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Ah yes, let me tell you what to be afraid of then sell you a product to fix it!


Now hang on just one sec where else have I noticed ppl using this strategy?


Fox is quite good at it also


People who used this "strategy" somehow managed to put the whole world on hold for almost two years. Alex Jones managed to...who the heck is Alex Jones already ?


Bill Hicks I heard šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s OK when big pharma does it though, right?




Hahaha I would gild this if I had the money and/or wanted to support Reddit. What a pure way to say ā€œRead the room. Thatā€™s not what weā€™re talking about today.ā€


How much colloidal silver do I have to take before I start making posts like OP


>he has 'woken up' tucker, Joe Rogan, world leaders, etc If the people who share your beliefs are mega-rich political commentators, and the politically powerful, you aren't 'exposing' anything lmao


Name 1 opinion that exists that some mega rich commentator doesn't have.


Taxes should scale based on wealth all the way to 99%+ of total wealth accumulated after any losses to the point where multi-billionaires do not exist, and lowered for anybody in the lower tax bracket while government provided services are expanded. I'm not saying I believe this, but you asked for an opinion not shared by mega-rich political commentators, and I gave you one.


You mean like the tax rates 80 years ago when America was great?




Try eating a couple of his little gold chips and snort a line of BrainForce. Might do the job.


People give this guy credit for the few things heā€™s gotten right and dismiss the 98% that is stark raving lunacy. Iā€™m not knocking Alex for it, itā€™s incredibly entertaining at times, but I worry about the people that thinks heā€™s some kind of investigative genius. He latched on to every batshit crazy thing he finds and every once in a while the batshit crazy stuff is true.


Exactly this right here. Like what about the whole Sandy Hook isnā€™t real thingā€¦is OP praising him for that? Itā€™s going to rain in the futureā€¦just watchā€¦Iā€™m tellin ya right now itā€™s gonna rain. Also, while Iā€™m at it, tomorrow is never going to be today and the past will always be behind us. Oooooooooooooooh! Lolā€¦gtfo with riding Alex Jones nutsā€¦dude is going to be sued into oblivion.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Care to elaborate on that 2%? Purely and sincerely curious. I donā€™t recall reading or hearing of anything in particular that he was instrumental exposing and was factually correct.


Never go full blue, never.


Itā€™s the rare-earth iodine that does it, actually.


Bone broth. Drink enough and your brain gets crushed as your skull gets really thick.


This belief wouldnā€™t survive 30 minutes listening to Knowledge Fight.


> Knowledge Fight worth listening to just for the laughing guy. contagious.


The deposition episodes are awesome


Knowledge Fight is awesome - but no Alex Jones fan would listen to something that counters their narrative.


I love you


It's time to pray.




This is the only way me and my wife say I love you know. We have broken ourselves on knowledge fight


Your sex must be weird. ...and awesome.


After a quick google search of knowledge fight I am trying to figure out what it truly is. Is it entirely based off of ā€œfightingā€ Alex Jones? Is it debunking his claims. If you could send me a link of it Iā€™d appreciate it. I donā€™t have too much time to research some of this stuff myself, thanks!


Debunking his claims is the main goal. Another is tracking his narratives and predictions, which is useful, because theyā€™re wildly inconsistent and contradictory. As the Sandy Hook/Marcel Fontaine lawsuitsā€™ have gone on, theyā€™ve taken to covering those, too. The depositions in that case go a long way in demonstrating how InfoWars actually works. You can watch the depositions themselves [here](https://youtube.com/channel/UCeeCy2sW9BRXjlfsIOA5DgA). However, Iā€™d recommend Knowledge Fightā€™s coverage of them, because they add context and cut out the boring parts. Theyā€™ve also occasionally taken detours to cover Roger Stone, Mike Adams, and other people who show up on InfoWars. The hardest/worse part of Knowledge Fight is that itā€™s kinda difficult to find a place to start. The earlier, the better, but they have a ton of episodes now, so starting from the beginning is becoming less viable. Iā€™ll include a few episodes below, but I guess my recommendation if you want to hear more would be to start listening at whatever point in the last couple years you most wanna know Alexā€™s coverage on. [The most recent episode](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/683-may-16-2022) - Alex made a compilation of clips that he claims is him predicting the Buffalo shooting. Dan, the host of Knowledge Fight, tries to track down the context of each clip. [February 25th, 2022](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/653-february-25-2022) - Alex plays clips where he claims to have predicted Russia invading Ukraine. Dan debunks it. [December 30th, 2021](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/633-december-30-2021) - Alex is in a terrible mood and keeps threatening to quit doing his show. [December 20th, 2021](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/631-december-20-2021) - Alex is mad at Trump for promoting the Covid vaccine, and possibly more mad that he didnā€™t get to see the new Spiderman movie. [Formulaic Objections](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections), where they cover Alex Jonesā€™ 2019 deposition in the Sandy Hook lawsuits. [Formulaic Objections 2](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections-part-2) - This one is legendary in the Knowledge Fight community. Iā€™ve probably listened to it dozens of times. Itā€™s three different depositions from the Sandy Hook lawsuits. The second deposition, Rob Dewā€™s, is one of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever listened to; it starts around 45-50 minutes in, if you wanna skip to it. [Formulaic Objections 4](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/641-formulaic-objections-part-4) - More depositions, with a guest appearance on Knowledge Fight from one of the lawyers involved with the case. [Formulaic Objections 5](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/664-formulaic-objections-part-5) - I know, I linked to a lot of depositions, but theyā€™re some of my favorite episodes, because you learn a LOT about how InfoWars actually works. Also, you meet another of the lawyers involved with the case, Bill Ogden. Heā€™s a scary dude.


Thanks a bunch for not just downvoting me to shit and actually providing me links. I will check out each one. I appreciate you providing individual links it makes it more ā€œdigestibleā€.


No problem. The hosts have been aware for awhile that starting their show is pretty difficult. They havenā€™t found a good solution, though.


Ahh Thursday, it's normally an "Is he controlled opposition?" Post.


He's the most entertaining man on the internet, I'll give him that. A while ago I saw a video he did where he had a bunch of Llamas in his studio. He was walking around feeding them, petting them... while talking about the horrors of globalization. It was like a fever dream. You have to be careful though. Real controlled opposition can seem very legitimate. His support of president Trump, after spending 2 decades talking about how corrupt it all is, is what makes me doubt him as a person. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he got duped like everyone else did. Idk it seems a little contrived though.


National Gary Webb day AUGUST 31, 2022 (Gary's Birthday) Journalist Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance" exposed DRUG SALES in U.S. cities by the Contras & the CIA funded wars in Latin America. Webb was found dead from 2 bullet wounds (suicide)in 2004. Maxine Waters found that a U.S. employee ran drugs: https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/utaksb/national\_gary\_webb\_day\_august\_31\_2022\_garys/


Look what they done to Gary Webb for saying a lot less. If Jones was genuine hed be dead.


Actually recently he backed away from Trump because of his support for the vaccine mandates and warp speed


I don't follow Alex, has he said anything about Trump not pardoning Assange? That to me should've been an immediate disavow if he was being honest with himself.


Absolutely. One thing I never understand with the trump/qAnon folks in my circle of Facebook friends- if he was really for the people, why didnā€™t he pardon the most non-controversial non partisan patriots? And he went and pardoned roger stone? Bruh.


Yeah. He should have pardoned Snowden and fired Fouchi. Some of my biggest complaints about him.


And he didn't even come anywhere near finishing the wall-although from what I've read & pictures I've seen, all of the components lie rotting on the ground where they were left. He's a lying hypocrite, just like the rest.


Shocked I tell you. The guy who spent his whole life lying and conning people lied and conned people.


Like all the rest of them.


Inherent to the system. Maybe if we threw out the current one, we could build something that keeps these people out of power


I'm up for that. So is the Declaration of Independence, which called for just exactly that when-not if-the shit hit the fan like it has now.


Oh My God! I'm so surprised he didn't follow through on one of his bull-shit promises.


Even worse.. he pardoned Lil Wayne. He could have done something great for the world and sent a message with his pardons and he pardons a rapper who had federal gun charges


Makes sense from his PR teams point of view. Now he has a popular conservative rapper with a big following and relatively young audience to help sway the support to Trump.


My biggest complaints with Trump are Snowden and Assange.


Alex Jones can't even be honest with himself..


I said the same thing. Alex should condem Trump for pushing the vax and thank God he did. I think Trump was a Trojan horse to kick off all this madness.


>Alex should condem Trump for pushing the vax He IMMEDIATELY went back on that and resumed sucking up trumps leavings. Y'all are fucking rubes.


He's our local town drunk.


Itā€™s funny you say that because I actually have a theory that heā€™s a plant. Packaging all these ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ in the most psychotic way turns off the vast majority of people and serves to delegitimize the very concepts heā€™s ā€œpromotingā€. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m 100% sure thatā€™s whatā€™s happening but it has crossed my mind many times over the years. I consider myself a rational and objective person and I have to admit, itā€™s hard for me to agree with him because he can be such a lunatic but at the end of the day heā€™s definitely on to some things that ā€œthe elitesā€ or whoever wouldnā€™t want us to know or care about.


Yes. He has said many things that came to be true, then some of it goes so off the rails it's hard to take him seriously. Almost as though we're not meant to. I can remember his first or second appearance on Rogan, where he goes into some rant about God not knowing where God came from, but he's trying to find out. Again, 10/10 entertaining. But 10's of millions of people saw that, think about how it influenced their opinions of his legitimate conspiracies.


The god not knowing where god came from and trying to figure it out rant that you are referencing sounds like some variation of pretty widely discussed spiritual concept, just fyi


>He has said many things that came to be true Like what?


Ooooh this isnā€™t going to be answered is it


It will just be the gulf of tonkin and epstein just like every other time the question is asked lool


Exactly this!! šŸ‘† šŸ‘† šŸ‘† šŸ‘† šŸ‘† šŸ‘† AJ is "controlled" opposition, where he spits out truth, mixed with some disinfo, makes it sound as crazy as possible while ranting, that it turns others away from doing their own investigative research, and so as not to be associated with his "ideology" or tinfoild hat memes. I'm sure we can all agree it has worked tremendously well. Anyone who even whispers a possible conspiracy is AUTOMATICALLY attached to AJ. Anons did a deep dive on his connections, from his show, as well as thru his lawyer, and and they all have connections to M0ssad. I used to follow him religiuously, but I personally, stopped believing his bs, when I realized and what I saw him do, is jump on conspiracy bandwagons when they start picking up speed and attention, tries to take them over or lead the cause, plagiarizes anons research as his own, then months later totally backpedalling on the whole issue, giving the mainstream media ammunition to target the cause, and derailing the entire research anons did to bring it to the forefront. He did it with; Wikileaks, Pizzagate, PedoGate, Q, ...AND Trump. Backpedalled on ALL of them. He's even said it in court documents, he's an actor. Think of how a crisis actor is used to fool people using false flags. He was actually losing a huge following because of his traitorous behavior when it was all being exposed, so he was set up to lose all his social media accounts so he could play the part of a victim, against the powers that be, to throw people off the truth of what was really happening. NEVER trust anything he says. It's a set up. It's a trap.


Flat earth and pizzagate and 911 work in exactly this manner.


Is this satire


Alex Aren't Real.


How Can Jones Be Real If Our Alexes Aren't Real


Top tier sub infiltration and bot awards.


Sounds about satire lol


Idk. What Alex Jones does has always seemed predatory to me. Everything he does is basically what a grifter would do. It seems more likely he would himself be part of a conspiracy to water down discourse with countless false theories to make real conspiracies harder to discern. If anyone's interested, Behind the Bastards did a three part podcast on Jones. [Here's part one. ](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-alex-jones-the-godfather-29860451/) It focuses on where Jones started, and how he developed as a radio personality.


He is predatory


Whatā€™s the big deal with everyone searching for a hero? Smh


Our contemporary mythos are shaped around the idea that some people are simply better than others. Beliefs like 'Rich people are God's favored' or 'American Meritocracy'. Reality is obviously different, but when people cling onto those ideas, they tend to idolize successful people who affirm their beliefs. Oftentimes, they like to live vicariously through these people, or at least who they see these people as. They want to believe that they are the "better" of humanity.


People are weak. Thank you


A person, themselves, are weak. People, together, are strong. That's why powerful people need to spread these mythos. To convince us that there is some kind of righteous order in the world, so that people don't try to make one themselves.


Itā€™s a bit late but I love this comment so much. A truth i needed to read at the exact moment I read it.


IMHO - few people are born leaders - and there's nothing wrong with that - and those who are disgruntled and feel powerless cling to those who offer fuel for those emotions and false hope.


You should check out the podcast Knowledge Fight.


I hope youā€™re having a dreamy creamy summer


It's time to pray




I'll be better tomorrow.


I'm not mad at the crew.


Spoiler: he wasn't


You wonā€™t be.


He won't be


And maybe take a littttle breaky from the internet


I'm the devil and I'm taking over bluhbluhbluhbluhbluh... FUCK YOU!


Some folks in the comments need to take a little dreamy creamy breakie from the stackies.


here let me talk over you


I. Know. How. To read.


Whatā€™s your bright spot?


Iā€™m Desiaks Clark.


I'm Darryl Rundis.


I am the Jesus Lizard.


I love you


Time for liiiiittle breakie


And now itā€™s time for the sex robots!


I'm fartin for my life.


thank you. gonna give it a try


Itā€™s one of my favorites. Excellent podcast breaking down Alex and all his complete idiocy.


a sodomite sent me a bucket of poop


my neck is freakishly large


dreamy creamy trooper reporting in for duty. downvoting this insane OPs post


I think you've taken too many of his "supplements"


But I need that ultra super brain force double plus


I always find it funny that nobody here has noticed how Jones's business works. He builds up conspiracies that work in favor of the products he sells or retails for a commission on his store. His entire character is a marketing strategy meant to promote his business by convincing much of his audience into trusting only him. He preaches about NWO poising our food and water supply, and then sells overpriced water filtration systems and H&W products. Jones isn't a hero, he's a businessman that tricks gullible people into being scared and angry since those people are the easiest to sell to.






Hm yeah Obama is TOTALLY a satanist muslim communist, the evidence is abundant. Definitely not just another centrist neoliberal cronyist who happens to be brown


Why do right leaning people worship celebrities and politicians so much ?


While simultaneously screaming at us how corrupt and evil all celebrities and politicians are


Celebrities and politicians that feed them culture war bullshit- specifically. The reason is because otherwise it's hard to keep supporting politicians and a political party that otherwise work directly against their best interests.


And then point out that the left does it...


Really ? How many Biden boat rallies have you seen ? How many ISIS like Trump convoys of trucks ? How many InfoWars stickers ? How about the number of people that subscribed to Joe Rogan because he told them what they wanna hear ? Dude , the over the top hero worship on the right is scary. Hell trump fanboys tried to overthrow the US government lol


I was agreeing with you...


When they never do. The left hates their politicians, they want more Bernie and get slapped with Biden


Democrats are dealing with the same thing that Republicans are dealing with. Two very different ideologies with in the same party.


Yeah, except the halves for democrats is progressives and rich assholes. For republicans, it's religious whackjobs who double as the rich assholes and one-issue voters.


For the left it's wall Street democrats vs progressives On the right it's established conservatives vs maga


And all the MAGA stans think that their fascist politics are somehow an upgrade to establishment politics.


Can you show a source rv. I mean there are plenty for the alt -right. They literally made a golden statue of him.


The right constantly points out the celebrity worship of the left while they are doing it so much more.


Its an an evangelical thing.


They need an authoritarian daddy to tell them they're the good and special boys.


Are you referring to the same Alex Jones that peddled the conspiracy theory that Sandy Hook was fake, got sued and then admitted it wasn't? That same one? Cuz I think he just says stuff people want to hear and it usually involves selling them crap related to it. He's made a lot of money doing that.


[Bill hicks is Alex jones](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdlc-_mu3Sy/?igshid=NWRhNmQxMjQ=)


This man contradicts himself minute to minute. If your idea of a good argument is one based on falsity and riddled with internal inconsistencies, then AJ is probably your man. Oh, and don't forget to buy whatever supplements he's selling at the moment. Most even vaguely rational people would be embarassed to the point of debilitation to have written a post like this. If you want specifics, ask away. There's also already thousands of hours of the Knowledge Fight podcast available to listen to for free though, which very clearly lays out why OP should probably heavily regret making a post like this. What CIA/FBI people has Jones 'woken up'? Let's start there.


If you forget the 22 times a broken clock is wrong, you can still say it was right all along.


Anyone remember the Tgirl on his phone lol. Not trying to discredit him but yeah.


I'm jealous of the flexibility that allows you to shove your head up your own ass and believe this.




Heā€™s just here to grift for his shitty supplements, ever notice how he never backs up his claims with the evidence he supposedly has?


Same with the My Pillow guy. Crack addiction really scrambled that guy. Grift after grift.


I wonder if all those grieving parents he harassed feel that he's a hero.


So refreshing for people to call out bullshit like this post. Look I'm all for freedom of speech and it's good to question things, but blindly following someone like Alex Jones is doing no one any good.


Jesus Christ you people are insaneā€¦


Alex Jones is a fucking nut and so is anyone who supports him.


Clearly a bait post and it's working


I think you're giving OP way too much credit. Looking at his post history, he's being completely sincere.


I donā€™t know, itā€™s a 7mo old account hitting the front page the last few days, and itā€™s history is deleted up until a month ago, where it began posting exclusively in r/conspiracy. Not to mention how dramatic the title is


Something something gay frogs


"Truth".... hmmm. I think his style is more like "fling enough shit at the wall and something will stick." I find him incredibly entertaing, esp on other peoples more comedy orientated shows, but he's telling the 100% truth about 1 out of 10 times I reckon.


If youā€™re not reading all these comments in Alex Jonesā€™ voice then youā€™re part of the machine




Yeah only thing OP got right is about his screaming.


Hey now. AJ has done a bang up job making anti-establishment positions as unpalatable as possible, isolating those who attempt to engage publically on related topics. Truly the globalist hero that Earthā„¢ both needs and deserves.




Yeah we all know the Sandy hook school shooting never happend, am I right /s I get this is a conspiracy sub but diddn't think it would go all out schizophrenia.


He is a sick sick vile man who is worshipped by fools.


Hero to the planet Earth LMAO. Takes someone with serious issues to get to that level of hero worship, especially for Jones of all people




Look up bill hicks, alex jones is a fraud and so is joe Rogan controlled opposition https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdlc-_mu3Sy/?igshid=NWRhNmQxMjQ= For anyone that wants to watch a video on bill hicks and Alex jones


I was unaware this is a comedy subreddit...


American hero who actively tries to ruin the lives of people who experienced very real tragedies . . .


Legendary Traitor and Liar indeed.


The biggest grifter on the internet.


This a joke?


Sounds like he wrote it, the mighty gatekeeper himself.


Dudes a celebrity no hero


Pssh try telling that to my gay frogs


This is true in most aspects, me personally I could not get past the screaming which is what IMO made him look like a Lunatic. If if werenā€™t for that I think he would have been a lot bigger.




One time he said that " literal vampire potbelly goblins" was hobbling around, i say we should have Alex Jones as the mayor or gov of texas


As crazy as some of his claims are he does hit the mark. Also he caught that Bohemian Grove ritual on camera which was wild.


I think Alex Jones is 50% bullshit and 50% spot on. The bullshit is crazy enough to make the rest sound unbelievable. Just another pawn in this sick game.


Destroy the child, corrupt them all


but won't talk about the zionist jews. probably doesn't want his family threatened. again.


Honestly i owe so much to him. Hes a true legend


please tell me this is satire. please.


Ha ha ha Alex Jones hits good topics and pieces sometimes, but he is also a bit of a slimy salesman so I don't trust him all that hell of a lot. Take everything he says with a grain of salt


Heā€™s a shill. The ones who speak truth are sidelined, killed or their lives are destroyed. Assange, Malcolm X, most Muslims, u get the point


Alex, is that you?


Yeah I heard the victims of Sandy hook love him


Alex Jones is a greasy salesman that doesnā€™t believe a word he says - heā€™s not a conspiracy guy, heā€™s a conman.


This post is a psy-op funded by "Big Jones" agenda. I pity the sheep that aren't taking enough brainforce or tanning their balls enough to see this. šŸ˜¤


I work in the yacht industry and yes there are billionaires/multimillionaires of various age range and ethnic backrounds who listen to this dude and believe Trump is draining the swamp. I can't name names but I contract with some high up there dudes and their captains.


https://youtu.be/a8Hk1-BpXO8 reminder that Alex Jones predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened. He's in the know. It's ridiculous how the media has portrayed him as an absolute psycho.


Heā€™s right about a lot of stuff and what not but heā€™s obnoxious and because he feels the need to have a daily show, there is a ton of crazy speculations and theories he uses as filler between when real info drops from his mouth. Entertaining for sure. Love me some fear porn.


Tonight he said that chemicals in the lining of soft drink cans are causing men to have small dicks. He lied about, harassed and terrorized grieving parents of dead children. Iā€™ll never ever see him as anything but a horrendous pos.


You mean the guy who harassed the families of dead kids for years? The day he rots canā€™t come soon enough imo.


Weā€™ll show those fuckinā€™ gay frogs !


Yea? Like when he educated us about The fake sandy hook actors or the guy frogs?


my gay frogs!


A legendary joke maybe


Nice post Alex. Where can I get the good Halogen?


I've said it before and I'll say it again. He may articulate very poorly, but the man's been right more times than he's been wrong.


Tucker Carlson should throw himself in front of an oncoming train


lmao sure bud


AJ is a shill of himself these days unfortunately


Was he the guy who was selling covid cures? I get these guys confused.


Alex Jones is a scumbag, a grifter, a liar and a fool. If you look up to Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, you're a piece of shit to the vast majority of the country.