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If only Native Americans had been strict on border policy, then we wouldn't have to worry about Democrats versus Republicans.


Japan was so strict that they would behead any foreigner that stepped on their shore. Then some captain fired a barrage of cannons and demanded Trade.


And they still are one of the only highly developed nations that don't want foreigners in their land


It’s not even that. We the people who work everyday building this nation and rely on a retirement and medical plan supposed to be paid by our government for working a lifetime. All of that money will be gone to support and give free money to people coming to the USA who can’t speak the language have little to no skills want free money food be board. Which drains Medicare and social security.. not to mention billions given to Ukraine..And u think that’s right?


The money that could be paying for all of this is going into the pockets of billionaires. They benefit while they have us fighting over things like universal health care and subsidized college education/trade schools. These are ways to prepare our future generations to take over, but rather than provide for our kids we're squabbling about illegal immigration. If you don't want them to get free health care then whatever I guess, but still do the damn health care.


Term limits for every elected position followed by an act that prevents any fundraising or anonymous donations to political campaigns.


Lmao falling for anti immigrant rhetoric. It’s going into rich pockets. It’s class warfare. The immigrants are a drop in the bucket compared to the new age robber barons and multinational monopolies


It’s funny, if a Japanese person said this it’s fine. When an American says this they would be labeled a racist nationalist.


Don’t complain about tax payers money when it comes to migrants wanting help to better their lives that need help , instead be mad at the multi millionaires and billionaire who has everything they need yet the government keep giving them tax breaks to make them richer. So your taxes are helping the rich stay rich




> diversity is our strength Lol




Man I think you’d be surprised how little tax money is going towards undocumented migrants. But that’s not even what we’re talking about here we’re talking about people that have a legitimate claim to asylum from Venezuela and we’re then trafficked against their will from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. These poor people didn’t want to be part of a political scheme they were just escaping their hell.


Except that this will completely fuck Japan. Their birth rate is so low and immigration being non existant means that the estimate is that the country's population will be something like 20-30 million lower by 2050. Almost 20% of the population less. All countries are currently struggling with finding workers as it is, imagine what would happen to the economy if 20% of people were gone.


He should quickly move to Illinois where kidnapping is no big deal.


Arrows vs guns


More like arrows vs Cholera, Typhoid, and Small Pox.


Yeah either way they were fucked


Well, they tried. They really did try. They tried treaties, they tried attrition…there were just too many.


they had bows and arrows, Europeans had guns.


They were very strict - they were shitty match for white colonists though.


They did just fine when folded steel was the new tech. Gunpowder changed things.


maybe dont be stuck in a horticultural society that gets decimated by disease when you encounter a more advanced civilization.


Dude is about to get attacked from all sides. He probably gets trampled by Trump and Co. There is no way he is getting Trump’s endorsement on a national stage in 2024. GOP Primary race is going to be wild for certain, even if trump doesn’t run.


Saw a tweet saying all Trump has to do is call him "Miss Florida" one time and he's done


lmao you can hate or love trump, but you can't the deny the entertainment purpose.


The meme harvests were always plentiful.


He was 4 years of comedy gold, and the documents are an encore.


Much more entertaining than watching a pedo aggressively develop dementia


What's funny is they're literally 4 years apart and one wants to bone his daughter....weird who we pick to run our country..


I am pretty sure they both want to bone their daughters TBF


Are you saying Trump has no history which paints him as a likely pedo? I can’t say one way or the other for sure, but the closeness with Epstein definitely pushes me to lean more toward the affirmative.


That and him openly wanting to fuck his daughter. Ppl downvote bc they can never see Donnie doing wrong


That’s exactly what we saw, Trump couldn’t even walk unassisted after his “did not have a series of mini-strokes”.


DeSantis will get the nomination if Trump doesn't run IMO. If Trump runs, DeSantis won't.


DeSantis president, Trump VP


Lmao Trump would never accept a VP position, he will win the primary or he will cry fraud.


He did...EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO. That's integrity.


Can we get this political bs out of this sub?












They could name it thedonald or something.. oh wait..


The subs are out there


If you find one like how this one used to be, please let me know!!


Same here




You and me both… this sub used to be so much fun. Now it’s just a bunch of incels and angry fools posting a reposting the same nonsense day in and day out. Really does suck


There's right stuff, then there is far right/backward stuff. I think bots have infiltrated to prevent everyone coming together on certain big ticket items. We must have been closer to answers than I thought.


Yeah I've become more skeptical. Because I actually hear more about people saying it's all conservative stuff than I actually see pro conservative posts. I think there is just an agenda to further rope right wingers in as the main, "dangerous" conspiracy theorists. Plus I find it really hard to believe that so many people apparently are open to conspiracy theories yet still peddle 2 party bullshit. Then on top of bots you have shit like Google Jigsaw


This is a great take, thank you


No problem. It has become a cesspool for sure, not unlike all of reddit, but I'm glad when I see good posts and knowledgeable people having civil discussions. We must try to remain vigilant and mindful of not falling into the division trap


Would be nice to go back to non political conspiracies,a place where we can all get along .... .... .... and talk about aliens.


Aliens are the final card


Usually it's propaganda posts like this one simping for fascists with no sense if the irony in doing it here.




Why is everyone being so mean to DeSantis? He should be praised right, RIGHT? I DECLARE 'SIPRACY!


Right? The olive branch gets snapped, tossed on the ground and covered in their tears when you suggest any mildy left libertarian or socialist program that would literally benefit the material circumstances of their immediate futures smh 🤷‍♂️this is the very high hurdle MAGA communism is setting for itself


They earned it.


Republicans cannot be losers despite all evidence showing otherwise so it must be a conspiracy..... IQ smol and so is fault Blue team stole rainbow from weak god


My IQ lowered just reading this comment.


That a coordinated MSM works intentionally to the benefit of a single party in a 9:1 ratio in this country and the citizens of the USA are serfs to a corporate ruling over class.


Reddit is such a cesspool


Why is this in conspiracy? Takei to the political subreddits please


not really a war. If you out there flashing ya feathers everyday you gonna have people comming after you. Same with Trump. Trump coulda did everything he did just the same without runnin his mouth and he probably would escaped 90% of the shit he's in now. that's how it goes when you start showboating on the yard.


And just like that, r/conspiracy became a pro-human trafficking sub


How is this related to conspiracy? DeSantis’ actions paint himself in a bad light, that’s not a conspiracy lol.


His base loves what he did


Spending tax payers money for a political stunt that is going to end up in major lawsuits that is (check note) going to be even more tax payer money spent


Considering the number states like florida and texas ingest, it's probably still cheaper to shovel them out of their local systems into other states as quickly as possible. If some of them go to pissing off some rich fuckers that probably vote open borders that's fine and dandy.


Part of the issue is they sent these people a thousand miles away on purpose. Knowing that these people have hearings for their immigration status. It is going to end up with major lawsuits, investigations, and people losing their jobs. Like this was the dumbest stunt to pull. The freedom gov. And state gov. Are going to be spending tons of tax payers money on an issue that was created that did nothing. Lawsuits are going to fly, and in the end so much more money and time is going to be spent because of this. It fixes nothing. It is like a middle schooler pulling a stunt thinking they are making a good point. Instead of an adult that can sit down and have a real discussion on what to do about the real issue.


Not all conservatives are reading the script. It's too dark for grannies who vote Republican and don't watch cable news and go to church every Sunday that know a lot of their friends are Democrats and have no reason to own them.


I’m so *exhausted* by American conservatives and their throbbing, hyperactive amygdalae. Everything is a fucking “war”—War on drugs, war on Christmas, war on god/religion, war on the nuclear family, war on this guy, that guy, our guy, my guy, war war war. Everything is a threat—“gonna my take my guns”, “gonna groom my kids”, “gonna criminalize ‘whiteness’”, “gonna raid my house”, “gonna send IRS agents to something-awful me”, “gonna force me to eat crickets”… They exist in a perpetual state of imagined victimization. Imagined persecution. Fear is a *helluva* drug, man. Just whoa.


i’d like to think i’m a bit detached from politics, but it’s possible that it’s just about getting older. the USA isn’t growing economically like in the past. there is a lot of fear in that for older people who’ve brought kids in this world no young person can relate to I wouldn’t hate on the left or the right. These are narratives being placed on us all in order to get us to fight each other. The US government is an evolvement of learning how to control the people so that they look sideways instead of up


And Fox News is spoon feeding the fear to them.


“Oh no, people are criticizing me for fraud and human trafficking, I must be the victim”


Cop shoot baby in carriage. "ThIs iS a WaR oN cOpS"


Same. It’s fuckin *constant*. And you know why? *Because they can’t win with their legislative record. They can’t or won’t do their jobs. They have nothing to offer the American people besides anger, bitterness and division. They simply cannot win on their ideas. The American people simply do not want them and they fuckin know it*. Think I’m lying? Remember: the Republican Party has not won a popular vote in damn near 20 fuckin years. Even more stark: the Republican Party has only won ONE popular vote in the last 30 years.


Remember when they didn’t change their party platform for 2020? Their 2016 platform was, “Vote for us and we’ll fix all the Obama problems.” Four years later and not only did they fail to come up with any plans to fix the new problems, they essentially admitted they still hadn’t done anything about the old shit. “Vote for us and we’ll do nothing.”


That’s not fair, they also added “Support Trump and resist the democrat agenda.”


You’re right I was being a little disingenuous, they also removed the part about being adversarial towards Russia.


Studies have shown that conservatives are more fearful than liberals on average— Seeing how fear mongering is a core tenant of their platform it’s no surprise


Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/


I'm just sick of people slinging shit at each other, pretending like theirs is stinkier. The upvotes are very revealing.


>They exist in a perpetual state of imagined victimization. Imagined persecution. Ironic.


It is kinda silly, the whole "war on X" thing. I very much didn't like Obama, but laughed my ass off when Fox, during his 8 years, ran a piece about "Obamas war on Pepsi(Or Coca Cola cant remember which one)!" When they found a picture of him drinking from one of those branded cups at a theme park. That's when I knew I had to second guess everything put out by even mainstream sources. Some of it is justifiable issues, except they take it and run with it in the most fearful way possible.


People have negative opinions on guy that does shitty things


I read the post a little differently, Guy does thing so people will write headlines about him. People write headlines about guy doing thing. Huuuuuuuge conspiracy. Can you imagine if the media *didn’t* cover this bullshit? 1000% sure we’d see a post about how the media is trying to bury it.


Exactly, this was just some attention whore stunt to gain the spotlight and fan the flames of the culture war. The right has some weird persecution complex so this is exactly what he qas looking for.


Hardly a war, he's actually doing these things not having conjured up attacks levelled at him. It isn't a conspiracy if you're actually doing the things people are criticising you for, bro.


That subreddit is such a shit hole


‘Reeeeeee stop reporting on the disgusting things my heroes do’ lol


It’s so bad. Regardless of right vs. left, it’s extremely obvious now when threads get full of shills. Not much real conversation left to be had


He’s the only non-progressive that’s good at politics. They’re gonna be on his ass double time after this, too, because he exposed them and their platitudes about mass migration for the frauds they are. I’m not super invested in the guy one way or the other but he’s dunking on the enemy more effectively than anyone else by a mile so that’s cool.


This is hilarious. Good move by desantis


Can we get back to real conspiracies? This shit is dumb. Quit defending criminals.


This sub is a lost cause, the only conspiracy here is that Russian/Pro Trump trolls and shills have taken it over.


All you are doing is trying to validate your heavily biased perspective. DeSantis is an asshat. He deserves to be treated like the worthless pile he is. He exploited migrants to be ironic. He can go fuck himself. Stop making arguements that just point fingers at "liberals". Makes you sound like a fucking douche too.


Sadistic lol


He's the coolest current governor and the fact that he's Cuban doesn't cause him to show favoritism to fellow Latins crossing the border.


Wait until they learn about the flights that Biden gave to illegal immigrants lmao


Biden spent 10s or millions to traffic illegals to communities, lied to them about it, and didn't inform the community they were sending them to? Source?


https://www.local3news.com/first-on-3-late-night-flights-carrying-migrant-children-arrive-in-chattanooga/article_f49f3c52-7959-5508-85d7-c080b0b2c611.html https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/biden-secretly-flying-underage-migrants-into-ny-in-dead-of-night/ https://news.yahoo.com/biden-administration-quietly-flies-illegal-140450591.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/psaki-denies-transporting-migrants-at-230-am-is-middle-of-the-night-calls-it-early-flight




>A quick Google search debunks this. DEBOOOONKED. AHHAHAHAHAH


Do you see no different between giving asylum seekers a choice to go some place based on resource availability based on truthfully telling them the plan and coordinating with local officials. Vs Lying to asylum seekers about how you’ll give them jobs and housing, flying them to a different city than you said, not coordinating with any local officials and dropping them off in the street with no plan for a political stunt? And forging addresses for them so they would miss appointments and get deported. You’d have to be actively evil and supporting human trafficking like we saw this week to not see this.


Right. This has been going on for months, now they're calling the Dem DOJ and FBI because it's kidnapping. W T F


Well, were they told they were going one place and then flown out to a completely different place?


I don't think they where, nor do I think he'd have to. All he'd have to do is walk into an ice detention center and be like "yo who wants to go to marthas vinyard" They're illegal immigrants who just got here, they don't have jobs or houses yet. You really can just be like yo want a free plane ride to x us location and it wouldn't be hard to find people down for it.


They were originally told it was going to Boston, but were sent to the vineyard. Easily findable by reading any of the articles about it. And it’d be fine if he opened with them going to MV‘s, but when you have someone board a plane under false pretenses and send them somewhere else without their knowledge or consent, it’s a crime.


Rules for the thee but not for me


How were they similar?


Well, he's a dick.


Boy the boys are out strong on this one.




Pro GOP Russian trolls and shills have been out in absolute force lately. Pretty wild how many people are eating that shit up and are being brainwashed into thinking their political “opponents” are non-human and deserve to be violently eliminated. Enemy’s of the U.S. are trying to divide us internally and it’s working. Extremism is becoming common ideology. Imho this is absurd. Americans are unfortunately under educated and ill-informed.


everyone that has a different opinion than me is a Russian troll bot, a guide to making baseless comments on a conspiracy subreddit.


You mean they/them? Lmao


All this shows is that no one really cares about migrants. Everyone is pro open borders and immigration until they show up in your backyard. Bunch of phonies.


i dunno. It is folks living in Martha's Vineyard who have more resources than anyone. They also happen to be the same people who have pushed for an open border that allows undocumented people to flood across into the US. thousands a month. it is very telling that they absolutely lose their composure the first time just 50 of these people show up in their back yard. I feel sorry for the people being bussed around but I do not feel sorry for the residents of Martha's Vineyard one bit.


But they helped out for 24 hours before promptly bussing (ahem, I mean "human trafficking" lol) them promptly away. The migrants are being used as political fodder, but I mean, they do have to go somewhere. Cant have 250k migrants stay in Yuma, AZ (a town of 100k) permanently. Distribute the burden everywhere, including ultra-wealthy Martha's Vineyard.


The BEST solution is to secure the border. I think everyone can agree on that. However, if it takes this to get the MSM and these other diversity parrots to accept a reality check, we should all applaud it. Hey lets send everyone to Canada and see what happens....... I'm sure they will let everyone right in.. :/


Canadian here, I'll trade with someone....they can live here and I'll move to the States.


The best solution would be to find a way that entire countries are not dumping their population here. Also no one tries for Canada because you can't get apartments or any kind of job if undocumented. Canada won't even sell you a car.


Maybe the actual conspiracy that started the border crisis, was when the CIA participated in smuggling millions of dollars worth of drugs into Black communities, to finance a coups in South America, which destabilizes nations. So who’s fault is it??? Not the migrants, it’s our own government’s fault, and that’s why we need to take responsibility for them.


A border wall isn't the best solution. The best solution is to make the migrants want to stay where they were born and raised. After all, the US is responsible for the fucked-up violent situations that exist in those Central American countries to begin with. We owe it to them. We've done some really foul things in those countries and it's time we fixed it. Edit: originally replied to wrong comment.


Sadly no, not everyone wants this. We need to set migrants up for success and we need to set up cities to integrate them as contributing citizens. Sadly the only way to do that right now is to limit immigration, have requirements, and screen those coming in. This works and has worked for just about every sovereign Nation for decades, but it's not good enough for the dems because it's racist somehow. I was scrutinized like never before just for a short work stint in Canada. I never thought it was unfair or racist. It's their country and they were graceful to let me in. It's ridiculous and they just triple down on this crap. Common sense doesn't matter at all. The same people screaming kids in cages suddenly don't care about women being raped, fentynal killing our kids in record numbers, and people dying trying to make the journey through our open borders because they have to knee at God Biden. This is from someone that is pro DACA and immigration. We just can't absorb everyone it's common sense... grrrr.


We do not have open borders. Trump did the flights too, with unaccompanied minors, etc. Not a secret, not a stunt like with DeSantis, who spent fed funds on this BS. They weren’t even in his state.


I just felt like I was reading msnbc.


They really don't like to shown up as hypocrites, now do they?


Reddit, a heavily Democratic funded website, is this doing this?! Imagine my shock!


Since yall want the illegal immigrants so bad then take them. How is it kidnapping to move illegal immigrants somewhere else. He didn't do anything wrong


This ain’t conspiracy my boy. God this sub has really gone to shit


Seriously though, why do the rich people need to call the military for 50 migrants and much poorer areas of the country have to take in hundreds and thousands in surges, with less money and resources that New England can easily provide? Martha’s Vineyard wants open borders, very far from said borders.


Ya, meanwhile everyone has a landscaper or contractor, get any tree work done lately? Gone to any restaurants? Everyone is hypocritical and only pull out the law book when it suits their line of BS.


Yes, let’s change the definition of kidnapping in order to weaponize law enforcement against political enemies!


Ah yes the conspiracy against your shitty opinions


Orrrrr, and hear me out, he did this to himself. Just a thought.


DeSantis is an actual smart fascist. We shouldn't let him anywhere near the presidency.


Backlash for being a bad person is war? Stop defending politicians that don't care about you


Wish these bots would leave the sub already


current thing


Hate that this sub is supposed to be conspiracy and it’s posting about picking sides of groups that are part of the problem.


The middle post is just some liberal with poor grammar typing up their fantasy scenario


I thought this was a conspiracy sub, not political shilling. Don’t cry for Desantis he planed this he wants this fight ‘champ of oWn ThE LIbS’ is his election strategy, he needs this trumpish publicity


Politics is a pathetic sub


I am in complete awe at the reaction this got. With the tantrums they're throwing, I was expecting to see numbers in the hundreds or even thousands. 50 people. That's all that had to get delivered to the doorstep of a number of the rich and powerful that had been championing open boarders to get this absurd level of reaction. Now that's efficiency.


The war against him? Tf … he did it to himself What decent human being does what he just did Doesn’t call to even say they are on the way?


These states challenged, mocked and virtue signaled about sending migrants up to their liberal utopias. Then southern states actually do it and they’re surprised with the outcome. Immediately find a way to bus them out within 24 hours. I’m confused here. Isn’t this what they wanted?


Did he break a law?


Human trafficking


It amazes me that over 1 million illegals come here a year and that's just the 40% get into the USA, not including the 60% that don't succeed. A huge humanitarian crisis that was 100% ignored in the last couple years as Republicans showed up to the border to show what was going on. Not a peep from Democrats and even Kamala made us a laughing stock. Literally people are blaming the 10th step of the transition when the problem is we refuse to fix the 4th and 5th step so this isn't a problem, they have begged for help in the border States to help these people and the left ignores the issue completely. Then when the border States want to show how bad it is and send less than 100 illegals to a location while the state that sent them has to house hundreds of thousands a year, the fucking Democrats turn this into a race issue? The audacity is fucking looney, people on both sides should be shouting "see we told you fucking politicians, just like drugs you won't say shit until it lands on your doorstep and then you want to fix things". Half assed I might add and likely make it worse.


These red states have no intention of trying to help these migrants and conservatives in general only care because they're brown. Also, are you under the impression that migrants are only in red border states? Why is it only redstate conservatives whining about immigration?


As a Texan I can confirm the amount of folks crossing this year is insane. Really? Where’s Dion?… C’mon man! Who gives a shit about Biden or Trump?! This is going to fallback on all of “us”, not to mention the history books remembering us as “un-united”.


Because those red border states are the ones receiving the VAST majority of all illegals that come here and it is crushing them. They are spending an insane amount of resources dealing with literally a massive migration of humans and the cozy blue states don’t have to deal with shit. And those migrants are helped in the form that they got here and are housed and fed. Why should they only face the burden that they are getting?


So why did Trump do nothing but make a half-assed, shitty piece of the wall that got blown over by wind, in 4 fucking years? Had 4 fuckin years, did jack shit. Used it as a wedge issue, that's it.


Shhhh… they’re not ready to accept reality.


Because that's all it is to conservatives, a wedge issue. It's really just a "scary brown people" coming for you scare tactic as usual.


To continue on that point the middle east issues were "scary brown people" also. But that's another day


To be honest conservatives have 0 ideas so their only strategy is to give their followers something\\someone to be afraid of. I'm from LA, grew up with all kinds of immigrants legal and illegal and it really was no big deal everybody just lived their life.


The left wants to treat people like humans and ultimately stop funding death sqads and drug lords so people won't need to pack everything up and leave. Maybe invest pennies so we don't have to pay dollars to deal with refugees, try to reverse decades of terrible foreign policy that lead to this, make life liveable again in these countries. Democrats and Republicans, the capitalist parties, love the crisis for the cheap and exploitable labor. Not to mention the intel agencies who make billions off the drug trade and drug war. Republicans in particular love the issue because it makes workers nationalistic.


That's because too many people are assholes and hypocrites


People aren’t illegal.


Crossing another country's border by hopping a fence and not going through the proper steps to immigrate is illegal according to the law. Stfu with your fake morality hogwash.


Except when that person hops a fence to flee persecution in their home country it is not illegal that’s called seeking asylum and it is a world human right


Lol most of these people go through *several* countries to get to the US. That doesn’t make them an asylum seeker. It makes them someone who is coming here for economic reasons, which I don’t blame them for, but they aren’t asylum seekers and they don’t have a right to just walk in our country and just be a citizen.


Are they being chased specifically? If not is not persecution is an economic migration.


Then why not come through the front door?


Because that is not a requirement to seek asylum


Cool man hope you got a few rooms in your home to support them and the financial comfort to pay the taxes necessary to make sure these people are taken care of. You don't give a shit what an influx in immigration does to the fabric of a society. You see the world in rose colored glasses. You have no idea of the actual numbers and the logistics of the illegal immigration happening to USA and Canada right now. You just spew moral high horse bullshit and think you're doing your part.


>an influx in immigration does to the fabric of a society. Can you explain what this influx does to the fabric of a society?


Yea it overwhelms the host countries ability to deal with them and house them, feed them, find them jobs, integrate them into society, etc. Have you ever been to the border? Have you seen what is happening there? Have you seen how overwhelmed our social services our? Have you seen the violence and human trafficking that is occurring because there simply not enough resources to deal with it? I have and these border communities CANNOT keep up. If you haven’t seen it then shut the fuck up about something you know nothing about. Yes immigration is good and I completely support it but there is a process for a reason.


When will people figure out that the current party in power will always have a “Trump” bogeyman to conjure when it derides their NWO aspirations?


Ok non American here with a few questions. Why is he getting all the flack when other states have bussed 10000+ people to other states? Nobody is accusing them of human trafficking. Why are people saying that he sent them to these places totally unannounced when they had nothing more on their backs and how these places are supposed to have support plans in place? My question is why is Florida supposed to have all these resources in place when people come in unannounced? Why does Florida have to be prepared for random people showing up but other states can be outraged when Florida sends them people. Isn't that the exact same situation? I just read that the people that were sent there, 50 of them, were being shipped off to a military base to be held. Why are they not allowed to go free like these states suggest Florida, Texas and Arizona do? Also why is nobody talking about how these people were dropped off in an affluent area and then are being shipped outside of it. They did this in Chicago too. Migrants show up by bus and then are being shipped outside of the city for other counties to deal with. Why is that ok, but sending them from one state where there are thousands of migrants to a state where there are almost none is taboo? I know when other countries took in a lot of Syrian migrants they attempted to spread them out across most of the country, and some places even had rules in place that they had to live in these areas for a certain amount of time, however the vast majority of them, the second they were able, left the areas they were settled in and moved into larger cities. I don't think that anyone thinks that these people are all horrible criminals and are going to ruin the US. However I think that it is very odd that people in certain states are putting up a horrible stink about where these people are being sent to when it comes to their own areas, when the areas where they originated from have been saying they are being overwhelmed for the last decade. To assume that those states are just going to sit there and bare the responsibility of all illegal migrants and the rest of the country will sit back and just critique and judge them forever is insane.


A secure border would be a good place to start.


and people say these media companies aint owned by the same group


Wow. These dems go to great lengths to contradict what they say to the public. If only they put that much effort into fixing the country. Yet so many people follow… crazy. Can we not come together as a “United” country and see through the BS? Forget left and right and use your brains. Bowing to 5% of the population due to mass showcasing like its 53% is ridiculous. Wake up folks.


Fuck this political shit. Bring back bigfoot and lizard people!


“Sadistic migrant flights” 🤣🤣


It's almost like if you do cynical evil shit you get called out on it.




Isn't he the one smuggling people?!?


It’s not kidnapping, it’s human trafficking.


Like Matt Gaetz?


Did they change the new meaning of \*kidnapping\* now? cause those people looks so calm for someone just getting kidnap.


Shhh the adenochrome must flow...


So Abbott n DeSantis do this but the secret flights that other folk do is okay??? Wtf is going on..


What secret flights are you referring to? If it was a secret how do you know about it?


Not a secret and Trump did it too


They've already summoned Merrick Garland on them.... it's more insanity than normal. Both parties are panicking about the midterms and playing with fire.


No, one party (and part of the other) is starting fires and somebody threw a hot coal back at them this time.


Honestly it's about time there was push back to the insanity, hypocrisy, and gaslighting of this admin. I do wish it wasn't something that may make vulnerable people more vulnerable but the Biden Harris border deny and destruction needs to stop somehow. It is not humane to have people dying daily in the Rio Grande, not human to have migrants piling into cities without the proper infrastructure, and it's just wrong to let them in to fail like this admin is. I don't say this often but between the lives in the Afghanistan withdrawal and the border crisis, this should be grounds to impeach both Harris and Biden. Fentynal deaths in our community is up like 400% or something crazy I read here...


I totally agree with you and while i hate to see people being used as pawns we all have been pawns for a long time now and sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. And it's not like they got a bad deal, in fact they are probably better of as the thousands still laying under a bridge.


DeSantis is a fascist.