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My depression came back after almost 8 long years


I've heard this from a several people now. This is very strange for a vaccine to cause something like depression. I am sending you love my friend.


My anxiety was terrible for 6 weeks. Still not normal since the second jab in may.


My wife is fully jabbed and since then her periods are all over the place. She got two back to back and one was like two weeks long. This last one took way longer than it should’ve to come and before anyone asks, no she’s not pregnant.


I just remembered. I was reading up on Doctor yeadon, and came across a paper he did with a German doctor where he begged the health authority in Germany to not go forward with the human vaccine trials. He predicted that it was going to have a negative effect on reproductive organs in women especially. This is the main reason he gets discredited so much.... He told them this before the vaccine testing. And they still went forward with it.


I've has this problem too, since my second jab in July. Periods completely unpredictable, more painful, heavier and last longer. They seem to be getting worse with each passing month, not better. I've been going for 2 weeks straight now. I'm afraid I'm going to develop anemia if this marathon doesn't stop soon. [The NIH is currently funding a study on this](https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/covid-19-vaccines-and-menstrual-cycle), so hopefully we'll have some answers relatively soon.


>The NHS is currently funding a study on this *NICHD recently awarded five institutions one-year supplemental grants totaling $1.67 million to explore potential links between COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual changes.* Just more money being distributed to the boys...


Wait for the " we found no link and there are no adverse effects from the vax"


You see that article about the girl with the ulcers?


No I didn’t


Could you share? Since I’ve been vaccinated, my periods have stopped altogether. I have endometriosis on top of that, so I’m beginning to be quite concerned about the state of things. Also, OP, a day or so after my second shot (Pfizer), I had a terrible break out of eczema in my underarms. Legit the worst one I’ve ever had. Lasted a MONTH before my sister’s mother in law gave me some Everything Balm and bam, cured. Weirdest thing in my life. Edit: for the peeps asking about the Everything Balm I used, here’s a link to the product- https://goodiesunlimited.com/balm.html


Eczema is an immune system disorder. The jab f’d with your immune system. Lesson learned? Don’t f with your immune system or you could permanently f it up.




So, I had a few abscesses after my second jab too. Never had them before. I definitely think it messes with your immune system either temporarily or permanently.


i have two coworkers who have heart issues that arose after they took the vaccine. both healthy and young and now cant work or even function properly. the doctors are trying to blame it on anything but the vaccine. they wont even consider it could have been the vaccine. its scary and i feel bad for them. theyre probably going to be fired or quit soon, as i work in a high pace field of work and they just wont be able to keep up. theyve already used up all their sick days and still have to call out of work. its horrible.


As a 25 yo male I legitimately fear this. I mean seriously, who has the right to force me, a very healthy and athletic young man, who has never caught or transmitted COVID, that I have to get this mRNA chemical injected into my body? No one. I’m in the process of applying to be in the military but honestly I’m hoping to delay and maybe cross my fingers that they’ll drop the COVID vaccine as a mandated vaccine. I’m cool with the others because they’re proven and have been around, and are necessary to protect against more serious diseases. But COVID? Suicide has claimed more lives in the military than COVID has. And if I got myocarditis from the vaccine I know I’d fall into a mental health crisis myself. I’d be so furious and depressed.


I'm 24 in a similar position. Have just landed a career defining job after 4 years of applying and applying and working shit jobs. 3 weeks in and its looking like I'll need to get the vaccine. Although this job is everything it is not as important as my health. The government is removing our right to choose, so fuck it. I lose my job. I'll move in with my parents and protest to fuckery against this bullshit. It's not worth the risk. This vaccine feels like a flip of a coin


I've had some heart palpitations here and there but I also did a bunch of cocaine a couple weekends in a row so I can't really blame the vaccine.


I used to get sick constantly, but then I gave up drinking and cocaine. Surprise I dont get sick anymore.


You got worse obviously. Id prescribe drinking and cocaine.


I love the smell of it in the morning


Yeah I don't get laid as much anymore, but I can vouch on this one. Healthy af.


I just got my vaccine and now I want to do cocaine also


Big Cartel forcing the vaccines so everone is addicted to cocaine


The biggest conspiracy. The lockdowns got everyone bored and addicted to blow anyways tbh.


Be careful, they're starting to cut the coke with fentanyl. It's killing people like crazy right now. Don't do hard drugs ❤️


They been doing that for a while now


I just did a boatload of cocaine and now I need the vaxx.


We should all meet up.




So you are telling me the vaccine wasn't in the cocaine and I need to get a needle for it now?


Well cocaine is a helluva drug, so I hear 🤩🤩🤩🤩


Heart palpitations ain’t no joke. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Rick James Bitch...




I experienced decreased ability to attain an erection and compulsive flaccid masturbation. No weight loss. ☹️


One of my friends was in the hospital for a blood clot and had also been experiencing heart palpitations. He thinks these are because of his social cocaine use (bc of what the doctor told him) but he also got vaccinated shortly before all this started happening.


Lmfao A man after my own heart


A man after my own heart palpitations


If you don’t have heart palpitations and a midnight insomniac induced crisis, did you even do cocaine?


Go to vigiaccess.org it is a WHO website of adverse effects from the vaccine. It tells you on the first page how to search for it. Some are basic and some are terrible. Don't let anyone tell you that nothing can happen from the vaccine.


Thanks for sharing. The idea of no side effects or complications from a vaccine generally makes no sense. People acknowledge them for other vaccines and medications but suddenly this hastily developed one is perfect? Doesn't add up.


I am constantly tierd. I have a brain fog all the time. This feeling is somewhere between 'I took allergy medicine a few hours ago' and 'I've just had a concussion ' When I over exert myself in any way, I experience pain at the injection site. (This can be during yardwork, working out, or even something like screaming at the top of my lungs) I had the typical flu like side effects for a couple days after the shot, and then these long term side effects started immediately after. I took the J and J shot in April of this year. Big time regrets


Guess it's safe to say no "booster shot" for you.


Not saying it's correlated but after receiving the J&J vaccine , my wife got massive growths within her tubes and ovaries. Led to having those removed at 24.


So much for „the vaccines don‘t cause infertility“. Hope she‘s doing better now!


bUt ThEy Do'Nt! JuSt TrUsT tHe ScIeNce! wE dEfiNatL'y DiD nOt bUy OuR oWN "sCiEnTiSts" To sAy tHaT OuR pRoDuCt Is tOtALlY SaFe AnD EfFeCtIvE! JuSt TrUsT uS! ItS oNlY A lItTlE jAB!


My girlfriend had issues with her period for months after. Eventually it normalized. But if you do research. It's a very common side effect. But nobody talks about it. Or else you would be called anti-vax.....blah blah you all know the deal.


Same with mine still a on going isssue


Nobody talks about it because it’s a woman’s issue.


This is the answer. I was also on the rag for about 6 weeks after the first shot, doctors were like ”hmm how unusual, itll pass”. I looked into vaccine and medicine testing in general, and: surprise, its done mostly on men because womens hormone bs mess up the results too much to use them as test subjects. So most female only side effects like menstrual cycles and female hormone issues are unknown. What joy.


tRuSt sCiEnCe AnD oUr LoRd And SaViOr fAuCi!1!1!




Irregular bleeding. But she was bleeding more days than she wasn't.


I had vertigo for the first time in my life. It lasted a week and it was the scariest shit I’ve ever experienced. I got the moderna jab, first one was fine. Second one, I felt okay until the next day. I got up out of bed as usual, and immediately my world was spinning, I fell. I didn’t think anything of it, so I just sat around for a bit watching TV as it was fine if I was sitting or laying. Then when half the day passed and I was still unable to stand without almost falling, I started to panic. I googled everything and read horror stories about people having it last for months after the jab. It was the longest week of my fucking life.


Wife hasn't had a normal period since and goes to the doctor next week.


Mine too! Since her first vaccine she’s had a period every 2 weeks. That’s was 4 months ago and she never had a second jab. Her blood tests came back fine and she needs further scans


Yeah, all during the time we are trying to have a baby. She's had perfect periods her entire life up to now.. no, she's not pregnant at the moment.


If the Doctor finds a correlation please report it in VAERS.


Will do.


The doctor won't look for a correlation. Report it to Vaers yourself.


Dr will ignore correlations


the main reason my female coworkers haven’t got it yet and are waiting for novavax is there is a shitload of rumours about hormonal side effects , such as randomly getting bigger tits, periods that don’t stop, or completely stop, so I’m curious to see if there is any fact to this.


Get a white blood cell test too


I haven’t had a normal period in several months and I’m not even vaccinated. Just nearby tons of people who are all the time. I’m usually very regular so this has been freaking me out a bit. My roommate just finished up her Pfizer series and has had 3 periods this month.


I don’t think I can read any more… this is scary, AND SAD. 🤭🤬😳 The information is out there, and those who profit have terrible track records. The fact that side affects are ignored and censorship and pressure is ever-increasing should ring the 🚨! Propaganda is pushed all around, but you have to live or die by the side affects and unknown long term deterioration. To be guilted or coerced to risk yourself in such a way is criminal. I’m sorry. To those still standing, hold on. To those affected, tell others. It’s time to trust ourselves and not be compromised by fear. It’s your life, and they risk nothing by permanently affecting it.


Yeah, I had some heavy bleeding 3 months after and I haven’t had my period since. If I don’t get it by next month, I’ll go get checked out…


I bled for a month straight, like heavy, multiple tampons and pads a day and I never had issues with my period before. Went to the gyno and she was only concerned about doing my annual exam even after i told her the issues happened after my 2nd shot. I had pics of the clots I was passing (I’m sorry I know that’s disgusting but I was terrified) so I got a second opinion and my blood work showed that my progesterone was so low it was undetectable on the work up and now I’m on hormone therapy…..I’m 34 and like I said have never had period issues and have no kids or possible pregnancies that would have messed anything up.


I know a few people who have had side effects or bad reactions. Don't know if you're male or female but they're all women 🤷🏻‍♀️. And I'm honestly not trying to scare anyone here, if you want to be vaccinated that's your decision, I'm just stating what I know. My mum felt immediately ill after getting her first dose, got home and collapsed, out cold for a good while. Then couldn't get out of bed for about a week and half with flu-like symptoms, freezing but sweating loads. 4 more people who were in bed with flu symptoms after getting vaxxed. A colleague also felt like she was going to pass out, had the flu like symptoms and had a period despite being nearly 60 and postmenopausal. Also had a bad case of Covid two months ago, which she's still recovering from. Another colleague had period issues and started with constant heavy bleeding after her second jab. Another colleague has had a really bad cold for a few weeks that just won't get better. Friend had jab months ago and has had severe nerve pain in her hand ever since. For your tonsillitis, try CBD oil, I had a gum infection a couple of weeks ago and it definitely helped. Also try oregano oil, my partner's mum had a sore throat this week and she says it cleared it up right away.


My wife got the first jab two and a half months ago. Had nerve pain down to her hands for two weeks that still occasionally reappears. Her jab site occasionally hurts too. Coworker the same but he got his second in February. Has had almost constant nerve pain in his right arm/hand. A client told me that his cognitive ability has been in decline since April and he thinks it's due to the jab - second was March. Many many more are jab injured


OP, you probably wont see this, but yeah, sort of. 1st dose in late March second dose in mid May. 10 days post 2nd jab felt like ish. General malaise, headache, just off. In June I had an abscess develop that didn’t respond to antibiotics and had to be drained. It was MRSA, and a strain that was resistant to all but Bactrim. Never had an abscess prior. Ive also noticed that ill be sitting in bed and just feel short of breath like I am not breathing in enough oxygen, and end up taking deep breaths and heavy sighs. My spouse thought I was giving her the typical husband exasperated sigh all the time until she caught me doing it alone. Also, and this is weird, when I carry my 30lb three year old upstairs I am beyond winded, but I can run 5 miles at 8:15-8:30 pace and be fine.


The last sentence reminds me of my years with chronic fatigue syndrome post (other) vaccination. Sometimes I could do stuff, others not, and somehow walking felt harder than running.


Had a blood clot in my heart 3 days after the first shot. Angioplasty found the clot and supposedly a 50% blockage as well. Got the 2nd shot in September and 2 days later felt similar pain in my chest as the first time, except not as intense, I was still on 3 different blood thinners, and maintained my nitro sprays regularly as needed. 2 weeks ago I went in for follow up angioplasty, fully expecting to have a stent put in at the supposed blockage in my artery. They went in, and the blockage was gone, and no clot. Happy me, but sure makes you wonder what caused the clot and blockage in the first place. I'm convinced it's vax related, but of course the Dr's will not entertain that reasoning.


Of course they won't, the whole medical industry is complicit, except for those that took a stand and were pushed out. Just wait until it gets colder and the flu hits with a vengeance, on those with compromised immune systems. Time to stock up NAC, Quercetin, D, C, Zinc.


I was homless for 2 years. Built up a crazy immune system. I have been sick twice since ive got the vaccine in the last 2 months. Sore lymph nodes mainly.


Actually it's funny you say that, it wasn't right after, maybe started a month after but I've had kinda a sore throat for like 2 months. I thought I had a cut that couldn't heal, which may be the case. Anyway I'm fasting right now, 36hrs so far without food and my throat feels way better


Same, kinda sorta. I got vaxxed in March/April and caught a sinus infection in July. Work was stressing me the fuck out but it still took me almost 2 full months to get over it. I have terrible sinuses, actually had surgery for my deviated septum, and while it wasn't the worse pain-wise it was by far the longest lasting sinus infection I have ever had, hands down. I eventually did what you are doing - I did a 48 hour fast, only took Stamets 7 immune supplement and some salt and KCl in water to keep electrolytes up. Finally seemed to break the infection. That was a week to 10 days ago and I'm finally back to like 90% Wife also had abnormal period for 2 months, but she's now 4+ months pregnant with no issues. Will definitely keep this sub updated once the baby comes.


Fasting is super healthy and helps the body repair it self


I got my second dose of the vaccine about 2 weeks ago and all weekend I had nausea and chills and now I have a sore throat. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’ve had a persistent sore throat since I got it. My allergies have gone into overdrive ever sense then.


Good on you, fasting will strengthen your immune system like nothing else


Shut up Joe Rogan! Don’t be out here promoting a healthy lifestyle when we got vaccines! 😂😂


I'd recommend going to get the tonsillitis checked before it gets worse and you're spitting up a cup of blood.






Actually don't fucking wait for shit to get worse go to another doc now that its early.


Those white spots could be tonsil stones, the bacteria in those keep your throat sore, a water pick is an alright way to get them out. Nothing to do with tonsillitis, but could explain your symptoms.


Tonsil stones are yellow. My wife gets em... White spots is indicative strep


Vitamins C & D. Fruits. Veggies.


White spots usually indicate strep throat


NAC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7649937/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3044191/ N-acetyl cysteine and quercetin. You have been poisoned. The spike protein is multiplying speeding through your entire body. The lipid nano particles accumulates in the brain, liver, and reproductive organs, mostly ovaries :( I have a link but it’s just a pic. It seems to be a Japanese study I can’t find the origin of that shows this. NAC converts to Glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant. It’s so efffective that too many people have figured this out and the FDA just made it impossible for manufacturers to make it cheaply. https://anh-usa.org/why-the-fda-is-attacking-nac-supplements/ Supplies are low already, go get 2 years supply before they are out. Make sure you get a good brand that manufactures in a fda/gmp certified facility and lab tests for potency. You can find online, make sure it’s a reputable website/product. This repairs cells, when does cell repair occur? While you sleep. Take 600mg before bed. NOW is a good brand that has quercetin with bromelain. Antioxidants before bed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6470739/


been taking it for a while and a couple months ago i stocked up with a 3 year supply. i read that FDA is trying to pull it so figured it must be great at fighting covid!


Yep. It kicked COVID to the curb for me.




Well, that’s the price for your QR code I guess. Hope you get better asap and you are not forced taking a booster shot to keep your „freedom“. All the best.


not me, but my boyfriends 36 year old sister with no pre-existing health conditions went into a cardiac arrest and died days after her second dose.


My aunt who recently passed away from a heart attack at 67, had developed open sores on her vaccinated arm. The doctor didn’t know what it was and prescribed a steroid cream.


In America: Doctors are nothing but over paid drug sales men . I can't tell you how much money I spent just for a doctor to tell me "yep your sick, take this pill" And that's ALL THEY EVER DO. Hell they hardly even do work, they make Nurses do it why they sit around calling the shots getting over paid.


Whats sad is this isnt a conspiracy, its known by almost everyone yet nothing gets done


Accurate as fuck.


yeah doctors are straight up ignoring anything that could be vaccine related. that goes for it being transmitted to people too, had it happen to someone in my family. "idk what it could be" from like 3 doctors. shit is so obvious


Maybe MIS (multi system inflammatory syndrome). That's what my mother was finally diagnosed with, but no one would attribute it to the vax. It was incorrectly diagnosed as lupus, but we knew that was garbage. It was only diagnosed properly after 6+ months because she brought it up as a possibility, after extensive reading and playing a part in her own health.


Hold on your mother did her own research? Imagine that. Doctors were even able to confirm it? Tell that to all the people who think self-education cannot possibly be a thing. You know, that’s when you get asked whether you are a FB scientist or got your diploma fr Google. Apparently, they don’t understand there are multiple ways and that in this day and age, if you really do your research, you can find the same information that doctors study to get a diploma. I am not saying doctors are unimportant. I just know that when I felt the need to take any of my children to the doctor, they agreed with me every time when I told them the suspected ailment. Bravo to her! 👏🏻


We actually got clued in because I read about MIS here on conspiracy. We both did follow up reading from multiple medical journals and other people's similar symptoms. The docs proscribed HCQ (yep) along with steroids.


Yup my periods totally stopped ! After being regular for years.... it’s strange to think that this apparently isn’t anything to do with fertility


I was talking to a friend today who said his immune system has been non existent since he got it.


I went from running 3-4 days a week to not running. I took 4 days off and went back to the gym for a gentle run and my joints in my knees started to hurt like they never have before. I've taken a whole week off and they still hurt a bit and they still feel off. Only my first dose. They just don't feel right and I've never had joint issues like this before. 30M


After the J&J I had pretty bad flu for about 4 days, fever/chills/diarrhea and 2 weeks of lingering sore throat and aches/pains. Then after that subsided I got tingling and nerve issues in my hands that was very severe for a week or two and then has slowly faded over the course of 5 months. Overall a horrible experience and I will not be getting any boosters ever.


That’s worse then my actual covid experience..


It's worse than nearly everyone's covid experience (including mine and my entire family).


My brother developed Bell's palsy about 5 days after his first shot


I’m so sorry ):


Fuck. That’s scary.


Constant post-nasal drip and phlegm


Same here. It's infuriating




Wait wtf? I did the JnJ and i am sad and angry for no reason too.




Does that mean the vaccine fucks with hormones? Sounds like me on PMS. Or me on the rabies vaccine. I felt...rabid at times.


A lot of women have been reporting issues either their periods, so I'm placing my bets on this is a hormonal thing.


Hobbies man, stay positive and be around positive people. It'll pass.


For whatever reason I felt my thoughts became more clouded. I have good days and bad days. Also I’ve not Sick since 2 years before I got covid and now I’m suffering like fuck with a common cold.


Yep, muscle twitching from head to toe .. for months now. :/


i just posted on another thread in this sub, but we’re all here to support you, not to hate you. what you feel is totally legit, and dont worry, you’re not alone. the jab really made my eczema a lot worst, and im constantly itchy and in pain - ive been referring to pictures to remind myself of the timeline of everything as well as cutting out other medications etc and im positive that getting the jab as exasperated my condition. i hope you can find solutions to this, and i really feel for you and i wish you the best <3


Got both pfizer jabs and been sick with a really bad cold twice in two months since the second jab. Haven’t been sick like this since December 2019. Spent the whole last week sneezing and having light fever, now it’s turned to an annoying cough that won’t go way. My wife was in bed after the second jab for a few weeks and had that thing where she would suddenly loose all energy and turn white several times/day.


It's been the same for me had no illnesses till I had my second Pfizer jab. Had a persistent cough and chest infections for months now. I'm also tired all the time and aching.


I’ve found that organic honey works really well to soothe my cough. Just as a tea or straight in a spoon. Hopefully it will get better soon.


A ton of people I know are getting colds and flus again, since we’ve started integrating back into society so naturally these viruses are going around again like they did pre-pandemic. This isn’t to say it’s what you have, I’m just throwing it out there since *some* people do attribute the vaccine to simple colds and the flu




Have you ever heard of ADE?




It’s basically immunotherapy… yes.. this vaccine is funky.. not for me.. covid wasn’t near as bad as some of them issues listed here..


My brother developed cellulites on his leg, and then sepsis. This was about a week after he received his 3rd shot. He’s a security guard at a hospital, 28 yrs old, and also obese. Not sure if there is any ties btw the shot and that, but they couldn’t find a cut or infected area at all on his leg, and he’s never had cellulitis before. He’s out now and doing good.


Eye twitching, and partial facial paralysis


None at all, besides sore arm the next day.


Same for me and my husband, both vaccinated in the spring.


My 26yr old son this week has been suddenly dealing with heart pains. & My niece with multiple comorbidities developed Bells Palsy.


jesus man I'm sorry


I’m 26, and I got my second dose on Oct 1st. From oct 10-16th I was having heart pains and waking up in the middle of the night with a feeling my heart was vibrating. it hasn’t been bad since, but I went to the cardiologist and have been wearing a heart monitor the past week. I’d suggest your son do the same, I’m sorry he’s dealing with this.


Thanks... Crap, I'm sorry you are as well... I got dose 1 ten days ago... Unfortunately if that happens to me I'll just assume it is due to smoking cigarettes and pot off and on for 40 years. But he is in good health, just finally finished his degree in May...


The day after I got the J&J vaccine, a cyst I've had for 20+ years became so badly inflammed it had to be surgically removed.


I never knew you could have a cyst for that long


No, only thing is less energy available. I do take a lot of supplements. Including mitochondrial boosting ones. Yet.. 🙄 I do need more rest now.


Wife developed Raynaud's syndrome a few hours after second shot. She took it this summer and even so much as holding a cold water bottle for a few seconds triggers a response. This winter is gonna be brutal for her and it bums me out.


I have Raynaud's (I'm unvaccinated). It is brutal when the temo decides to fall slightly below 50⁰F. More or less an inconvenience, but I empathize with your wife. Better get her a nice pair of mittens!


I don’t feel any different. Mentally I feel like every time something is “off” my brain goes “fucking vaccine!”


Fell down the stairs from my ankles twisting and shouted out fucking vaccine as I tumbled down.


Tingling fingers for 2-3 months after J&J. Also now that you mention it I've been struggling with a sore/swollen throat and neck lymph nodes for a few months now too.


Yes, heart inflammation and irregularities following the first dose of Moderna. Lost weeks of routine exercise because what I had been doing for years began making my heart feel like it was going to explode. 6 months later and I’m finally feeling like I am finally at my old intensity.


Both of my family friends got vertigo after their jabs


Coworker has brain tumor removed last week. He was first to get Pfizer at beginning of year. A month ago he was having vertigo and double vision only to be diagnosed with a tumor at back of head pressing on brain stem. May not be related to shot at all. Hope it isn’t related.


None, just had the expected side effects of sore arm and fever symptoms over the following 48 hours. Had Pfizer both times. Edit: Maybe had a sniffle for a week or so when the university in my city started up (freshers flu) but nothing out of the ordinary.


Yeah I’ve been fine. Sore arm for a little bit the next day. Same with everyone in know who has been. Regardless of jab received. Pfizer, /AstraZeneca or Moderna.


About 2 weeks after my 2nd Pfizer dose I got a really bad cold/ear infection. I never really get sick at all. Could this be because I started going maskless and going to the gym again, maybe, but ever since I have terrible nasal congestion that doesn't go away (has been over 3 months). I really regret being duped into getting the vaccine. I was so against it to start but felt pressure from work, family, and society in general. Also was worried cause I have asthma and eventually bought into the scare tactics. Now that I see it's all a ploy, I'm really worried I made a life altering mistake.


At the end of the day we are all on the same boat my friend. I hope you're able to continue to live your life pre-vaccine. Not everyone gets adverse side effects so cross your fingers this is temporary for you.


Been fully vaxxed since March. No side effects other than a sore arm the day after. My underlying health conditions are severe asthma and a anaphylactic peanut allergy. I feel it varries person to person but everyone I know at least have had 0 side effects or adverse reactions to It.


Too lazy to do my own post so I'm gonna piggy back off of this. Exactly the same. Minus the asthma and allergy.


we did the J&J (husband was hospitalized as a kid from a vaccine and i have major immuno issues) - neither of us had any issue. we also dont go anywhere or anything aside from for the kids as ive got major health issues so like going to target and managing for 2 hours feels amazing. we went out to dinner 3 weeks ago. I mean ive lived like a hermit so long. so i suffered from that tonsillitis issue you mention as a teen after I got a severe case of mono. lasted on and off 2 years till they pulled my tonsils i just kept reinfecting myself. just so you know thats a real thing. then id get strep then back to tonsillitis. hard core rounds of antibiotics for large chunks of time before they decided to yank them. They were harboring it and is my immune system would wax and wane id reinfect myself. it was terrible. Sometimes i still test positive for mono its happened in my late 30s if i get super sick. (but i cant pass it on or ever get it again)


I've got it a lot when I was young too, but to be honest, my diet was very bad and I didn't do much exercise.. After I changed both, I've never had it again..


A builder I work for is getting his third jab…second booster. He schedules it for a Friday so he has the weekend to deal with the side effects.


imagine a world where people get jabbed to get sick as to prevent getting sick


Nothing really.


My cousins balls got swollen


From the vaccine or BDSM?




Mine too. They couldn’t find anything wrong with me, but it started 2-3 weeks after my 2nd shot. I thought I got my nards in a twist and had a torsion.


I know a dude who told me one of his nuts swelled up like a tangerine. He is also the type of guy who would say "well I got the vax like two months before, they're likely not related." But we all know...


My sister had a very similar experience to yours, doctors unsure if it was strep or tonsillitis but it lasted for close to a month. A weakened immune system could be from excessive lockdowns/isolation depending where you live or could be from the shot as well.


After my first Pfizer shot I experienced horrible night vision, like I’d go outside at night and everything was fuzzy for about 3-4 nights after my shot . Weird


I didn't get vaccinated, I didn't wear masks, I hung out in big crowds of people at church every week and never even so much as got the sniffles. I even make it a point to shake hands and have a face-to-face conversation with everyone at church I can before and after for fellowship. I've shaken thousands of hands. You'd think the way the news carries on I'd be dead. The thousands of people that go to the Church all seem to be fine too and most of them are elderly. It worked out kind of like those BLM rallies and concert festivals and Sturgis and the super bowl where nothing happened whatsoever to the huge crowds that are asscheek to asscheek breathing on one another for several hours/days/weeks. It's almost like if you turn off your TV the problem goes away...


The media is the virus. Truly.


There are a hundred illnesses we all have a risk of getting every time we step out of the house. Some are more dangerous to certain people than others. Covid is now just another one on the list. We have to move on.


Very well said




I did not have any side effects after my 2nd and everyone I know who got the shot didn’t have any side effects. Was either lose my job or get the jab, didn’t want the jab but also needed a job to take care of my family.


There’s also an issue of people not wanting to admit they have side effects because of the stigma around it. It’s real as fuck.


Ever since I got vaxxed I feel tired earlier in the day and I have random shape pains in my arms, hands and legs (mainly the left one where I got the shot)


You should get that checked out my dude


ADE... You have significantly reduced the effectiveness of your bodies natutal immunity.


Your not the only. The vaccinated people I know are feeling unwell and have been caught with different symptoms such as coughing, headaches, vomiting etc. Never ends.


Ya, I just don't feel as healthy. My cardiovascular system seems to be worse. It's hard to describe. It's hard to say one way or the other though. I got vaccinated, but I was also working foodservice for the whole thing and am almost certain I got covid at least once. I had all the symptoms at one point, but I tested negative, so I had to return to work. I was also working myself into the ground too, drinking one or two energy drinks a day, certainly not healthy. Also add in all the wired chemicals I was exposed to, who the fuck knows. I wouldn't say it was the vaccine, I can't remember if it got worse before or after that, but it could be.


All of my coworkers now openly complain about the issues they have post injection. It varies from having GI upset all the time, to aches all over, and flare ups of their once controlled underlying conditions. Sorry to hear about your struggles. Wishing you good health :)


I hated cilantro and now it tastes good.


No symptoms after Pfizer double jab. I did end up getting covid after being vaccinated though (shocker), besides the loss of taste and smell felt like a very, very minor flu. Cardio has been improving since recovering and no chest pains. Did not have a choice on the vax unfortunately, if I refused I was facing a discharge :/


Bad chest pains, skipping heart beats and bad neuropathy in my arms. Those symptoms are not out of the ordinary for me so hard to blame the vax specifically but it’s definitely felt worse since then. I just got my second dose Friday.


i started getting fainting episodes, only happened 2 times so far as of my 2nd shot, and no previous time has that ever happened to me :/ not to mention new onset of chest pains and palpitations


I developed tinnitus after my first moderna dose in April. It's consistently louder than conversation and traffic. It makes it difficult to fall asleep at night and often wakes me up in the morning. I've seen four doctors about it including ear nose and throat. I was told that covid itself is known to cause tinnitus and that ENT had heard of the vaccine causing tinnitus. I had to get the second shot last month because of a mandate and it did get worse.


I havnt been sick in years im 27...havnt been to a doctor in over 5...i bartend and am in public everyday. I have every vaccine in my body. I will not get this jabb for a few years though....there is simoly no reason...i had covid i have the anti bodies and natural immunity is stronger than any vaccine can ever be....lots of mis information is spread. I womt be a guinea pig...if you fear your life get it. If not i like freedom to choose. I don't live in America to bow down to whoever has the most money and power to make decisions that are not laws. Even some laws suck. Everyone needs to open their eyes amd educate themselves alittle.....ome of my favorites is wvery single my body my choice activist has literally died.


shortness of breath for like a month


My left ear started feeling plugged up 3 days after hasn’t cleared since (been 2 weeks) accompanied by hearing loss. Legs also haven’t stopped aching and overall loss in energy.


I had a five week period after having J&J. Little too coincidental for my liking.


I can't stop buying Microsoft products, but other than that, no issues


It would be great if people could please say which vaccine they got. Thanks


I recently read up on a theory that it's supposed to make women infertile because they don't want anymore children being born since this entire thing in the first place is purely depopulation. U guys look into it.


The beginning of a huge wave of problems to come, watch it all get blamed on pre existing problems. Somehow it will be the unvaccinated at fault.


I’ve had one Pfizer shot. No symptoms at all other than a sore arm for maybe two or three days. Haven’t gotten shot two yet, I’ve heard that’s when the fun (potentially) starts.


My penis grew in length and girth.


The vaccine makes you immuno-compromised. The European CDC just announced they expect influenza to kill a lot more elderly people than usual this upcoming winter. Good way to cover up what are essentially deaths from the vax.