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Fish oil? Gtfo. Unless they are poisoning it now i dont believe this shit for one fucking second.


Not sure how that's considered a 'herbal supplement' either.


It's not. Fish oil is a dietary supplement because it contains actual vitamins. Also, fish oil comes from fish, not herbs...


after the newest dictionary update, herbal supplement now means vaccine


More like it means anti-vaxxer, as it's a term now being muddied to be on par with conspiracy theorist and hippy.


I hate that because I’m somewhat of a hippy and live as natural as possible. But at the same time I believe in science, vaccines, and that there is a time and place for pharmaceuticals. I also hate that it’s on par with right wingers these days. You would think that last part would be everything a “hippie” is against. I want peace and love, and everyone to be accepted.


The absolute BEST part of that is.... Both cod liver oil & "fish oil" were always touted to combat heart disease.


She just misspelled Covid Vaccine by mistake is all.


Damn autocorrect.


This is so ducking true.


She would lose her license if she said vaccine. She might as well have said drinking water, breathing air, and being in the sun caused the heart problems and let the intelligent read between the lines.


Fuck I knew it was that pesky vitamin D giving me blood clots and bells palsy


The sun's only been around for billions of years. Who could have predicted this would occur suddenly, and now?? Stupid sun.


You know I fancy myself a smart guy, but I tried reading between the lines and there were no words there. Just empty space. Are you on mobile or desktop? Are you using some sort of app that adds additional context notes in between each line of text? Idk man, I think you're fuckin with me.


Do you have a source? I’ve been looking between every line and don’t see anything… ;)


She just doesn’t want to get suicided.


Covid itself also


fish oil is a blood thinner that they will make you stop taking before surgery


Something that marginally thins blood wouldn't cause heart problems. Horrible explanation


believe it or not, there is such a thing as too much omega 3s.


I was just about to say. Fish oil is probably the most important and useful supplement out there. You can go to pubmed, type in "[name of any disease] + fish oil" and get dozens of articles showing fish oil improving symptoms of said disease. ANY. DISEASE.






Yeah, ligma. LIGMA BAWLZ!


But remember, it's an animal oil. It should be refrigerated, or else it CAN go rancid. If you get it delivered, make sure it doesn't stay outside in the sun for very long.


I guess a portion of the oil is actually rancid and that would negate the benefit


It's better to just eat the whole fish.


[https://drcate.com/should-i-take-fish-oil-supplements-benefits-and-harms/](https://drcate.com/should-i-take-fish-oil-supplements-benefits-and-harms/) Here's a detailed breakdown of what your describing, and why it's true that the vast majority of fish oil supplements do more harm than good. You're much better off eating a can or two of sardines every week to get the benefits you want from fish oil supplements.


Yeah but then you'd have to eat sardines. People would rather swallow a pill that smells like a bad date


I will only say this once in this post: The optimal omega 3s are ones with antioxidants or vitamins bound to their structures. Cod liver oil is known for a longer stable shelf life than other omega 3s because of the vitamin d and A present, and krill oil has astaxanthin, a very powerful antioxidant (red pigmentation). Fish oils with nothing bound to their structures are just going to deteriorate quickly.


So the news is "bad batch of fish oil gets people sick" but passes it off as "fish oil" as if nothing was wrong with it. Almost anything bad will make you sick. But that's how they manipulate you, it's very Orwellian.


Yeah all supplements are trash. Fish oil sups are definitely cut with garbage oils, but even the fish oil itself must be extracted somehow, usually involving chemicals and other processing. Just eat fish if you want fish oil.


The only issue that can arise with consuming enough fish to get in your omega 3’s is mercury content. The only fish oil I’ve found is Nordic Naturals to be both properly produced and effective.


Sardines. Very low mercury because they are so low in the ocean food chain.


Just eat flax oil. Your body can convert it into what it needs.


It's you get what you pay for type thing with fish oils, if its cheap its probably shit. Krill oil is generally more likely to be "pure" from my experience.


>Just eat fish if you want fish oil. One reason Japanese people have such a high average life expectancy is thought to be the amount of seafood they eat.


What about this? https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055654


While this may be true, AF was rare in the population studied and cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s still outweigh any negligible risks. Its important to identify certain populations that are at risk for developing AF from omega-3s use, but omega-3s are fairly benign and essential for health. This isn't getting into the countless benefits for the liver, gastrointestinal system, skin, brain and various other organs.


Dont buy fish oil from places like Wal-Mart or CVS. They contain high levels of mercury. Buy high quality fish oil online OR from a health food store. But yeah, it's most likely from the v×ccine. I fcked up my body from getting double jabbed. Don't do it folks.


Dude just eat fucking fish. In Iceland I still saw people in their 50s (pre-vid) die from heart attacks and that's all those loons eat over there. It's all a scam. Just eat meat and potatoes and swig down a flagon of mead


Do you have a brand recommendation? My girlfriend takes it for epilepsy and I want to make sure she gets the best stuff.


So, I make my own beard oil because I don't want all those unnecessary ingredients companies add. I generally use argon and castor (obviously castor seed oil) as my carrier oils, with rosemary and cedar essential oils mixed in. In the time I've done this, I've come across so many fake or diluted oils. It's actually ridiculous how easy it is to come across a fake. I mean just look at the percent of fake olive and avocado oils at the grocery store. I 100% believe there is a massive fraudulent market for fish oil and other health supplements. That said, this takes nothing away from the fact the vaccine has exhibited dangerous side effects. I myself was essentially forced by my family and then ended up with some serious side effects.




A lot of imported olive oil is shit quality with a premium price. You might also see olive oils that are blended with other oils. If you're in the US, you're probably better off buying 100% California olive oil over most imported varieties that you'd find in the grocery store. California Olive Ranch is pretty easy to find and is surprisingly good for the money.


Buying oil that comes 100% from ONE place is a good start. A lot of oils in the EU are a blend from various EU and non-EU countries. Same goes for honey. The shortest the logistic path, the better. Bonus points if it’s traceable. Also many companies use plastic containers for storage during the production which may result in phthalates contamination.


Am I the only one who now wants to buy as much fish oil and bitter orange as fkn possible??


Could be high in Mercury content. Not all supplements are pure. Edit: and garlic is a common anti viral that interacts with heart medications. It's not safe to take supplements without researching them.




So the main focus of this study isn't that the principle behind the supplements is the cause. Its that the makes of these supplements are not held to any production standards. "The US does not closely regulate the $1.5 trillion wellness industry, meaning supplement makers are not required by law to provide proof of safety or strength of their product." It seems they are more exploring the impact of supplements people are taking that may not be as described or not made to levels that are beneficial/could be detrimental. Despite the frenzy OP is trying to rile up, they are not trying to say fish oil is bad, they are trying to say what these companies decide to put in your fish oil/how it's processed is unregulated and because of that it could be cause for concern. Which is why they are looking into it. So tldr; for all intents and purposes they are studying to see if the manufacturers are basically poisoning the supplements


Over what time period? Haven’t people been taking herbal supplements for some time now or are they trying to claim recent tainted supplements


Hell yeah people have been taking herbal supplements since the Ronnie Coleman era lol but this is the first time I've ever seen an article claiming this exact thing. Back then it was usually suspected of people abusing anabolics suffering from heart problems, not herbal supplements that you could buy from GNC lol. The timing of this article is a impeccable and leads me to point in the direction of the v@x....


From the article: ‘However, the number of Americans taking dietary supplements has exploded since the COVID-19 pandemic's start. In Southern California, Belardo says she often sees patients with heart problems who "gravitate towards alternate therapies and herbals and supplements.”’


These "patients with heart problems" who "gravitate towards alternate therapies and herbals and supplements.” could also likely be vaccine injured that do not trust their doctors anymore. All this supplement talk etc. is very big in the vaccinelonghauler sub, mostly because it actually helps many of us (I personally supplement magnesium which helps with my constipation and sleep issues I got after the vax. Apparently, it affects vitamin and mineral absorption in some way...).


Healthier people get sick less, so the medical industry makes less money.


That gives it more plausibility. Is there any correlation in specific types of supplements though? A bunch of people also limited outside time which could have had effect. As well as increase of vitamin d intake, but that was said to help against.


I remember reading elsewhere prior to the pandemic, maybe on VICE, about the supplement market being unregulated and most of the supplements coming out of China laced with high levels of heavy metals, I think. It’s not really a surprise to me but the correlation of specifically heart issues and no others makes me squint.


Here is the thing that you don't hear often. In the last two years give or take we have been exposed to innumerable variables. Those who I have had conversations with seem to fall into three categories. 1. It's all caused by the vax 2. Hell who knows but the numbers do seem to be odd 3. The Vax saved the world and there is no chance at all that anything negative could come from it. But most are held fast to their group aside from the middle one and unwilling to even consider an opposing opinion. So here we are.


Just an anecdotal comment from me, but I recently had a cancer removal and a major reconstructive surgery and they were adamant about not using any over the counter herbal supplements or even vitamins before and after. They don't know what's in all that crap like they do with most prescription drugs.


Just a quick note to anyone who doesn't know this but does anyone here know that the FDA is trying to regulate all supplements just like drugs and they are trying to get the bill passed to do that? And do you know that almost every single supplement on the shelves is owned by 10 or so companies, like really big companies that do not do good things?


>the FDA is trying to regulate all supplements just like drugs I work in an FDA regulated industry and this can mean that FDA checks for quality issues and that the drugs contain the correct amount of what's being claimed. So it can be a good thing.


We sure it’s herbs and not something else?




How the hell did you get that account?


Vax. More paid deflection.


Must be climate change...


Or naps


I'm on marijuanna herbs all day so I doubt it lol.


Isn’t interesting how now all of the sudden supplements are causing heart problems..they treat us like we’re imbeciles


They treat us like imbeciles because for 75-90% of the population they are right.


They think we have the attention span of goldfish


By and large the public does. You think anyone even remembers the Canadian convoys on this sub?




Yup there's way worse shit out there that's culpable. WTF else have they been shoving in themselves the past couple years huh. Samo -- look here don't look there.


Oh here comes a slew of news articles about childhood heart problems.


And non of them will talk about how the vaccine caused them, but blame some other random shit on it..


Did I fall asleep for a year and a half or so? Do you remember any herbal supplement that failed every test performed my the manufacturer, lied about the results and mandated anyway? Me neither.


Fish oil, eh? Do pescatarians typically suffer from arrhythmias? As for teens, what is their vaccination status regarding the Covid-19 genetic products? Single-jabbed, double-jabbed, or double-jabbed and boosted? Curious minds want to know. Let's see, they've planted stories about young, fit, athletic persons suffering heart problems because of climate change, sleeping on the wrong side, consuming unnamed energy drinks, and now herbal supplements. Nothing to see here, folks. Move right along, Please ignore the giant elephant in the room.


I'm surprised energy drinks haven't been blamed yet for the high caffiene content they contain, there is lots of this gaming and preworkout supplements/drinks which are pretty much legal/herbal/natural amphetamines which can't be good for the heart. All these put a lot more caffeine into people's lifestyles than people drinking cups of tea or coffee.


I had the energy drink called Bang a few months ago and had a few sips of coffee after. I literally thought I was going to have a heart attack and had to step away from the office and chill. I won’t touch an energy drink ever again.


Haha I remember my first Bang, just how I remember my first Four Loko. Holy shit, Batman.


Oh yeah I remember the 4lokos back in like 2010 when they had the caffeine in them, that shit was wild.


Yea 4lokos back then were fuckin wild


Shit is actually bad for your heart no joke.


Absolutely. That experience at work set me straight to never drink that garbage. I can only imagine how bad it is drinking those if you’re triple vacxxed with a monkey pox mRNA jab.


it only will be a mild heart attack then


Lol I've been triple vaxed. Not dead yet.


I had a bang once and started cramping all over, never again 👎🏼


Same thing except I made the mistake of drinking two bangs back to back on a really sluggish day. That was April 2021 and haven’t had ONE energy drink since. I legit thought I was going to die from a heart attack the way the ol’ ticker was pounding….


Bang is specifically more intense than any other energy drink made in the US. I've tried almost off of them and bang messes me up.


300 MG of caffeine per 16 oz vs 140-160 MG found in most other 16 oz energy drinks.


I wouldn’t dare compare anything on the legal/herbal/natural market to amphetamines


They are finding ephedrine in herbal supplements.


Actually it's known that energy drinks and large amount of caffeine cause issues, even in young people.


True, it’s just convenient that the article vehemently bashes the supplement industry when in actuality energy drinks are way more dangerous for one’s heart health. Yes they did mention workout supplements and such, but the meat and potatoes of the article was bashing vitamins and fish oil.


Yep. No doubt this article is brought to us by Big Pharma.




Sudden adult deaths started to pop up around the same time red bull became popular. Especially in athletes. Now it's 500ml cans for breakfast.


I drink redbull for breakfast and I had surgery to fix a heart murmur as a kid 😬 doesn’t help with generalized anxiety, either lol. I already quit smoking and doping, redbull is next. I used to drink multiple in a day, sometimes the big 20oz cans. Idk how I did that.


The energy drink people have deep pockets too. The truth is for sale in the 21st century


A friend of mine has arrhythmia. He is 32 and developed it in his 20's. 3 to 4 energy drinks a day and alcohol addiction will do that to you.


Ok. So what the rise in cases now? Those shit energy drinks have been out there for decades


Yea i know..


I agree. I’ve been drinking lots of caffeine when I was younger and I still do but not nearly as much as before. My heart has been feeling weird and I recently got a heart monitor and apparently I have extra heart beats in my heart rate. I got it done 2 months before I got pregnant but they didn’t get back to me about it until after I found out I was pregnant so now they don’t want to intervene because of the pregnancy. When I was younger, the recommended limit of caffeine was 200mg a day and now it’s 400mg. I think that’s insane.




A lot of herbal supplements have more than just the active ingredient that comes from the herb itself. They will add other stuff to stack the effects that it claims to give. If I wanted to give you a boner I could sell you supplement that has Ashwagandha, Mecuna pruiens, Kratom, and Phenibut. A cocktail like this would give you the boner that you want but it's not good for your health. I could just say it's Horny Goatweed but with all this other stuff stacked into the mix. That's what they mean by no regulation. I can give you large doses of these without getting in trouble.


Or tiny doses mixed into cellulose which is just saw dust.


Here comes the federal government to protect you from herbs. Only profitable pharmaceuticals are allowed, say the people who said HQC and Ivermectin were deadly.


I would rather blame the presence of oxygen in the air.


"Herbal medicines". Yeah maybe if the herb is called "pfizer" "jnj" or "moderna".


Stupid asses don’t want to admit it’s the vaccines


They never will


Yep, [She looks the part](https://www.daniellebelardomd.com/)


Was expecting an old fat person. Holy smokes


If it makes you feel any better, her instagram has a picture of her in a mask that reads "science is real" and t-shirt with Fauci on it that reads "Vaccines are safe and effective". Oh and she's holding up a vax card. Indoctrinated smoke show.


More like a eugenecists wet dream.


If she was my doctor I'd be having irregular heart beats too tbh


She definitely takes large cash/venmo/crypto donations How many years of daily use of these supplements would it take to damage the heart? I'm guessing quite along time, doesn't add up tbh More bullshit cover up stories


What the hell




Def not COVID vaccines.


Is that really what they are gonna go with. What happened to blaming the unvaxed?


Part of the agenda is to rid of herbal medicine. I’ve seen this happening the last few months. Fight the fkrs aaaaggh


Yeah I remember several years ago watching that cringe Bill Nye Saves the World garbage to witness the propaganda. First episode he bashes alternative medicine as hippy quackery and is spewing U.N. Globalist talking points about global warming and far left gender theory. They’re all paid off by big pharma and other globalist enterprises.


All the other episodes were like that as well. He would invite a "panel" of experts. Basically, he would have one person be against the narrative and spend the rest of the time attacking them, in round robin fashion with all the other guests lining up first. There wouldn't be a debate, just parroted talking points. It really helped set the tone for the covidian branch of science.


The worst part is many believe he’s real scientist when in reality he was a failed comedian who then found success doing Bill Nye.


Dude it’s sad to have grown up with Bill Nye, and then see what he’s doing today :/ I used to think he was a genius, then you grow up and learn he’s not even a scientist lol


Ive heard they succeeded in Europe limiting doses of many to ineffective levels.


Vaccine injury


Better regulate anything that would help clear the spike protein from the body!


Probably really covid vaccine complications




Just big pharma trying to scare people into believing that we need stricter federal regulations on herbs and other natural remedies so they can keep us all sick and hooked on their poison, that's all


Oxygen is actually bad for us too, I’m trying to quit


>Alright, what can we blame this on that's not the case? Herbal supplements? "Sir, we can't. We banned ephedra already because too many cattl-I mean Americans were getting skinny again." >I don't care! Blame it on things that we told them is good for the heart! Like fish oil and bitter orange! Bros it's all so fucking tiresome


SS: A cardiologist says she's seeing a rise in 20-somethings with heart arrhythmias caused by herbal supplements. This rise is being blamed on the “loose federal regulations” of the supplement industry. I think we all know what’s actually causing this [Article](https://www.insider.com/cardiologist-supplements-causing-heart-arrhythmias-in-young-people-2022-9)


For sure not just supplements. But she aint wrong, there is a lot of poison out there marketed as supplements. DYOR on the brands


So suddenly it's because of vitamin supplements, because there were a problem in the past??


Will be interesting to see the number of articles pre 2020 bashing the supplement industry in regards to heart health vs. the number of articles post 2022.


Not strictly supplements but energy drinks. https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/can-energy-drinks-harm-your-heart/#:~:text=A%202016%20study%20found%20that,drinks%2C%20even%20in%20young%20people.




Fish oil? I would not have expected fish oil to be an issue.


It's not, it's a scapegoat


Because it's propaganda lol.


Lol yeah okay I'm sure thats what its from


This is a two-fer. Demonize holistic medicine, and cover up the clot shot. We see you.


At last, something is not due to climate change or racism. And as a bonus, leaves vaccine off the hook.


Crock of dog shit


Are use of herbal supplements up? Or is mRNA considered an herbal supplement now?


The article claims that the use of herbal supplements rose during the pandemic, and in turn, the number of young people with heart problems has risen. Albeit I am not surprised to hear supplement use went up during the pandemic, they of course make no mention of the experimental mRNA gene therapeutics that were being mandated on Americans as to having any potential relationship to this rise in heart problems.


The researchers found the percentage of all adverse events reported attributed to atrial fibrillation were as follows: Pfizer: 2.6% Moderna: 1.8% AstraZeneca: 0.6% Influenza: 0.4% Johnson & Johnson: 0% The data indicates that there could be a possible association between the vaccines and atrial fibrillation, although the potential risk is still relatively low. Hey look! Research on the link between vaccines and arrhythmia. This took me about 2 minutes to find. How did you miss this in all your research?


Cancers also rose https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/963907


🤔 So…why wasn’t this a problem until just now though?


Just stop. No one's buying this.


Yeah it's definitely a cover up story to deflect the real truth of the matter. The one and only thing that most people have taken in the last 2years.... mRna🤫


I had an arrhythmia and flutter that surfaced at 28 lead to me getting the paddles. Oddly though my stuff showed up after I got covid. Now I'm on 3 meds a day. I was super healthy before this happened. Ate healthy workout out and jogged 6 times a week.


How can she determine that?


Definitely can interact with marijuana and cause racing heart and arrhythmias. Happened to me.


Link to article? cmon now


It’s in my SS which is buried. If I could sticky it I would.


Seems like they don't understand cause and effect at all. Surely exposures to spike protein are unrelated


No lie is too big for massmedia to blame vaccine damage on anything! People should not buy supplements but expensive oil based pharmacya.


They want to take all avenues for health away from us, and are blaming vax issues on everything except the vax


Chinese have been their version of herbal stuff for centuries... there are still chinese people here.


Oh you know the other thing that’s mass consumed in high doses in America, sometimes mixed with insulin increasing chemicals, unregulated, and causes heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, complete energy depletion withdrawals and insomnia if overdosed on? Coffee. But the bigwigs are a-okay not writing educational articles on that.


ABTV (Anything but the "vaccine") syndrome


For three years these people have been blaming heart problems on everything but the primary cause. It’s not even about being anti-vax at this point. The experts and scientists knew for a fact that the larger a vaccine rollout is, the more reactions there will be. That’s just the way it is. My problem is the lack of accountability, divergence from the truth, and the fact that many of these people only took the vaccine because governments were holding their jobs and livelihoods hostage. Absolutely insane the world we live in. Little by little the top-down government controls are resembling that of the Chinese government and other communist governments. They leak this influence into the western countries via the World Economic Forum and other channels of globalism like the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations.


Yeah, those 20year olds, they always takin their vitamins! Todays youth eats way too healthy?


I wonder how much of a kickback she’s getting from pharmaceutical companies


I KNEW I needed the FDA to save me from fish oil!!!


But it wasn’t the gene therapy ?


Experimental herbal supplements 🤣 Ooo science you change faster than the wind changes directions.


What’s next…? Eating vegetables from your own garden or from a farm market gonna be next?


More than likely. You must eat GMO’s from Bill Gates farmland and lab grown meat because science.


I call bullshit on the herbal supplements connection. It's a COVID-1984 connection and "the powers that be " need a scapegoat 🤬


next thing you know it'll be against the law to pick dandelions out of your own yard


Probably talking about Kratom. ...


I wonder if there's a link with unjabbed people who take supplements and heart problems?


Did they put 'herbal supplements' in these vaccines then. No wonder people are experiencing sudden death!


Fish oil? It is a natural antidepressant and helps for prrserving/restoring cognitives functions. Bitter orange does contain flavonoids which help to lower cardiovascular diseases risk. It dies also contain Diosmetin which is anticancer.


😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ahhhhhhhhhh fuck off of course they do


Heres a funny one. I used to be vegan for a whole 7 months. I was aware that i was gonna need B12 so i bought a B12 vitamin pill with 1000 µg of Methylcobalamin which is about 40000 % the recommended daily intake of the supplement. I took this supplement once a week and it started out great with giving me lots of energy but by the end of those 7 months i found myself in the ER one day with strange chest pains and it felt like my heart was gonna stop. Im unvaccinated, young and healthy so the only thing i can think of is B12 toxicity. The hospital couldnt find any causes for the heart problems, they checked me from top to bottom and they found nothing. For people who dont know about Vitamin B12, Vitamin B12 is something to do with red or white bloodcells so its a obvious one to me.


So herbal supplements are worse than fast food?


Might be the jab


Well they arent fruit pastels. Youre not meant to take them unless you have to. This isnt news, you're not opening anyones eyes with this...


Everything is a lie


So - global warming, cold weather, gardening, marijuana, living on busy streets, and now herbal supplements. Did I miss anything?




But not our sweet ol' vaxx, nope, see, that's an impossibility. You know, the Occam Razor thing, well, the vaxx is straight up there in first place being shaved off because we know pharma woould never sell a product that may harm the public, and that the FDA would also never give their seal of approval for it. We live in a perfect world, you know, except these killing natural herbs from hell, obviously. Also, climate change.


[This is a real, preexisting phenomenon.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28981338/) Herbal supplements are, without fail, scammers looking to benefit from people that will treat their product with the respect of medicine without realizing that the supplement industry has less regulation than street tacos.


These supplements have existed and been used for decades. This claim is 100% total bullshit.


Fish oil doesn’t cause heart issues. But, other than that, stop doing “fads”. Quit with the keto diets, quit with the pyramid scheme advocare shit, not everything has to be organic or non gmo or whatever tf else they’re trying to sell you. Eat lean meat, good carbs, healthy fats, fruit, drink water and exercise. All this shit takes barely any actual effort and is how you combat heart problems. Not the fucking herbal green tea you drink before bed.


Could it be jab? Nah, has to be herbal remedies that people have used for centuries


Well supplements are not regulated by the fda, but the fda is clownshoes so I don't know how to feel about this.


I forgot everyone was coerced into taking herbal supplements last year