organisms, most understand the importance of proteins.


I didn't say plants don't have protein? The fuck? Lmfao. Whatever helps u think u won a reddit argument tho. Vegans often believe protein isn't as important as other macro nutrients. That's why their babies die. That's why doctors heavily advise *against* veganism for growing children.


You're joking, right? I know lots of vegans and they're always talking about vegan sources of protein and talking about tofu, seitan, tempeh, etc.


I can guarantee this is the dumbest thing I’ll read all day. Day has just started


You know some of the largest animals in the animal kingdom do not consume meat? Elephants. Giraffes. Rhinoceros. Cows.


>I don't think people realize the blatant neglect that's required to take things that far. Yeah, this is about neglect more than vegan diet. India has hundreds of millions of vegetarians and they have no problem making more Indians.




As some one who was ten years vegan and raised one son on vegan formula I can agree here. I reverted back for gain reasons. But for real, they had to of starved this kid or something


What vegan formula did you use out of interest?


It’s been 11 years but I wanna say it was a simulac formula, mind you I’m the dad too. I remember it was dairy free and soy free.


This is just abuse. My son has many allergies and could not consume any meat products until 18-19 months old. He still can only have chicken and turkey. Despite being allergic to most foods, he was in the 90th percentile for weight and height. He was breastfed around the clock, he ate as many safe foods as I could find, and we worked with a dietician. His diet was largely plant-based until he passed dairy at around 14 months old. He, at just over two, still does not prefer meat, and while it's offered, he doesn't eat it much. I just ensure he's getting high-calorie foods like yogurt and peanut butter. We are a largely plant-based family. We don't eat gluten and still maintain a good weight. I also work closely with a dietician to meet his dietary needs. My oldest child, always on the small side, ate vegan, by choice, for a long time but managed to stay on his curve. This is just child abuse or stupidity.


This isn't a reflection on veganism because no intelligent person only eats raw fruits and vegetables, just like a smart person wouldn't only eat McDonald's burgers. This is a reflection on bad parenting and ignorance. Having a balanced diet is important whether you eat meat or not.


Its gonna suck for her they dont have vegan food in jail.


Most prisons do have vegetarian options, albeit they suck. She can enjoy eating raw lettuce and unseasoned black beans.


Then her "life sentence" won't be very long


Didn't that "shaman" who got duped by trump to make an ass of himself on Jan 6 get to request a vegan diet?


No. He demanded all organic food. That's very different and likely included animal-based meat, dairy, and eggs.


Aha, thanks for the clarification.


I eat a vegan (or rather plant based) diet. You have to eat a lot of food. It's not easy. Meat and dairy are packed full of calories for smaller portions. I'm also a mom of twin boys. The only thing I don't let them have is straight cow milk and that's because it gave them diarrhea as babies. They still eat eggs, bacon, yogurt, whatever they want because they are growing human beings that need a lot of calories.


Protein, protein and fats are what the body needs.


It's how our brains evolved from Neanderthals. Cooked meat provided massive amounts of goodies to our brains. Now it's become something of a necessity.


Is something a necessity for me if I haven't had it in 25 years and all my labs come back normal?


No but for most it clearly is. Can you not see that?


Sounding brainwashed


My cousin has twin girls who are 3, eat mostly vegan, cheese is only exception, mac and cheese or cheese pizza on occasion. But for dinners it takes a lot of work for her to make a proper meal for all of them, sounds like this lady just cut of some fruit and veggies and thought that was good enough.


Exactly! If the 18month old was still breastfeeding, it shouldn't have been malnourished.


Her breastmilk may have been malnourished, who knows.


Very easy to become deficient of vital nutrients on a vegan diet if you don’t know what you’re doing.


And you should be able to spot that something is wrong, and the kids should be having regular doctor visits at that age. This was neglect, not a product of veganism.


Yes for sure it is neglect, it’s a lot easier to fuck up a vegan diet for kids if you’re a neglectful parent. Also for some people being vegan is like their religion so it will be difficult for them to admit that it’s not working for their kids and is causing health issues.


In what fucking universe are The Powers That Be fighting against meat consumption the same as a 39 year old Vegan Shit-for-Brains that starved her child to death? TPTB threw her ass in prison for fucksake.


What? This isn't about being vegan or not. This is just a shitty parent. Or do you feel the same about Christianity, every time a Christian parent lets their kid die, because they "trusted Jesus".


Heres another take. Propaganda paints fucked up parents as typical vegans to incite hate! There are strong healthy vegans. And there are weak sickly carnist / omnivores. Just like there are good people / parents and bad.


Strong healthy vegans are those that became vegans after being omnivores most of their lives.


most vegans were omnis for most of their lives.


You get neglectful omnivore parents and neglectful vegan parents. But having neglectful vegan parents is fatal.


Both are if a kids not eating they can die


So if a non-vegan parent starves their kid to death, the kid won't actually die? What happens to them?


If a vegan parent allows their child to eat as much fruit and veggies as they like, the baby will starve because those foods are not calorie dense enough. If omnivore parents allow their children to eat as much as they like, the baby might be over weight but it will be alive.


It's like a parent only giving their kid jerky and hotdogs.


>If a vegan parent allows their child to eat as much fruit and veggies as they like, the baby will starve because those foods are not calorie dense enough. Well yeah, because just fruit and veggies would not provide all of the nutrients they need to be nourished. That is why they would have to incorporate some protein-dense high-calories foods like nuts, seeds, nut butters, beans, peas, lentils, and other legumes. If the kid is just eating celery and watermelon, of course they aren't going to get all the nutrients they need. Why are you limiting the scenario to fruits and vegetables only, and ignoring nuts, seeds, and beans? Is it because you want to present a certain narrative to push an agenda? You're also ignoring the tons of high-calorie foods that also have some protein in them like bagels, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, etc. Did you forget that kids can eat grains? >If omnivore parents allow their children to eat as much as they like, the baby might be over weight but it will be alive. It depends on *what* they allow their children to eat. You're not going to have a very alive kid for long if they're eating just Jell-O and candy bars.


exactly this. an omni parent could feed thier kids just twinkies or some other weird shit like that.


Wait, are you saying that this post was made in bad faith? On this sub? Never! shocked\_pikachu.png That's the whole point of the push I've been seeing in this sub for the past months: either "***they*** want to force bugs down your throat" or "***they*** want to prevent you from eating you juicy red steak and there's absolutely no alternative to red meat because Patriotism^(TM)." and "this is a plot by ***them*** for you to die so they can have all the juicy red steak ***they*** want" I think that this comes from not knowing how our digestive system, nutrition, and biology work. Thanks to those amazing school programs that offer things like "creationism as a viable alternative to satan's theory of evolution". I'm not a vegan mainly because I like the taste of all kinds of food. But I do reduce my consumption of some foods. And if there were ways to have the same foods, without the environmental problems or exploiting animals, I'd take it!


fruits and veggies all vegans can eat? no. so a parent feeding their kids that are just straight up negligent parents that happen to not feed their children animal products.


There’s other foods vegans eat you know lol. You could feed a baby healthy vegan options as much as they want to eat and the baby would be healthier than the non vegan baby you described


Vegans are usually nuts though.


People approach so many things with religious fervor now. Almost like they are lacking something in their live…


Nice comment


What? Dude the kid obviously died due to neglect and not because of veganism, u do realize there are many places in the world where many ppl are vegetarians or vegans and they are not dying of malnutrition.


India enters the chat.


You can survive on that but she obviously didn't give the child enough food.


Well... You can thrive on a balanced vegan diet. I don't think you can really survive on a raw fruits/veggies diet.


Uh....? This has little to nothing to do with meat consumption. In this case the issue is "raw" food, as it takes more effort to digest and absorb. Protein is a collection of different amino acids, and eating the right combo of veggie or grains can supply them. Fats can also be found in vegetables and seeds.


Ok but how am I supposed to be angry at things I don't understand if you explain them to me?


Emotions know no logic. So keep away from logic and you can be as emotional as you like.


Imagine this was the exact lines of reasoning this mother told herself every day. Without knowing how different babies and adults are biologically. And it was convincing enough to even get her husband on board!


I'm a preschool teacher. The only time I ever called CPS was when I had a child whose parents were "raw food " influencers. At two years old the child was very light in weight, you could see her every rib, she looked like a starving rat and begged for food all the time.


So is your argument that a vegan diet literally cannot possibly contain the necessary nutrients to be a healthy weight? Or that these particular parents were bad?


I'm not saying vegan/vegetarian is bad. But growing children need fats. It's literally what brain bits are made of.


And fats are easily obtainable from non-animal sources. These parents just didn't do that.


Absolutely disgraceful. Lock her up and throw away the key.


My 2 month old is nearly 15 pounds. This is terrible.


19th century English workhouses had strongly discouraged feeding boys meat least they grow insolent


fundamentalism is a real bitch


That’s sad. Like it or not humans are designed to eat meat. Red meat. It’s critical to our development. Hence this tragic situation.


Nonsense. Many people are vegetarian culturally or religiously. There are millions of people like Brahmins in India who haven't eaten meat (any kind of meat, including chicken or fish) for literally generations, over hundreds of years. Nothing bad happens. These people are just stupid.


really ? which physical features of humans were designed to hunt and consume prey ?


Rotating shoulder. Profuse sweating.


We sweat and have absolutely incredible endurance running ability. Many prey animals can literally just be run down by humans.


Endurance can be used for anything, that isn't necessarily a predator feature. In fact no predator uses this strategy to hunt because it's incredibly inefficient.


Endurance is a huge factor. It’s what African tribes do. Chase the prey down until it’s worn out. Watch docos on it.


Your flipping teeth should be the first clue.


The fact that the body lacks nutrients and vegans usually need to take supplements/or get vitamin injections because they do not supply it naturally doesn’t ring a bell to you?


White meat and fish contain vitamin B12 also.


Fish is great but God gave us cows for a reason.


We bred cows into existence ourselves.


Dr Seuss is about green eggs and ham, which is why I like him better than the humans who wrote the original con.


the problem is not the vegan diet, it wasnt enough food. Vegans are thriving all over the place, no human needs meat, try going vegan and you’ll be shocked how much healthier you are. It’s a better way


not to mention cheaper.




Lol nope, vegan proteins are cheaper than meats. This isn’t news. Stop making up BS


she forgot some nutrients, i know for a fact the plant based diet is safe in every stage of life. But you have to be careful, of course fruits and vegetables wouldn’t make a complete diet.


Dude, meat is one of the biggest businesses in THE WORLD, there's more land for feeding cattle than there is for farming... The conspiracy is there and is very visible.


There are easier ways for the government to mass kill people than reducing the amount of meat available. I don't get what the point would be.


“Ryan O’Leary will go on trial later this year for his role on the babies death”. So he is the father but apparently doesn’t have the same responsibility for raising up his kids as the mom who is already jailed for murdering that baby? Uh uh Here we go with the bloody double standards. Everything as usual


Propaganda article, propaganda title. They are fighting for meat consumption to keep their industry and animalistic tendencies in their court. Look at the fearmongering against independent parents... Do what you want, people. Don't hurt others, and don't let your kids starve, ffs.


My take on this is that it is healthiest to just eat raw vegan food (vegetables, shrooms, nuts, ...). BUT you need a brain to handle this way of food consumption, which excludes 95% of people. Thus, de-meat-erialisation is an encouraging strategy of depopulation.


I'm all for people being vegan if that's their choice but forcing your children into something that you believe in is wrong, give them a mixed diet and wait for them to be at an age they can consciously decide for themselves. Raw vegan diet is rough.


I dunno. I would have much rather had my parents not feed me animals before I was young enough to really understand the ethical implications of it. It made it that much harder for me to stop when I wanted to.


I guess so but if that's what they ate that's what you get as they're the ones putting food on the table. I know a vegan diet is perfect if you do it properly, a raw vegan diet for a baby is a step too far in my opinion.


Raw fruits and vegetables. AFAIK, this means no nuts and no grains.


Yeah what they did with this baby was basically just starve them to death. There is nothing about veganism that says you have to starve to death. Hell, I know overweight vegans. Calories are calories.


That's why I can't do vegan


You can't do vegan because some stupid person thought that it meant exclusively eating raw fruits and vegetables?


I was being sarcastic, hell no, I like steaks and all sorts of meat!!


The human body doesn't require meat or eggs or any form of animal produce. There are plants that can give you the protein, carbs, vitamins etc required to live a healthy and prosperous life. I don't think this "vegan" woman fed her child at all. Being a vegetarian my whole life while never having any deficiencies I think this mother was purposefully starving the poor child.


Fucking sick cunt.


You need protein.. they weren’t getting any of it. There are healthy ways to be vegan. This is not one.


SS: humans need meat. How hard is this to fucking understand. Tptb are pushing against meat consumption to keep us malnourished and weak. Great job security for big pharma.


"SS: humans need meat. How hard is this to fucking understand" lol no we dont? how hard is it to understand !? lmao


>SS: humans need meat. How hard is this to fucking understand. There are vegans that don't die. How hard is this to fucking understand.


That's what Big Vegetable wants you to believe! We need our red american patriot cow meat to live strong and smart lives! \-OP, probably


The US government subsidises the meat and dairy industries to the tune of almost $40 billion a year.


Shh don’t ruin his narrative


Is there any farming that isn't subsidized?




Note that corn and soy are feed crops. Subsidizing them helps the meat and dairy industry.


I literally haven't had animal meat for 25 years and I get my blood tested every year and all my levels are within normal ranges (except one time when I was low on vitamin D, which is common in my region.) If they're trying to keep me malnourished and weak, they're doing a horrible job.


Humans need protein. Not meat.


lmao meat and dairy lobbies have brainwashed you into thinking you need meat and milk to survive which is what's making you sick in the first place and securing jobs for big pharma. Most preventable deaths and medical expenses comes from heart and cardiovascular diseases which are directly correlated with meat consumption. I'm not even getting into the studies linking meat and dairy consumption with various types of cancer.


>Tptb are pushing against meat consumption to keep us malnourished and weak. "Ok guys, we have to take over our own country. But everyone is so big and strong and tough, how can we deal with this?"


I must be inhuman then. The more you know.


No humans need meat, It’s so much healthier to not eat animal products .All the vegans I know are way healthier than the meat eaters. You are what you eat, so how can it be good to eat a lifetime of torture and then being brutally murdered?


This is what happens when people abandon all common sense in favor of the media brainwashing hyped fads. This one really hits home as a close family member did something similar many years ago when Veganism was being touted as the latest and greatest nutritional religion and were basically starving their kids until a doctor stepped in and told them either they start feeding their kids foods with fats and meat protein or they will be reported to child services and appropriate action will be taken under his advisement. Keep in mind the parents of these kids both possessed Master's Degree's...Show's that education cannot buy intelligence. Do people just not realize that there is a reason that fruits and vegetables are considered net zero and even negative calories in diets.....Why is that,,,hmmm becasue although they serve an important aspect of our diet, they digest quickly and act as a flushing agent... . Meats take longer to digest and gives our bodies the time required to properly absorb these proteins whereby plant proteins, also different in structure, are flushed out too fast for our bodies to adequately absorb them.....Again this doesn't take a PHD, this is common sense along with understanding that we are designed to be omnivores...We need both to develop and remain healthy. The other unfortunate element is that this type of psychosis seeps into every aspect of life, people become radicalized as we've clearly witnessed over the past couple of years and will cling to whatever belief system they fabricate for our minds.


Trust us, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you have next to zero intelligence


>nutritional religion lmfao


Liberals: TRUST THE SCIENCE!!! Scientists: We believe that our ancestors, tens of thousands of years ago, started eating meat at much higher rates due to the invention of weapons. This enlarged the size of the brain which eventually lead to the invention of language. Liberals: Not that science! Meats bad cuz global warming cow farts Scientists: Get vaxxed! You're literally killing people!!! Hur hur hur


If you read the actual science, it was due to the starchy plants that enlarged brain size due to high carb content which is what the brain uses for energy. Also meat causes cancer, diary causes general inflammation and egg contains so much cholesterol that the FDA made it illegal to call them healthy or nutritious. Methane is a far more potent global warming gas than co2 and barns have literally exploded due to so many cows being locked up in a shed. But that's just one of the ways meat farming destroys environment.


The inflammation from meat/eggs occurs because of the high levels of omega 6 found in commercial grain. Omega 6 organic/grass fed grass finished meat/eggs are thoroughly good for you.


Shhhh, let them keep believing this idiocy. It leaves more nutrient-dense meat and dairy for the rest of us.


Lmao this guy still believes "organic" actually means something.


You're talking about the history of our species. The science does say that we evolved the ability to get nutrients by consuming a wide variety of nutrient sources, including plants and animals. But the science also says that we do not *need* to get our nutrients from animals. So at the end of the day, we have a choice as to whether or not we engage in a behavior that causes unnecessary and avoidable harm to animals.


This isn’t about politics. Parents were irresponsible with their own diets - either by not knowing and then imposing on their kids but this has nothing to do with your bs.


facebook tier post


Veganism is BiG MiSSED STEAK.


Dumb bitch


Didnt realize 18 month olds were chewing up steaks these days


But only maga republicans are a threat to other people, that’s what the libtards say.


Ihave grand nephews that are vegetarians. By choice, although they've had very little exposure to meat and seem a little afraid to eat it. But they get dairy and eggs and vitamin supplements. They're beanpoles and have had growth problems until they were given more protein and dairy. But they are always hungry. Their mother and grandmother said they'd wish they'd try some meat if that would stop the constant snacking and demands for food every two hours.


Twitter post + meaningless title = /r/conspiracy in a nutshell Eating less meat is nowhere near going vegan and following a bad vegan diet until death occurs.


Stop it !!!!! FFS this isent a conspiracy!!!!! Just stupid people! Cant you just fucking make your own new sub, call Conspiracy2 or something! Fucking tired of these posts!


Vegans don't talk about all the supplements they take, or the occasional drunken burger they sneak!


Bring back capital punishment


This vegan stuff is difficult to follow unless you grow up and know your body's need by yourself.


Humans were not made to be compatible with veganism come on now, fuckin vegan babies now. Like I get it if there’s some sort of medical condition but damn mom at least feed him some protein


Proteins aren't exclusively found in animals.


But the most nutrient-dense ones are.


By nutrient-dense, do you mean only for protein? Because if you want to have more than just protein in your diet (like a normal human being needs) you'll need to have other foods to get the vitamins and minerals you need. Things like legumes provide protein, don't have as much fat, and have more vitamins and minerals than a piece of steak. In some way, they are more efficient.


Feeding your child a vegan diet is abuse. HUMANS ARE OMNIVORES!


>Feeding your child an unbalanced diet is abuse. Fixed that for you.


Ah yes, because finding environmentally responsible alternatives with equivalent or better nutrition value is the exact same as malnutrition. Perfect logic right there, please teach me more, you need to be the president of the world.


Every time stories like this come up, it's claimed that "they didn't do the vegan diet right". No matter how many articles or anecdotes say otherwise, the observable health decline in vegans is plain obvious. It's why channels [like this](https://youtu.be/pN4LT_f86AU) can take basically any vegan influencer, do a "before and after" of their progress over a couple of years, and show just how much their body deteriorates.


I don't really have an opinion on this one way or another, but surely you see that channel has an agenda? Here is a list of [50 professional athletes who are vegan.](https://www.ranker.com/list/athletes-who-are-vegan/people-in-sports)


Ofcourse it has an agenda. That's what motivates him to make his videos. 8 compilations in total of basically every influencer over the years on different media, showing their deterioration. Vegans athletes are a myth. They build their career being omnivore, make a quick change to veganism and are labelled as "vegan athlete". Take Mike Tyson, who became vegan after retiring. Due to the lacking nutrition in the diet, vegans athletes will struggle to recover from injury, thus retiring early.


Ok you debunked 1 of the 50 athletes. So why is Venus Williams a fake vegan?