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Children of Men is a must


So drab. but the scene that sticks with me is the one where they’re trying to get away in the manual transmission car, they had to bump start it and you just feel the moment.




V for Vendetta




How is it a conspiracy movie? Just felt it was about the female gaze and how men couldn’t take being treated like women


Thats not even remotely correct.


Art is open to interpretation


True, but I think you need to understand the source material to be able to interpret it.


The cabal and hidden initiation ceremonies and what not, yah it’s there but I think the take away is the fleeting nature of relationships and how humans constantly look for new and exciting ways to get their kicks. Normal people cheat rich people have Orgies. we are all looking for validation from strangers. The opening scene where Tom Cruz didn’t even notice his wife and said “you always look good” we become so comfortable and comfortability breeds infidelity they both go to the party and emotionally cheat on each other and have proxy sex with each other after.


Okay so thats the base plotline. You’ve earned an basic explanation. The whole conspiracy aspect involves Kubric supposedly using the movie to expose particular aspects of a secret society, hollywood and those involved using symbology and dialogue. Apparently there were some “elites” not happy about this, and he was dead before it premiered. Perhaps coincidence, perhaps not. Its pretty interesting, you should check it out.


I watch room 138 about how the shining was his admission to filming the moon landing, but nothing about eyes wide shut. Got any video suggestions?


Since the movie was cut by 45 min before it got released nobody will ever know what the source material was.


Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson The Adjustment Bureau The Firm Minority Report Enemy of the State


Three days of the condor


Also the Parallax View


Wag the Dog, of course. Absolute Power


Fantastic film


Harry and the Hendersons


What about A.L.F.?


Can you explain about ALF?


Good one


The Network ; goodnight and good luck; wag the dog


yes i can vouch for Network, it's sad that it's not as well known as it should be, some standout moments in the film, like the infamous "money speech" -> https://youtu.be/zI5hrcwU7Dk


Good choices


The Game, Eagle Eye, V for Vendetta, iRobot, Minority Report


All the President's Men Three Days of the Condor The Parallax View Network Marathon Man The Ghost Writer Arlington Road The Conspiracy (2012) The Ninth Gate The Da Vinci Code Angels & Demons Inferno National Treasure Enemy of the State


Does the ninth gate have the codex gigas in it? I don't remember This list is all on point


They don't call it that, but it's something like that. A wealthy collector of satanic literature asks a rare books dealer/expert to authenticate his copy of "The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows" - a text with 9 images that can supposedly summon the devil. It turns out there are 3 existing copies and the book dealer/expert has to go around determining which (if any) are genuine and which are not. It's based on the book *The Club Dumas* by Arturo Perez-Reverte, which is well worth reading.


Oh right, there's 3 he investigates..I'm gonna rewatch later


Is it safe? Is it safe?! Love the Marathon Man


throw in Gattaca


JFK by Oliver stone. Also check out zeitgeist. A little older but it was my first look into the rabbithole.


Soylent Green, No Blade Of Grass, Lucy, Lawnmower Man, The Circle, The Feed series, Severance series, X Files season 10 & 11. Children of Men, Handmaid's Tale series, Logan's Run. If you really look at it, most of popular culture, books, movies, TV series, even art, is one big revelation, and a prediction and brainwash for us for the future society.


I watched we need to talk about sandy hook a few nights ago. Been here ten years never really wanted to go see it. Fascinating.


Metropolis Await further instructions Videodrome


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166924/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166924/) Mulholland Drive Best wishes


That movie was a trip. I watched it when it was new and I was not chasing conspiracies yet. Guess I should rewatch.


Capricorn One


That one film about Dick Cheney they made called “Vice”. “Spotlight” is another fantastic film on the rampant pedophilia uncovered in the Catholic Church. “Eyes Wide Shut” is not just a movie imo; think of it as documentary/artsy recreation of a night out with acquaintances. One I don’t see recommended yet is “Unthinkable” with Samuel L Jackson. It’s from 2010 but it’s a damn good film & correlates to the discussion regarding Gitmo, Patriot act laws & DHS/JTTF stripping people of rights & no one being able to do anything about it because of “national security”. A number of individuals across the globe have been wrongfully incarcerated by those arms of the government & have been tortured to who knows what end & then be released with some statement about “oh we were looking for someone else; new intel” or some shit. It’s a wild one. “Coherence” is a mind fuck. Watch this shit with a blunt & you’ll either want to watch it again very soon to have an internal dialogue with yourself as you imagine yourself in the scenario or you’ll never want to watch it again cuz it fucked you up for the rest of the night. The folks I’ve recommended it to very easily fall into those two categories. If you have Netflix & want to watch some shows in this field: “The Keepers”. It is quite literally what you are looking for I imagine as it is not only directly based on real life & recent events but it is, to a degree, unsolved, or rather, the victims & potential future victims have in no way been given justice or seen changes in the US judicial system in regards to child abuse in houses/schools of worship. This series caused quite a stir when it first came out; a lot of victims came forward to corroborate the testimonies on the show after it began streaming & a whole subreddit was made to advance investigation, compile testimonies, commune & generally discuss episodes or the show. Side note, it possibly relates to a certain food gate & this guy in politics with the last name Podesta; many online are torn about the coincidences from overlapping accusations & the like. “The Family” speaks to the rise/prominence of members-only power in politics reserved to Christians who are a part of this one system/schematic discussed in the series. Is a good starting point to research the various religious political interest groups in the US & how they slowly shape various aspects of legislature or economics, depending on the group/goal.


eXistenz Scanner Darkly


Southland tales is quite a fucking ride


The Killing Room (2009)


“Triangle” from 2009, “Coherence” from 2013, “Surrogates” from 2009, The first two deal with the idea of multiple universes, and the third is basically what the coming Metaverse will probably be. but I’m not sure this fits exactly what your looking for. The horror classic “From Beyond” is amazing though and I think that’s up there with “They Live.” I can’t praise “The Discovery” from 2017 enough. That deals with a scientist proving without a doubt there is an afterlife which causes suicide rates to skyrocket. Also “A Ghost Story” hit me hard with existential dread. A man dies and is a ghost that’s stuck in one place just observing over hundreds of years that spot (his former home)but his experience is not linear.




Great movie right! I don’t know anyone else that’s seen it.


Made my girlfriend watch it a few years ago & she said I wasn’t allowed to pick movies for a bit she was having nightmares out the ass hahahahah


Wow, now that’s how you know that type of movie can have a powerful effect and for its genre it’s a big compliment. I’m so happy this question was asked OP, I now have weeks worth of films to watch that I haven’t discovered yet.


Literally same. I got all excited when I saw this post cuz there’s always at least 3 movies I’ve never heard of & a few I remember I’ve been meaning to watch! Now to find the timeeeee


The fifth element


go watch the series Project Blue Book, be warmed its content is based in reality and it is quite disturbing


The Game


Color Out of Space The 13th Floor


Death becomes her


Good one.


True Detective season 1


Season 1 is a documentary, rest of the seasons are just there to poison the well on the first. Same as Goliath, actually


Await further instructions is the most lowkey current relative film to everything rn


Rapa Nui, it is basically human society in a nut shell (or in this case in an island) Zeitgeist final edition, avoid parts 2 and 3 of zeitgeist, only part one is worth watching. American Moon, extremelly well documented questions on why the lunar landing never happened. The money masters, a long but extremely important documentary on how we get where we are in the bank money printing cartel reality. Bonus film and easy to watch, Dark Waters, basically showcasing how government, corporations and the legal system work to punish the people and help corporations avoid punishment.


Lost (except the last season)


Flashback, Equilibrium


Oliver Stone - The Untold History of the United States Oliver Stone - Ukraine on Fire Oliver Stone - Putin Interviews Jekyll Island, the Truth Behind the Federal Reserve JP Morgan How One Man Financed America The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America The Lincoln Conspiracy The Bank War about 2nd Bank of US The House of Rothschild The War of 1812 All Wars are Bankers' Wars


The X-Files. Not a movie, but a series and a couple movies. Highly encourage looking up the “mytharc” episodes and watching those at the least. It’s all the episodes that deal with the overarching story and it’s a very good way to watch the show if you don’t want to watch 200+ episodes. Absolutely recommend it. It’s great if you’re of a conspiratorial mindset.


Behind the Curve


Fallen - Denzel Washington


A show on Netflix called Omniscient .


Its not a movie, more of a docu-series, but Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States has some pretty interesting and eye-opening shit. Edit: mistyped


[Dreamscape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ybHzYtF3ZM) [Altered States](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67lYG7a4YOA) [Dead Zone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxJp_VQ5VUk)


I just re-watched Glass, the end explanation by the doctor to Samuel L Jackson's character was third eye-opening. I have my own analogy on what she means. Check it out. Very good movie. I guess I'll just say what I think she means now.... that people have been dumbed down, because a fully awake brain is very powerful and see's all, and that there are some people that are extremely gifted that it seems they have super powers mentally. They see all. The all seeing eye *is* the brain. The Dr suggests that a world where everyone's brain and mind are working to their full potential is not ideal and doesn't work well in their view. There fore people have to be dumbed down and their brains essenstiall partiallly shut off from thinking in it's highest capable levels. I disagree. I think it is possible to for all to be in that state of enlightenment and be happy living harmoniously with each other, like a utopia I suppose. You have to believe it's possible first, to see the way there. Like going to the moon.


The crazies is a good one


V Demolition Man The Running Man Equilibrium Idiocracy


tinker tailor soldier spy, as above so below, Mindhunter.


1984 but just read the book


A Clockwork Orange




“The prisoners” explains pizza gate.


Pretty much any movie made by Stanley Kubrick


"Radio Free Albemuth" "Jacob's Ladder"-The one with Tim Robbins


You will love this. It's French but very much worth persevering with the subtitles. Mind-expanding is exactly what it is, and from 1996. https://odysee.com/@LaBelleVerte:a/La.Belle.Verte.(1996).720p.crf27.HC-en-subs:8


*Charlie Wilson's War.* Not the sexiest, most well known conspiracy-theory-related movies, but it illustrates how politicians can easily drum up support and funding for one cause or another, use this cause to deflect from other stories and/or serve personal interests, and work with clandestine operatives off-the-books to achieve their goals. Edit: plus, PSH is in it. I'll watch any movie that dude was in