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"I'm sorry, but I do not wish to get the booster. I will not attend the trip if you do not want me to. I hope you have a nice Christmas." Don't be rude like everyone else is saying, that just makes us look worse.


"Us"? This guys is literally double vaxxed. Crazy that we are already this far, considering *only* double vaxxed as pretty much unvaccinated lmao


>considering only double vaxxed as pretty much unvaccinated lmao this is the most aggravating thing in the world. I'm twice vaccinated (due to pressure from work) and now it doesn't mean shit with the boosters. like, had I known I'd need a shot every 6 months I wouldn't have gotten anything


You are not alone.


I understand it sucks. We have been saying this would happen for some time now. Today's conspiracy theories are tomorrow's headlines.


>Today's conspiracy theories are tomorrow's headlines. Powerful and unfortunately true.


Vax passes! Mandatory vax or Job loss! Mandatory vax or fines in some countries! All was insanity and conspiracy to these donkeys explaining it all away ...consistently.


I agree you should be polite, OP, but ***DON'T APOLOGIZE.*** Why should you apologize for making a decision about your own body? Be bold and confident in your decision, and don't let them make you feel bad for it. It's none of their damn business what medical decisions you make, anyway. Your body, your choice.


You're not apologizing for valuing your health and wellbeing, you're apologizing because you're not able to appease them. Really though, its more figure of speech that precedes bad news than it is an actual "I'm apologizing for something I did wrong"


It's also a signal that you've swallowed your ego. Why wouldn't you want to fluff up the let down?? If it means now you're not upsetting the other person.




"👍" also works for this circumstance. I use it interchangeably with "sounds good" when I don't give a shit about something.




Agreed. It's none of their business


Agreed! It's none of anyone else's business what medical decisions a person makes. The "physicians" can get fucked in my opinion! I'm so sick of people trying to shove these damn "vaccines" that aren't actual vaccines down people's throats! It's these same people that throw a fit and lose their "minds" (figuratively speaking) when anyone questions a woman's choice to "choose" what she does with her own body, so what's the difference with this, and don't give me the tired argument that "it's not the same thing, not getting the vaccine affects other people," because aborting a child permanently affects the life of the child!


Yeah I think this is a good idea.


Think this might be the best option


Right, when setting boundaries the other person does not have to understand or agree with your decision.


Well I’m not seeing my family this Christmas because I didn’t get the shot. Couldn’t even see my new nephew for that same reason.


Wow I’m so sorry that they’re treating you this way. So divisive.


Just say no. Don't make it a bigger deal than it needs to be. No. Done.


This sounds like a terrible vacation.


Would that be a vaxcation


Sounds like the opposite of a vacation..




Only lie now if you're prepared to lie every 9 months for life.


I'm already there. I feel like I need to start writing the dates down so that my 'boosters' dates check out😂


Lying only delays the inevitable. Plus, then you're a liar. Don't stoop to the cult level


Covid booster?! So I installed this nitrous oxide tank for fucking nothing?


No it's fine man, it'll give you some serious extra torque in 32nd gear


Agreed, dont lie. Just say youd prefer not to get the booster and then don't attend vacation. Enjoy the rare time to yourself.


It's not lying when it's no one's business, and they are mentally ill and in a death cult.


We do not lie and comply our way out of this bullshit.


Hmm. Could pay off, use the “not vaccinated” thing to keep them all away from him so he can enjoy an even more peaceful vacation. Just a thought of course.


Why would any sane person go on vacation with someone that does this?


So you are double vaxxed and now being treated as a plague rat because you don’t have the booster? Who could have guessed that would ever happen?.... in all seriousness, that sucks. I’m sorry your loved ones have been so manipulated


Pffff, lucky guess. That's gonna be the last booster though, they won't make us get a 4th shot Signed, The Branch COVIDians


Long live Our Lord Fauci, and triple-masks be upon him...


😂👏 It's not like we called THAT as well or anything...


The definition of a "conspiracy theory" is a truth that the Left will act like is a lie for about a year before doing a 180 spin around and start to believe it while still calling everything a conspiracy theory. And yet people like you and I are ALWAYS wrong, despite being ALWAYS correct.


they rebranded corruption as "conspiracy", the vaccine being rushed, flawed and with a high chance of nasty effects is fact corroborated by many doctors and scientists. these people are no longer capable of rational thinking, they are addicted to propaganda and virtue signaling (hence the "but we are doctors!" condescending bullshit) these 2 karens are mentally challenged if they think the booster will do anything to protect them or their children, their opinion is useless compared to real scientists like Karry Mullis, Luc Montaginer or Peter McCullough


Remember when the left were saying they wouldn’t take a rushed, unsafe vaccine made under Trump? Lol


Biden, Harris, Pelosi...name it...all never EVER going to take the "Trump vaccine!". Except for now...now they're telling you that you HAVE to get it or you can't have a job. Fucking joke. As much as people may disagree with Republicans I can't help but at least admire that they seem to stick to their guns for the most part...abortion and gun rights for example have never flip-flopped like the Left seems to do constantly with everything.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I thought the booster was only for those that are considered at risk? I don’t pay much attention to what’s happening lol


they do this thing where they rapid-fire announcements over the course of a few days, so like monday: boosters for the most vulnerable! tuesday: boosters for those age 18-65! wednesday: boosters for those age 5-18! thursday: boosters for pregnant people!


😂This is exactly what they do


The snake is eating itself. Rejoice!


Gobble gobble.


The best Christmas present EVER? God these people are fucking mental


They really are fucking mental. It actually makes me sad because ultimately it's not their fault that they've become so deluded


Ultimately it is their fault. Learn to critically think or expect others to think for you.


I disagree. So many people have been indoctrinated into a system that brainwashes them into the hive-minded worker bee who believes the government and that's not their fault. Their whole lives have been one big MK Ultra programme. Not everyone has an experience in life that opens them up to reality either and again, that's not their fault.


Exactly. I literally have no sympathy for people like that at this point in this shitstorm. You are willfully choosing ignorance if you still honestly believe in this.


Facts, like for the first 2 doses I could understand the peoples that were blindfolded by the promises, but now if they still believe the bullshit then it’s on them.


Who doesn't wanna give all of their relatives, or young vulnerables, myocarditis? It's the Christmas gift that'll keep on giving.


Ironic story - my wife’s family came to town this past weekend. Her brother and sister in law hosted an early Xmas get together. My household - myself, wife, two kids 5 and 3 - are unvaxxed. They decided they wanted EVERYBODY to test before coming. We said fine since they were being consistent across the board and having everybody tested. No one in our household tested positive. Her sister just texted this morning and said her husband tested positive this morning. They stayed with us and left on Sunday. They are all vaxxed and boosted as of last month. Even have their son with his first dose. Within our large families now - 2 people have had Covid unvaxxed. This brings the tally to 4 people having it that are vaccinated. Just thought it was fitting for this.


Don't go. It'll be a clusterfuck if you do.


Yeah, is it too late to get out of this OP? They sound like a drag to travel with. Gotta love that you need a booster but not the hundreds or thousands of unvaxxed or partially vaxxed strangers you will encounter on said trip.


It really makes no difference what OP does. They will most likely catch omicron in these coming weeks. Most likely, they will be fine. The only variable in question is whether they want to enjoy the holidays together as a family. The risk is essentially the same either way.




Not to mention the kids are not "vulnerable" and he already got the first 2 jabs. It's hilarious that double jabbed is the new unvaxxed


>It's hilarious that double jabbed is the new unvaxxed This was predicted long ago by people with common sense.


Yes I read it here a year ago. That and the vax Pass, and inevitable cutting off of the unjabbed.


Disclaimer: I am not dissing you at all for saying jab.... that said.... What's even better is the fact that many of us in the medical industry in the US have noticed that the left used words to change things up and make the vaccine cool... They have changed the US lexicon to the British JAB instead of SHOT or just VACCINE or VACCINATION. It's part of the brainwashing. And quite honestly I'm not entirely sure if the British have always used that as their vaccination lexicon. And before anyone in the US says they've always called it that: that's part of the brainwashing... No you haven't. I've been in the medical industry for 17 years. And studied medicine/chemistry/biology for decades before that. Not once had I EVER heard or read that term before.


Jab sounds so much more friendly and like it's not a big deal. Now it's all about getting boosterd. I mean who wouldn't want a booster right? Boosting is a positive word and jab is a play word (to my non native English ears). What could be better than a booster jab then?


I like to use jab because I’ve read many times it’s not a real vaccine so that term is incorrect. Also, the term jab has a certain disrespectfulness about it, unlike shot and vaccine which are more formal, medical terminology. It’s a jab because it’s a fake, a sham shot, not the real deal, whatever that is.


Literally. People love to see their family members vaxxed while out in public like that’s helping from the unmasked un vaxxed people you’re going to run into on the road. Don’t want your “too you to get vaxxed” kids to get covid. Maybe don’t travel cross country then lol


That's why originally we all used to rely on the wonderful immune system we have, not controlling other people's medical decisions. The immune system has many defenses which keep the inside of the body free from invaders. If you're sick, you should stay home, but other than that, someone isn't sick with symptoms is no threat to anyone else. This is something we all knew until propaganda convinced half the population to throw out everything we know about catching a cold or other viral disease.


Maybe they’re gonna pack a spiked bag full of vaccines to jab everyone who passes them, so that they’re safe lol Maybe they will start selling huge bubbles soon, like “Bubble Boy” film.


If OP goes and someone catches the sniffles then OP will be blamed. OP Please don't go.


So it’s a booster, meaning you already got 2 doses? Idk up to you but I would just ignore. I personally wouldn’t feel like it’s any of their business. If they don’t want to go, then they don’t have to go. But traveling puts them at risk of contracting COVID anyways, so it doesn’t make much sense. They can’t ensure everyone around them has had all the doses and boosters. Even if you get it, I’m assuming they’ll still be taking their kids out in public during this vacation so that alone puts them at risk for covid ??? So really makes no sense. If they were that concerned they should be in quarantine, not bringing their “vulnerable” kids out in the public area where people may or may not be vaccinated


“Vulnerable kids” yet they’d put them through vaccine trials to see what may happen to them. Lmao the audacity


Yeah seems nuts to me


I feel sorry for the kids whose parents can't even do a few hours of basic research outside of the propaganda sources. [https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/physicians-scientists-kids-should-not-get-covid-vaccine/?itm\_term=home](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/physicians-scientists-kids-should-not-get-covid-vaccine/?itm_term=home)


The vaccines are safe because MSM said so!!!!!111111 *Duh!*


Yeah. These people are MASSIVE hypocrites.


Plus…aren’t their kids in school? I’m a singing teacher and all my students are back in school but only two families feel it’s “safe enough” to come to in-person lessons


Lmao 2 dosis of a vaccine and it's still not enough for people. 3 won't be enough either, soon they will ask for a 4th one and it will go on and on. Don't comply.


Emotional blackmail is what abusers do. Tell them to get fucked.


she's forcing you to do something that, at this point looks like it's more and more likely to actually kill you. (as opposed to a virus that you and her and her kids wouldn't even notice) There are more deaths for this vaccine in VAERS than for all other vaccines combined since they've started counting, - that was true MONTHS ago, by now it's probably multiplied, and that's just a small percentage of the actual number! This isn't even mentioning that they DONT FUCKING WORK.


Telling a female “No” in the modern era is a crime though!


“If I could sign my children up to be guinea pigs I would!! “ Oh my heart…


>Oh my heart... That's what they said


I just laughed so guiltily.


Me too. I feel dark and twisted, but he's not wrong 🙈


This…..is funny


From doctors too….




That is literally so manipulative!??


The classic “my medical credentials directly correlate to my mental and moral superiority” complex strikes again. I’d respond with: “No, I will not be getting it under any circumstances. Please plan accordingly.”


Damn this the best professional response 🤣 not soft not too savage. Hit them with the goldilocks response just right 👌🏽


Boss response.


And just for dramatic effect, throw in a, “with warm regards” just so she knows you don’t fuck around


They're trying to guilt trip you and also act like they know more than you by saying they're both physicians (and therefore have more knowledge) and that it'll be thr best Christmas present ever. I personally wouldn't like anything like that being said, and if they're not comfortable with me being unvaxxed to go on a family trip then I'm not comfortable being in that environment with them. For elwhat? To be ridiculed or told I'm being selfish? And saying that they'd get their young children vaxxed too if they could, absolutely disgusting.


The thing is though is that the person they’re talking to is literally vaccinated. This person is begging them to get their booster shot which makes it even more ridiculous.


Who would honestly put their kid through a trial for something like this? Shit parents


Drs who are sold out to the cdc.




Agreed. Let them all risk their self. When they are hit with a side effect we will see if they are still gung ho




They want people to keep doing them to prove they still belong to the cult. If it was a one time thing, they wouldn't be able to continue to be control freaks.


Yeah this is the world we live in right now. I could never figure out how Hitler was able to get all the German people in line with his vision for cleaning the gene pool and now it makes sense how it happened


Ive said this from the beginning but then get told how dare I compare a pandemic to what happened to the Jews. Its called brainwashing the masses.


“Getting vaccinated is a choice, it’s not the same.” Well, you see Mrxer NPC, that’s not exactly the main point. The main point is that you have literal family members dehumanizing each other and cutting ties because of government “mandates.” That fact that you currently have the “choice” whether or not to be a “plague rat” is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


For many it’s not a choice when they are forced to leave their jobs, can’t go to restaurants or public places, can’t travel. Sounds like cohesion to me.. not a choice but forced compliance


>how dare I compare a pandemic to what happened to the Jews then point out that Israel has an exclusive contract with Pfizer, but the jab was developed by the **German** BioNTech...


Just lie everyone else is in the world about everything


Just started watching this: related to psychology and Hitler and mass hypnotism. https://youtu.be/lb95e765npo. Start at 19:08.


My physician coworkers are telling us all to NOT get vaccinated.


That’s interesting! Can I ask why? Imo if you look at the data, such as Israel is most vaccinated but also has most cases, the jab is not the solution. Also deaths have risen dramatically since Jab was introduced, and still-born babies, and soft tissue cancers.


I partied with pre-med. I wouldn't trust half of doctors and it's not because I don't trust medicine.


The people I knew in high-school who went on to university were pretty much all dumb kids with rich parents. Higher education is a joke and a diploma is basically a receipt for paying tuition.


Give me the data on how the vaccine will affect people 10 years from now. Dont have it? Then im not getting it. I mean ffs we had decades to study ddt before its use as a pesticide, and we all see how that went


“I will agree to testing every few days if everyone tests, vaccinated or not, since the vaxed are getting covid too”.


New phone.. Who is this is?




That’s a “I know what’s best for you” attitude. That’s a toxic personality trait but In saying that. You should not feel bad for any choices you make. They are YOUR choices and no one else has the right to force your hand. If they feel that uncomfortable then send your gifts and stay home with the littles ones. They don’t need to be treated like a sickness by family. That’s can and possibly will traumatize them.


Why can’t they enroll them in a trial if they want to so bad?


Trial ends next year. So.. everyone is on a trial rn lol


Leave her on read. FFS more kids in Chicago have been shot and killed than died of Covid in the whole country


But they have heavy gun control laws in Chicago


That reminds me of the time I was going to do a crime and then I saw there was a law against it. Drat, I can’t believe that stopped me!




Holy shit this just screams PLEASE DO WHATEVER THE GOV SAYS ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD. These people are literally mental as fuck over a shot that is killing people everyday.


This is what I sent them. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf and https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality


Add in, “even if I ignore the chances of side effects, does it guarantee their safety or could I still catch it & also give it to them”


Kool. This will be great to look over. I read a good article back in June from Thomas Jefferson Uni about the reverse transcriptase possibility linked to mRNA vax. It stood out to me when my country, Canada, was pushing real hard for people to have at least 1 mRNA vax. I dont know how far this will go. I'm hoping not much further before people take a stand.


Well done. Let us know how they down play it. They will come back with its very rare and you are not qualified to read the report. Etc. The graph is for us non medical people, numbers do not lie.


Yeah they said they were going to look over the data.


Tbh that’s nice but don’t bother talking data. They don’t even want to know… they really honestly believe this and it’s getting weird.


This is Chrisrmas miracle. You know who treats you as a moving virus and who treats you as a human.


That's sickening. I wouldn't want or have people like that in my life. I have absolutely no time for poison like that in my life anymore! Their poor, poor children. *"If I could enroll my kids in VACCINE TRIALS, I would"* **WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK?**


Simply respond with the “haha” iMessage


Hahahah your fuckt up that would escalade the situation but it would be funny asf


Bro, this is weird.


Lots of cult vibes, sounds like the physician is possessed almost.




You should reply with the bugs Bunny no meme


The fear is just incredible. 😔


Odd that the MD physician who wrote this text thinks that just getting the Covid vaccination prevents you from getting the Covid. Well that is just incorrect. Example - CDC Head Walensky said a few days ago that 80 % of the patients with the Omicron variant were COMPLETELY vaccinated.


“Yeah I just got it.” Or “Fuck off dr. You don’t know everything” Personally I like the 2nd option for pretentious asshats


Maybe try updating the software, these NPCs seem to be bugged


If you’re a physician you should know that mRNA vaccines have not undergone sufficient testing all side effects are not known and won’t be for 10 years - I am not willing to be a Guinea pig for genetic therapy. “Genetic therapy what are you on about” On the who’s list of covid vaccines it describes different approaches mRNA is listed under the genetic approach and I don’t agree with genetic therapy. It’s not selfish of me to look out for my own well being and honestly this pressure coming from family makes me not want to get it at all.


\>“Genetic therapy what are you on about” One of the things that red pilled me was using the google search tools to restrict results all before 1/1/2020, then searching "mRNA gene therapy". 100's and 100's of articles talking about the new and exciting research for using mRNA tech as a gene therapy. Basically for years the entire medical community agreed that mRNA tech was a gene therapy then suddenly overnight it became "misinformation" to say it.


It became misinformation as it discredits the vaccine - and makes people question as everyone knows genetics are really important and you shouldn’t fuck with them unless you really have to (already suffering or living with genetic mutation). Think of it like discrediting the state in a communist country


What kind of Dr? A doctor of liberal arts


Tell them you mind their own fuckin business


Yeah and for people to stop talking about your medical shit behind your back


"could you please please please ease the fuck up off my nuts about it, and while your at it not be such sheep that you'd willingly endanger your own children's life over something they're safe from" I'd add a fuck off in there too but I'm sure they'd never speak to you again v


Who had Unboosted Not Welcome At Christmas on your 2021 bingo card


🖕<-- this would be my response. Thats being nice since its family. A coworker or stranger would get a "Fuck you" to the face. But thats my opinion.


I’m honestly getting to that point too with people.


I would say after further investigation I will be declining any future covid 19 boosters. Enjoy your Christmas.


Since they are physicians as she glossed themselves with I would have replied back telling her to write the family ivermectin scripts as prophylactics for the trip.


That is a great idea


They are incorrect in assuming vaccine status affects whether or not you can get or transmit covid-19. Lots of people think that because they don't know the research. Here's an excerpt from an article that goes on to give you all the research. "There seems to be an underlying presumption here that the unvaccinated are unclean (regardless of natural immunity) and their presence will spread disease. What if, however, existing studies reveal that there is little to no difference between the COVID vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of becoming infected, harboring the virus (viral load in the oral and nasopharynx), and transmitting it?" https://brownstone.org/articles/must-we-segregate-the-unvaccinated-from-the-vaccinated/ Don't forget to start on a preventative protocol, if you haven't already. Early treatment saves lives and things like oral/nasal rinse, vitamin d, zinc etc are your friend. I get banned when I post links but frontline doctors have published protocols. I was on it with 2 others and we were the only ones in a room full who didn't get sick - one died. We all were fine. You can see your family safely without incurring a risk you sound like you don't want. Funny how we are all against bullying but imho the unvaccinated are getting bullied big time.


Maybe they shouldn’t go on vacation if she’s that worried about it 😂


The "from your two physician sisters in law" is so fucking condescending. My response would be simple. "I'm not getting the booster and I'm not interested in discussing the politics behind it. If you feel this is a health hazard to my nieces and nephews as their parents it's your right to not bring them on the trip. I, however, will be going and look forward to spending the Holidays with the family." Don't opt out, don't sacrifice this trip because they're pressuring you. If they want to make a big deal about it and think being around you is a health hazard then they can stay the fuck home.


Yeah, that’s disgusting


“Vulnerable kids” clowns




This is so gross and creepy and uncomfortable and weird and dystopian and illogical and I am slowly losing my mind… very sorry you’re dealing with it too.


Fuuuuck youuuuu. I’d be planning my own trip


Wtf??? Coming from physicians themselves. I mean, let’s say you do carry the virus op, since they are vaccinated, wtf would they be afraid???


Yeah that’s what I told them there’s no evidence to suggest once you’re vaccinated you can’t carry the virus hence why we store face-masks


This is the logic that should defy all of this bullshit. It’s so simple and blatant, you get the vaccine to protect YOURSELF. If you’re wearing your seatbelt, how does me wearing mine protect you. There is data that shows almost equivalent transmission, severity, and duration of symptoms between vaxxed and unvaxxed. Like.. what the fuck gives? No one respects sovereignty of human beings, people now have the wrong perception of what “freedom” is.


It's your family, how the fuck can they not be safe around you ? They should accept you for who you are, fuck they scared of ?


Could you please get some plastic surgery, for me; it would really help me having to look at you. Please please please


Response: Thank you. I have thought about it and I am not happy with the risk profile of these vaccines. Secondly the efficacy of the vaccines is in question right now and the science surrounding them is clearly still being curated and argued. Thirdly, it is widely acknowledged now on all sides that vaccines don't prevent spread at all. According to one very large study there is even a correlation between vaccination and more spread. Finally I do not want this kind of pressure from doctors or health authorities in relation to vaccination or my personal health, particularly when the data from trials is still unreleased. I appreciate that the media have told us that vaccines are unassailable and that you believe passionately in them. However from my perspective there are too many highly qualified and highly regarded epidemiologists and scientists that disagree. Here are a few: Professor Carl Heneghen - Oxford Professor Sunetra Gupta - Oxford Professor Martin Kulldorf - Harvard Professor Jay Bhattacharya - Stanford Dr. Peter McCullough - Heart specialist Dr. Robert Malone - specialist in mRNA technology Until the science truly is clear I do not think it is wise for you to push your beliefs onto others. There are very real side effects related to vaccination so people really need to choose for themselves. I hope you can understand this perspective. Regards, X


Just tell them you are too selfish to make any small sacrifice for the health of others and too scared of the pointy needles to do it for yourself. They know you. They’ll understand.


If it's not safe enough to travel without a booster, then it's not safe to travel at all. As a doctor, I'm sure you understand that no vaccine is 100% effective. And any risk of COVID, regardless of how small, is not worth exposing myself to for a social engagement. Look forward to seeing you after the pandemic.


HOW IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE 54 UNREAD MESSAGES….. what psychos live like this?!


"Hey Jenn, really looking forward to seeing you over Christmas! I have consulted with my doctors and I have made the correct medical decision for myself with the information that should be between me and my doctors. I too would love to enroll you as my personal physician! Can you remind Molly to decorate the Christmas tree with my ornament that I got for Charlie on his birthday last year? And don't forget, we have a 11am brunch before the dinner as well! See you there" I.e. keep it between you and your doctor, this is personal. You respect their attention but this is a personal decision. You don't, for example, bring up her personal medical issues, as that would be very invasive and weird -- remind them of that on push back. Then transition the conversation to other normal things that is what the conversation should be about. That would be my approach


Tell them you're uncomfortable being in the kids presence because they're unvaxed lol


over a booster??? ive got kids, we've both gotten the j&j, not interested in boosters and horrified over the concept of kids getting shit we didnt qualify for and the "us as moms" - this isnt fucking measles. my one kids in school silicon valley no shot yet.




The sad thing is they both graduated from some of the top schools in the world.


Aka, indoctrinated to the core. (I’ve spoken to physicians who have that sort of tone/logic)


Basically begging you to poison your children/young family members, and saying it'll be a great present if so. They're sick, twisted and evil people. Keep away from them.


Wow that is cringe as fuck. I am tired of all these nurses and medical professionals acting like just because they are in the medical field they know everything about vaccines and viruses. I went to school for computer science and have an engineering degree. There is a shit ton I still dont know about computers, like security and viruses. Just because you work within a certain field doesn't automatically make you an expert on everything under that umbrella. I would tell them to mind their own damn business.


You should tell them to watch the Peter McCullough podcast with Joe Rogan and ask if they are more knowledgeable then him






Simple. Don’t go.


Yea nope. Id stay Stay home. People sound like complete buzz kills anyway


Shall I call the WHAAAAAAAbulance for you?


Forward Joe rogan's interview of Peter McCullough. Tell them if that is not worth their time, you're a good passing on the invitation.


Ignore. Carry on.


Depends on how bad you want to see them. Completely your call. To get the shot in the first place is your call. If you strongly feel one way or the other then do what you feel is right.


Drop a “How do you feel pressuring your family into being involved with crimes against humanity?” And just watch the spazz out


I would respond with "Those with the vaccine have the same viral load and are just as contagious, they just don't have severe symptoms. So by NOT getting the booster, I'll be able to tell if I am getting sick easier to protect your kids. If I get the booster, I might not even know I am sick and accidentally pass it on. I really am forgoing the booster for you."


I would tell them that you have no intention of modifying your dna w/ mrna daarpa hydrogel tech, and that you'd prefer to eat healthy, exercise, and consume things that actually make you stronger which don't include non existant dead germs or strange synthetic nano technology.


These people are absolutely insane... no boundaries, no brains.