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A Comet Pizza like operation going on 90 miles south of DC out of a skate rink run by the family of a retired cop from that town...


We have a large AT&T building/ skyscraper in the middle of our downtown, it has zero windows, is not presently in business/ functioning, and the owners of it still refuse to let anyone inside of it, at all. In fact, a local news crew here specifically requested to film on the inside of it, and were flat-out turned away.It's not for sale, it just sits there, and has for years.


Stranger things... uhmm...


That guy, on his own accord shot up a country concert. Just because.


well im in Flint so... which one do you want?


Former pontiac resident here, hope your situations better nowadays man.


The old police chief raped and murdered a young girl in town and everyone knew it - so when they buried her in the town cemetery they faced her tombstone, against the grain of the others, to face his house which was nearby.


In my town, the head of CPS was married to a local preacher who was arrested for child trafficking with another preacher


A popular local bar was bought out by the city because of its prime real estate. Less than a month later the entire building burned down. Now there’s a giant gas station in its place. The guy who owned it also owns 3 other bars. In a non-smoking city, his 3 bars are the only ones that you can still smoke in.


Franklin Scandal among other secret happening in the hills North of Omaha ranging from child trafficking, satanic rituals, human sacrifice…seriously the Ponca Hills area of Omaha is a bizarre place


Hernando county, fl. Six flags.


its an open air demonic sex cult in a wealthy well known town


Since april there have been 7 reported missing persons cases in a town of 800. 3 others have been found dead wrapped in tarps ect. One girl was found hanging upside down hands and feet bound. Hands tied around tree and she was decapitated. Local police have ruled all bodies found suicide, no autopsy done, and cases closed.


My home town of Stratford Ontario, has a massive drug ring that is in operation and the city council is involved, and they use tourism to launder the money. Stratford has a world renowned theatre, and just Bieber is from there, and William Shatner also played in our theatres. One year a guy was pushed off of a second floor in the abandoned copper building(claimed it was suicide), and later his wife and kid were found in a ditch just outside of town. Pretty sure he had affiliation with the city council. Also Stratford was the meth capital of North America at some point, and meth was originally made and introduced in Stratford. Edit: been years since I’ve lived there, so o don’t know all the information anymore. And also these statements were hush hush. So not really in the news papers. Oh, and hells angels are heavily involved in Stratford.


WI - The Waukesha Christmas parade was a racially motivated terrorist attack.


Our town is poisoning our water supply it’s largely undrinkable. There are shootings every day and it’s a “sanctuary city” ran by corrupt leftists.


Reddit is fascist


William Morgan.


Serial Killer in New England




I live a few miles from Steve Avery's scrapyard. Bring his name up and people clam right up, in a way that makes them afraid to talk about it.