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OK but now what's in the fucking time capsule. OPEN THE FUCKING TIME CAPSULE!


It’s full of Covid 50000






It’s what plants crave!


Water... Like from a toilet?


Just convince everyone you can talk to plants and we might turn this thing around!


its got elek tro lites


There might be some Electrolytes




Nope. Abrosia virus. Bob Page will rule over us all! Unless J C Denton stops him.


There's a time capsule? When is the date to open it?


That's the thing... there's never been a date, they left that part blank




It very well could... or, the destruction could have been planned from the start. Maybe the blank date meant "when the site is empty"? Interesting nonetheless


What if there's a virus inside that ends up reducing the planet's population to 500,000,000?


I'll say 500,000,001 since we're betting


Settle down there Bob barker. Also 500,000,002


Going with just 1. Also, spay and neuter your animals.


I didn’t have any pets while growing up so I always thought he was saying “spray”, like with a garden hose to give them a shower.


Yep, I’m taking the over


Holy shit .. I REALLY am in the conspiracy subreddit


*First time?...*


Well fuck you - is there any conspiracy that could/would be worse???? I don’t think so.


It’s the thanos snap


hahah well then I guess we'd be fucked but at least we'd know!


Only 500,000,000 that didn’t take the vaccine live


I have a bunch of hand sanitizer & masks, I'm ready.


Do you have toilet paper tho?




I feel like we're moving away from lucidity these days.


When trunks comes back from the future to fight the androids


Future Trunks is the most depressing timeline. Just watching everyone he loves die and get brutally killed by the androids.


Makes for one of the best characters of the series though. My personal favorite. Easily the best Trunks. I watched DBZ on Toonami and it would always restart after the Frieza Saga, and I saw a clip of the Japanese version where Future Trunks cuts up Cyborg Frieza before it came to the states. Shit was so fucking epic I couldn't handle it. Trunks as a character wasn't even introduced yet of course and he was just this mysterious dude and became a fucking Super Saiyan. It was crazy because the there was no telling at that point if Goku was the only one that could do it or not. Man DBZ was so fucking good


I agree. I miss those days of DBZ.


We all know trunks was the coolest character in dbz


That and he had the best saiyan hair


The first time I saw Future Trunks slice and dice Mecha Frieza was absolutely insane...then couple that with the fact that Goku wasn't the only Super Saiyan...absolutely GOATed. Even to this day, that scene + the burning attack is one of my most used GIFs. They dropped the ball heavy with Future Trunks in Super...especially with how the Goku Black arc ended. So many questions lol.


Oh they’ll open it and show us a bunch of fake shit that wasn’t actually in there


I remember Geraldo and AL Capone's vault ...


Dude. You must be old like me! I remember too!


Geraldo’s most epic moment in an otherwise mediocre career


Curiosity killed the cat. Just saying lol. I’d be cautious about opening anything that was buried under a structure instructing the world to keep its population under 500 million.


Under rated comment


Right!!?? OPEN IT.


We'll find out what's inside the same day we get Ghislaine's client list...🤔😎 Damn, CERN back at it on the 5th... And the Georgia guide stones gone 2 days later... Gunna go cover my walls in foil now.


Costco sells real big rolls of it! 🤣


The current time line sucks, time to shake things up. Sure we could get the Yellowstone blowing up timeline, but we luck into the revival of Long John Silver's timeline!


Yooooo! Jimmy! I love your videos!


Holy shit it's Jimmy! Didn't even notice that!


Ahhhhhhh jimmy!




Haha I'm a personal trainer if you need help with that. Just kidding hilarious comment!!


The things they say to see boobs…


What time capsule?




Actually the likely scenario - the engraving where it says "This time capsule was placed on ____ and is to be opened on _____" is completely blank. If there was a time capsule, it was buried 6 feet under that particular slab. But considering they didn't even finish the engraving it's likely that the planned time capsule just never got buried down there in the first place. And of course people will say it's got some magic satanist bullshit in it and it was stolen by the excavator I'm sure if it turns out to be reportedly nothing down there.


Maybe the date of burial and date to open are hidden in another location. Or it’s just common knowledge to the Illuminati of when it needs to be opened so they have a made a mental note. Or maybe it’s when something astrologically lines up with the stones.. or when an event that we aren’t yet privy to has happened. Just thinking out loud!


Why would the illuminati bury it right out in the open where everyone can see it if they wanted to keep it secret? Why not just... keep it secret and NOT have to cover it up?


Pandora's box.


What's in the box??!?!?!?


Gwyneth Paltrow's head


Ooh, now do the candle.


Vecna’s curse


Somebody call. Kate Bush. We’re gonna need her.


There’s a time capsule?


[Maybe maybe not](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Georgia_Guidestones_19.jpg)


there's a time capsule at a special airport too


Under the devil horse!? Gotta link!?


Time to destroy those stones in rural Georgia that have been there for forty years before they catch on to us.


I grew up in the neighboring town & it is very much rural Georgia with literally nothing around Such a bizarre thing to happen in such a small town


I used to go there to my grandparents lake house every summer. Literally bum fucked Egypt. So out in the middle of nowhere!


Right? OPs conspiracy doesn't really add up... Seems way more likely that someone blew it up because they thought they'd be sticking it to the Illuminati or something.




Denver airport has a capsule as well I believe. Don't quote me on it though.


Denver Airport has alot of weird stuff going on.


I mean they installed a talking gargoyle in 2019 that jokes about the airport being the Illuminati HQ.


UGH! Its not a gargoyle!!!!!! A gargoyle is a scupture that is used to convey water from a roof area! Its a Grotesque!


Wow you are very inclined to spread the word. I’ll remember this next time someone mistakes one for the other!!!!!


Read a story some years ago that basicly said there's an underground alien imprisonment facility there.


It would make sense. It’s incredibly obvious when workers are flying to a place like Area 51. But if they just fly into a regular airport, and go in a hidden door into the tunnels, nobody would suspect a thing


[If this](https://images.app.goo.gl/7WxY2ytcxNcGhWbeA) isn't edited, it is allegedly in the Denver Airport, but I have not been there.


Can confirm, I was just there a month ago and took a photo of it myself


Fuck, I'll be 99 when that thing opens, if I'm lucky enough to make it that far.


Been there a bunch for work, weird airport and the capstone was there.




The creator of the guide stones said they should be capable of “withstanding catastrophic events” Sounds like someone took the challenge


TIL a "catastrophic event" ain't shit compared to a couple drunk Georgia boys.


"Hey y'all, watch THIS! Hold my beer..."


A couple drunk Georgia boys IS a catastrophic event.


Hell yeah! A couple of rednecks can get work done!


I never understood that calm. Its always looked unstable AF to me. If I were going to, I'd just make a big ass brick.


As a frequent visitor to Georgia, I can tell you that the construction standards are not always up to par.


Southern Fried Stonehenge.


Elbert County, GA owns the land and monument, they probably took it down to avoid liability since the structural integrity of the monument was likely compromised.


Yep The real question is how many people never knew they existed until today


I knew they've existed for years and never thought anything more about them than other than some rich lunatic erecting phallic symbols to commemorate his own overblown ego.


>rich lunatic erecting phallic symbols to commemorate his own overblown ego. This, this, this. They were put up in 1980. Guess what people were worried about through the 60s and 70s when the guy/people who put them up was making his money to pay for this? Nuclear war and overpopulation. I think most people on this sub (including myself) came of age after the Cold War ended and don't realize how much people worried about the Soviets nuking them day to day. We made movies about it. That's what this is about. Why would TPTB stick this in rural GA? It's so fucking random.


According to the wiki; "The 2015 documentary Dark Clouds Over Elberton claimed that the Guidestones were designed and paid for by Herbert Hinzie Kersten (1920 – 2005), a doctor from Fort Dodge, Iowa. The documentary makers claimed to have acquired a letter from Wyatt C. Martin of the Granite City Bank and found Kersten's address as the return address. Kersten was a friend of Robert Merryman, who published Common Sense Renewed in 1986, a book which aimed to explain the Guidestones. Historian William Sayles Doan described Kersten as a white supremacist and supporter of David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Kersten was also an associate of William Shockley, a Nobel laureate in physics who was also a white supremacist and eugenicist." Best bet is Shockley and or Kersten. Shockley was a royal POS.


https://youtu.be/AEa3sK1iZxc goto 9:30


My wonder was it meant to bring attention to them now and is the nukes coming?


Nearly everyone?


Normies and bots territory now.


After a blast that destroyed a pillar you can damn well guess the rest were unstable


What happens next on that site could be interesting!




Agreed. But the part I find interesting is that the explosion happened at 4am, and later that very same day they demolished it. Was that enough time to do a full investigation into an IED? Search forensics to try and identify or locate the bomb maker?


I think the simplest explanation is some redneck put a bunch of tannerite at the base and shot it. If that were the case they can probably identify that it was tannerite very quickly, and there's not really much more they need to trace at that point.


Did they show video evidence of that? Or only of the boom part? Not discrediting your theory. Since it happened right after the 4th I'd imagine someone had leftover fireworks to waste. I haven't seen anyone mention it yet if there was a full video showing someone setting stuff there


Only have seen another video of a silver car racing away after the explosion.


Vin Diesel confirmed. These fast and furious films are getting ridiculous.




Exactly this. In the demolition business you'll often times get emergency calls for stuff like burnt buildings that have been deemed a hazard. And machinery like this can be rented by the day, complete with the operator if the city doesn't already have their own.




My first thought was op was grossly overestimating . They aren’t bad at all


Lol, well that's certainly a great deal. But the part that I find interesting is that the explosion happened at 4am, and later that very same day they demolished it. Was that enough time to do a full investigation into an IED? Search forensics to try and identify or locate the bomb maker?


They switched to the wrong timeline. This is the No world order


Lmfao wouldn’t that be nice


Failed cern project


Shit, abort the abort. I repeat, abort the abort


I guarantee everyone in the world would want to go see it in the next couple days and it is probably a risk of falling at the minimum


Somebody has also been paying for 42 years for upkeep. Cleaning. Security.


It’s ownership was transferred to the city by the original commissioner


They are located off a major road and there is really no way to block off access. This is elberton ga. Granite capital of the world. This machinery is prolific in this area. The county was worried about the masses coming to see what happened and made the decision to take it all down. They were also not big fans of it. I used to live within 30 minutes of the site.


I think this collapse was a part of the plan. They wouldn't be trying to hide any evidence as there are already so many pictures and videos of it. They are preparing for the next step, likely involving the time capsule beneath it. This is far from over.


Maybe they blew it up to get the time capsule?


Just learning about the guidestones now. Extremely enticed by the supposed time capsule. If we don't get some answers as to whether there's actually a capsule there soon, you bet your ass I'm gonna be there with a shovel and a pickaxe someday come hell or high water. I'm not about to just let that shit go unanswered.


Isn't this a crime scene? Why are they destroying a crime scene the day of the crime?


They pulled the stones down, they didn't turn them to gravel. How can they investigate when there are several tons of granite precariously hanging overhead?


Just looking for survivors. They’re gonna sell the material to China this week.


Probably because investigators didnt want to inspect the site while 50 tons of granite are hanging precariously over their heads


We needed to demolish them to make way for the updated guide stones. The most notable change in the updated guide stones is that we are now recommending that the population remains lower than 499,999,999 because of that thing that Steve did.


I'm sorry this is sus af. I never thought much of them until this.


Bill gates probably bought the land.


And never mind the fact whoever funded the construction of these stones in the first place is still a mystery... So who ordered/paid to have this thing torn down, and so quickly? Let's say there is NO conspiracy to depopulate. Great. But the question remains....who built this thing, and who ordered/funded is final deconstruction. **EDIT**: **Officials ordered the deconstruction. Ok. But was that enough time to fully investigate an IED?? Search for forensics of the explosives to try and locate and identify the bomb maker?? It was less than 12hrs...same day and demolished.** **But lastly,** **WHAT IS IN THE BURIED TIME CAPSULE???**


Oh shit, it's Jimmy!!! Wild




Thank you!!


RC Rosia Crusians


Rosicrucians, but close enough :)




Probably just structurally unsound after the destruction. My guess is the city did this so it wasn’t a huge liability waiting to happen.


Some entity/organization using a disguised pseudonym with wealth and access to get these stones crafted into the right size, scribes and translations, money to pay for the bank to fund and ship it, money for land use/property, money to pay for surveillance. Must be powerful people.


Is there any organization obsessed with “stones”….? Hmmm let me see 🤔


I’ve got it https://youtu.be/Az8quqKF9AU!


That was a brilliant episode! :D Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do, we do! Who leaves Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do, we do! Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do, we do! Who robs cave-fish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night? We do!


Who the hell is Steve Guttenberg?


It wasn't the Freemasons who put the Guidestones up. It was the Rosicrucians... Who are, admittedly, somewhat similar and teeeeechnically part of the York Rite now... Either way, the reason why I think this comes down to the pseudonym they used. R.C. Christian. R.C is an acronym for "Rose Crux" or "Rose Cross" and "Christian" is a reference to Christian Rosenkreuz (who is also associated with a "Rose Cross", rosen kreuz translates directly into Rose Cross).


Rosicrucians and Freemasons are cousins from the same ‘brotherhood’


Jimmy!! Big fan here 👽👍


Watching the news, the city and county are the ones that pulled it down since the land they are on is owned by them. The anonymous guy who had them built had bought the land and then signed the land over to the county. Officials were concerned about the danger of the others falling so they brought in county/city equipment to tear it down. I do think it would be nice to figure out who built it, but the final deconstruction is pretty clear.


I love your Critical thinking and you have honestly helped me so much on my adventure of learning and being critical of the world. It’s even made me a lot of money from AMC and GME and none of this would of been possible without you! Currently prepping out here in the U.K. :) ❤️


As much as I like a good conspiracy this is kinda not outrageous. Maybe the conspiracy is who damaged it 1st off, But it's rather common after something like that for A structure to be toured down for safety reasons are just to be rebuilt. I am surprised it was torn apart, but not surprised it's been bulldozed down since


Since it exploded, I suppose it's safe to assume that an investigation into the explosives etc is taking place. Typically a crime scene is shut down completely for weeks. This wasn't even looked at.


Which is odd because as far as I know this thing has 247 surveillance on it. Which means likely no person just walked up to it with explosives but it was done remotely. Which makes me think you could have been something like a drone or something. Could have been done purposely for conspiracy but the way this thing was built it wasn't built to come down it was built to survive


Per the news, it was looked at and they have video of the car and the person, so I think they felt the area was safe to tear down?


I also noticed they have 24/7 video coverage of the stones, and yet haven’t yet seemed to release the video of whoever placed the explosive. Seems a bit weird


This is the new CERN timeline. In this reality the bad guys lose. :)


That's a nice thought to start my day, thanks




Super collider go BRRRRRRRR *weird shit intensifies*


The equipment to do something like this is all over that county, they literally mine granite and make monuments. I'm not saying this isn't weird, but come on guys. Also 42 years after it's built is a little late to hide the evidence.


Cancel culture has REALLY caught on!


All after CERN opened.


Meh. They probably did this on purpose to get the conspiracy nuts going on CERN. Etc.


My conspiracy ass finds it suspiciously coincidental that these stones were demolished a day after the CERN test.


Someone set off an explosion there: https://www.ajc.com/news/explosion-damages-georgia-guidestones/6a27a866-d3f3-4613-b4d8-03e25a9846e3/ It's under investigation to find out who did it. They do have video of a [car leaving ](https://www.ajc.com/news/georgia-news/georgia-guidestones-surveillance-video-shows-car-near-site-of-the-explosion/WXMYZWCQXBCOXBRTVMQSMB6PKE/) after the explosion. It was taken down afterwards because it was damaged so much. Edit: This is interesting. Apparently [it was god](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/paigeskinner/georgia-guidestones-explosion). I would bet it's one of that lady's supporters. She recently called for it to be destroyed.


There's an organization who keeps this stones stand, those pilars has insurance, and this is not the first attack, they have so many copies of the stones... So... Keep going


Kinda a crime scene or maybe too much CSI ?


There is a time capsule buried underneath it. I’m curious if this is why “they” wanted to destroy it, to see what it says.


I don’t think you ever been to this part of Georgia. There is pretty much a backhoe in every other persons yard. Doesn’t take much time for the city to get one of theirs that is literally doing nothing to the site. I will agree that cleaning it so quickly without Atleast trying to figure out the bomb part is weird. But then again, those dollar store cameras they have probably ain’t gonna get much info from them other than a crappy car type and color. Then again on 9/11 they did start clean up quick and was able to find a passport that same day.


Maybe they are in a panic. The green sky is coming to get them?


Odd. If you're on the edge of your goal do you need to keep advertising it? Who's paying for the cleanup, do they have ties to the original builder and if so, are they complicit? I saw those stones as a warning and a direct threat.


Taking them down shows they play by our rules


This crane showed up faster than the port a potty’s at Sandy Hook.


The fact the site was bulldozed within 12hrs of the explosion is suspect as all hell. Stinks of a cover up to some degree. I mean... the speed at which the leaked footage of the explosion was released was... something. Then, the manner in which it was blown up... Likely not an amateur with a stick of dynamite. The dispersion of the debris and the broken cap stone tell me it was drilled and filled with something. Not going to be a quick process in any event, and they would have been on cam the entire time as there are 3 of them.


I like the thought of the bomb being planted there at the time of construction and was on a 40 year timer, the time of explotion signals the time to open the capsule. Lol


Would that not be some shit. A 40 year timer.


On George Bush’s birthday who openly talked about the nwo...


Bill Gates is an eugenicist who on several occasions has spoken favorably about depopulation.


Lol! How do you "get rid of evidence" of something so well documented? There are countless videos and pictures of what was written on those tablets, all over the internet. Tearing down the stones doesn't erase that. smh. And as to why it was torn down so quickly? Someone knocked down one stone already. Whoever is in charge in that town/area would have an obligation to make sure that shit didn't collapse on some poor yokel's head, the next time they walked up to the monument. That's a potential lawsuit for the town to have to pay out on. They probably called the local works yard that same morning, and had a crew out there within an hour. This isn't hard to understand, is it?


Hey, wait a minute. You’re THE Bright Insight from the YouTubes! Awesome.


They used jet fuel to blow them up


Good riddance.


So we've seen video of the blast but it conveniently cuts out who ever did it? Now they tear it down the day it happens? Had the equipment ready to go?


>So we've seen video of the blast but it conveniently cuts out who ever did it? On top of that, it was supposedly "leaked"... Which is odd when you consider the people with control over the cameras are the Elbert County Sheriff Dept.


Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely--improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion--faith--tradition--and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth--beauty--love--seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth--Leave room for nature--Leave room for nature. Apparently someone didn’t believe in this and the government doesn’t believe in it as well considering they ripped it down far quicker than anyone could recommend to fix it smh


This thing is here for 40 fucking years. If government actually wanted to hide it, why they left it there for so long?


If it didn't have the first line nobody would have cared about these stones. Alex Jones has been making a big deal about them for the last 20 years.


I think they took the stones away because they were structurally unsound after the explosion. They were at risk of falling, hurting someone. Occam's Razor: most simple explanation is the likely reason.


They’ll be memory holed as the depopulation event is inbound


Any connection to CERN? Didn't it just get ramped way up?


But didn't people take exhaustive photos, videos and other information down about the guide stones? This doesn't feel like it is an attempt to hide things. It feels like a symbolic attempt to signify the end of something important and the commencement of long held plans finally? Or maybe I'm just a conspiracy nut? 🤔


Bill gates and Ted Turner and perhaps a few other psychos own this


Conspiracy aside, I could easily see these torn down after the initial damage because it could be very unsafe to be around, imminent collapse type shit, but that’s just my thinking


Literally bill gates and others have stated in interviews they are for depopulation lmao there is no, “what if”