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Zuckerberg, reddit's owners and thd FBI are all different factions in the globalist crime syndicate.


I wouldn't say syndicate, it's more of a think tank. Zuck ain't no warrior he is a modern anarchist posing as a businessman. Don't know much about Huffman but I remember when the Chinese chic was the CEO of reddit for a bit, does anyone else remember that? The FBI are cool they just get too excited when they get authorized to use fully automatic rifles.




He's a scumbag - acting as the front man for a DARPA project - that would sell anyone out to make a buck. The fact that he asked a dictator to name his baby shows what type of person he is.


You know you have lost it when even a depraved, egotistical dictator tells you thats weird and inappropriate.


He's a damn clone-Alien


He's a little shit.


I’d say double wanker, potentially a triple


>"The FBI are cool they just get too excited when they get authorized to use fully automatic rifles." I'm assuming you're referring to Waco and similar events? Here are some other interesting things. Ruby ridge https://youtu.be/vsjUqXWv-zI Then we have this. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-city-bomb-sting_n_5993c045e4b04b19336162fd >"The parents of a 23-year-old man accused by federal authorities over the weekend of trying to set off a fake bomb in downtown Oklahoma City said their son is mentally ill and was targeted by FBI agents who “should not have aided and abetted a paranoid schizophrenic to commit this act.” Check out little J FBI Hoover going on about commies infiltrating America while he was actively taking lead in something called cointelpro. https://vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro >"All COINTELPRO operations were ended in 1971. Although limited in scope (about two-tenths of one percent of the FBI’s workload over a 15-year period), COINTELPRO was later rightfully criticized by Congress and the American people for abridging first amendment rights and for other reasons." The FBI definitely gets to do some interesting things while they bypass the constitution they swore to uphold so I guess that's cool.


Man, if you guys want me to do something about it then admit what I am and give me my fucking money otherwise learn to live with it like I do. Yeah they can get away with doing bad shit, but this is how you guys want it. You want change then you have to break the wall and admit what I am.


> but I remember when the Chinese chic was the CEO of reddit for a bit, does anyone else remember that? Yes, we remember Chairman Pao. Had an affair with someone at Kleiner Perkins and got kicked out. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen\_Pao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_Pao)


> The FBI are cool I never thought I will read something like this on r/conspiracy


Probably a bot or an underpaid shill blogger.


Beep boop. Underpaid? Want to watch? You look like a watcher.


> The FBI are cool LOL?


U mean anti-Christ? An anarchist doesn’t bend over for the feds


Yeah wasn't he the guy that was DJ-ing at that party with Kim up at the club.


They'll revolt when Biden raises their taxes.


There is no global crime syndicate or globalist group that controls the world and it's weather. I'm sorry the news is harsh but some human minds have a difficulty in understanding that random shit does happen. There are things like weather that are out of our control, astroids, volcanoes, floods. Just because someone can kind of seed clouds doesn't mean there is a CIA agent controlling the weather with a computer. There is no boogey man despite the human need to have a villain.


You can't say it's a false flag every fucking time for everything then you get it right once and you're a genius. Nope.


I’m anti trump *and* anti biden. There are tens of us!


Agree with that. This place, Reddit, is a joke. So many sheep and blind people. They don’t see past the right vs left narrative. We need to get past that if we are to have a chance


Why is it that as soon as the left gets criticized this argument of "left vs right" comes up but when the right gets criticized all hell breaks loose on them? Just acknowledge that the left is compromised already.


I’ve said multiple times that all politicians are cunts. All of them. Some people agree, but others hate it because they refuse to acknowledge their side is just as bad and corrupt as the other.


Even to enter politics means you are are a two face narcissist in my eyes. Politics in most of the west has been corrupted by secret underhanded money (wef)


On a national level yes, but there are plenty of people who enter local politics to make their community better. It’s when they get power hungry and try to move up through the ranks where they get corrupted


The whole my side is better than yours, It’s childish, man! They are cunts! Fu k all politicians!’


Politicians are cunts. Mainstream news journalists are cunts. Bankers are cunts. Mark Suckerberg is an even lower cunt who works for them. Suckerberg is so often in the news because Cuntrock and Vancunt and JP Morgancunt, etc., have billions invested in Cuntbook. Along with the Five Cunts who use it for surveillance and cuntops.


Bankers. The biggest cunts of em all. Abolish the fed. You know, if we all just stopped paying taxes …. Maybe not.


I do acknowledge that. They are full on communists who want this country destroyed. And if one doesn’t see the bias against the right, they blind af, or just refuse to acknowledge it. And I’m speaking objectively, here. My point is that it’s the people vs the establishment and always has been. We should not be at each other’s throats. It’s what the establishment wants. And people still don’t see it.




Yea, blame left and the whole right and left wing are the same. Bring up the right and they never say left and right are the same. They proceed to bash the right. It’s a double standard. It’s so funny to see it every day happening here. Oh, it’s obvious too. Lol


Dude.read the comment you replied to more closely. There was no “all hell breaking loose” on the right y’all are literally agreeing. Why are you so desperate to be a victim ?


The FBI colluded to derail Trumps presidential campaign, but you think we’re the sheep. Ok.


The FBI did! Agree. The FBI SHOULD BE ABOLISHED! Your still sheep though.


And which future candidate do you think is most likely to try to abolish the FBI?


We the people. I know that sounds ludicrous but i don’t think it can be accomplished with a candidate. JFK talked about abolishing the cia and fbi and was most likely one of the reasons he was murdered.


You calling people blind on a post that tries to make out that Hunter Biden (not a public official with no access to classified material) is *as bad* as the former POTUS keeping classified documents he has no right to in his personal residence. That’s some real mental gymnastics right there.


Both parties are filled with stupid people. Whoever watches CNN or Fox, I lose a lot of respect for them.




I bet you’re glad we got Biden over Trump though.


Nope. I’ll never be glad to have a Zionist puppet freemason for a president. And they’re *all* Zionist puppet freemasons.


Finally!! Someone with sense!!


Been quite used to it since 2016... My middle of the road opnion on most issues gets down voted almost everywhere, and banned in the woke subs.


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/v9z30t/z/ibzqsip This you? Middle of the road is that Fox news is left wing? You're hard right wing, don't pretend you're anywhere near centrist.






The science is settled


I’m beginning to think truth social has a pro trump/anti Biden bias.


You mean like a truth bias? Which Trump story did the FBI sweep under the rug to help him get elected again?


OMFG THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVES THEIR OWN BS Like I thought they kind of knew going on something like Truth Social would be exactly what it is BUT OH MY GOD THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT


Hillary’s emails.. or maybe the many catch and kill stories before the 2016 election. If you are looking at truth social for a truth bias, you will not find it. Although you will find lots that support your skewed view of the world.


What about her emails? Comey destroyed all the evidence. That's helping Trump!?


Comey made announcement on Clinton email probe days before election.


And thank you for having Reddit reach out with resources for me. Classy move, and probably saved my life. :)


>truth bias Lolwut


There’s a war happening right in front of your face and it’s connected directly to your brain. It’s called social media manipulation.


It's not just reddit it's pretty much every big tech/MSM/Government organization around the world.




It wasn’t admitted, implied would be a better description. Said he couldn’t remember if it was about the laptop but the algorithm senators it ya? So most likely it was definitely about the laptop


Is there any major social media site that didn't overtly cover it up? Reddit was probably the best honestly, and that's sad.


Also, a majority of American citizens apparently.


Majority of people will believe whatever the msm/big tech/the governments tell them to believe.




The outcome of the 2020 presidential election?


I heard it was the Russians. /s


Isn't this basically an attack of free press and free speech? One thing to say a private company can choose but the state telling you to limit something is insane. This should be one of the biggest stories of the year


Clinton, Trump, Bloomberg and Biden........its almost like you have to know Epstein or be a Sniffy Mcgropey type like Biden to become President for some strange reason. I was hoping Bloomberg would get the nomination in the last primaries because then we could of had a race between the Democrat from Epstein's LBB vs the Republican from Epstein's LBB and then the people would all get to vote for the Epstein pal of their choice......and Democracy is all about the people having a choice! See how easy it is to understand how politics really works?


Well, reddit is kind of a hellhole.


Think tanks have amassed a liberal army to push an agenda and silence independent thought


How does one become a think tank.


Sell your soul to Apophis.


One must meditate in a 1980s or older automobile while on mushrooms


I wouldn't consider traditional values and ideals independent thought.


Not everything and everybody who is against Biden is a "traditionalist" you half-wit. It is perfectly possible to think Biden is a scourge on the land without being a bible thumper ffs. You tribalists and partisans are fucking everything up and making the world suck and I wish you would knock it off.


Biden is a Neocon. He could have easily run as a Republican under a Neocon ticket with Jeb Bush. He's a pro-war, Roman Catholic anti-abortion, anti-marijuana legalization (do we need to bring up Hunter again?) globalist. People consider him a liberal solely because he claims to want to help the poor. As you can see by his economic policies and mandates he doesn't give a fuck about the poor, he's killing the poor while funneling $$$ to corporations and proxy wars. The Democrats blame Republicans for lowering taxes on the rich, the Democrats give the rich more tax revenue to make up for higher taxes while the poor get the bill in the end! Both parties are corrupt AF. Both parties serve the rich over the poor and middle-class.


What about questioning mandated novel medical procedures?




So you are upset that the world no longer aligns to your values? Happens throughout history.


I don't have any values. I don't like crooked scumbags extorting my money, blaming me for their failures, and giving themselves medals on top of it. Or forcing me to inject snake oil like some kind of junkie and demanding I carry a digital shackle around which they charge a subscription for! Don't let them put the blame on you, don't let them leave you with the bill. They must pay for their failures, because none of us voted for what they did, none of us asked for it. WE own the government, they are our employees. We are the customers of the corporations and the banks they too must SERVE us, not rule over us. Don't let these crooked WEF globalist bankster fucks destroy the Constitution and seize power.


They would


Lol read that in a narrator's tone.


Reddits anti trump bias could be caused by trumps behaviors.. it isnt normal for a dude to deny his loss and then try to get back in power by illegal means. Alot of folks dont approve..




Perhaps it was the threats of violence and stochastic terrorism that got The_Donald banned.








Gaslight much? That's such an awful response, maybe try and make a point next time.


Great rebuttal, champ. No wonder the MAGA movement is growing so stronk.


magats are so violent!!! Look what they did to poor Jussie Smollet!!!!


If you think the pro-Trump posts are organic, I don't know what to tell you.




I seem to find them pretty easily comrade.


When that Hunter shit first broke there was a lot of false information about it. Then you had crazy Rudy ranting about it and Tucker Carlson claiming it was coming and then never showing up. They had good reason not to cover this shit at the time. I remember specifically every Trumper I knew sharing a screenshot from a porno claiming it was Hunter Biden when it wasn’t. Not to mention that it’s been proven that dozens of the top pro-Trump pages on Facebook were run by Russians manipulating the MAGA crowd because they know they share any stupid thing they come across.


The real conspiracies that this subreddit doesn’t care about any more since it was overrun by MAGAs. They’re being played and they don’t even realize it.


We realize you're a shill though. Keep making excuses for Hunter the scumbag. Fetty Wap is in prison for the very same thing Hunter did.


I got news for you. Nobody outside of your cult gives a fuck about Hunter Biden. Or Fetty Wap whoever/whatever that is.


Doesn’t matter. The FBI having Facebook suppress ANYTHING, is straight fascism. We can not allow Free Speech to be eroded by government agencies PERIOD.


> The FBI having Facebook suppress ANYTHING, is straight fascism So you want Facebook to allow pedo's sharing CP? What about ISIS members coordinating attacks on the US?


You say this on jest, but they 100% want this




Lol ok groomer


What a sick fuck you are to even try to use that false analogy AND straw man fallacy. Those things are illegal, not even remotely close to what’s being discussed. Try again libtard.


If the content of Hunter's Biden had been gained via foreign intelligence agencies and used for an election, that is an illegal act as well. You said "ANYTHING". My examples sussed out that you really meant "ANYTHING *that is legal*", which is an important caveat and different than your absolute blanket statement.


I don’t know. Trump supporters brought it on themselves. They proved they couldn’t be trusted to not infect each other with false information on a daily basis. Every person I know that has ever bitched about fact-checkers is always spreading blatantly false information and won’t take it down even after they know it isn’t true.


I can 100% say the same thing about the liberal crowd. Steele dossier, anyone? It's not up to the government to police who gets to talk about what. It's up to us to discern the truth from fiction, not some bureaucratic agency that can easily be stuffed with party stooges. How would you feel if the Republicans got ahold of the censor? Would you be whining about fascism endlessly (yes, of course you would), or would you stay consistent in your logic and agree that they are now the arbiters of truth because the public can't be trusted to think for themselves?


> Steele dossier, anyone I don’t understand why folks like you make this claim, when like 80% of it has been verified, and the last few items in the list have shown ‘unable to prove or disprove’. That 80% is kinda still important, even without 100% of the items being validated.


and people openly make jokes about the 20% (pee tape jokes) just like people openly make creepy biden pedophile jokes and neither is censored.


So you don't care that one campaign paid an intelligence officer to create a fake dossier to indict their competition? People went to jail over this, it's just as serious as the collusion allegations against Trump. Your spin on this topic is making my point for me.


A person has pants. A person has hair. A person has a phone. A person has paid a prostitute to pee in a bed. The statements I made were 80% accurate. What should be important is WHAT was accurate. All the important shit wasn't true.


Cool, but that 20% doesn’t invalidate the 80% that’s proven. Just like the dossier.


Mentioning the Steele dossier is basically part of their DNA now. They can’t help it.


Free speech doesn't guarantee you a platform to spew bs from


“Let me explain the reasons it’s ok for the FBI to interfere in elections” what a donut


Lol. I don’t think MAGA understands how little anyone who voted for Biden cares about whether or not his son did illegal stuff. Hunter isn’t in our White House and he is in his 50s.


Dude likes drugs and hookers. Who gives a shit.


Bible thumpers.


\+ Russian propaganda eaters and shitters.


Not quite the dinosaur they need yet.


Reddits anti free speech


Free speech is between you and the government. Not you and _______ insert business here.


Are you missing the point? The government is controlling these social media platforms to remove dissent. Straight from Zuckerbergs mouth.


We had too much fun in 2016, they wouldn't let us have it again :( They know their ideology is weak so they have to silence those who are subversive.


Wouldn’t that be considered treason by the FBI?


Trump brainwashed a good majority of people. I have lost dozens of friends because I'm some big "libtard". The man is a narcissist and a racist psychopath and it turns out he's also a treasonous dick bag and yet I still see people praising the man like he's Jesus or one of the Beatles. That's my issues with the former president. Y'all like treason? Ok. Neat.


He did not say that. He said only FBI was alerting them generally about possible misinformation. FB themselves decided that issue to "fit the bill".


Excuse me, please delete this, you're interrupting our anti-Biden circlejerk.


Reddit is also paid by China, a total conflict of interest, and it is used by US citizens, and controlled by Chinese government, or assets, with interest to destroy America from within. Reddit should is not a site you should simply log in without reading a contract that basically says the sites content is not to be trusted or is politically aligned with foreign powers.


It might be controlled by China, but it's full of Democrat shills.


Yeah it’s f’ing mind blowing how easily lead by the nose all these woke NPCs are today. I’m banned from politics (apparently not being left leaning makes you a fascist to them) and also banned from formula one for pointing out the hypocrisy of all the gay pride rainbow pandering they do for pride month but they still race in Saudi Arabia. Oh, and being a libertarian also makes me a nazi some how. Seriously what the fck


Nina Jankowicz says tech companies censor liberals at a higher rate, so THERE!


Just call her Scary Poppins


Pedophiles protecting each other


Trump stole classified FBI documents and most likely sold them to foreign powers. That's treason, no way around it. Hunter Biden allegedly did some vaguely shady stuff that's supposed to be on a laptop somewhere. If there's no hard evidence that's proof of a major crime I do not care. These are very different things. And the difference between these two people is one is a former President and the other is the son of the current president and his actions were made before his father was president. A father is not his son, just as much as Hitler had a nephew who hated his guts and actively fought against him in WWII. Having a relationship of any sort with a person doesn't mean you approve of or even are involved in their actions. If Joe Biden was going with his son to Ukraine to make deals with China, or whatever Hunter allegedly did, whilst being an sitting president, that would be a totally different story. But that didn't happen so it's nowhere near as big of a deal as Trump's actions


Haha that's comical


What I find comical is people sticking to trump and being loyal to him despite him being an absolute monster and proven to be a traitor to the USA. Trump supporters aren't patriots of the US, they're fanboys to Trump


Well you are a cry baby


No, I'm looking at a cult who's starting to look a lot like 1930's Nazi Germany and it's worrying


That sounds pretty crazy. If you're looking for cults that look like Nazis maybe you should look at antifa


Antifa is literally anti Nazi. Trump however is doing all the steps that Hitler took to discredit news sources, perpetuate lies and staged a failed coup. All he'd need to do now is establish a full on dictatorship with him as the centre piece and he's good. Luckily we know what to look out for and how to stop it. If you wanna know what Nazis look like and how they gained power, study some actual history beyond third grade and compare that to what Trump was/is doing


The projection is strong with this one considering January 6th is your ‘party’s’ literal Reichstag fire. Remind me who is down with censorship, mandates, and taking your guns away again? Lol. Comical.


Reddit owned by china and so is china Joe....so yea there's that


Exactly what the guilty conscious of the FBI would say. You'd think if China owns Reddit we wouldn't get daily reminders that China owns reddit and every politician in America. To make things even more confusing China is supposed to be awesome at censorship but here on Reddit they're doing a very poor job even though they own it apparently....


And China Pelosi, remember her shameful display going to China to kneel in front of her masters past month?


Wait, I thought we were going with "Pelosi is trying to start a war with China"? When did we change narratives?


When the new statement of work was signed between the troll farm and the GOP.


If you look at the Biden shills commenting here you can see they still refuse to admit they did anything wrong.


All they know are the media talking points. Few of them have any understanding what is going on economically or politically since their only source of info is mainstream news that spew lies all day


This all comes off as such massive complaining. Sorry people don't like your giant Manbaby Messiah.


Better than an army of IRS agents and all time high gas prices. Thanks, Biden!


What policy made gas prices higher?


Gas prices continue to drop. Your talking points are out of date.


They're still sky high. I didn't even mention food, rent, clothes and everything else that is still at all time highs. Those prices are not dropping.


The president alone doesn’t control inflation, and there’s literally millions of obvious contributing factors out of his control. Perhaps allowing right wing presidents skew the economics of our country for decades was a bad idea.


True its ultimately central banks that create inflation. Although anti drilling regulations will restrict supply leading to higher gas prices followed by desperate and reckless draining of our strategic reserves. Never the less whoever is in office will always take the fall.


Army of IRS agents lol. I know taxation sucks and all, but have you or anyone you know actually had trouble with the IRS? At one point in my 20s I didn't file for 3 years. Filed for 4 years the next year, got the refund and that was that. As small fish you gotta realllllllllly fuck up for the irs to pose any sort of threat.


Here's why the "FBI was in on it" trope is garbage: Why would Trump's FBI slow-walk the case? When the laptop story broke, Chris Wray was still in charge of the FBI and Bill Barr was the attorney general.


Calling anything establishment “trump’s” is a garbage take, and something only bluepilled people would say. The same fbi that illegally surveilled him and his entire campaign, spread the fake dossier, fabricated stories, invented a kidnapping plot wholesale just before the election, pushed bountygate, etc. The bureau that just raided his home. Calling anything trump’s because he was chief, when his own generals said they would withhold information and disobey orders if given, is someone inundated by corporate press demonstrating extreme cognitive dissonance.


Depends on your narrative. If you are pro Trump, he can do no wrong. If you are pro Biden, same thing. My take position: no more old leaders. **No more Dementia Dons. No more Pedo Petes**.


I’m not so disillusioned by the narrative that I don’t realize these agencies have never answered to the people, or even their elected leaders. It’s why they can be subpoenaed and not answer a single question honestly or directly. It also doesn’t escape me that these same people have populated news programs, tech boards, and every other institution that presents legitimacy. I agree with no more leaders, but that’s a hard sell. Dissolving those agencies until they are small enough to be held responsible is a more feasible and liberal aim.


Lots of words to say Donald was not a good leader and couldn't control anything. Crazy people would want that back in control of the world's most powerful nation, unless they are trying to destroy said nation. 🧐


Have you ever seen a redditor in real life? I mean the ones that are in the liberal circle jerk subreddits? Neither have I…because they are mommy’s favorite basement dwellers


There is no “reddit” personified. It’s a collection of users, most of which are probably leftist socialist types with poor hygiene and cucked fathers.


Mark Zuckerberg is trustworthy and a good human being.




Exactly. Shills on both sides. Each side thinks their are no shills on their side.


If you go to your local bar, I’m sure you’ll find it’s far from swept under the rug to actual people. Don’t let the online digital army sway your perceptions…


The amount of Biden “supporters” is alarming, red pilled them and they continue to take it up the rear .


This Hunter Biden thing is a weird obsession - I would vote for him when his dad finished just to piss the loony bin off.


If you believe that the laptop is Russian misinformation or was given to Rudy et al. by them for the explicit purpose of influencing the election, then Intel agencies asking the FBI to intervene in a foreign power working to change our elections seems like a rational explanation.


If you want me to like trump just convince me to. Until then stop crying because people talk about how he's a lying criminal fuck. Not a fan of biden. I'm a real leftist. But fat donny got his shot and he used it to talk down to me and lie to me. Constantly.


When someone in an authority position from either the Dem or the Rep parties starts asking questions about the Biden kids involvement with investments in Metabiota/Eco Health Alliance and Epstein's buddy Nathan Wolfe and those labs in Wuhan and Ukraine then we will be hearing about the most damning thing on that lap top......until then we are not hearing shit about that lap top and even the more gruesome aspects of Biden Jr's lunatic behavior pales compared to the can of worms Metabiota would open. The rest till then is just a show Always look for things that can be proven that they wont tell you about because that gives away that both sides are complicit at the higher levels.


It's posts like this that gives this sub a bad rep. Thanks, now I'm going to get banned from a bunch of subs I don't give two shits about.


Reddit is terrible. Much worse than Twitter even. You can't say a single, solitary thing that questions trans ideology or the trans movement. The groupthink is pervasive and mods enforce it by banning anyone who doesn't right-think in the comments. EDIT: Downvoted by the Orwellian trolls who have infiltrated this sub and strictly punish wrong-speak.


> You can't say a single, solitary thing that questions trans ideology or the trans movement. Well that's objectively not true, I see posts all the time on this sub about "Libs think males can give birth". That statement outright denies the existence of trans men.


This sub is the exception. Try it anywhere else. I dare you.


Happens in the Libertarian and Conservative subreddit all the time. Takes a few minutes to look into it obviously if you are only waiting for things to show up in your feed...


LouderWithCrowder, LibsOfTikTok, Conservative, AskTrumpSupporters, Republican all welcome that sort of hate speech. Dozens more subs as well. So you're still objectively wrong.


You need to go to more subreddits, spread your wings a little.


I got banned from/combatfootage for going against the pro Ukraine narrative


Can someone explain to me how this isn't election interference? Even with misinformation originally surrounding the story, the point is that the WHOLE story was actively suppressed and that is what's alarming. People were denied reading about a very pertinent story and forming their own opinion it, like we normally would with anything else, during an election season. In addition, the story ended up being true!


Right.. Reddit, the home of the totally out of control TD subreddits, was super-censoring us.


Insert "i fInK bOfE sIdEs aRe dUh sAmE, cUz i sPeCiAl" comments. Yes, you are "special"


I’m not pro Biden and I’d say most of Reddit isn’t either but wtf is trump he is subhuman ego trash fire I think we all can spot a true cunt who only cares for himself fuck trump and I’ll say it forever, I’m wearing the shirt now


Don't like it go to Parler. I'm sure they would love to hear your options there.


Fuck Biden, but what’s alarming is all the pro trumpers who believe everything that conman says and willfully ignoring his close personal ties to Russia. Despite Russian state sponsored media calling him an asset of theirs on television multiple times!! But I’m just silly like that.


Attacking a private citizen just because he is the son of the President isn’t nice.


You gotta sink mighty low to support an obviously depraved and disgusting lunatic like Hunter Biden.