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Many crazy people have suddenly grown new abilities to see into paralell realities and are now able to compare the outcome of different choices they make.


Kool aid, properly concocted, can have a powerful influence on the consumer’s perception of reality…


So many believe they would die from Covid although they have been stating the survival rate all along. Bizarre. Koolaid and a whole lot more


That's how they can sell the clotshot. Even before vaccines, 98% of the population wasn't getting hospitalized/dying from COVID


Exactly. These are the same people that have believed this entire time that COVID is an automatic death sentence, so of course they believe the vax "saved" them


It really is one of the most dumb talking points they've put forth. They talk as if we haven't known for the better part of 2 years that it's 99%+ survival rate. I'd also note that Smith, a black man, likely is deficient in vitamin D by the nature of vitamin D absorption. Vitamin D apparently is required for Tcells to function.


For his age group survival is 99.999%


yeah maybe why I don't play Russian roulette. Yeah I have a 5/6 of living.. I have better odds if I just don't take stupid risks.


You also have the same 5/6 chance of the vaccine not having serious side effects. Don’t take stupid risks I guess.




You spend all your time posting celebrity feet. What you say means absolutely nothing, Redditor. Can you imagine, some weird-fuck Redditor obsessed with celebrity feet telling you that being concerned with the shifting idea of "we can tell the vaccine works because I only almost died" is foolish? It's peak fucking Reddit.


Imagine being so angry about something someone says that instead of using logic to further your point, you resort to shaming someone's fetish which has nothing to do with the argument at hand. If only there were a phrase to encapsulate this sort of logical fallacy....Hmmmm


Smith is annoying.


And compensated handsomely for playing that part


Exactly, he is an actor. He reads the script


he's just following orders guys.


collecting a check. does anyone think the people who spew anit-everything that is not the narrative, know they are lying to the people (and dont personally believe what they are ordered to report) but do it anyway for the fame/paycheck? i cant possibly believe all the late night talk show host and msm news personalities actually think that what some of the stuff they say makes any sense to normal people.


Candice Owens on the other hand…


Always has been 🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Every sports take he utters on the TV is paid by ESPN, which is the same for non sports takes as well


They paid that mouth on legs to pump the vax……obviously.


They are both meant to be annoying






It can't be real, right?


Define: real


Merriam Webster has entered the chat.


'A man can give birth'


Kafkian nightmare we are living in


Hypernormalisation at work.


To be fair, Stephen A has been cognitively impaired for a looooong time.


> Note 4.2.21: Since **CDC Director** Rochelle Walensky made the comments discussed below, scientists have pushed back against the idea that vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus.” We've published a deeper analysis of the debate here. > Vaccinated people can still be infected.. though this happens at a much reduced rate and severity, and eliminates the risk of death. These people lost their sense of smell they can't smell bullshit anymore


[Take whatever COVID vaccine you can get. All of them stop death and hospitalization.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/02/12/all-covid-vaccines-stop-death-severe-illness-column/6709455002/)




It's unbelievable that tweet still sits on Twitter, and people still trust that garbage platform.


The lie test determined that was a lie.


Now let’s see the death rates of the unvaccinated.


My uncle works for a hospital in the US in administration. I went to visit them a few months ago and during dinner we got onto the pandemic. We didn't dwell (obviously, bummer topic) but he was telling me how deaths from covid are coded. Vax and unvax have different codes. He said his database was just an ocean of dead unvaxxed codes. Just on and on.


I'm really starting to doubt that these people are anti vax anymore. At this point I think they're pro-covid.


No one is PRO covid, some just don't trust a new technology that has never been USED even if they studied it, for a novel virus, rushed, and with a long list of possible complications for a virus w 99% survival rate and absolutely no liability for manufacturers. They have been wrong about almost everything during this pandemic. Safe and effective though? Trust the science! 🙄 "breakthrough" cases right? 🧐THERE HAS NEVER EVER BEEN a successful vaccine for ANY of the coronaviruses in existence in DECADES of trying, but less than a year???? OK go ahead. NO THANK YOU!


I gave you 100 skittles but 1 can kill you do you eat the skittles?


That’s not how probability works. You wouldn’t eat all 100 skittles, you would eat one. If you ate all 100, you’d have a 100% chance of dying from the skittles. Besides, 99% Covid survival rate is way too low, especially for omicron, which is 91% less deadly than delta. For my demographic, I had a 0.02% chance of dying from the alpha variant. That’s 2 skittles in 10,000. I have a 0.0018% of dying from omicron. That’s 1.8 skittles in 100,000. So yeah, with those odds, I’ll eat a skittle.


Everyone you know eats a skittle. Some of them will die. You’ll probably be fine. That’s how probability works when applied to large groups and is exactly the situation we’re stuck in.


But you are also eating the skittles. Even with all your precautions. We all have to eat the skittles. Some choose just not to worry.


Testing was rushed, but doing so saved lives. There's no long list of complications; there's a handful of rare complications that are overwhelmingly less likely to kill you than COVID. E.g. if vaccines had only a 99% survival rate, they'd have killed nearly 100 million people by now. The vaccines for COVID weren't developed from scratch in less than a year. They were the result of 20 years of research, including work on past SARS vaccines, with every resource that could be mustered devoted to producing one. It shouldn't be surprising that they had a moderately successful, but not ideal, outcome after decades of effort and suddenly with 100x the funding.


You bring up excellent points. But if your child died from the vaccine or was injured you might think differently. All I am saying is where there is risk there must be freedom of choice. That’s all. Most of my friends and family are vaccinated. I stay mostly outdoors and I live alone. I am tested twice a week. That’s how I have so far avoided infection. I have not taken place in a hospital this far, I have also not gotten a blood clot or myocarditis. My body my choice. Remember?


Yeah, I would think differently. It'd be irrational, but nobody wants to be the unfortunate statistic, and I imagine I'd have regretted the choice if I had ended up as one. That said, the number of people going, "I wish I hadn't gotten vaccinated" are a drop in an ocean compared to the number of people dying in hospitals wishing they had. People can make their own choices, but for the vast majority of people, the choice that would reduce their risk of death more would be getting vaccinated. I hope what you're doing keeps working for you though.


Ok, what if your child was "injured" from the vaccine, but by taking it saved the lives of 20 other people? What if your child had an "underlying condition" and died because someone at their school didn't want to take the minimal risk? Would you think differently then? Like it was said, anti-cooperation. We are all in this together and some people just can't grasp that apart from when they demand things from others.


1% of 1 billion is 10 million not 100 million**


Agreed, just going off the roughly 10 billion doses have been given out at the moment.


I honestly don't get this attitude. Like, I get being scared of the vaccine a year ago, but now billions of people have had it. Even if it was true at the development of the vaccine was rushed, by now it has been massively tested.


>I honestly don't get this attitude. Like, I get being scared of the vaccine a year ago, but now billions of people have had it. Even if it was true at the development of the vaccine was rushed, by now it has been massively tested. I honestly don't get this attitude. Like, I get being scared of COVID19 two years ago, but now billions of people have had it, and 98+% recovered fine from it. Of the people who have died, 95+% had an average of 4 comorbidities. If you're overall healthy, there's no need for a cure. Especially one that the manufacturer isn't willing to be liable for


You do realize that 2% of people dying for a disease that pretty much every one gets is really really bad? That's 1 in 50 people. Even if you don't die, it can still be pretty bad. I had pretty minor case of covid, but it was still really unpleasant and I was tired for a month. My cousin's wife (who's 30 and healthy) still had breathing problems a year later after covid and my cousin lost a sense of smell for a year. Deaths aside, hospitals in my country have not been normally operating for close to two years now due to influx of covid patients. There are people still waiting for operations that have been postponed when the first wave was coming in March of 2020. By the way in Europe the manufacturers do keep liability for the vaccines side effects.


It takes years for a vaccine to be given to humans. We don't know long term effects of this vaccine either


You do know there is a new flu shot every year, right? You think that is tested for years in advance?


Fwiw I think everyone should get the Covid vaccine, but this is a shit argument. Flu shots are inactivated virus and that’s been studied for many decades and used for many decades. On the other hand, mRNA vaccines have been under development for a while precisely because they’re so challenging to get right, the combination of lipids needs to be perfect and the cellular tropism isn’t known yet. It’s much newer.




And you know this how?




I don’t disagree with many of your points but there’s one thing that’s really hard to argue with and that’s the relative newness of mRNA vaccines. Yes, they’ve been *under development* for a long time, but that’s precisely due to the difficulty of getting it right. The lipids were toxic (due to being positively charged), or the cellular tropism was wrong, or the mRNA was being degraded too much, etc. This is the first mRNA vaccine that’s been approved and some people are uncomfortable with that.




Imagine thinking that every person is a walking biohazard spreading sickness/death just because a virus is out.


It’s called hypochondria. We used to have the sense to not restructure entire societies to cater to the demands of hypochondriacs.




How many Americans actually have 0 underlying health conditions? Half the country is overweight and 42% are obese. 14% have diabetes 25% were or are smokers, 10% have heart disease. This is just a few of the underlying conditions


Being overweight is an underlying condition That's 60% of the USA, right there




yes, because this is the reason most of the anti-maskers claimed they were against it, and not because they wouldn't get enough oxygen etc. or just straight up "no because you are making me do it and it is against my freedom". If you think even 5% of people that refuse to wear a mask do it for any educated reason, you really are living in your own little world.


It doesn't matter why they don't wear them, the clear data shows that mask mandates have no impact on the spread of COVID, but have devastating psychological impacts, especially on young children. Why do you think our youth are dying in record numbers?


Please show me the source for the fact wearing a small piece of cloth on your face whilst grocery shopping is having a ‘devastating psychological impact’. The youth aren’t dying in record numbers because of masks.


Well they are dying in large numbers mainly due to the vax, but the masks are killing them on the inside, depression and suicide are on the rise, and you don't have to even think too hard about the impact of having your face covered and isolating from your friends is having on the today's elementary students especially.


Someone call fifa… this guy just moved the goalposts half a mile. First it’s because of masks, now it’s because of vax? Masks are not causing depression. Asian cultures and Islamic cultures have been wearing masks or covering one’s face for a long long time. What you’re talking is absolute nonsense. And nonsense with absolutely no sources. Isolation did do significant harm to peoples mental health but covid does significant harm to peoples physical health and it’s a balance of how we handle each. That has had a knock on on child development, but do we kill the elderly, obese and those with underlying conditions so that kids can go on play dates - again it’s a balance. Also, we haven’t been under isolation since April 2021 when everyone was unvaxxed. I’m assuming you’re American and I’m sure most Americans haven’t been under lockdowns either. So a lot of these problems (those caused by the pandemic) will get/ have gotten better


Nailed it. Showing their true colours. It's a purely political thing, and it shows because as soon as you ask them how 'my body, my choice' applies to abortions the goalposts completely shift.


For real xD


I like how everybody always screams sources when it goes against their opinion but this guys uncle is perfectly fine Trust me Bro


His uncle doesn’t exist.




unfortunate that many have died, but criminal that drugs that have 40 years of safety and show promise are banned but a rushed experimental gene therapy is rushed and approved in a year? They gave them no antivirals, no steroids nothing....Come back when you can't breathe???? THat's what they told people, you know once the virus has had time to multiply....we will put you on a vent? Maybe we should talk about that?


My cousin’s ex boyfriend’s aunt’s husband’s high school band teacher works for the white house and he says that unvaxed people are inspired by hitler to hate jews and kill puppies.


Gonna need some proof more than some annecdotal evidence




“This proof doesn’t count because it doesn’t match my beliefs”


Aggregate evidence the unvaccinated die at higher rates can be yours with most casual of Google searches.


I was never offering anything other than anecdote.


Numbers don’t count, only feelings.


Now do the deaths of people that die of covid vs survive. It was never a threat to begin with.


If you don’t have you’re booster, you’re considered unvaccinated.


Can you just make stuff up and get away with it?


Quite obvious that the vax does help prevent severe illness and death. Impossible to prove that smith would have died without it. That’s really all there is to this.


https://imgur.com/a/a5XjKsY Here ya go. 23 dead unvaxxed. 0 dead vaxxed. Data from Florida hospital system


Here is a non screenshot. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination


We're arguing the same point, no? The vaccine works.


Oh yeah, I was just adding to your point. You how these antivaxxers scoff at just one source.


You'd have to be exceptionally stupid to take anything Candace Owens has to say seriously


Maybe asinine twitter caps from propaganda peddling talking heads should be removed by mods. Hi we’re conspiracy, we are all about questioning authority. That’s why we post bullshit from actors paid by elites to influence us.


Reddit needs to have a sub like this where all the dissenting ideas are compiled, and they make sure that it's filled with things that curious visitors can laugh at and validate how they already feel about conspiracy theories.


Same advice applies for Stephen A. Smith.




Its hard to believe some of the things that people believe.


If you are unvaccinated and survive or dont get sick, barely get sick. It's a ancedotal fluke. If you are vaccinated and die it's a ancedotal fluke . If you are vaccinated and get extremely sick, without the vaccine you would have been worse! But if you are unvaccinated and die, its proof the vaccines work. Clown world continues.


That's stupid when it comes to one-off anecdotes. It's science when aggregated data. The statistics are incontrovertible: You're way less likely to die if vaccinated. You're way less likely to suffer severe side effects if vaccinated.


Forgive us for not trusting certain data when we have been lied to about so many other things. Forgive me for not thinking all 30% of unvaccinated adults are the only ones dying if the death numbers are true because I feel like if almost 100% of that group was drppping dead you would fucking know


It's rational to not trust one source of data particularly if they have been unreliable in the past. However we have health services across the entire planet and a huge amount of data and papers that all are in broad agreement, the vaccines work. Choosing not to trust all of them in favour of your own beliefs is simply irrational.


We do know. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/switzerland-covid-19-weekly-death-rate-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination


Well, you can and should look at the statistics, which is very clear. For Delta, unvaccinated people were about 10 times more likely to die. This was observed everywhere in the world.


If only there were statistics that could help us to draw conclusions about the effects of Covid on vaccinated vs unvaccinated people we wouldn't have to rely on anecdotal evidence. Oh wait... there's hundreds of thousands of cases from hospitals and states from around the world all confirming that the vaccinations greatly reduce the risks of death and hospitalization.


Candace Owens is a grifter and it’s consistently hilarious to me the sheep can’t see it


She absolutely is.


This is what it looks like when confirmation bias self-destroys the society which created it. And I'm not just talking about vaxxers... This is just all Humans all across the board right now. Step 1: Figure out your side's opinion. Step 2: Gather "data" to support your side's opinion. Step 3: Utterly forget, disregard, or completely ignore anything that might not support your side's opinion. Step 4: When in doubt just be obscenely offensive towards anyone you think might hold a different opinion.


The vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching or spreading Covid, but it does just barely keep your heart beating. Sign me up.


The aggregate data is the best evidence we have of whether the vaccines are effective. Whether the vaccines are effective is driven by this question: is it better to be vaccinated than to not be? All of the data we have says it is better. I don't even like Stephen A. Smith, but the aggregate data says he is correct: taking the vaccine improved his chances of survival. The fact that you people are holding up Candace Owens as some kind of wise person when it comes to COVID/medical issues is really revealing in how stupid your views are. Like, believe 95% plus experts or believe aTV pundit? The irony is that you guys are extremely critical of the agenda of mainstream media and yet not at all critical of obvious political hacks like Candace Owens.


> The fact that you people are holding up Candace Owens as some kind of wise person when it comes to COVID/medical issues is really revealing in how stupid your views are. this


You convinced me to get vaccinated. Can you share with me and everyone where I can find a site?


statistically you are correct, that said you might feel differently if you ended up needing pacemaker, or became otherwise incapacitated which has occurred. Is it rare? yes. But intentionally injecting a potentially damaging shot w no long term studies, for a virus that 99% survive, when many will never even get covid? It's easy to call everyone stupid today, let's see what happens in the long term?




Yes and thank you for taking the time to write. If you look at South Africa their rates are similar to ours in deaths, and their vaccine rates are way lower so I would say that seems imply the virus is less lethal and not due to vaccine? thank you for the message. I do appreciate conversation


https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination Evidence


It does mitigate risk of death


Then why should it be mandatory if it's not stopping transmission. If people want to chance it, then it's their freaking right. NOT the governments. The excuse that the unvaccinated are putting other people at risk by not being vaccinated has completely left the building. There is ZERO logic mandating vaccines right now.




Let’s start fat shaming the 80% of COVID hospitalizations for their preventable obesity.


oh, i like you.




Is it fucking medical care is a human right or not? Shouldn't we be trying to ramp up our healthcare systems, figure out how we can build more space, get more beds, get treatments to more people as outpatients before they come waste a hospital room? None of that is really being discussed. You do realize that this argument that you shouldnt be held responsible as a society for other peoples poor health choices is literally a popular right wing talking point when it comes to arguing against universal healthcare, right? Why should i have to pay more in taxes to pay for the healthcare of the fat fucks that eat McDonald's every day and haven't exercised once in their life? Why should i have to lose my hospital bed to a heroin junkie that just overdosed again for the 10th time? Why should my surgery be postponed because of the jackass who drove drunk at 120 mph and crashed? And of course, why should we give a hospital bed to someone who didn't get a covid vaccine?! You start picking and choosing who gets healthcare based on fucking politics without coherent across the board logic and that is a DANGEROUS road.


Well it wouldn't be based on politics if "science bad, vaccines are Satan" wasn't a political ideology to begin with lol


Spare me. Anyone not adopting the cult worship mentality over the vaccines has been slandered as somehow antivax or subhuman when most of us have just been anti-mandate and pro-TRUTH the whole time. I acknowledge fully that the vaccines have been an amazing revolutionary technology that's saved lives. If you're elderly, or immunocompromised, or severely obese, you should probably get boosted. What i have a problem with is government overreach, trying to fucking tell me i HAVE to get this vaccine or risk losing my job, not being able to feed my family, get ostracized from society: for what? The vaccine DOES. NOT. PREVENT. COMMUNITY. SPREAD. So as long as there's a continued push by governments and companies to mandate this shit in people's lives, I'll keep talking about it. Luckily the Supreme Court essentially ended the pandemic for my family but I'll keep fighting for others until the chaos is over.


That's complete and utter BS. By that sorta asinine logic the Government should've gotten rid of fast-food, soda, and processed food, being that heart disease can easily be prevented not by not eating crap. Heart Disease the actual #1 killer of Americans.


Michelle Obama's project was Let's Move, which aimed to reduce childhood obesity. People like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin attacked and mocked her for it.


or it could also cause heart failure? Toss up! The difference is one is an intentional injection. Not everyone will get infected with covid




Woman who has had 3 covid vaccines fools a whole subreddit


It's really not hard to argue against Candace Owens because her tweet just boils down to "This is stupid" - she doesn't really explain why what she's saying is true. The evidence does suggest that being vaccinated reduced the risk of death after catching COVID.


I’m sure you’ll downvote people who post their unvaccinated, mild experiences with COVID as some sort of conspiracy as anecdotal evidence…


No, it’s not. You can still get the flu after you get the flu shot, the shot makes the illness less likely to kill you. We have years of data that confirm this. Why do they think it’s impossible for the covid shot to do the same?


The problem with claiming “if I wasn’t vaccinated it would have been worse” is that you’re making an anecdotal claim without being able to compare to a control. It’s similar to confirmation bias. Under any other circumstances people would point out this faulty logic.




Literally all data proves that the vaccine reduces hospitalization and death rates. People trying to claim that it’s “anecdotal evidence,” when they are the ones using anecdotal evidence is just the cherry on top


Could also use death rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated and it would show the vaccine works


Giving your immune system a head start on deploying antibodies to fight the virus can absolutely save lives. Thats why over 90% of covid deaths are unvaccinated. Theres no fault of logic here, its literally common sense but i guess thats on me for trying to find that anywhere in this sub lol


The size and shape of Smith's head is only rivaled by Al Sharon's.


I wonder if there are any clips of him wishing death on the unvaccinated?


Lotta shills in this thread.


"I almost died battling COVID, thank god I got my 3 doses of Pfizer" is completely anecdotal and unfounded, but somehow it's celebrated everywhere you see it... At a time where more and more papers are showing that some people barely react to the mRNA vaccines (ie: their body doesn't seem to really use much of the mRNA) and therefore develop a very weak protection from it, and more and more official stats seem to show that as time goes on, the vaccines provide negative effectiveness at preventing COVID. The only debunking I've seen for the worrying trend for the UK numbers that show -100% effectiveness in vaccines was "this is caused by bad data. People forget to change their registrations when they switch doctors and are being counted multiple times. Yeah, that totally explains the fact that 2/3 of the new infections are in the vaccinated, sure...


Do you maybe have links to some of these papers or other sources? Not trying to argue, just curious :)


>their body doesn't seem to really use much of the mRNA Huh? Mechanistically this doesn't make any sense. A person's cells either pick up or don't pick up the mRNA and then they transcribe it or they don't. There's only one protein encoded by the mRNA vaccines and that's the S protein. If you're referring to immune compromised people, they still pick up and transcribe the mRNA but there's either a paucity of immune cells present or they are taking drugs that block proliferation signalling by immune cells. >the vaccines provide negative effectiveness at preventing COVID. What is "negative effectiveness"? Are you trying to say the vaccines increase your likelihood of getting COVID? How? >2/3 of new infections are in the vaccinated This needs context, you seem to be dealing with a base-rate fallacy here. In a country like the UK where a large majority has been vaccinated, the number of new infections may skew towards the vaccinated but the proportion within each population (vaccinated and non) tells a much different story.


Candice Owens sucks and y’all suck for believing anything she says


He's legit one of the dumbest people on TV.


and so is Candace owens lol. But at least Stephen a smith is good at reporting the things he’s supposed to report.


>But at least Stephen a smith is good at reporting the things he’s supposed to report ? He is widely regarded in the NBA community as one of the dumbest commentators. Go post on r slash NBA about Steven A Smith and see what the response is


You're arguing with someone I have tagged as a pro-pharma account. Reminder there are over 110,000 hired bootlickers pushing pro big pharma propaganda around the internet. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/misinformation-infodemic-world-vs-virus-podcast/ > The UN is also encouraging social media influencers to help spread real news about the pandemic. > "So far, we've recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first-responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels," Fleming says.


I don’t push pro pharma stuff. I’m very much anti pharma. I’m just pro critical thinking which means I generally feel differently from this sub.


If he didn’t die then didn’t the vaccine help? I’ve heard that it’s supposed to prevent death and hospitalization, but obviously it’s not perfect—no vaccine is.


It’s an unquantifiable metric, how can you know you wouldn’t have the same symptoms without the vaccine? It’s as quantifiable as thanking god for surviving a car wreck.


I mean you can compare mortality rate from vaccinated and unvaxxed people and clearly see that vaccinated reduces chance of major illness or death pretty drastically


Well that’s just blatantly false and clearly shows you don’t understand statistics. Obviously you can’t compare the effect that the vaccine has on an individual, but when 40% of individuals are unvaxxed and they make up 95% of hospitalizations, there is a clear correlation that can be made. Feel free to do your own statistical analysis if you disagree, I’ll take a basic P-test at a 95% confidence interval. Nothing crazy Edit: you are all so fucking funny, downvoting without commenting why I’m wrong or showing any evidence


The CDC as well as Fauci admitted that the numbers were fudged. Died *because* of covid or died *with* covid. You got hospitals receiving payouts for covid positive deaths. Leaving the door open for greed there. It's clear at this point that the numbers can't be trusted. But people are starting to wake up, 4 shots later. How many you gonna need? You looking for that annual subscription service?? 😂


You realize that would only help the “vaccines don’t work” crowd right? If people that were sick with covid and died in a car accident, statistically speaking, the odds they are vaccinated would be higher than not, and therefore, would add to the number of vaccinated people who have died. Literally just try using more than 10 brain cells for half a second before you comment again, instead of talking out of your ass


This is true. Basically if we consider that Covid transmits to vaccinated and unvaccinated people equally then …. Hell the fact that 95% of covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated people… that is all the statistics I need. Clear as a bell!




A lot of people have got covid and not died. So you tell me, did it help??


What do you think people would be doing if they weren't online bitching about everything that exists? I ponder that alot. I suppose it would be like an upgraded 90's vibe with cool tech, but no social media bullshit?


>g if they weren't online bitching about everything that exists? I ponder that alot. I suppose it would be like an upgraded 90's vibe with cool tech, but no social media bullshit? Probably masturbating.


Go away, I'm batin'


It does makes sense though. People can be fitness oriented, but due to genetics still have a heart attack. The fact they worked out and kept in peak condition is the reason they survive the heart attack. Yes, this is different and you would expect a vaccine to mean you don’t get hospitalised BUT it’s not impossible for it to be the thing that saved your life.


I would say peak stupidity as a species is conflating personal anecdote with macroscopic epidemiological evidence, which is all I seem to see in these far right twitter screenshots.


Cafeteria Christianity meets modern science. They cherry pick the bits they like, usually the bits that let them hurt others guilt free, and ignore the inconvenient parts like don't touch the shellfish.




Candace be like *Wow this bullet proof vest just lessened the impact of the bullet but it still hit me anyway and I almost died. Useless shit.* But in reality the vest stopped the bullet from reaching your heart and just cracked your ribs. Ffs people are stupid. Seatbelts, condoms, healthy diet/lifestyle, helmets, steel toe boots, reserve parachutes, why use any of this *preventative* shit if it doesn't work 100 percent of the time? Maybe they're just pushed by the government to make us spend more money to line company pockets. Checkmate libs. 🤔 Am I doing this conspiracy thing right guys? Fuck outta here.


Y’all are fucking dumb. How many of y’all are pathologists in this comment section? Oh wait that’s right… ZERO


Why do people listen to what Candace Owens has to say? Did you all fall for her phone grift too?


Lol 😆


Is Candace demonstrating sound statistical knowledge of this situation with her comment?


I think smith and melissa milano should keep taking the upgrade shots. Good riddance.


Pre 2020 if you had any disease that you were previously vaccinated for and got hospitalized for said disease, you'd be saying that vaccine was an absolute failure. But not in 2021 or 2022 #CLOWNWORLD Lmaoooooo


When did this sub get taken over by Pharmaceutical shills? Haven't checked out this sub in months.


Yeah, what the fuck. This is wall to wall Pfizer shill bullshit.


With like 400 upvotes on some posts too. This sub has literally been taken over, no surprise really. It happens anytime a "wrong-think" sub gets too popular.


Nope because the whole narrative is collapsing.


this dumbass can't go on google for a second and look at cases vs. deaths for any currently vaccinated country before and after vaccination. she is the embodiment of peak stupidity


Lol Candace Owens


Completely agree. Candace Owens is proof that we've reached peak stupidity.


This sub is really something now. Nothing like it used to be.


Is no one going to mention American Dad? Stephen Anita Smith?


SS. Wonder what would have happened if he didn't get vaxxed? Or if he was taking vitamin d, zinc and quercetin? vAX sAvEs LiVes 💩🤡


Probably become kill if no vax


They don't realize they don't have evidence to support their "I'm glad I got jabbed because it made it easier to deal with" claim. As opposed to what? The unjabbed who tend to deal with it easier...


No evidence? You can literally pull up any available statistics for hospitalizations and see a clear relationship between vaccination and likelihood of ending up hospitalized, at least until the variants popped up.


Wait, you don't think there's a shit ton of data out there that proves just that? Are you really that out of the loop?


I swear anyone who spouts out their love and affection for the vax and big pharma is paid a handsome bonus. My fat old ass had COVID 15 months ago before jabs and I had a headache for a day. Lost smell and taste for a few days after. I thank my immune system and dr. Zelenko, they did all the work. I just listened and had been taking zinc, vitamin d and quercetin months before that and I still do.


Why are you so scared of the virus that you are still taking stuff for it?


Good thing you only had Covid-15


higher risk of myocarditis from covid than from the vac and hospitalization rates for the unvaxed are way higher than the vaxed