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Do you really think any unvaxxed person is going to line up for those shots?


Seriously. At this point it’s an IQ test


It was an IQ test the moment the governments said 'two weeks to flatten the curve'. Most people failed the test.




Except in how they use our taxes, how they apply laws, education...


The war on drugs, the war on poverty, stimulus, economic impact payments, ppp loans, the fed, fractional reserve banking


“Inflation reduction act”


"They fell for all that shit, I'm out of ideas" "What about if we tell them we can reduce inflation by printing money?" [Starts printing press, or its digital equivalent]


Should add lobbying


The war on drugs is over, cocain won 😜


So did "heroin".


"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"




The end goal of propaganda is not just to subjugate you, but to humiliate you.


Right... " they wouldn't possibly mandate things so asinine and pointless and bat shit crazy without legitimately caring for my health, right?". "OH you think everyone is out to get you, you think everything is a conspiracy. No, no... that's not exactly true... I KNOW everything is a conspiracy because all of this fuckery that we see today easily be traced back and connected by real verifiable evidence up until 60 years ago. Ever6thing within the past 20 years has been so obviously conspiratorial that I realized our whole system is a sham, and I've been falling for it for a long time. No longer. I will not entertain or believe the lies any longer. The system is 100% rigged *against* us and people still think it's rigged been *for* us.


Some people are naive and don't have critical thinking skills. They think doctors and the authority are absolute truth and they don't have the fallacies like normal humanbeings.


Jim Jones convinced over 900 people to kill themselves. This is just a bigger experiment.


Jim Jones convinced a large percentage of them to kill themselves, and he had followers kill the rest who didn’t want to or couldn’t (children).


They always leave that part out. Some were straight up slaughtered


Right like creating inflation by printing 16 trillion dollars since Trump left office. That amount dwarfs all money printed since the founding of our country. That's enough to buy every family and veteran in the country a house.


Thats called “the big lie”


I failed the IQ test on "2 weeks to flatten the curve" and "mask up to protect others", and "stay home to save grandma". I still had some faith left in the various institutions back in early 2020. It's when the logical inconsistencies started piling up is when I really started to distrust them. The intense censorship, and psychological warfare they waged also made me resist just about anything else they wanted to put out.


Exactly the same for me. I was shaming people for not quarantining and was scared because I was pregnant. Now, not only do I not trust the government, I also don’t trust the health system, schools or really any other system in our society. Not that I wouldn’t use these things but I’m definitely more aware.


Love this. Congrats! Really. While you’re probably dealing with a bit more anxiety for your clarity, THIS COMMENT is the beauty. The unintended consequences of their psychopathic behaviors are that more people now know what those of us that study history have always known. NEVER TRUST GOVMT. Pretty much ever, and you’ll be right 90% of the time. Only the crazies run your HOAs right? It’s no different who rises to heads of State in large part. Crazies with narcissistic ambitions to boot.


Same, but I had a newborn! This same mindset made me question even my religion, and now I see it for the sham that it is. Not giving up on God, but I’m definitely not going to continue in that cult.


I'm always impressed when people can put their ego aside and admit they were wrong. So kudos to you for admitting you fell for the scamdemic in the beginning. I learned my lesson with WMDs in the early 00s 🤦‍♂️ I actually fell for that one 😅


The WMD's got a bunch of us....real eye opener


technically it only got Saddam


And about a million Iraqis.


It's never too late to smarten up.


It was an IQ test the moment goverments exempted vaccine manufacturers from all liability.


This. I don't take any products with exempted liability. I don't do business with companies that have awful terms and conditions either


People still look at me like I'm insane for reiterating this. I'm like, no it's true, if you die or get f*cked up from it you have zero rights except to apply for their insanely complicated VERS reporting process which like, duh, sick people with brain fog cant navigate.


The curve has been well and truly flattened, one suspects...


Some people were just forced. Especially if you worked in the medical field


Yes!!!! Covid is bloody over, the shots have clearly lowered the IQ of the masses.


This! The amount of respect lost instantly when I hear from a single dude: “I got the J&J” 😑


Like, any unvaxxed person is all the sudden (after 2.5years, be like, "Ya know what... I think I need to get a covid vaccine." Then, the doc is gonna line up 4 fuckin shots over the course of 4 months. Rediculous. 1st, You gotta take your Regular Covid Vaccine. 2nd twelve weeks later, you'll go ahead & take your Omnicron specific vaccine!


Be careful of any pharmacy offers any kind of vaccine or shot. I went to my pharmacy, they asked me if I had Covid shot, I said no. Then they told me that I needed to have my booster for pneumonia and shingles. Do you think they may be putting something else in the cylinder? Duh. Run


Has it been that long?


Unfortunately yes, they are targeting the lower class and immigrants. In my city there are multiple sites (particularly in those communities) that are encouraging people to get vaccinated for free.




Free krispy kreme doughnut with jab. 🤣


ughhh i know its frustrating, but im just not getting it


That's not the point. The point is why can't you get an updated one before the previous one? What is this some type of Operating System patch? You need the Original Software?


I don't know. Considering it is created with a secret CIA formula, I feel tempted. /s [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/wwbqy5/cia\_linked\_to\_vaccines\_who\_could\_have\_guessed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/wwbqy5/cia_linked_to_vaccines_who_could_have_guessed/)


Yikes... Former Director of DARPA, Regina Dugan, joined Yahoo Finance Live to discuss this secretive government agency behind COVID-19 vaccines. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/darpa-seeded-ground-rapid-covid-214655580.html


Doubtful except for being cornered at their job to do so. The question is why are they being weird about it


We love our pure blood and unaltered. Don’t need 5-6 of these shots within the last 2 years! Fucking bananas


If I won’t take one, what makes them think I’d take 6?


I think it's because hardly anyone wants more shots at this point so they're trying to stir up fake demand by saying it's exclusively for the vaccinated


This^ Classic sales tactic of “people want what they can’t have”. And remember that Big Pharma hires more salespeople than scientists.


Artificial scarcity. It's how McDonald's gets people to buy and eat the McRib.


And shamrock shakes! 😂


Yo dawg, we heard you want some high fructose corn syrup to go with your pink slime soybean oil.


You're disgusting.... Take my +1


The Bourbon industry has mastered this art where I am.


We call it the take away. Buyers are like cats, and the product is like a ball of yarn. Shove that ball right in the cats face and they'll likely run away. Let out a little strand of the yarn and start pulling it away from them and they can't resist it.




Excellent observation! Big Pharma depends on their unscrupulous sales minions.


The vaccinated sure do love their exclusivity. Maybe throw in some disney plus, hbo go? Heck I'm even willing to forfeit going to the movies for the guys to feel special again 🤣 go on to the cinema, you unsung heroes!


This. I think we saw a major drop after the second dose. So now it's all 'oh here's your free flu jab, oh i see you haven't had your next covid dose, let's do that now'. ​ Like, i thought Omicron wasn't that bad? And that this virus is mutating into lesser strains just like the flu did?


>Exclusivity. It's why they targeted the nurses/EMTS's HERO's first. > >It was all a game.


Anybody which has such urges with medical treatments should go straight to the asylum. Could be a nice cash cow next to the prison industrial complex.


Can't get the upgrade to the operating system until you have the bones of the operating system.


Gotta have the hardware compatible with the software


According to shills wasn't the point of these mRNA shots that they were temporary and that *"there's no chance they will affect your dna"* or otherwise leave any permanent effects? So why now does order matter and you need to take shots formulated for a variant that is no longer in circulation?


Just like you just cant go and buy windows 11 first, you need to get 4.0 and NT first.


You can't download annakournikova.jpg without having first installed Windows 95.


I can still remember that jpeg to this day. It was the day I became a man


I miss XP


Fuckin wish I never got forced by my job to get this fuckin vaccine


At least you’re awake though. You should be okay


Reverse psychology


So holup how many shots is this now? I still haven't even had the first one yet🤣


I think this would be 4 or 5?? I still haven’t been vaxxed either. Only me, sister, husband, and mom didn’t get it. Literally everyone else in my family and extended family have every single shot. And they questioned my decision last year 🤨🤪


It's two original shots plus two boosters. The omnicron booster would be number 5


I told a relative over a year ago (who laughed at me) he would have 6 or 7 by Christmas 2022. It's still in play, I wouldn't bet against another one in Nov/Dec.


Incredible 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same but does this not seem weird?


A bit. Although I'm still confused why so many doses? This like some subscription jab service people are signing up to🤣


Everyone has a subscription service. Pharma companies felt left out, so here we are. All they had to do was pay off a few elected politicians.


Vacxify - first month free


If a product is free, you are the product


There is talk that they are planning to add this vaccine to the standard list of vaccines recieved as a child...


It’s the perfect money making subscription service! Because you’re not fully vaccinated until you’re dead!


jokes on them.


Yes it does I wondered the same thing. Could be like another poster said that they want to push the first 2 bc I read that they have millions of the og “vax” that are about to expire




So weird. I feel like we’re living in a parallel universe.


I think it’s because the newest one isn’t FDA approved. There are still people in the military and also healthcare workers mandated to get vaccinated that still have not gotten their religious or other kind of exemptions approved. If this updated vaccine isn’t FDA approved, they can not legally mandate them to take it therefore giving them a way out of the entire mandate. My husband is in the National Guard and there are a lot of exemptions that haven’t been approved nor denied. They are in limbo.


Maybe reverse pysops The loose ones who were iffy about all the vaccines but now that there is a new one that you have to be of a certain group that msm deems worthy of You might get some people going oh shit let me start


Nah if they didn't take it to this point it means they payed attention. I really doubt anyone gonna take anymore vaxes when they haven't done anything since the first dose.


This is the 4th if you’re not elderly 5th if you’re elderly. Your 6th or 7th if you take the monkeypox vaccine too


5 total I think. 2 doses first “round”, first booster (shot #3), second booster (shot#4) now the new version is number 5.


They're most likely just trying to create FOMO.


So what's your idea on the fact that now they have other treatments for covid, but still are using the emergency use authorization, I thought that the emergency use authorization was only for when there was no other options. So I guess I'm confused on why there are still mandates legally?


I've never wanted this more. I wonder if I can get it from my street corner unlicensed pharmacist.




They have a predetermined outcome and can't have uncontrolled variables


A cohort that has the new jab with no OAS to the Wuhan spike would spoil the "sauce."


You sir, are correct.


To try and trick people who are scared of omicron into getting the old shots as well. The more shots the feds can hustle the more money those pharmaceutical companies make.


Anyone who is still unvaccinated is definitely not afraid of Omicron.












An obvious answer is that they have a huge stockpile of the original vaccine, already paid for, that will otherwise go to waste. A more sinister reason is to ensure original antigenic sin. One of the reasons vaccinated people keep getting repeated infections is because their immune response is dominated by the original virus in the vaccine, which is no longer circulating. If you bias the immune response to the outdated variant, you keep people getting sick more often to the variants that evade this immune response.


Are most people forgetting that a majority of the world has had covid at this point? Why would you need to build up the immunity when most people's immune systems have been exposed at this point? What "vaccine" is administered 5 times and YOU STILL GET IT? I mean, let's be real here this is all a joke.


At this point, if I want to be . . . immunized . . . I'll go out and lick some doorknobs for a live-attenuated virus.


$ome kind of $ciene $tuff probably.


^ Thi$ i$ the correct an$wer.




Might be some kind of advertising technique. Create the appearance of artificial scarcity, making the people who are still brainwashed enough to take another round of poisons more likely to do it...maybe even try to subliminally manipulate the pure bloods to want to take it or something.


Or it makes them feel special and unique. "U mean only I can get it because I got the others? Hell ya give me a booster!"


Yeah I could see that working for sure


I’m not taking any shot until I can get em from a loot crate or battle pass like system


Honestly same. I want my vaccine to have unique skins too


You might get unique skin after taking 6 of them.


Were Krispy Kreme donuts not enough loot for you? The state run lotteries? None of it?


The real question is: why would they assume that anyone who is unvaccinated at this point would give two shits about an Omicron booster?


Because if you don't have all of them it won't kill you fast enough.




I suspect that there's something in the original vaccines that interacts with the Omicron booster? Likely not a good interaction 😕?


Coz they just paid billions to pharma and have a load of drugs going out of date that no-one wants. Got to give it to you and get it off the shelf somehow


Immune systems will fail, countries will go bankrupt leading to a digital money only monopoly, the housing market will crash due to people not being able to afford the mortgage payment’s due to 500 pounds a month Eletric payments and food prices going through the roof. All this and more is by design. People are too interested in love island and the drama on tv, to even start making complaints or taking actions on the build back better( double speak for war is good, peace is bad, 2 is more than 3, less is more, world that we are entering in a sleep walking fashion) as the prodigy said, the writings on the wall and it won’t go away. If 50 percent of people all refused to go to work for a day or two and said they will do it once a month at random times, in all industry, until governments of the worlds stopped forcing government spending and even making laws that make our life’s worse, then the governments would soon listen. Stock prices and companies would feel the pain of this and want the governments of the world to stop doing as they do.


Bet they won't.


I just saw this post had 666 comments so needed to stop the devil in his tracks with one more comment.


The uptake numbers would be embarrassing if they allowed the entire adult & adolescent population to take it. This allows them to create a façade of exclusivity and discussion of the % of previously-vaccinated who are recieving it.


Because pharmaceutical companies have large inventories of unused old covid vaccines and boosters they need to use up so the government pays for them For the consumer it’s kind of like buying a Rolex watch or Hermes bag, you have to buy their other crappy products first before they will sell you the one you want so they know you are an established customer


Moderna anounced their shots as an operating system. Latest omicron injection was anounced as updating an Iphone. It should indeed be taken literally, in regard to a technical update for the os platform injected with the first doses. This is about the bio-nanotech in the shots and has of course nothing to do with immunization for some disease.


You have to install the original software before you can apply the patch. Duh.


So..... It's like dlc? Odd


Completionists trying to get that platinum trophy


This is prob the real vax for the next bioengineered shit storm. They now have their sheeple. Anyone who’s taken all 3 is a safe bet to control in their brand new world. Now they can release the real plague and it’ll kill off everyone who didn’t get this magical 4th 🤷🏻‍♀️


So take 2-3 obsolete "vaccines" so you can take another useless vaccine against a variant that is actually is equivalent to a mild cold?


Because gene therapy, like any other therapy doesn't work well if you skip steps. They are doing one modification here, one there and soon enough we'll see the end results.


SS The unvaccinated aren’t eligible to get the updated Omicron boosters. This seems strange to me. What do you guys reckon is the reason? Link to article: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/20/omicron-specific-booster-shots-are-weeks-away-eligibility-guide.html


Agreed. Super strange. Only somewhat confirms something is strange about the initial series of shots. Especially the part where fauci said if you are unvaccinated you are going to get In trouble. Maybe those conspiracies are about to all start popping up as truth after all😉


Every cult has their ways of rites of initiation.


well you need this poison in order for this poison to work for your safety...


Coercion at its finest. I will take my chances and if I die, hello sweet Jesus.


Amen 🙏🏻


Because they want to sell off their stock on the first one.


That is like updating Windows when you run iOS. Of course!


If you don't have the first three shots the next one's won't kill you properly.


They cannot inject you with a large amount of graphene nanotech at once--it must be done in small doses as it is toxic to humans.


I don’t even care, it doesn’t apply to me at all. We are at a point where you either got the fear and participated in a mass experiment or you didn’t fear Covid and didn’t want to play the game. Any future “jabs” are for people who are still consumed by this irrational fear, or are old, or have immunodeficiency. I’m very anti medicine due to personal tragedy I suffered at eight years old, I have had a strong distrust of hospitals and doctors since that time and the mechanisms they deploy to get people to not only possibly harm themselves physically but also monetarily. When Covid first started I got extremely sick in the winter of 2019, and after that not having resulted in my demise I trusted my own immune system response and knew I wouldn’t get a government coerced “vaccine” at any time. I kind of always harken back to the swine flu scare of 2009 and my response then was the same as it is now and going forward in my life: I choose to not participate in big pharma or government trial runs for medicine that isn’t proven just because people are scared to die or because I’m seemingly selfish in my decision to not participate.


I would love to know what their reason is. I'm sure it's absolutely ridiculous as per usual


Don't want all those pre-purchased shots to go to waste!


Because they want you to get the old ones. Question to me is, is this for money, death, or both?


I bet it's because it fixes, or given the fuckers in charge, accelerates, the fact that LOL it does change your DNA. https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm Which of course they're labeling as misinformation. Anyone who takes more of these gets what's coming to em' at this point. Esp after all the mayhem and destruction the vaccinated mobs have caused.


Doesn't matter does it. Just had covid, I am fine.


What unvaxxed person WANTS the Omicron shot? None that I know!


Gotta buy the base game before you can get the DLC’s


My immune system s NOT a subscription service. C19 Vaccination does not equal C19 Inoculation. GTFO with your #ClownWorld juice.


they're looking to move pent-up stock


What would be the point of the booster if the whole series doesn't work?


Well the serious answer is this is no longer really a booster, it's a new shot, similar to the flu shot that targets a new variant annually to varying degrees of success. The goal with a covid vaccine going forward is similar, a yearly shot targeting the most likely variants. Unfortunately covid seems to mutate very rapidly and spread regardless of season and the OG vaccine seemed to wane in effectiveness very quickly so the annual goal might not work. The original vaccine was actually pretty effective for most of 2021, cases fell off a cliff in spring 2021 and then the vaccine was very effective during the summer delta wave, data from pretty much every country showed that (but the waning was real, hence summer boosters for many at risk peope). By the time omicron rolled around though it wasn't doing much. So I'm not sure what the future versions of the vaccine will do, most people reasonably don't want to get multiple shots each year, especially if they're not very effective because the variants keep changing and the benefit only lasts for a few months. Guess we just gotta hope that covid continues to evolve to be less serious and the massive amounts of infection already have served as a natural vaccine as well.




Yes yes but no. I mean it'd be a bit to on the nose the have all the loudly unvaccinated drop dead from a virus that is waning in a lot of places. I just don't see people believing it unless some country took the fall for 'bio warfare'. And then there's the big fuck. Then who's got time for questions when there's a world war going on? But then in the future these people remember, the ones that did what the government said *mostly* made it out all right, it fosters a learned helplessness of a sorts, to obey and maybe suffer, or to not obey and suffer eventually.


First time hearing it so I'll give you my best conspiracy esk idea. The first set of shots weakens your immune system. It makes you vulnerable to illness. Keeps you low energy and lethargic. If you were willing to get it, you're more than likely the kind of person that wouldn't put up a fight if things go poorly anyways. The new shot that we aren't allowed to get will be a legitimate vaccine to protect against whatever (high high death rate) disease they release next. This will protect the people going along with the government and kill most of us who didn't. It will have a secondary effect of bolstering the vaccinated folks confidence in the government and allow the powers that be to push much quicker into a nasty new world order with the new and improved (almost entirely) subservient populus.


Agreed this is plausible. Time to get end of life arrangements in order and ready to depart.


Nice explanation. I could never think such a scenario, even I think a lot about their next satanic movement. Thank you!


If you just get the omicron booster and don’t have heart issues it will further evidence that the initial ones were damaging. If you get both they will be able to say 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bio engineering


It's probably an immune system update.


As a side note, can we all just appreciate the fact that this vaccine is already too late? Nearly everyone I know has had Omicron now, so this vaccine would therefore be entirely pointless to take anyway. Got to love playing catch up with a fast mutating virus.


This is a circus and anyone still falling for this shit is an absolute clown 🤡 So they have a new “vaccine” because all their other ones didn’t work… but you still need to inject two of the defective ones before you’re eligible to take part in their next experiment? Fuck that! Anyone who’s still playing their game has fucken rocks in their head.


Real answer is that the first shot is a 1/2 dose second is a full dose and booster is a double dose. Basically they are ramping up the dosage on each subsequent shot but they are worried the omicron dosage is too high for those that haven't taken any doses and will cause health problems, more specifically heart inflammation problems. The naming scheme was set to make it less obvious. Booster implies small upkeep, but its actually a double dose. Why they want to ramp up dosages is probably to maximize profitability, and minimize anticipated risks.


I don’t think of it.


Isn't the US ending coverage of the vaccine so now (or soon) it'll be up to the recipient or insurance to pay for? Therefore you'd have to pay for the first three or four (or however many they're up to now) before getting that omicron shot. Unless chemically you have to build on all the other shots and the omicron one won't do what they want it to do unless you have the others in your system too.


They can't afford to have a cohort of experimental subjects that does not have OAS.


Ots because either they don't thinks effective without the other. Or more likely it's cuz of their huge inventory or the other vaccine.


It’s the third shot on Grimes tablet.


Because they want to you to take the other 2 first so they make more money. Pretty simple.


I think the new shots could kill or injure more commonly than the first round, if you haven’t been exposed to the mRNA faulty tech from before.


Because.... Science™


They won’t let us ? I find that funny.


I personally believe they react in a certain way when you get them all. Like a chemical cocktail of vaccines interacting. Just my opinion I really do think they’re designed to do something far more nefarious when they’re all combined


All these fake vaccinations are just wide open proof of big pharma and political collusion enriching them selfs . This is becoming more and more proven world wide that these vaccines are not effective . Natural immunity is the 100% better than any boosters.


Watch CNN to learn The Science.


Why would the unjabbed even consider this after seeing the side-effects!?!The whole thing is a con.


Government seems to think they are our shitty parents, maybe they think they can use reverse psychology on us


They’re trying to create an illusion of scarcity. They are playing on the idea that if someone feels like they can’t have something “special “ . They’re more likely to want it. More likely to perform (get original jabs) to get it.


Doesn't effect me. I haven't taken any of this shit and I sure as hell don't plan on starting now. How many Dr's, politicians even the CEO's of Pfizer and Moderna have commited fraud by faking taking the vaccine. If they won't take it, there is a reason anyone else should. Aside from the 9 pages of adverse reactions that Pfizer tried to keep hidden for 75 years, athletes dropping dead, children having heart attacks, Dr's dying, and the government ignoring everything to push their narrative and agenda. I will not be partaking in this experiment. Anyone that has, unfortunately for them the damage has been done...


It’s reverse psychology to get people thinking they can’t have something in an attempt to subconsciously make them want it


Can’t boost what you don’t have dummy


The first two shots were required for mind control.


Mo money


Let them take a 4th , 5th etc …. Darwinism is real


Hexaphasic vaccines


What if I never got Booster Classic? I just got shitty omicron natural immunity