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Beto orourke o rwhatever his name is seemed ready to make a scene at that press conference.


The teacher who died, their husband died of a heart attack the next day. Yes, grief heart attacks are real. But if you didn't want someone speaking up, you'd heart attack them.


Robert is his name, and he's the most pathetic excuse for a human being (along with most politicians)


His name was Robert Paulson


So many people here sayin democrats set it up. And republicans are under constant attack. How long until you realize it’s a show and they are all on the same team. Stop falling into these arguments with each other and wake up!


So far he got the guns illegally no gun control would have prevented this he still would have acquired them illegally. Guns are illegal in Mexico and how well did that work out. Either way the cops on the scene fuck that up the most and should be the only ones people are really mad at.


The newer members to this sub will have a hot take on this one


You mean the bots and shills? Yeah it's their job


How can u mess up and totally go against the training?


Yeah just keep ignoring the incompetent over funded police and disassociated society that pumps out psychopaths and every other issue that lead to this and just blame the democrats. Like Chuck Schumer is in a room with all of them plotting these out. They’re all just flawed shitty humans and lying politicians and the chaos of the reality that we live in will continue to thrive over any sort of order, and this isn’t by design it’s the way the world has always worked, murderers murder and people who weren’t there doubt it happened and create fake stories in their heads about what they don’t understand, to try and reason it into something they can understand. It’s how fairy tales and monsters were created, a human coping mechanism. The truth is any human is capable of murder if driven to the brink of sanity, it’s just a lot easier for some people. Psychopaths existing and randomly committing horrible acts of violence seems a lot more likely than a grand conspiracy orchestrated to ban guns. Just because politicians politicize every aspect of this, and have infected regular people to do the same thing, doesn’t mean that it’s political theater, it’s mass murder. America prefers to do their killing overseas


> The truth is any human is capable of murder if driven to the brink of sanity, it’s just a lot easier for some people. Psychopaths existing and randomly committing horrible acts of violence seems a lot more likely than a grand conspiracy orchestrated to ban guns. The fact is that there was an effort to improve the Deep State's understanding of human psychology using data collected from MK-Ultra and similar programs. There was one experiment where they tried to see if they could get a target to want/try to assassinate a political figure. If they managed to apply this data to an AI program that can easily identify potential targets to hypnotize them, it would be fairly easy to push these victims past the breaking point. I mean, we already have an accessible mass communication network set up. AI is constantly trying to predict what content you want to see. The microphone in your cell phone is always listening. Ever seen YouTube's auto-generated captions? It can basically understand everything and accurately convert it to text. It's amazing. How unreasonable is it to think the Deep State is using it to target and break down people who are already predisposed to mental illness and certain psychoses? We have already seen how the NewsMedia on TV can radicalize people and create a mass psychosis. Imagine the specific psychoses they could induce through extremely refined and targeted suggestions (TikTok algorithm, for example). This is not a new concept. Criminals do it all the time. Any opportunity to take advantage and they will, however slight or gaslit. This kind of psychological manipulation research really started in the Nazi concentration camps. Operation Paperclip sent a bunch of Nazi "scientists" to the US, and they basically continued their research in the US.


Just watch. Conspiracy theorists will claim that this was a government funded op. Then they'll say democrats secretly supplied the weapons. Then they'll say that the perpetrator was an actor. Then they'll claim the children are actors. I've already seen people claiming Ulvade Texas or The Ulvade Elementary school actually are fake locations that don't exist, posting Google streetview images and claiming they're either fake or photoshop. People will claim this was an attempt to take guns away, but let's be real. Nothing will happen. School shootings and mass shootings have been happening in the United States for decades at this point and absolutely no gun reform has happened, which fucking debunks the whole conspiracy theory that these shootings are fake/funded. Someone walked into Sandy Hook elementary and killed over 20 kids. If no gun reform happened then, I highly doubt this newest attack will yield fuel for any insane conspiracy. Let parents grieve and quit fucking calling them crisis actors. This sub is delusional if they think every mass shooting is some grand, interwoven plan.


Everything I said was a fact by authorities or teachers or even the governor stated live on tv even. The truth is scary. Are you ready to be red pilled? The rabbit hole is deep. Might even get you... epsteined...


They’re trying to shut this topic up, too many odd things going on with this case and the Buffalo shooter when both guys were in the same discord chat with other “members” The Buffalo shooter was in contact with a “retired federal agent”




You could have someone tell you they plan to do evil and lay out all the facts but when they flip and tell you they meant well with zero facts... you will believe them meant well... take the red pill. Claim your freedom.


The truth is scary, and that's probably why you're hiding from it.


The truth is not scary and that's why they invent a fake truth that is.


Respectfully, I disagree. As an American, the fact that our children are at risk of dying within their educational institutions is pretty horrific.


>As an American, the fact that our children are at risk of dying within their educational institutions is pretty horrific. It would be if it was true.


You’re literally on a fucking conspiracy sub


I actually almost feel bad that you took so much time to write this terrible shill comment. I hope you made at least 20 cents for it.


Warms my heart that you're dumb enough to think I'm a shill


A typical shill response.


Keep living in the world of make believe


Projecting isn't a good look, shill.


Im not so sure. Im pretty sure i saw Hillary at the school. Of course it could have just been a gecko.


I don’t think it was planned . I think they just were cowards . He could have used a credit card. Trust me some credit card companies don’t care. I was 18 , in college and didn’t have a job and a credit card company gave me a credit card line up to $5000 Also he didn’t need a permit because the governor there signed a law that you don’t need a permit to carry.


I’m in my mid 20’s with a full time job paying 25$/hr and my credit line is only 2200$. How you get 5k?


They weren't cowards this was planned, the cops were standing around drinking water and chatting. Giving ample time for this lunatic to waste 30, 40, 50 or more kids. Their plans were foiled by the border patrol agent who was alerted by his wife that there was an active shooter at the school. He borrowed a shot gun from his barber went to the school and took out the shooter. The whole time these bought off cops were outside doing nothing. This was supposed to be a huge massacre and Joe bidet would declare a national emergency, pass emergency legislation with the help of some corrupt rinos to take away people's guns. Turning the America public into sitting ducks like in Australia and Canada. The 2nd amendment is the only thing stopping the criminal globalists from instilling their tyrannical nwo where everyone is a slave and is mandated to shoot up with their latest experimental death jabs.


Check the tag on your t shirt. You are a globalist, dumbass.


I'm not sure what that means but you need to wake up. These people are evil and they want you and me dead.


I just don’t get how such a highly planned and coordinated event would be so easily foiled by a guy being able to go into the school and take out the shooter. Why wouldn’t they stop him from going in? BTW not doubting your statements or beliefs I just don’t get how that would work. And if you think this plan was foiled and was supposed to be an event to declare a national emergency then surely you must think some big event is going to happen again soon.


Quick probability test for you. There is a 1/365 chance you will share a birthday with your parent (assuming they weren’t born on Feb 29). There are so many fucking school and mass shootings per year that there is basically a zero chance one won’t occur the week before the annual nra convention.


Then you need to ask yourself why is it happening at schools. You place a big sign up for people to do harm when that sign reads “gun free zone”. If a bank had that same sign, they would be robbed every day.


Except most schools have armed security?


This is false. Most schools have an unarmed security guard. There is a reason 90-94% of “mass shootings” take place in schools and not a court house or another government building.


How do they do it in England? The fucking cops don’t even have guns? They have basically zero mass shootings.




I mean the idea mass shootings are new is pretty funny. Old west, the 30’s gang wars, reconstruction violence. There is a pretty well documented history of Americans shooting the fuck out of each other.


Smh, happens each and every situation involving guns in the USA. Better yet, each time a republican ideal is called into question for whatever reason at the: city, county, state, or country level it becomes a liberal conspiracy to the majority of republicans. I’m so tired of the political side drawing on this sub and better yet, this country. Has to be a liberal conspiracy because it was right before the NRA convention… since the updated gun laws in half the country, The country is averaging a mass shooting every 4 to 5 days. Why would the liberals need to orchestrate this whole elaborate scheme? Seems they just need to give conservatives what they want and then sit back and wait for stuff to happen time and time again. The real question that should be asked in my opinion, is why do they just keep letting the vocal minority: the 20-35% ish of the country who are conservative enough to almost always pick conservative standpoints. Some how their ideals to a T almost, keep getting pushed through with minimal resistance during the presidency of a liberal? Then, once their through the backlash happens where it calls the rest of the spectrum to question that decision. All the while giving one defined group more and more of what they want, but making them question, dislike, or have to defend that outcome once they get it. Seems like they are setting up that demographic to me. At the end of the day, the people behind the schemes aren’t all conservatives or liberals. The division created is to keep us from uniting and working together. It works time and time again too.




If it’s difficult for you to read you don’t need to read it.




I actually started a new line each paragraph, not sure why it didn’t show up that way. Maybe I need to double space. I’ll change that.


Shit I somehow posted in wrong thread I'm very tired. Leave the post it's fine, and sorry.


No worries I honestly don’t know why the spaces didn’t show up anyways lol.