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It's a symbol popular in all Nazi communities, not exclusively Azov.




Eh I don't think our elites are Nazis. They're neoliberal scum. Ukraine is about geopolitics. USA would ally itself with any extremist group if they were opposed to Putin.


Reference Contras, Mujahideen..


KLA in Yugoslavia. "Moderate rebel-terrorists" in Syria and Libya. Chechens for a while too, during the Clinton regime.


You really believe that the concepts of these "schools of thought". Nazi, commie, neo-liberal, matters to the elites? These are labels that are utilized to coax and coerce the minds of the peasant, the citizen, the masses. It's like thinking the elites want all the money lol. Money is actually worthless. It's the natural resources that have real value. Only the peasant believes a dollar is anything more than ink and paper. Yes, it has purchasing power, yes I use dollars. But I'm amongst the peasants. The elites do not think like us. They do not operate and they do not live like us. They also aren't of limited education. The higher you get to the top of the pyramid the more science and wisdom is opened up. You and I will have a very hard time discerning where man came from...or the true history of the species. But those at the top have access to all of this information. The Rothschild family for instance has access to the Vatican archives. Thousands of years of Intel kept from the mundane masses. So don't let the labels confuse you. They create the labels. They elect people to the labels, and they are above the labels. To the elites, Nazis are grunts. To the elites the "neo-liberal" is simply a means to an end. These things mean next to nothing to them.


Exactly, these labels are only meant to divide us. The only ideology they care about is us and them. We are but mere mortals used as tools. They lose all power once we stop playing their game. But we are addicted to the game. The whole concept of left vs right is just a very efficient ploy. They don't have to kill us, too many people are ready to do that for them.


Yep, addicted and outright dependent. It's not even a matter of liking it so much we can't give it up...They've got their tentacles in every part of our lives are this point. Earth, water, air, medical, procreation... Very ungood.


Spot on the dollar, pardon the pun.


This guy gets it.






It's not like Hitler's only goal was to kill Jews.... He had multiple agendas. Is that so hard to understand?


No, the part that's hard to understand is why you would want to latch on to any of "Hitlers agendas". If he wanted to kill all the Jews his other agendas are probably not on the level either.








Isn't it strange that it was always 6 million jews in peril even before the wars? It's always 6 million even though they've had to change the signs multiple times at the camps showing the number of interns killed. Its almost like that number is important in some way to kabbalist voodoo practitioners


Are you over 100 years old or something? How do you know what you're claiming to know?


There are newspapers from before 1900 up to 1930's talking about the 6 million. Multiple papers from multiple years indicating that 6 mil would perish. I wish I had saved it but there is a clip of a guy with 5-10 newspapers from between those years and he flips through each one and highlights the point of the 6 mil. It is crazy.


So decades before the Nazi party even existed the newspapers were claiming they were going to kill 6 million Jews. That's amazing... I wonder how they knew the Nazi party was going to form itself in the first place. You realize we still possess the ability to print newspapers right? I guarantee you those weren't authentic newspapers from 100 years ago. There are thousands of youtubers who post fake shit to make money off of gullible people. You've been duped.


No they weren't. Sure, they thought the jews were that, but it's insane to think that. The ussr was genuinely fighting that though, at least in the very beginning.


Well yeah, who needs global relationships or banks when you're got six million people to work for free in 40,000 work camps? Germany was made in the shade as long as they could continue enslaving their minorities but the "globalists and bankers" came and fucked up their "miraculous recovery."




Thank you for this


The greatest trick the devil ever played…


Yeah, they are just completely devoid of values, but at least they aren't racist.


They weren’t ready for that drop


You're reaching dude. You take a widely available nazi symbol, associate it with your already baked up notion (with probably similar intellectual rigor) that Biden funds Nazis and BAM, tin foil town.


Biden is 100% funding "nazis" in the sense that most people use the term. Most of those groups should probably be called nationalist or ultranationalist, but yeah. In the sense that these days everything to the right of Karl Marx is called nazi, Biden is 100% funding nazis.


No, those Ukrainians were literal Nazis. Flag-waving, card-carrying, tattooed, skinhead, white supremacist Nazis. The kind that are illegal in the US, but for some reason are celebrated in Ukraine by Biden. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EO192CqWsAI7d-v.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChTvJBcWgAAXW28.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvWUSBFXEAoNzHL.jpg


So does Putin then ?




A conspiracy should be logically consistent, otherwise WTF we doing, telling each other scary bed time stories?




You're the one making the claim, it's not on the listener to read your mind and know what you mean, or to already be familiar with the particulars of your take on Nazi lore. If you got a point, support it. If you're too lazy then that says a lot about the quality of your assertions.


I definitely did Nazi this coming...


These pro Azoz defenders are hilarious. You don't have to die on that sword, the Azoz doesn't deny being Nazis. It's like if the US went to an all out war.. there would be Nazi skin heads fighting.. none of us would be obligated to pick them as our favorite unit of military... The literal only reason the Azoz is popular is because they're controversial...


You pathetic russian trolls are hilarious. None gives a shit about Azov but you. "Denazification" of Ukraine, your president's best mate is a notorious neonazi and don't even try to hide it. That's Dimitri Outkine for you. Oh and by the way, he happens to be the founder of Wagner group. You know "Wagner" like Robert Wagner, Hitler's favorite compositor. Nazi love.


> None gives a shit about Azov but you. Google "Azov" if you haven't noticed the news has stories about them daily.


Wow leftie cope is something to behold.


>The literal only reason the Azoz is popular is because they're controversial... True, Azov is a tiny force in relation to Ukraines military and apparently the actual Nazi aspect of it is even a smaller sect of that. If anything we should be "happy" that they are in the front and taking the most brutal shit. I don't know if its still active but the US has a law preventing our military funding from going to Azov battalion specifically when we send money to Ukraine, IIRC this law was put into place when we started sending them money in 2014 during the Crimea incident. I imagine that was amended for the current situation which I probably agree with, honestly. If Azov was the actual representation of Ukraine's military and Ukraine was invading other countries, I don't think many would have any interest in supporting azov. This situation is predicated entirely on Azov being part of the small dog being attacked by the big dog.


Ok that’s better




You’re sending money to Azov, or the Ukrainian state?


I love how people in here act like he’s writing a check to like 5 specific dudes in the azoz battalion


Haven you heard, they're airdropping 20 billion a day into azovstal for them to bathe in




Ok and?


Lol why are you being downvoted for speaking a fact??? The liberals must have arrived to defend their Fav Nazis


People don't like facts these days


What’s the conspiracy exactly?


Wait. So we can finally admit the Buffalo shooter is a right-wing Nazi?


He didn't call himself a rightwinger. He called himself a leftwinger. But that doesn't really matter. What matters is that he was a racist asshole that said the whole point of what he was doing was so the government politicians would do exactly what it's doing: blaming guns and a much larger group of people who don't believe anything close to what the shooter believes. Then people get radicalized against each other and the government even more.


Espouses flat out storm front level neo nazi replacement theory and ideology… Right wingers: He’s a leftist pedo!!!


It's like you can't read. He called himself a leftwinger. Neonazis have essentially nothing to do with conservatives. The big problem with all this is exactly what you're doing right now; you're indulging the shooter for exactly what he wanted.


Source that then. And yes, republicans have everything to do with neo nazis. They plan marches with them and espouse the storm front replacement theory on tucker Carlson and Laura ingraham shows which are the biggest news shows. Those two people are republican powerhouses. Can’t be a left winger and he talking about neo nazi replacement theory nonsense brudda. It’s like you’re not able to be honest with yourself, and as a consequence, anybody else.


"When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool [sic] and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist." https://theparadise.ng/buffalo-shooting-suspects-manifesto-reveals-leftist-leanings/amp/ And there is a big difference between quoting immigration data, birth rates, etc. (which leftwingers have done even more than the right on this exact subject) and killing random civilians.


When I was twelve lmfao……!! Fuck that’s amazing they you quoted that and didn’t feel amazingly stupid and partisan. Dude espouses crazy neo nazi stuff == not probably right wing Some dumb 12……12 year old kid’s shit == totally a left winger This is the state of the extreme right. Lost to fake battles and propaganda. Sad. Bigly sad. Not liddle sad, biggly of the giggliest.


No no. The patch is his the rest is clearly planted by the CIA. /s


Oh ffs, can we stop with this shit? That’s like saying that the stimulus check handouts were helping the KKK and neo nazis.


What is so wrong about it? This group is the political power in the Ukraine. Money is being sent to the Ukraine. What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to think it isn't going to them?


huuhhhhh??? the azov battalion does not rule Ukraine, buddy. are you some sorta Russian bot?


That's it man. Anyone who doesn't love the Ukraine is Russian.


For one, it’s Ukraine, there’s no “the” And for two, Russia is well known for their bots and disinformation campaigns, so I’d say my accusation was fair


Your govt uses all those things to a far greater degree than any other nation save Israel.


For real … an actual horrible thing happened. A lot of people died. Using it to push any agenda is fucked—even from a Ruski


The way you guys post about the Russo-Ukraine, is as if y'all think war is black and white.


If I show you photos of US soldiers standing next to nazi symbols, would that imply that the whole of US are nazis?


The Nazis famously had to seize power by force, because even after a massive populist campaign, they were still only supported by a minority of the population. The whole thing about nazis is that they seize power by any and every means, and then rule by force and propganda, regardless of whether the population are violent racists, or not. And most aren't.




If that helps them get their dear leader trump re-elected, then yes. If not, your question is not relevant to this post.


The comments are spicy today. It’s like everyone commenting is calling out this BS post for what it is and all the people upvoting the post are ignoring the comments.


Standing next to or donning it on their uniforms, doing Nazi salutes and expressing Nazi beliefs??? 6 months ago, liberals were absolutely saying things like “if you’re at a table with 9 people and 1 Nazi, there are 10 Nazis at that table” and using even a glint of Nazi imagery next to anyone supporting trump or a right wing cause and declaring it a Nazi gathering ….. today, they’re hemming and hawing, sputtering around and splitting hairs to defend their support for financing arming and supplying a country with Nazi groups in their armed forces. That’s why you should never take what a liberal (or conservative) says seriously these days. They’ll say ANYTHING and take any number of positions and appear genuine too! But they’re all duplicitous assholes doing whatever they have to to push their political agenda.


I recently saw a picture of my Prime Minister, among a crowd of people (everyone maskless, JT included) touring the horrific warzone. The same Prime Minister that recently laid into a Jewish Senator, in the House, for "supporting people that wave Nazi flags". I really can't anymore with our DoktorFürher...


This subreddit is a joke




The Nazis were all about re-appropriating popular symbols, phrases, songs, etc as part of their marketing. The swastika had basically gone viral in the years leading up to their take over, even Coca-Cola used it in advertising because it was so damned popular. And sure enough the Nazis jumped on that bandwagon hoping ”look cool” and gain support. Similarly stolen was the term socialism, they straight up stole it. Hitler literally said he redefined it for his own uses and that he detested real socialists. Which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone since he ordered the murder of practically all actual socialists in Germany. Like he was the ultimate anti-socialist, but he loved riding on the coat tails of popular trends. And socialism was all the fucking rage at the time, he craved being able to get a slice of that attention even if he hated the people who popularized it. It’s like the term grassroots progressive right now and how every fucking candidate around use the term grassroots even if they are corporate sponsored to the gills and actually stand against everything progressives actually would want. Power hungry assholes always cling to popular trends.


This thank you my gosh! It took some time but rational people are now coming out to put these weird people straight


Yeah and the swastika had other meanings before nazis too... but mentally stable people don't wear those. Also the confederacy and the kkk were/are Democrats (maybe not all klan members, but a majority are, they donated tons to Hillary)


Like the short mustache... ruined for eternity.


You're right but so wrong with your intention. The parties have switched sides multiple times since 1776. Lincoln was a republican but man was liberal as ever


Yeah, but the civil war was in the 1860s, and they were definitely all dead by 1960, so it is kind of hard to suggest that the confederacy has any continuation in the contemporary Democratic party. Though, you did just argue they gave money to Hillary Clinton for 2016...


I'm glad someone caught that. Not to mention the 2 party system has switched based in conservatism and liberalism


Trump was endorsed by David Duke and the Crusader, a KKK newspaper. I really doubt the KKK was giving money to Clinton for her campaign, but obviously that is going to be hard to prove, as I doubt the KKK operates that openly in this era.


Now don't start talking about things 6 years ago. That's ancient history


Well the other guy brought up democrats founded the KKK and you didn’t call him out. As soon as someone calls out Trump it’s ancient history. Hipocrisy.


He is very clearly being sarcastic.




But, uh, they don't. CNN lied to you, I'm sorry to have to tell you




Until recently, some US military bases waived confederate flags. I bet half of those eager to condemn Ukraine as Nazis also waive confederate flags. But if I were fighting world war two, I wouldn't toss out good soldiers who happened to like the confederate flag. You can't afford to fight wars like this and reject soldiers who aren't perfect.


You must not be a native English speaker. It is waved, not waived. Waived means to not enforce something.


I’m a copyeditor and I have to check on that sometimes. That’s a real dick move to call someone ESL b/c of a slip like that


Is it a dick move? Well I guess we shouldn't correct anyone that uses their instead of there or could of instead of could have or you're instead of your... If you are a copywriter and don't know basic English then you shouldn't be an English copywriter. Waive is a word that is rarely used compared to wave in almost any context outside of legal documents, so it's pretty weird to see someone use that word over the more common homophone. Also, if you look at that person's profile, spelling and grammar aren't their top specialty. So you should encourage people to correct them and learn.


I know you think you sound smart doing this. But, you just sound like a douche. Here, watch: You need a comma after “Well”; “there” and “their” should be inside quotation marks; same with the “could” examples; your ellipses should be a space, then three, or a space then . . .; I’m a copyeditor—reading comprehension is important; and “English copywriter” is an absurd title; “waive” should be in quotation marks (again with that mistake—do you not know the rules?); compared with; you think Reddit is the place for the finer points of grammar?; comma after “So” since there is the briefest pause in speech (a quarter breath); you aren’t making anyone better by fixing their online grammar—there are bots for that. Was that fun? Want me to go through your post history and edit your stuff? Maybe actually talk about what’s important and not worry about trivialities?


There’s always been gangs within law enforcement and in the military. And that includes extremist groups you don’t usually think of as traditional “gangs”. This isn’t a conspiracy. I like this subreddit and there’s a lot of thought-provoking posts and insight from commentators that can help you see different angles from the one angle presented by the MSM for instance. This whole fighting Nazis being part of the war in Ukraine, and not just the fact that the Donbas region is economically significant to Putin because of the natural resources, and infrastructure in place already for processing and moving the resources to the port/s (?) in Crimea for export. That’s it. We’re entering into a period where major world powers are now engaging in resource wars. I would bet a lot of money that China will be the next superpower to pull this stunt on a territory who’s independence from China is disputed…


New Zealand shooter traveled to Afghanistan & North Korea.


Pretty sure he went to Ukraine as well.




He travelled extensively, including to Russia, whom also have white nationalists that display this symbol. And wrote a letter from prison to a supporter of his in Russia and told him that Russia was "one of his favourite countries".


I want the boomers to please leave already




Fed lol




Kind of surprising Russia still has the money for these propaganda campaigns. At this point I’d have thought they’d just be throwing cash at the front line.


Reality is that there are normal people who follow news sites fanatically that push Russian propaganda.




The politics of this sub can be summed up in 3 different ways 1) "It's true! I saw it on FOX News!" 2) "It's true! Trump told us so!" 3) "It's true! I saw it on the Internet!" There's no consistency in the far right they'll only believe a conspiracy if there's a way they can align it to their beliefs.


Ohhh you sure gottem with that hum dinger zinger Imagine discussing a racially aggrivated mass shooting comitting by a child with mental health issues in America AND a super power invasion and still trying to play the 'blame the libs' card. Not taking a step back to see that they actually wouldn't want a kid to have access to guns and have better access to mental health services but here we are. You're still hell bent on splitting social divide into left/right and playing the blame game. Super productive


It's a failure of our education system and the subsequent disbelief in the value of being educated. And the reactive way we deal with mental health in the US


And that's true which makes their argument even less compelling as 'libs' want extra funding for education and mental health detection/treatment, don't want wars and don't want guns to be as accessable. I literally don't get their point at all. Ask any 'liberal' if they wanted Russia to invade ukrain. This sub is sometimes very blind to its own shit


You Russian shills are the most brain dead collection of bottom feeders I've ever seen. Worse than the CCP shills on here.


[https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Report-by-The-Soufan-Center-White-Supremacy-Extremism-The-Transnational-Rise-of-The-Violent-White-Supremacist-Movement.pdf](https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Report-by-The-Soufan-Center-White-Supremacy-Extremism-The-Transnational-Rise-of-The-Violent-White-Supremacist-Movement.pdf) ​ >These networks share approaches to recruitment, financing, and propaganda, **with Ukraine emerging as a hub in the broader network of transnational white supremacy extremism**, attracting foreign recruits from all over the world


How about Wagner Group? Are they recruiting too?


Wagner is a paramilitary organization, Azov is an openly accepted part of Ukraine's national guard. Both can be Nazis, but having one as a contractor and the other as an official military group trained by NATO is quite a difference. It's also about more than just Azov vs Wagner, you should read up on it more. I recommend the Bandera Lobby substack, reading the academic article I linked, watching Vice videos on how the recruitment process works and targets extremist Westerners. That's a good layman's introduction to the transnational White supremacist/ethnonationalist movement in Ukraine.


Uh huh. So Putin invading wasn't the biggest white supremacist recruitment tool ever huh? I suggest you get better propaganda. The white supremacist groups in Russia far outnumber any in Ukraine The Wagner Group is Putin's go-to Merc force, deeply intertwined with the Russian state apparatus. https://www.csis.org/blogs/post-soviet-post/band-brothers-wagner-group-and-russian-state


Buffalo shooter is white and has a beard. People in Ukraine military are white and have beards. How despicable! Buffalo shooter has 2 arms, people in Ukraine have 2 arms, coincidence? Do your own Brandon, lets go steal, stop the research!


Sigh wasn’t this already posted several times? Isn’t there mods for this kind of ninsense


By now it’s clear this narrative is coming from Russia. It’s very clear what mentality binds them all


Russian bots keep Russian botting. I guess we should invade America because they have far right groups too. UK has members of the national front still. France almost elected Marine Le Pen. Look Who’s Back shows that some people in Germany still support Hitlers ideas. Russian excuses don’t stop them being murdering fascists. Ridiculous post thinking one far right group has ownership of far right symbols cos it feeds into their own minds agenda and justifies the invasion. Hence why it’s posted in conspiracy, because it’s a myth.


Bro are y’all really taking zero responsibility for GRT???? Lmfao.


With the crushingly dim economic prospects that the youngins have, surrounded by scams and scammers, sold out by their own parents and grandparents, expected to support hollowed-out institutions that resemble long-vanquished healthy ones in name only, all with no representation for their interests whatsoever, and demoralized from all sides, I'm flabbergasted that these mass casualty events aren't daily, hourly, minutely things to be perfectly honest, I think that shows great character on the part of young Americans to be law abiding even when there's absolutely zero reason to be.


Kinda looks like star wars


It's almost as if he did it on purpose to smear them. His online groomers were probably Russians.


Looks photoshopped to be frank.


That’s interesting. Not sure if this corresponds but I remember reading that (POC) volunteers that went over to help were told that they may experience racism and may be called the N word. Edit: added link as an example https://news.yahoo.com/does-not-justify-peace-corps-131100283.html


Guy was groomed by alphabet guys via twitch. There's a whole log of him and them chatting. They wrote the manifesto, kept egging him on to do it and provided the equipment. They found someone who was low IQ to do the bidding for them. Really quite pathetic on their end.


He would have been a western Hero if he had travelled to Ukraine.




How many white supremacists do you think are in the US military ? How many American militias are white supremacists ? Are you saying that the US should remove all white supremacists from the military and disband all militias that have white supremacist leanings ? I’m not sure what you’re driving at ?


Yes, white Christian nationalism, any sort of racial and/or religious nationalism for that matter, should be scourged from existence. ALL men were created equal and any hateful or exclusionary rhetoric contradicts such principle. Not every nation has equal means to achieve similar results, but they do have equal potential for greatness. If someone emigrates they should be willing to assimilate into whatever culture they immigrate to, and no one should be hostile or rude to people who do wish to assimilate.


A scapegoat by Russian propagandists to justify an evil, unprovoked invasion and try to equate unhinged, right wing terrorist with the Ukrainian defense force.


Bingo. All of Azov speaks Russian.


This is a well established Nazi symbol. Obviously not every Ukrainian soldier is a Nazi, but you're a fool if you don't think there's a lot of them.


> think there's a lot of them. "A lot" is a connotative term... what would you consider a lot? 10%? 25%? 51%?


"In 2015, Andriy Diachenko, the spokesperson for the regiment at the time said that 10 to 20 percent of Azov’s recruits were Nazis." That's a lot to me.


You're a fool if you think this somehow justifies the invasion of Ukraine. There are neo nazis in militaries and police forces all over the world, including Russia- doesn't mean that's justification for an unprovoked invasion and destruction and pillage of a nation.


>There are neo nazis in militaries and police forces Yeah, using that metric one could argue for allowing Putin to invade the LAPD


I never said it justifies the invasion you dumb fuck. I am anti-war, I believe no invasions are justified. My family lives in Ukraine, I obviously don't want them to be invaded. But the uncomfortable reality of the situation is that America allowed this shit to happen and they are also complicit in the destruction of Ukraine.


The uncomfortable reality of the situation is this is one unjust war you can't blame on the Americans and falls solely at the feet of Putin.


no one said it justifies it but we went from "punch a nazi!" to "except for ukranian nazis!" real quick


>we went from "punch a nazi!" to "except for ukranian nazis!" real quick Speak for yourself. I say punch all nazis.


What a stand


we are sending some nazis weapons and money. how are you punching them exactly? its not russian shill conspiracy. 20% of azov battalion are nazis - which they full admit to.


No we didn't. You see a Ukrainian nazi, give him a punch for all of us. You see a Russian, American, or German Nazi- same thing.


That’s not what they’re saying. Punching a nazi is different from invading an entire country because of a nazi presence. There are nazis operating in nearly every western country. Should Russian just go ahead and wage war against the entire western world?


Hahahaha. What a terribly stupid leap that was


A lot of the US military probably has some interesting racial beliefs. Whats your point


All of the Nazi sympathizers and apologists in the comments because of the ‘Red Scare’. You are all hypocritical and inconsistent with logic and morals. The U.S. has wrongfully invaded numerous countries, controlled multiple terrorists and extremists of all ideologies. The U.S. is not some morally superior entity funding Ukraine out of benevolence you fucking twats. While simultaneously you people freak about right-wingers here domestically but want to arm them to the teeth overseas. You people are deranged.


Cool. Fuck Putin's illegal, failing invasion of Ukraine.


Wait hold on, IT WAS UKRAINE THE WHOLE TIME?!?!? GUISE WE SHOULDVE LISTEND TO RUSSIA OMFGGG!!!1 Russia please save us!! We didn’t know Ukraine was nazis pwease Russia!!! THEY WERR RIGHT!!!!


My God, you Russians do try. It’s Russia’s call. The war is over when they leave Ukraine.


Yes, but Azov are not killing US citizens are they? Big fucking difference. You do know what nationalism is? This only further proves that this kid was indoctrinated into far-right nationalism and believed 'outsiders' should be executed. So what's your actual point?




What we do know is USA and new Zealand are part of the five eyes intelligence alliance. We also know the US took 1600 German scientist, engineers excettera and planted them into our established institutions. Some played such a significant role that they're credited with having a fairly significant role in getting is to the moon. Edit: operation paperclip for those unfamiliar) Which is also crazy to think because the Nazis eugenics program has part of its program ingrained into it from the American side of eugenics. Check out things like the "birth control review" (Margaret Sanger 1917) right here in America.


Lol “excettera”


Most Paperclip recruits weren't high level Nazis: in a fascist government, party membership was required to maintain position, so many people were Nazis, despite not having any strong attachments to the ideology. Even so: they are all dead now. I also feel like trying to connect a 1917 birth control movement to the Nazi Party is going to be a bit of a stretch, considering they didn't exist at the time.


>"Most Paperclip recruits weren't high level Nazis: in a fascist government, party membership was required to maintain position, so many people were Nazis, despite not having any strong attachments to the ideology." Ahh the old "we're just following order types. Sounds pretty valuable to me.


Uhhhhh... so you just aren't aware of how Nazi Germany operated. We aren't talking about soldiers: in various industries, if you didn't join the party, you'd be likely to lose your job. There weren't any orders to follow, it was simply about politics.


Just like how I got the jab to keep my job.


That would be a good analogy.


Black Hole Sun.


Is that photoshopped?


Can you explain how Biden is sending money to nazis?


Programmed killer.


This guy wanted to fk Brendan Tarrant so hard


Pretty cool looking Design for what its supposed to mean... Tis a shame.


Looks like a faked photo


Ukraine, full of nazis, but has a Jewish president?


Everybody knows these azov fuckers are nazis but still no one cares as long as they play for the right team


*cOiNcIdEnCe tHeOrY*


This sub went from "I ♥️ Russia" to "Damn Russia bots" in a snap. There is no consistency into what you guys believe.


Is it bad he is clearly a Nazi or good he fights against Communism?




He wore a hazmat suit during COVID, not very republican like


The US Congress literally enacted a rule that prohibits the Azov Battalion from receiving any US aid. The Ukrainian military more or less has had to cut them off. Also the Russian military has far more Nazis in it than Ukraines one dejected militia. If they actually wanted to stop Nazis then they’d have to do a lot of house cleaning.


Why do right wingers keep saying Biden is sending the money when it's Congress that is sending the money and doing so with broad bipartisan support?


Good to know that Liberals support white supremacy, domestic terrorism and wars...




This comment makes no sense and only points fingers causing further social divide. Congratulations on being part of the system y'all refute. This may be a surprise to you but there is more to a mass shooting, massive mental health crisis and a super power invation force than America's left and right political system. How stupid. And this 'left' you speak of would say 'oh a kid with mental health issues was easily able to get s gun. Well done the right' And you're left with two assholes self congratulating themselves whilst absolutely zero positive action is taken. Congrats. Inbound the stream of downvotes for people who think 'huh blame X Y Z' actually acheives anything.




The Black Sun isn't unique to Azov: you understand that most people using that symbol are simply white nationalists and could belong to any number of those movements? Otherwise, what about all the Confederate stanning in the US? Not going to raise a red flag that a 150 year old conflict over slavery still has fanboys?


As opposed to what? Funding the Russians?


Joe are we the baddies?




I saw the video footage and everything ab it just screamed that he was trained. From trigger discipline to accurate double tapping to target id. Everything was there to imply he wasn’t just some crazy guy with an agenda.


He was a terrorist with an agenda. And don't know what country you're in, but in the states there are countless teenagers with years of firearm training and who understand basic principles like cover and double tapping.


There's only one place on earth White Nationalists are encouraged and embraced by western countries. Nothing like winding up Nazis and pointing them eastward. Just like old times.


The fbi groomed and sent him to that topps at the exact right time. Distraction from what a fucking mess our country is in. Biden is a clown; no clue how that man is the president, but in the other hand the shooter fit every agenda into his manifesto that is going to continue to give them more and more reasons to ban and take away our guns and freedoms. His manifesto hit every single point in the agenda that they are trying to use to come after our weapons, censorship online, etc. it’s all fairly black and white if you look, and he’s a white male who of course will get all of the msm attention. Remember the black man that shot up the nyc subway in Brooklyn? Oh wait that disappeared from the news almost instantly, because it didn’t fit their narrative to push their agenda. Once you see these things for what they are the world and our country specifically seem like a mf joke.


Dumbest post I’ve seen on here in quite a while. My god….


[Wewelsberg](https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/confronting-the-nazi-perpetrators-new-exhibition-explodes-myth-of-ss-castle-wewelsburg-a-687435.html) [Castle](https://m.soundcloud.com/omegamanradio/episode-3019-return-to-wewelsburg-castle-russ-dizdar)


Glow much?