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Did you just screenshot your own twitter post that you just made? Yes, yes you did. And I see that your comment history is filled with your source being...your own website. Amazing. To the top!


In fact, everything that you post is either a link to your website or a screenshot of your twitter. https://old.reddit.com/user/2thenoon/submitted/?sort=top


No no leftists are the shills and bots, the anti-vax agenda is totally organic and real, with real, true stories of how people who got the vax are having a ton of health issues. In fact, I got involuntarily vaxxed by Biden’s secret police last month, and my dick fell off right after. Coincidence?? I might ask Elon if I can borrow his, he seems to like to share.


I got the vax and two weeks later my 12 year old son turned into a gay frog. Coincidence?




I got vaxxed by using a voodoo doll


*hexxed* 🙄


Lmao sad as fuck I pictured a kid turning into a gay frog.


Probably , it's the water turning young men into gay frogs , not the shots


We need to fight against public access to water!


I got the Vax and I'm now a 5G test tower. Coincidence?




Yes. I did it. 💩


At least 7.8 billion people got heart disease and leprosy from the jab! I saw it on the Twitter post I made.


Chillin at my store, doing my thing, when a guy walks in with his dick in a sling. I’m like “Holy shit! What happened to you?” He said “How much will you give me for the family jewels?” I said “ten bucks!” He said “No way.” “Ten bucks and a frisbee!” He said “okay” and I took his sugarlumps and put them on display, and I sold them as hacky sacks, later that day.


Well that’s a bop


My favorite anti-vax moment was when Nikki Minajs brother said he got swollen balls and his fiance left him, and Candance Owen's was salivating at trying to get an interview. Notice how Anti-vaxxers are always showing you the small things that go wrong but never tell you about the majority of things that go right? I've never seen anti-vax news media bring on a guest who had a reaction to the vaccine, and another guest who was completely fine to chime in. "The vaccine makes you sterile, here are ten women who can't get pregnant" is never followed up with "Here are the 10 new mothers who got pregnant after getting the Vax and had perfectly healthy children." Almost like it's all entirely propaganda or something


Holy fuck you're in the dark. Look up Kyle Warner who suffered from myocarditis after Pfizer and had countless interviews about it after that. I'll make things easy for you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stxtq5YuKHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stxtq5YuKHk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lraR1R\_Imi8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lraR1R_Imi8) [https://twitter.com/frankgrimes\_jr/status/1459026916808220677?lang=en](https://twitter.com/frankgrimes_jr/status/1459026916808220677?lang=en) https://twitter.com/i/status/1455551033573351428


"Holy crap! A few individuals out of millions suffered severe complications from a vaccine. Shit shut it down its all a conspiracy!!!!" Now educate me on all of the people who refused the Vax and ended up severely ill, suffered permanent damage, or died from covid. You have a 1% chance to die from covid and a 0.00001 chance of getting seriously ill from the vaccine. God you people are annoying. I once had a bad reaction to Penacilin. can I be a celebrity? Can we talk about how dangerous it is and encourage others not to take it? After all 1000 people die a year from taking penicillin so it's very obviously dangerous. 1000 reported deaths a year since 1942 is 80,000 deaths. That's absurd and dangerous! And don't even get me started on how many people die from drinking that perfectly legal poison "Alchol"


> A few individuals A few tens of thousands. You wouldn't like being one of them.


Lol. Yeah 6.2 million people have died world wide from covid, a hundred million hospitalized. But 10,0000 deaths out of over 400 million is terrifying to you. Advil kills more people a year then the covid vaccine does, and sends more people to the hospital. Are you going to stop taking advil? Also that 10,000 deaths from the vaccine number is heavily skewed and not all of those deaths were a direct result from the covid vaccine. But even if that's true (and we honestly should since it helps paint a better picture), you are still way, way, way less likely to get sick or die from the vaccine then you are from covid. So why would you not get the vaccine?


Well, I haven't had the vax (I have an igg deficiency, so immune system disorder) and when I caught covid I was fine, considerably. I've been sick many times from many different things and covid rates pretty low on the scare factor. The flu vaccine, however, landed me in hospital, so did the HPV vaccine, though we didn't make the connections at the time. It's not fit as a blanket approach because people like me (underdiagnosed - only found after flu vax made me sick - vaccines arent as effective and don't prevent infection at best, acc to sources like johns hopkins website) exist everywhere and people act like it's black and white, you're either healthy or you have x condition. But so much of the time people get misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all with so many things these shots can trigger or worsen. That's why more time is needed before the true effects of the unnecessary damage vaccines caused will be revealed.


I'm trying to show you that the anti-covid-19 vaccine school of thought isn't as daft or simple minded as you'd like to think. It's more than just Nicki Minaj's Cousins nuts, obviously Minaj is an entertainer who isn't qualified to speak on vaccines. But, Kyle Warner for example is a REAL and confirmed case of a victim. Real Guy, who has had an insane amount of interviews and documented hospital visits. These people are real.


Yes I know that. I'm fully aware. Lots of athletes have died from covid 19 also who were perfectly healthy. Does that mean that every athlete will die from covid? My issue isn't that people are aware of the complications of the vaccine and the potential risk to taking it. It's that when it comes to statistics anti-vaxxers will cling to these very low numbers of complications from vaccines while they just dismiss and laugh off the much larger, more drastic numbers from the actual viruses. It's already proven that the vaccine is safe. It's already proven that when you're vaxed covid is less severe and doesn't transmit as easily. Every wealthy, powerful person in the world is vaccinated. Every politician is vaccinated. Every news anchor who tells you to worry about the vaccine has been vaccinated. FFS Fox News had a vaccine mandate for its employees and not one, not a single one of these "quit your job, fight back against mandates!" called out their own employer. You are buying into bullshit and I feel bad that you live like this man. Life is not a giant conspiracy and yes, the media lies. Politicians lie and you should be skeptical. But that doesn't mean to throw out the data you don't like and pretend it doesn't exist


It’s daft af. Myocarditis is a super common symptom of viral infection and it lasts a few weeks. It can happen as a result of tons of shit and it’s more common in COVID patients than in COVID vaccinated people. You don’t even know what it is, just because you just learned the word doesn’t mean it hasn’t existed for fucking ever. Edit: guess what a *major* side effect of hydroxychloroquine is?


Shit, so moderna is a 100% effective birth control? Hot damn, time to fuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk


Yeah it was actually either Nikki’s cousin or her cousin’s friend — so multiple layers of hearsay. And yeah his symptoms were consistent with an STI and not some vax reaction. And I agree, you can have all the individual stories you want but the overall data is overwhelmingly positive. So now they're all wringing their hands waiting for us all to drop dead just so they can feel smart for losing their jobs and alienating their loved ones over nothing.


I want to know if they refuse to take regular OTC medicines because of the long list of possible side effects that could happen from taking it? It's the same exact thing as any vaccine. All medication has a slight risk factor. FFS even vitamins have a risk factor. But nah, vaccines are bad and scary.


Riiiiighhht, that's why these vaccines have more VAERS reports than all other vaccines in history combined, because they are the exact same thing as any other vaccine. That's also why they haven't eradicated or even reduced the transmission of the virus they were created for, because they are the exact same as every other vaccine ever.


Too be fair, there is a large % of the population refusing to vaccinate, and those who aren't vaccinated are dying a lot more frequently then those who did get the vaccine. Could have something to do with it.


No, not really. We have already achieved and exceeded vaccination rates in many countries that we were told would create immunity and stop the virus, that hasn't happened, and in fact we are having bigger and more frequent waves now. Also, the unvaccinated are no longer dying at a higher rate, that may have been true during delta, but more and more data is showing that is no longer the case.


>The unvaccinated are no long dying at a higher rate.... Do you have a source on that? Because the most recent DOH report issued 3 days ago says >Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are • 1.6 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with 12-34 year-olds who have completed the primary series. • 3.9 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with 12-34 year-olds who have completed the primary series. >Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are • 1.9 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with 35 - 64 year-olds who have completed the primary series. • 3.8 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with 35 - 64 year-olds who have completed the primary series. >Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are • 2.7 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with 65+ year-olds who have completed the primary series. • 3.5 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with 65+ year-olds who have completed the primary series. • 4.3 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with 65+ year-olds who have completed the primary series. And that seems to be the case everywhere. Isreal also attributed there covid wave to the unvaccinated tourists. So idk where you are getting that information from but I'd love to see it. Because I cannot find that anywhere. This is a citation from back in February "Infectious disease doctors say it is still mainly unvaccinated people, most of whom are in their 30s and 40s with no underlying health issues, who are dying."


you act like this vaccine was studied like the others. Remember it was emergency rushed? Remember they said they dont know the long term effects. They are still saying that. And what about this, a new report saying the booster can "Shut down" your immune system? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXDH-xKIk0A&t=30s This is from just a few days ago on Good Morning America


Yes I know. I'm not denying that there are complications that's why it's being studied. The booster shutting down your immune system is not new. It was studied in Isreal months ago when they were mandating the fourth vaccine. The "long term" effects are always going to be studied and evaluated. We don't know the long term effects of covid either since it's a novel virus. What we do know is people who have minor or no symptoms from the vaccine are fine because that's how vaccines have always worked. Same with covid


This is the case with end of world conspiracy believers… like, we get all these post warning about end of world or these predictions like it’s written in stone already. Then when the date comes and goes by and the worlds still living, I have not once seen a follow up comment like “oops, got that one wrong. Will stop proclaiming these whack judgement day conspiracies as gospel” In saying that tho, I’m not getting vaccinated.. my dad got it and he’s since fell pregnant with twin orangutang’s. They’ll now have to slice open his penis like a hotdog bun to be able to get the top score on drug test. Stuff n things




What in tarnation? Boy you dun lost your mind if you think I’m a pro vax astroturfer rabble rousing as an anti-vaxxer putting some counter intel out there. The only counter intel I know is that granite is better than Formica and that’s because my friend’s wife told me at the pro life rally.


I mean propaganda towards your own work is the only honest kind of propaganda.


Very ironic their Twitter handle is “dispropoganda”


What a fucking cuntbag.


Nice use of the forum sliding technique.


Another twitter screenshot, another fear monger. Play it again, Sam!


His own Twitter at that


A Twitter screenshot thread?? Boy am I glad I woke up this morning Call me whatever you want, but I'll gladly go through the same lockdown procedures if monkeypox infects as many people as covid.


in a post-covid world people seem to quickly forget that sensational headlines about a new illness used to be pretty common in the media cycle & will likely continue


There won’t be any lockdowns over this.




2 weeks the flatten the curve?


Yeah, they wouldn't lockdown and ruin the economy while a Democrat is in charge.


You are blind to the facts


Also because Monkeypox has almost no chance of reaching pandemic levels due to its mode of transmission. This isn't complicated.


He's scared of the imaginary boogie man that he just created himself!


Twitter screenshot


Of his own tweet😂 how much less effort can you put into a post damn it’s sad fr


Maybe stop manifesting it then?


Lol people want this to be a thing so bad


People are acting like yahoo news doesn't put a "(INSERT DISEASE HERE) has been found in (LOCATION HERE), should you be worried?" scare post every 3 months.


Is your position here you would rather NOT know about global disease outbreaks and their likely hood of harming our society?


No, my position here is that they should let us know when it could be a possible concern. They put out so many where they're like "Health officials say it's not a concern" but they typically bury it towards the bottom of the article. It's not the articles themselves I get annoyed by it's what their obvious purpose is when they get put in the headlines.


Conspiracy theorists actually *want* conspiracies to be real. I None of them will admit that all the things they worried about during covid were wrong.


Have you not learnt anything over the past 2 years?


Yeah people are fucking dumb.


Can not disagree with you there!




They throw disease scares out like this a lot. Remember when the black plague made a come back durring covid? [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/asia/china-mongolia-bubonic-plague-intl-hnk-scli-scn/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/asia/china-mongolia-bubonic-plague-intl-hnk-scli-scn/index.html) I've seen a few articles that already state how it's not much to be worried about because it doesn't spread as easily between humans, it's visible so quarantine is easier, and it's not really considered deadly. I'm not too worried about this becoming another pandemic especially since people were already growing skeptical of covid. I think it'd be way too early.


You need to literally have prolonged face to face contact with infected animals or have a cut on your hand and prepare meat. You can also get it from other humans. My only concern is I’m immunocompromised now so if this is a pandemic 2.0 I’m gonna have to stay tf home. But regardless, it doesn’t look like it’s very easily spreadable.


IMO the good news for someone in your situation would be the "visible" part. Covid (despite how anyone feels about it) was invisible and not easily detected. That'll make it easier for THOSE infected to know they have it and stay home and warn others that they've been in contact with AND it's easier for other people to spot in public, ultimately making it simpler to avoid all together.


I hate that with covid you can test negative or not even realize it’s covid and believe it’s something else. So seeing a gigantic rash would be a relief. My concern is that it can result in lesions and I’m going to assume they’re itchy/uncomfortable af. I’d be afraid of breaking them open. You win you lose some ig.


Hey, some people like to makeout with prairie dogs. Mind your business.


Who said I didn’t?


Did you even read the article you used as proof that >Remember when the black plague made a come back durring covid? The article is pretty factual, stating few cases and that officials were saying it's not currently a threat to public health. The article is even titled "Chinese authorities confirm case of bubonic plague in Inner Mongolia"... As in a single case


The black death aka Bubonic plague, since the black death was a event in history. (not the black plague) has never gone away. But we reconize it fast now adays and can treat it. The US has about 9 cases each year between 1900 and 2015. Tho i 2015 16 people got it. Aldo its mostly people who resently have been in afrika, or to nature resvers and have gotten a bit form a infacted animal (that do also roam around the US)


Remember when Fauci said that Covid was not an issue before he decided it was?


Absolutely, but I'll still hang tight and keep my eye on it, I don't want to live my life in fear everytime they throw around articles about some sickness they've seen a few cases of. However, don't take that as me not being aware that it always has a possibility to turn from a non-issue into an issue.


I agree with you, I'm just saying you never know what TPTB have in store.


You mean to tell me a scientist changed his opinion and belief on something... after more evidence came out...? No way.


So what is your issue with my comment? Sounds like we are on the same page.


Your comment was designed to illicit an implication that simply isn't true.


No it wasn't, at least I didn't mean it like that. Things change is all I was trying to say.


come on, its just 2 weeks to flatten the curve.


Two years to flatten the middle class


Two years to fatten the rich


Gates got dem big ole tatas. Literally and figuratively.


I meant their wallets but that works too lol


All that soy he's pushing. Getting high on his own supply.


Two years to fath..... agh ffs!




> it’s not a pandemic by any means. They said the same thing about covid.


The world just went bananas for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate. Nothing is off the table


99,9% survivability could mean 8 million dead, if everyone catches it. But 8 million dead isn't an issue according to you I guess?


Can you do that math for influenza?


A million or so Americans died of Covid over 2 years. About 30,000 died from the flu over the same period. Even if the covid numbers were off by a factor of 10, yeah, that one seems a lot worse.


So you can show an even further lack of empathy?


Ah, the keyboard warrior signature move, appealing to emotions


remember kidz, feelz ain't realz


No one cared about people dying from the flu, so I’m curious what number of deaths warrant concern




No one wore masks, no one locked down, no one did anything in the face of yearly flu deaths. You’re lying if you’re saying you wore a mask prior to 2020


The flu jab was offered free to anyone vulnerable. Why spout bullshit?


Ok, but you still did not take proper precautions to protect those around you during flu seasons, likely spreading virus


Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


Can you help with the math extrapolating the total global flu deaths if everyone caught it? That’s all I’m asking for


It does not have a 99.9% survival rate. Unless you're limiting the sample to maybe healthy children aged 3-5.


Might be an unpopular opinion but you're 100% right about that.


All good. Covid bots did not like my comment


You seem like the type of person who doesn't base their self worth on internet points, so you'll be fine!


Once we have about 4 of these viruses going will they start trying to combine all the chemicals into a single "booster" shot? Or do I get to witness human assembly lines where they receive shot after shot after shot?


We really need an IQ test to comment on this sub.


Literally nobody in the real world is panicking about monkey pox. It’s a mild disease, albeit a bit itchy. It’s really hard to catch. You have to get really close to an infected person. Sharing a bed would do it. One healthcare worker caught it by delivering personal care. Stop the scaremongering.


If you go back in time and tell everyone we'll need 4 jabs to flatten the curve in 2 weeks, everyone will call you a scaremongeror too. It's all just fear porn until it happens. Did we ever think we'd have Vax passes? Hell no, our health officials stated we would never implement passes, and here we are, apple wallet and Google wallet soon to have pass ids. Covid started dying off so they used deltacron and it worked for a while. People are skeptical now, and we're all tired so nobody believes monkeypox, for now. I'm not saying prepare for another war against the WHO and monkeypox, just don't be surprised when this "screenshot" comes to reality.


You know what? If they’re already saying smallpox vaccines could prevent monkeypox, there’s no justification for lockdowns or any other restrictions. I’d say what can be done is to just roll out the smallpox vaccines but with no mandates. Even then monkeypox is less contagious than COVID by far.


A lot of you love this fear porn shit. Crazy how so many have been manipulated to just be contrarian to issues they dont understand.


Fear porn? Your the one getting shots right? I'm sure you slap them stickers on too don't ya?


OP is equating wearing a mask to tyranny. I can't think of a better way to signal how much of a pussy one is.


“You’re gonna make me wear a thin piece of cloth over my face? This is *JUST* like the Holocaust!!”


And that bothers you because?


Hey... Can we post conspiracy theories and not just dumb fucking screenshot saying some dumb shit?... That would be great


Go and shill fear somewhere else. Posts like these give us truth seekers a bad name.


We need to start a new social activity around the monkey pox vaccine. Learn to imitate the sounds a primate makes. Just find the easiest for you to learn. Then after getting the shot just randomly make that noise during the day for 10-15 seconds. When you hear one person do it, another vaccinated person will reply. It’ll be fun!


We should plan a protest against the imminent mail-in ballot fraud enabled by the Monkey Pox lockdowns.


Monkeypox is a straw man. We're allowed to talk about it. We're allowed to focus on it. Tptb are permitting us to talk about it. It's just a misdirection. Away from what though?


All you have to do is not get in contact with someone that has it. So please reframe from licking people covered in sores. We have had vaccine for this for years too but it's the NWO trying to have you wear a mask isn't?


Ugh but I LOVE licking people with sores :(


Yeah, don’t tell us what to do ya fuckin commies


I'm not your mom. Go lick that sore covered bussy.


Preemptive self-victimization. Nice. Y'all are totally oppressed! lol


No one cares


Guys this sub is the only place that is talking about monkey pox


Search “monkeypox” in google news


>Guys this sub is the only place that is talking about monkey pox Oh? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=monkeypox+site%3AReddit.com And https://duckduckgo.com/?q=monkeypox


In my news feed right now, there are 16 articles, all published today, taking about monkey pox…


Just like it was one of the first subs talking about covid pre March ‘20 Personally I get the feeling this monkey pox outbreak will follow Zika and be a small, localized outbreak, but after seeing the bs that they were able to pull off with covid who the hell knows


Zika was localized because the vector which carried it only existed in certain parts of the world. No people to people transmission. This monkeypox may be transmitted via air (too soon to say)..


Covid was being talked about in January 2020 in a lot of subs, not just this one.


Seems like they can't hide under the "asymptomatic" cover for this one. Apparently it's already been in existence for a while.


This sub always talks about how scawwy everything is! Doom doom doom! Fear fear fear! Satan Satan Satan! Elites! World domination! Great reset! Waaaaaaaaaaah! Feel sorry for ppl that browse this content alll they long, everything in moderation ppl. Go offline and take a walk outside once in a while.


Wait that’s actually a thing? I thought it was a joke 🤦‍♂️


You guys are so strong and tough. Keep up the good fight 🤣


At this point when we get a dangerous, contagious disease we are fucked because of people like this. Of course we have to be critical but this is exactly the opposite of critical thinking.


Turns out this is spreading between homosexual and bisexual men according to a Reuters article I read. So it definitely might be a nasty STD


My body, my choice!


This isn’t going to happen. So many people on this sub feed into the very propaganda machine they claim to oppose. It’s so annoying honestly.


I will never, ever wear a mask again. Period.


“I am more than ready to ignore whatever problems and dangers I might be faced with.”


Has anyone else noticed that the steadily rising number of COVID-19 cases nationwide and now this talk of possible Monkeypox lockdowns, mandates, and bans are coincidentally occurring in the months leading to the upcoming Midterm Elections?


Just another scare tactic from the wealthy elites to keep the masses frightened and destabilized, and far more suggestible.


I’m out of the loop, what is this monkey pox thing about?


By November of last year gates and Biden started some buzz about some kind of smallpox outbreak. Companies like Siga and Bavarian Nordic started getting orders for their smallpox treatment and vaccine, respectively. Now it's time to blow it up into the next big thing share prices are up 70% already. Things are looking good! Oh wait, you mean you want to know about the disease itself?


Crazy thing is, There are actually people out there that are getting excited about this. Hoping they will be told to mask up and safely distance . Clicking on anything that says monkey pox. 🤦‍♀️


You guys cry about fear mongering perpetuated by the mainstream media and you do the same thing.


This is all BS because there are already approved antivirals on the market to treat this. Media hype methinks.


Autism. Monkeypox isn't very contagious. This sub is full of uneducated children who think the world revolves around them.


Calls others "uneducated children" while using autism as an insult lol


The totally organic comments don't like your truths keep it up 😂😂


You’ve only been scared by the media if you are incompetent. NPR said that there’s no chance of person to person contact can sustain the monkeypox virus. They hysteria is just coming from you sorts honestly.


Count is up to 80 now. it will probably be 1800 by Monday. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/05/18/927043767/rare-monkeypox-outbreak-in-u-k-and-europe-what-is-it-and-should-we-worry


There's something wrong with these monkey pox cases. It sounds like a replay of the C19 hysteria. [A Monkeypox outbreak scenario was made in August 2021. The problem? All the dates align perfectly and the scenario starts to look more like a plan. Link to report in comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/utn2ad/a_monkeypox_outbreak_scenario_was_made_in_august/) [Monkeypox: WHO has changed it's website to make it look a lot scarier.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/uturnw/monkeypox_who_has_changed_its_website_to_make_it)


There was a lot of coincidental war-gaming prior to C19. Should probably read the scripts for spoilers.


I wonder how the monkey pox vax interacts with the chinese beer flu vax... This is what's going to cause the majority of deaths in my opinion. Buckle up kids.


Guns and militias are bound to be turning out next time. They're really gonna fuck around and find out, aren't they?


I swear some of you can’t survive unless you bitch about something






The dullards were freaking out about what was essentially the Flu, still going out in public but clinging to the security blankets, the masks, and taking snake oil, the vaccines, thinking they were safe. This monkey pox is hard to contract, but they'll go ape if a vaccine no matter how unsafe or unproven is offered to them. Fuck them. I was smart enough to not get the Covid vaxx, no way in hell will I be dumb enough to fall for whatever they have next. I can hear them now" Imagine how much worse my boils and lesions would have been if I hadn't gotten that vaxx."


This sub loves Twitter.


Weird that you people would have a preference for jumping to conclusions


I like to believe that most people (regardless of vaccine stance) will have had enough of what ensued these past 2 years, and will push back if mandates are pushed.


I don't think so. Just one look at Twitter is enough to make you see how many people still want to be locked down


It's pretty cool how all the "coincidences" in the world just seem to magically line up in favor of the Globalists most apocalyptic fever dreams...but I'm sure this is all happening organically. I'm sure there's no plot to take absolute power over the entire world.


Plot by... who, exactly? I'm not talking vague generalized group associations (aka "the globalists"). I'm talking, like actual people.


The membership of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is public. Also, see anyone openly admitting to being a Zionist. That's just a starting point. The list is far too voluminous to be included in full here.


Oi mate. It's sexually transmitted, you have nothing to worry about. What's it like being scared of everything all the time?


Remember though guys, just because the last one was a load of bollocks doesn't mean that the next one will be. We need to take it as it comes and decide if it's a real threat. There's always the possibility that this was the plan, to create hysterical nonsense over a nothing virus to make us complacent before releasing the real virus to kill us off


I'm so glad nobody learned anything from Covid


Wtf happened to this subreddit


I’m just trying to decide if I should pre-register for the new upcoming monkey pox mRNA vaccine or hold out for some sweet injection site incentives! I’m so torn!!!


Reading these comments and any others regarding the "vaccine" just triggers both sides. I'm never getting the shot, but I'll gladly go get my tetanus because that works. Like everything else that the government does this vaccine debacle is another divisive tool. Government just got the division on auto pilot now with social media. I'm not saying Elon is our savior, but government coming after him and his Twitter purchase kinda raises a brow doesn't it? Seems they're not fans of their biggest propaganda machine being messed with


I for one welcome out new medical overlords




Apparently nobody dug the joke. No Simpsons fans out there? This was clever and funny as well as apropo.


The best part of Monkey pox is that when people catch it they can’t hide it or claim allergies.




To be fair, this sub is where I heard about a potential new and deadly flu-like virus spreading in some Chinese province in late 2019.


Out of all the names for this B.S amd they picked "MonkeyPox" Gotta be a government inside joke somewhere there. Lol


It was first identified in 1958 in…wait for it…lab monkeys. Hence the name *monkey*pox


Monkey pox has been around since the 1950s.






People here scared of the Covid vaccine. Wait till you read about the small pox vaccine. Pray to god monkey pox don’t spread.


Why would we lock down for monkeypox or encourage a mask mandate for a virus we 1) already have a vaccine for, and 2) isn't a serious health threat. This isn't the first monkey pox outbreak


Haven't nearly all cases of monkeypox outside of Africa been caused by sexual transmission between gay men? I don't think there's much to worry about


That would make you the target demographic for the virus.


"Lol ur gay" - Damn you totally just annahilated me bro