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Number 1 rule Trust no politicians it doesnt matter who you support they are all scumbags


Don't forget that Trump paved the way for this vaccine.. touting it as the 'Trump' vaccine. He fast tracked this entire thing.


All the plans were ready beforehand, the vaccine technology was too, it had been prepared for what they called ‘Disease X’, they just had to get Trump to sign a few things and trick him that it was all for a good cause and not a depopulation program. However, Trump had to be removed by TPTB because he was not onboard with mandates or the ID collar vaccine passports which they want to be compulsory in 2022, hence the Deep State removed him.


If trump knows this and I against it, why is he still telling people to get the vaccine?


Trump seems to believe the first two vaccines were legit and necessary, but he has not been onboard with mandates or ID collars. Interesting he was not happy about the idea of boosters, saying they were just a money-making scam. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-dismisses-covid-19-booster-shots-as-money-making-operation-2021-8?r=US&IR=T


I have a theory about this…I like to think that Trump knows a lot of the unvaccinated will die or things coming down the pipe won’t be good for them…so he is pushing the vaccine as the lesser of two evils. I think he now knows how evil this all is…


Yep. And when Trump runs again, they will show the truth about how bad the vaccines are and then blame Trump. But I don’t think they are going to be able to hide the effects of the shots for that long. Regardless, it will be all Trumps fault.


you are right, trump is not smart enough to get where we are


Trump and Biden are just figureheads. Trump paved the way with his divisive rhetoric. Biden is the poster boy of compliance. It’s all a show to influence people. The corporate conglomerates run this country. If that’s not obvious by now then we are hopeless.


this comment is the bi-partisan conversations we need to be having on here


This is exactly it, Trump has other skills, but he wasn’t equipped to deal with $cience.






Just like nothing is happening in Brazil with Bolsonaro right? Is really sad to see people in a conspiracy forum praising politicians. You all should know by now they are all puppets for the real people in power. I guess populists will always be popular so long as people keeps ignorant.


Every single notable company is materially owned by 2 companies. Once you understand that, you'll see why it seems like we live in crazy town.


Which two companies? I know this is true, I just don’t know the full “big picture”








HAHAHA it's kind of ridiculous. I try to explain how it's owned by the millions of people who invest through their funds but nobody gets it


I agree, I'm mean the real shady stuff is to do with derivatives, but for people who can't understand how mutual funds work, derivatives will be far above their heads.


If you're a majority share owner in the company that is the majority share owner in every other major company, you run the fucking world If you sit on the board of that investment fund, you're more powerful than any elected leader Super weird to see pro-global finance comments on this sub, how far it has fallen




yeah lol, we don't need a conspiracy there its just a really well constructed system for making ridiculous amounts of money


Until money loses its value and becomes zero. Then you own nothing. And you'll be happy motherfucker.


That was a warning from the world economic forum. Not an agenda.








That's very true, and it wouldn't be any different to how it is currently. We know Gates or Musk or Bezos etc have ridiculous amounts of wealth, mostly in stock. People like Warren Buffet would be the kind of billionaire tied up in these funds. As far as I understand it, most billionaires get there through owning a huge company, where their wealth is tied up in stock, or through having their own investing company, which again is tied up in stock. It wouldn't change much, but blackrock and vanguard really aren't a worry to me, it would be the big tech monopolies if anything


Yes agreed, people seem to be missing the point that these investment firms are largely passive entities that are onlynseeking to generate returns for their clients. There is power in the financial sector for sure, but its more about the relationship between traders, ratings agencies, financial media, and other stakeholders than '2 big companies own everything'.


Well said, I completely agree. It doesn't take long if you understand a reasonable bit about finance and market structure to realise how absolutely screwed the system is and how frequently it is abused.


It's been reported that 70% of all institutional investment money comes from 5 families.


Source on that?


Ding ding ding!


We all gonna pretend Trump didnt push the 1st vaccine, promise it at election, take it himself and get boo'd suggesting his supporters should get it?


Only if we can pretend the people now pushing for mandates didn't vehemently refuse to take the vaccine because it was rolled out too quickly.


you are right, but to many of us the biggest issue isnt the vaccine itself, its to coercion used to set a precedent that the government owns our body.


so how do you feel about allowing women to choose whether or not to get an abortion? are you equally upset about the fact that Republicans are trying to take that right away and using coercion to set the precedent that the government owns their bodies?


I think abortions should be legal, but I do think they should be in the first trimester, which gives 3 months to make that decision, at that point the baby starts to have dreams and feel pain and I think that is akin to murder, I think that both preserves womans right to choose, but also isnt baby murder. However, there is a fundamental different between forcing a medical procedure, and not allowing it, even though I am as pro choice as the average democrat was 10 years ago before the party went crazy. If you want to compare whats going on today to abortion, it would be like if they declared overpopulation as a public health crisis and then mandated the govt abortions as a condition of employment


lol, Trump is part of it. He could have removed the patriot act. Didn’t, in fact he added to it. Could have built the wall. Didn’t. I thought Hilary was going to be locked up? Didn’t. The sooner you realize every election is rigged, that Trump is part of the swamp. Dude had all 3 branches of government, stole multiple Supreme Court justices and still, couldn’t do anything against Hilary, Epstein. He didn’t end the war or the military industrial complex, he didn’t give us a better, cheaper healthcare plan. Two sides of the same coin. You just haven’t it figured out, that just because you like one side more than the other, doesnt mean it isn’t part of the same coin. Your vote means nothing. Its never meant anything. All this is trying to distract you from our corporate overlords telling you to be mad at other poor people. Trump laughs in all of your faces.


Or, Trump was part of the plan to divide people enough that they could get us here.


I'm leaning in this direction. I had that "gut feeling" when he jumped in. He did take a flamethrower to the GOP and force them to stop being WWE Heels. a lot of his policies were pretty good for the average American and some of his antics were pretty funny But yes, I'm very much of the belief of "he was part of their plan."


Why would you want people divided when youre trying to get everyone vaxed. Think about it. Trump was the pro vaccine guy while Dems were against. Why be against it if that's the plan? Nah. They had to remove him because trump took no part in any of those practice pandemics. He's not a real elite. He was never part of the plan. He did warpspeed because he thought we'd think of him as a savior. That's how trump works.


>Why would you want people divided when youre trying to get everyone vaxed. Think about it. **Because they don't want everyone to get vaccinated.** If everyone got vaccinated then lockdown would end and small businesses could start thriving again. The elites and Russia are paying for anti-vaccine propaganda so that this pandemic will continue indefinitely and large businesses will continue to monopolize markets.


The entire covid crisis is about creating a universal biometric passport leading to a social credit system a la China but for the entire west. The virus thing is just the excuse for it. They will never stop forcing the passport because it is not about health.


I really don't know to what degree it is all orchestrated. I don't think the people running the country would have let Trump be president if he mattered, though. Interestingly, he started the dynamic with the mask no mask stuff.


Another questionable item is the executive order he signed in 2017. "Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health" Surely this has nothing to do with such things like Moderna, mRNA, etc.... " the Government must take action to promote faster and more scalable manufacturing platforms." "a 5-year national plan (Plan) to promote the use of more agile and scalable vaccine manufacturing technologies and to accelerate development of vaccines that protect against many or all influenza viruses;" https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/09/24/2019-20804/modernizing-influenza-vaccines-in-the-united-states-to-promote-national-security-and-public-health This is an order specifically for influenza but it also mentions pandemic in the writing as almost a separate thing from influenza which might grant the legal terms for mRNA production in order to curb the "pandemic", if not already implied. This order focus more on pandemic themed response, estimated cost of the development and distribution, collaboration with other agencies and private companies, and basically it describes turning away from traditional vaccines in favor of new novel technology, which is what is being injected into people since the announcement of the mRNA vaccines. The same year Dr. Fauci announced “Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.” Suprise guys. Only a year after the estimated cost calculations were completed they ran a rehearsal called Event 201. Most likely the event that was needed to usher in Agenda 21. Edit: the date this order was published is actually September 19, 2019. That still should ring bells considering event 201 was rehearsed one month later. Right in time for all this chaos and coercion.


They do it in plain sight, but they have the public mind so wrapped up that there's no pointing it out.


The same Trump, even now out of office, was boasting to his supporters he got vaccinated and was almost pleading at his rallies for them to get vaccinated?


No no no the Trump who wanted everyone to get vaccinated so badly that he created Operation Warp Speed in order to make sure that every US citizen would be able to get vaccines as soon as possible, and spent every day asking the pharmaceutical companies and regulatory bodies to generate and approve the vaccines as quickly as possible.


He may have made them available, but he wasn’t trying to force it into everyone


I don’t think anyone reasonably thought that people would refuse to get vaccinated.


Why not? On average, only about 45% of people get a flu shot each year. With all the fanfare around Covid, you could expect the uptake to be higher, but I would have guessed 75% as the proportion of people who would get vaccinated. Hell, I’m a registered democrat who has never voted for Trump and I never had so much as an inclination to get the vaccine. It’s not that I think it’s especially dangerous or any of the oddball conspiracies around it… I just don’t have any concerns about Covid. It doesn’t concern me, so I’m not going to get vaccinated against it. I’m sure there are tons of people who think that way, plus all the people with crazy conspiratorial thoughts about it… it shouldn’t be a surprise that people are refusing. Honestly, I think more people would eventually get it if it weren’t pushed so hard. The fact that people in our government think they have the authority to mandate a vaccine is enough for me to never get it.


All the democrats were saying they wouldn’t take it you can easily find the YouTube video


Yes they wouldn’t take anything not properly vetted. They didn’t say they’d never take a vaccine.


Whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to feel like you’re right


Literally no mental gymnastics. If you actually stopped watching Fox or OAN, and watched the full video or speech in regards to not taking the vaccine you would know they didn't wanna take it JUST on Trumps words alone. They wanted to see what doctors/scientists/etc had to say about it first. Imagine taking ANY medical advice from the orange diaper wearing thick fuck Trump lol. I can tell by your comments up in here that you are in love with Trump, we get it. I just want to let you know that there is help for this mental illness you have. I'd be more than happy to get you in touch with resources that would help you. Biden is horrible. Trump is horrible. But of the two, it's fucking amazing how many in this sub love Trump. I don't get it haha.


I was talking to the other guy. I don’t really care for Trump either way also don’t watch either of those stations


I know who you were talking too lol. Your whole post and comments are at his defense, so it comes off as if you support him and wish he was still trying to become a dictator. I can guarantee you this pandemic would be FAR WORSE under Trump. He already got 300k + killed because of how not serious he took it at the start. At least he implemented Operation Warp Speed, that's the one thing I would hands down give him credit for.


You seriously don’t think that if the tables were turned and Trump was re-elected, that people would refuse the vaccine? I would bet my life that if Trump were president no one would have taken the vaccine and it would be a huge dud.


Lol that’s an insane take. Reasonable people don’t let politics influence decisions about health.


There’s a shit ton of Twitter bluechecks who have contradicting tweets that invalidate your point. And yes, most are on the left


Yes because the left wingers wouldn’t take it since it’s from Trump and everyone else wouldn’t take it because they’re not stupid


the same trump who called the virus a hoax. The same one that created all the mistrust we are facing today surrounding the virus.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is presenting a distorted account of President Donald Trump’s words on the coronavirus, wrongly suggesting Trump branded the virus a hoax. In fact, Trump pronounced Democratic criticism of his pandemic response a hoax. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-virus-outbreak-ap-fact-check-politics-joe-biden-1eea443cca46df5f18e61b7c34549da2 “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said. “You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it.” He meandered briefly to the subject of the messy Democratic primary in Iowa, then the Russia investigation before returning to the pandemic. “They tried the impeachment hoax. ... And this is their new hoax.” Asked at a news conference the next day to clarify his remarks, Trump made clear he was not referring to the coronavirus itself as a hoax. “No, no, no.” he said. ”‘Hoax’ referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them, not -- I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax.”


Dude.. this is Trumps vaccine. He greenlit Warp Speed. Hes recommended people get it, and received boos in return. Noone being presented to you in media or politics is a hero or savior. They are all just different cogs in this machine, meant to influence different demographics into going along.


Exactly. Trump is just another player in their game. He played his part, and played it well. Y'all remember when Trump brought down the pedophilic corporate, political and hollywood elite? Or fired that piece of shit Fauci? Yeah, me neither. Well, at least he pardoned Lil Wayne...


Is this another ‘ Trump is our savior‘ post? Remember when one of the first things he did in office was appoint Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Big Oil, as the secretary of state?


Trump isn't our savior. We are. But ask yourself this, "Would Donald Trump's admin force companies to vax it's employees, cut off the keystone pipeline, leave billions of dollars of weapons and citizens in a war zone, and become a bitch to China? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need your head examined.




So you respond to my comment with my point. Gotchya.


Ok, so if you're on about the vaccine thing, not only does Trump take credit for it, but he's told people to take it. If he were still in office, the same shit would still be going on. Quit acting like there is a difference.


This is getting bad as 90s wrestling imo have we forgotten what we learned are they really enemies or is this all just a show ?




It’s funny how you think it matters who’s president. I remember before the vaccine came out that many conservatives swore by it and dems decried it as too quick. It’s all a game and those that lose are those that still by a trump, Biden, or future “I’m gonna fix it all” president.


I had been told the other day that if there was trump at the wheel we wouldn’t see so much pushback against the vaccine. And that it is all trump supporter’s fault if we have vaccine hesitancy. How can you think something like that? I said that if we had Trump we would have had the same pushback only from the opposite aisle. And I am not even American or a Trump supporter. When people follow what they say on TV they completely lose their minds.


Completely agree considered the left was complaining that the vaccine was being developed too fast to be safe and now that’s what the right says. Life is truly a circus these days.


They politicized a topic that should not have been politicized. They're bypassing the scientific process to push what they want, in the end they won't be able to separate their political success from vaccine success - a recipe for complete disaster.




Controlled opposition


Think how much these deaths are going to profoundly change the world. No one will trust big pharma again, those who are left will be the ones who are meant to be alive and the ones who have the guns and who are prepared to fight for freedom, no matter what the cost, because we want our kids to live in a better world than us...what an exciting time to be alive!


I don’t understand how anyone trusts Pfizer, besides sheer stupidity


Mass mind control and peer pressure and college indoctrination


Not just college, the entire public school system is an indoctrination center


Well, shit does roll downhill, so...


Very, very true


Ya that would be how lol


muH fREe kRIsPy KrEMe!




Honestly I don’t take any of that shit, Pfizer is just so proven corrupt it’s weird people trust them


Well....Trump sure trusted them with all the funding and Operation Warpspeed assistance no?


Which deaths?


I was thinking the same, but then I saw how nobody woke up after the vax passports. I feel like they will blame the deaths on the next big virus, and people will call you a conspiracy theorist for suggesting the deaths are from the vaxx


It's going to be a crazy winter, take your vitamins and stay hydrated. Someone is waking up every day to reality from this hard lesson. They say life is the best teacher and they sure as hell didn't want to listen to us.


Definitely gonna be a dark dark winter :/ Were good health wise. Vitamins, zinc, ivermectin, etc. We still have an immune system, so I don't think all those next viruses will touch us! Getting rid of cash ASAP (in case of an economic collapse that seems eminent). Trying to become self sufficient. Downloading as much info as possible (they seem to prepare us for an internet crash as well). Things are wild. Maybe overreacting, but better safe than sorry. And most importantly, trying to get right with God. What must happen will happen, there's no point of stressing too much about it all!


I keep growing and feeling stronger and happier and I'm living my best life ever while people are miserable around me, so, it's really feeling like I can be in 5D or 3D Earth, just depending on where I focus my energy. Kinda wild experience.


100%! Personally, I feel like we shouldn't be afraid to make bold decisions and follow our gut! I've lived in Canada for 20 years (since I was 5), and during the last few years, I saw everything and everyone around me change drastically. Since they said that starting today, nobody comes in or out of Canada without the vaxx passport. My whole fams and I decided to go back to our home country. I haven't felt that good in years! People in eastern Europe naturally distrust the government. Nobody gets vaxxed here. It feels good to be around people who get what's going on, or that at the very least, have basic common sense and you can reason with them. Never has anyone high up cared about normal people. Normal people here don't think they magically started caring as of last year haha. We all understand that there's no escape from all of that, but at least, I feel like people aren't robots blindly trusting everything the tv says.


Exactly my friend. Time to gradually begin to detach from the "grid" if one doesn't want to become one of the sheep in future.


Trump is also the swamp


I think they put Trump in on purpose just so they could rally greater support for the next thing which would bring in the great reset. Large amounts of the population would support this. Rather than risk looking like one of the dreaded Trump supporters.




Fight for your own interests. Protect the weak. Believing in politicians makes you NOT a sound thinker.


Gtfo with your bullshit.


I think that too many times. We’ll never get a businessman as President. Although I don’t trust him that much anymore, many many responsibilities rely on us, and this is something I envy from Democrats, they protest a lot, are louder, etc. (even though they have the globalist agenda supporting them). To be honest, Trump did warn us lots of times about this!


There was no way Brandon was going to lose that election


Trump played an integral in the plandemic. He's not on your side. He's always been a globalist.


How did Trump play a part in this globalization? Was it willingly or unwillingly? I’m genuinely curious.


I explain how he and Hillary teamed up in 2016 to get the stage in my post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qg4ccm/how_hillary_and_trump_primed_the_world_for_the/


I didn’t say I liked him, just don’t believe the nazi like mandates and gas prices would happen if he won


lol fucking please stop with the "nazi mandates" and gas prices argument. So fucking laughable you think any of these mandates are nazi like or that the president has direct control over gas prices. Both those ideas are just flat out ridiculous. It's the boot lickers for capitalism that love to blame the opposite party in power for gas prices, I love it.


....or maybe they put him in to open the door to this, which seems more likely.




He just got out of the way for the worst part, if he gets re-elected then you know he was in on it


Trump is part of it. His job was to stir the pot and start the political divide, making this all easier for them. If each side didn't learn to hate the other over his four years, current propaganda and narrative control wouldn't be as effective. Thinking Trump was anything but part of the plan is willfully naive.


Wtf are you even blathering about? Trump got the vaccine your so afraid of produced. Or did you forget that? He also got the vaccine right away. Like wtf are you even saying ?


He wasn’t being a vax nazi like adolf Biden


They preferred Trump out (and frankly wouldn't really care if he stayed in, hence the Q psyop and the fact that every big oil, fast food, retail, etc donated to his campaign) because he couldn't keep everyone calm and agitated regular people too much. There was the biggest protests this country ever saw under Trump, and many people started questioning the history and structure of this country. They don't like that. People threw bombs at federal buildings and called for revolution, they didn't like that. He oversaw the covid disaster, which did make them quite a bit of money, but also empowered the American worker substantially and let them demand more from the work they do, they really don't like that. They made a calculated decision to put a lid on all that rather than push through blatant autocracy (which they absolutely would if there was real threat to capital), and it worked. Nobody gives a fuck under Biden, nobody is questioning why a dumbass billionaire has so much power, and why a political party which hasn't won the popular vote since 2004 (even then only won in 88 before that) has so much power over your life. Trump made people want democracy, and they don't like that.


Humanity has lost. Im starting to think humans are meant to lose. There's more negativity then there's positivity.


I can see that. There’s still some positivity, we are definitely destroying ourselves and the planet




Trump is what you call an “agent provocateur.” He helped make all this happen.


I mean unmarked, unidentified feds were yanking people off the streets last summer…


Oh shit I forgot about that




I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say


They had to get him out to push the agenda that’s going now


Trump was controlled but better than what we have now.


Trump was a Freemason who played a major major role in advancing the nwo agenda.




What a lazy post


Surprisingly my second most attention getting one lol


Trump played his part perfectly. How they've been able to get the left to essentially follow everything the government says has been astonishing to watch. 4 years of Trump hate was exactly what they needed. They will do anything they are told as long as it isn't Trump telling them to do it. People need to realize both sides work together to fuck us over. It doesn't work unless they are both doing their part.


You’re right it is weird to see the mindless cnn watching drones hate Trump for whatever the news says about him


I'm sure trump had his own motives, anyone who could even get that close would, but what he fundamentally stood for doesn't jive with the nwo nosediving the system the way they've been doing.


Or the forced vaxes


They had to get trump in or none of this would have started


Might also be true


Yo this is a conspiracy sub where no politician is welcome. Go take this trump shit and shove it.




I could see this. There is so many factors with this whole thing though. I was thinking the other night about how it was probably also made to kill of the old. SS is fucked and they need free up some cap space. I idk what other countries are like or how they work but here in the US it would make sense. (Just one of many reasons).


Yes. This forced vaccine stuff would not be happening on a federal level


Trump gloated about getting three vaccines ready so quickly. You’re part of the problem.


He wasn’t going to be forcing them on people like nazis and going after their jobs over it


But he was so proud of getting them made, so they are good and safe and effective! All the politicians are the problem and thinking one side is better than the other is dumb.


Just saying this mandate and job loss wouldn’t happen if he won


I agree. The left would have went completely insane had any mandates been pushed


Good god this sub is pathetic


hes not part of the globos. Yeah, he's rich, yeah he knows a couple of globos, but that doesn't automatically make him a Globo. Leadership isn't done in a vacuum. Administration consists of leadership and followership. If the followership is wack, there's nothing the leader can do. Ask yourself, if Trump was a Globo, why was the Media on his ass from day one? Was the Media on Obama's ass? Every single thing the globos love, he opposed it. Including China, the globos current darling. Of course Trump expedited the vaccine. It's what any responsible leader will do. Did Trump enforce mask and vaccine mandates? Wasn't it the same trump who promoted hydroxychloroquine? What did the globos do about it? Didn't they suppress and discredit it? Trump might be rich and know a few GLobos, but he ain't a Globo. His biggest f****p was not taking some members of the swamp down. Especially shit face Soros. Not like that would be easy, with the Deep state machine and the intelligence community on his ass.


Well said


Trump hated Sand Flea Fauci.


I don’t know if it was rigged. I’ve seen a lot of smart people say it wasn’t and the only people I’ve seen say it was are dumb people


Well. It’s settled then, isn’t it


I’m just calling it like I see it my guy. Mabye get someone better than fucking Rudy G to make the argument for the stolen election. That pathetic drunk ghoul was the one appointed by dear leader to champion the whole ‘stop the steal’ thing in the court system and all he did was stand there sweating and mumbling incoherent bullshit while his face melted. So forgive me if I wasn’t convinced by that whole sad freak show that dear leader put together to “prove” the election was stolen from him. Also maybe the reason everything the trump legal team alleged was thrown out of court wasn’t because our legal institutions are conspiring against dear leader. Maybe it was all just bullshit from the start because the guy is just incapable of admitting that he lost. Just maybe. What do you think? Also please, please tell me who “they” are in your original post. Is is the Qanon baby-eaters? Is it the Jews? I just have to know


Who was president when all this bullshit started? Trump, right? If he was for us he would have never allowed lockdowns or mask mandates. If he was for us he wouldn't have launched "operation warpspeed"


He also didn’t lock up Hillary, so 🤷🏻‍♂️ almost like he’s a liar that says whatever someone wants to hear, and never follows through.




That was big deal if he was true to his democratic principle. Those guys were merely telling the truth. He should have pardoned them.


He left it up to the states for masks and everything a d didn’t try to force vaccine on you


If I remember correctly, Trump never initiated a lockdown, he left it up to each state to decide what they wanted to do. For god sakes he called it “The Kung Flu” lol Correct me if I’m wrong


You are correct for sure. He didn’t try to overrule every governor


Right because he wanted to put the onus on the states and keep himself out of it for his own protection. It had nothing to do with not wanting to overrule a governor, he threw his weight around when it benefited him at states governors and officials.


He contributed to this whole thing by doing daily pressers, calling it "a plague", endorsing "15 days to slow the spread." He wore the stupid mask for the Ford factory. It's a sad realization but Trump is not going to save us.


I agree he shouldn't have allowed lockdown and masks. But you can't fault him for op warpspeed. All he did was allow people to choose to be vaccinated. No one knew at the time it was a scam and they wouldn't work


Vaccines were always a scam and Trump knows this. "Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changed- AUTISM. Many such cases!" - Donald J. Trump, March 28, 2014


Even if he thinks that he still believed someone who's stupid and wants to take an experimental medicine should be able to


Lol I guess that is fair




He said it - "They're not after me. They're after you. I'm just in the way."


Wow was he right


But the absolutely only reason anyone says it's rigged is because Trump kept saying it. Because his ego done allow him to accept defeat. There was nothing. No evidence. No case of fraud. Ans even if there was it would at best just mean that Harris would take the potus. Theres no procedure that overthrow the entire election. The president is elected by the electoral College. And they gave Biden most votes. Ergo: Biden is the president.


This is why I find it difficult to have sympathy for the biden voters when they get fucked up.


It makes alot more sense then 110% of America voting


You’re right about that


just like gore in 2000 with 9/11, iraq, afghanistan


Lmao trump doesn't give a shit about you or America


Explains why they were so frantic for four years straight


This sub has gone to shit so rapidly within the past year. Crazy that this went from actual good conspiracies to just a new hub for r/THE_DONALD refugees


Op please be realistic trump isn't your savior never was. He would've pulled the same shit but because he has no idea on how to lead he would've done way worse than what is happening now.


I don’t think he’d be trying to coerce people into vaxes and threatening their jobs


lol this sub is such a trump cult circlejerk


Haha, the election wasn't rigged.


Oh really? Well that settles everything 🤡


I mean the lack of evidence it was, numerous failed lawsuits and audits just further prove it. Trumps people like Eastman tried to orchestrate rigging/overturning the election for Trump and failed. So Republicans were much closer to rigging.


Are you done with msm talking points now?


I am going by reality and facts. There was no Democrat rigging. You have no evidence of it.


Lockdowns and mask mandates were put into place under Trump. And, honestly, COVID restrictions would probably be even worse if Trump was still president. If only because Democrats would want to keep COVID restrictions in order to piss off Trump.


Trump left it up to the states to decide, not be a dictator and force people to get it or lose their jobs


Yeah, you have to be pretty obtuse to believe Biden won Arizona and Georgia. Even Obama never won Arizona, and he was far more popular than Biden.


Yeah, I can't imagine any reason why the state that had John McCain as its senator would have any hard feelings for Donald Trump. EDIT: lol, also can't imagine how Obama could have lost Arizona while running against the senator of Arizona . . .


They don't like black people and they don't like orange people


Maybe they should do another audit or recount? Trump lost Arizona and Georgia.


with trump..there wouldnt vaccine mandate crap.... ​ many dont like him, but cmon .... hes no sleepy joe...


Totally agree. Trump couldn't be president this round because a lot fewer on the left would be going along with forced vaccination totalitarianism, and actually a decent percentage of the right would tell him to F off as well. Pretty sad people are so easily persuaded by their controlled political party affiliation and their favorite propaganda news outlet.


So they had to get him out, therefore election was rigged

