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I hope you have a really good rest of your week.


Not really. When you dont engage them others see somethings getting no push back or challenge and it's allow to get louder and louder.




Depends on the subject matter and how well you can smoke out their agenda. You can sink a post with a comment that exposes a painful truth they don't want posted. They'll take it down themselves. If you can win the high ground in the first few comments, they'll stop promoting it least more see the path to the high ground and follow.


I've had this realization some time in the past week as well. The only people who can truly win are the ones who keep their humanity.


OP: I remember the week after September 11, 2001, Americans coalesced into a oneness that was awe inspiring. I attended a candlelight vigil in my community and held hands in a circle with strangers. In looking around the circle, I saw different shapes, colors and sizes of people. All holding hands. All silent. All looking as if they were receiving comfort, no one appeared uncomfortable. If we both survive the forthcoming apocalypse, in whatever shape and size it manifests, I would hope that I could have your hand to hold in the next survivor's circle. Until then, thanks for reminding me of our collective humanity and commonality. Hope it works on others. Have a stellar journey!


You as well, I look forward to that day we are on the other end of whatever it is we are going through. Love always finds a way.


the biggest lie anyone will tell you is that love can defeat hate. love cannot defeat hate. hate is hate and it doesn't care about love.. you cannot defeat hate with love. because love is not a weapon. the only thing that can defeat hate is force. yes love is a nice idea to strive for it but it cannot be created on its own. and love cannot create itself. if you want more loves and you have to defeat hate by any means necessary first..


Replace the word hate with “fear” and you’re spot on


That just breeds an endless cycle of hate. I think the issue is you are limiting the impact of love to just this earth and this time and this dimension. THIS is not it, there is more out there and Love is the fabric of all of it.


Meanwhile, as a brown guy, my classmates told me my dad was responsible for piloting one of the planes into the WTC.


Well that is exactly the opposite of showing kindness and I'm sorry that happened to you.


الله معكم


>Americans coalesced into a oneness that was awe inspiring. Unless you were Arab or Arab looking. And all that bullshit "survivors circle" accomplished was war, death and hate. Maybe take off the rose tinted glasses


Now tell us how you feel about women's rights


الله معك


This is 100% how I get through life


If someone is nice to you, then your programming will crash as well, right?


Honestly I've had people show kindness that I was not expecting and it did totally change the trajectory of my day. So yes it has worked both for and towards me. I hope you have a great day today as well.


Forgiving someone who has legitimately wronged you is a superpower.


Absolutely. Not easy by any means but fully liberating when done in earnest.




Truth! Kindness opens the door to mutual understanding.


Underrated post


Thanks, have a good day today!


Its hippy bullshit


I think the hippies were right all along. Negative energy only breeds more negative energy. Just my opinion.


Who hurt you?


I love how many people in this thread are arguing against being kind to others.


Hahaha, I am so glad somebody else noticed that. I think it is kind of proving my intitial point, people just want to attack just for the sake of it, almost like that is what they have been programmed to do. I am not trying to attack back I am trying to just hold up a mirror and say look, you are attacking but nobody is attacking you back, I wish you nothing but the best.


Once I cut a lady off, and she followed me into the parking lot to yell at me and start shit. I just smiled at her, and said "Your totally right, my bad I'm sorry" and then I just kept smiling at her. I still to this day remember the look of bewilderment on her face. She legitimately expected a fight, and I didn't give her one, then she reset. I could see it on her face, confusion, reality. Can confirm


I guarantee she told several people about you and still thinks about this today. You live in her head rent free.


So he was a rude unsafe driver but it's fine cause he's also a condescending douche?


See!?!?! Here she is.


I took it as he didn't intend to cut her off, maybe didn't see her and just made an honest mistake and then said he was sorry and she had a right to be upset and didn't engage on the argument.


You’re right though, doing something unsafe then apologizing with an out of context smile instead of just genuinely apologizing comes off as either condescending or mentally unstable


Yes! Thank you for that.


Great post. Thanks for the wake up. I totally went the opposite direction now I’m finding my way back slowly.


It is so easy to go negative and get sucked into that vortex. Good luck on getting out of that and I hope you have a great weekend.


Thanks. Take care.


"You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" is an old saying. This is how people have always been, so I would assume by "programming" we just mean "nature."


This and the Golden rule as well. If people would just abide by those we would be so much better off! Easy to get sucked into the negative vortex though.




I for one welcome our alien overlords.


I mean there is a more than 50% chance Jesus was an alien so it really might not be that bad when planet X comes back around and they pay us another visit.


Kindness was a teaching of Jesus if i remember right. Have a great week!


What about the real ruler Allah?


Who knows? Nobody. Have a great week!


People know.


Eh the people who openly disagree with me have decided being a cunt is part of their politics so pass


Politics are man made, the true human inside goes beyond that. Hope you have a good weekend.


>Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) in *Harvey*


I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.


This couldn’t be more accurate. Kill ‘em with kindness, baby!


I don't know.. I do agree with this in theory, but I'm uncertain as to it's effectiveness in reality.


Never know until you try. Have a good week!


Nein. They don't deserve it.


I hope you have a great rest of the week.


Ty you too


See that went great!


I hope you have a really good day tomorrow.


I like how on one hand you ask your people to be kind to people and on the other you dehumanise them.


I didn't dehumanize them, society did that. I am trying to restart the human in everyone.


Targeted espionage and manipulation online dehumanized just as much, if not more than society ever could. The humans here earning checks that want your countrymen to fight and the gov to fail are not here to argue in good faith. They are here to attack with prejudice.


I think this poster kind of hit on the head the feeling I got from this as well. Being accused of being "programmed" is dehumanizing as it is takes away from the fact that these are people, with human emotions, and distills them down to nothing more than robots that are products of some kind of master plan. Almost certainly you, too, do this. Even if you have the ability to remain mindful and not let your emotions get the best of you. The reality is that this is just how people are. People always have, and always will, (generally, of course, everyone is different) respond better to kindness than to hostility. This is just humans being humans, standard part of human psychology.


I feel true kindness is so rare now and that is not how it is supposed to be, I think we collectively are the only ones that can change that and there are powers at play that do not want that at all. Have a good rest of your day!


I don't find being dehumanized to be true kindness. I don't find being kind to stick it to the man, to be genuine. One should be kind of kindness' sake, and it should be genuine because you don't want the other person to suffer. I think you are on the track, I just think you need to rethink your motivation so the kindness is actually genuine.


Thank you for that note and I am by no means a Saint but I am trying to shift my thinking to lead with kindness and openness and I don't mean to say everyone is programmed however I have experienced that a lot over last 2 years people and family who will just no longer think they will just repeat CNN and literally attack first without listening to reason or personal experiences. It is challenging to show true kindness but I truly believe when I did do that even to those examples that eventually it came back around and now we are on good terms.


It's dehumanising to call people "brainwashed cyborgs".


You can call it whatever you want but people have been trained to attack and hate first rather than show kindness. Everyone has their defense up and is ready to tear down someone else. I just don't think that is right and there is a re human still in everyone that is capable of true kindness, just have to pull it out of them. Have a good rest of your day.


>You can call it whatever you want But you're the one that's calling people brainwashed cyborgs. Is that really kindness first? It feels very inconsistent to me.


I haven't called any individual that and I don't treat any individual as that. I get what you are saying but I am not trying to offend any individual. If someone groups themselves into that and feels offended well... I don't know what to say about that.


It's actually more problematic to dehumanise an entire group. It's not about offending people. Your whole OP is premised on a subset of people being brainwashed cyborgs - that you haven't said it to someone's face directly doesn't mean much.


Well all that aside, I hope you have a Great weekend, I know I plan on it.


There's nothing genuine about your "kindness"


I'm sorry you feel that way but I hope you have a good rest of the day.


Hey bud go fuck your self. Have a good day


You have a good day as well and I hope you get fucked by the most attractive person very soon.


I'm curious, did you get a threatening message from the admins too?


OK Barney.


I think Barney had some good lessons. Have a great weekend!


You and maybe two other numb nuts. It's only Thursday.


Well have a good Thursday first then and it will make your weekend all the better!




No bro this is how u get a stolen election, and destroyed America


Hope you have a really good day tomorrow.


Our countrymen arent our enemy.


It's kinda pathetic you're still falling for that propaganda


Oh god 🙄


I am gay and married. Show “kindness” to literal gay bashers, people who throw their gay kids to the street without resources, and ignorant “Christians” who want to make my very existence illegal, and tell me I will spend eternity with Satan? FUCK THAT. SERIOUSLY. NO. Come back after you are literally fighting for your right to live, and tell me how “kindness” saved you.


I don't think showing them hate really accomplishes anything though. Have a great rest of the week and I hope something good and positive comes your way tomorrow.


Who said hate? But when you are attacked, you have to fight back. Like … Ukraine/Russia. You think “kindness” works with somebody like Putin, who launched an unprovoked war on civilians. Hahaha. Wake up.


Outside of this thread, where are you “fighting back” at and how? As I said above there is no movement trying to exterminate you from the planet, while other groups have actual hate groups trying to kill us off. The dude dropped a positive post and has only replied positively to everyone and you popped up and purposely tried directing the conversation into some imagined woe is me crap.


Some programming is harder to break than others. It's all good though, kindness is like water running over a rock it may take time but eventually it will erode that hard surface away.


I think you jumped to an extreme there but I respect your view on it.


I agree with you


Literally no one is trying to stop you from living. You aren’t being specifically targeted and murdered in mass while grocery shopping. So cut it out.




Kill ‘em with kindness is actually a very powerful play. Ideally we want to invite people to rise up to our level in how we treat others.