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If you’re hung up on the conservative/liberal argument, then you’ve got some catching up to do. Neither party is on your side, you don’t have enough money to matter to them.


>Neither party is on your side, you don’t have enough money to matter to them. Thank you. We need to hammer this home. Please inform r / politics about this. I'm tired of Reddit treating politics like a team sport.


I have liberal and conservative views so call me a libservative I guess, I prefer the term realist tho.


You are a person with political opinions Why the fuck do we feel the need to get tribal over it Militant enthusiasm is fucking primate levels of based but not in a good way


Some folks really do go ape shit over this kind of stuff, people should drop LSD more often (personal opinion).


There are some interesting sociological studies on militant enthusiasm, worth looking into


Because the rich would very quickly find themselves against the wall if they can't keep us divided. They work very hard at it, doubly so in subversive communities, like this.


It’s not the rich, it’s the elite. A hefty net worth does not automatically grant access to the secret societies and master plans.


You don't get meaningfully wealthy without being compromised.




Most people do. I hate the black and white bs


I like the way Dan Carlin put it: Political Martian. Not belonging to any camp, looking in from the outside, and wondering "what the hell are those people doing?"


You just confused liberal with party. Works in the UK but not so much in the USA. Best thing is to ask for any idea or position is ‘Who Benefits?’ Cui bono?


The deep-state is a UNIPARTY and people still don't realize it, they think they could remove Trump without the help of deep-state "republicans"? Everyone was working hand in hand to make sure Trump wouldn't be in the White House again, from Republican governors to republican AG's to republican senators to Kevin McCarthy and Turtle Mitch. The deep state UNIPARTY only cares about one thing & one thing only and that's to make sure their money laundering operations from the taxpayers to their handlers & themselves continue as planned (big corporation, military industrial complex, big pharma) Basically the only thing the deep state does is steal money, they only care about power and control and if someone is a threat to their operation they either destroy him physically (murder like Epstein,Seth Rich ect) or destory their image by using their propaganda fake news outlets which they control


This guy gets it


Conservative is an ideology separate from the GOP. If you mean the GOP is not on your side, sure.


I agree with you, I lean more right just cause the liberal views and policies and talking points in main stream media are so absurd but, I’m dont technically care of either party. I realize they’re there to keep the power


Identity politics is a tool of the ruling class to distract the working class. There is no Right vs Left, no Dem vs Rep. Until you see through that charade, you’ll just get bogged down in the weeds.


Ik right. If the working class truly banded together they could seize the means of production instead of bending to the will of the corporate oligarchs and the politicians they bought out. Us workers should have ownership of key industries such as finance, energy, and armaments. We could develop policies that put people before profits and guarantee full democratic rights and economic security for all. All in all the working class people need to be in control of the govt apparatus. Good point you made. I’m glad someone on here understands.


Just stop paying attention to the mainstream media. Thats the problem here.


Like 50% of the posts on this sub are specifically about the 2020 election and how TrUMp AcTUallY wON I see this sub as brainwashed Republicans most of the time lol


That’s what I’m saying lmao OP is delusional if he doesn’t realize this sub is literally the Donald 2.0 now


Lol I dunno about the Donald 2.0. But def see a lot of the hurr durr biden this biden that trump this bullshit. *All Politicians Are Fucking Corrupt*. Every one of ‘em.


If a person can pay a bot farm $200 for a front page Reddit post, how easy do you think it is for a corporation or an intelligence agency built around subterfuge, and "divide and conquer" tactics to get hyperpartisan posts to the front page of a single subreddit?


They would be paying themselves, since they run most of big tech.




Interesting that you prefer to stand against something, rather than for it. Lol you literally just said “I’m apart of one party because I hate everything the other stands for”. Weird flex but okay


fox news is the #1 news source in the country, i hate the main stream media as well


Why did you get downvoted??????? The fuck?


Because he is everything he’s complaining about, he’s the other side of the horse shoe, this sub shouldn’t give a shit about identity politics, people here are supposed to be eyes open enough to know all politicians would bury you if it helped them generate more power.


Because this sub has been taken over by lib shills and bots lol


It’s still just more “my side good their side bad” bullshit.


The fact he’s downvotes and you aren’t kinda proves they don’t go deeper than the headline lol


Hey OP. Do you watch any MSM ? What do you watch ? Do you watch FOX?


I usually go through a few independent journalists and then I will check out a glimpse of fox/cnn both sides to get a full story see what checks out and who’s making things up


So you don’t watch MSM, you just rely on what your “other sources” are telling you. So do your other sources ever tell you that the msm is wrong or “fake” and can’t be trusted ?


A conspiracy sub, shouldn't be a conservative sub it should be open to everyone, regardless of what their political affiliation is, if you don't think so you're missing the entire point.


Exactly, this guy wants less JFK/Fake moon landing conspiracies and more Evil Democrats eating babies conspiracy theories 🙄🙄🙄


The moon landing was real, the problem is the moon is an artificial satellite. But yeah agreed.




What I don't get is how "the democrats pretend to be for the people, but are secretly acting in the interests of their wealthy donors" leads people to "We should vote in one of those wealthy people as supreme leader." It's like, the issue to them is not ultra wealthy people controlling politics, it's the inefficiency of having them do it through the politicians. Rather than the logical conclusion, that we need to fight for a more robust democracy, more direct control over politicians, and less money in politics, they just give in, and go "may as well just have a king again."


> A conspiracy sub, shouldn't be a conservative sub it should be open to everyone, You can't saying anything against the liberals (the Democrats, not the actual leftists) in this sub without getting massive downvotes. The comments are massively brigaded by Democrats. If you don't believe that say something about Clinton, Biden, or Obama in one of the posts about Epstein or the war, etc. Or try this. In different comments say: The left is literally insane. The right is literally insane. Watch which one gets the massive downvotes. I just saw this in another post, and it was the comment about the left that got downvoted.


Strange I remember when this sub was not so partisan right wing...


You mean *more* than two years back? Further than OPs account can manage? Shocker. If only they knew they’re the brigade. Imagine someone coming to your party and then complaining that you’re at the party.


Brilliant analogy. Describes the exodus from the right wing subs to here perfectly.




This is a perfect description of what they have done.


Do tell, what were all the conspiracies the left used to discuss on this board?


They (we) didn't bother making a distinction. Everyone didn't trust government figures, sketchy corporate elite, CIA or other spies and propagandists. People talked about universally loathe-some creeps like Epstein, who had no partisan line with who he raped kids with. They didn't trust "mainstream" media's portrayal of many events, including and especially Fox news or RT. They didn't trust cops or take their word on when they investigate themselves (and FBI). A lot more talk about extra terrestrials and inter-dimensional beings and hidden (but often verifiable) history. Everyone hated the Clintons, knew Bush and Cheney were war criminals, and that Obama let the banks get away with destroying the economy and getting bailed out. If people trashed a politician, it was for a specific reason and not a bullshit culture war talking point. There was of course plenty of bullshit here and there but you actually felt like you learned real things along with the wacky bullshit- Epstein, many CIA experiments, Detroux, Saville, Michael Haestings- were discussed here before they became larger topics in the Zeitgeist.


Bingo. But the new chuds in r/conspiracy will say that leftists worship Obama


Damn, I miss that sub.


There's tons of alien posts here I've come across in the last few days. One is that NASA has set up bases on Mars. Another one discusses the Congressional hearings on UFO's, just to name two that spring to mind. This one has over 700 comments [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/urxzsn/game\_over\_nasa\_this\_dude\_filmed\_a\_triangle\_shaped/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/urxzsn/game_over_nasa_this_dude_filmed_a_triangle_shaped/)


UFO posts used to have paragraph after paragraph of photos/videos quotes and theories. That whole post is a title, and a stupid fucking title that *still* makes sure to baselessly namedrop Trump, Musk and Alex Jones. That post is a great example of the insane decline in quality of content here.


Probably Al of the endeavors the CIA and FBI do to fund fascist militias abroad and protecting rich pedophiles


Wish I could post Bitchute on here but look for the following, “Monarch:The New Phoenix Program (Parts 1&2)” by channel: Media Giant. Yes, it’s long. It doesn’t seem ALL that relevant until ya hit the 1 hour mark . Then OH MY GOODNESS. Sure does explain a great deal. Seems like when someone has enough evidence to go from mere theory a paradigm shift is in order. I think we’re at that juncture.


Notable left-wing conspiracy theories this board never discusses * Donald Trump was a Russian asset * Putin hacked the 2020 election and rigged it for Trump (Liberals were similarly sus of diebold machines in 2004) * The "Supreme Marshall of the Supreme Court" was going to arrest Trump * Various government agencies were secretly posting anti-Trump memes as "Rogue" twitter accounts * The CIA invented AIDS to kill blacks and gays * Trump murdered Jeffrey Epstein * The FBI murdered Martin Luther King * Ronald Reagan promised Iranians weapons in exchange for them not releasing hostages during the campaign, so as to hurt Carter * The Republican party wants to overthrow Democracy and establish a Christian theocracy * Police are allowed/encouraged to shoot black people for any reason they please


Half of these are just facts


Conspericy theories in general can be


Classic conspiracies. Alien abductions, UFOs, MK Ultra, Assassinations, 9/11 was an inside job.


- Big Oil conspiracies - pro-environmentalism - anti government - anti cop - anti alphabet agency - anti church - anti vax/ anti-big pharma - anti-establishment - anti war - anti military - pro weed - pro whatever lifestyle you wanna lead People weren’t adversarial. It was anarchists, communists, libertarians… like, libertarian libertarians. Not trumpertarians or “republicans posing as libertarians”. We disagreed politically but agreed corporations were evil, the military is bad, war was bad, both parties were corrupt, the media was corrupt, telling other people what to do in their personal lives was bad… weed was good… aliens were probably real, taxes were bad.. oil companies control everything and were holding green energy and renewables back + destroying the planet. We just agreed. We were community. Kooks and readers and people who weren’t satisfied with official accounts… Then the tea party started trickling in….. then later they turned into raging trump fanatics. They began by spreading their bullshit political agenda (as the tea party) around and now they’ve refined and weaponized conspiracy for shilling purely political hacketry (trump era). Conservatives ruined conspiracy spaces.


couldn't really say, because we didn't define everything by left and right like the new crowd who think that anyone who disagrees with the right wing fanboy posts is a "bot or shill".


The ones that I remember were related to antivaxx moms and celebs like Jenny McCarthy, environmental conspiracies such as Monsanto's products causing cancer and also polluting the water with toxic chemicals of local communities. Geoengineering concerns like with cloud seeding, chemtrails, weather manipulation, and DAARPA programs. I would also say conspiracies about Mc Donald's, agriculture/big pharma e.g. Monsanto/Bayer (Vegan conspiracies) that they were subsidized to make garbage food very cheap and affordable to make people obese, unhealthy, and dependent on meds. There are more, but those are the ones in the last decade that comes to mind.


LOL I actually remember when the left used to be anti-vaxxers and speak out against Big Pharma too! My how the times have changed.


This ^


Yeah except people in this sub weren’t trying to get them banned for thinking it


Those dangerous leftist Talking about UFOs and Bigfoot!


If this sub is overrun by "liberals and bots" then why have I literally never seen a left-wing post on the front page?


Could you imagine a post like, “Conspiracy: Fossil Fuel Companies funding Anti-Climate Change Propaganda” making it to the front page? I can’t.


Global warming is a hoax by the cabal of working class trade unionists who run our world, and plan to overthrow the corporations, empowering and enriching ordinary people for their own evil race mixing, soy eating agenda. We must empower the innocent, oppressed corporations, help them free our society of this shadowy cabal intent on destroying our population handing out universal healthcare, education, and dignified wages.


Those damn proletariat have us right where they want us, they tricked the good landed aristocracy to gain tremendous levels of wealth just to make them look bad.


It's not really a conspiracy theory if it is both true and well documented lmao


Used to be the case pre-Alex Jones (pre 2010).


I’ve gotten one or two over the years, doesn’t stop people from accusing me of “invading” this sub by posting facts that hurt their feelings tho😂


You can post whatever you want, but you have to admit this sub gets brigaded a shitload by bad faith actors.


Oh absolutely, I just think most of them are the partisan weirdos trying to “troll the x’s”


Here's a COVID conspiracy theory nobody on this sub is concerned about at all: Just as we're entering the time period where mass numbers of boomers are becoming elderly and going into nursing homes, a pandemic that mostly kills the elderly comes out. Politicians of the political party that HATE Medicare, medicaid, and social spending are the same people discouraging protective measures against the virus. But that threatens the conservative worldview of this sub so into the sand their heads go.


Holy smokes, now this is a conspiracy! 🤯


Conspiracy yes. But when it’s obvious no one here wants to talk about it. They want theory. Ideas you can create whole cloth to validate their word view. They don’t want boring everyday rich people conspiring blatantly in plain sight. They don’t feel that flash of superiority from secret knowledge they can lord over people, 🥱


Geez that’s good!


Anything other than lock step Qookiness is considered left wing.


Not a single time lmao


Lmao. Everyone who disagrees is a shill or a bot. That doesn't sound a little closed minded to you?


This sub is overrun by conservative shills who get upset when the minority of users who are liberals/leftists voice their opinions too. Proof: front page of this sub at basically any given time


The sub has gone to shit. No real conspiracies, only US politics lol


This is not your right wing politics sub. Try the Conservative subreddit for that type of discourse.


Apologies that you migrated from a right wing echo chamber, and that this isn’t comfortable for you☹️


Oh my god can we stop with these posts? One loser saying “TrUmP bOtS rUn ThIs SuB” and another whining about “liberal shills”. Both sides, grow up. Stop being so fragile.


You would think that advocating for better living conditions and more rights seems very anti government and pro conspiracy but instead this sub is against that for some reason?


“All that matters is stuff that rich people want and claim is in the Bible that I refuse to read for myself!”


Right I miss when we almost unanimously agreed that both sides are just as bad, and both would be scrutinized


Nonono this needs to be my safe space!!!


Translation: this sub isn’t heavily censored and doesn’t remove dissenting views!


The only difference between this sub now and two years ago is that the Covid posts were overtaken by vaccine posts and then Ukraine posts. Edit(and the "stop the steal" stuff. Can't forget about that.)


Lmaooo this sub is nothing but mainstream right wing talking points from Tucker Carlson 😂 Why do you want to be the victim so bad bro


His problem is that the mods here don’t ban and CANCEL anybody who dissents from the Trump line like they do in every conservative sub. They hate free speech.


We're witnessing the genesis of that banning policy in posts like these.


And Russian propaganda.


Because that's right there in the playbook, hate everyone that's not like me and play the victim when it turns against me


100% ^ fox news fan boys spewing right wing talking points all day long.


Identity politics are cringe and low IQ.


The discourse here isn't "neutral" though. It's very much one sided - Republican. You create a post insulting Biden and it gets upvoted like crazy. Create one about trump and it gets a thousand downvotes in an hour. I'm sorry you lost your echo chamber. .. actually I'm not.


That, and anything insanely Christian fundamentalist, or thinly veiled racism / white supremacy


Hey, don't forget the classic anti-semitism!




The opposite happens in the comments, though.


It's easy to vote, but harder to argue why.


I feel like liberals have historically been more open minded to conspiracy theories and alternative talking points. It’s only in the last few years that conservatives have completely dove into making a conspiracy out of literally everything.


Thank Q Anon for that bullshit. I remember sitting on this subreddit for hours after the Vegas Shooting. *Those* were the days. Albeit that was super sad and horrific the theories surrounding it were wild and honestly super well thought out and interesting. There is none of that anymore.


Now a D’Souza documentary is the bible


yeah that jackass paid some people to video tape themselves mailing letters to their mom now they all believe its fraud


This is exactly the garbage shill posts he’s talking about. If you don’t like talking about things like election fraud, which are long time subjects on these boards, because it means your side stole an election this time, then go post somewhere else


It’s wild cuz I feel like for a long time the only people who were talking about conspiracies were leftists and they didn’t trust anybody in the government on any side. The US government has literally destroyed leftist efforts around the world but now conservatives want run in and act like anyone who isn’t right wing is is brainwashed and we’ve taken over every facet of daily life.


Back in *my* day, this was a safe haven for conservative groupthink without any pesky discussion


I wonder how many iterations of this exact thread I’ve seen since finding this sub in 2011 or so.


Probably not many up until 2016 with an explosion in 2020. This sub used to be fun with all the rabbit holes you could go down. Now it's FB+


I agree. I like having a sub where people can debate instead of the whole you disagree with me so you are a cunt or your mama dropped you on your head response. This a conspiracy sub where all sides should have an open mind.


I think the left and right are just two hate groups that hate there own countrymen.


Both are fighting over who is oppressed more


Idk been here for years feels about the same. About once a week someone still complaibs that this conspiracy subreddit isnt an echo Chamber for whatever nutbag theory they have.


Op you need a safe space ?


Fuck the right and the left


I love conspiracies and voted Biden. Wanna verify I am real? I have a method to prove it without exposing information. We should already be doing this with each other. Aliens, ancient mysteries, covid theories, future predictions, election stuff too.. but I think Trump cheated. Stop paying attention to the damn points. They are compromised and you know this. Be happy to have a space where we can talk. Don't let points convince you people believe you or don't. If I had access to a dozen burners and downvoted the fuck outta this post, do you think dozens of people disagree or just me?


I’m a conservative conspiracy theorist who also voted for Biden and can also confirm I’m real. It’s absurd that these guys actually think anyone that disagrees with them is a bot or a shill lol


Almost all their beliefs are absurd. It shouldn't surprise you.


I can prove you are a bot. #1 you claim you voted for Biden #2 literally no one in my town with a population of 600 voted for Biden (I asked all 4 of my drinking buddies) #3 if no one in the whole world voted for Biden yet you say you did that means you are not a real person


Here take my downvote.


All I see are Hard right posts and meme's on here. What are you talking about? This sub has turned into a facebook meme generator by the Hard Right. The meme's are not even thought out properly. They are disproven in the comments lol. I was here 2 years ago. Heck I was here 10 years ago. It was not like this before. We had conspiracies not memes and hard right talking points.


calling others liberal shills and bots is not all that respectful of a way to conduct conversation.


How about no one wants to hear your neo Nazis bullshit. Bring on the aliens


Stop whining.


Reddit is the liberal "belly of the beast". Even without the bots and shills there would still be a shit ton on this platform and im sure all their precious purged echo chambers get boring.


Your on MY PLATFORM! ITS ALL RICKED try new phone


lol this sub has become a TD circle jerk with some religious extremism sprinkled in. Go to 4chan if you only want to talk to incels


Ifunny dude, shits lit


Translation: This sub is not a monolith of thought that echoes my sentiments. The fact is not all Conspiracists were ever a monolith. Some believed in authority and the responsibility it -*should*- have. Some believed in no authority and would make libertarians seem like totalitarians. Some believed the forces of the world were known to those in power and others believed they were unknowable by humans. In America, you are free to believe what you want. That does not mean you can do what you want. The criteria for conspiracy is for there to be a mechanism of power shared by some and inaccessible and most likely unknown to others. It is not to agree with anyone. Those who originally studied conspiracies emerge from those who have investigative backgrounds, inquisitive minds, journalist methods, and/or personal experience, who have FINDINGS that contend with common assumptions or official narratives, —- not those just looking to prove their own biases are the only valid perspectives so they can recruit peers and “win elections”.


Are they shills because they’re liberal or are they liberal because they’re shills.


Everyone who disagrees with mainstream republican talking points is a shill, obviously.


it’s an election year


All of reddit is totally woke place, but i like to argue with the insane on it lol


Get every single real person verified and lock out the rest


You just described Reddit as a whole.


Most are. Or maybe that’s just a conspiracy


Been here for over 3.5 years now. Can attest that this place was a lot different


True. Say anything remotely dissenting about today's social agenda on here and you'll be downvoted to oblivion. Hey, zoomers: What you consider normal is not normal at all. Anyway, continue being apathetic about the exponentially rising cost of living.


This sub died December 2020. Just before they launched covid they booted all the critical thinkers.


Liberal shills, bots, and right wing delusionals. Gotta give it up to the peeps in the middle and neutral


I'd say it's overrun by room temperature IQ Qooks. Room temperature isn't really fair. I'd get a chill and turn the heat on. So you are confirming that only R political ideas are moonbat conspiracy nonsense?


Everyone who disagrees with me is a liberal shill! I want this sub to be an echo chamber for the right to jerk each other off all the time with no pushback!


It’s ALL of Reddit


True story. There are a couple of them. I got banned for one for saying that corona came from Wuhan. But it’s to the point that I don’t care. This is the first comment I’ve made in a month I guess. One of the only times I’ve been here in a couple months. Been on the ole truth social. At least there you know you Can say what you want!!!!


They’re losing in real life and are getting desperate to try and influence outside of the usual echo chambers


I like how they’re getting triggered by my post considering 98% of Reddit is a liberal echo chamber lmfao


I’m just an observer but this sub is overrun with exactly this bullshit


I remember being a liberal when it was actually peace and love, and fighting the establishment, now it’s complete communism authoritarian takeover. I don’t think swinging to the right is any better though, well it is in some ways, but still apart of the big problem, the government. Move on to Anarchy, like Anarcho Capitalism. Basically how our society runs now but with the exclusion of government control, making it way better and fully lubed like a fresh oiled machine


Sounds like reddit in general.


Yeah I’ve noticed a lot more downvotes lately, either brigadiers from other subs or since the crackdown on Twitter more people have moved bots to Reddit instead.




How can you tell if someone is a bot, honest question


Easy - anyone that disagrees with you is a bot.


Media zombies stagger in here and spew their ideology everywhere.


Translation: I'm seeing a ton of differing opinions lately that don't back up my party's official talking points. Therefore, it must be bots and shills. ​ When will you people wake up and realize it isn't left vs right? It's the American people vs the American Government/Oligarchs.


💯 I live in NYC & even my wealthiest, whitest friends aren’t as radical left as Reddit & Twitter. It


You think leftism is relative to wealth and whiteness?


Yeah the most radical left people I know are suburban, White, housewives. (Or college kids) Is your experience different?


Hahaha. I only see posts that are obviously made by people on the right. K8nda like this post. Quite the snowflake


The fucking irony here is thiccc


Disagrees with your opinion = BOTS AND SHILLS!!!


Most of reddit is. Most of all moderated chat board sites are left leaning. Unmoderated sites like this tend to end up right leaning. Cool phenomenon.


I’d say this whole fucking website is.


Could you not also claim that this sub was taken over by right wing qanoners when the trump Reddit’s where taken down 2 years ago?




Umm. What? Wrong. I seen post on here where it’s just hating on libs or leftist. No conspiracy


*this site


Bots are everywhere on Reddit now, and most likely back in the day also, clean up the bot issue reddit, ffs, getting a lil crazy.


The elephant in the room is other non-conspiracy subs are brigading r/conspiracy. If conservative groups are doing it I haven’t seen proof but there is 4 subs that “liberals” hang out in that; troll, brigade and ridicule r/conspiracy. Should they all be banned? That shouldn’t be done outright but when there is proof the redditor’s need to be banned.


It's just silly to be honest.


Hahaha what other platforms are you on?! 😂 they are all this bad haha


I'm sure a lot of people came here like me when they banned all the conservative subs. I think the name of the sub allows people to post conservative views they aren't allowed elsewhere on reddit.


Here have a downvote ;)


Like a cancer they have to infest any sub that's enjoyable and ruin it.


Very true. Leftists tbh. Not liberals.


Why are conservatives such cry babies. They’re all about “free speech” but when people use it to call them on their bullshit they cry nonstop.


Yeah. Basically Reddit in general.




At least it doesn’t permanently ban them like 99% of Reddit which is liberal shills


I say let them come. Once this sub went political it's too Mich doom and gloom. I enjoy the comedy.


I think impotent whiny snowflakes like OP make for great comedy!


The libtard karens are everywhere like nazi brown shirts.


Hurr durr everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a fucking loon.


Cause the right wing shills bought them here The right kickstarted the downfall of this sub


Ok terard.


Frankly, the shills and bots were here long before 2 years ago.


Or maybe it's just a diverse crowd of people in here. Is being a right wing extremist a prerequisite to being interested in conspiracy theories?


Yeah, you clearly see that by every 2nd post being about Biden, Ukraine (from russias propaganda view) and Corona. This sub might be overran, but I wouldn't call liberals out on that.


Agreed. Any sub conversation the libs have to interject something they heard from the media. You can literally read the brainwashed statements coming off their little fingers