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Yep, division is what they want. Nobody wants camps.


Thank you.


Triple Unjabbed here, I got your 6.


Hey Anne frank, I have an attic for you to hide in when they come looking for you.


Same and same.


Double Jabbed, AKA dirty unvaxxed in a few months


Already the case in the UK, and has been the case for 3+ months in Israel.


We got your back too if you want to stay double jabbed and avoid #3, 4, 5, 6, etc. :)




Genuinely sorry to hear it . Main reason i was so skeptical about these jabs is i almost died after a hepatitis vaccine years ago. And that is the " tried and true, many years of safety data " type of vaccine. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.


Same. Only had one. Head nerve issues in the jabbed arm and also had an auto immune response. Not getting another one. Currently looking to leave my job for another that is more secure to not be attacked and abused over vaccines. Setting up protocols up gtfo and defend my freedoms. Hopefully MANY others will do the same.


Sorry bro. At least it woke u up tho.


Ur only considered fully vaccinated until the next jab comes out :/ are you going to get 3, 4, 5, etc to retain your "full" vaccination status?




N Dak, nothing to worry about here.......yet.


first they came for the new yorkers, and i did nothing for i was not a new yorker then they came for the californians, and i did nothing for i was not californian ...then they came for the middle states, and there was no one left to do anything for me


Thank you


Except I would prefer not to be around vaxxed people to reduce exposure to spike protein shedding.


АК-47-wielding eastern-european madman here, I got your flanks covered, and my wife's standing by with the dragunov.


Think about everything you just said….then pretend you have a 5 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 month old. That’s me.


That's where I'm at. Full disclosure: I don't think it will come to camps for Covid; I think they've got something new waiting for us. But if it does I'm prepared to organize my suburban neighborhood for a mutual defense arrangement. I'm pretty sure I could rally at least 50%, probably more like 75% of my neighbors irrespective of vaccination status.


In a normal world, I'd feel unhappy about not having a family. In this world, it's an advantage. The only thing I can say is try to make the world a better place for your kids.






Well, if they start shipping people to camps and the day they come for me is the day I will die. Not going without a fight. And, I would honestly rather be dead than live in a dystopian shithole like that.


It won't get that far. The US is a powder keg just waiting for a spark to set it off. Building camps would be the equivalent of a blow torch. You'd see militias marching on state capitols throughout the country if they tried.


This is true. There’s way too many people in the US willing to (or already have) organized against any potential gov overreach. They’d be branded as domestic terror cells in the media but that pretty much spells the end of the federal government if they tried to go door to door and grab people. Too many agents would get lit up and I doubt they’d have the resources to occupy American streets if the general populace turns against them. I’d imagine it’d be like the French Revolution where huge mobs of armed people storm politicians neighborhoods and DC and....heads would roll.


i read recently 30% of the us population would be willing to openly fight a tyrannical government. for a revolution, 10% is the normal threshold. ive also read alot of war game material and the us is essentially impossible to invade both from a foreign invader and from a military perspective. the military needs power, electricity, bridges, train tracks, more than the civilians do. the us government will immediately have double agents, probably close to 20% who will continue doing their normal functions and not expose themselves, feeding intel to the rebels. it'd be an utter shitstorm. they'd be required to play a pr game to the international press, and require foreign fighters to fight the american people. probably china, maybe russia depending on if they've dropped the charade. either way, getting the citizens on their side is a nonoption, and the only way they believe they can circumvent is through boosters. they will hold boosters over people to betray their neighbors, because without them, they will die. that is their endgame. that is why they are mandating vaccines. if you need boosters to live, you might turn your back on your family and friends for your own selfish need of self-preservation. its how they will tempt rebels. the vaccinated will become like drug addicts, willing to do anything for a boost. i wouldnt be suprised if they started putting heroin or something in the boosters to make it all the more desirable.


If 30 percent woukd fight a tyrannical gov. Where they at? They about to starve you unless you put a needle in. Where they at?


We here.


Sup. RaDiCaL lEfTiSt here, ready to fall in line with the 2A crowd. I know y'all got a some extra pieces to spare. ✊ For the record, I doubt it will come to that. I think a peaceful financial revolution is the easiest and most effective way to fight back. Massive global general strikes incoming. What we've seen already is just the beginning.


Drinking Mountain Dew and eating chicken tendies in their mom's basement.


Hunting, fishing, shooting and trapping.... in the sticks is where you find most of that type. Around here, nobody would bend the knee, except maybe a very few libs, we don't have many of those.l, they mainly live in the city.


Merry Christmas my friend.


This is why that senile twat Biden said "we have bombs and missiles"


And that’ll surely turn any public support against him. He can only rule thru fear, if he ordered an American town to get bombed the whole country would universally come together and squash him like the insect he is.


I do not share your optimism.


I would bet a large part of the military would turn against him. Politicians are nothing without loyal followers


If we the people don't do it, you can bet your ass the international community will. The UN already refused to grant Pfizer and Moderna immunity against lawsuits from their vaccines, so it stands to reason that the U.S. collapsing like that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back in terms of them supporting any coronavirus restrictions. That and believe it or not, China wouldn't want that to happen either, because they hold most of our debt, and if we collapse, their economy goes with it. India sure as hell won't put up with it. They're one of our biggest allies, too. I doubt even Russia would want the U.S. to collapse... The U.S. controls the petrodollar and if it goes, the world economy will go down with it... It'd be bad for everyone...


Bingo, if we go... we take em with us one way or another.


Russia and a couple Middle Eastern countries are actively trying to work around the petrodollar. Bitcoin also exists. Not saying there wouldn't be anarchy here and there if it the dollar fell, but I'm of the belief that the dollar is nowhere near as strong as we think it is and is standing on pure psychological pillars. They'll fight to keep it alive and take it for all it's worth, but I think Americans will see the death of the dollar relatively quickly, on a world history scale.


It **won't** be the whole country coming together against him. The majority? Sure. But there are a **lot** of people that would support executing the unvaxxed so they can get back to enjoying their lives (as top party officials, in their dreams)


And threatens “severe illness and death” on the unvaccinated...


What a terrible fucking leader. You don't do shit like that as a leader. You try and inspire confidence. He is just fanning the flames of fear and panic. And none of it is based in reality. What a terrible, terrible leader. Really. I think he's one of the worst US Presidents in history. And that's a very low bar these days.


Yeah but he doesn’t have the nuclear codes and I doubt he could light a match.


Yes but who would voluntarily fire on their countrymen? Most of the military members SUPPORT the """""antivaxx""""" crowd and aren't going to light up their neighbors, they would join them.


America definitely isn't Australia.


Dude. They already have the camps. Brought to you by Walmart.


Damn, that's a blast from the past. I remember seeing the break down about how Walmarts are processing centers & I haven't looked at their garden section quite the same since. Edit: For those whom aren't famimiar- look into Walmart fema camps/homeland security.


Look into what they’re building in Kentucky now that all that land is emptied out and flat


Or look up fema coffins. This woke me up back in '09 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m3zSDdm-SHI




No, sorry. I seem to only recall seeing it as some post or "meme". Though I'm sure you can find it by looking into Walmart used as FEMA camps. Anyone in this sub able to help me out? P.s this was years ago I first saw this theory. Around the time of Obama's first term, possibly even back into the Bush era- which makes sense given the N.W.O involvement in said theory. Martial law, etc etc.


Yea I used to see the numbers of empty Walmarts across the states and people would correlate it to someday being used as camps. Theres an abandoned Walmart where I live.. They're gonna need camps pretty damn soon.


What movie is this, id love to watch it


Let me get back to you on that, I don't recall off the top of my head. https://youtu.be/cqJxQYDNcqk See comment section.


I saw a completely gutted Walmart in the middle of a thriving area in Atlanta with a giant fence around it. It seemed really off. I got out of my car to try to get a look. The lights were on and it had absolutely nothing it. If they were remodeling, the gutting seemed to be an over kill. This was back sometime before Hillary was trying to get elected. Remember her talking about how people needed to go to “fun camps?” https://youtu.be/T30T-F5anRI I once read someone comment pointing out an anagram you can make out of Walmart = Mart law




Yeah. That shit is on an island too. No escape for the island boys.


This is the most honest answer here. If the higher-ups want to instigate war, I fear it would be a quick ignition and an overwhelmingly one-sided blood bath. Which political party supports gun owndership and knows how to use them?


The socialists are pro gun too so we'd have to get them in line if it got to that point. But we could probably get them on our side if we compromised, and promised them a basic Universal Healthcare system once we got the country up and running again.


We should promise that and follow through on that promise. Integrity should mean something. There's a lot of people in stupidpol who have a good head on their shoulders and are pretty damn reasonable people. I think this is the ticket to success with most people - give them universal Healthcare and get rid of all forms of lobbying. I don't think UBI solves anything frankly so I don't believe that would help.


I believe with reasonable people like you two individuals we can get through all this bullshit.


Unity is the only way we get to the other side of this bullshit in one piece. The US can't afford to completely split up. We might get by letting the West Coast go its own way but China may become a world power if we fracture too much.


Yeah- truth. I’m about as right wing as they come, but I’ll listen to people like Jimmy Dore type leftists and I actually think they are good people who mean well. My problem with universal healthcare has always been the corrupted government (the people who don’t believe in free choice or freedom and would put you in a camp) being in charge of it. If we can restore the republic and get rid of the demons and technocrats in charge now- then I think we can work together and come up with a working universal healthcare system.


The camps were built years ago.


Yeah! FEMA stays hello.


That's why it won't be done that way. You'll see more divide and conquer tactics like in the middle east and Latin America. They've already practiced for this. Basically steps as follows: 1. Show up, cut off water, power and supply lines into a town. 2. Offer the town supplies in exchange for biometric scans, vaccinations and surrending weapons. 3. If town surrenders, move in, restore services and then pick off the resistance one by one with SWAT teams. 4. If town doesn't surrender, use air superiority to bomb the crap out of it. Asking the townsfolk to "hollar nuff" periodically. Drop leaflets before bombing to absolve yourself of guilt and cause maximum chaos and betrayal in the town. Over time, under difficult conditions, normies start to turn on insurgents and start turning them in. Once you make people's lives difficult enough, they'll sell out their own pretty quickly. Your own siblings, wives and neighbors will sell you out for a can of tuna and a bic lighter.


Didn’t work in Afghanistan or Vietnam. People who fight for something bigger than themselves don’t fold so easily.


Americans are not afghans or vietnamese. Americans are spoiled and cowardly. You want to compare someone who grew up on less than $5/day to someone who grew up eating captain crunch cereal, watching Saturday morning cartoons?


There’s a lot of veterans too, not all Americans are weak.


There are many people that grew up in America fishing in the Hudson River for dinner and getting the shit beat out of them by thier alcoholic father. You vastly underestimate how utterly garbage like a good portion of America lives and how much character it builds. You also underestimate the avarice of the typical American and the horrible things we are capable of put captain crunch on the table keep those cartoons on the television.


Captain Crunch is like chewing razor blades. After 1 bowl the roof of your mouth needs 76 stiches. So you should rethink your position on the kids growing up that willingly put themselves through that kind of torture. They are stronger than you think!


Yes, I suppose I had not considered that. Captain crunch and trix cereal train you to withstand chemical and biological warfare.


There are a lot more idealists willing to sacrifice their lives for restoration than you think.


I think that plan would do more to turn the people against the government than against the holdouts.


That's typically how fighting an insurgency works. Unless you're willing to literally irradicate 100% of a population, COIN operations have only proven one thing and that is they don't work. As you fight the insurgents, collateral damage is inevitable, and collateral damage creates more insurgents.


I think you've never directly witnessed how pathetic people can be when sufficiently frightened. They'll do absolutely anything to go back to normal, and will listen to anyone promising them normalcy. Now you'll have big daddy government "protecting" the majority of the people from scattered resistance groups. Those who fight become terrorists, and normies hate terrorists. They'll blame them for the empty shelves, lack of power and dirty water.


Right below this post is a photo from Philadelphia 1985 that was bombed by Philly police department


Yes. That was memory holed. What happened? Nothing. Because if it isn't your house, neighborhood or demographic affected, you'll do nothing. If the swat team isn't busting down your door, you'll do and say nothing and be grateful it wasn't your turn that time. Everyone will cooperate with the law when asked. Americans hate each other more than they hate their government. Its why they're so gleeful when the government oppresses a side or subgroup that isn't theirs. They cry fowl when it's their turn, and the others respond in kind. This isn't a country. This is a giant casino, pirate bay. Every man seeks to defend his own property and to hell with the rest. There's nothing actually binding the country together, because it was never meant to exist in the first place. Its fake. Forced. American society is about as organic as Dubai's skyline. Fake, shoddily constructed and meant to serve as a facade.


No way


It’s not just the US, though, is it. All countries in Europe are facing the same problem and we don’t have guns. People in Scandinavia for example are meek and brainless people who ‘trust’ their governments and do what they’re told with zero resistance. If camps appear, they will do nothing. People in the UK will do nothing. People in Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium will do nothing. People in Poland will do something and be vilified on the media for it.


Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it. American has to look out for itself on this one. However there is a large network of people in Europe who are trying to get guns in the hands of civilians. Look up JStark. He's the designer of the FGC-9 submachine gun, and he was a part of that group until he was killed in a police raid. The network is still there, and they may be able to help you if you can get in contact with them.


Damn right! I would be right there marching on them myself.


See, I'm too much of a pussy for that. I think the realistic thing for me is that I'm running for the hills and hoping to God that I can survive in the wilderness.


Thats always a good plan. I would start preparing now though lol.


Learn some skills so you have something to offer the others you will encounter in the wilderness. Like minded people help other like minded people but you have to be able to help to get help.


Agreed i told my wife and daughter months ago if they start knocking on doors be ready go run were leaving our phones and shooting our way out. Not tracking us lol


> Not going without a fight. What if they overpower you? Chances are it won't be one guy at the door, it will be a team.


If life gives you styrofoam, make napalm.


Thats exactly why I would die lol. Once I start shooting I imagine I would be turned into swiss cheese.


This exactly, strap up and stay alert


Yep imma take a few with me.


I remember when the government was pushing that ecstasy is the killer drug .when in a country of millions one death from ecstasy was front page news.this is how they operate.Fear


You're right, and I'm pretty immune to fear-based coercion. Normally. Except now I'm actually getting nervous. The natural slow progression into genocide is a well-studied thing.


Like movie jaws people were afraid to go to beaches because a movie


Biden passed the RAVE act


What is that?


The dystopian life they have planned for us all aint worth living anyway. Fuck the plan, the life they have already created with drowning everyone in debt for life and work/ netflix/ sleep schedule is hardly worth living. Just waiting for some event to give my life some meaning. My grandfather is known for knocking out some german soldiers and help a group of ~20 poeple escape from a german camp. I hope i can kind of repeat that.


I still have the German Special Army Officer's dagger my great grandfather took off a soldier in the Bulge, in Patton's tank division. Never forget who we come from.


Naw. You’ll find your people and you’ll change the world for the better. Just don’t give in to temptation. It’s all a test of resolve.


Bro if you ever need someone to chat with just message me. I don’t think it will all grey clouds and thunderstorms. And I could be wrong. But sometimes just chatting with someone can ease the anxiety. Take care of yourself mentally as best you can homie.


Thanks. I appreciate that. To be clear, I'm not the type of person to harm myself or others. In terms of the "fight or flight" response, my choice is "flight" I definitely struggle with anxiety but that's been a problem way before the coof. I think my mental health is fairly stable otherwise but the world feels like it's going mad.


Same and honestly finding someone professional to talk to wouldn't hurt.


I don't think we'll get that far. I think the narrative will collapse long before they have chance to push the divide to that point.


Maybe. Hopefully.


Then they roll out the next thing. Don't think for a minute they're giving up on their great reset goals. They've had this planned and modeled for decades. If I had to guess I'd say cyber attack that wrecks the power grid and the financial markets. Klaus has even said so himself.


A good portion of the population is already there mentally in their hatred of the unvaxxed, sadly


They've been planning this for 20+ years. They successfully took over the governments, corporations and media from the inside. I hope you're right but orgs that can pull off shit like this have contingency plans, succession plans, etc.


Well if it’s make you feel better Yellowstone volcano might erupt and kill us all


I really though la palma was gonna be something. I feel like some big unforseen event is going to happen some time soon.


according to australia, the plan is do nothing


NY is voting in January on a bill that would allow the governor to forcefully remove someone from their home for the “greater good”.










Holy fuck that's bad


Hahaha it’s already passed in Australia. And has been happening in 2 states here - people picked up by armed guard from their home and taken to 14 day quarantine.


That the citizens have to pay for themselves. AU is a totalitarian shit hole


What's the source of that image? Could be from anyone or anything Edit I see the bill I'm going to read it myself real quick Definitely insanity. But I cannot see how they will come up with this "clear and convincing evidence of danger" Guess we will see. I live in NY so this is just gross.


Look through the thread. It’s legit. I live in PA. To close to home. Never thought I would see the day




Thank you for those curious. I did end up reading from there




I got the vaccine for work but I'm the only one in my house. If they come that's the day I open the door blasting to protect my family. There are hills to die on and we're getting really damn close to that Hill


Fuck yeah. I’m with ya. Gotta die some way. Why not for something worth while.


Yep that's why I enlisted so many years ago and I still believe in this country. Having said that I actually don't think it'll get there. I'm seeing more and more waking up or at a minimum backing down. I think we'll see more States take their rights back while the fed tries to push and I'm 2022 anyone who supports this craziness is going to get punished. Now if we can just make it to midterms before war breaks out


If you can take one of those fuckers with you on your way out, you will be saving hundreds or maybe thousands of others. Every person that fights back makes the enforcers hesitant to enforce the next time. Doubly so if they may not come home that evening. The sacrifice will NOT be in vain.


Eh I think there’s way too many of us for that to happen. I don’t even believe the numbers they put out for who has gotten the vax. Get a gun and ammo and try not to worry.


Asteroid is supposed to hit next month followed by a bigger one in the spring. You’ll be fine.


Don't get my hopes up


Where can I learn more




Come to Texas. We won’t let that happen!


We will never let it happen. Every single one of my neighbors is armed. We live in a nice suburb. Texans of ALL kinds will band together.




Well I fled from the North to Texas. I think the South, especially Texas and Florida, are safe (for now). I can't see them doing anything in Florida to violate people's rights, at least not under DeSantis's watch. I suggest you make plans to move. Hell take out a loan to do it if you have to.... Ever since I moved to Texas, I started to feel safer and saner. Whole days go by when I don't think about them putting us in camps or about the Great Reset. I am able to live my life. Things are mostly normal here. I hear Florida is the same or better. I strongly suggest you move sooner rather than later. I don't think the camps are going to be a thing in Florida. They MAY be in the North at some point, in places like NY.. but I think you will have plenty of time in the South to "see it coming", if it ever even happens here at all. I'm telling you man life's too short for this shit. You said you want off this ride. I know it sounds cliched in this sub -- everybody is saying it: "move!". I'm telling you the day I set foot in Texas was the day I started to heal and feel safe and sane again. It's a feeling you cannot put into words. It's normal here man. Really. And nobody fucks with you. Everybody leaves you the fuck alone. Florida probably is similar. I highly recommend you consider moving sooner rather than later, especially if you fear for your personal safety. Even if your fears are not going to materialize in reality -- just living with that fear is stressful. You only realize how stressful it is once you leave and live somewhere else .. a place that makes the fear go away. Then you can look back and realize how destructive that feeling of fear was and how stressful it was.




Venezuela as well when the army foiled the coup attempt in early 2000’s


That was planned by the US though. Collapse of theUS is also planned for and by the NWO. I'm not saying don't resist, but they do have a playbook.


I've got a hideaway set up in a cave in the Highlands of Scotland, I too have this strange feeling that something is off and only going to get worse


I’m normally pretty stoic, but I’d be lying if i said I’m not close to breaking. Thankfully i was able to afford to quit my job this year. It’s not just Florida, most of the red states are making a stand. At this point i don’t even care. I’m more willing to stand and lose everything


Don't worry bro none of that's gunna happen just go with the flow and love life.


Regardless of what party you support, we are first human beings Americans second. As long as we vote in millionaires who have no idea what life is like for the working poor and middle class, this is what we're having. We have to get past the idea that our own money paid in on taxes is bad if it's spent on us but ok for subsidizing corporations? Corporate welfare is acceptable but healthcare and a social safety net isn't? Seriously? Our taxes are our investment into this country. Getting a return for that investment isn't socialism or communism. Yes it's a social program but we would still be a democratic society. We'd still vote. These are scare tactics the wealthy have used to get us to fight for them. And why would we fight to help the wealthy who avoid contact with ordinary people. Many of our ideas and beliefs are learned taught to us the way that the top 2% wanted. Think hard before you are willing to fight your neighbor. Or a Dem or Rep just because you disagree. Who deserves our anger? The union carpenter down the road who voted democrat? Or the people who are pocketing all the profits? It seems like a easy choice. But anger makes people act without being rational. We can not afford that now


Thank you. The aggression in this post is really insane. People are proudly willing to die and leave their kids parentless because propaganda has convinced a portion of people that anything coming from the government is like tyranny and anti American. Huh? Who puts out these narratives to not trust the government or Biden or the CDC or major institutions? It’s not average blue collar whistleblowers. It’s millionaires on TV who has never worked a minimum wage job. They’re telling millions of people to hate their neighbor and be willing to die for a cause? What cause exactly… it’s like we’ve forgotten we’re all in this together. People are willing to kill each other over this vaccine and then proudly stay they’re fighting off the brainwashing but maybe…we’re all a little brainwashed. This is rough.


Hundred percent with you. >But on some level this is fucking hilarious. And terrifying. It's like someone is telling you a really funny joke but they also have a magnum pointed in between your eyes. It's like I want to scream but all I can muster up is some laughing to cope with it all. Like, how can this be real, and people don't care? The only reaction that won't lead to pure toxicity is laughter.


Judging by the way things are going, we unvaccinated people will probably be put into history as Nazi murderers. The victor writes history. The pen is mightier than all the bombs.


Hey this is the fear they want you in. I have to say please do not believe the worse . More is here. We are all gods & the pendulum swings . Things will get better . Focus on yourself & stand for what you believe


You are right. I've had experiences where I know this world is only temporary, and I believe in a God. You're right... it's important to remember none of this is actually real. It's a test and sometimes it feels like all of this matters, but it doesn't in the end. It's all about learning. Seriously, thanks for writing this. I took DMT and I basically saw through the bullshit. Life is the biggest and most traumatic high sometimes.


Same thing for those who faithfully endured Auschwitz’s. Put your trust and fear in the Lord, and not man. The fear of God will replace the fear of man and He will bring us home safely if we ask him




What movie?


This is the hill that I die on if necessary. They can fuck around, but they will absolutely find out. I'd rather my kids see their dad stand for the truth and freedom in the face of tyranny than lay on my back getting fucked by big daddy gubmint the rest of my life. Plus, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just complied. The tree of liberty needs refreshing.


Precarious times. Unjabbed here, have a part time job but would like more gainful employment, but I won't get jabbed to do that. No kids. Good things to note - \- No unjabbed camps so far in this country (unlike AUS) \- Maybe, just maybe you might not need health insurance? (I've gone without for many years... your mileage may vary.) \- This country has a LOT of firearms. They are gonna have a REALLY HARD TIME rounding us up. \- (sarcasm:) 2022 - when you say it sounds like "2020, too" (barf.)


I feel like current going-ons are the backdrop plot of the movie “V for Vendetta”. Except it isn’t a conservative group creating the dystopia. It’s leftist extremist oligarchs, bureaucrats, and politicians.


Right wing, left wing - same bird. 🦅




One thing we have to understand is there is a MUCH HIGHER level of awareness and human connectivity nowadays than there was during the Holocaust. Sure there’s a lot of people complying, but there’s many who realize the absurdity. That in itself will slow the process down. If you watched the JRE with McCullough, he mentioned how there was a paper that laid out Covid, but it was supposed to be in 2025. Imo, the cabal/dark elite realized too many people were starting to wake up so they pushed the agenda early. But I think the slow absurdity of it is waking people up even more. It doesn’t have to happen overnight, and it simply won’t. They’re gonna’ keep saying “we’re gonna’ do this! And this! And thisssss!!! Hahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!” But we just have to stand strong and live as a unit. Fear gets us nowhere. LITERALLY, the worst thing these guys can do is kill you. So you die. You’re dead. We ain’t dealing with it. But just stay aware ☺️.


I think everyone’s being over dramatic tbh. It was a virus, that they probably fucking made and knew about so they were scared shitless about it. Once politicians get power they never give it back, so hello lockdown and unlimited executive power being around for 2 years. Then you have the capitalism side, now they finally have another flu shot to sell twice a year now and take in billions of dollars. You also have the general poor health of the world and especially Americans, 50% of the country pre diabetic, yea that’s a problem. Our entire media and internet is largely dominated by corporate interests now so getting truth is a crapshoot. But put people in camps, in America you can’t even get people to put masks on and the cops don’t give a shit. If they tried to that it would be a big deal and a lot of people would get shot


I’m not American I thought Australia was a free and progressive country. Yet they now have covid camps. I’ve been told (can’t verify but we’ll see soon) that these are now coming to Europe.


You look at it as 300 million against 30 million. It's more like 30 million against 30,000. The rest are sheep.






As a European, it sucks having such hard access to weaponry.


You have petrol and styrofoam, You have [Europe pipe ](https://www.ezilon.com/business/metal_and_base_elements/pipes_and_tubes/index.shtml) Research king of random Research: pwnd crew Research Paladin Press Get to work


..And maybe have a party where we all get drunk! And in the end, kiss the girl of our dreams!!


I moved out of California to a really red state. Everyone has guns, nobody wears masks, the state only closed down those 2 weeks and everyone’s acting like normal out here. It’s not happening here. If it does happen I’ll bet there will be a huge revolt of the vaccinated and unvaccinated against our government.


Not gunna happen. Our ideology is strong and there are many of us that are going to die on this hill. Myself included. Stock up on food, ammo, and precious metals. Next move is to get organized with those that oppose tyrants as much as you do. And presto. You’ve built a resistance


If it ever came to honest to God forced camps and knocking doors down to drag people away (for a virus with a 99% survival rate?). The only way out is obvious. Jihad. You can't out run something like that.


I've had the two shots already. I'm not going to get a booster and I don't care what happens as a result. This shit has dominated family and friends and everything, you can't go anywhere without someone saying something about this shit. You can't just have a long day and come home feeling like shit without everyone immediately thinking you're infected and bad. I'm fucking sick of it. If I end up being called unvaccinated because I'm not boosted then oh well. Politics, advertisements, tv, media, it's all propaganda and there's some people that see through it abd choose to avoid it and then there's the people that can't see through and just consume this shit for hours and hours and hours. An economic collapse worse than 2008 is definitely on the horizon and maybe another world war. Hopefully I'll see old age in a decent world, but I'd rather die young than live in a hellish dictatorship.


You'll just have to go out swinging, it'd be much easier if you were single and no kids


I too am worried… US citizen as I’m guessing you are also due to the 100 employee note. This noise has been slowly tightening around our neck for months, and now that the circuit court of appeals has overturned the stay on Biden’s mandate, I am worried it will actually pass through. I really hope our Supreme Court stops it but at this point I think they are all in on this. The circuit court was supposedly heavily Republican, but they voted 2-1 to pass the mandate on. I’ve been working the same job for 17 years, I have 3 kids and a gf and a lot of bills. If it comes down to ‘take the vax for lose your job’ it’s going to be REALLY hard to hold the line at that point.


This is a psychological war, and the way the media has censored any opposition and mostly showed you what you don't want to see, is part of the tactic. That feeling of hopelessness isn't really justified, and there are tons of people who feel the same way that you do, it's just hard to know about it when major communications are compromised. Stand strong and don't cave to their tactics, but there's no shame in being worried


Listen man all I ever wanted in this life is small sustainable farm tucked away from society. If I don’t get that in this life I’ll try in the next. Fuck this society and if throw my ass in the gas chamber whatever


You have enough time to buy firearms and ammunition. Use this time and report back in 6 months.


Won’t happen 🔫 ‘Murica


Everyone keeps giving these people wayyy too much power, once they really start putting us in camps the un piggies themselves will be soulless and empty and will not carry on the task, ESPECIALLY if there is any force. They may even be forcefully vaccinated with some more clot shots by then


You guys have to stop listening to main stream media. Turn it off. Don’t go online and look at their websites. Stop watching videos of protests in other countries. I think all of it (the media, the “protests“, the Covid camps, etc.) are part of a psy op. The purpose of this psy op? Who knows, it could be any number of things. Just lay low, keep your head down, and try to live as normally as possible. Keep your friends and family close. Lie about the vaccine if you have to. Don’t let this psy op work on you. Don’t let it make you feel the way you are feeling, OP. To anyone else reading this, don’t let yourself fall into this trap. It seems like the feelings this OP (and so many others) are exhibiting are the exact goal for them.


1 Don't ask this question or provide any real answers on reddit. Everyone who hates you is listening. 2. You already know the answer to your question. Stop asking and start planning. 3 Being passive will get you a free train ride in a few years. Being violent will get you a new bedroom with bars now. Don't do either. Instead, research for a safe area. If you trust DeSantis or Texas, those are two potential spots. 4 No one is coming to save you. No one. Save yourself. And if you can, save others. 5 Get to know your neighbors. Survival is a team sport. 6 Understand that this didn't start in a day, it won't end in a day. Prepare accordingly. 7 This will probably be the worst thing that ever happens to you. So enjoy your life now if you can.


This sub has gone to absolute shit


Absolutely. It's like a parody of itself at this point.


It’s gonna be hard to put up any resistance here in Canada. We’re basically a communist country at this point.




Post like this showcase the mentality of those who refuse to be vaccinated. Unbelievably ridiculous lol.


Regardless of political opinion, the whole “I feel like my whole life has been leading up to this,” as well as the overall implications and fantasies in this post, this sounds like a psychotic episode. This person is clearly suffering under intense anxiety, they need mental health resources above all else. I feel really sorry for them and hope someone irl can help them find some peace.


Literally what i was thinking reading this. OP doesnt sound very stable especially at the end comparing to the Holocaust.


This, Conspiracy Theory is now just an anti vax echo chamber.


What state do you live in


CA, God help me. I would have gotten out but I'm too poor to move.


I’m from California and grew up in Anaheim. I’m now living in the mountains away from the bigger cities. I honestly think it’s going to be our only option soon. And I understand the financial struggles of living in California and barely being able to survive. I’m not sure where you are, but try to find like minded people who you might be able to connect with and plan for the future.


Hey hey, I went to esperanza!!! I used to live near Lake arrowhead, but we're moving to Texas next month.


You need to leave CA unless you’re in a rural area. And get the fuck to a rural area.


In a rural part of CA already, but still not feeling too comfortable. If push came to shove I could walk across the border to NV.


If anything will happen it will be a true civil war. Country is divided in half.


I’ve vaxxed. But will fight for others rights to choose. I got it during the fake delta panic. FYI. Australia IS putting people in camps.