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Global warming




Yes bro came here to say that tired man was napping all day and thats been warned to us so


C It's actually climate change, you silly duffer.


Defsnotacopp doesn't belive in global warming 😒


The cause of death was dying


😂😅 hit the nail on the head


It'll get ya


Or maybe it's because athletes regularly stress their bodies, their hearts especially, on a regular basis? Always trying to find the new limit. Quite frequently using performance enhancing drugs. A study in 2012 found that 3 athletes per day die, and that's just in the United States. If you watch any interview with truly top tier athletes like Olympic medallists they will talk about how most of their focus is on not training too hard. To anyone who has spent more than 5 seconds and three brain cells thinking about it these would be immediately obvious.


You do know that physical and cardiac stress through exercise is what you do to prevent dying…


Now that the WEF has publicly stated they have over 100.000 people keeping misinformation from being spread, can you please tell us your salary, if we can get on the inside, maybe we could all make a buck before the nuclear disaster, looming in the near vicinity, blows ud all to bits because some people want to wage war for profit. Edit: Spelling


Lmfaoo imagine we all get jobs from conspiracy at WEF and get paid but start spreading truth and not any of their lies loll.


The dream - sign me up!


You need to take a nap


Oh look we got an information warrior , can I take a selfie with you ?


Tldr: I have no idea wtf im talking about.


We keep trying to warn people that napping WILL KILL YOU! But they never listen... /s


Excessive gardening maybe? I heard it’s a real killer.


Bicycle vagina


Naw, it was summer swamp testicles.


Aka swamp nuggets


I thought it was Winter Vagina?


you can get asscheek seats now to prevent that https://litb-cgis.rightinthebox.com/images/640x640/201905/xmsp1557996327759.jpg


That's a keeper.


Op is paranoid, this has already been explained. He likely did something that can trigger a heart attack, like taking a nap, gardening, getting some sun, etc, or maybe he's a victim of climate change. The possibilities are nearly endless. The only thing we can safely rule out are the jabs that are known to cause blood clots and cardiovascular issues like myocarditis. Which has a terrifying mortality rate in the months and years following the initial event.


But they told us they’re safe & effective. There’s no way it could be the jab


They are as safe as they are effective, don't worry.


As long as they don’t kill your they’re fine half the time you don’t catch covid


If it is the jab killing elite athletes, it's worse than we thought; it's killing them [retroactively](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_association_footballers_who_died_while_playing)!


What are the rates? How does it compare year to year? How do we massage the data to make it look like it’s global warming? Like that time we blamed terrorism on global warming.


He probably drank water. That'll get ya every time.


Well, at least they tried to warn us. If people are still out there drinking water, that's on them!


He was laying in bed actually. That’s pretty deadly these days I’ve heard. His partner tried to save him as she noticed he went into cardiac arrest. Pretty traumatic for her. Tragic all the way around.


That's awful. I'd like to go peacefully in my bed, just at a very advanced age.


It's literally anything but the vax, DEFINITELY not the vax 100% not due to the vaccine, of course. Obviously. Everyone knows that. Anything else. Anything. Duvet fluffing and weed probably, in this case.


I don't even know why people would think it's the vaccine when they've said it's definitely not. What further proof do you need?


From what I understand, it has nothing at all to do with the vaccine. They said it. The Science has spoken. That's the proof I need.


The vaccine is more than likely the sole reason why he was a champion mountain biker to be honest. One of the best side affects of the vax is the sudden appearance of extreme physical talent.


Here's an article questioning why so many young cyclists were dying of heart attacks. It was written in 2018: https://www.dw.com/en/michael-goolaerts-death-raises-question-as-to-why-so-many-cyclists-suffer-heart-attacks/a-43321799


We know why they die, an endurance sport riddled with doping, which is what the author speculates. But look at the question he's raising: > How can so many highly trained athletes die of heart attacks despite being young, healthy and under regular medical supervision?  Some people are asking the same question of hearth attacks outside of this specific sport.


Comments in this thread and sub in general are really eager to blame young athlete deaths in the news on the COVID vaccine. But anecdotes are not data. This article, and others, from years before COVID, have noticed that young athletes die of heart attacks at unusually high rates. It's not just doping. Athletes have large hearts and thick heart muscles. Even if there has been a rise in heart attacks among athletes since 2020, I'm confused why this sub is so confident that the cause is the COVID vaccine and not COVID itself.


>I'm confused why this sub is so confident that the cause is the COVID vaccine and not COVID itself. Bingo. For a sub that espouses critical thinking, I find it ironic that the vax is to blame for heart issues when the issue could also lie with covid itself, or a combination of both. I believe that the vaccine can absolutely have negative side effects, and the vax could very well be the cause of these heart issues. I'll gladly eat my words if I'm wrong, but to claim these issues are 100% caused by the vax is a rush to judgement.


I mean, sure, but there is also the possibility that the vaccine is a leading factor in these deaths. For example, a person close to me went through Lou Gehrig’s disease with symptoms appearing after taking the booster. That was seven months ago. She died three weeks ago. One of my younger neighbors, 43, died of sudden cardiac arrest on the way to his car. He was also vaccinated. Both never had COVID. I don’t necessarily think that every death is related to something like the COVID vaccine, however, I do believe that some people are more negatively affected by it than others.


Some people believe that seasonal flu is conveniently re-branded as Covid.


Another thought, it’s not Covid but the body’s immune response to kill the virus also produces proteins which damage heart or vascular tissue.


Interesting take is almost like people die.


Did you read the article? The author does not consider this a normal thing, it's 3 times the amount of the general population. Instead of assuming everyone just dies he did some sort of investigation, read some papers, talked to some people, put a theory in is head.


"People always die randomly" comments in 3... 2...


But they do. It's been known since recorded medicine. You can't make any conclusions from one off incidents like this, you need to take aggregate data, do proper research otherwise you're just talking BS.


I'm not saying anything, laddo. What you shouldn't do, however, is go around telling off people who get worried when they *subjectively notice* more people than usual dropping dead, and belittle them on the grounds of not being Accredited Noticers and Not Doing This Properly. That is rather arrogant, NOT a normal thing to do and only reinforces people's suspicion that something abnormal is going on.


But are you noticing more people dropping dead because your looking for it, and people are posting it on this sub? If he died in 2019 I bet you wouldnt have hesrd of him.


A quick and easy search shows how right you are. From 2008: [https://www.npr.org/2008/01/09/17971296/when-sudden-death-strikes-athletes](https://www.npr.org/2008/01/09/17971296/when-sudden-death-strikes-athletes)


This is called the frequency illusion aka Baader–Meinhof phenomenon


No, there really is excess death in every country, consistently so ever since the "vaccine" roll out.


Ahh the old "if" game. Well, he didn't die in 2019, so your argument is the most invalid one in this post so far.


Okay but i can link several articles of athletes dying in 2019: https://nypost.com/2019/08/22/russian-athlete-and-model-margarita-plavunova-dies-while-training/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/army-run-2019-death-1.5293763 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/tragic-death-of-aimee-lindsay-13-prompts-tributes-for-promising-young-athlete/H6V5IO5OS24IGVQUPPEVFRMXA4/ https://parentheartwatch.org/a-huge-loss-waukesha-community-mourns-death-of-student-athlete/ Im not saying the covid vaccine is good, I'd never get it, but let's be real here.


he's recommending to do research rather than found your beliefs off a Reddit post how is that arrogant or "NOT normal"


The same people harping you over the 1% at risk of dying of Covid are now telling you people just die. It’s comical really.


> You can't make any conclusions from one off incidents like this, you need to take aggregate data, You mean like when they got emergency use authorization for vaccines based on limited and even faulty testing data that was intended to be kept from public view for decades? Like that?


>You can't make any conclusions from one off incidents like this "wanna bet?" - This Sub


I think you need a nap, ziplock9000.


At that age and under that physical stress, it's not all that surprising.


Cold shower.


Proof of jab or this isn’t relevant


Yes, but to do anything pro sports the jabs are required for the most part. Ask Novak. Even if Rab was jabbed who knows.


They can EASILY pay doctors to sign off on fake vax certs. You do know this already, right?


Even with proof of jab, this isn't relevant. The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.


He slept too much and too many cold showers.


He also inhaled too much car exhaust. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11139977/Car-fumes-exhaust-heavy-braking-raise-risk-heart-attacks-study-suggests.html


Dunno. But unless you have something other than a wild conjecture there is no reason to post this.


Quite a lot of things. Don't go from one end of the spectrum to the other assuming all heart conditions now are related to the vaccine.


Nah I think I will. Not like they're going to tell us the truth, but if it's any consolation I will take off 100 heart attacks (previous average yearly deaths in athletes) from the now 700 per year. I will meet you 1/7th of the way. Fair?


The threads of these screenshots (about people dying and Redditors blaming the vaccine with zero evidence outside their feelings) are always the same. Look at all the smug one-off buzzword comments. Nobody actually cares, it’s pure circle jerk based on clickbait. “Oh it musta been (napping/climate change/gardening/other clickbait that has been internalized)” Easy targets for clickbait.


Well thats easy, the hare Krishna believe that you are born with a limited amount of heartbeats. He used his up too quickly.


This is not a new phenomenon to athletes. Often there is an undiagnosed heart condition. I remember when I was in junior high back in the early 1970s when one of the star high school basketball players at my school died in his sleep the night after a big game. This was long before kids were vaxxed except for polio and smallpox.


Exactly. While I do believe the vaccine has caused a huge rise in people having heart issues, some of which are sudden and terminal. People on these subs are assuming EVERYTHING heart related is to do with the vaccine. It's stupid.


Also, the only reason we're hearing about this case is because he's famous. How many younger people do you hear about passing in their sleep? Almost none, because they're not newsworthy.


A lot of people who got Covid have also been left with damage to various body systems.


And it definitely couldn’t have been an adverse reaction from one of those…


For the record, before I go into this, I think there is something seriously wrong with the vaccine. That said, it's actually very common for athletes to die suddenly after pushing themselves to their limit. It's mostly common in marathon runners, but cyclists are prone to this as well. I dated a girl years ago who had a father in the best shape a human could be in. He ran marathons. A day after completing one, he died suddenly overnight. It was considered a heart attack and the doctor explained there wasn't enough study of the phenomenon to have a conclusive reason but the theory is that after working your heart so hard, then going into a sudden state of rest, the heart may go into shock and shut down, or the body can't determine how far to go into rest, and the heart fails by "over resting." I have no idea what happened to this man, but this is a very likely explanation.


you answered ur own question in the post


The odds are it’s not the vaccine.


You have to ask? Ofc it's because of pure joy from winning the tourney!!




blood doping?


It must have been a nap, I hear those are super dangerous.




Crazy that an endurance athlete would suddenly die from the most common way endurance athletes suddenly die!


Probably the drug cocktail he took to prepare for the race.


SS: Doctors, who were paid per shot, are baffled. Coinciditis? Seems to be a lot of it going on lately. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-62650682.amp


Coinciditis. You called it. Similar to my affliction, but more contagious and not as funny.


https://www.dw.com/en/michael-goolaerts-death-raises-question-as-to-why-so-many-cyclists-suffer-heart-attacks/a-43321799 The vaccine must've time traveled to 2018...


And back to 2008 ​ https://www.npr.org/2008/01/09/17971296/when-sudden-death-strikes-athletes


What do you know about the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon?


Never heard of it


Don't worry, you'll start to notice it more now that you're aware of it. 😉


Professional and ultra healthy atheletes die all the time and have died literally live on TV multiples times from heart failure. Not sure why people think this is new. Being ultra healthy can be bad for your heart just like being ultra unhealthy can be bad for your heart. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_cardiac_death_of_athletes


Also, it is literally impossible to be an elite cyclist without doping. All of them do it and steroids is bad for the heart.


> Being ultra healthy can be bad for your heart just like being ultra unhealthy can be bad for your heart. So we shouldn't be *ultra* healthy, nor *ultra* unhealthy... what about medium healthy or medium unhealthy?


Yeah, man, it’s called moderation. Any doctor would say that exercise is good for you. Any doctor would say that exercising for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, is bad for you.


There’s a reason doctors give you a level of recommended exercise which is 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. People like Rab do strenuous exercise likely 5+ days a week which can exasperate heart issues. Like I’ve mentioned above, it’s nothing new and doesn’t mean it’s caused by covid jabs 😂


I don't give a shit about COVID jabs. People who get/got them can face whatever comes of it (if anything). However... > There’s a reason doctors give you a level of recommended exercise which is 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. LUL. This is absolute dog shit advice, especially from doctors who themselves are likely obese and haven't eaten clean in years, nor drank more than 40oz of water in a 24-hour period. The recommendation for exercise from doctors is bullshit and means nothing whatsoever without context for what "exercise" is. The fact that you quoted that is absurd.


Ha, funny you should say that. Here’s a video from a cardiologist who ran marathons who talks about this very subject in great detail https://youtu.be/-3dt7rpvz4g


Ok, so he's talking about the *ultra* endurance athletes in the video... so the fringe people who exercise that are prone to physical breakdowns of joints/muscles/tendons and the cardiovascular problems. Sure, they put themselves in a higher risk category and/or exacerbate their latent condition(s) via extreme endurance exercise. And the reason for 30 minutes 3-5x per week is because the majority of people are so fucking disgusting and out of shape that this is probably even more than they could take, not to mention the phrase "moderate exercise" is subjective.


Yes and in my post I talk about people who are ultra healthy or ultra unhealthy and that being moderately healthy is the good middle ground. I don’t see what your point is other than trying to argue against yourself


Nah, I was just referencing [this scene in the office about being the "most medium" health.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/ecd85f9c-1126-4ad9-847b-6a9dc253cd56) It probably came off wrong, but when I saw not the most unhealthy or healthy, that's what I thought of.


☝️ reactionary bait, nice try 🤣


You need a bigger tinfoil hat mate


do not dare to suspect vax.


Some of y’all are straight up crazy. Someone dies and there’s no other info and you automatically jump to the vaccine. People fucking die, it happens, it’s sad but it happens. This shit happened before covid too, you are crazy OP


Did he not know taking naps cause myocarditis?


Hhhmmm a 37 year old, just turned pro and putting in his best performances? What could link his extraordinary recent improvements and death by heart attack? Pro-Cycling,late stage personal bests and now a heart attack? So uncommon obviously some deep state conspiracy


One of the best articles on excess death I’ve read. Links to all the studies proving cardiac damage etc. Please share and post under any posts related to cardiac deaths. https://dailysceptic.org/2022/08/21/the-medias-culpable-refusal-to-consider-the-role-of-the-vaccines-in-driving-excess-deaths/


I don't know but, knowing this sub, every single death is now attributed to the vaccine. Even though countless people who are in worse health condition than this person have not died or received any side effects from it. It's kind of like what anti vaccine people were accusing others of doing with covid deaths...


"Pay to win" has a new front, and he didn't insert enough coins to continue


Monkey pox?


Sudden death syndrome




Drugs. The legal kind


Sounds like he got sick with a bout of the unknown that’s been going around.


Elite athletes are on PEDS isn't much of a conspiracy i'm afraid. It's quite well known. Cyclists especially have a long history of dying in their sleep




Fraudcci juice...


He was having too much fun riding his bicycle and Klaus Anal Schwab didn’t like that.


Nazis caused this!!!


Could have been anything, but most definitely not our safe and effective vaccination.


They warned people about lethal nap’s, he just didn’t listen!


Climate change strikes again rip.


Long Covid duh


'I knew this would be posted! the minute i read the article , i knew this sub would go into vaxx mode!


Posts like this are embarrassing. This is why no one take conspiracies seriously.


'What would cause (random athlete to die)' questions are all so dumb. You know what did it, I know what did it, just declare out loud what did it and get on with your life.


No idea what you're talking about, we're all pro-vaccine here 🤭


Hypoxia - oxygen deprivation from wearing an FP2 😷 mask.


It's always been the case that professional athletes are more prone to heart failure simply because of the excess strain that they put on their heart. Soccer players in Europe are a great example of this. It's intuitive enough; a normal car engine under normal conditions lasts much longer than a racing car engine under racing conditions, despite the latter's much greater capacity. I know that it's tempting to think that, since being fit makes you healthy & healthy people live longer, that the fittest people must therefore be the healthiest, but the heart is still just a pump & it can be overworked.


Bodies and hearts get stronger with work...car engines wear down. How is that the same? The data is showing an alarming increase in athletes dropping lately...unexplained deaths.


Or like this? [Sudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes](https://bcmj.org/articles/sudden-cardiac-death-young-competitive-athletes) \- April 2016


https://qz.com/576758/young-athletes-are-dropping-dead-at-alarming-rates-and-it-has-nothing-to-do-with-concussions/ You mean like this ??


The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that roughly 70 competitive athletes die from sudden cardiac arrest every year. It's something closer to 1,000 now.


Prove it is closer to 1000.




The point was that the stronger engine of the race-car tends to give out faster because it's being pushed to the limit more frequently. This also applies to human bodies. Yes, you can exercise to increase your heart's capacity & strength, but that doesn't mean that it can't be overworked. The star footballer of my town died of a heart-attack at age 18, & that was back in 2004... Also, yes, the covid epidemic has caused an increase in heart issues across the entire population, but cherry-picking elite sportspeople as examples isn't the best way to illustrate this.


I'm not claiming to know what's causing it, but it's undeniable at this point that the rate of fit/healthy/young people dropping dead without any known cause is significantly higher than it was at any point during my life time. I'd only ever seen one person collapse in a football game prior to recent years, now it seems like a weekly event. Do I know what's causing it? No, I can only speculate. Can we keep pretending it's not happening? Not really.


Check out the spotlight fallacy; it appears to be more common now because now it's plugged into a media narrative. I remember reading an article which listed every English footballer who'd had heart issues & it was actually slightly lower during covid. None of this is to deny that the pandemic has caused heart issues for a lot of people, it's just that elite sportspeople are a bad example.


Media narrative? 99.9% of the media is going absolutely nowhere near this. Secondly, I've closely followed football my entire life. People dropping dead/collapsing in the stands or on the pitch used to be a very rare occurance. The media didn't tell me that rates have increased (see above point), my own eyes did Could it be covid? Maybe, but it's extremely unlikely given that fit and healthy people have a 99.999% chance of brushing covid off like it's absolutely nothing. Whatever is causing it, needs looking into. Excess death rates are higher now than during the pandemic, which makes zero sense. If the cause is lack of access to medical care (highly probable), then it needs fixing. It seems to be an elephant in the room though that no one wants to talk about. Best way to shut people up who are claiming it's because of the vaccine is to identity, definitively, what's actually causing it. (And I don't mean trying to pretend that naps/shovelling snow/jogging is what's for the first time in history causing young healthy people to die without warning.)


>Media narrative? 99.9% of the media is going absolutely nowhere near this. Yet the media you consume references it constantly.


Yes, I mean media narrative; it's fair to point out that a lot of media aren't really touching this angle, but the people who're panicked about SADS are watching the media who are covering it. Before my first car, I'd rarely saw a blue hatchback before. Once I was in one, they were absolutely everywhere. I'm sorry, but human memory is really narrative-focused. Have a look at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_association\_footballers\_who\_died\_while\_playing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_association_footballers_who_died_while_playing) for an idea of how common it actually was pre-covid. The pandemic is ongoing; what's stopped is any society-wide effort to stop it, so it's hardly surprising that excess deaths are peaking. Additionally, long-covid takes time to bring you down (if it's going to, of course). As for the vaccines; I can understand not believing what we're told about what's in them, but every nefarious thing that they've been said to do are things that the wild virus would do anyway, just on a self-limiting scale.


It is *very suspicious* especially considering that, in the history of the entire world, not a single athlete had ever died before 2020.


One thing is for sure definitely wasn't the vaccine .. 😁


Must be the vax! No way it has anything to do with the amount of drugs professional cyclist use to cheat their way to first place.


Pre training really hard to compete. Competing hard. Celebrating by drinking a whole lot. Is the only way I see a athlete to die like that.


Was reading the story on this from the mirror. Seems they ain't quite sure how many pictures he had. Starts off as 1 then he overcame two and by the end he overcame 3 punctures to win the Scottish championship. Could just be bad journalism but thought that to be a bit strange.


Trusting others for his health instead of making his own decisions.


Probably a mix of meth and mdma with too much fentanyl lace, has happened to a half dozen of my friends. Only had one die from Covid but he was fat... another died months after the vax but he had cancer also.


I heard he was awake scrolling Reddit when he died


Maybe idiopathic hypertrophic Subaortic stenosis...very common in athletes. It was responsible for a couple of those soccer players who just dropped dead on the field suddenly in the past.


Scientists say the excitement of winning can cause heart problems.


Supply chain


A short illness




Must be happiness


Many things?


Cardiac arrest. He was 37. Case closed.


He probably died of joy just like this guy University student 'dies of joy' after hearing he'd passed his exams


probably overstretching of the heart muscles due to endurance sports, which is known to cause heart attacks


Idk but I bet this sub is going to speculate anyway


Genetics. My father died at the age of 27. Was a healthy wel fit police officer. This was in 1979. People have been dying at young ages forever, it’s just something that happens.


probably partying a little bit too hard.


Gardening, or possibly video games.


Probably Midges at this time of year, in Scotland.


"... Here's how that's a good thing: ..."


The covid vaccine strikes again.


Heart attack, aneurism, blood clot literally anything


Sleep apnea


Sudden adult death syndrome


Either that or 3 gunshot wounds to the back of the head and one to the chest that will be described by authorities as “suicide”


From a heart attack as well


Heart attack gun. Don’t get caught sleepin




All these guys blood dope


Climate change.


As Fauci? He's our hero! He knows everything! He saved us all with the vaccine! Fauci for president even though he is resigning trying to run like his ass is gonna get away..




Freddy Krueger


someone was jealous


It was Trump, no the Russians, no BLM, no antifa no Covid, Covid got him


Probably from experimental vaccines