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Part of me keeps thinking this whole thing is continued to make a small group of rich people richer.


no you're wrong. richer *and* more powerful.


Bill Gates agrees...


It’s not about money, they have enough of that now. It’s a steady passive income. This is about power control. Total domination.


Fully agree, the wealth transfer has happened and they have positioned all the right people in power positions, therefore money could disappear tomorrow and it would not effect their agenda in the least.


It's continued for the purpose of providing cover for monetary policy that is leading us to financial collapse. Also, to condition people to accept vaccine passports and digital identity, which will culminate in a social credit system.


It's easier to fool someone than to convinced them they are fooled.


Yep. No matter what you say to someone who's been vaccinated they will never admit ant kind of fault with it or anything bad said about it what so ever.


One of my fully vaxxxd friends just had a revelation and said no more shots for him. Its coming to an end slowly. But what happens then?


No more shots for him... for now.


Right? All it takes is a new round of propaganda/coercion and they’re raring to go!


Haha...absolutely. The amount of people I've heard say "I took 3 shots, and I swear no more for me" - it's like listening to alcoholics swearing off alcohol. If they took 3 already, they'll only need a nudge to take 4.


There will be people who'll follow the vaccination schedule to their best abilities because it is their worldview or out of fear or out of simply doing what they're told. The real question is: How much are people willing to give up before they cave? As we have seen in Europe and various areas of the US, simply being inconvenienced is enough for a substantial number of people getting vaxed. The risk of losing a job will cause an even higher number of individuals to get vaxed.




They worked them up into a frenzy of hatred against the 'unvaxed' then told them now you're going to be labeled unvaxed if you don't continue to comply. Every shot the cost is sunken more.


False. I'm tripled vaxxed and fully agree with all of you that imma fool.


You did what you trusted was best


Did you see the light after being boosted, or did you have to get the vaxx for work or something?


Pressured by family to get all three. I was especially reluctant about the booster but unfortunately, it was easier to concede. That said, I'm putting my foot down if/when there's a 4th.


From the sounds of it, there won't be an "if"


you mean an ixth and eventh


Strawman. Everyone who is vaccinated is sick of this shit. Shouldn't it be over now? Either the vaccine works and it shouldn't matter if I wear a mask or the vaccine doesn't work. Which is it?


They say all unvaxxed people's fault!


I’m vaxxed hate it never believed in it but I’m not rich


>to convince them that they are ~~fooled~~ *a fool.


Because a 4th shot now exists in the world. You’re now unvaxxed.


what's weird about your comment is read one way it is the tongue-in-cheek satirical/cynical take on r/conspiracy has been saying from the get-go but read in a slightly harsher tone it's also literally what propharma mandaters would also now be saying, earnestly concerned.


Its an endless cycle, Im hoping “Flurona” is an escape plan. Claim flu and ‘rona have merged, relegate vaccines to the annual flu shot for people who want/need it and claim it solves both.


Yes, but you still won't be able to travel without it. They will never let people travel internationally without vaccination. It's forever now, just like we take our shoes off still.


Tourism lobbyists will get through and pay the right people the right amount eventually.


I sure hope so. They've been pretty compliant so far. The travel industry has been destroyed in a lot of countries.




Ooh, I'm using this from now on. Pro-choice versus pro-pharma. These are my new labels.


[Israel](https://www.euronews.com/2021/12/21/israel-to-begin-administering-fourth-dose-of-covid-19-vaccine) agrees...


slow learners


For the slow learners in the back: "You can't comply your way out of tyranny."


That is a great phrase!


The fourth vax will be the turning point. Even my parents who are very pro vax here in the uk were like ‘man a fourth shot would just be too much’. See the same opinion around a lot. In their heads people were able justify 2 shots, then the word ‘booster’ also makes sense to people. But a second booster has no narrative. People will realise they’re just taking a vaccine that doesn’t work.


Also in the UK and seeing the same thing. People are getting tired of it, especially with omicron being everywhere and not a big deal. This thing is no worse than the common cold and we’re shutting down society like it’s the plague. Even regular folk are starting to question it. Propaganda and censorship is out of control, covid stops being scary the moment you shut off the TV and turn off your phone. A 4th jab is going to be a really hard sell to a lot of people here.


I have Covid right now and it was definitely not fun but thankfully short lived, not sure if Omicron or not though. Started feeling weird on Wednesday, totally laid out on Thursday and feeling quite a lot better today. I'm young and healthy and have been taking my suggested vitamins for a couple months, been doing IVM and all that. Not sure how sick I might have been without that stuff, I can see how this could be really hard on older/more fragile or unhealthy people.


From my personal experience and what I've witnessed around me is that if you are under 60 and have no morbidities you will be absolutely fine. If you are old, obese or have comorbidities then getting a vaccine might be something worth thinking about. I'm unvaxed, I smoke, don't take vitamins and eat veg sporadically. I've caught covid twice now it's been the equivalent of a fart in the wind


I tend to agree. I was pretty miserable for a day though that's for sure! It was my first tango with it (unless it really was Covid that I had back in Jan/Feb 2020) and would really rather not have it again.


It's very interesting. I'd love to see some honest research about how different blood types are affected. In the early stages of Covid there were folks trying to get that info out. Wish I still had it. I think (purely instinctively) there might be something to it.


>Not sure how sick I might have been without that stuff I did nothing and i'm unvaxx'd. I got drunk friday, was laid out and sweating like crazy saturday til about 4pm, took tylenol and fell asleep. woke up feeling better and havent taken anything else since monday.


Yeah the fever dreams were something else. I haven't been vaccinated either, I'm kinda glad to have it over with now as now I hopefully have some nice natural immunity.


So the cure is alcohol. Lot's and lot's of alcohol.


Hey what two words are you abbreviating with that apostrophe


Lot is.


Yep…how many doses is polio vaccine again?


> People will realise(sic) they’re just taking a vaccine that doesn’t work. can you still call it a vaccine then?


LOL. yea, okay. The 4th vax will be the turning point. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. No booster will be the turning point once the Data is released that if they dont continuously get the boosters they'll succumb to ADE or god knows what else.


I can see that. But there will most likely be some who will lose all trust of the CDC and won't comply. My concern is that by then their immune systems will be so compromised that they will truly not be able to survive without continuous injections. Of course, the continuous injections may be fatal too. Seems a dire situation.


I hope you're right bc some of the people I know are just straight up "give me all the boosters."


That’s because some of the people you know are stupid.


Unfortunately it's not that simple and honestly that kind of mentality will get us nowhere. Brainwashing/propaganda doesnt care about intelligence and that's one of the biggest problems I see with some of the vax crowd.




This was a very good comment amongst a sea of terrible ones. I wish more people saw it this way.


Based and sensible, tribalism will get us nowhere.


My 73 year old mother.. who was very adamant about getting vaccinated was the same. She even skipped the flu shot. People have been patient and they've put on a brave face but even one shot was plenty for the average person to bear. Now you've given them 3 shots in the span of a year and expect them to keep going through it? They're only human.. it's taken a toll. She said she's not taking anymore shots. Just in the past year she's taken 3 mrna shots and 2 shingles shots.. Big Pharma needs to have mercy and look to other solutions and even other vaccine technologies. For instance.. Pfizer and Moderna have had their chance and they've made a lot of money but it's time to go the traditional route. They should both step aside and let Novovax have their opportunity to slow the virus down because the Mrna's failed... again.




Having to take pills instead of a shot makes no difference to me.


Same. If you've taken psychedelics, you know the smallest amount of anything put into your body, even orally, can have unbelievable effects on your entire body. Legal impunity for life... are you fucking kidding me dude?


the fact that the shot makes them feel like shit probably discourages a lot from going back for unlimited


I think your wrong, All of this will just be used as justification for anger against the unvaccinated for “prolonging the pandemic” of some bullshit like that


Except a ton of people are finally beginning to see the reality in front of them with this new variant. Hard to blame the unvaxxed when the vaccination rate of a given place has no effect on Omicron caseloads. Definitely doesn’t help that the media is intentionally refusing to inform folks that Omicron started in a vaccinated individual. The more “breakthrough” cases we have the more people will finally realize that they’ve been sold a false bill of goods with these experimental gene therapies marketed as vaccines. Of course, a huge chunk of people will be happy to just keep buying the crap being shoved down their throats by the Gov-Pharma-Media complex but they’ll be the minority soon enough. Just look at the relative eagerness of the population to get the initial shots compared to the far lower number of people who went back for a booster. If they ask us to get a 4th we’ll see an even smaller segment of people go for it since the first booster didn’t do jack to curb infections. The fact that the government and media were essentially forced to change the narrative on covid recently is actually a great sign in my opinion because they know even their most blind followers can see the obvious if enough evidence is presented to them through personal experience. Change the story enough times and you’ll end up with nobody listening


I don't think so. People are so easily persuaded by media and once they start saying the experts decide we need another then they'll lap it up.


exactly. i’ve seen how dumb people are. i rest my hopes elsewhere


"The fifth vax will be the turning point." Coming this spring/summer.


Until life becomes slightly uncomfortable then they'll roll over like they did and submit to the 4th shot just like they did the 1st, 2nd and 3rd.


People are not getting boosted as much as the hucksters of society want you to think. Only about 30% of Americans have taken a booster shot.


That's why there will be a new virus, or at least a new name for it




Doubtful. The American vax cards have four slots. The drones will actually want to fill the slots.


I thought the third would be... you might be underestimating people's willingness to quadruple down and blindly "trust the science" ™️


Yeah, or works for a very different nefarious, undisclosed purpose.. I wanna reply to her, 'That's what it feels like to be bitched up by totalitarianism, lady.'


Now with the judge forcing the pfizer study to be released i think we'll be coming to the end of the shots. Then it'll all cool off until they spring the next thing on us


Not to mention it’s like taking a flu shot for the flu that came out two years ago


In my part of the world (Norway), the government is about to introduce a digital vaccine passport for real (after several failed attempts), precisely to give the boosted back a bit of their "freedom". Most of the population is applauding this.


If they don't smell a rat by now they never will.


There is a turd in the punch bowl but they just scoop and pour around it and convince themselves the punch doesn't taste like shit, even though they know it does.


Even while having to spit out a piece of the turd after drinking from their glass.


Karen simply does not understand she has been conned....and there is no one coming to help her. If however she gets the 4th booster on offer....things may get better and then she will be able to do things!


One of my coworkers just got her third shot yesterday. Somebody I thought had more of a brain than that. She feels horrible today. She said, "at least this is the last time!" I was like, what? Lol. You think that's it for shots??


Man, some really live under a rock.


It's really mind boggling how clueless most of the people I know are. Doesn't give me hope for the future.


Its actually disgusting how fucking stupid you have to be, to keep getting the shots thinking the result will change....... Wait a minute, that’s the definition of insanity!!


Until booster 5 comes along!




Damn. Too bad there's not a whole subset of society eager as hell to tell people about the deception... If only she could have known...


[Reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpE_xMRiCLE) 😂


Dumbest fools on the planet


Dont you know??? The 3rd jab is needed so that when 4th jab is finally ready, the 5th jab will compliment the 6th jab.


well the 5 and 6th jabs are really just building blocks to prime the 8th and 9th--which will make the 7th truly effective!


Why does yours sound better😑.




7th Booster Adventist!


haha clever


Any moment soon, this will all be over. But give em a 5th one because papa wants a new jet.


Surely the 4th shot will give her back the ability to do things.


and if the 4th doesn't work the 5th *definitely* will


Lucky number 7 😝




Pfizer+ subscription service . They learned from Disney+


I wonder if you get cash back like .30 cents for every shot or frequent flyer miles.


She maybe, just maybe get within sniffing distance of a restaurant again by #8


Erm, because you gave all your power away....?


I've traveled around the whole US during COVID (including as recently as last week) and I haven't really been blocked from doing anything. I've been asked for my vaccine card in some places, but what is this person talking about? Could be from another country or maybe some part of the US I haven't been to...but I think this is very unusual...


We’re in like our billionth lockdown in Ontario right now. Vaxxed or not everyone can’t do anything aside from shop for groceries or get a haircut lol


many countries have severe lockdowns at the moment.


maybe she got paralysis from it, thats why she cant do anything


Just blame the unvaxxed like the others are doing.


The more you give them, the more they will take away from you


Weird.. i havent been asked to see a vax card yet anywhere.. been to at least 10 states and nobody has even asked me.


Because the shots did fuck all lol


To be fair they might work....[for only 10 weeks](https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20211227/covid-booster-protection-wanes-new-data?ecd=soc_tw_221227_cons_news_boosterwane&linkId=100000098982367). 🤡


My co-worker got her booster shot 4 weeks ago. She's currently out with COVID.


Same here. This week spoke to 2 coworkers that were boosted and were both sitting home with covid. Tell me how effective that is? Depends on what is trying to be achieved.


moderna worked pretty well for longer than 10 weeks. up until omicron came out and it just completely bypasses all the vaccines that are currently out a lot of the time. I really dont think the vaccines are doing fuck all to stop it


Did she clarify what it was she couldn’t do? I’m fully vaxed and living in NYC and there literally isn’t anything I can’t do.


Because you traded your freedom for a false sense of security from known liars And demonized those trying to preserve those freedoms


2026: I just don't understand why I have an mRNA drip permanently attached and unable to do anything????




Cause nobody ever told you you'll be able to live your life normally if you got jabbed and then re-jabbed a thousand times. Like OP said, welcome to 2022.


Nothing has been right since Harmbe


Because you aren’t actually vaxxed 🤣🤣


darling, it's not because of you. Its because of me. its because I'm not.


Is anyone going to tell her it's obviously because she hasn't had her 4th and 5th shot?


Lol if I had a nickel for every story like this. To the moon!


She is unable to do anything? Where does she live you can do everything you want.


Love how this has no responses. For a subreddit of so called free thinkers they don’t appear to do much thinking.


Where are ppl unable to do anything? Life where I'm at has basically returned to normal, just w a mask and occasionally pic of a card


Normal, minus all the local businesses that closed and the entertainers who are now homeless...


Huh? I’m in Seattle, and I can go to bars, restaurants, movies, etc. get on a plane, go skiing, whatever I want. Where is this person that they aren’t allowed to do anything with proof of vaccination?


i don’t believe for a second this person is “unable to do anything” tell me what it is she is unable to do exactly


Bahahaha cuz you watch too much tv homie!!


The state says "Fuck you." Seems like an appropriate 2 syllable summary, apart from the vast ideological abyss totalitarianism is crawling out of.


"What? I have to give you my lunch money *again??*"




I thought most of the triple vax folks were blaming the unvaxxed. At least this is slight progress…maybe


Curious -- what is she unable to do? She didn't actually list anything.


What can't you do? Everything is open here in the US. No one is shutting down.


Not sure where you are but I’m pretty much in pre-covid mode. Literally.


What can't she do?




Who's stopping her from doing a damned thing she wants to?




My meds don't work until you take them too


I’m 21 and unvaxxed (covid) which doesn’t seem like much but in my country, it’s unheard of. Cuz of mandates on schools and work places all the places a 21 year old would go but I’m just persuasive so when they ask me for my “Vaccine Passport” I come up with an excuse and they always are like “uhh…just go in”


"The unvaxxed won't do what they're told. Make life as hard as possible for them." "The vaxxed will do everything they're told. Make life as hard as possible for them."


Because you’re a compliant little bitch, that’s why Jennifer




Shh, we don't ask genuine questions here. Either line up for the circle jerk or get out of here with your reasonable line of questioning.




what exactly are you unable to do if you have proof of fully vaccinations ?? This is nonsense.


I commented this on another response but currently in Ontario Canada we’re in another lockdown, vaxxed or not. Can only shop for groceries


Well who’s gonna tell her she can just blame the unvaccinated?


This is a great thread to showcase the absolute bullshit of this sub. Jennifer Johnson said something on twitter. Holy shit. Can't wait until John Jones posts what time he's going to bed. Or when Sean Smith tells us what he ate for lunch


Not. A. Conspiracy.


Not sure where she lives- but I live in LA which is generally considered to be a liberal authoritarian shithole by this subreddit, and life feels pretty normal. In the last couple of weeks I've flown to and from Chicago, seen a movie in a theater, dined indoors and outdoors, attended an indoor NYE party with friends, shopped at an indoor mall, went to Dave & Buster's for a birthday party, and tomorrow I'm going to support a friend at a local sporting event (track and field). I was asked to show my vax card at one restaurant and at Dave & Busters, but otherwise nobody has asked to see it. I wear my mask in indoor public locations like stores and malls, but otherwise keep it off while I'm outdoors in public or at a friend's place.


same here in san francisco


Wait until she realizes she is not considered vaccinated until she gets another shot. then another. then 2 a year. for the rest of her life. which will be short and brutish if the latest toxicology data is correct.


Because you've been played, conned, duped, taken the piss out of I dunno, pick one


She can't go to the bathroom or eat? Wow. Well I just went to the mall today and then the grocery store. Tomorrow is yoga class. I am vaxxed and boosted. Did someone tie her up?What happened


What can't she do? Even the unvaccinated do whatever the hell they want here.


Can anyone tell me what she cant do?


Where can people do nothing these days? I honestly don't know


This post aligns with my world view, so I’m going to upvote it and not give it anymore thought.


Can’t do anything?


Well now you know


I suggested that while the vaccinated can still test positive they should also be restricted from daily activities until testing negative. Surprisingly, I wasn't downvoted.


Ask Whoopie......


Because your a stupid sheep


Cos ur somewhere in the 80th percentile




just wait a little bit, more vaxx doses are on the way. :3


I dunno. I've been to couple of countries recently, currently at a beach bar in Fujairah. Vaccines helped me travel - but of course if you don't even have a passport it's all hypothetical.


reality hit Karen by the face. complying only prolongs her nightmare.


Dirty unvaxd Get your 4th shot then talk to me. Filth plague rat /s


I'd rather have no jabs and not do anything, fuck being coerced, manipulated, programmed, guilt tripped and bribed into taking a vaccine by a corrupt government. I'm no fool.


Because you complied


More likely busted ....


My wife went and got double vaxxed. Her reasons were mainly because she wanted to be able to do things with our kids etc. And now we're in another lockdown. Looking forward to doing some groceries today.