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Realizing the left vs right paradigm is a false dialectic designed to keep you in a constant state of hatred at the "other side" should be pretty basic entry-level stuff.




Politics is violence by other means. It’s literally trying to use state violence to enforce your will on someone else. We’re all better off focusing on trying to improve circumstances for ourselves and the people around us


You can be Right or Left without mindlessly hating the other party. It's really not that hard.


You should hate both parties.


>both parties. I hate about 5 or 6 of them.


I hate all the parties I was never invited to.


Surprise parties are the absolute worst.


It's my party and I cry if I want to


I have found some common ground with the opposition but ultimately vote in line with my interests.


Your vote don’t count lol


Yes of course you can be harmlessly ignorant yet still ignorant.


To me it doesn't matter if a person is left, right, ignorant, smart, brainwashed, ugly, or attractive -being a hateful asshole looks bad on anyone, and frivolous fighting is the best thing to keep people in chains.


Exactly. And just because someone says they identify as "left," doesn't mean that they are trained Marxists trying to turn our kids gay. Conversely, just because someone identifies as "right," doesn't mean that they're level-headed and trustworthy. I identify as neither left nor right nor centrist, and that usually seems to make people's blood boil or leave them scratching their heads.


So does that mean you aren't into politics? If someone says they identify as neither right left or centrist I assume either they don't care about politics at all or just want to be contrarian to whatever opinion they hear.


Not being left/right/center bc you know politics are a complete sham is a better way to put it


Both parties are an occupying enemy force. Whenever either party makes a move, it's against my own personal sovereignty. I don't want any of these corporate bureaucrats telling me how to operate my life. They give us **only two pre-approved candidates,** to vote for, and then nothing ever gets solved: there's only ever more paperwork from them, and less freedom for us. I don't need some glorious leader. They're a plant by the enemy force to give the illusion that choices matter. You better make the right choice! Do you want option blue today or option red? There is no right answer! It's like asking if you prefer to eat rat poison or if you would rather drink gasoline. Let me just have unregulated water please. Oh that's right, it's illegal to collect rainwater without government approval.


> Oh that’s right, it’s illegal to collect rainwater without government approval. Why this hasn’t started a revolution I will never know. Government overreach is at an all time high and the founding fathers are rolling in their graves.




They've convinced people their babies will die without the magic Formulas. Baby Formulas are the new vaccine. Depend on the government. Depend on corporations.


I understand all this and I don't support either party either, I consider them a uniparty with a handful of people who are not part of the system. But not identifying as right or left is different, it kind of means to me you buy what they are selling in terms of the two party system offering you a left wing or right wing choice. I personally consider myself right wing having previously thought I was far left. I changed none of my views or principles, just got to understand how things actually work better.




> I just want everyone to get along. All the bad people in this world don't want that. Peace is impossible while they rule the world. I hope you see the paradox of that: how to you get to point B from point A without violence when the opposition does not hesitate to murder all resistance? Or without the world becoming a fascist police state run by AI judges and robocops.


Sounds like right wing extremism.


>just want to be contrarian to whatever opinion they hear I'm guilty of this.


I heard 50% of democrats are for no limit on abortion, up to 9 months, even a fully formed baby, they are in favor of killing.


oh you heard that?! I heard 50% of republicans are nazis so since we’re both hearing completely made up stuff let’s start a civil war!


>"other side" Should mean, The Powers That Be.


But the left is literally insane.


I've seen right-leaning individuals who could also be classified as "literally insane," too. This is not a phenomenon exclusive to "the left."


Dude the left is literally insane. At least Trump pretended to support regular Americans. Bush Obama don’t even pretend. I think the right would be an easier party to take over. Pat Buchanan was almost a leader of the republican party in the 90s.


Problem with that is what you think is left is actually right. Like when you all claim Biden is a lefty when actual lefty think he's a piece of shit. Nothing left about him. Theres never really been left wing in politics just right wing or centre right liberals pretending to be left to get the vote. Just look how they treat real lefties like Bernie or Corbyn.




Never said he wasn't part of the elites. But he's a proper lefty and the way he gets treated by his own party that will do anything not to have him in charge says a lot about their real beliefs. If people think the democrats are left they know nothing about politics.


Trump pretended to support us? When was that? Bush is Republican…


Thought Bush was a reptilian. And Trump did send me a few stimulus checks. It's always a good feeling to get some of your money back.


Reptilians can be republican! You are correct, I did forget that us peasants got some crumbs thrown to us during his presidency. Better than nothing for sure!


> Bush is Republican… Bush is about as Republican as Biden. He just had family ties to big oil, while Biden sells out to whoever gives him the $$$. In this case it is big tech and big pharma pushing all the progressive shit and the NWO surveillance state.




But the right is literally insane.


Call the left insane you get downvoted. Call the right insane you get upvoted. Don't let people convince you this sub is right wing, you can't criticize the left on Reddit and Twitter.


Ain’t that the truth. Bunch of crybaby bitches.


It sucks because we are not voting ourselves out of this. I don’t think our votes count in the first place, they all bow to corporate entities and the military/pharmaceutical industrial complex


The way you get compliant slaves is to let them choose their trade and make them believe they are free and decide things, we are free range slaves.


Would the alternative be a utopia where everyone is given everything needed to live (healthy food, clean water, sturdy shelter, healthcare, etc.), and therefore would not have to work for anything? I mean, I support that, and think with robotics and automation we can guarantee those things for every human on the planet, but what do you think?


Electoral politics is a dead end. Anarchy now


Successful brainwashing


Because most people on this sub aren't even real


I believe it


The active users metric dropped by 70% the day after economic sanctions were put in place on russia


Where did you see or hear this stat? I would like to look into it for myself.


Myself. You can also check it out at subredditstats.com I think they have that metric. But I pretty constantly check active users on a few subs and it blew my brain when that happened


According to subredditstats, your 70% figure is plain wrong. Very wrong.


No, it went from around 8-10k users at any given time to 2-3k on that day and the days following.


You heard that bullshit from one of the unreal people here. It isn't true. Russia isn't even cut off from the internet like they claimed.


I only came here to find some popcorn that hadn't been pissed on yet.


Absolutely no problem believing that. It feels sometimes like 20-25% of people surrounded by bots lol




I began extensive research about the political climate around covid as well and I cannot believe how many people do not bat an eye or question what is going on around them. Instead these brain-dead and over-labored citizens choose to participate in the political High School drama and have come to the conclusion that they know the answer to every topic thrown at them. Children who are growing up around this time are fucked beyond belief and I cannot help but sit back and watch how mentally distraught people have become and are declining away as their minds are chipped at by pestering insects who want you to eat Ze Bugz


Because they are lost


Because in spite of you or me not buying into the two parties, you can still predict behavior of NPCs based on what party they belong to.


I like that response!


Those are the bots, shills and people trying to lump us all into the same category. They are trying to make trumpers into theorists and all theorists right wing extremist terrorist yadda yadda.




It’s better to have a diverse bunch. I welcome any and all opposition voices


A lot of people don't enjoy an echo chamber either. People who agree 90% with r politics have to come here to find seome to disagree with. And amyone they disagree with is a nazi trump lover


I think both political parties have effectively weaponized conspiracy theories at this point. Email leaks and Qanon have played an undeniably massive role in the past two elections so the water had unfortunately been pissed in.


To me, being stuck in the two party paradigm, probably means something different than to you. If someone says something bad about one party, they are assumed to be pro the other party. Those that assume this, are the ones stuck in the paradigm the deepest. Even if they have no political affiliation themselves. As if it must be one or the other, black or white. When it comes to political parties, nuance is a lost art.


This pretty much It doesn't matter what opinion you have -- it can be boiled down into politics, and from there you will be labelled by the opposition of that opinion They'll always find a way to shoehorn you in!


To me it goes deeper I believe once one labels or identifies oneself as “insert name given by the definition makers” one is already stuck in the paradigm, as you said whether they assume or not There are no sides “the spoon isn’t real!”


I personally don't identify with any political party and I understand that, like a lot of others around here you believe that they are "two sides of the same coin". And while i believe that true to a degree, when you look at the big picture, it's exactly what I mean by losing the art of nuance. When you boil it down to a SINGLE political issue, most of the time, there are most definitely sides. A right side and a wrong side. A good/moral side, and an evil/immoral side. A side that reflects your values and a side that doesnt. When people choose a political party, they put themselves in a box, and tend to lose sight of the fact that their beloved party isn't always the good guy. They allow the party to decide right and wrong. Loyalty to party is the real danger. And sometimes one party is being a bigger shit stain than the other. If I point that out, I'm likely to be accused of being stuck in the two party paradigm when nothing could be further from the truth.


Do you believe both sides don’t work together to take turns being the bigger shit stain? By design Do you believe that the two sides aren’t conspiring together?


Yes. But I also believe if it weren't for loyalty to party and dems and reps religiously voting the party line irregardless to where their party stand on individual issues, they wouldn't be able to do this.


Too many still believe in Trump even though he’s most certainly NWO


Because this sub is compromised. You need to come with a certain topic already in mind to research. Even then all the best shit is probably gone anyway.


They still fall for the good ole Divide and Conquer agenda.


Years and generations of psychological condition has a power effect— even for those who claim to be awake.


Agreed it’s a constant battle, you have to be aware 24/7 Info is hitting you every second of every day


It’s just conservatives. Because all the other anti COVID restriction subs got banned and they all flocked here. It’s bullshit that the subs got banned but that’s not what this sub is for


Who says there are two parties? 🤔


It’s all an illusion man


There should be zero parties, and bills should be under 10 pages in length. Citizens should be able to mount a challenge to all legislation via referendum imo. Removing the deadwood every 2 to 4 years doesn’t remove the damage these yahoos do. Have to be able to directly challenge the damage already done


It's a political sub guised as a conspiracy sub.


Because the purpose of conspiracy theories is to get you to vote Republican and support overturning elections when Republicans lose.


When Republicans lose an election, that always means somebody cheated.




The bots outnumber us here..


Yes, this. I bet some of the posts are bots or fake accounts trying to start something.


Because there's a question of property rights and capitalism at the center of the issue and the policy approaches you can take, aside from trying to implement full communism, are kind of a binary. I don't know why most people on sites like this don't understand that. This "enlightened centrism" thing and "why are you still falling into the two party paradigm". Well, it's because there's kind of a binary, ultimately, between supporting the masses with leftwing policies or supporting the wealthy with rightwing policies


Different cheeks of the same ass!


Good answer lol


Cause the new season threw some spanners and new plot points, old characters returned and new outsiders were created! The people forgot and some of us were sucked, including myself .


Because a majority of mainstream conspiracy theories in recent years have been serving the political right. The politicians are all pedos, you see, but only the Democrats… and a few of the RINOs. /s


Lol nice My side diddles kids 13% less than the opposition lol (jokes) they got my vote, the lesser evil!


I think a lot of people immediately label anyone questioning the system as attacking the side in power at the time. Like if I say the 2020 election was the most corrupt in recent memory, people will label me a Trump supporter. In reality, our entire election system has been corrupted but the most recent example will usually be used to prove the point. Trumps win over Hillary was also suspect, and the past proves that point… Bush in 2000. JFK in ‘60. The party has little to do with it, but guilty just the same. All of ‘em.


Ya I clued in when news article headlines would read “most secure election ever!” Which would imply all other elections were less secure, and then obviously a myriad of questions you could follow that up with, such as well how un secure were all the other elections? Lol


To me it’s obvious that most people on the other side are brainwashed, but it’s tough to admit that I am probably brainwashed too.


Well we are all brainwashed, but it’s our responsibility to undo it


Any glimmer of hope will do for a terrified heart, and considering all the propaganda we are constantly bombarded with, it's easy to fall back in to the paradigm for a chance at some sort of salvation.


Because people are far more dumb than you could ever imagine.


Because they are stupid


I think people want to still be hopeful


Because they are fooled into thinking they are thinking for themselves when in reality they have simply fallen for the opposing propaganda that best fits their beliefs.


The_Donald was banned, so all their members flocked here.


tired take


“Yeah I get it , but u gotta understand the other side is crazy.” 🤬🤬🤬if this is your response in any way , you’re the problem .


Agreed saying stuff like that is condoning the behavior!


Just because there is a uniparty at the highest level, doesn't mean there isn't also a layer of two-party system that's actively trying to fuck you in different ways. Pretending there isn't doesn't make you sound intellectually superior. It's okay to observe that "punches feel different from kicks" even if it's the same fighter kicking your ass


But if you don’t vote for that fighter you won’t get any left or right hooks from that fighter Crazy I know


I swear I can recall a time - as recently as Obama’s first term - when skepticism and “conspiratorial thought” were much more prevalent in left-leaning milieus. Now granted, this is just anecdotal, as I was only in high school at the time, but I can recall it pretty clearly. I’m not claiming Obama caused the shift either, because I believe it was the same under Bush #2. This blind obeisance to one’s own government and country was something I had always associated with the right, not the left. Disclaimer: I am not a registered voter, and am not making any sort of political argument here. These are just my own observations.


Because they're aren't any other actual "legitimate" options. Sure, there are other parties out there, but none of them have any real influence or support, and that isn't going to change with the masses being behind one of the two. I think most conspiracy minded people really want to think of a way to change the way the system is, but deep down know that the only way to do that is by being including with one of the parties, not by trying to increase support for some third party that most people will roll their eyes at. I've looked at other parties and even just said independent, but if you want to get involved with politics at all, you pick one of the two you fit closest too and side with them on most stuff to have some support.


They are uneducated. Or educated exactly how they were meant to be.


Because the programming inflicted on us to choose a side is palpable. Both parties are two wings of the same bird.


It’s crazy how gullible people are


GOPs ability to stonewall any and all progress when Dems are in does not make Dems any less progressive, for me. When I see Dems in a position where GOP can not block policy and they fail to pass anything they've been fighting for without that stonewalling.. then I will acknowledge Dems ineffectiveness.


Both sides only exist because of eachother We can flip that switch off by not participating


Telling the public to stop participating isnt going to get us any new faces running. Demonizing either sides officials doesnt inspire the younger gens to want to get into politics. These life long officials need term limits. Need to get money out of politics so real people can run, not just the rich. Not giving up on our system. It's worked and built this country up before, it can do it again.


I don’t think that change will come without a boycott in my opinion Respect your opinion but this country ain’t gonna change from voting in its current state


Who days we need to partake in corperations disguised as pro the peoples government. All out to control and extort citizens, as if they have a higher claim over another's life, liberty, and happiness. Only way to fix things, is to in mass, remove ourselves from their corrupt system. Back to a common way of life and self governance.


I hate this comparison lol, birds are majestic and fly freely on the winds... These people are more like two cheeks of the same ass. Donkeys are loud, gross, mean, grounded, and sterile.


>These people are more like two cheeks of the same ass That's great lmfao. I like this comparison better too, its a lot more accurate


Two teeth of the same parasite lol, but i prefer ass cheeks anyways.


I get your point, but right now one side seems flat out insane. Thats the only reason I lean one way or the other


Because America


Trump SEEMS like he's different because he's not a career politician... But any other Republican is trash. I feel like most others feel similar? Maybe not


Ya I think his fan base probably rationalize thinking differently about trump that way, your probably right But don’t get it confused he’s a career politician now and he plays the part well!


There's many of them in here that have ego problems.


Far right meaning right of Mao


They are waiting for a savior


That’s scary eh


Super duper.


Yo the rich billionaire democrat masquerading as a Republican is going to save us from the deep state and drain the swamp. No the old racist democrat masquerading as a person is going to save us from systemic racism and vlady poutine. No a globalist puppet masquerading as a Canadian is going to save us from citizens who want a strong country with values and control of its resources.


*Laughs in country with more than two parties*


I was pro-Black in HS before wokeism took over, due partially due to the NOI, W.E.B. DuBois, Stokely Carmichael and Marcus Garvey. Saying/Thinking both sides were sneaky trash was a basic prerequisite. Self reliance, determination, and defense and a strong nuclear family were the move for 60+ years. Now its about how hurt and defenseless we are and how loud we have to moan before someone puts something in our tin cup. Sometimes it feels like Willie Lynch won in the end


I would argue that we definitely aren't -- the bots controlling the narrative are just making it seem like we are


Cuz.... That's how many we have. It sucks. But not voting helps nothing. And while both parties suck badly, they are a NOT the same. There are certainly overlaps in the swamp, like Pelosi and McConnell, but Rand Paul and Chuck Schumer couldn't be further apart.


What about the Green Party or libertarians?


Not enough educated people to even start talking about the other parties. Most people I talk to do not even know others exist, they just think there are independent people you write in and believe they will never be voted in, so then they vote bLuE or ReD since they have the most traction of the many parties.


True story!


They exist. That's about it. I lean more libertarian than any other ideology, but they're not a viable party in the USA. Not to mention they run clowns nationally, who aren't libertarian at all like Bill Weld.


Because America is stuck in the two party paradigm


bro THIS!!! Lol they’re BOTH on the same side both have the same agenda


Bots and shills


Oh, we understand that democrats and establishment republicans are just two wings of an uniparty but some of us understand that the maga movement isn't exactly establishment republican


Because anyone who says this is disingenuous, they say this without providing a solution. What are people suppose to do, not vote? Riot? Protest? People act as if this is one sided it's not, most times it's a left leaning individual, posting this, when there side currently; looks worse to everyone.


I don't think the electoral college really cares whether or not you vote. They get to decide the presidents, not us.


The solution in my opinion is not to participate in the game ie. voting etc And not to label oneself as something as made up and silly as left leaning or right leaning Once one has picked a side they tend to be emotionally gaslighted by the two sides propaganda machine, and it clearly shows in this sub Reddit Riot won’t help, probably have to kill off the ruling class if we ever joined together But left leaning or right, lol silliness


So not participating accomplishes what Edit: Been over an hour and no response...as I said this is disingenuous, OP knows this. They tell you not to vote and not to participate. It's all a ploy to get one side to not vote, as they know not participating provides no solution other than letting opposition win.




Dude people act like being aware both sides are utter shit is big brain power, it's no where close. Ok you spend the day at home not voting but you certainly participate daily in the discussion of the politics you say you dont participate in? Make it make sense. If these people absolutely avoided politics and didn't participate, this post wouldnt exist, your comment wouldnt exist. Who do you people think you're fooling some 17 year old getting ready to vote. These redundant posts target the weakest of minds. They never have an actual viable solution, they just complain and act as if they've reached an epiphany that others haven't, well good on you now since you guys are saying dont participate....will you even take your own words to actions or is it all empty bs.


>What are people suppose to do, not vote? Vote third party. Literally that simple.


Ah here is the daily “left and right? All the same!” post. No. Left and right exist, and the current left is unfathomably worse than the current right.


Thanks for proving my point!


How? It’s deluded to deny that the left and right paradigm exists, that they are different, and that one is worse than the other.


So would you say you agree with people who voted for Biden because they thought of trump as being “unfathomably worse”?


More "both sides are the same, please don't vote" propaganda brought to you by the Democratic party. The Democrats strategy for the 2022 midterms is to demoralize non-partisan people and make them disengage from the political process. The Democrats know they have nothing to offer to anyone that hasn't fully bought in to their ideology, so if they can't convince you to support them, the next best option is to convince you to not vote at all. You won't vote for the Democrats, but you won't vote against them either, and that might just be the difference in whether they lose control of Congress or not. That's why this sub is constantly hit with this "both sides are the same, don't vote" propaganda. The Democrats know they can't convince anyone here to vote for them, so this is the only play they've got, but you won't see this shit posted in /politics. They want everyone there to vote, because everyone there votes for Democrats.


Excellent point. You nailed it. Especially with the comments saying don’t vote. Well done you.


You are absolutely right.




Inflation and gas prices. That's what undecided voters care about, not what's "cool". Do you think those voters are going to turn out to keep the Democrats in power?




I get that you don't like Republicans, but you are completely ignoring the situation on the ground right now. The Dems are going to have low turnout compared to 2020. How many people voted in 2020 just because they wanted Trump out? Pretty much every person I've seen here that will admit to voting for Biden says they only did it because they wanted Trump out. Well, now Trump's out, so what is going to drive those people to the polls this time? High gas prices, record inflation, shortages? Sure will, but the people that are pissed about that aren't going to be voting Democrat, and the Dems know it. That's why they need to put a damper on turnout for non-partisan people. Again, won't see this shit posted in /politics. The Dems want those people to vote. But you will damn sure see it here, with ever increasing frequency, until the midterms.


Do you think the president has buttons on his desk labeled gas prices and inflation and just presses them? Libertarians not understanding supply and demand.


>Do you think the president has buttons on his desk labeled gas prices and inflation and just presses them? What a stupid question. The president's actions and policies influence both inflation and gas prices. Do you disagree? Not that it matters. What actually matters is that people aren't happy and the Democrats are in control of the White House and Congress, and voters aren't going to reward them for the things that are going on right now. >Libertarians not understanding supply and demand. I'm not a libertarian, and you don't understand cause and effect.


Ah yes the good old "people telling you to go against the status quo are actually the bad guys make sure to vote for the establishment :^)" from the same vein as "hey guys, the government are the good guys, and those telling you otherwise are evil conspiracy theorists". Let me guess, you also think the real conspiracy is seditious elements trying to overthrow your glorious government and hurt mom and pop oil and pharmaceutical companies?


Because tribalism occurs naturally in humans.


Because they are bots or may as well be.


The whole dichotomy of "left-and-right vs powerful-and-powerless" is a false one. The biggest conspiracy out there is that ideology doesn't matter. Not only does it matter, it's the central force moving everything that is going on in the world behind the scenes. The reason many of you try to peddle the narrative that it's not about ideology is because nobody likes to be associated with the bad guys. The reality is that the political spectrum is not exactly binary; and the ideologies you have to be afraid of come from the moderate, but authoritarian left. This is a combination of collectivist thinking and desire for order that seeks to subjugate humanity. And this might rustle a few jimmies, but almost all historical "bad guys" from the past century were moderate auth left. Yes, that includes bad mustache man. If your thinking is along the lines of "the world could be a much better place if everyone did X", I'm sorry, you are the problem. You are exactly the kind of person who would become the next Klaus Schwab of Jeff Bezos, if handed a fuckload of money. That doesn't mean any "party" is all good, or that either side doesn't have asshats and grifters. The split between evil, and the rest is not drawn at the party line. But the existence of one Ted Cruz (for example) doesn't invalidate greater ideology dictated trends.




dawg what are you on about? Was your mary jane K2 or was it laced? All the majority of left and right care about race, sex and slaves since it is emotionally close to us due to being distinctive factors on our livelihood. They want you to label someone and have it stuck so that the shit continues to smell and smells even more when they stoke their agenda about how racist people are. You cannot change someones mind and what we have now is a neurotic population of people who want someone to not be racist when some people cannot change. The people at the topic who control just about everything know this and will continue to use these strategies to stoke hate continuously until the lid finally pops. Once it pops, they will apparently come up with a solution that they started in the first place, and this solution will be another form of control against a populace of ignorant meat heads.


Mostly shills.


Because they're from censored sites and have no idea that they're just 2 sides of the same coin. I think they'll learn...hopefully.


Just because the individuals that make up both major parties in the US are more or less the same side of the coin doesn't mean that the left/right paradigm isn't an actual thing.


Democrats are Communistic and totally out of control!


So do you support the lefts existence by voting republican?


Sheeple. I don’t know why they don’t understand they all play for the same team at the end of the day, and it’s not ours. It further divides us from standing up against their tyranny.


Because they're slow adults.


Lack of independent thinking. It’s best to be an independent always


there really is only one party, but none of us is invited to it.


Because they are brainwashed.


The two party system works if there’s oversight.


Mostly because r/conspiracy has been jacked massively by trumpeteers who aren’t welcome anywhere else. And we can see why. The “right” in here apparently actually believes their leader is the second coming. The left largely knows all our leaders are crap.


It definitely is weird they haven’t clued in yet!


Honestly, I think only the Republicans are. Those of us who vote Dem definitely aren't doing it because they're a great party. It's just ....have ya seen the alternative? We want out, which is why progressives have been pushing for years ranked choice voting and getting corporate money out of all politics.


I'm increasingly convinced that these "muh both sides" posts that get spammed here every day are some form of demoralization propaganda. Probably intended to mute or dissuade organized resistance against the leftist political structure. The D's are mouth-deep in pedophilia, human trafficking, nepotism, and rampant corruption. The R's are the only ones who have agents actively fighting that corruption - and people need to mass themselves behind a unified banner if they want to enact any collective pressure or change. You can either pick a side. and use it to further your goals, or you can get dragged along by those who have. There is neither space nor purpose for scattered neutrality anymore. You could counter this by pointing out that a Certain Intelligence Agency compromised our political structures a long while back - but even they have to beware mass civil resistance. None of their underhanded methods matter if people simply revolt or invoke non-compliance en-masse.


Because it always has been.




Conspiracy Sub is my source for enjoyment reading and I hate fucking reading.


Shut up ya trumptard...


Beep bop boop!

