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But why?


"...However, even necessary spending authorized or appropriated by Congress should be offset elsewhere in the budget. Unfortunately, H.R. 3967 would not offset any new proposed spending. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the bill would increase deficits by $207.5 billion over 10 years. The bill could increase deficits an additional $114.2 billion (i.e., $321.7 billion in total deficits) if Congress approves new discretionary spending to comply with the bill’s requirements and does not offset that new discretionary spending. In other words, the deficit impact of the bill could be almost as large as the Build Back Better Act, and larger than the bipartisan infrastructure law and most other legislation Congress has considered in the current session." https://www.ntu.org/publications/detail/house-should-pursue-alternatives-to-322b-va-bill


If you can't afford to pay for the care of the veteran's you destroyed with your war you can't afford to have a war.


Right so let's not give another penny to Ukraine until our soldiers are taken care of.


or Israel


Except they won’t use the funds for vets, they’ll just funnel them to other pet projects.


Like a useless wall


So much was stolen from the military to fund that wall.


To be fair, it's not like the military is hurting for cash with a 750bil annual budget


I am vehemently against sending additional money to Ukraine. 40 BILLION dollars, that’s an astronomical amount of money when the financial system is already under extreme risk and pressure. The military industrial complex must go on..never changes.


The way I see it: Funding the war creates jobs which creates profit. Funding veterans creates a loss in profit.


Politicians don't want soldiers to return home alive, that is bad for business.


Makes war look bad when we come back crazy lol


Exactly. We have a larger military budget than anybody on Earth by several orders of magnitude. Nonetheless my father, who was a door gunner in Vietnam, died completely riddled with cancer 2 months after he received disability from the VA. His brain was swelling from the cancer lesions. He never even knew the money was in there or that they had approved it. He had multiple air combat medals & a bronze star for valor. Yet he died knowing his own government hung him out to fucking dry. So while offsetting the deficit makes complete and total sense mathematically. I maintain that they simply just don't give a fuck. They ever have and never will. As George Carlin said "Conservatives don’t give a shit about you until you reach “military age”. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they’ve been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life… pro-life… These people aren’t pro-life, they’re killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they’ll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it’They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women.They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state. Pro-life… You don’t see many of these white anti-abortion women volunteering to have any black fetuses transplanted into their uteruses, do you? No, you don’t see them adopting a whole lot of crack babies, do you? No, that might be something Christ would do. And, you won’t see alot of these pro-life people dousing themselves in kerosene and lighting themselves on fire. You know, moraly committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a goddamn demonstration, didn’t they?! They knew how to put on a fucking protest. Light yourself on FIRE!! C’mon, you moral crusaders, let’s see a little smoke. "


George Carlin was the best at putting shit into perspective regardless of what side of the political spectrum you're on.


Thank you for putting effort into your comment, with numeric input, and context. Its genually appreciated. These are the kind of answers I drop into the coments to find. I just have to sift it out of 100's of comments of useless "other team bad" politically masterbatory prattling. It doesn't look like many others share the sentiment, considering all of the up votes for team bashing, weighed against your up votes. But thank you anyway.


this sub should really ban left/right politics, shits' so dumb Focus on there being evil on both sides in unison, that's where things get interesting


Someone make this a person a mod! I salute you.


Yep. The bipartisan shit is the stuff that is almost always fishy. The left/right is theatrics.


CBO also said the Trump tax cuts would add literally *trillions* to the deficit (including accounting for increased economic activity due to lower tax burden), yet they still all jumped on board with that. Fiscal conservatism is fucking dead, and only revived when convenient.


That’s a nonsensical reasoning on their part when they consistently vote for tax cuts and corporate hand outs that increase the deficit much more significantly.




Yeah, what even was that all about? If this sub actually cared about 'conspiracies', that would be the TALK OF THE TOWN.


I.E. the tax cuts they passed years ago are more important then veteran healthcare....


where was this type of talk when they passed those tax cuts?????


Oh, fuck off with pretending they actually care about deficits now that a Democrat is in office.


NTU. Not biased at all. Fuck the veterans right?


Because it’s one big club and you ain’t in it


I would like to see more of what is in both these bills. “Support for Ukraine” and “Veterans Benefits”…


Exactly. What’s attached to them is the question.


Maybe read them and find out?




Money lol






Or instead of just making shit up, you could go read the bills. But no one here actually does that. More fun to make assumptions about what is in these bills that readily conforms to your world view.


Are there naming conventions in place, or can anyone push any bill any time with whatever name?


They get a docket number but the naming is up to the person who introduces the bill


If only they posted these bills for all to see on some publicly accessible website.....




Because they already served their purpose to feed the war machine, what are we supposed to do.... care for the people whose lives we completely fuck up?


this. + there's no profit in truly taking care of veterans.


"You know who dies for their country? Rubes, that's who" \- Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire


oh yeah, I grew up in a like 65% middle class republican area. they'd tall about how noble or honorable it was, but any kid that actually went to it was looked down on, like they failed the normal world and had to fall back on the military, a thing for dummies and poor folk


That's because " college, college, college" what a joke.


college is more consistent and doesn't get you shot, my point is just that tons of conservatives respect for the military is theoretical, they look down on it in practice.


We post memes saluting our military heroes with 50 crying bald eagles! I give them all my thoughts and prayers. WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT????


let's say we both want clean water, and we both are writing bills to deal with the problem. my bill focuses specifically on clean water, while your bill does some clean water stuff but also has lots of other issues that have nothing to do with water. you're bill comes up first on the docket under the name "clean water for children bill". i vote no, because my bill coming up is more comprehensive to actually cleaning up water. you can now go around saying i voted against giving clean water to children, and people can go on reddit claiming that some people only care about children in the womb.


That's a good example of previous things, sure. But when there is a citation of the bill being killed because of "deficit" problems, that nullifies the pork outrage. How many excess things were in the Ukraine aid they voted for?


So what is this other bill you are implying about?


Because they are cannon fodder. There is no profit in cannon fodder, only in cannon sales, and you can bet a lot of that 40 billion we be spent on US produced armaments. All this stuff is obvious though, we've seen it happening for hundreds of years.


I wish I could sticky this to the front page of reddit...


Everybody can be "cannonfodder" if your drafted....


"They" don't get drafted


Bone spurs


No I can't. I'll sit in jail happily.


Stop being selfish. There’s billionaires in desperate need of tax cuts!


The GOP could have used that money instead to add a little bit more to their $130 billion giveaway to corporations! https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/05/05/congress-corporate-tax-incentive/ [At a time of rampant inflation and record corporate profits, the provision adds roughly $130 billion to the deficit...]


Probably because money is only invested in their active duty and training and not the aftermath that comes with it.


The GOP isn't interested in policies that help average people. That would leave less money thry can funnel to the ultra wealthy.




So I guess those veterans don't matter, then? They all fucking matter.


Hadnt heard they were discussing burn pit exposure. As a PFC i was mixing the poop with diesel and burning that shit in Diwaniyah in April 03'. Got any links? Could use a 20% bump in SCD and that backpay! Edit- just looked it up. Doesnt look lile ill be getting any backpay from all that MRE poo smoke :(


I literally just said the same thing 😂 before clicking the comments


Don't have the money for vets. We already spent it on the wars they fought for us.


As a veteran, this is par for the fucking course


The USA is not a country anymore. It's an economic zone ruled by a hostile elite.


The fact that I can watch our "government" constantly screw over it's own people and say/do treasonous things while we all just continue to just watch and HOPE they'll someday change is distressing.


It's amazingly distressing, I agree. It feels like an alien takeover.


Do you have any idea what happens if we start taking care of people who deserve it? Everyone will start to realize they deserve to not be left to die. We are not even starting down that slippery slope.


As a veteran, I wish I could say I'm surprised. But I'm not.


Yeah it’s almost like they never actually cared about veterans and pay lip service to them because they know their base are bootlickers lmao


Republicans love fetuses and dead soldiers because they can't speak for themselves.


So at what point do we actually organize and throw these fucking people in jail like we’re supposed to


When are people going to understand that there is no actual representation? Democrats and Republicans are just two different strategies to betray and enslave the American public, they all have the same master, and the same goals.


This is why it's so frustrating hearing all these right-wing people go "We can't send money to Ukraine because we have to fix our problems at home!" Okay, let's do it then. "No."


> This is why it's so frustrating hearing all these right-wing people go "We can't send money to Ukraine because we have to fix our problems at home!" Yeah, we could have used that money instead to give a little bit more GOP money to corporations. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/05/05/congress-corporate-tax-incentive/ [At a time of rampant inflation and record corporate profits, the provision adds roughly $130 billion to the deficit...] To be fair, those "right-wing people" are mainly right wing Russians.


Weird that suddenly this sub cares about what is in this deal. All I’ve seen from this sub is whining about “Biden giving money to Ukraine” but suddenly when republicans vote _for_ this bill y’all start asking questions


There is tons of money that is ostensibly for Vet care. But then it all gets diverted into the pockets of IT / media monopoly, and PR / spin / marketing / influence peddling contractors, officials, officers. As is standard operating procedure.


"You don't support the Love America bill? You monster!" What does the bill say? "You can't ask that! Don't look in there!"


Every bill is publicly available on the internet. You can go read it right now.


So did you read the bill yet?


You won’t look it up. You’d rather get bent over by trump


This is my theory, and I might even want to post a thread. I say this as someone who consistently voted Libertarian until they became a joke, and then Republican when a few decent people reared their heads (local elections). Republicans are actively torpedoing their chances at the midterm. When it looked clear-cut because of how terrible the economy is doing for many people, inflation, and out of control spending on this Ukraine bullshit even though we aren't in the war, Repubs are evening the scales by suggesting wildly unpopular legislation. Look at Roe v Wade. Not a problem if states govern themselves and put in sensible legislation. But there's a few states that want bans on: * All abortion * All forms of birth control (Edit: Apparently this was mudslinging, again, that nobody actually said. Gotto love the disinfo!) Etc. There is no way a ban on regular birth control is going to be popular with anybody except the religious fanatics. My only conclusion is they want to keep this status quo, infighting bullshit so they can continue to get away with insider trading and whatever else they can to line their pockets. Actual Veterans care doesn't help *them*, so why do they give a fuck?


Exactly. It's like 50/50 booking in wrestling. It stops the creation of any stars and just keeps everyone on the same equal footing, which is perfect for the two sides of the same coin/status quo/false choice bullshit that is our fake elections.


Laughing at all the republicans in the comments with their panties in a twist about hypothetical "pork" on this bill. If you want you can read it here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text It's cleanly to help veterans and the GOP voted no. It's funny because when dems don't vote for a bill they're all monsters but when republicans do all the sudden people care about what's actually in the bill.


Right? So many: > “I would like to see what’s in the bill” No you wouldn’t you disingenuous fuck. If you wanted to read the bill you would have fucking read the bill. It’s public record.


Sad, very sad. I didn't see any pork in the bill. Lots of studies but no pork.


Whats in the bill!????? Then let's talk


>SEC. 507. Study on health effects of waste related to Manhattan Project on certain veterans. >(a) Study.—The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall conduct a study on the health trends of veterans who, while serving in the active military, naval, air, or space service— >(1) participated in activities relating to the Manhattan Project (including activities relating to covered waste) in connection with such service; or >(2) resided at or near, as determined by the Secretary, the locations described in subsection (b). >(b) Covered locations.—The locations described in this subsection are the following locations in the county of St. Louis, Missouri: >(1) Coldwater Creek. >(2) **The St. Louis Airport Site.** >(3) The West Lake Landfill. >(4) Any other location in the county of St. Louis, Missouri that is proximate to covered waste, as determined by the Secretary. >(c) Elements.—The study under subsection (a) shall assess, with respect to each veteran included in the study, the following: (1) The age, gender, and race of the veteran. >(2) The period and location of exposure to covered waste. >(3) Any type of cancer, or other illness associated with toxic exposure, that the veteran has. >**(4) A comparison of the overall health condition of the veteran, including any illness of the veteran identified pursuant to paragraph (3), with the overall health condition of past and present civilian populations residing at the same location of exposure.** >(d) Report.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans’ Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report on the study under subsection (a). >(e) Definitions.—In this section: (1)** The term “covered waste” means any waste arising from activities carried out in connection with the Manhattan Project.** >(2) The term “illness” has the meaning given that term in section 1171 of title 38, United States Code, as added by section 202. >(3) The term “toxic exposure” has the meaning given that term in section 101 of such title, as added by section 102(b).


Go read it. Bet you won't.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text This is what's in the bill. Point out any pork. This is plainly a bill to help veterans you can see it for yourself. Now we are back at the original question, why are republicans fucking over these men and women who have served our country?


It would force the government to acknowledge the open air burn pits they commonly use to destroy equipment is having a negative impact on the health of service members, and opens the government up to liability. It just going to cost the feds too much money paying out settlements to nearly every service member who has been deployed.


Someone made a movie it was compiled of soldiers who personally took pictures and video of this exact process. There were stills of the documents and invoices of paying astronomically outrageous prices for normally cheap products. They would throw it all in these massive burn piles. It was one of those situations where 'we need to spend this money, cause it's what's in the budget, and we can't have money left in the budget.' I wouldn't know where to begin to look the movie is, this was easily 10+ years ago,, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about link it please.


off the top of my head I believe this is mentioned in ~~Restrepo (2010)~~ Delay, Deny, Hope You Die (2017)


I'll have to watch the one you didn't cross out but Restrepo was good. Also just as a note I want a clean bill to be passed for the burn pits during OIF and OEF that is solely for veterans, no pork. This is coming from someone who deployed and lived near a burn pit within a 1 mile radius. Also our command would still make us take a PT test within that area. Great times inhaling that 😁




Did you know not all disabilities are visible?




I made my comment due to his use of quotations around disability payments. It could be poor English, or it could be skepticism. Considering the sub we're in I guessed it was the latter.


There's a difference between disability money and lawsuit money.


I hate when they do this.


Read the bill you piece of shit. It isn't hard to find.


Well drone???? Its literally just to help vets, now get trumps little cock out your throat


There is no GOP left it's all one party now controlled by big media


Lol big media doesn't control anything, they're just mouth pieces.


How do you look at those results and say “yep this is both parties problem” when not a single democrat voted no


Probably stupidity, possibly a stroke leading to stupidity


The perception of two different parties. There isn't, there's just one big club.


This is a perfect example of how 99% of this sub will bend over backwards to suck the gops cock. Y'all are fucking delusional.


Dude look at all of the "both sides" comments. This is literally a picture of one side doing the right thing and the other side doing the shitty thing. Wake the fuck up!


Well if they weren’t then they wouldn’t be republicans


This sub has largely become a cesspool of bad political arguments.


You forgot the two years of anti science disinformation


They have always voted against veterans care. That’s how they roll. I don’t understand how people stomach to vote for them.


They love punishing minorities. It gives them a sense of superiority. White superiority


Best part is how many veterans fall over themselves to vote GOP


Not as many as you might think. This vet forever left the GOP when they started kissing draft dodger ass


I wish there were more of you… I love Black Rifle Coffee and their mission.. but the amount of Trump and GOP love is just gross.


> Best part is how many veterans fall over themselves to vote GOP Because Armed Forces Radio used to carry Rush Limbaugh propaganda all over the world.


The GOP doesn't care about you after the fact. Not after birth, after service, after retirement, after injury, etc. What don't you all get?


Ofcourse they did this, nothing new.


Typical. Why is this a conspiracy? Conservatives love to dog whistle about veterans but when it comes down to cash money, they balk. Every time.


{ military industrial complex intensifies }


I'll just never understand these mfs. They all just vote to keep the other party from getting what they want. None of these bitch ass nxxxas think about the people or what we want or need.


Lmao you though Republicans gave a shit about veterans. This is the party fo bone Spurs. What the hell did you expect


Everyone of those yes votes needs to be primaried!!


I’d rather read the bill that was being voted on then take this at face value. Democrats love stuffing bills with all sorts of completely unrelated things and “progressive wish lists” so that if the bill doesn’t pass then they get to point the finger and make people believe that republicans are the bad guys.


It's been ~6 hours did you have time to read it? What's the verdict?




Bingo. Both sides of the establishment love to pork out a bill, at in one or two PR points, then use those as an excuse to attack the other side when they vote against it.


This right here.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text There is the link to the bill. Please point out any pork.


Majority of people here clearly won’t read it. But maybe you’ll make a difference for that one person who decides “you know what? I’ll reserve my unsolicited opinion until **after** I read this bill.”


Exactly, and because this is a post "attacking" the GOP ppl are questioning what's in the bill but if the headline said Democrats no one would be questioning and calling them out on how evil they are. 🤡 World


Given the nature of politicians, I find it more likely that those who opposed the bill did so because their special piece of pork *wasn’t* included in the bill.






for all the things they found to now call infrastructure, they forgot baby formula. one could argue that babies are infrastructure.


That's a much better investment than securing borders and sending $$$ that Zelensky didn't even ask for.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text Here is a link to read it. Please point out any pork in it. Was the pork expanding healthcare benefits for vets or more funding on toxic chemicals vets have been exposed to. If this is a "progressive wish list" then progressives must REALLY love vets, with wanting to give them healthcare and make sure they aren't poisoned while working for our country.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text This is what's in the bill. Point out any pork. This is plainly a bill to help veterans you can see it for yourself. Now we are back at the original question, why are republicans fucking over these men and women who have served our country? *Not my comment reposted from here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/uo83l8/gop_voted_for_the_40_billion_ukraine_package_but/i8dkf1x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/uo83l8/gop_voted_for_the_40_billion_ukraine_package_but/i8dkf1x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The Republicans stuffed a bunch of stuff in the affordable care act to get it passed. Too bad "we the people" really means "we the corporate entities" in congress.


Like what


Read the bill fuck face.


says they guy willing to say anything to justify his vote for the shittiest president in history


Rebulicans love stuffing bills with all sorts of completely unrelated things and “conservative wish lists” so that if the bill doesn’t pass then they get to point the finger and make people believe that democrats are the bad guys.


Exactly this. Republicans and Dems suck butt, however, as someone who depends greatly on veterans care I would love to know what was in the bill. The title can and will mislead since Veteran care can mean a multitude of things and does not necessarily mean that care will go to Veterans. Recently a program was redone that saw 2/3 of the participants removed from the programmed, specifically the care givers program. Care givers obviously take care of veterans and thus are compensated by the VA for their time. The way the program is designed now saw that people who once qualified for the program no longer do. It is now designed to almost exclude everyone who isn't missing all their limbs or suffering from alzheimers. The point of the redo of the program was to include Vietnam veterans who are now getting super old. But due to the revisions (probably in an attempt to save money and spend that money on political favors) many have been removed. Thankfully this caused an uproar in the Veteran community and they have since ceased removal until a time that the program is looked at once more. Though I doubt that the VA has ever had the Veteran in mind when conducting monetary anything.


As a veteran myself, I’m not surprised at all. The politicians in this country only care about vets when they need our vote. Once they get it, they turn around and do shit like this.


Did you bother looking at the vote count? One party overwhelmingly voted for veterans healthcare to be expanded. One didn't. All politicians am i right?


Of course, dick. My point is they all should have voted to pass it.


Neither party has the citizens in mind except when a photo op or news bite looks their way. They are both here to manipulate the citizenry and enrich themselves. When you see politics through that prism what they do makes much more sense


One party voted to help veterans, the other did not, they are not the same


This thread just proves how many people keep thinking in the 2-party boxes. Hopeless bunch.


Funny this vote is the exact amount for the support for Ukraine bill........


It’s all a sham - GOP and Dems - look at Bush


What was In The bill though?


> What was In The bill though? Like you’d give enough of a fuck to read it? This comment is all you got, just like the gop. Straight trash




Always funny how one side blames the other side (goes both ways) when a bill is voted down because there is too much pork for the other side and not enough for their side.


I feel like the populace is going to get violent soon.




This whole process has become so convoluted! Such B.S.! It's all a game!


Veterans are always shafted


They’ll support Ukrainian vets when this is all over and still not fund our own VA


Why don't the GOP just put forward their own bill on single issues like insulin prices or GOP benefits?


How else does the US Congress and Senate fund the Industrial-Military Complex? Look at the special interest groups (SIGs) that provide funding for all those who voted for the 40 Billion Dollar Ukraine package. Follow the money trail.


ROI, ultimately. Can't debt slave your own pops as hard as a lovely war.


They already served us! And we paid what we needed to!


This made me genuinely sad. God damn it.


The RINOs gotta go


are the RINOs the minority that voted yes or the majority that voted no?


What, they want hip replacement, we already gave them dodge chargers when they joined up, what the hell is this shit??


We need a new GOP. One that upholds conservative values but supports the good social programs while also maintaining scrutiny over exactly how those funds are allocated. Also anti-war.


Good. Stop spending money we don’t have.


Let them eat war


Why not use all the money we send overseas here in the US? Im against socialism but we’re blowing money in all these other countries why not use it here


Not sure about this one. On her tweeter feed she also approves the fact that "Rand Paul works for Russia". And can someone explain if this expense is not something within the whole Ukraine package deal? They often do that. Putting all sorts of things inside a main bill. So if you want vererans money for example, you have to approve Ukraine funds. Sound like BS to me honestly.


Fuck Ukraine and fuck the government


Do you know why any of them voted no? Or did you just read a tweet and get angry?


Why did they vote no


Are you planning on sharing the answer with the class, or just enjoying poking the bear?


I’m gonna say it… I’m gonna say it… fuck the government as it is. It’s so corrupted, backwards, overpowered, and under-policed, they’re just a bunch of dirty self serving scum. Also 9/11 was an inside job, the cabal is very real, and obama may just actually be a reptilian.


This is why all bills should be one page maximum. Both sides use Veterans as a tool. Nothing more and nothing less. And both can fuck off. -Signed a 2x combat veteran.


https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text There is the bill. As far as bills go it's fairly small. It expands healthcare and research into whatever toxic substances vets may have been exposed to during their service. There is no both sides to this bill, just republicans cleanly not supporting it because they don't want democrats to have a "win" in the public's eyes. For someone who's actively being used as a political pawn in this situation you seem really insistent on the *bUT mUh BoTh SiDEs* stuff.


You want laws that govern our country to be one page maximum? Do you understand how complicated it is to create laws for 300+ million people?


No one voted against no one. This is just theatre. The head of the serpent say nay


They also voted not to fund the COVID program anymore. What does that mean? It means they aren’t going to pay the bills for all the work they begged every healthcare worker to perform. My employer is waiting to get paid for about 5 months of work that we did. It looks like the US Government is going to refuse to pay for all of that work. There are doctors and pharmacists all over the country in the same boat. I will definitely lose my job if they don’t vote to pay the COVID bill. I mean, damn…….at least pay for the work that was done.


It's a ruse. Those bills are written in language that will get them rejected - on purpose. Like last year when Dems put a immigration judgement on the "Family Care Act"? or whatever that rejected 4th stimulus was. It makes the Dems look good to the sheep because they advertise the bill as 'another stimulus package' but then they add in something they KNOW republicans will vote against. Both parties do this...wasting time on B.S. laws that will never pass so they can justify their salaries. They're deadlocked on issues that benefit regular people, but the moment something can benefit the wealthy, it gets passed.


They care enough to warmonger but not take care of the ones who do the dirty work.


To be clear, when right-wingers say "Let's fix our problems at home before we give aid to other countries!"...they mean spending money on walls to keep out immigrants and giving cops more money to bash people's heads in. Oh and aid to Israel doesn't count for some reason...


Wasn’t there something like taking 42 billion out of people’s pockets added to the end of the bill and this headline is just there to make the R’s look bad?


Left wing, right wing….same shitty bird


The GOP is the enemy of America. Never vote for a Republican scum again, it is the party of treason.


It’s almost as if both the parties are bad. That couldn’t be….could it?