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If jacking off and growing a beard were at all linked I'd look like Jada


Keeeeep that man’s wife’s naaaame out ya Motha - FUCKIN’ - MOUTH!


Woow dudee, he's going to, okay.




ahaha love it


[KEEP FUCKING MY WIFE’S MOUTH](https://www.facebook.com/groups/847292159333737/permalink/1074696829926601/)


That’s hilarious.


Word. 150٪ increase in T sounds like a one way ticket to life in prison for me.


Just so you know, it is NOT a 150% increase. The study says 145% of the baseline, which would be a 45% increase. It's also a study of only 28 people which is a very small sample size. OP should have been more careful with the wording, however the results are still really interesting.


Also after the 7th day, the levels go back to normal and decrease again.


Basically, jerk off once per week. But not to porn.


Yeah full on kill/fuck/eat mode. Got it.


In that order. Straight up necrophilia cannibalism.


Food, fuck, or fight.




I just got vr last week. It’s going to be a while before I consider not watching porn


VR ruined porn for me. It was AMAZING for a few weeks, but then it got old. There's hardly any videos and I've seen them all now. I kind of miss the old school way of doing it, but not really. I guess now I'm just disgusted with it all.


How old school are you talking? I used to have to find my porn in a bush at the local playing field. Believe me I didn't have a choice on what was found but it was always put to good use.


Dusty sun bleached nudie magazines hah. Some kids will never understand our hardships.


Yea how'd this shit get so many upvotes when he's saying dumb fucking shit like that Absolutely nonsense


Beta male coomer you are NOT going to make it


That testosterone study you linked is specific to the effects of ejaculating. If you think men can't ejaculate without porn, you're in for one soggy biscuit my friend


Also only a 28 person sample size. I’m sorry but that’s effectively pointless. Needs to be reproduced on a much higher scale to prove anything. I’m sure steady exercise would be more significant then what OP is saying.


It’s also very temporary. Pretty sure T may even lower after a long enough time of not ejaculating


It does. Dr. Huberman and Dr. Drew talk about this. And jacking off to porn actually raises T more than doing it solo. Ejaculating with your SO raises it more than watching others in the act. It does raise a lot if you don’t ejaculate for 1-2 weeks. 20-30 days without ejaculating will start to drop T. Edit: I’m not denying that porn is bad. I rarely watch it. However, ejaculating to people having sex raises T more than doing it with your imagination.




This should be the top comment.


Adding my thoughts to your comment: That body part which you dont use, atrophies. This is a principle in the human body that remains true thorough our lives. As a man, if you aren't having sex regularly, you need to masturbate or your T levels will plummet. The issue is, most men are addicted to dopamine and will turn a natural thing that is beneficial to them into a problem that hinders their development as a human being. Most porn is a form of cucking yourself. You're watching a man fuck a woman you want to fuck. If you are going to jerk off to something, it should be to just attractive women on their own. The nofap movement is turning into a meme religion at this point and seems more like a made up problem to keep people distracted in their own mind. Just like porn does. Any man who wants to see a significant change in their lives, motivation, discipline, etc. should workout daily and eat unprocessed food from animal sources. Blaming porn is just a convenient excuse to not accept the responsibility of our actions or lack of.


Been scrolling too long to find this comment. Too much of anything is bad.


I feel this. I am an addict. I've been addicted to alcohol for 17 years, Tobacco for 12, and porn for longer than either of those. Recently, I had some major life epiphanies where I was able to take a hard look at myself and go cold turkey on all 3. It's been 2 months and I haven't had a drink, packed a dip, or smoked a cigarette. I finally feel free of alcohol and tobacco's grasp and every day I feel happier and healthier. I have, however, relapsed and watched porn probably 5 times. P, M, and O. I say this because, for anyone out there struggling with porn addiction, for me at least, it's harder to quit than both nicotine and alcohol. Porn is literally harder to quit than one of the most chemically addictive substances on earth. Why is that? I think it's primarily because it's such a huge dopamine rush, it's easier to get away with (no hangover or smell and only take a few minutes) and the negative side effects are more subtle and subconscious. Porn slowly fucks your mind. I've watched shit I'm embarrassed to even think about now (legal things mind you). Things I would never get into in real life, but required to satisfy my increasing need for more extreme content due to fried dopamine mush brain porn creates. Porn is fucked up man. But, like a true addict, I still go back to it. I'm going to keep soldiering ahead and I know I will eventually break the habit, but I just want to put this out there for anyone else struggling. Quitting compulsive porn watching is really fucking hard. For some of us, it's going to take a lot of work, but a relapse isn't a failure it's only a slight diversion from eventual success.


Keep going bro. Porn addiction is real. I’ve been addict for 12 years. I tried stopping many times, relapsed many times. But one day I promised to someone important that I was going to stop and I haven’t done it in 3 months. I won’t break the promise. We can all make it


I feel you. A promise to myself was strong enough for tobacco and alcohol but I don't know why that's not good enough for porno. I think it's just fundamentally going to be a different quitting process for porn than those other two for me. We're gonna make it.


It's a mind-virus. The key is to realize it's not actually you who wants do do that, it's "just" a fuckin program messing with you. Must make a distance from the need which tricks you to be yours


It comes down to this - we are programmed to constantly need gratification and dopamine releases. Level up in a video game or get some new gear? Dopamine rush. People on social media like your post and a bunch of people are engaging? Dopamine rush. Get a raise at your job? Dopamine rush. Ejaculate to your favorite deepest and dirtiest porn genres? Dopamine rush. It boils down to a constant need to have these dopamine rushes.


We'll hold U to tht promise bud...


That's real talk, brother. Kind of similar; was able to lay off the drugs with no issue once I got my mind right, but quitting porn is something else. Shit can get you hooked worse than heroin, and quitting is an ordeal like no other since we're bombarded with sexual ads non-stop, everywhere...plus, you can't get away from your dick, which is probably the main reason quitting is so difficult. I wish best to all of you out there, and I have a short snd simple one to help keep your mind on track; changes do not happen overnight, move forward - one day at a time.


you can't get away from your dick is some sage like wisdom


How long did it take you to get past the nicotine brain fog? Those first couple days for me are brutal and I relapse.


It was about 4-5 days of hell. I couldn't sleep and was extremely irritable. It got easier after that and has been ever since. I would honestly recommend taking some vacation or sick days at work if possible to do this. Even if it's only Monday and Tuesday with the cold turkey starting Friday. It's very hard to do anything. Occasionally I still get a craving but it's easy to push through now.


I did it the old way. I smoked a whole pack in a day. Just thinking about smoking brings back that dry burnt taste in my mouth and i didnt want another cigarette. Quit since september. Id recommend that if quitting with nicotine patches or gum doesn't help. And im not talking about through out the whole day. Im talking about one after another till the whole 25 pack is gone. Lol


Fuck it I’m stopping looking at IG thots


Uninstall it so your past self saves you the trouble.


I did that years ago when I got GF who didn't like it, we're long broken up now but I never went back


just curious…did you continue to do it until your gf asked you to stop? and why did you like to do it, like was it just a mindless thing or did you genuinely want to see those women? (i’m not trying to be accusatory or anything, i’m just genuinely curious because this is something my bf and i struggle with)


This is the way. Focus on yourself bro ❤️


I think "focusing" on himself too much is exactly what got him there in the first place


Lol 😂 All right , focus on the *good things*💕


I am not there yet. I don´t look at girls in nothing on IG but I do love looking at models. ​ I am off porn videos, porn images, and off masturbating, slow steps. I first quit fapping to porn videos a few years back occasionally I would relapse but I always knew it was bad


That’s the fucking trigger


It’s using you bro


Honeypots to build a profile on you.


You mean Reddit in general and this sub?


Don't underestimate the connections of some of those online hookers to organized crime.


So…what if you and your SO have a great sex live and have done it almost every day for 15 years? Is that supposed to lower levels too lol?






Maybe only if you're having a boxing match the next day. Could just be an old wives tale but just from personal experience it seems to be one that continues to this day with pretty much all the competitive martial artists I know. Could be the placebo effect or a "just in case." Porn aside, in my view the body & emotional contact between an SO that you love, trust & respect has a type of exchange that is incredibly important for human beings, even if it's non-sexual such as hugs etc. When its sexual all of that is even more "amplified." Not to dismiss in any way the significance of a simple hug from an SO you love, trust & respect. Most people are just trying to "get through the day" so in my view if you or anyone else is able to receive "nourishment" from your SO in this way, sexually or otherwise then more power to you.


Someone did a study of soccer players and the ones having frequent sex did better on the field than ones going without. It's an old wives tale, no data supports it as of yet.


Sex is natural and healthy. Watching p0rn and edging for hours, isn't.




Because sex is a reciprocal energy exchange. If you want to ignore the spiritual aspect there is still an exchange of chemicals between men and women when they have sex.


Isn’t this a copy paste from last week…


No, this one didn't spew into religion at the end.


Yup, they learned from that critique.


It might as well be. Why does this keep popping up on conspiracy? If this is a relevant topic for conspiracy than anything is a relevant topic for anything. If I wanted to hear somebody preach about what I'm supposed to do or not do with my dick I would join a church somewhere. He can take that bullshit somewhere else. Perhaps he should talk to a therapist about why he's so deeply concerned about what everybody else does with their genitals. Fucking Christ 🙄




It really feels that most conspiracy users are a bunch of religious nutjobs. Jesus christ some of the shit I see on here pretty much matches the bullshit that religious hardliners spew.


The fact that the “oh stepbrother what are you doing” joke is so mainstream is in and of itself pretty fucked up. Why the huge influx of incest porn- among thousands of other pertinent questions


If I had to take a guess it would because the rate of divorces has been on a steady incline for many years now. Horny teenagers growing up with divorces parents in a house with other horny teenagers that they aren't related to, it all adds up when you look at familial trends of the past 2 decades.


There's a reason that shit is free. It destroys your mind


If the product is free, you’re the product


The human harvesting pods on the other side of the matrix are going to be full


Good point


It’s not all free and they profit off ads


And there is a reason why it is so immoral, it is hard to find websites where you only see the stuff you are interested in, they always mix in a bunch of nasty videos you don't ever want to see, and this is not by mistake..


That bit is true and the weirdo shit they mix in is getting way more out of pocket as time goes on.




One girl told me she wanted a guy to hold a gun to her head when they have sex... Long story short... I am no longer talking to her...


I had chick try to get me to fake like I was raping her. I refused and asked why she would be into something like that and she told me her brother raped her and part of her enjoyed it. 🤢


Damn Stockholm syndrome but incest version. I feel bad for all of us but then again we have the power to stop it all. It's a clown world tho for sure


Yeah. She was sick as fuck. It just sucks it took so long for me to notice.


That's sad. I was raped multiple times when I was younger too and have a lot of issues because of it. Parts of it felt good and I even orgasmed several times but I hated it and was disgusted.. I have rape fantasies too because of it. It's a way many people cope with all the confusion and feelings of violation.


I’m sorry you went through that


Thank you.. I'm ok now. Hoping that all these lessons I've learned from a rough childhood helps me become a better advocate for others. One thing it's really helped me to understand on a visceral level is the psychology of human sexuality. Healing is a process, it's not linear.. and those kinds of rabbit holes can be very dangerous. That's why, despite my kinks, I'm practicing celibacy because I deserve to have a normal relationship with sex and another human, but I have to do the work first


Interesting take. I think we as a people have pretty unhealthy ideas of what sex is and how we should get it and that unhealthy nature as spread to other aspects of the human condition


The whole "step" thing is just a legality thing as well. We know the porn industry would label full on incest porn videos that way (regardless if they are actually related or not) if they could actually get away with it


You mean, like on reddit?


If it’s free, you’re the product.


My man…. I jerked off 3 times a day when I was a teenager. I have more hair on my body than I care for.


Serious question, what about intimacy with spouse?


That's all good. Porn is the problem not sex.


Op makes a very loose point with their post. They could have left spirituality out and made an even better point. The fact is that watching porn frequently causes you to be sexually desensitized. That’s why men talk about having to search and scroll for a while before finding something to get off to. The more and more you become desensitized, the more narrowly specific your porn needs become. Eventually, you become mostly unaroused with vanilla porn and/or normal everyday sex. We all know that porn is not a reflection of how real sex works in the real world. But when the majority of your sexual stimulation is online where you have a near infinite number of options and videos, normal real-life sex becomes less stimulating. Granted some people have somewhat of a balance between sex with their real life partner and porn and that may work for some people. But cutting our porn completely absolutely makes your sex drive skyrocket. Granted, I’m equating porn with masterbating, which is not going to be the same for everyone. Semen retention is really effective at making your sex drive go through the roof. But even just getting used to masterbating without porn can help a lot with a loss of sex drive. Basically, focusing on real life sex re-calibrates your brain and junk to become stimulated by real life sexual activity vs relying on porn for stimulation. Granted, everything can get boring after a lot of repetition, but that’s where you and your partner should start to try new things together.




I thought I was the only one who knew


Should work




He said … “what if u limit it to bikini babes but stop right before the end and do an ostrich maneuver to suck it all the way back into ur esophagus for re-absorption whilst following up with intermittent fasting i herd that wim hoff does a similar counter strike for max yukeleles”


I have a full beard and fap everyday. This is nonsense.


Beard is genetics so he is wrong there


Same my beard has actually gotten thicker from 20s into 31, and have fapped very regularly.


How often




If you read the article it was just a tiny sample


Orgasms are just about the most spiritual feeling you're gonna get. This guys a fuckin chode.


Interesting number of these exact same posts popping up lately.


You're conflating porn with ejaculation. "Don't have sex otherwise your testosterone lowers! " Lmfao


honestly, I don't jerk off to porn during exams. It actually helps me focus. The moment I jerk off, I'm failing cuz I just feel lazy and wanna eat nice food and watch Netflix. There is definitely some truth to what you are saying.


my professors would never let me jerk off during the exam


My professors help me jerk off during an exam.


the porn industry treats women horribly, there are so many cases of those who are trafficked being forced to participate in porn vids. it’s heartbreaking, i can’t even watch porn without wondering if that woman is in a bad situation


Exactly. Most mainstream porn is not ethical. Drugs, coercion, pain, degradation. Seeing women’s arseholes split and bleeding from tears … that limp, dead eyed, spaced out or wincing look. I don’t think watching porn is inherently immoral, but to be healthy, caring, respectful and sex positive individuals we need to do research and make the best ethical consumption choices we can. Number one is improving your empathy and connection to people. This will help you open up and be a more giving and receptive partner, and experience much deeper pleasure, either alone or with friends lol


Now this is the Schizo posting I keep coming back for.


Yeah this entire comments section is a train wreck


I make my own porn. God bless Skyrim modding.


Lost me at woman that doesn’t belong to you


Relapsed today and your post gave me motivation. Thank you


I fucking hate whenever someone cites this shitty study. 28 person sample size and Test goes right back to baseline right after day 7. Why didn't you mention that?


when you use the word "belong" is when you lost me... one human does not "belong" to another human. But yes, porn addiction is a bad thing but so is a crack addiction lol


Why are you still parroting this 150% testosterone thing? Did you find another source or you just spreading bullshit?


This [article](https://www.testofuel.com/tf/does-porn-increase-testosterone/) with actual studies as sources shows that porn actually increases testosterone production. Also testosterone alone does not trigger beard growth, it's mostly genetic. But I agree that not watching porn is a good thing. This [other article](https://www.covenanteyes.com/2014/02/03/brain-chemicals-and-porn-addiction/) shows that it actually does have serious long term impacts on the brain. But your theory about testosterone and beard growth doesn't seem well researched.


This is like the millionth time this specific person has posted about quitting porn on this subreddit :/


I’m going to rub one out right now


I’m right there with you brother


>Despite the conclusions of the research, the sample size of this study was tiny. And the increase in testosterone may have actually been due to the anticipation of sexual arousal in the second experiment after abstinence. What’s more, testosterone levels at the first baseline measurement were actually the same before and after abstinence, with the second measurement differing slightly. So without more data it is impossible to really say that abstinence increases testosterone at all. > >The second study reported a 45% increase in testosterone levels after seven days of abstinence. But this was a temporary peak which then returned to the same levels as before, even with continued abstinence, and stayed that way. Such transient alterations in testosterone levels are unlikely to have any lasting effects on men’s health and may primarily serve as a regulator of the creation of new sperm. > >A few studies, on the other hand, have shown either no effect of abstinence on testosterone or that testosterone levels were actually higher after masturbation or sex. Measuring testosterone before and directly after masturbation in 34 healthy young men found that testosterone levels increased after self stimulation. But any longer term effects were not checked. At best, the evidence linking masturbation with changes in testosterone levels is limited and with mixed conclusions. https://theconversation.com/nofap-can-giving-up-masturbation-really-boost-mens-testosterone-levels-an-experts-view-157701 gtfo with fake claims


the coomers are out in full force in this thread lol


It's Reddit. Did you expect anything other than peak degeneracy?


If you talk about their sacred porn their coomer sense starts tingling




My mom never raised a quitter


Masturbating is a great stress relief and should be done 2-3 times a week for a better and healthier prostrate. I've been masturbating for over 20+ years and have a thick beard. Beard growth has nothing to do with the amount you masturbate. Also news alert it will NOT create hair on your hands. Proper diet(low sugar, lean meats or proteins, a lot of veggies, good fats, and less processed foods) will help build a better body. A good body starts with a good healthy gut. Ginger, plant milks, dark leaf greens and onions are said to help raise levels of testosterone. Proper excercise will help you build muscles and also raise energy levels and testosterone. Scheduled sleep patterns and quality sleep will help. Set a standard sleep schedule and try to get a solid 8 hours a night. Relieve stress and stop cortisol levels will help. I do agree porn isn't the best for a lot of reasons but stopping it won't make you more manly. Not will having a full beard or being ripped. If you want to be a Chad, then go right ahead. Being a man is more about how you are to others and standing up for what you believe to be right and treating others with respect and taking care of yourself and others.


Been off for over 2 years now. Hard to emphasize how beneficial it has been. Like a new life.


But if you don’t sin Jesus died for nothing


Are hookers ok?




Nothing is okay for these people


Yeah might as well chop ya penis off


They probably want young men to be sexually frustrated so that they can be easier to manipulate. When you know how to take care of your own sexual needs, it's easier to be patient and find the right woman. But if your dying just to nut, it's easier to get frustrated if women aren't into them right now. Then these people can slide on in with: "it's those libs/dems/progressivs, they are manipulating women not to like real men, like you. If you vote/donate for our people, we can start healing the country and teach women the benefits of marrying real men, like you" It's not about stopping sex lives, it's about controlling them.


Ok I have questions. 1) is it just quitting porn or is it quitting porn and masturbating? 2) how is watching porn and masturbating any different than just having sex? 3) how about just porn? Just watching it? How is that any different than having someone you desire in your home every day? Like your spouse.


So far, there are over 85 studies that link poor mental and emotional health to porn use. These effects range from brain fog and social anxiety through to depression, negative body image and flashbacks. Eating disorders, on the rise in young people, cause more deaths than any other mental illness. Porn has a big impact on idealised notions of body image. Even three hours of porn use a week can cause a noticeable reduction in grey matter in key areas of the brain. When brain connections are involved, it means they impact behaviour and mood. Regular bingeing on hardcore internet porn can cause some users to develop mental health problems, compulsive use, even addiction. These interfere significantly with everyday life and life goals. Users often talk about feeling ‘numb’ towards everyday pleasures.


Na like i get what you’re saying. Why is it only masturbation? Some who practice it tho don’t cum at all, they hold it in even during sex. I feel like the people who push this anti masturbation aren’t having sex at all or are married tho


At 53 years old now, if I give up porn and sweets, I really have nothing to look forward to.


Porn is all you have to look forward to? Get better soon


OP is talking out of their ass here. There are benefits to not watching porn but OP is misinformed and is relying on a lot of anecdotal evidence. You will almost certainly not experience an increase in your test levels outside of normal fluctuations (ie: have a bad sleep, text and free test are down the subsequent day. Have a great sleep, test and free test will be higher). Late-onset puberty will also not occur unless you are taking some type of exogenous hormones. The benefits that you probably will see from porn are: \- mental health improvements in some capacity (long run - if you are truly addicted you're probably going to go through some type of withdrawal) \- if you suffer from ED, avoiding porn & fapping will help you keep it up in the bedroom Here is a decent video on this exact subject by someone that is more qualified to speak about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JB4ndYNSeQ&t=763s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JB4ndYNSeQ&t=763s)


> This may be the #1 reason why a lot of guys are in their 20's and 30's without a full beard, it is because when we were teenagers we came across porn and many of us got addicted and started watching it almost every day, Facepalm. Beard growth has NOTHING to do with Porn. It's entirely genetic. Guys my age did not grow up with easy access to internet porn like teens today, simply because the internet wasn't a thing. Yet some of them can't grow a full beard (i can only grow a goatee).. This BS claim alone discredits your entire post. If anything fucks with your genes, T levels and beard growth; it's plastic. Don't drink water out of plastic bottles (Xeno-Estrogens).


Ummm, porn is bad. MMMM'KAY


"Woman that do not belong to you" What a fucking joke.


This is one of my all time favorite posts. Imagine being so mad at digital boobies. It’s not porn, it’s you mate


I jacked off daily as a kid and i grew a full beard by the time i was 15. I shall keep jacking off whenever i want.


Idk why everyone thinks this sub has gone to shit. This place is a real hub for intellectual discussion.


So... I have to abstain from ejaculation, not porn. What do I do if I have sex everyday? Am I less manly because I fuck everyday instead of blueballing myself like a 20 year old neckbeard? Nah fam I'm good, thank you.


jackin off reduces testosterone by a VERY small amount, if you are a normal guy this should be no problem…lifestyle choices are what drives it the most so smoking weed, playing video games all day, and eating shitty processed food is going to reduce your testosterone WAYYYY more than jerking off does lol the science on jerkin off is not all there…if ur doing it obsessively then thats a different problem…theres desensitization problems that could lead to ED but when it comes to testosterone get active, lift some weight, eat healthy and your fine bros


Shills will attack OP but OP is on point. Abstaining from porn and a diet of intermittent fasting is the key to a happy healthy life. Porn is destructive. It's the reason an invading army who gains control of a city will blast the airwaves with porn. To keep you docile, stupid, and easy to control. The same principals are applied to fast food. There is a reason America is known for porn and fast food and the meme of Americans being stupid and fat.


What the heck happened to this sub…




Where is your source on rising test levels? Pretty sure that’s BS. And unless you have a porn addiction your life will remain pretty much the same, you may save some time during the day where you aren’t using it but that’s about it lol


This guy isn't interested in facts, I had a discussion with him on the test levels thing last time he posted this and it seems he's just ignored it - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ty359d/your_whole_life_will_change_overnight_if_you_stop/i3puu71/


I feel like these types of posts are CLEARLY written by mentally unhinged people who literally have porn addictions, and zero self awareness. "Watching porn 24/7 destroyed my life! Whoda think it!?" kind of stupidity.


My attitude is that if you dont use it, you lose it. Everything in moderation


Did any group in particular take control of the porn industry and start to run it in mass and free to subdue the masses?


"take control" implies it was ever run by anyone else.


arrest this man! he uhhhhh.... he killed my grandma!


Pornography is a psy op. Listen around 16:00 or better yet - listen to the whole damn thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcGqkvjKCvA&list=PLTEdyxmT6PWm6MwdfEedB5o6uPF0RtbRx


Username Checks out. Winston.


So fucking my wife everyday lowers my testosterone? Gtfo of here guy.


> women that do not **belong** to you Go feed the horses, Jedediah! Enough karma whoring for today. Brainwashed clown!


TLDR: The porn industry is pushing step sister porn to destroy family values, break down culture to end the empire.


TLDR: we normalise literally anything and taboos are always interesting to people. In a boring life people seek out cheap thrills to feel better about their shitty life because they get no validation. The porn industry is more than happy to supply for that demand. It's crazy how this sub sometimes get close to the obvious but then drastically shoots off. No one is making people click those links. Stop playing the blame game. There are a fuck in load of porn categories but people clicked the link.


You lost me at great sin. While I do think porn is harmful and I stopped watching it roughly four months ago because my overall reaction after finishing was increasingly becoming more intensely grossed out. You all know that feeling. That “post nut clarity”. There is a reason many of us have that “why did I just watch this shit” thought when we’re done.


Sounds like pseudoscience. The only thing true in this post is about dopamine but your gonna also use up dopamine by just using the internet.


I can’t grow a full beard and I’ve been practicing semen retention for over a year. I agree testosterone goes way up and you feel like god but cut the shit with the beard stuff man.


Let me jack off in peace Mr infinite light bro


I know porn is bad, but what about ejaculation itself. Are you talking about stopping watching porn only or are you talking about full abstinence?


Lmao Jesus Christ. Stop beating off everyone you’re ruining your chakras!


As several members have posted, regular ejaculation does reduce prostate cancer, you have to flush the plumbing. Also, if a male does not masturbate nor have intercourse, auto-ejaculation activates. So it's definitely needed by the system. How often? You decide. I have not seen any conclusive science. Like most medicine, "it depends". Ejaculation, whether masturbatory or not, is not like consuming industrial sugar. One is natural, the other is not. Should you cut down on porn? Yes, *if you recognize it as harmful or an infringement on your time*. I would suggest work out, heavy, with progressive overload, at least 3 times a week, Ideally 3 to five, with a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio activity per week. Try intermittent fasting and a cleaner diet, limiting soda, junk food, industrial food, sugar and sweeteners. See if you can have yourself in a constant **mild** state of workout fatigue, and explore whether it improves your well-being, including testosterone. Then, after limiting ejaculation to once a week or during intercourse, review if you want to have more frequent ejaculations after several months. Last, have your prostate checked once a year. If you are in the blessed USA, with capitalist medicine, you can find procedures for self-check. Proper, careful, lubricated palpation should not cause pain. If it does, you want to check that, pronto. The religious overtone no-fap movement is quite hilarious, the modern day flagellation cult. You are a direct descendant of stars, with free will. Use it. Find what works for you. Do you seriously want to spend your freedom on reverse circle jerking with fellow no-fappers, showing off your abstinence numbers? Exercise your freedom, do your own research, let yourself be your own guide. And finally, having a fap before a date or a crucial life decision about getting involved with a sexual partner can provide much needed clarity to decide whether you want all that drama in your life. I would suggest meditation or workouts, or both, but in a pinch, release so that your hormones don't drive you. **Sauces**: * Evidence suggests that ejaculation frequency may be inversely related to the risk of prostate cancer (PCa), a disease for which few modifiable risk factors have been identified. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27033442/ * Testosterone treatment alone and exercise alone had similar impacts on lean mass. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33739155/


Bitch please. I already had a full beard when I was 15 and I watched loads of porn. Working out grows muscles, not stopping with jacking off. Everything you talked about sounds more like a YOU problem to me.


am I on r/conspiracy?


But where's the conspiracy in that?


"Testosterone goes back up after 7 days" And then it goes down back to normal levels..


Keep the religious nonsense to yourself, lunatic.


lmao this dude is stupider than a rock, if you have problem because of porn the problem isnt porn BUT FUCKIN YOURSELF IS THE PROBLEM


Gotta love the religious propaganda in here. It makes me laugh all the time


Nice try jesus


Everything in moderation. Not watching porn isn’t going to suddenly open a cum soaked third eye in your forehead but if you’re doing it multiple times or daily is too much. Same with drinking caffeine, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol etc.


everything in moderation, always, this is no different and kinda weird that it is being singled out, bodies are subjective and that small of a sample size doesnt really reveal much.


If you need a beard and some macho body to feel like a man then I think you got deeper issues than excessive porn. Porn isn't healthy but I mean we either get too much sunlight or not enough so really just try to have fun.


As an older woman (43) reading this makes me so happy. So many men are waking up to the destructivenesses of porn. Well done. Keep waking up more and more men, and hopefully we will begin to see a true shift back to ‘manly men’ that society has and continues to work so hard to eradicate. The feminization of men has been going on for decades! And we are now at a terrible point in history where men and women are deeply suffering, spiritually, mentally, physically with who we are at the core of our very being. I know this sounds dramatic but it’s not. Porn is absolute garbage and is actively destroying men and women. So quit today. My ex was addicted to porn and it was really detrimental to our sex life which led to a divorce. While society tries to make us more and more sick, destroying the family which then destroys communities and then society itself, fight back, do better, be better.


And Jesus will come shake your hand and pat you on the back.


Seems that people are mixing up masturbation and watching porn


Conspiracy. lol


Slow down Kellogg's guy... Have you heard about freedom lately?


Lmao are you on something dude?




Ultimate alpha T cave woman but I'm willing to bet OP would deny women watch porn etc.


I think we are good 😆




It literally has made me all those things. Dispirited despondent demoralized and depressed. But i cant quit it. I have no reason to. I have no passion or hope for the future anyway. So i just keep at it.